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"So where is it exactly we're going" jason asked. "We're going to catch some pokemon. We have to do it with in a certain period of time" shinobi said. Jason nodded. "How are you doing grace" jason asked looking to grace. Grace just nodded to show that it was doing fine. Jason and grace were traveling in a bubble it created with it's physic powers. "Once we land you can have a rest in your pokeball" jason said. "Hey what kind of pokemon do you have" seion asked. "I have a blaziken, a ninjask, a armaldo, a seviper and a metagross" jason said. "Where did you get the armaldo and for that matter where did you get four beldums for a metagross" shinobi asked. "I got an anorith to train for some scientest who were studying pokemon that could be brought back from fossiles and as for how I got four beldums I found them in my yard sleeping. Eventualy they became a metagorss but the only probplem is it tries to bite my hand some times" jason said. "In that case i'd hate to see what happens when you make it mad" seion said. "I normaly have to move my hand fast to keep it from clamping down" jason said as they continued.
Kyp and tsicoro looked at the monster. "O.k it's time for a fight" kyp said as he threw the sword blade in the air. The blades seperated. The blades brought the rouge one back to kyp. He aborbed it as he drew his sword. He raised his sword as the blades started cirlceling him. The blades flew around the sword as they started glowing. Once the blades stoped glowing they were gone and it seemed like kyps sword had grown in size. "So let's go see what we're up against" kyp said as he started running with tsicoro following. Once they found the others they saw that kaira and had been attacked. Miroku looked at kyp then at his sword. "Where did you get that from. It's almost as big as inuyasha's" miroku asked. "My blades combined with my sword to increase it's power" kyp said takeing a fighting stance.
Gene charged at naraku as sent a wave of energy at him. Naraku jumped back to avoid the attack. "So your useing the sword of light and darkness. From my knowldge it's quit rare and it's powerfull if you know how to use it. Let's see if you have that much skill " naraku said. "I guess i'll prove that I have that sort of skill then" gene said as he started charging at naraku. Naraku defended as gene swung his sword. "I'd like to see if you can handle it's abilliatys" naraku said. "Ya i've been wondering about that to" gene thought jumping back. He raised his sword and started chanting. "I call upon the distructive powers of hevan and hell to defeat my enemys" gene called out as his sword glowed. "Let's see if you can strike me" naraku said smilling. Gene just swung his sword sending waves of power and naraku. Naraku was sent back untill be broke through a couple of trees. "Not bad. Let's see if you have the other sword that goes with it" naraku said as he got up. Gene drew his dragon soul sword and crossed them as he started chanting. "What are you doing gene" kikyo asked. Gene could answer because he was chanting. "He's tring the dragon of life and death technique. It requires that he gives up some of his energy to summon the spirit. With that type of attack there's a chance he'll die in the process. It's normaly done by those who are quit stronge or despraite to win" naraku said. As gene chanted a beam of light started circling him untill it looked like a dragon. "I'll need to make this shot count. If I live through it I wont be able to do it again for awhile" gene thought as he took aim.
"O.k guys. How about we have a little game here" evean said. "And what do we get if we win" a student named zack asked. "If you guys win you don't have classes tommarow and the day after" evean said. The students got into a hudle and started talking. As evean tried to listen he thought he herd a beeping sound. "O.k then we have a deal" zack said. "What do we get if we win" siriko asked. "I'll pay for any up grades that you want to your zoids" evean said. The others just looked at him then smilled. As the groups seperated to get in position eveans head set started beeping. "Ya tracy what can I do for you" evean asked putting the head set on. "Well evean it seems the students called in reinforcments to fight you guys" tracy said. Evean just slapped his head. "Um guys we've got problems" evean said "What is it evean" siriko asked as she got on flashes back. "It seems like the students called in the others into this little war" evean said. The others mouths just droped open. "We're dead" alex said. "Well if we're going down we'll take some out with us" evean said smilling.
