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Jason just looed back at the sub. "I almost had one and he had to scare it away" jason thought. He didn't know how he knew it was seion but he just knew it was him who scared the pokemon off. "Come on digs. I know that you wanted to get another pal but we'll have to try again later" jason said. Digs nodded and started swimming back. As they swam to the sub a beam of energy hit it. "If that beam hit the sub enough to disturb seion from his music i'll be happy" jason thought as he turned around. Once he turned around he saw that one of the smaller pokemon from before had stayed. "I guess we'll have to get a little one then. You up for it digs" jason asked. Digs just cheered. "O.k then. Use hidden power" jason said. Digs charged up an energy blast and fired it. The pokemon used agility then charged at digs. "Use rock smash" jason said. Digs punched with it's claw and hit the pokemon. "Let's try to catch it" jason said throwing a net ball. The net ball hit it and the pokemon was caught. "With that done we can get back to the sub and continue on our way" jason said as he got the net ball. He started swimming back to the hatch as he told digs what he wanted him to do. Jason got in and saw that seion had gotten into his seat again. "I suggest you hold onto some thing" jason said to timeka. Timeka sat into a chair and held on as jason closed the hatch. Digs swam up and rammed the ship. As he open up the hatch again digs returned to it's pokeball. As he got in he saw that seion had fallen out of his chair and timeka was laughing. Jason laughed as he put the gear back and sat in his seat.
Jason walked up to the front of the sub and looked out of the window. "Do any of you know how to pilot this thing" seion asked. "I know how to pilot it" jason said as he sat in the chair. "I realy don't believe that jason" seion said. Jason pushed a button. The sub jolted forward makeing seion fall over. "What was that for jason" seion asked once he got on his feet. "Just to prove to you I can" jason said smilling. "What's going on over there" shinobi asked over radio. "I was just proving some thing. Now let's get going" jason said as the sub started diving. As they dove under water jason saw a shadow moving in the water. He pushed a button near a screen and the screen showed what was in the water. He zoomed in on the image to see that it was some water and psychic pokemon. "What are those things" timeka asked looking at the screen. "Who realy knows but i'm going to try to catch one" jason said as he grabed an air tank. He opened a hatch, put on the air tank and jumped in. He threw digs pokeball as he started swimming. "Come one digs. Let's try to catch one of those" jason said. Digs nodded as they started swimming towards the pokemon.
[b]Name:[/b] garai hikairo [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] male [b]Species:[/b] zantar (a species that do not fight because they have no type of skills for fighting but there are some that look human with deferent skills so they are respected because of there abillaitys) [b]Desc.:[/b] get back to ya [b]Weapons:[/b] astral blaster, sapphire blade, caster gun with 13 special casters [b]Bio:[/b] garai is part of a race nown as the zantar. Normaly zantars don't fight because they don't have the skills and are a peacfull race but because he is not a normale one he can fight. Because his type of zantar are respected in there culture he set out to make a name for him self so that he wouldn't be respected for what he is and so he would be respected for what he does. He works as a body garde or a merchanary some times. Most people expect him to be weak becase he's a zantar but he proves them wrong by beating them in fights. He'll help those in need or go on adventures because he thinks more people will respect him that way.
Glen and kris saw some one come out of the shrine with pixie, daton and a baby doll. "I was wondering who's pixie's boss was" glen said. "So your working for the new moo" kris said. "Ya and just to let you know the names jiro" jiro said. "Pixie tells me you've got some strong monsters with you. Of course the only one of them that I think seems strong is that kelmadics of yours" jiro said. "Well even if that's so I think all of my monsters are strong enough to beat you" glen said. "We'll see about that" jiro said. "Hey glen. I'll fight as long as I don't get stuck fighting the doll" bells said. "Who you calling a doll" baby doll yelled. "I'm calling you a doll. You look more like a toy than a fighter" bells said getting angry. "You look more some like a monster that should be kept as a pet or some thing from a child's book" baby doll said. Bells just looked at her then tried to charge at her but glen grabed her by her ribbon. "Let me at her. I'll rip her apart untill she's nothing but stuffing" bells said tring to get at baby doll. Jiro grabed onto baby doll to keep her from charging to. "Come on and let me go. I'm going to rip those bells that you call arms off" baby doll said. "There will be time to do that later. How about we send in a monster to fight" jiro said. "Fine with me. Hey kelmadics let's see how well you can fight" glen said. Kelmadics just nodded and walked forward as jiro's pixie did. "Go and unlock your monsters alen" glen said. Alen nodded and went into the shrine.
