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Everything posted by T man
O.O.C: I know Evean left the confrince room with the rest of the team and put on his head set. He set it to the intercom system. "All students stay in your rooms untill futher notice and to any teams staying at the base prepare to mobilize is needed" evean said before he set the head set to a diferent setting. He knew that dash was probaply asleep in siriko's room. "Hey dash wake up we have a battle to fight" evean said. He could here dash roar as a responce. Evean ran along with the others to there zoids and got in as dash flew on ahead out of the base. "Hey siriko, dash is on it's way" evean said as he started the geno breaker and flew out. He flew after dash to help with siriko. "Max, jake, sarah and kate go around the base and see if there are any other attackers" evean said. The others left to begin there search. "Tracy how is angle doing" evean asked. "So far she's doing fine and as for siriko she's a bit out numbered" tracy said. "O.k then. Only tell the other teams to mobilize if we loose but I don't think that will be needed" evean said as he caught up with siriko and dash.
I hope this is o.k [b]Name:[/b] gene hilind [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Class:[/b] wolf demon [b]Appearence:[/b] yellow eyes, black hair, glove on his left hand, gauntlet on his right hand, black shirt with purple strips, blue pants, boots [b]Bio:[/b] Gene had been found out side a human village as a chiled. Most of his life people of the village didn't want him around but the other kids or some of the village elders wanted him around for his skills. Even though people picked on him he realy didn't care and doesn't hate humans. He's always liked to go around and look at things and keep them if he found them interesting. He left the village when he was 12 and became a treasure hunter. Along his travels he's come across spells and weapons so he knows how to use many of them. If he sees a treasue with in his reach he'll go afer it. [b]Weapons:[/b] dragon soul sword, sword of light and darkness, gauntlet of nature [b]Skills:[/b] sword combat, hand to hand combat [b]Magic:[/b] healing, fire [b]Special attack:[/b] heaven and hell distruction, dragon of life and death
Evean just looked at akasuki as she left. "I should just head out on my own for the mean time untill the others catch up" evean thought. "Hey guys i'll be heading out now. If you need a ride find sara and she'll give you a car to ride in" evean said starting up his motorcycle. "Thanks evean and see ya later" vash said smilling. "And if I find out that you made a pass on her your a dead man vash" evean said. "What gives you a idea that I would do that" vash asked acting stuned. Evean, shai, kaiyden and nicholas just gave him cold looks. "O.k I get the point" vash said. Evean nodded and left. As he drove one of the points on his scare started glowing. "So they're coming from that direction" evean thought turning his motorcycle. "I'm starting to get another feeling that some one that had to do with my family is with the people who are distorying towns" evean thought as he tried to rember any thing that would explain his feeling.
Evean had been walking throughout the tunnels until he came to the part under the hallway that his room was in. "Knowing suzuki she's come by here all ready" evean thought pressing a panel. A part of the wall opened up and a computer system came out on a desk along with two scanners. "Security system armed. Identify user of this computer" the computer terminal said after evean turned it on. Evean took his watch off and put his hand on one of the scanners and put his eye in front of the other. The scanners activated and started the terminal. "Identified as evean. Leader of the demolition runners security system deactivated" the computer said. Evean started typing and brought up a recording of the hall above. "Ya I was right she was by here" evean thought as he continued to type. Tracy appeared on the screen. "She's still looking for you" tracey said before siriko bumped him out of the way. "Evean did you eat some of suzuki's cookies again and where the heck are you" siriko asked. "I didn't eat any of her cookies and i'll tell you later. Tracy if you tell where I am your a dead man" evean said before turning off the screen. Evean pushed a button and a latter came down as the security system armed again. He climbed up into his room and closed the door. He walked over to his computer and turned it on. He read the messages and wasn't surprised with one of them. "Hey tracey i'm calling a meeting. Get the other together in the conference room" evean said leaving. As he left he saw max, kate, jake and sara coming. "So what's the meeting about" max asked. "I'll tell you once we get to the conference room" evean said. They came to the room and took there seats. "Where's angle" evean asked. "She's out on her own business" Suzuki said. "In that case i'll talk to her later. Well to begin with we've been invited to another tournament but the most important thing is talim still lived after our battle" evean said as a recording of talim stealing a lighting saix. started playing on the screen at the back of the room. "Why weren't we told he was still alive" suzuki asked. "I don't know how he's still alive or why but knowing him he'll be coming back for some revenge. So be on your guard" evean said.