"I wonder how long it'll take lilix to get here" hilind asked him self. "What are you talking about hilind" tia asked. "He's probaply sent out a message to some one. When ever he finds some thing that's never been seen or been thought of but's never been proven he sends out a message" hunter said as he started down the passage with the other following. As the continued the passage got biger untill it became circuler with three different halls. "So where do you think she went" amaya asked. "I think she went down this way" hilind said pointing down the hall to the left. "I think we should stay away from her so i'll go down the right hall" hunter said. "Well if you need to find me i'm going down this way" hunter said as he fired a energy blast which left a cross shaped mark on the wall next to the hall. "That should tell lilix which hall i''m going through" hilind thought as he started walking.
Hilind just staired. "What's going on here" hunter asked. "I'll tell you in a couple of seconds hunter after I ask a question. Excuse me miss but do you have split persionality's" hilind asked. The girl nodded. "That explains alot. Why did you ask that" amaya asked. "I've herd that if a player has split persionalitys the character in the world could change" hilind said. "Where did you hear this from" tia asked. "A hacker normaly doesn't give out there sourses of information and do you think I would tell you" hilind said looking at her. "How long were you not planning not to tell us you were a hacker and did you know" amaya asked hilind and hunter. "I normaly don't like to give my self out and i'm not a well known one. As for hunter he's known for awhile" hilind said. "Getting back to the matter at hand. Can you tell us what happened" hilind asked the the girl who appeared.
Gene was standing in a clearing thinking about his life. "Maybe I should just sell this thing and find some where to live in peace" gene thought holding the shikon jewel. Gene looked at the jewel and shook his head. "I've been a loner as a kid and as a treasure hunter. I have no one to care for and no one waiting for me" gene thought as he put the jewel back and started heading back to where kikyo was around. As he started walking he herd some one laughing. "Some thing tells me I should find kikyo" gene thought as he started running. Once he found kikyo he also found naraku. "So you have the jewel. Why don't you hand it over and leave" naraku said. "Sorry but i'm planning on keeping it. Is the jewel the only reasion you came here or is because of her to" gene asked drawng his sword. "You have no part in our buisness" naraku said. "When it comes to people I owe some thing to it does. Also i'm not the kind of guy who watches as some one takes adavntage of anothers condition" gene said waiting for naraku to make his move.
"So what do you think that was about" hilind asked getting up. "Who realy knows. It's probaply a skill thing" hunter said. "In other words it's move it or get squised" akurie said. "It sure seems like it in this dungeon" tia said. "That's probaply why only high level players are allowed in here. It could be a test to see if new things should be made for the players" hilind said as they started walking down the hall. "Well there could of been easier ways than tried to crush us under rocks" amaya said. "Well, you need to rember this dungeon is new and that we're probaply the first ones in here so try to be ready for any thing" hilind said. As they continued statues started lineing the wall. "Get ready for a fight you guys" hilind said as he and hunter went into fighting stance. "Why do you say that" amaya asked. "Because in most games the staues are monsters or things to get past and it seems like i'm right" hilind said as the staues started moveing. They drew weapons and started attacking the group. "So how many of these things do you think there are" hunter asked as he defended from an attack. "Who realy knows in a plcae like this" hilind said as he fired a energy blast.
"I think it's best to move right now" evean said getting up. "Why do you say that" suzuki asked. "For one alex and siriko are comeing down the hall, reason two is that angel has joined this and three is that there are some students who are some where in the building doing this too" evan said. "Realy. I didn't see any students playing around" suzuki said. "That's because we're behind you" a student said from behind them. Suzuki and evean turned to see ten students aiming there water guns and some whater baloon bazukas at them."It's time to beat it" evean said as they started running. They saw alex and siriko in the hallway and ran past them. "What are you guys running from" siriko yelled. "Look behind you and find out" suzuki said looking back to see alex already running. Siriko looked back and got hit in the face with five water baloons before she started running. "So how are going to get them" alex asked. "I've thought some of the students would try a water fight so I bought some stuff if we decided to join in evean said as they ran to his room. Once in his room he opened a closeset and started handing out water guns and water baloon bazukas. "There all ready loaded so we can go out there and get them" evean said smilling. The others noddded as they left the room. They found the students at the end of the hallway. "Hey guys. Over here" suzuki said smilling. The students looked at them then started running. "Get them" alex said as they started chasing. "This'll be alot to clean up" siriko said. "Oh well. At least we'll have some fun" evean said as he fired at the students.
