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T man

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Everything posted by T man

  1. T man


    Garai got up and helped zsuzsanna up. "It's time to get going" garai said as he grabed the pieces to his sword and started puting them back in. As they left he fell back to talk to anya. "So is she doing any better. It seems like she cheered up after you talked to her" garai asked. "She's doing a bit better and how do you know I talked to her" anya asked. "Most zantars can sence others fealings easily and some time after you left after her she felt better about some thing" garai said. "Is that a trait you can controll or is it some thing that acts on it's own" anya asked. "Most of the time we can controll it but it depends on the people around if it goes wild" garai said. "Can you try to keep that in check. I don't think any one would like it if they knew some one could tell what they were feeling with out the persion looking at them" anya said. "I'll try but I can't promise you any thing" garai said as he put the last piece back in and started to the front.
  2. O.O.C: Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been having computer problems. Max was still driving down the road. "I wonder how far they are" max asked him self as he drove. "I might as well see if this thing works" max said as he opened a cover with a red button. He pushed it and the motor cycle started speading up untill the land scape around him went blurry. After a couple of minutes he came into town as he slowed down. "I'm going to have to see if that'll go any faster" max said shaking his head. The ride gave him and adrenalin rush. "I guess I should start looking around here" max said as he parked his motor cycle and got off. As he started looking around he saw the guy who was in jail walking around. "I guess they let him out earliy. I guess I should follow him" max said as he started following the guy at a safe distance.
  3. O.O.C: Sorry mangagod but you only get one monster in the start untill you get the other two from my character. "I've seen stronger" glen said. "What do you mean by that" sheal asked. "I've seen attacks that have taken down forests in one strike" glen said as he watched kelmadics fight with pixie. "Hey glen. If you wont let me fight the doll how about I help mocchi then" bells asked. "If it's to help as friend you don't need to ask" glen said. Bells nodded as she turned to silver fang who was on mocchi. She did a dizzy attack sending sound waves forcing silver fang off. "Thanks for the help" mocchis said as it got up. "It's no problem. If I can't fight the doll i'll him along with you" bells said. Mocchi just nodded before it did a mocchi cannon and bells did another dizzy. The blasts hit silver fang pushing it back. "Well you two. If you want these disks you'll have to take them from me" glen said to sheal and amber smilling.
  4. Jason was sleeping near a lake in the forest when a sound woke him up. "Even though that felt weird I did get a little rest" jason said as he slide his bandana back onto his head as he stood up. He started stretching as he herd some thing in the water. As he turned around he saw a duel monster come up out of the water. Jason was about to go into a fighing stance untill he saw that it was the deepsea warrior with a card holster. "I was wondering if my cards were around here" jason said as he took the holster and put it on his arm. "I guess you'll be helping me then" jason said. The deepsea warrior just nodded. "Well then. I guess we should start looking for the others" jason said as he walked into the forest with the deepsea warrior following.
  5. T man