O.O.C: Sorry I haven't posted in awhile Evean was sitting under a tree listening to what was going on. "Even though there are many humans that hate us it's a good reminder to know that there are some that don't" evean thought thinking back to his travels and about the people he's met. The one's he became friends with had risked there lives to hide him soldiers that were looking for him or give him a place to stay at for a short time before he had to leave. "The faster all this is resolved the faster things can go back to normale" evean thought as he put his weapons on. As he stood up to stretch a wolf came by. The wolf just groweld. "Some scouting troops around here. Better lead them away from here" evean thought as the wolf showed him where the soldiers were. "Thanks for the help" evean said as the wolf left. He looked around and started running. "There goes one of them" a soldier said pointing at him. "Come on guys. Let's see if you can catch me" evean said as the soldiers started chasing after him. He took out his whip and used it to pull him up into a tree. "Hey where did he go" a soldier asked looking around. Evean drew his sword and jumped down into the middle of them. He spun around and did strikes that nocked them out. "Better see if there are any more around" evean thought as he started running to do some searching.
Hilind looked around. "Did any of you see lilix log off or go on ahead" hilind asked. "She was back there with you so she couldn't of gone ahead of us" hunter said. "We'll I don't think she logged off or went down another hall" hilind said as he loaded a program out side of the world. Next to hilind a spark of light appeared and floated next to him. "Find the player known as lilix" hilind said commanded. "What's that thing" amaya asked. "It's a seeker program I made. It finds players if there on the same sever or in the same dungeon" hilind said. The spark flew around in the hall a couple of times then stopped in front of a wall. It started spinning in a large circle but once it touched the wall it broke apart. "They put in a defense program to counter act one of mine" hilind said as he loaded another program. "This one i've been wanting to try out" hilind said smiling. "I think it's best for us to move now" hunter said leading the others away. "Why do you say that" tia asked. "Whenever hilind says he wants to try a new one of hacking programs it means some things going to blow up" hunter said. Hilind held out his hand and an orb appeared in it. "If you can hear me in there lilix you might want to move" hilind said as he pushed the orb into the wall. He moved as the wall glowed. It then exploded. Once the smoke cleared lilix came walking out. "I think you need to work on that one a bit" lilix said to hilind. "I'll try also you should move" hilind said grabbing her arm and pulling her. The ruble from the explosion floated and reformed the wall. "I built that program to rebuild the things it blows up after a certain amount of time" hilind said. "If that's over with we'll finish up this dungeon" hunter said as they started down the hall again.
Jake was piloting the silver run to the space port as he entered mars's atmosphere. "Your clear to come in jake" mike said. "Thanks. Can you bring my motor cycle out" jake asked. "I figured you'd have a reason for coming so I all ready have it out and waiting" mike said. "Thanks mike" jake said as he flew to the space port. As he landed he saw his motor cycle out. Jake got out and got on his motor cycle and left. He broke off the high way leading to the space port and entered a town. As he drove he saw a person looking around who seemed to get disturbed when a cat showed up. "Need some help miss" jake asked. "Um ya. I don't really know where I am. Can you help" the person asked. "Ya get on. I'll give you a ride" jake offered offered. She nodded and got on. She told him where she lived as he drove. "Thanks for giving me a ride and by the way I'm eva" eva said. Jake just nodded as the apartment eva lived in came into view. "So what's you name" eva asked as jake slowed the motor cycle down. "The names jake. I believe this is you stop" jake said. Eva nodded and got off. Jake started driving down the rode to go to a bar known for rumors on bounty's. "Let's see if I can get some info" jake said to him self as he drove.
