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"Why would I do some thing like that. I said that i'd be around to protect you and because I allways do what I say i'm going to stay with you" kyp said. Kethri looked up to him and gave him a hug. "Thanks kyp" kethri said. "Are you up to looking around" kyp asked. "Not yet. I think i'll be in here untill i'm ready to go" kethri said. "O.k then. I'll be back here in a little while" kyp said as he stood up and left. He walked back to the throne room to find felica talking to the king. "Excuse me sir. I'd like to know what you ment that we have meet before" kyp said. "If you'ld like to know I will tell you. A couple of weeks ago I was on a trip to the 8th night hood. It was to decide where to put the dragoon spirit of wind. As you know the dragoon spirit of wind belonged to a night of the 8th night hood. While there a group of bandits had attacked with monsters that we have never seen before" the king said looking down. "We defeated most of them and captured one. We belive that it is some form of virage but no one has seen a living one for a hundred years" the king said. "What's a virage. I've herd of them but never seen any form of one" felica said. "The virage was a creature created by the winglies to stand up to the dragons that the dragoons controled during the dragon campaign. May I see if it is one" kyp asked. The king nodded and led them down stairs to a locked room with gaurds. Once the doors were opened kyp walked in and looked inside the cage. The creature inside just looked at him but growled when it saw felica. "It is a virage only a smaller version. How this kind was made I don't know because not many of the winglie's know how to make them" kyp said. "It hasn't done any thing since we caught it" the king said. "You should probaply keep a eye on it. Virages were one of the most powerfull creatures during the dragon campaign" kyp said as they left.
Gene was training at a water fall near the cabin. He was standing on a stone surrounded by the water that was infront of the falls. There were stones hidden under the water and the trick was to jump up the water fall with out being pushed down. Gene closed his eyes and started jumping. On his way up he almost lost his footing but managed to jump to another rock. Once he reached the top he caught a light sent of blood. "I wonder where that's comeing from" gene asked him self as he started running. One he got to a clearing he saw a body that had alot of cuts. He looked the body over and found out it was rika. "I should probaply barry the body here and now but knowing trilby she would want to be around when it's done" gene thought lifting rika body onto his shoulders. He started back to the cabin. Once he reached it he layed rika's body next to the front door and headed in side then went up the stairs. "Hey trilby. Are you awake yet" gene asked nocking on the door. "Ya i'm awake gene. You can come in" trilby said. Gene came in and saw that trilby had been crying. "What can I do for you gene" trilby asked. "I don't think this would be the best time to tell you" gene said starting to leave. "Come on gene just tell me" trilby said. "O.k then. I found rika's dead body out in the woods and brought it here because I figured you'ld want to say some thing if you decide to barry her" gene said. Trilby just looked at him stunned. Before gene could say some thing trilby ran past him and down the stairs. Gene ran after her as she ran out the door. Once he got outside he found trilby looking at rika. "Um gene. Can you leave me alone for a bit" trilby asked. Gene nodded and headed back inside.
Evean was still training in the family's library. He had all ready gotten cuts all over his arms and so did the copy. They were both breathing heavily. "I guess I should stop soon or I wont have a enough energy if another clow card shows up" evean thought as he used his staff to get him self standing up straight. The copy started dissapering as evean did a healing spell. As he left the training area he got the feeling of a clow card. "The others are probaply ahead of me. I wonder if mai's up to going to day" evean thought as he ran up the stairs and into the elevator. He got out and ran into the garage. As he got on his bike the door started opening and he started peddeling. He eventualy came to mia's home and knocked on the door. Mai's mom came to the door and seemed surrprised to see him. "I mai home Mrs. tomoyo" evean asked. "Hold on evean i'll go get her" mrs. tomoyo said before she left. A couple of minutes later mai came to the door. "Hi evean. What's wrong and what happened to you" mai asked looking at the cuts on evean arms. "I did a bit of heavy training and there's a clow card. I was wondering if you'ld want to come" evean said. Mai nodded and a couple of minutes later they were both heading to the aquatic zoo to meet up with the others.