"If you want me to let it out again you better duck" kyp said as he walked out of the hut. He let out the others then let out the strange acting one. The others formed a cage around it so it wouldn't escape. It flew around the cage but kept getting shocked. "Where did you find these" miroku asked. "It's more like where did I find it" kyp said. "What do you mean by it" miroku asked. "On my travels I came upon a battle field and both sides were dead. I found a sword blade with out a handle. In the center there was a part of hit that was darker than the rest of the blade. The blade had no jagged ends so it wasn't broken off so I searched for the handle" kyp said as he walked around the cage. "I didn't find a handle. As I put the sword down the center part glowed and I absorbed it then I could summon these blades and they could fuse with my sword to increase my power" kyp said as the blades moved apart and let him in. He grabed onto the blade and held it. Miroku looked at it throught the cage and noticed it was darker than the others. Kyp opened a hole in the cage and let the blade out. It flew to another tree and started carving. "Like I said before, I have no idea why it does that. It normaly carvs things i've seen or people i've meet" kyp said getting ready to retrive the blade once it finished carving.
Kyp was sharing a hut with miroku. He looked out a window and saw inuyahsa use the tetsuiga. "So that is some of the power of the tetsuiga that i'v herd about" kyp thought. Some thing inside him started bugging him. "Why doesn't that blade ever listen" kyp asked him self. He herd some one moveing and he looked around. He saw miroku sitting up. "I have a question for you kyp" miroku said. "Ya what is it" kyp said. "It's about those blades you summon. How many are there" miroku asked. "There are a total of sixteen but I only use fifteen of them because the sixteenth one doesn't listen" kyp said. "Can I see it" miroku asked. "Fine but only if you think you can handle it" kyp said as he started concintrating. The blade appeared in his hand. "Here you go but be carefull" kyp said smilling as he gave the blade to miroku. Miroku held the blade in his hand as it started vibrating. The thing flew up and slamed miroku into the cieling then flew out of the hut. "I warned you" kyp said as miroku droped. He looked out of the hut as the blade almost hit inuyasha's head but he ducked. The blade hit a tree and started carving. "Don't ask me why it carvs things but it does" kyp said as he sent some blades to retrive the other. By the time the blades reached the other one it had carved a wood statue of inuyasha. The blades brought back the one that escaped and kyp absorbed them. "Told you it's hard to control" kyp said as he lay down.
Evean had been out side of the demoltion runners base training one of the teams that had come to use the base as a temporary one of there own. "Ever since the defeat of the death stingers and death saurer we've had more people comeing in. I've had to add another wing to the base" evean thought as the death saurer jumped from a shot. "Come on guys you'll have to improve your shots" evean said. As he looked around he saw the people he was teaching. The people he was training used a shild liger, spino breaker and a rienos. The shield liger came charging up to him. "Sooner or later you'll need to start rembering what weapons your opponents have" evean said as he shot on of his pulse amo. The shot went throught the shield and hit the liger in it's back leg. "One down and two to go" evean thought. The rienos came flying down and started fireing at evean. Evean brought up his shild and diflected the shots. As the rienos made a sharp turn before hitting the ground evean fired a claw at it and grabed on to its tail. "You should of gave a stronger boost as you turned" evean said as he fired. The rienos's jets shut down and it stoped moveing. "Now where's that spino breaker" evean asked him self. The spino breaker jumped down from a cliff and tried to strike him but he put up his shield. Evean jumped back and fired his cannon. The spino breaker brought up it's shield to defend but was still pushed back. "O.k guys. That's enought training for to day so head in" evean said. "O.k evean" came back the reply. Evean started back to the base. As he headed back to the base tracy appeared on his screen. "What is it tracy" evean asked. "You've got a message from the ZBC and suzuki's looking for the one who ate some of her cookies" tracey said. "Have you told her i've been out all day" evean asked getting nervous. "I told her but she still suspects you and we know none of the other teams or students ate them because they know better to mess with her food" tracey said. "I'll hide out in the emergacy tunnles. Good thing not to many people know about them" evean said as he enterrd the base. Tracey nodded and closed off his connection.Once evean opened the cockpit he herd the sound of a persion running. Evean started running and eventualy came into the extra wing of the base. He looked bhind him self and saw suzuki. "Hey evean. I need to speak to you" suzuki said. "Sorry but I don't know any thing about any one eating your cookies" evean said as he flipped a switch on his watch. As he turned a coner a hole opened up and he jumped through. He herd suzuki run over head. "No to get to my room before she finds some way down here or some one blabs" evean said as he started running through the tunnles.