Glen looked at alen who was watching looking at them. "So your going to fight against the new moo. Well best of luck to ya" alen said as he started walking away. "Hold on there your comeing with us" glen said grabing him on the shirt. "Why do you want me to come. I have nothing to do with you little death trip" alen said. "Oh yes you do. It's eather you come with us or you don't get to keep those disks" glen said. "It's not any of my buisness to get inot these kind of things" alen said. "How about this. My suzurin versus you hare. If you win you keep the disks and If I win you come with us" glen said sticking his hand out. "You've got your self a deal" alen said shaking glens hand. Kris and mocchi jumped onto big blue's shoulder as they went out side the temple. Bells and alen's hare steped forward and got ready to fight. "Let's get to it and win bells" glen said. Bells nodded then started fireing at hare who started jumping back. "Come on and hold still" bells said as she started fireing sound waves. "I don't think i'll be doing that any time soon" hare said jumping back.
Kyp was sitting down thinking about what was happening with the blade. "Miroku says that the blade is a representaion of my self so it's probaply not working with any one evil. It's probaply reatcing to some thing" kyp thought. "Can you tell me where you got that those blades" tsicoro asked. Kyp nodded as he started rembering where he found it. "On my travels I came by a village where a battle was happening near by. Because no one in the village were fighters and because I was the only one around who would fight I was asked to check on the battle to see if it would grow and reach the villge" kyp said. "So you found the blades on the battle field. "Not exactly. Once I got to the battle field no neither side was alive. I found a sword blade that wasn't broken but there was no handle. I some how abosrbed it and was able to control and summon 16 small blades. The rouge one was the one in the center of the blade" kyp said. "Can you show me the single blade" tsicoro asked. Kyp nodded as the blades appeared. Once the rouge one apeared it tried to fly off and start carving again but kyp stopped it. "Well it seems like it's back to normale" kyp said as the blades started flying around the rouge one and in a flash of light they turned into one sword blade. Kyp picked it up and held it in his hands. "Your right. There aren't any jagged ends" tsicoro said looking the blade over untill he noticed a black part in the center. "What's that part" tsicoro asked. "That would be the rouge blade" kyp said laying the sword blade on his lap. "I've been able to have the blades connect onto my sword to increase my power but I don't know why they do" kyp said.
Evean ledt nitsu and suzuka to talk. "I should probaply start working on the zoids. I have today and tommarow to work on them before the begining of the tournament" evean thought as he walked down the hall. As he walked into the hanger he saw siriko and alex laughing on the floor. As he started walking to the stair case a student with a water gun and a bag over his shoulder went by. "Hey you got any water baloons in that bag" evean asked. "Ya evean. Why do you ask" the student asked. "Can you give me two" evean asked. The student nodded and gave him some."Here you'll probaply need this" the student said giveing a water gun with a pack to evean before he left. Evean slung the pack over his shoulder as he got a better view of alex and siriko. "Hey alex, siriko up here" evean said. They both got up and looked at him. "Bombs away" evean said tossing the water baloons at them. The baloons hit them in the face. They just looked at each other. "Get him" they both said grabing the wax as they started chasing evean up the stairs. "Come on guys. You'll need to be faster than that to get me" evean said shooting them in the face. He started running down the hall with them following.