    "I guess he does. He reminds me of a type of animal that lives on the planet i'm from" garai said as he scratched miles on the head. "From what I know not much is known about your planet. Why is that" zsuzsanna asked. "Because my race doesn't fight and others can over power us in fights we don't tend to see other races that would fight in disputes" garai said. "But it seems like you fight but your more trusting of others" zsuzsanna said. "I'm a special breed of zantar that's hardly seen any more. No one knows why and the species that i'm apart of are the only ones that have fighting skills" garai said as he check his sapphire blade. "That's kind of sad to here" zsuzsanna said looking down. "It's o.k. I wanted respect for what I do so that's why i'm out here also my sapphire blade reminds me of why i'm out here and my home" garai said as he took it out of it's sheath. The blade looked like a normal sword except there were sapphire beads in the middle. "That's an interesting weapon. If your race doesn't fight what's it used for" zsuzsanna asked. "It's mostly used for religious purposes so it's not let off of the planet" garai said as he remove some parts. He started playing it like a flute as the beads started glowing in patterns. "That's pretty good. I've never herd music like that" zsuzsanna said as she pet miles. Garai just nodded as he continued to play.
  6. [b]Name:[/b] jason kilo [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Apperence:[/b] [URL=http://www.layer-infinity.net/iplay/serge.gif]pick[/URL] [b]Deck Type:[/b] mixture of cards [b]Bio:[/b] Max is a master of playing duel monsters and he can learn any type of game easily. Because he doesn't have to many friends he improves his skill with games or in sports. He'll help others if they ask for his help. He was in the duelist city tournament but decided to drop out because he thought he couldn't go any farther so he decided to improve his deck and he'll take any one who'll challenge him. [b]Good or Bad:[/b] good [b]lead monster:[/b] deepsea warrior
  7. After the little dispute they continued on going through the dungeon untill they reached larg doors at the end of the hall. "I guess this is where we'll find another opponent" enix said as he started pushing the door but it was to heavy. Crim, nitsu and karau started pushing to. The door slowly started opening. Once it was open and they started heading in they saw statues of player type that were chained up. "I wonder what these are for" subaru asked as she stood up infront of a long arm statue. Enix looked up and saw a woman looking out of a window. "It's good to know you got this far but I don't think you'll get any farther" the woman said turning around. "O.k then. If you want a fight i'll give you one" enix said as the woman drew two swords and three gaurdians appeared. Enix split his staff into two and charged with the other following. "So what are you and your friends fighting for" the woman asked as there weapons clashed. "Who realy knows but if it's keep others safe it's fine enough for me" enix said as he fired an energy blast but the woman jumped out of the way. "This battle should be interesting" enix thought as he defended from an attack.
  8. T man


    "Hi to you to" garai said to zsuzsanna. "So did yuo get all of your stuff together" zsuzsanna asked. "I got all my things together and got the payment from my last client. Zsuzsanna just nodded as she yawned. "You should probaply get some rest. It seems like you haven't had rest in days" garai said. "It's o.k garai. I can stand to be awake for awhile and shouldn't you get some rest to" zsuzsanna asked. "Most zantars can stay awake for atleast a week with out rest" garai said smilling. "If you decide to take a rest I wont try any thing on you. I'm not that kind of persion and i'll keep a eye on you kitten" garai said. "Thank you garai. I'll probaply need the rest for later" zsuzsanna said as she rested her head on her arms and dozed off.
  9. Kelmadics was still fighting pixie as a grey wolf came charging at glen. Tiger used blizzard and blew the grey wolf back to hare who used a spring kick making it hit the shrine wall. "Nice hit you guys" alen said as he came out of the shrine rideing his dragon. "So who's grey wolf is that" glen asked. "Apparently this guy didn't come alone" alen said as griffon glided out of the shrine. "It's about time you got here" jiro said to the persion coming out of the temple. "I had a talk with joker and his troops and he told me to find you here and some glen guy took the disks from him and pixie" the persion said. "He only took them from joker. He should of held a tighter grip on them" pixie said. "I guess i'll have to do what that fool failed at and take those disks" the persion said as the grey wolf joined her. "You've got a fat chance of doing that. So what's your name" kris asked. "My names amber. How about we have a fight" amber said smilling. "That's fine with me. Come on mochi" kris said. Mochi just jumped up and down as it got ready to fight.
  10. T man


