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T man

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Everything posted by T man

  1. I'll be your rival DemonzDragoon. [b]Name:[/b] jason kiro [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Appearance:[/b] blue eyes, black hair, white shirt orange vest, goggles, gloves with out the fingers, black pants, boots [b]Bio:[/b] Jason is a trainer from the hoen region. Even though he has other pokemon to use he'd rather use his favorits to fight with. He's done alot of traveling and studies pokemon raising technices hopeing that it'll help improve his friend ship whith his pokemon. He's faught james before and jason won. When ever they cross paths james challanges him and jason normaly wins. Like most people jasons dream is to become a pokemon master but if can't do that he'll settle for being a pokemon breader so he treats his pokemon with kare. [b]Pokemon Name:[/b] blaziken a.k.a wild fire [b]Level:[/b] 62 [b]Item attached:[/b] charcoal [b]Attacks:[/b] sky upper cut, blaze kick, fire blast, double kick [b]Pokemon Name:[/b] ninjask a.k.a zoma [b]Level:[/b] 31 [b]Item attached:[/b] quick claw [b]Attacks:[/b] swords dance, false swipe, slash, fury swipes [b]Pokemon Name:[/b] gardevoir a.k.a grace [b]Level:[/b] 31 [b]Item attached:[/b] focus band [b]Attacks:[/b] psychic, cunfusion, double team, teleport [b]Pokemon Name:[/b] armaldo a.k.a digs [b]Level:[/b] 54 [b]Item attached:[/b] hard rock [b]Attacks[/b] ancient power, rock smash, dig, earth quake [b]Pokemon Name:[/b]seviper a.k.a tail blade [b]Level:[/b] 30 [b]Item attached:[/b] gold berry [b]Attacks:[/b] wrap, lick, crunch, poison tail [b]Pokemon Name:[/b] metagross a.k.a B-spider [b]Level:[/b] 47 [b]Item attached:[/b] left overs [b]Attacks:[/b] rock smash, cut, metal claw, strength
  2. Your sign ups are good you two. I'll start it when two or three more people join.
  3. "The people i'm fighting are wierd" keith thought. "We'll if we're useing champion levels here I might as well to. Agumon get to it" keith said. Agumon nodded and digivolved into greymon. "Let's see how ineresting things will get" keith said. "Finish them off karumamon" angel said. Karumon nodded and charged at greymon. Keith watched and saw karuman do her dragon's arrow attack. "Do it now greymon" keith said to greymon. Greymon nodded and fired some fire balls as karumon came out of the dragons head. One of the blasts hit her makeing her stop her attack. "There's a rule of battleing for ya. Don't go in head first unless you know what your dealing with and you know how to deal with it" keith said smilling which he rairly did.
  4. "You can give it your best shot if you want" keith said. "I wont need to give it my best shot." damian said. "Who does this guy think he is" keith thought shaking his head. He walked out of the shadows and stood next to where agumon stood. He looked up in to the sky and saw the devidramon comeing back around. "Are you ready for it agumon" keith asked. "Ready when you are keith" agumon said as devidramon came at them. Agumon shot fire balls but devidramon dodged them. Agumon started fireing a stream of them as he started cirlcing his head. The fire balls made it seem like devidramon was surrounded by fire balls. Agumon shot some in the middle of the circle hitting devidramon in the face makeing him go blind for a bit. Once it got it's sight back it was to late and saw that it was about to hit the roof. As it was about to hit the roof keith and agumon jumped and started running up it's back. They jumped as devidramon hit the roof. "Well that was a bit easy but it seems we're not finished yet" keith said once they landed on the ground. Keith turned around and saw devidramon shake off the ruble and take back to the skies.
  5. T man