Jason was sitting at a table when zoma came in. Zoma started flyng in a pattern which ment that he got a e-mail message. "O.k then. Have B-spider bring it in" jason said. Zoma flew up and down then left. B-spider was normaly hanging around his laptop witch made jason wonder if it's waiting for the right time to eat it. A few moments later B-spider walked in with jasons laptop on it's back. Jason lifted the laptop off of B-spiders back and set it down on the table. B-spider fliped over and opened it mouth. "Ya I know. I'll give you your berrys if you try not to eat my hand this time" jason said taking out some berrys and put them in B-spiders mouth. B-spiders mouth snaped shut once jason moved his hand out. It fliped over and started headng out side. Jason turned on the computer and read the message. "I might as well go. I've been bored for awhile" jason said as he turned off the laptop and headed out to his back yard while grabing his bag along the way. "Hey guys it's time we get going" jason said. Grace appeared next to him as digs came out of a hole it liked to stay in. "Where's wild fire and tail blade" jason asked. Grace pointed to some rocks where wild fire and tail blade where sitting out in the sun. "Come on you two. We're going on a trip" jason said as zoma and B-spider came out. As jason took out his pokeballs wild fire and tail blade came over. All of his pokemon went into there balls except grace. "O.k grace. I need you to take us to this location" jason said holding out a piece of paper to grace. Grace nodded and used teleport to take them to the mansion.
Max was still riding through the city. "I wonder where they went to" max asked him self as he turned a corner. As he looked around a head set he made to listen into the millatary and the police went off. He took it out and put it on. "We've found the location of the killers. A millatary droid was sent out but stoped responding" a voice said. "O.k then. We've made a deal with one of the ones we have captured and he'll go out and get them" another voice said. "Are you sure he'll do it" the voice from before asked. "It sure seems like he'll do. I think so beauce he seems like he's got a grudge aginst one of them" the voice replied. "I probaply should go warn them" max thought once he got the adress where they were around. Max started going faster as he turned a corner. As he went down the rode he saw the hole jackel left before with ruble that hadn't been moved. "I've allwayesed wanted to try some thing like this" max thought as he gave it some gas. He started dodgeing the ruble as he got closer to the hole. He made the jump over it and came to a screeching halt. "I might as well bring up a map of the area while i'm looking around" max thought as he started down the dirt road. He pushed a button on the motorcycle and a screen came up with a map of the area. "Let's see if I can find them before the let that guy out of the jail" max thought as he continued down the road.
[b]Pilot Name:[/b] jake kelind [b]Gundam Name:[/b] Dark Raider [b]Pilot Age:[/b] 15 [b]Pilot Gender:[/b] male [b]Pilot Bio:[/b] Jake was trained to be a pilot and has had a interest in mobile suits. He may act ruthless in battle but when he's not fighting he a nice guy. He'll help people as long as they don't get in his way. His belief is that those who do not have a strong spirit should not have a gundam. He uses a gundam based on the wing zero, the epyon, the vayeate and the mercurius. [b]Pilot Appereance:[/b] blue eyes, black hair, orange vest, white shirt, blue pants, boots, gloves with out the fingers [b]Gundam Apperence:[/b] wings like the epyon and a body like the sand rock [b]Pilot Weapons:[/b] shot gun, oger with two sword blades [b]Gundam Weapons:[/b] beam cannon, planet defensor, beam saber, twin buster rifle, heat rod [b]System:[/b] zero system along with a program where if the gundam has no pilot and it's activated it'll destroy any thing insight untill it's stoped
Kyp was walking through the castle down to the ground floor. He walked through the floor looking at the weapons. "You are the winglie called kyp right" a man asked walking up to him. "Ya. What can I do for you" kyp asked. "We'll have the drawing spell ready to draw the moon object from the king also i've been asked to give you these" the man said reaching into his pocket. He pulled out three small stones. "Aren't these the dragoon spirits of fire, wind and earth" kyp asked taking them. "Yes. Due to attempts to steal them they were left here for safe keeping. The king said I should give them to you once you returned" the man said before he left. Kyp started heading back up to the floor where the rooms were. Along the way he saw paintings of the dragoons that were there a hundred years ago. He stoped infront of a painting of meru. "I'll probaply never become as stronge as a winglie as you or loyd but to protect kethri i'll have to" kyp thought as he started walking. He came to the rooms that they were staying in and walked into kethri's room. "Are you o.k kethri" kyp asked. "I guess i'm fine. I've just been thinking about my past" kethri said. "Well at least you have a past to think about" kyp said sitting down next to her. "What do you mean by that" kethri asked. "I know nothing of my past. All I know is that my name is kyp, i'm a winglie and what happened 100 years ago along with what happened during the dragon campaign" kyp said. "I guess your worse off than me" kethri said. "Ya. I've gotten over it but I still wonder about where's my home and if there's any one out there waiting for me to come back" kyp said.