    Garai started heading to the building of his last client. He walked up to the door and knocked on it. "What's the password" a person asked on the other side. "You'll let me in if you know what's good for you" garai said. "That's a close enough answer" the person said as they opened the door and let garai in. Garai came in and rode an elevator to the level where his room was. When he got there his employer was waiting. "It's good to know you completed the task I asked of you" the man said as garai walked past him. "Ya, i'll take my payment and be on my way mike" garai said as he walked into his room. Mike just nodded as he followed garai. "As promised here's your payment and I had you caster modified" mike said as he handed garai's caster gun and money. "So where are you off to" mike asked. "Who knows where i'll be going to now but if you need of me again in the future call for me" garai said as he packed up his stuff. Mike just nodded as garai jumped out of a window. Garai landed on the street and headed back to the bar.
  11. Even though jake was supposed to be waiting for orders he had to find the dark raider. "I'm just going to leave" jake thought as he started leaving. "Get back here jake" tanya said. "I don't think there'll be any time to wait. If a program inside my gundams gets started every thing in it's sight will be distroyed" jake said as he turned on the locator. "What kind of persion puts in a program like that" tanya said. "I put it in as a emergancy program if it was stolen by enemys and taken into space also i'm the only one who can turn off the program" jake said as he started in the direction that the locator showed him. "Well once we find it I want you to remove that program" tanya said. Jake didn't say any thing as he left. "I haven't been one to listen to orders that much so I probaply wont" jake thought.
  12. T man


    Garai grabed the guy by the color and lefted him up. "Tell any one else your working with not to come after me and if they do there will be alot more dead bodys around" garai said said holding his saphire blade to his neck. The man noded as garai let go of him. The man picked up his knocked out friend and ran off. Garai stood up and walked into the bar as he put away his saphire blade. He walked in and sat next to a woman whose arm was bandaged up. "I might be able to help if you'll let me look at thw wound" garai said. The woman seemed a bit surprised that he was talking to her and he wasn't tring any thing. She unwraped her hand and showed it to garai. "It doesn't seem to bad. I have some thing that'll help" garai said as he reached into a pouch and pulled out a vial with a powder in it. He put some of it on the wound and the wound sealed up. "Thanks for the help. I'm zsuzsanna" she said checking her hand over. "I'm garai. Your hand should completly heal before tommarow" garai said as he put the vail back and ordered a drink.
  13. T man

    poke'mon journey

    Jake and rayqaza were still on there way to slate port. "We need to land some where" jake said as he looked around. He saw an empty road infront of the hotel. "I guess you can land down there" jake said smilling. Rayqaza started gowing down like a rollar coaster and jake just cheered. "Comeing through" jake yelled as rayqaza flew above the road. He saw some people infront of the hotel start running. Before rayqaza hit the hotel it stoped. "Good job rayqaza. You got us here faster than I thought and stopped alot easier" jake said as he oppened a pouch on rayqaza's back and pulled out a net containing berries. He jumped off of rayqaza's back and tossed the berries into rayqaza's mouth. "So do any of you know where this meeting for a trip is" jake asked.
  14. T man


    "I might as well be going to. Hope fully those guys gaive up on looking for me" garai said as he jumped onto the ceiling. He left through the way he got in and started jumpung from the roof tops. "I wonder if I should join up with that hakaru guy. I herd he neads some merks and I should probaply leave in case those guys are still looking for me" garai said as he jumped. He landed on the street next to hakaru. "I hear your looking for some merks" garai said. "Yes i'm looking for some to go on a trip" hakaru said. "I'd like to lend my serveices. I've finished my other job so how about I start working for you now" garai asked.
  15. T man


    Hilind and th others continued down the hall. "So where do you think rena and akurei went" lilix asked. "They probaply logged off or some thing. They'll probaply show up some where" hunter said. They continued untill the reached a round chamber with a door at the end. Hilind tried opening it but it wouldn't open. "I wonder why the doors locked" hilind asked. "That's probaply why" hunter said pointing to the ceiling. Above them was a egg sack with some thing inside. "I wonder what's in there" lilix said. "You just had to say that" hilind said as he took up his staff. "What do you mean by that" lilix asked but before hilind culd answer monsters started comeing from the egg sack. "That's why. You never want to know what's in some thing because you always find out weither you want to or not" hilind said as he started blasting at the monsters.
  16. T man