I'll probaply start this soon and more people can join after I sart it. Also i'm waiting for a reply from a member of the first one.
"I'll come with you two" evean said. "What about your bike evean" yoshimi asked. "It'll be fine" evean said before he started another transport spell to send his bike home. A couple of sconds later a portale opened under his biake and it sunk through. "If you can do that why can't you just open a portale to send mai home" yoshimi asked. "I haven't read the books on spells that transports living things so untill I do we're walking" evean said. Yoshimi nodded as they started towards mai's house. They waved by to harru and nisha as they left. "I guess some one's needed to help if some thing happens along the way to mai's house" evean thought as they walked.
"Looks like to got here a bit late" evean said smilling. Shukuchi just gave him a cold look. Evean backed down a bit. "You'll go against a clow card but you wont go against him" harru said. "A clow card yes. Him, no. He creeps me out a bit" evean whispered back. Yoshimi didn't say any thing and kept walking. Evean looked at mai who was starting to come back around. "So how are you doing mai" yoshimi asked. "I feel like I was caught up in a fight and I couldn't fight back" mai said trying to get up but she feel down. "You kind of were. Sorry if I was hard on you" evean said. "Can some one inform me what's happened because I don't rember" mai said as narru lefted her up. "You were possesed by the fight card and evean faught against you" nisha said. "Sorry if I hurt you to much" mai said. "I was more worried about hurtin you" evean said before he started chanting. Mai's health started returning to her as evean chanted. "So why did you come here if the card was caught" harru asked shukuchi. "I was planning to catch it my self but nisha got it first" shukuchi said with some anger in his voice.
Evean kicked mai pushing her back. "It's nice to know that my skills haven't gone down" evean thought. Mai came for another charge at him but he dodged. She kept punching at him but he just either dodged them or defended against them. "How long have they been fighting for" nisha asked. "They've been fighting for a couple of minutes" yoshimi said as they continued to watch the fight. Evean started punching at mai and she managed to block some of the attacks. She kicked him and he landed on the ground. He got back up and mai started punching at him again. He grabed one of her fist and punched her. The punch made her fall on the ground but she got back up.
"Well to get us there faster than on foot I know a spell that I can do" kyp said. "Then do it as fast as you can" inuyasha said. Kyp nodded as he held out his hands. 15 blades appeared in a circle and lowered to the ground. They started spninning around them untill a disk appeared under there feet and lefted them up. "How fast can this thing go" kagome asked. "It can go prety fast if no one interupt's me" kyp said as they left the river and flew above the trees. Kagome pointed out in wich direction the village was. After a couple of minutes a village came into view. "Is that it over there" kyp asked. Inuyasha nodded as the disk started going faster.
Hilind walked to the remains of the peer where sen had been. "Might as well try fishing him out" hilind thought casting his whip like a fishing line. A couple of seconds later some thing started pulling on it. "It seems like some thing grabed on" hilind thought as he started pulling and sen came out of the water. "Let me guess you can't swim" hilind said smilling. Sen didn't say any thing and walked over to felica's ship to warm up from it's flames. "That's pathetic. A pirate who can't swim" hilind thought as he walked over to rouko, nya and olaf to join the fight. He drew his sword and got him self ready for the fight.