Kyp and felica started after kethri as james headed out the other side of the tunnel. As they continued they herd some thing slithering around. "What was that" felica asked. "It was probaply a slime man or some thing. You have to rember those type of monsters live in here" kyp said. As they continued they found kethri on the ground. "Hey kethri wake up" kyp said lifting her up but she was still out. Kyp carried her on his back as they continued. As they continued the slithering got closer. Kyp stopped at took kethri off of his shoulder. "Hold kethri for a seck and prepare to run as fast as you can" kyp said as he passed felica kethri. Kyp drawed his sword and went into a fighting stance. A snake like creature came slithering up to them. "Just what I thought. I had figured the last moon child cut it's head off years ago" kyp said. "Well I guess it grew another head" felica said. The snake monster started shooting poison at kyp but he dodged it. The snake creature striked kyp with it's tail and sent him flying. Once kyp landed on the ground he grabed his dragoon spirit and changed into the silver dragoon and charged at the monster. He slashed his sword down the middle of the monster cutting it in half. The monster started evaporating away like most defeated monsters do. "Come on. The exit is at the end of this tunnel then it's a short walk to bale" kyp said as he turned into his normale form and they continued. As they continued they saw the rouge winglie being followed as they reached the end of the cave. The rouge winglie looked at them and flew out into the forest. "There he goes again" felica said as they walked past the persion. A couple of minutes later they were in bale and were heading into the castle. The gaurds let them past into the kings throne. "It is good to see you again kyp" the king said. "I belive that we haven't met before but before we speak can you give a room to my friend and have gaurds posted around he room" kyp asked. The king nodded and some gaurds came by to take kethri to her room. "I know why you have come kyp. It has been fortold that you would come here for the a moon object. I all ready have people makeing a spell to remove it from my body so untill then you can explore the kingdom, stay here for the night and get any information you need" the king said. "Thank you sir. You may be able to find some information on you're self" kyp said to felica as he left to check on kethri.
[b]Name:[/b] keith hiro (no one knows his real name) [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Role:[/b] positive, neutral [b]Appearance:[/b] red eyes, silver hair, black T-shirt with a white symbol of a fire with a lighting bolt through it, dark pruple pants, gloves with out the fingers [b]Attitude:[/b] nice to some people, brave, loyal, loner most of the time [b]Country:[/b] america [b]Bio:[/b] He realy doesn't talk to people even though he does have some friends. He just keeps to him self and no ones knows why. If he sees some one who needs help he'll help but wont stick around to speak after words. Most people who have seen him fight before know to stay away from him and not get on his nerves. [b]Digivice/element:[/b] purple digivice, thunder Digimon: [b]Rookie:[/b] agumon [b]Champion:[/b] greymon [b]Ultimate:[/b] metalgreymon [b]Mega:[/b] wargreymon [b]Bio merg:[/b] emperorgreymon
Max had all ready reach his house by the time the sun started setting. As he walked in the lights and his t.v turned on. As he walked to his closet he listened to the news. "Three unadentafied pople had started a fight in and infront of this resturaunt but all three of them left with out a trace. They could not be identafied because no one had a good look at there faces before the fights started also no one saw where they went or how they escaped before the police arrived" the news anchor said. "Figured some thing like this would happen sooner or later" max thought as he took ofh his brass knuckles and ogre out of his coat. After he put his coat away he walked into a room with a collection of old weapons and put the ogre the wall. As he walked into the living room and sat down in a chair. "I wonder how long it'll take for some thing exciting to happen. From my guess about those two they had hidden agendas or some thing" max thought as he spun his revolver in his hand and watched the news.
