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T man

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Everything posted by T man

  1. T man

    Elemental Guardians

    Gene knew that trilby was in trouble and wanted to go after her but the shadow creature wanted him to stay. "If the shadow creature wanted to increase all of our powers why didn't it bring kudara to increase his to" gene thought. He looked up at the shadow creature on the column. It was still up there with it's eyes closed. "It just isn't in me to let a friend of mine get hurt while i'm stuck here" gene thought. He started concentrating on the energy that he collected from rikas attack that was inside of him. He started hearing a crackelling sound behind him. He turned around and saw a portale. He stood up and started walking to it. "Where are you going" hikage asked looking at him. "I'm going after trilby. I'm going to save her or die trying. If I find kudara he'll probaply go along with me" gene said as he walked through the portale. The portale opened up where he thought it would. "Now to find her" gene said to him self as he started walking where his sences told him to go.
  2. T man

    Island of Fire

    "You want to fight with armaments then we'll do it your way" gene said reachinging into his pocket. He pulled out brass knuckles with spykes on them and put them on. He charged at shai as he tried to hit gene again but he dogded the strikes. Gene punched shai in the stomach a couple of times and sent him flying into a wall again. "Shall we continue" gene asked as shai slumped to the floor. "Ya, let's keep going at it" shai said geting off the floor. Shai came running at gene and tried to strike him but he defended with his brass knuckles. Gene started punching again at shai in the stomach.
  3. T man

    Island of Fire

    "So let's begin" gene said. Shai came charging at gene. "This should be easiy" gene thought. He jumped and kicked shai it the head. shai went flying and hit a wall. "I would of expected better from you" gene said smilling. "If you want my best then i'll so you my best" shai said as he ran to gene and started punching at him. Gene dodged every one of the punches. "How can you be so fast" shai asked as he jumped away from one of genes punches. "I mostly train in defense, speed and agility. My strength is average so I make up for it with my other skills" gene said smilling as he ran up to shai and punched him in the stomach. Shai recovered from the shot and kicked at gene but he defended. "If you'ld like I wont use my hands" gene said starting to laugh. Shai came charging again. Shai kicked him in the side as gene tried to move and hit him. The hit didn't phase him much "Not bad. Not to many people can hit me. I guess your an exception" gene said pucnhing shai. Shai fell to the ground but quickly got up.
  4. It has been 100 years since dart and the others defeated melbu frahma. Because they defeated melbu frahma piece has been kept. The winglies have kept in hideing as they always have and wars have been ended so there is piece amongst the kingdoms of serdio. With no wars and no sign of any more distruction the dragoons have scattered the dragon souls. Like all ways a new moon child was born but because of roses death there has been no black monster to distroy the moon child. Because no black monster was created to go after the moon child a winglie has decided to go after the moon child and the moon items to draw there power to become the new god of distruction. Once this was found out the elder of the winglie village sealed away the winglies power. With the winglies power locked away the elder created a new black monster and sent it out to distroy the moon child because the spell would not keep the winglies power locked up for ever. The winglie knew the spell would not last so it set out to get what it wanted and decided to go after the dragon souls to increase its power. Here's the sign up [b]Dragoons:[/b] Divine dargoon (me) Light dragoon (Sailor Star) Dark dragoon (Ruby) Fire dragoon (Tsukasa_hack) Wind dragoon (Inuyasha_Pro) Earth dragoon (fire otaku) Water dragoon (Walnut) Thunder dragoon (Yurimeshi2003) [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Weapon(s):[/b] [b]Dragoon:[/b] (You don't have to be a dragoon and you can't make one up) [b]Appearence:[/b] [b]Bio:[/b] (you can be the winglie after the moon chield if you want) [b]Here's mine[/b] [b]Name:[/b] kyp [b]Age:[/b] looks 16 (real age is unknown) [b]Weapons:[/b] sword, dragon buster [b]Dragoon:[/b] divine dragon [b]Appearence:[/b] red eyes, platnuim colored hair, black shirt, blue pants, boots, gloves with out the fingers [b]Bio:[/b] Kyp appeared out side the winglie village unconcouise. When he came to and asked the villagers if they knew what happened to him they didn't know what happened to him. He knows nothing of his past but does seem to know information about the dragon campaign and the battle dart and the others had with melbu frahma. He likes to play games and is willing to help others. He is willing to fight for those who can not defend him self. He is not afraid to risk his life. He seeks the moon child to protect her and keep the power she holds from not being taken.
  5. Evean saw the others go by after the clow card. "Might as well go after them if they need help" evean said. He placed his hands over his leg and started chanting. After a couple of seconds his leg was healed. He stood up and pulled the stone from his pocket and held it in his hand. "Powers of the past, powers of the present. I call upon you to give me your strength. Let the power come to me now" evean said. The stone became a blue orb and grew a staff with a blade at the end. He started after the others. "I wonder how those two will handle this" evean thought as he saw the others in front of him.
  6. T man