    poke'mon journey

    Jake was sitting on rayquaza's head. "O.k rayquaza. You can left off" jake said as rayquaza started lifting off the ground and left rustboro. Jake had a transportation thing going on where he would transport people on rayquaza's back because it was a big pokemon. He was takeing people to lavaridge. Jake turned around to count all the people on board to make sure no one fell off. "O.k that's all one hundred people" jake thought as they flew. A couple of minutes later they landed out side of lavaridge. "Another group of trainers jake" flannery asked who was waiting. "Mostly. The rest are people who came for the hot springs and the volcano" jake said as he got his payment. "O.k then. I herd of this dragon mountain trip that's starting in slate port. I'd go my self but I have a gym to run" flannery said. "I guess i'll go check it out" jake said as he got onto rayquaza's back. "Let's head to slate port rayquaza" jake said as rayquaza flew off. "Let's see if we'll find any good opponents" jake said as they headed to slate port.
  17. Jason was still fighting the pokemon as the others eather went to sleep or left. "Use a combo of false swipe and furry cutter" jason said to zoma. Zoma just nodded and flew at the pokemon. The pokemon rolled up and started charging at zoma as it started spinning. The pokemon hit zoma but was repelled. As the pokemon flew through the air zoma kept hitting it. "That should do it zoma" jason said as he took out another net ball. He threw the net ball as the pokemon hit the ground and caught it. As he started walking to it he herd the sounds of fights starting. "Come one zoma. Let's find out what's going on" jason said as he picked up the net ball and started running with zoma fallowing.
  18. Kelmadics charged at pixie and started slashing. pixie aoided the strikes and flew into the air. Pixie sucked air in and started useing hot breath. Kelmadics sarted running from the fire. "Try useing your air shot" glen said. Kelmadics noded and started slashing the air sending a wave of wind at pixie. The wave broke through the fire and hit pixie. She started falling but corrected her self before hitting the ground. "Not bad kelmadics. Let's see you handle this" pixie said as she did a mega ray attack. The beams of energy were fired at kelmadics as he started running but a shot hit him. He got back up and used aura slash. Pixie started using claw slash as kelmadics charged at her. They hit each other and fell to the ground. They both got up and readied to fight. "It seems like they're equealy match" jiro said. "I guess so. It'll just make this fight more interesting" glen said smilling.
  19. Jason took out zoma's pokeball and let it out. "Why are you letting your ninjask out" shinobi asked. "I'm letting it out for a little recon" jason said as zome flew off. "Are you sure that's a good idea" shinobi asked. "Ya. I've never found a pokemon yet that can out run my zoma" jason said smilling. A couple of minutes later zoma came flying back with what looked like to apricorns following it. "I didn't think there were any apricorns in here" jason said. "There probaply are but I don't think those are completely apricorns" shinobi said as the apricorns stopped rolling. Four legs poped out and two eyes were seen in the middle. "What did you do to annoy them" jason asked. Zoma started flying in a parten which ment that it was looking for fruits and thought they were fruit. "Oh well. Let's catch these things. Use false swipe" jason said. Zoma charged at them but one of them rolled away but zoma still managed to hit it. The pokemon hit a tree but got up and seemed to be weakened. "If it's a bug type it should be caught very easily" jason said as he threw a net ball. The net ball hit it and caught it. "Now to get that last one" jason said as the other one stopped rolling. It started a roll out attack and jumped at zoma. Zoma charged at it and hit it back down. The pokemon rolled around and came for another attack which zoma attacked back. "I guess that one has a higher defence" shinobi said. Jason just nodded as zoma and the pokemon continued fighting.
  20. T man