Keith started thinking about what he should do. "Hey greymon come here for a bit" keith said. Greymon stoped fighting with redgreymon and walked over to keith. He di-digivovled as keith started walking. "What can I do for you keith" agumon asked once they were out of hearing range of damian. "The one you gave me was the fake one right" keith asked. "Ya. I've hid the real one and made the copy for you. Why do you ask" agumon asked. "He has the fake but think it's the real one. He saying that he'll brake the fake unless we go after ryoma and i'm wondering what's your oppinion because even though that guys a good fighter i'm getting bored" keith said. "Ya. I agree with you. I think me and redgreymon are equaly matched" agumon said. "Fine then We'll go after ryoma and see if he needs any help" keith said before they started walking back to damian. "So have you made your decision" damian asked. "Ya. We'll go after roma for you" keith said. "O.k then. When you bring back ryomas digivice i'll give you back yours" damian said. "You can't actulally be seriouse" asla screamed at keith. "Just shut it. It seems like things are evenly matched up here" keith said as he and agumon left.
"Sure why not" keith said as he grabed the pole and swung it around in his hand. "Let's see if you'll be a better opponent than him" damian said as he swiped at keith with the pole he was using while still holding austins digivice. Keith blocked with the pole and tried to punched at damian who jumped back. "Let's see what ya got" keith said as he charged at damian. Damian went to a defensive stance as keith jumped and tried to stirke him. Keith landed on his feet and kicked damian in the leg make him loose balance. Keith tried to stike but damian gained his balance and ducked. "So far you doing better than him. Let's see how long you can keep it up" damian said as he tried to strike keith who defended. They swung at each other and made the poles mad a clanging sound. Keith jumped to try to strike damian but he struck him in the leg making him fall on his back. "It's a shame you didn't last longer than" damian said with a smile. "Who says I didn't let my self get hit on purpose" keith said as he swung the pole and hit damians hand making him let go of austins digivice. Keith rolled around and stood up. He caught austins digivice and and looked at him. "Next time don't try to loose. I wont be getting it back for you" keith said tossing the digivice back to austin. "I'll try to rember that" austin said as he got up and caught his digivice. "It seems like you'll be more of a challange than I thought" damina said. "Then let's continue our little match" keith said readying him self.
Gene had set kikyo down under a tree once they were out of range for heeros and inuyasha's hering. "I wonder what I should do with this now that I have it. I could just sell it to the highst bidder or I could just keep it and give it away later" gene thought as he held the jewel. As he looked around he saw miasma falling. "I know I can handle this stuff because of my training and also the reason there have been attempts to poison me with it but what about her. In her weakened state she probaply wont last long" gene thought looking at kikyo. He raised his gauntlet and he started chanting. A shield formed to block against the miasma. "Might as well see what's going on" gene thought as he jumped ontop of a tree for a better view. He looked around and saw a persion comeing. "I probaply shouldn't get involved unless I need to" gene thought jumping down as he got ready to draw his sword of light and darkness.