    Elemental Guardians

    Gene started heating him self up. "I thought so. You can't trust any one who says they went into another dimension and act like it was nothing" gene thought as the ice melted. "Man you'ld think she'd know that ice has a weakness to fire" gene said as he broke the remaining ice. He looked around and saw the others in ice and a ring of fire around them. "We'll need to end this so we can get our enemy" gene thought as the field started heating up. The ice started melting off of the others. "Thanks for the defrost gene" sarah said streching. "No problem" gene said holding his hands out. The flames started to be abosrbed into him. "We need to go after them" kudara said. "But how. We don't know where they went" hikage said. "Let me try some thing" gene said after he finished absobing the flames. He held up his hands as he started concentraiting. After a couple of seconds a portale opened. "How did you do that" kudara asked. "I found a trace of the energy that was used by rika. I created a portale with it but who knows how long it will last" gene said to the others. "I don't know where it'll leed us but as the saying goes, nothing ventured nothing gained" gene said as he jumped into the portale. The others folowed him through.
  7. Name: max hiro Age: 18 Gender: male Description: blue eyes, brown hair, red head band, black tint goggles, blue shirt, black pants, boots, orange vest, gloves with out the fingers, dagger on his belt Bio: max likes to play video games and hang out with his friends. He lived with his mother untill she died because of a gang fight. He normaly doesn't come out much except to be with his friends and go to school because of the event with his mother. Most people find it strange that he can adapt to things like sports easily but his friends think it's cool. Nationality: american
  8. T man

    Elemental Guardians

    Gene sat down thinking about what they would do. He lookead around and saw the others among with the shadow creature. Even though it was trilby who called it there and he trusted trilby judgment he still didn't trust the shadow creature. Gene saw kudara come walking up to him. "So what do you think we should do" kudara asked sitting down next to gene. "We'll it goes against me to hurt a friend so I don't know" gene said closing his eyes. He stood up and walked to trilby and sat down next to her. "If we're not going to fight them then how about trying to contain them untill we can figure out what to do" gene asked looking at trilby. "Ya I guess that's an idea. Just try to do it without hurting her" trilby said.
  9. "It was saiga and matt Mr. Maka" evean said. "I don't know why new students would want to pick a fight so soon" Mr. Maka said. Evean started thinking about some reasons. "So what was the fight about" Mr. Maka asked. "It was a dispute over ideals" evean said. "Well if it happens again don't fight it out" Mr. Maka said. Saiga and matt just staired at them and left after Mr. maka did. "So what are we going to do about them" evean asked.
  10. "O.k that's it I don't care if i get in trouble i'm not staying out of this" evean thought. He was sitting in a tree and he started jumping from branch to branch. As he jumped he jumped he checked his pocket to see if the stone he had was still there. When used the stone would summon the staff he used to fight with. He jumped out of the tree that mai was at and knocked siaga off of mia. "If your going to fight some one try me" evean said getting ready to fight. He saw nisha and yoshimi comeing to help.
  11. Evean looked at the new students. He knew some thing wasn't right about them. He used his senses and sensed that they could do magic to. "They're probaply after the cards" evean thought as he looked to the front of the class. "I just hope alex will be o.k with those two next to her" evean thought. Evean looked around and every one had taken out there books but evean hadn't notice becasue he was thinking about siaga and matt. He pulled out his book and started looking for the page they were on before he got called upon to read.
  12. T man