    Elemental Guardians

    Gene was sitting down in a couch thinking about what he should do untill he herd trilby start stamering outside. Gene got up and ran out side to see what was happening. When he got out there he saw trilby crying while she was smilling. "What's happening trilby" gene asked. "It's rika. She has a light pulse. It means she's alive" trilby said still crying. Gene's mouth just hanged open for a couple of seconds untill he closed it. "O.k then. Let's move her into a room insead of leaving her out in the cold" gene said as he lifted rika on his should and started up the stairs. Trliby followed and locked the door behind them. They came to a empty room where gene layed rika on a bed. "Thanks gene. I think i'll stay in here for the rest of the night" trilby said as she sat on a chair. Gene nodded as he left to find some thing to do.
  6. Evean walked into the camand center to see how the students fighting angel would do. "So who's seems to be winning" evean asked. "The battle hasn't started yet. They were given a chance to hid and I think they'll need that chance" tracy said. "O.k then. Can you start recording there fight because i'll want to review it later" evean said as he left. Tracy nodded and started the recording sytems. Evean walked down the hallay untill he herd siriko yelling about some thing in the kitchen. He walked in and saw sirkio hugging nitsu. Nistu saw him and didn't say any thing. "Hey nitsu. It's good to see you again" evean said. "Um not to seem rude but who's she" alex asked. "She was one of the ones fighting the death stinger with us. It's also because of her organoid flash that I have a geno breaker now" evean said. "I'm sorry if you were worried about me and that I didn't tell you why I left" nitsu said once she pried siriko off. "It's o.k nitsu. I figured that you would need some time to your self and that was the reason you left" evean said. "Thanks for not being mad" nitsu said. Evean nodded. "I don't get that mad at any one apart of my team. If you need a room i'll get you one" evean said. Nitsu nodded and sat down on a table and started talking to suzuka.
  7. "Hold on agumon. Some one else has shown up" keith said. Agumon withdrew back his fire blast and nodded. "How good are you at scaling walls" keith asked as he saw a fire escape to there right. "I'm pretty good at it. Why do you ask" agumon asked. "Let's get a better view point" keith said as he started climbing the fire escape. Agumon nodded and started climbing by sticking his claws into the wall so he could climb. Once they got to the top they hid in the shadows so that people wouldn't see them. "Can you get a good shot from here" keith asked. "I think so unless she moves, then the shot wont come close enough" agumon said. "Then get the best that you can so we can head home" keith said as he leaned aginst a wall and waited.
  8. Keith was walking down the street along with agumon looking for some thing to do. Most people looked at them but either didn't say any thing or they just walked out of there away. "At least people are leaving me alone" keith thought. "So do you think we'll find some one to fight" agumon asked. "Probaply. Some digimon portales have been reported around here" keith thought as he looked around. He looked up and saw a kuwagamon flying around. "We'll we found some thing" keith said as he followed the digimon with agumon following. They followed the kuwagamon to a portale and saw a girl walk infront of it. "You ready for a fight agumon. I think that kuwagamon's sensed us" keith said. "I'm ready when ever you are" agumon said as he took aim for a pepper breath attack.
  9. It's o.k so far. You just need to edit your monster info because big blue is a combo of golem and tiger.
  10. I had tried this sign up a couple of months ago but not to many people signed up then. I figured I might as well try it again because of new members. Oh ya this'll probaply be a bit long because I edited this one from the orignale. ------------------------------------------------- It has been two years since genki and his friends defeated moo and his minions. In the world where the monsters are real there has been peace because there is no longer any big bad four or any other kind of threats. Any monsters that had worked for moo or had been turned into lost disks have been returned to normale and people live there lives happily with monsters. But during a fissure a tunnel had opened up to the labs where the monster had been created by the aniceints. A group of explorers had ventured in hopeing they would learn more about the monsters they lived with. It seems that it was the lab where moo had been created so it was sealed off so no one would try to recreat another one but a persion snuck in to create one for there own. Some how the persion fused with the monster and now they can turn between there human and monster form. He's gone out to recruit new monsters and people to work for him becuase he belives that there would be no one to stop them because no one has seen phinox since it's battle. The ancients had prepared for this and had monsters hidden away in a temple to fight against the new moo. Here's the sign up. Name: Age: Appearence: Bio: (You can work for the new moo if you want. You also have to decide if you want to be from the world where the monsters are real or from the world where they're a game Monster: (one main one you start with in the beginning) Others: (these ones you get later. You can have up to two others. If you decide to have a combo monster you'll need to say what it's a combo of. If you need some combo info ask me) Here's mine. [b]Name:[/b] glen [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Appearence:[/b] blue eyes, brown hair, gloves with out the fingers, black pants, green shirt, orange vest, boots, blue bag on his back [b]Bio:[/b] Glen grew up on his family's ranch. His dad always said he had a way of telling if a monster would work well with some one and that he was good at training them. His first monster is was a suzurin. His friends make jokes about him because he had a monster that seemed more like a pet than it a fighter. The day he left his grand father gave him a compass that was said to locate the right monster for the right persion. [b]monster:[/b] suzurin (for any of you who don't know what one lookes like it looks like it's made of bells) [b]Others:[/b] Tiger Kelmadics (Durahan/Golem)
  11. T man