Max walked out of the returaunt and left some money behind even though he didn't get a chance to eat. He put his shot gun back into his coat and pulled out his brass knuckles. "I don't think those will help you much" kilo said smilling. "Actualy they will. They aren't normale knuckles and you'll see why" max said smilling as he took a fighting stance. Kilo came charging at him and tried to strike him with one of his swords but max defended with his knuckles. "Those should of been cut off of you hands" kilo said surrprised. "Well since you use swords made of diamond I decided to use my brass knuckles. They're mostly made of daimond so I have some added defense and power so it seems we're tied at the momnent" max said. "Ya well that wont last long" kilo said as he charged again. Max punched as kilo swung a sword. They both avoided the attacks but only enough to keep from being hit. As max went to a defensive stance some thing in one of his pockets started beeping. He took off a brass knuckle and pulled out a minerature laptop and turned it on. "We'll need to end our fight later. A cop car was sent out to investagate our fight" max said taking off his other knuckle and put away the lap top. "How am I supposed to belive that" kilo asked. Before max could answer a siren could be herd. "I get the feeling we'll see each other again so we'll end our fight later. Don't get caught by then" max said as he jumped onto a roof as kilo put his swords away and started running. "I wonder who'll win our fight at the end" max asked him self as he jumped to another roof and headed home.
Max was walking on the side walk looking for a place to eat. As he looked around he saw a guy running. As the guy ran past max he reached out his hand and grabed the man by the colar. "Watcha running from. By the look on you face it seems like you were running for you life" max said. "I was just running from a woman who almost killed me" the man said. "Thanks for the info" max said as he let go of the guy and walked into a ally. He looked around and jumped onto the roof of the building to his right even though it was five levels high he jumped on top of it easily. "I guess I should of gone for sports instead of computer programng but gaining hacking skills and messing with computers is to much fun" max thought as he jumped to another roof. He looked around and saw a resteraunt. He jumped again and landed infront of the resturaunt. He looked around and saw the woman the guy was talking about and a kid sitting next to her. He sat down next to them and thought about what you eat. "What can I get for you" a waiter asked. "A cup of coffie and a ham sandwich" max said. The waiter nodded and he left to get what max ordered. "I wonder what's up with the kid" max asked him self as he looked athe four year old. "It's probaply none of my buisiness" max thought shaking his head. He pulled out a book and started reading while he waited for his order.
Kyp and the others were still running from zoma. "How long is she going be like that" kethri asked. "From what I know, untill we eather find some way to ditch her or untill she get's you" kyp said. "Then let's just ditch the girl" james said. They just looked at him. "How about we ditch you" felica said. Kyp just shook his head and looked to see what was infront of them. He saw the cave. As they ran zoma charged up a energy shot and fired. They jumped as the blast hit the ground and went flying into the cave. Kyp looked out of the cafe and saw zoma fly off. "So why did she give up on chasing us" felica asked. "She's more for blowing things up than takeing an easy way like turning back to normale and walking in. Also from what I was told is that she likes that form" kyp said as he looked around. He saw kithri try to get up but pain shot through her leg. "I guess I didn't land so well. I think I hurt my leg" kethri said as kyp helped her up. "We'll be able to find some thing to help you leg in this cave" kyp said. "What would those be" kethri asked as they started walking. "There goes one of them now" kyp said pointing to a floating light. "I've never seen one of those before. What is it" kethri asked as they followed the light. "It's a type of bug called fire rock flys. They're good to have around battle fields because they heal wounds" kyp said. As they continued through the tunnel the fly joined with the rest of it's group. "Just walk into the group and you're leg will be healed" kyp said. Kethri nodded and limped into the fire rock flys. After a flash of light her leg was healed. As kethri walked out, james walked into the flys and was healed. "That feels alot better" james said rottaing his hand. "Do you know the way through her kyp" felica asked. "I know the way through here so let's get going. The rouge winglie still has a head start on us" kyp said as they started through the cave.