    Garai was sitting in a bar and haveing a drink. "Another job well done. Those guys I faught didn't even stand a chance against me" garai thought as he took another sip of his drink. As he drank two guys came in. "Where did that guy go. He faught the others and they seemed like nothing to him" one of them said as they took a seat. "I guess I missed a few" garai thought. "I know. It's probaply because he was one of those special zantars. I have some people out looking for him" the other one said. "It would probaply best for me to go" garai said to him self as he stood up. He payed for his drink and left. As he walked out side he saw guys with guns come after him. He started running down the street. He looked back and saw the guys from the bar were after him. He jumped and landed on the side of a building and started shooting at them. They scatered. "That's what I hate about you zantars" one of them said as they opened fire. "What. That I can hang onto the side of buildings. I see it as a good thing to have in fights" garai said as he fired a energy blast at them. They scatered as explosion happened. Garai started running up the building and landed on the roof. He started running to another roof and opened a door. He droped in and found him self in a shooting gallery. "Probaply not the best place for me to be hidding in but it'll have to do untill those guys give up" garai said as he leaned against a wall.
  21. I realy don't know much about the zelda games so i'll do my best. [b]Name:[/b] Ralph [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Special skills:[/b] swords [b]boyfriend/girlfriend:[/b] none but has a crush on nayru [b]Appearence:[/b] [URL=http://www.zelda-world.com/ImgartpersoMOT/ralph.jpg]picture[/URL]
  22. I think that's good even though i've never red the magna or watched the t.v series but I think it's good. I think you should keep posting them. [b]9/10[/b]
  23. T man

    poke'mon journey

    [b]Name:[/b] jake merai [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Apperance:[/b] get back to ya [b]Personality:[/b] nice, brave, willing to help [b]Weapon:[/b] glaive [b]Girlfriend:[/b] none [b]Pokemon:[/b] rayquaza ninjask gardevoir corsola seviper pichu
  24. Kyp nodded and left the room with kethri fallowing. they walked into the throne room with the king setting on his throne as the ceremony to remove the moon object was about tp begin. "I was wondering when you two would show up. I was starting to wondering what you two were up to that would take you so long to get here" felica said smilling makeing kyp and kethri bluss. "We didn't do what you were thinking" kyp said. Felica was about to say some thing but the king interupted. "We'll start the ceremony in a couple of moments" the king said. The persion kyp was talking to before came and layed two cups with a liquid inside n the sides of the throne then threw pieces of wood. "What are those" kethri asked. "Pieces of the bark from the devine tree" kyp said as the cups started smoking. A helper walked up to the king and stuck his hands into him and started pulling out the moon object. "In a way that's gross but we do need to get the moon object" kethri said as the moone object was pulled out of the king. As the ceremony ended a explosion was herd from the lower flors. A knight came running into the room. "Sir, a winglie busted in and freed the virage. They're heading up here. The other knights are tring there best to hold them off but they're to strong" the knight said. Have every one leave and have the remaining knights help" the king said standing up. the knight nodded as he started back to the stairs but the stair case broke apart in a cloud of smoke. The rouge winglie flew out of the smoke towards the knight with the moon object and grabed it from him. "You've got a couple of days left kyp before the astral dagger is showen for the passing ceremoney" the rouge winglie said. "We'll get it before you do" kyp said. "We'll untill that day i'll leave you to deal with one of my pets" the rouge winglie said as he flew off. Kethri started running after him but a rumbling sound was herd. The virage came up. "I guess we have a fight. We can't go after him yet so we'll have to deal with him later" kyp said drawing his sword.
  25. "I her what you say hope and I all ready caught one of them before you told me about them. Seion scared the rest away except for a small one" jason said. "I wonder why that one didn't leave like the others" hope said. "Who realy knows. Maybe it wanted to fight. Of coarse if they act like remoraid how come they didn't come back when I caught one" jason asked holding the pokemons net ball. "What pokemon did you use" hope asked. "I used my armaldo. Why do you ask" jason asked. "From what I know armaldo's are part rock pokemon so they would have a advantage. How did seion scare them" hope asked. "He scared them off with his music. Why they ran from it, who knows" jason said. "I guess they don't like it. We'll probaply find out why as we go" hope said. Jason nodded as hey had the sub catch up with the others.
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