Kyp had the other blades finish carving the statue because he figured that they were conected to each other and he still wanted to keep control of the rouge blade. Once the blades finished kyp looked out and saw that it was a statue of inuyasha's sister. "I wonder why they decided to carve her" miroku asked looking out the window. "Miroku tells me that you have controll over those blades but there's a rouge one that keeps carving things" tsicoro said as the blades returned to kyp and he absorbed them. "Ya but miroku says the rouge one carves because it meens some thing but I don't know what" kyp said. "Hey can I see the rouge one" tsicoro asked. "Fine but I don't know what'll happen" kyp said as the blade appeard in his hand. "I'd be carefull about that one" miroku said backing away. Tsicoro took it out of kyps hand but the blade didn't do any thing. Miroku's mouth just droped open as tsicoro looked it over and tossed it in the air. "Are you sure that's the right blade because the when I had it, it slamed me into the roof" miroku asked looking at kyp. "It's the right one. Some thing must be going on for it not to slam some one or to run off" kyp said as he took the blade back and absorbed it. "Now let's go to sleep. We'll worry about the blade later" kyp said as he laid down and went to sleep.
"I am not realy sure why your here" glen said as he looked at tiger. "You seem to know alot about these disks and what'll happen. So can you tell us why she's here" glen asked tiger. "Befor we were locked away we were told that another persion from a different world will come to help like the first one had" tiger said. "I rember hearing a kid from another world had come here to fight aginst the first moo a couple of months ago. Have you herd of a kid named genki" glen asked. "I've herd of him. If I rember correctly he won a tournament and dissapered for awhle" kris said. "I guess your here to help fight aginst moo like he did" bells said. "If that's true we'll need to find a shrine to awaken your monsters kris" glen said as he pulled out a map and started looking it over. "What's that for" kris asked looking over glens shoulder. "It's a map of shrines locations in this area. There's one to our left near a ranch so let's going" glen said as he put the map back and started walking. After a couple of minutes they came upon a ranch with a hare sitting on the fence. "Is there any thing I can do for people" the hare asked. "Is there a shrine around here" glen asked. "Ya there one around here. Hey alen there's some people here to use the shrine" hare yelled. A couple of moments later a persion came out. "If your here to use the shrine it's out back" alen said. Glen nodded and started walking as his compass started vibrating. He took it out and the pointer was spinning. "Hey kelmadics. Hand me two of the disks" glen said. Kelmadics nodded and gave him the disks on top. Glen held the compass over them and the pointer aimed at alen. "Hey alen I think these are yours" glen said as he tossed them to alen. "Why are you giving me these" alen asked as he caught them. "You'll find out later" glen said as they walked into the shrine. Kris walked to the center and laid them down. Glen started up the systems and unlocked the monsters from the disks. Out came a tiger, a big blue and a Mocchi. "Oh a mocchi. How cute. I've always wanted a real one" kris said running up to mocchi and started hugging it. "Well it's yours to keep untill we finish what we've set out to do" glen said.
This is my first attempt at makeing a banner. The characters are of Chrono Cross, kid, serg and lynx is in the back round. I had made it useing adobe and ms paint. Just say your honest oppenion about it. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=502089[/IMG]
Glen and his monsters have been walking for awhile. "Can you to tell me anout the reason I found you in the shrine right away" glen asked. "We had been put in there as gaurds. The only way the hidden chamber containing the others could be opend was if we were revived first by a persion with good enough skills. It seems that you have those kind of skills" tiger said looking at glen. "O.k, I guess that makes some sence but why hasn't he spoken yet" bells asked looking at kelmadics. "He's not the type who likes to talk. He mostly keeps to him self and no one knows why" tiger said. Glen nodded as his compase started vibrating. He took it out and it pointed to a persion ahead of them. "Well it seems we may of found another rancher you guys" glen said as he started running with the others fallowing. Once they reached the persion they saw that she was looking into the distance. "Um, can I help you" she asked once she saw there shadows and turned around. She saw kelmadics, bells and tiger and jumped back supprised. "Real monsters. I gotta be dreaming" the girl said. "Sorry miss but they're real" glen said. "O.k then. I'll just keep on going on thinking that this is a dream" the girl said. "I'm glen and this is my partner bells and these are" glen was about to say but the girl inturupted. "I know what kind of monsters they are. A suzurin, a tiger and a kelmadics which is a durahan combined with a golem. Oh ya i'm kris" kris said still shocked. Glen nodded as he held out the compass witch wasn't reacting any more. "I guess we found a chosen rancher guys. Kris I believe these are your and we'll need to find a shrine to reawaken them" glen said takeing three disks and he held them out to her. Kris just staired at him for a moment thinking about what to say.