"I wonder what kind of shop would be open at this time in the mourning" evean asked him self as he got the shops name and the things suzuka wanted him to get for her. He looked around and saw talim come charging at him. "I thought that you shouldn't go runing in head first in a fight" evean said fireing his cannon. Talim stoped charging and brought up a shield. "Nice to see you thought ahead this time" evean said smilling. "I figured that I should get a shield system for our rematch" talim said as he fired back at evean. Evean brought up his shield as angel came charging at talim to shoot him while he was distracted. "It's time to end this battle" angel said as she started fireing. Talim brought up another shield to defend his back. "I decided to buy one of the newer systems that can create shields to defend defrent parts seperatly" talim said. "Well it doesn't matter what system you have because I haven't seen a system that can defend to pulse laser shots" evean said as he fired. The shots passed through talim's shields and hit him in the legs and he started limping. "It looks like you can't go on any more" angel said. "I guess you're right then. I don't think my lighting saix could go on with these danages" talim said as sparks flew from his zoid as he tried to move. "I guess i'll see you in the tournament evean. Just don't get you're self eleminated by then. I want to be the one to do that" talim said as he left. "Later then and the same to you" evean said. He looked around and the probes that were watching the battle flew back to the base. "Why don't you head back angel. I'm heading into town to pick up some things for suzuka" evean said. "O.k then. I'll see you later" angel said as she left and evean headed into town.
[b]Name:[/b] nolen mirian [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Appeirance:[/b] bue eyes, black hair, orange vest, red shirt, blue jeans, black and white shoes, gloves with out the fingers, green tinted glasses [b]Sex:[/b] male [b]Bio:[/b] Nolen has all ways been intrested in duel monsters and any thing that has to do with the past. He's herd the theroy that duel monster's might have been played with stone tablets and he belives in it. He belives that there are some things that are possible but can't be proven through science. He's a pretty good duelist and has some friends who are good at playing duel monsters to. He'll help out any one he thinks needs his help. He'll do any thing to help his friend. Nolen works in kaiba corp as a tester for new dueling systems. [b]Deck:[/b] alliance [i'll edit later]
"Darn this fog. I csn't see very well because of it and there's some spell in it so I can't smell out that kikyo woman" gene said jumping from tree to tree. He had all ready bandaged up his wound and used a spell to help it heal faster. "Once I find kagome i'll shoot some thing through her shoulder" gene thought as he broke off a stick and it turned into a spear. He tossed it and jumped out of the tree and landed on the ground. As he looked around his gauntlet started glowing. "A spells been activated around here. That's one of the reasons I took this thing but the only problem is it's a bit tight" gene thought as he took the gauntlet off and rotated his hand. Once he put it on he started running in the direction the gauntlet told him to go. "I'll need to find the jewel before those two dog guys do" gene thought as he started running faster.
O.O.C: I'm getting confused here. Will people read the other post and edit there's. It's annoying when people post things that make others lose track of what's happening,
Enix and the other players raised there staffs as the others dashed at the monster and started cutting it up. Once enix and the others charged up a blast they all fired knocking the monster over. The monster started fadine away. "Shall we continue then" enix asked as he started walking. The others followed him. After a couple of minutes they herd foot steps. They all turned around and saw ijimeru. "Hi guys. Did I miss any thing after I left" ijimeur asked. His responce was every one raising there weapons and aiming them at him. "I guess I did mess some thing" ijimeru said getting nervius. "You killed two player, a moderator and tried to kill me" enix said with his staff still raised. "The only things I faught were centaures, a strange monster and a strange demon called lucifer that launched some strange rings at me" ijimeru said. "The people you killed were players riding puchigos, a moderator infront of a locked dungeon and the so called demon you faught was me you knuckle head. The question now is what should we do with you" enix asked.