    Hilind, hunter and amaya were dodging attacks. "We have company you know" hilind said as he jumped to avoid a strike. "Where are they" amaya asked. "There watching our battle in the hallway we came from" hilind said. "Then let's give them some thing to watch" hunter said as he charged at the monster. He slashed at the monster a couple of times and jumped out of the way as amaya and hilind fired a energy blast at it sending it back so it hit the wall. The monster got back up and started fireing spykes. Hilind raised his staff and a shield came up and sent the spyks back at the monster. The spyks hit the monster with hunter following after them. He slashed at the monster again as hilind and amaya fired. "You've got good aim to keep from hitting him" amaya said. "Ya, I know. Hunter move out of the way" hilind said. hunter nodded and moved as hilind sent a wave of energy at the monster. The monster fell and tunred grey. Four treasure chests appeared along with a door. "Not bad you guys"" rena said as hilind, hunter and amaya opened the chest to get the stuff inside. Once They got there prizes they headed through the door to the next level.
  12. Max got up from his couch and started looking for extra bullets for his shot gun. "Might as well get going now. Sooner or later the cops will be by here" max thought as he went to his closest and pulled out a coat. He went into the room that had his weapon collection and grabed his ogre along with his sword. As he left he grabed his minerature laptop and headed out. "Might as well find the others who are being chased." max thought as he got on his motorcycle, turned on and went down the road. "I might as well look around the explosion site" max thought as he started to go faster down the road.
  13. T man


    Hilind didn't have a problem with others joining the group but he didn't know about the others. "Is it o.k if she comes with us" hilind asked. "It's fine with me. It should make the fights easier" hunter said. "It's o.k with me" rena said. "O.k then. It's agreed that you can come with us" hilind said. Amaya nodded as they headed in. As they walked the dungeon looked like the ones that you would see in aztic ruens. "So does any one have a idea of what's in here" hunter asked. "I don't think any one does. I think we're the first ones in here" hilind said. A couple of seconds after he said that four monsters appeared. "I was wondering when we would find some monsters" amaya said. Hilind prepared him self as hunter drew his glaive. He looked around to see rena leen against a wall to watch. Hilind fired a energy shot knocking two of the monsters over but they quickly got back up. "Let's see how far we can get" hilind thought as he fired another energy shot.
  14. Evean saw siriko and alex walk in. He looked at tracy to see that he was mumbeling under his breath. He saw max, sarah, jake and kate come in along with some of the students that were group leaders. "Has any one seen angel" evean asked as he started serving the food. "Last time I saw her she was watching a movie with mirage" max said. "O.k then. I should go get her then" evean said. As he started to leave he saw tracy and jake look at him and they started snikering. "No jokes fly boys or your raynoses are scrap metal" evean said as he hit them both on the heads. They just looked at him as they rubed there heads. Evean just gave them a look that normaly means he would do it as he left to find angel.
  15. O.O.C: You should edit your post because if you read the first post at the top you'l see that miroku is with my character. Miroku and kyp herd kagome screem. In the moment that kyp wasn't looking the blade flew on ahead of them to where kagome screamed. "Not again. When ever lose track of it I can't find it for days" kyp said as he started running as the other blades flew on ahead. They continued running as they saw inuyasha along with kaira. "What do you thinks going on" kyp asked. "I think it's kikyo" inuyasha said. Once they found kagome kikyo fired a arrow. Kyp's rouge blade lead the other and cut up the arrow. The blades started floating around kagome and aimed there points at kikyo. "They've never done that before" kyp thought as he put his hand on his sword getting ready to draw it.
  16. Gene had gone to a stream to get a drink. "Things seem to keep getting interesting" gene thought as he took a drink. He stood up and started heading back. As he walked he herd the sound of craking wood and the sound of a tree falling. "That doesn't seem good" gene thought as he started running. Once he got back he saw kikyo surrounded by her soul collectors. "It doesn't seem like she noticed me coeming back" gene thought as he looked around. He saw the shikon jewel on the ground. Gene smilled as he picked it up. "I wonder why she droped this. Oh well it's her lose and my gain" gene thought as he put the jewel in his pocket and left. "I should try to get far away from here before inuyasha and his kid come after me" gene thought as he started running
  17. T man