"Come on let's move her to a safe place" gene said lifting trilby on his back. "Where should we take her. We're a bit far from the city" kudara asked. "My family owns a cabin near here. I mostly use it my self for my training so no one's around to see" gene said poitning to a part of the forest. "I'll go get the others" kudara said as he left. Gene started running to his family's cabin. Once he got there he opened the door and ran up the stairs. He laid her down on a bed in one of the spare rooms as the others came in and ran up the stairs. "What happened to her" hikage asked as she came into the room. "I don't know. After I found her and kudara she fainted" gene said. "I'll keep a eye on her untill she wakes up" kudara said. They nodded and went down stairs. "If any body's hungry i'll make some thing to eat" gene said as he lfit to the kichtchen. "I wonder what happened to rika to make trilby to get knocked out" gene wondered.
Evean was riding around on his bike. He needed to strech his muscles because he was in his family basment reading books from their library. "I don't think i'll ever be able to read all those books. Oh well. At least I learned some new spels today" evean thought. As he rode he saw mia fighting yoshimi. "I wonder what's going on" evean thought as he got off his bike and walked over to them. "What's going on here you two" evean asked. Mia looked at him then tried to kick him in the stomach but he was faster than her. "I think she's posessed by one of the clow cards" yoshimi said. "I think you're right. It's probaply the fight card" evean said takeing a fighting stance. "I've been wanting to go against this one because I normaly go with my own phiscal abillatys so I want to see if magic's made me weak. To mia if your in there i'll try not to hurt you to much" evean said smilling.
Name:max allen Age:16 Gender: male Height/Weight: 6'7" , 250 Rank: Lieutenant Mobile Suit: RX-78GP01Fb Gundam GP01Fb (if it's allowed) Main Weapon: beam rifle Auxilary Weapon: 60mm vulcan gun x 2, 90mm machine gun Melee Weapon: beam saber x 2 (I don't even know what a melee weapon is so I guessed) Alligance: earth federation Attitude: nice, brave, loyal, care free kind of guy Bio: Max was born on earth and is the type of guy who'll do any thing to help his friend. His family have been fighters in the war between the earth federation and the princapality of zion. he figured that he should join the battle like members of his family did to maintain peace. he realy doesn't like to fight but he will if he has to. In his spare time he eather works on machinery, computer programs or just hangs out with his friends.
Hilind wound his whip up and put it on his belt. He walked over to where rouko was. "So are we going to wake him" hilind asked. Nya just shruged her shoulders. Hilind started smilling as he opened his mouth. "Hey rouko. We're sinking and the ships on fire" hilind yelled into rouko's ear. "Abandon ship. Every body off" rouko said wakig up. He looked around and then at hilind. "Don't ever do that again hilind" rouko said with a angry look on his face. "I couldn't help it. We needed to get you awake" hilind said starting to laugh. "So why did you need to wake me for" rouko asked as he stood up. "We got some bounty hunters after us in this town and some thing blew up" hilind said. "What else is new. So what blew up" hilind asked. "A bounty hunters ship. Sen blew it up with gun bowder and ale so bounty hunters are comeing to look at the sinking ship and to look around for the ones who did it" hilind said. "Knowing sen he's goten into a fight with the owner. Let's wake up the others and find him" rouko said.
Yes. Thank you for the crest:D
I'd like to have a crest called the crest of fate and if you could make me one circéus i'd appreciate it.