Name: Dissinger (Nick name diss) Age: 16 Good/Evil: good Stones: 3 wind stones Weapon: ogre Appearance: [URL=http://www.layer-infinity.net/iplay/serge.gif]pick[/URL] Personality-Talents: he's loyas and brave. He normaly doesn't judge others unless he thinks he should. He's a master thief and can brake any locks Bio: He was lonely as a kid because he didn't have any friends or siblings. Because he didn't have any friends to play with he decided to practice his skills and work on getting into locked things. When he was 15 he decided to leave and make a name for him self. He's collected mane things from his journies and has never found a lock he couldn't breake.
"I've herd that if a half demon has strong demon blood inside them they'll go into a full demon form if backed into a corner" gene said as he passed his gauntlet of his ribs healing them. Gene raised his gauntlet and plants started surrounding inuyasha and heero. Sango was about to throw her bone boomerang but gene waved his hand. "Don't bother. Those plants are quit tough and any attemp to cut them will cause thorns to grow. There's a chance they'll be poisonous and it'll take awhile for the plants to leave" gene said. "If we're your enemy why don't you just attack us" miroku asked. "I know that you won't be a chllange and it's not my still to kill those who can't defend them selves" gene said preparing to leave.
Keith and agumon were watching what was going on. "Shouldn't we go talk to the others to make a plan" agumon asked. Keith just shook his head as he started walking. "I'm not one to stay in groups. I work alone unless i'm needed for some thing important" keith said as agumon ran to catch up."Ya but we'll be working with them sooner or later" agumon said. "I know that but i'll go for later" keith said. "O.k then keith. Should we do some training once we get home" agumon asked. Keith just shook his head. "You can take the night off. We should be rested if we end up in another fight" keith said. Agumon nodded as they saw the negative tamers fly of for some unknown reason. "We'll deal with them later" keith thought thinking about his fight with damian. "I wonder what he'll do once he finds out that digivice is fake" keith asked him self.
Gene started concentraiting. As he looked around he saw kikyo stairing at him. "I'm not going to use the same attack I used on naraku. Like I said before, I wouldn't be able to do it for awhile" gene said as he aimed at inuyasha and heero. He started spinning the swords as they began to glow. Once they were both glowing he crossed them and continued chanting. "This attack has about the same amount of power I used on naraku. Let's see if you can handle it" gene said as the energy started circleing the swords. "If naraku could handle I probaply can to" inuyasha said as heero helped him up. "If you choose to die then so be it" gene said as he swung his swords. The swords sent out a wave of power in the shape on an X. Inuyasha and heero used their swords to defend with but it didn't help much. The wave started pushing them back through the forest. The wave explodide sending inuyasha and heero back. Once the smoke cleared inuyasha and heero were laying on there back. "They're probaply knocked out. If I had used the same attack I used against naraku they would be dead" gene said puting his swords back.
"Now let's see if we got every body" evean said as he started counting the students. "So did we get all the students in the building" nitsu asked. "Mostly but zack and his team aren't here. They must of hid from us" evean said. "Then we'll just go and get them" angel said as she and mirage left. As evean recounted the students he herd a rigging sound. A student took out a cell phone and talked on it. She then talked to the others and they left. "Should we be worried about that" siriko asked but before evean could answer they herd some thing comeing. When they turned around they saw a cannon comeing. "I was wondering where those copys went" evean said. "You had one of those being made and you didn't tell us" nitsu said looking at him. "Ya, we found the extra copys of evean water ballon cannon and got it made" zack said who was at the controls. "Now say you prayers" zack said smilling. "Scatter guys" evean said as zack started fieing. Zacks team started fireing to. "Is there a way to turn it off" alex asked as he fired at the students that weren't on the cannon. "There is a way but one of us needs to get close enough" evean said.