    O.O.C: I guess I did beat you but i'll just edit mine so it'll make sense. Hilind and hunter were following the girl that they would be working with. "Are you sure it was a good idea haveing her come with us" hunter asked as they watched the girl wack another player on her head. "No not realy. I think we'll be fine" hilind said. "So what's you're name any way" hilind asked once they caught up with her. "I'll tell you later. So let's go" the girl said. "Well just to let you know i'm hilind and this is hunter" hilind said before the warped through the gate. They reapeared at the snow field. "So where is it" the girl asked as they started walking. "It's over there" hunter said pointing to a building that looked like a temple. "There was a persion waiting out side to greet them. "Welcome to this newly opened dungeon. We hope that you'll have fun and come out with the equipment or any thing else you may need that's inside" the persion said. They nodded and headed in.
  18. Gene chanted a spell to help him heal faster. Once that spell was cast he started another one that would clean up any trace of his blood. "Well if you're wondering they've started fighting again" gene said once the spell was finished. Even though some of the mist was around to cloud some of abillaty to see things far away but he could still hear things from far off. Kikyo nodded as gene jumped onto a tree branch. He jumped away because snake things that protect her from his attempt to get the jewel appeared. "If I try to take it again I should try to rember to use my right hand. The gauntlet should give me some protection" gene thought as he continued to listen to inuyasha and the others talking.
  19. Nolen was sitting in a bar just looking at the people who went by. Those who have seen him fight know not to mess with him. He looked around and started scanning people. "It doesn't look like the target's here today" nolen thought as he got up. As he left two people started following him out. "I can I help you two" nolen asked smilling. "We've herd that you're looking for our boss" one of them said. "Ya what's your point" nolen asked as he scanned them. "They wouldn't be much of a challang. There skills are low so the fight would be easy" nolen thought. "We've also herd that you're out kill him" the other one said. "If that's true you better tell him to hide from me" nolen said. "That message wont realy matter when we're throught with you" the guy from before said as he started punching. "Come on. Is that the best you got" nolen asked as he blocked every punch. The other guy started punching but nolen blocked both of there punches. "Let's just end this before i'd have to hurt you more than I like" nolen said as he punched the two sending them flying into the bar. "We'll that was boring. Might as well look for some thing to do" nolen said as he started walking away from the bar.
  20. T man