This will be the sequil to my rp zoids: return of darkness. Who realy knows if this'll get off the ground but i'll try it also i'm asking for te people who joined return of darkness to join this one. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It has been two years since evean and his team defeated loyd and tamera who wanted to use the death saurer and death stingers to take over planet Z. With in the two years a new tournament has been made called the master warriors cup. The tournament is for any of the teams that where in the royal cup or are in rank S. The tournament will decide who are the best zoids pilotes. No one realy knows who started the tournament but rumors have been said that the persion is a former back draft member and they're useing the tournament to get peoples attention. It's also said that it's the beginning for the back drafts group's return Most people say that the persion uses a black blade liger that's an ultimate X in zoid battles. Most people have enterd it to show that they are the strongest zoids pilote there are or to chalange the black blade liger. [b]Sign up:[/b] Name: Age: Appearence: Team: (you can make up your own team, join some ones elses, be a merchanary or be some one from teams like the blitz, fuegle, champs or lighting teams that are in the show. If some one wants to be vega and have the beserk furry that's fine with me:D) Bio: Zoid: Ultimate X/organoid: (I'll allow about 4 people to have ultimate X's or 3 people to have organoids but the people who were in my last rp get them any ways) [b]Here's mine:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Evean miro [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Appearence:[/b] brown hair, green eyes, red head band, blue tint goggles, gloves, blue pants, red shirt, brown boots [b]Team:[/b] The demlotion runners [b]Bio:[/b] Evean likes to play games and have zoid battles. He likes to go on adventures and have fun. He is willing to protect others no matter what the cost. [b]Zoid:[/b] geno breaker [b]Ultimate X/ organoid:[/b] none
Hilind had reached the docks and started watching sen walk around with some ale and a barrol as he headed into a ship. "I was right. He going to blow it up" hilind thought as he stood up. "Might as well tell rouko that there'll probaply be trouble" hilind thought as he started running and jumped on to another roof. He started back fo the inn. Once he got to the roof he herd people talking inside there room. "I wonder what's going on" hilind asked him self as he lowered him self down after wraping his whip around the pole and came down. He opened the window and came in as his whip unraveled. He saw that two people who came into the room had weapons. "Hey, wasn't any one going to tell me we were going guests to night" hilind said smilling. He picked up nya's boomerange with his whip and tossed it to her. "So shall we get started then" hilind said drawing his sword.
Hilind was awake and was listining to what was going about around him. From his guess hya and sen had thought he was asleep but he wasn't. He herd the sound of a metal pipe hitting some one and machine guns being used. "Might as well go investage what's going on" hilind thought sitting up. He grabed his whip and sword and walked to a window. He opened it and started leaning out of it. He used his whip to wrap around a pole and pulled him self out. He started swinging and jumped on to the roof and un raveled the whip. "Nya's probaply talking to some one and knowing sen some thing's going to blow up. I might as well check to see if they're are any other dangers" hilind thought as he jumped to another roof.
Evean was searching for the others and saw them infront of a bar. He pulled down his goggles so they would reflect light. He stuck up to them and tapped them on there shoulders. "You guys werent going to leave with out me were you" evean asked as the others jumped back. "Evean don't ever do that again and if you do i'll pound the heck out of ya" akasuki said. "That sounds more like akasuki" kaiyden said. "So does any one have a idea of where vash is" evean asked lifting up his goggles. "No. Where about to head out to find him" nicholas said. Evean nodded and pulled out a remote and brought his motocycle around. "I guess the remote works now" evean said getting on the motorcyle. "So let's get going" evean said.
Hilind was looking at the ocean thinking about where they would be landing. "Another chance for treasure and more adventure" hilind thought. It was still raining and the others were gathering to look at there next distention. "Who really knows what we'll find. I guess it's like the saying. The only thing certain about the future is uncertainty" hilind thought as he started walking to the front of the ship. He took out his bandana and put it on. "Let's see what we can find in valgaurd" hilind thought as he joinded the others.
Name: hillind ray Age: 15 Height/Weight: 6'7" , 250 Race: hume Description: blue eyes, brown hair, black and white bandana, finger less gloves, orange vest, blue shirt with red stripes, black pants, boots, Weapon: sword, whip Side: Rokou's team/ bounty hunter (some times) Bio: Even though hilind normaly works as a bounty hunter he's got a bounty on his own head. When he's not chasing people to get the bounty on there heads he works as a thief. He goes to places where he thinks there will be treasure or some type of adventure. He mostly travels to increase is skills or to see if he's needed for a adventrue. He's nice to what friends he has. He's not realy afraid to risk his life so he'll go into things even if it's dangerous . Reason for Joining: adventure, treasure hunting