    Island of Fire

    O.O.C: Normaly I don't like posting like this but I guess I will for this rp. "Finaly some thing to eat. I haven't eaten any thing this morning because of my extra training" gene thought as he sat down. A waiter came by and gave him a steak to eat. He grabed a fork and knive and started eating. Three of the other fighters sat down and looked at the food that was given to them. "Don't worry you guys. We wouldn't poison you before a match or any thing like that" gene said smilling after swalloing a piece of his steak. Gene continued to eat his steak because he knew he would need the energy to fight the the people who came to fight in the tournament.
  13. "Well. It doesn't matter to me. If they attack first then i'll fight" evean said pulling out his bows and arrows. He stood on reena's back and took aim incase one of the solders attacked. "Don't worry about me falling off because I have a good since of balance so I wont fall off easily" evean said. They started comeing over the solders and waited to see if they attacked or not.
  14. T man

    Elemental Guardians

    "Some things up isn't there" gene said looking at trilby and kudara as they entered. "Ya, but I don't think any of us will like it" trilby said. "Then let's leave this bubble before some thing strange happenes in here" gene said as he stood up. He opened a portale for them to leave through. The rabbit sitting next to hikage jumped into her arms as they left. "So what's with the rabbit" trilby asked as she jumped out of the bubble. "I realy don't know. I found it and it jumped into my arms. It seemed like it was afraid of some thing" hikage said. "Let's keep it with us. It might be a key or some thing in this place" gene said to trilby. Trilby nodded. Gene looked at the bubble and it started to dissapere. "We'll I was right. It does seem like some thing strange is about to happen" gene said.
  15. T man

    Island of Fire

    Name: gene miramax Age: 18 Height/Weight: 6'7" , 150 Description: blue eyes, black haire, goggels, gloves with out fingers, dark blue shirt, black pants, boots Race: american Bio: Gene likes to fight people he thinks will challange. He has no friends so he mostly didicates him slef to his training. He gets into alot of street fights but he doesn't care because he sees it as a way to train. He travels to improve his skills and that's why he came to the tournament. He doesn't care if he's diffeated as long as he has some fun in the fights. He joinded Lou Ko Su to see if there was any one who could stand up against him and his skills. He acts care free some times but can be seriouse. Martial Art: kick boxing Weapon: brass knuckles with spykes, hand gun Attitude: nice, brave, loyal
  16. T man

    Elemental Guardians

    Gene and sarah continued going along the floor on the disk. He felt a chill go down his spine. "Did you feel that" gene asked sarah. "Ya, I felt some thing" sarah said looking around. "I think I can take us to the source" gene said redirecting the dsk. A couple of minutes later they came upon a bubble. "Did it come from here" sarah asked as they landed. "It seems like it. Let's see if we can get in" gene said walking off the disk. Once sarah got off it dissapered. Gene put his hand to the bubble and a hole opened. They walked through. Gene looked around and saw hikage and a rabbit sitting in a chair next to her. "We'll we found you" gene said. "How did you two get here" hikage asked. "We'll tell you later. Where's rika. Kudara and trilby are looking for her" sarah asked. "I don't know. I think she's some where in here" hikage said. Gene looked aroun but didn't see any one other than them. "Some thing doesn't seem right about this place" gene thought.
  17. T man

    Elemental Guardians

    Gene and sarah continued to look for hikage. "I have a question for you gene about what you said back there" sarah asked. "Go ahead and shoot" gene said. "When you said that this could be a field for the mind, what exactly did you mean" sarah asked. "I belive that when we focused on finding the others our minds were sent to this field and if your wondering how this place was created I don't know" gene said. They continued to look around. "Well even if this is a field for the mind i'm tierd" sarah said sitting down. "If this is a field of the mind I should be able to create obects" gene thought as he closed his eyes and started to concentrate. A glowing disk appeared under them and lifted them. "What's going on" sarah asked standing up and looking down the side of the disk. "Since this is a field for the mind things should be able to be created by ones thoughts and ones will" gene said as the disk started flying along the floor. "I guess this will speed up the search then" sarah said sitting down.
  18. T man