Gene drew his dragon soul to defend. "I've got a reason to keep from killing inuyasha but nothing to keep me back from beating you" gene said smiling as his sword started glowing. He swung his sword sending a wave of energy pushing heero back. Inuyasha drew his sword and charged at gene. Inuyasha raised his sword to strike gene but gene just turned around and grabbed the sword blade with his free hand. Inuyasha just looked shock and so did every body else. "Didn't think I could hold onto your sword. Through my training I can hold any weapon even if it has a way to keep me from it" gene said as energy crackled around his arm. He kicked inuyasha back. Gene clenched his fist which was smoking. "Let's see how well you two can fight me" gene said as he drew his other sword and waited for one of them to make a move.
Hilind walked back into the hall he came from and saw lilix waiting. "Where did akurei go" hilind asked. "She left on her own" tia said pointing down the hall she went. "Then let's got after her" hilind suggested. "I'll go as long as no more wierd things happen" hunter said as he started walking. "Sorry to dissapoint you hunter but I think things will get alot wierder" hilind thought as he followed the others. "So why did you ask me to come here" lilix asked. "Have you herd about that rumor about having different personalities out side of the game" hilind asked. "Ya i've herd of it. Why do you ask" lilix asked. "Apparently it's true. I asked a player to do a dungeon treck in her and multiple personalities of her showed up" hilind said. Lilix just nodded. "Did any thing else happen in here that seemed strange" lilix asked. "Ya, While on my own the hall I was in became white. The walls were solid but when I fired an energy blast the shot kept going like the wall wasn't there" hilind said. "Is that all" lilix asked. "No, after I shot the energy blast a girl appeared with out warning. She said her name was dream and said that I should head back to you guys. She then dissapered and the hall returned to normale" hilind said. "Let's wait to see if any thing else will happen" lilix said as they walked. Hilind nodded as he readed him self for any other wierd things that might happen.
Gene just dodged each strike inuyasha tried. "Come on inuasha. Is taht the best you got. I was weakened from my last fight and i'm still more than a match for you" gene said smilling. "You wont be smilling once i'm through with you" inuasha said charging at him. Gene jumped over him and kicked him in the back. Inuyasha turned around and tried to strike gene but he jumped back. "Well you were close to a hit. Let's see if you can get closer" gene said smilling as he punched inuyasha. "So why are you hanging around kikyo any ways" inuyasha asked getting up. "Why is it that you care. I thought you wouldn't" gene said. "I'm just asking out of curiosity" inuyasha said. "Well if you must now it's because she helped me out so I figured i'd repay her and any other reason i'm around her is none of your buisness" gene said as he punched inuyasha knocking him down. Inuasha got back up and charged at gene who just jumped over him. "Come on inuyasha. Let's see how well you can fight" gene said smilling.
O.O.C: I don't care if some one controls my character as long as you don't kill him. Jake was in the dark star as it came into mars orbit listining to the new big shot show. "I wonder if I should go after this bounty or not" jake asked him self. He sat up and turned off the t.v. "I might as well. I've got nothing better to do" jake thought as he started on his way to the silver run. Once he was in the hanger he took out a head set and pushed a button. "Hello. Who is this" a persion asked. "It's me mike. I'm comeing into your docks" jake said as he opened the cockpit and got in. "O.k then jake. We've been getting alot of people comeing in because you've got a bounty on you head even though your a bounty hunter" mike said. "I'll use my normale spot" jake said as the hanger door opened and he flew out. "We'll clear people off of it and make sure no ones allowed in unless you say so" mike said before he hung up. As jake flew he a fight going on. "I probaply shouldn't get involved" jake thought as he flew.