Evean and angle were still chasing the lighting saix across the dessert. "So where do you think he's leading us" evean asked. "Who realy knows but we'll have fun fighting him" angel said. Evean started getting a message from tracy. "What is it tracy" evean asked. "I launched more probes for a better view for the recordings" tracy said a bit nerves. "O.k then. Is that all that the only reason you sent the extra probes" evean asked. Before tracy could speak evean herd people in the back round. "I place 20 bucks on angel" some one said in the back round. "What's going on back there" evean asked. "Well the students and some of the teams that are awake right now are placing bets on who'll come out with the least damage. Most bets are on angel" tracy said. "Do I get any of the money" angel asked. "You get about half of hit. The only people who beted on you evean were some of the students, max, kate, sarah and jacen. Also some people are betting on the lighting saix" tracy said. "Tell them the beting is closed for now" evean said. Tracy nodded as evean and angel came to a ruined town. "So I can finaly get some reveng on you. Where's nitsu? I wanted to pound the both of you" the pilot said. "Hey evean, do you know this guy" angel asked. "Ya it's talim and as for where nitsu is, no one knows. Her and flash just dissapered on day and no one's herd from them sence" evean said. "Fine then. I'll just have to deal with you to then untill I find her and get her back" talim said as he charged at them.
Gene jumped up at her. "Sorry but I didn't come all this way to have the jewel taken away from me" gene said. "Let's see if you can catch me then" shouko said as she tried to jump out of gene's reach but tree vines started wraping around her legs and started pulling her down. She hit the ground and droped the jewel. Shouko looked at gene and noticed that his gauntlet was glowing. "That's the reason I hate you. You all ways use that thing to get a advantage" inuyasha said. "Nothing wrong with getting a uper hand on the compition. Now if you don't mind i'll be takeing this" gene said as he grabed the shikon jewel and started running. "Now let's see if you can catch me" gene said as he started running. Inuyasha started running after gene as shouko broke out of the vines and ran after him to.
"This is to easy" gene said as he jumped out of the tree that he was watching from. He started running for the jewel and grabed it as he ran past them. Inuyasha started chasing after gene. "I don't know why people are after this thing but in that case i'll just keep it with me untill I find the highest bidder" gene said smilling. "Come back here with that jewel and I might go easy on you" inuyasha said. "I don't think i'll do that any time soon but I will give you some thing in return" gene said smilling. His glauntlet started glowing and clouds started forming. "Let's see how well he deals with lightning" gene thought smilling. Lightning started to strike infront of inuyasha makeing him turn back. "These are reasons i'm glad I went through all those traps to get this thing" gene said smilling as he looked at the gauntlet. "Come on inuyasha if you realy want the jewel that bad you'll have to take it out of my hands that is if you can get close enough" gene said smilling. Inuyasha steped forward and lighting struck infront of him again makeing him jump back. "Let's see how close he can get with out getting shocked" gene thought putting the jewel away.
This has all ready started Inuyashagurl_15. It's in the adventure arena.
"To easy. Can't out run a treasure hunter like me" gene thought standing up. He found there sent and started running after them. "I realy don't care about what power it has. Just that it's rare and saught out" gene thought. He dodged trees and plants as he followed them. He had herd that the jewel was rare and that so many people were after it. He figured that he would just sell it or just keep it for him self if he thought it was some thing he would want to keep. "These trees are slowing me down. Might as well move them" gene thought raising his hand. The gauntlet started glowing and the trees moved out of his way then moved back to there origanle place once he was past them. One he came upon the village where inuyasha and conna had gone to he jumped into a tree. "I'll have to wait for the right moment to grab it" gene thought waiting to see what would happen.
"I've been walking through this forrest for days and I haven't found a sign of some jewel that's been sought out by so many" gene thought. "I might as well make a path and clear things out of my may" gene said to him self as he raised his right hand. The gauntlet on his hand started glowing. Plants, trees and any thing in his way started moving aside. He started running through the path. As he ran he started to smell humans and some that were part demon. "One must be the inuyasha guy i've herd about but I can't tell who the other one is" gene said to him self. He jumped into the trees and jumped from the branches. He eventually came the village. He wrapped his legs around a tree and looked into the hut infront of him. He saw three girls and two guys in the hut. He then noticed the shikon jewel. "I can't take it with all of them in there i'll need to get it later on" gene thought as he pulled him self up and waited.