    O.O.C: you should try makeing your posts longer befor the mods tell you to. "Us, no. We're both about level 70 and we were going around asking people to join in a dungeon treck in a new dungeon that's been opened. No one's been in there yet so no one knows what to expect" hilind said. "No one knows what type of monsters and bosses there are so it's good to go in groups incase you need help" hunter said. "I'll think about it but why did you ask me when there are alot of players here" the girl asked. "He says you seem like a strong player. He some times have good judgment on people" hunter says pointing to hilind. Hilind just grumbeled at hunter. "So what do you think. Do you want to come" hilind asked.
  21. T man


    O.O.C: not much of a starting but it works for me Hilind and hunter were riding there puchigusos into dun loireag to find any one who would be willing to go to a dungon that the creators had just made. "So do you think we'll find any one good in this place" hunter asked. "Probaply. Have I ever lead you wrong about people" hilind asked. Hunter just looked at him. "O.k, o.k. I know there was that one time but do you think I would do that sort of thing again" hilind asked as they droped off there puchigusos. "Just try and not do it again" hunter said as they walked into the shops. They saw a girl looking at potions. "How about her" hilind asked. "Sure why not" hunter said. They walked up to the girl. "Um excuse me miss but would you mind going with us to a new dungeon that's been opened" hilind asked.
  22. [b]Name:[/b] ZX-02 No. 250 Nolen hiro [b]Age:[/b] looks 14 but real age is unknown [b]Weight:[/b] 120 Height:4'10" [b]Origin:[/b] unknown [b]Skills:[/b] inhacned strength, speed, sight and defense, computer hacking skills, master at any type of blade weapon, knowledge of different type of poisons and toxins, scanners to identify weapons, temperature and to tell if an opponents human or an android, his body adapts to an opponent and tries to match there skills [b]Looks:[/b] blue eyes, black hair, gloves with out the fingers, red shirt, purple bandana, black pants, boots, leather jacket [b]Bio:[/b] He was the last modle of the ZX-02's made. He was built to be an assasin and to do his job as quickly as possible. He normaly doesn't judge other quickly. He was built so he couldn't be influenced others easily so he can't be turned on others. He mostly just keeps to him self and only helps others if he thinks he should.
  23. Evean left to go to the camand center for the base. He walked in and saw tracy working. "Where's my share of the bet's" evean asked. "Here ya go evean" tracy said tossing the money to evean as he started laughing. Evean just gave him a look and hit him in the head. "Hey. What was that for" tracy asked rubbing his head. "You should know and if you make a joke your a dead man" evean said as he left. As he walked down the hall way he herd some one sleeping. He looked into the kitchen and saw suzuki sleeping with her face in the batter. "I should probaply move her" evean thought walking into the kitchen. He cleaned up her face and carried her to her room. "She should of just gone to sleep in here instead of falling asleep in the pancake batter" evean thought as he walked into suzuki's room and laid her down on her bed. He left the room to go to the kitchen and finish what suzuki started.
  24. [b]Name:[/b] Hilind [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]gender:[/b] male [b]Type:[/b] wave master [b]Level:[/b] 70 [b]Bio:[/b] Out side of the game he's a type of persion who likes to hang out with his friends and like any thing that's fiction. He study's computers and is becoming a hacker. He's a fan of any type of game and can think of good stratigys to defeat enemys. [b]Apperence:[/b] I'll see if I can find some thing
  25. Gene was sitting in another tree thinking about what he would do. "I could just leave here and go searching after another treasure or I can hust follow kikyo and wait for a moment to get that jewel" gene thought closing his eyes. He opened his eyes and jumped out of the trees. "It'll probaply be more fun chasing after the jewel. If I some how lose track of kikyo i'll follow inuyasha. They'll probaply end up comeing across each other again" gene thought as he listened for any signs of kikyo's. Once he found her he started running. A couple of minutes later he found kikyo. "Can I help you" kikyo asked looking at him. "You have the jewel and because i'm a determend treasure hunter i'll follow you around untill I get a chance to take it from you" gene said. Kikyo just looked at him. "If you decide to follow me just don't get in my way and don't interfier with any thing I do" kikyo said as she walked away. Gene jumped into a tree and started following.
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