O.O.C: that's fne with me Hilind was walking down the hall. "I wonder what's down this way" hilind asked him self as he looked around. The hallway seemed the same as the other ones he went through. A couple of minutes later a flash of light started at the other side of the hallway. He broght up his arm to block the light from getting into his eyes. Once he lowered his arm he saw that the hallway turned white. "O.k, this is strange" hilind thought as he put his hand onto a wall. The wall felt solid so to experiment further he raised his staff and fired at the wall. The energy shot just kept going. "Either I shouldn't of eaten that bell pepper pizza last night or some thing strange happened. Oh well. If I get out of this it'll may be a good thing to post on the boards" hilind said to him self. Once he turned around there was a girl looking at him. He jumped back from shock. "I defiantly shouldn't of eaten that pizza" hilind thought getting his breath back. "Um can you tell me if there's a way out of this place" hilind asked. "There is and I think you should go back to the others" the girl said. "Um o.k then. If I see you again what should I call you" hilind asked figuring things would get alot wierder. "If you'ld like you can call me dream" dream said before she dissapered. The hallway flashed and hilind was laying on the ground. "I realy shouldn't of eaten that pizza. I might as well go see if the others had the same expirience to make sure i'm not going nuts" hilind thought as he looked around and started to head back.
Writing Forever World Poems (i might get these published!)
T man replied to Ryu_Sakura's topic in Creative Works
I think it's a good poem even though I find it a bit dissturbing. I think you should keep writing them and posting them. -
O.O.C: I guess me and Wolf Maximas13 write what happens "I guess i'm going on my own. I'll be back once I get registeel" jason said as grace teleported them to registeels temple. Jason and grace reapeared outside the temple. Jason walked in because it was starting to rain. "Well it's nice to get before it started raining" jason thought as he walked to the wall on the other side of the door. Grace was waiting out side the door soaking up the rain. Jason walked up and started reading the brail. "I've herd of this riddle but I have no time to go pack and get my flying pokemon" jason said walking into the center of the temple. "Hey grace. I need you to teleport us into the chamber above" jason said. Grace came over and used teleport. They reapeared in the top chamber were registeel was waiting but it seemed like it was asleep. "You can take a break grace. I'll use wild fire in the battle" jason said takeing out wild fire's pokeball. "Registeel. I challange you to a battle" jason called out throwing wild fire's pokeball. Registeel awoken and started the attack with rock smash. Wild fire jumped out of the way. "Wild fire use flame thrower" jason called out. Wild fire started running around registeel while blowing fire. As registeel started heating up it used rock slide makeing wild fire stop useing flame thrower and jump to avoid the boulders. Wild fire use sky upper cut then flame thrower again" jason said. Wild fire ran up to registeel and started punching. When it punched harder it sent registeal flying into the temple roof. It started to use flame thrower again to keep it up while attacking. "O.k you can stop wild fire. That should be enough" jason said. Wild fire stoped and jumped out of the way as registeel droped. "Let's see if it's weak enough to catch" jason said as he threw an ultraball. The ultraball hit registeel and it was brought inside. The ultraball was shaking alot as wild fire got in place if it needed to fight again. "If it get's out I may need to bring grace into this fight but it's worn out" jason thought. The ultraball stoped shaking makeing jason smile. "Hey grace. I need you to take us back to the others then you can have your rest" jason said as wild fire gave jason registeels ultraball. Jason took the ultraball as grace came over. Once grace got to them it used teleport to take them to the others.
Jake was ontop of a building setting on a bench he put up there. "Noting major's probaply going to happen any time soon" jake thought. A little computer on his wrist started going off. "What is it now" jake asked him self as he turned on the computer. His jaw droped once he saw what was on the screen. He got up and started running. "I've got to find the dark raider before the demolition program starts" jake said as he got to the edge of the roof. He grabed onto a zip line he had up there and rode it down. Once he reached the streets he started running. He looked at the minerature computer and it showed that the demolition program had started. "Oh ****. It's reaching for heat rod" jake thought as he started running faster. He turned on a tracking system and went in the direction it told him.