Glen and his monster partner bells were in the forest looking for a hidden temple. "So where is it glen" bells asked as she floated next to him. "I think it's up ahead" glen said takeing out his compass. The pointer glowed in the direction they should go. "Are you sure that things heading leading us in the right direction" bells asked. Glen looked at her then hit her on the head makeing her head ring. "Hey what was that for" bells asked holding her head still. "For one my grandpa gave me this and it's never lead me wrong about locating monsters. He also gave me you and I know suzurins don't like being rung like that" glen said as they continued. As they walked a explosion happened next to them. "What was that" bells asked getting ready to fight. Glen started listining to the monsters moveing around them. "By the sounds of it we're being followed by four scale gells, a joker, a pixie and" glen said but before he could finish he grabed bells by the ribbion on her head and pulled her down as three poison darts it a tree. "And about three black worms" glen said as he started running. "Sooner or later your going to have to teach me how you do that" bells said once she caught up. "Sorry but I can't. Telling what monsters around is a gift" glen said as they cam upon the temple. "How are supposed to open this thing" glen asked. After he finished saying that the door blasted open. Glen looked back and saw a scale gell in it's laser cannon form. Glen ran in as bells started fireing shound waves makeing the scale gell tip over. "Come on bells a door's comeing down" glen said as a emergancy door came down. Bells got in as glen started running up the stairs. Once up stairs they came into a shrine with two discs ready to be unlocked. Glen looked around and saw a window down a different hall. "Bells, go and defend be long enough to unlock these monsters" glen said as he started the systems. Bells nodded and flew of. Glen pushed the panel and the monsters were unlocked. The monsters were a tiger and a kelmadics. "O.k tiger I need you to go and help bells. Kelmadics you'll help get the disks" glen said as a hidded door opened. Tiger left as glen and kelmadics ran into the room. Glen started tyng the disks to gether as kelmadics grabed the others. "We have a probplem" tiger said as he ran into the room. A explosion happened once they were through. It was a pixie and a joker. "Come on rancher. Just give us the disks and we may let you live" the joker said. "Fat chance you lackys" glen said. "We see our selves more as helpers or aids than lackys" the pixie said as she flew towards to disks that glen hadn't gotten. She picked them up and flew back. "I think our bosses will be glade once we bring these to them" pixie said. The joker fired a energy shot at glen but kelmadics went to defend. They looked at the as he joker grabed some of the monster disks. "Your not going any where with those" glen said as he took out a grapling hook and tossed the waited end. The end wraped around the disks and he started pulling. "Come on. Why don't you give up. You know you can't defeat us" joker said. "Who realy care so i'll try any ways. Hey tiger do it" glen said. Tiger did a lighting attack that struck the joker in the head making him let go of the disks. "Well it's time to run. Bells, it's time to do your stuff" glen said as they started running. Bells nodded and rang as hard as she could. The joker and the pixie grabed there ears as glen and his monster partners ran down a hidden tunnel that led out side. Glen had gotten used to bells ringing so it didn't affect him that much. Glen took out his compass and held it over the disks he tied up with his grapling hook. The pointer glowed and tolled them where they should go. "Well guys let's get going. That pixie will take those disks to her boss so we need to find the people these disks go to" glen said as he started out. The others nodded and followed.
I've decided to start it do day but if people still want to join they can.