Evean was eating when his head set started beeping. "What is it tracy" evean asked putting on the head set. "There's some thing moving across the dessert at about the same speeed of a lighting saix" tracy said. "Hold on tracy. I'm comeing" evean said getting up and he left the cafiteria. He walked into the control center and saw a bigger view of the radar. "So what has it been doing" evean asked. "It just moves keeps moveing but other than it's comeing into the rang of the anti zoid rockets" tracy said. "Have you launched a recon probe out yet" evean asked. "Not yet. You're alot better at piloting it than I am" tracy said. Evean took a seat as the screen changed. Evean started the probe system and it was launched. The screen showed what the probe saw. "So far nothing. You must not be close enough" tracy said. Evean raised the power in the jets and the probe went faster. Soon enough some thing did go past it. Evean changed the view and it showed a lighting saix. "Keep a eye on it. I'm heading out to the geno breaker incase the pilote's up for a fight" evean said as he left and tracy took the controls.
Evean was biking home. He was still a bit soar from his fight with the clow card. "I guess it took a bit more out of me than I thought" evean thought as he reached his house. He went through the garage and went to the stair case. He pushed a hidden panel and a door opened that lead to elevator. He rode it down into a hidden library under his house were people could study magic and that's usually what he did in most of his spare time. He saw a couple of people around so he figured no one would bug him in his practice. He started looking for a book that he had looked at before. "Where was it again" evean asked him self as he started floating. He looked around the higher shelf until he found the book. He landed and went to a training area. He pulled out his orb and it became his staff. He looked at the book and started chanting. A copy of evean appeared and raised his staff. "Maybe I should show the others this spell if we need to do some training" evean thought putting the book away. Evean charged at the copy and the copy did the same. "I probably be down here all night if I want to keep my self in shape" evean thought as he blocked a strike and continued his training.
I think it's a pretty good game even though i've never played it. I think it's challanging because you have different characters to choos from to be in your group. Depending on wich one you choose will change the story line so you'll ave to think carefully about wich one you choose.
[b]Name:[/b] unknown [b]Nickname:[/b] sand rock [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Gender:[/b] male [b]Weapon:[/b] 2 swords, hand gun with exploding bullets [b]Features:[/b] blue eyes, black hair, gloves with out the fingers, red shirt, black pants, blue tint goggles, sand colored boots, round black and red case on his back [b]Bio:[/b] He fights to find people who can give him a challange. He just shows up from time to time in towns and city's so no one realy knows where he lives or where he stays. He's never realy had a home or a family so he does alot of traveling alone. He doesn't interfere with other buisness unless he thinks he should. We wont kill some one unless he thinks he has a good reason. [b]Persona:[/b] nice guy, easy to get along with, a loner most of the time
They headed back into the base. Evean got out of the feno breaker and went to the cammand center. "Tracy what are on the scanners" evean asked coming into the room. "Most of the opposing zoids that were around around the base have backed off except three of them" tracy said bringing up a view on one of the screens. It showed a black blade liger, a beserk fury and a shadow fox. "I guess that's the team of the holder of the tournament" evean said as the zoids looked at the base then left. "Speaking of the tournament when will it begin" angle asked coming into the room with the others. "It'll start in about two days. We'll be the starting match and our first match is a battle mode 0973 wich means that we can't use flying zoids" evean said. "So where will the tournament be" suzuki asked. "In a abandon city call canrow. On the out skirts of the city are some mountains so look out for snipers evean said bringing up a picture. He turned on the intercome. "The fights over. Students and team can resume there buissnis" evean said before turning it off. "So do you think the fight was a test" siriko asked. "Probaply. It could of been to see if we were strong enough to go into the tournament" evean said. The others nodded. "Make sure you zoids are ready because you need to rember that talim's still out to get us" evean said as he left.