Gene and kikyo were still walking. Gene herd some one moveing around. His gauntlet glowed and who ever it was got wraped up in the bushes that they were hiding in. "Well if it isn't the dog boys" gene said to inuyasha and heero who were hanging up side down while still being wraped up. "Let us down now" heero said swinnging around. "How did you know we were watching you two" inuahsa asked trying to get out. "I'm a wolf demon. My hearings every bit as good as yours" gene said. "Let's see you ditch that gauntlet and we'll see how well you fight with out it" inuyasha said still tring to get free. "If we faught and I killed you it might change time or some thing" gene said. "You herd what we were saying before" heero asked. "Of course and i'm not in the mood to fight you. I came out of a fight with naraku and i'm a bit drained from an attack" gene said as him and kikyo started walking again. "You'll probaply get cut down sooner or later" gene said. "Don't you want to do some thing to inuyasha before some one comes" gene asked. Kikyo just shook her head. "O.k then. It's your choice" gene said.
"Man that hurt like heck" gene thought as he started awakening. He opened his eyes and saw that kikyo was above him. "Are you o.k gene" kikyo asked. "Except for feeling tired and feeling like I knocked a year off of my live i'm fine" gene said laying his swords down. "Did I get him" gene asked siting up. "You got him in the arm then he left" kikyo said. Gene nodded as he started a healing spell. As the spell started working the dragon flew to him and looked him in the eye. "I guess I didn't give up enough of my life to do any major damage" gene thought once the spell was over. The dragon just growled at him then dissapered. "What was that about" kikyo asked. "I don't think that dragon spirit likes naraku. I probaply wont have to give up so much of my life to summon it now. It realy doesn't matter any ways because I couldn't summon it even if I tried at the moment" gene thought as he stood up and put his swords back. He gave out a hand pulled kikyo off of the ground.
[b]Name:[/b] jake miro [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Occupation:[/b] bounty hunter, body gaurd, mercenary [b]Weapon of choice:[/b] hand gun, ogre, rail gun [b]Ship:[/b] carrier ship dark star, smaller ship silver run Aprearance: blue eyes, black hair, blue shirt, leather jacket, black pants, boots, gloves with out the fingers [b]Bio:[/b] He's mostly a looner and does jobs as a mercenary but is a bounty hunter. He has some bounty's on his own head but other bounty hunters stay away from him. His inherent distrust of people has kept him alive so far but some say it may prove to be his undoing. He loves the thrill of a battle and will gamble with his life putting it on the line to take out opponents. He has good intentions but looses control some times.
"If I can i'll take registeel" jason said. "O.k then jason" shinobi said. They continued on untill they saw another dock with some one waiting next to it. "Hey grace how are you holding up" jason asked. Grace nodded showing it was fine even though it had to keep the bubble up longer than normale. "Once we land i'll give you some thing to eat before you go into your pokeball" jason said as he searched through his bag for some pecha berrys. "O.k guys this should be the right dock" shinobi said as they started landing.
"Let's see what else this thing can do" kyp thought as the blades seperated from his sword. He had them start moveing in a quick patern to kill the poison insects untill there was none left. "Well that takes care of the bus for the mean time. Now to help the others" kyp thought. The blades glowed as they floated around the others healing them. "Thanks for getting red of the insects" miroku said getting up. "So what are we going to do know. It seems like it just copys our attacks" sango said. "Then just try some thing different" kyp said. "Hey tsicoro. Can you do that needle thing again" kyp asked. Tsicoro noded and fired. Kyp had the blades started flying arond the blades entill a wind was created around them. The blades came out of the tornado of needles as they hit the monster makeing it fall. "Well that seemed to help" kyp thought as the monster got up slower than before.