    Elemental Guardians

    Gene looked around but didn't see where rika went. It seemed like trilby was about to start crying again. "Don't worry we'll find her" gene said. Trilby nodded as they started looking around for rika. "So does any one have a idea where we are" kudara asked. "I have a idea. It could be that we're on a field where only ones mind can get to but not there body" gene said. "I guess that's possible but why would we end up here" kudara asked. "Who realy knows. It might have to do with rika but we wont know untill we find her" gene said. "If that's the case then we'll look untill we find her" trilby said as they started looking for any signs of rika.
  19. "Hold on kara. I'll heal us" enix said. He held up his staff and they were healed. "So what are we going to do about this monster" crim asked. "Who realy knows. If we can't beat it like the others we'll have to do it another way" enix said. He decided to get ready to fire a ring at the monster but the stone he found started glowing. He took the stone out and it was glowing red. The stone started floating and fused with the orb on his staff. The orb on the staff turned dark red in a flash of light. "I wonder how that'll help" enix thought. The monster came to attack them but a shield came up. "Let's see if the stone helped" enix said as he aimed his staff at the monster and a wave of power came from it and pushed the monster back. It hit a wall and fell to the ground. "Enix what's going on in there. We detected a huge power source" yago said."I think that was me. The stone I found fused with the orb on my staff" enix said looking at the others. The others just stared at him. "So where did you get that stone any ways" nitsu asked. "Well I got it after fighting ijimeru" enix said. "Why were you fighting him" subaru asked. "Quit frankly I think he's lost it. He's all ready killed two players, a moderator and he tried to kill me" enix said. The others had nothing to say. "Hope fully I wont have to fight him again" enix said preparing to fight if another enemy came buy.
  20. "At least it's over" enix said to him self. He cheked him self over and noticed the orb on the end of his staff was still whight. "I wonder why it's still like this" enix thought. He decided to go looking around the room. There weren't any doors except the one he came through. As he looked around he noticed a panel on one of the coloums. He pressed it and a door opened in the wall behind him. "I wonder what's in there" enix thought as he walked into the door. As he came in he saw a round stone floating in the center of the room and some one next to it. The persion dissapered before enix could get a better look. "I guess I should find out what this is" enix thought reaching his hand out to take the stone. The stone flew right into his hand. "Yago is the connection back" enix asked as he left the room. "Ya it's back. So what happened in there" yago asked. "I got into a fight and found this stone. Can you tell me any thing about it" enix asked. "Sorry but from our scans we can't tell you any thing" yago said. "O.k then. I'm going back after the others" enix said before he warped to the others.
  21. T man

    Elemental Guardians

    Gene looked around. He noticed that trilby and hikage had come back from the shadow creature's world. "Come on you two they're back" gene said waling away. "Who are you talking about gene" rika asked. "Haven't you noticed that trilby and hikage have been gone for awhile" gene asked. Rika and sarah looked around. "Why didn't you tell us" sarah asked. "Because I have faith that trilby can handle her self and that hikage will help her if she needs help" gene said as he started walking down the rode. A couple of minutes later they came upon trilby and hikage. "So how did it go" gene asked. It went fine. He just wanted to talk" trilby said.
  22. I'd like to be a card captor. Of course if ohkami decides for me not to be one it's fine for me.
  23. "I guess i'll need to use the next strongest one I have" enix said as he started spinning his staff again. This time lightning started around the staff. He launched it at ijimeru. He tried defending against it but it still got him. He was paralyzed for a couple of seconds untill the fire ring from before hit him. Ijimeru got up and sent another wind attack at him. Enix brought up a shield and sent it back but ijimeru dogded it. "I realy hate to do this to ya but it seems like I gotta" enix said. He started spinning his staff again. A ring of lighting, wind and fire started around the staff. He fired the rings. Ijimeru ran but the rings followed him. The rings hit him and the started spinning around him. He was hit from all side and he droped to the ground as the ring dissapered. "Hope fully it's over now" enix said charging up a energy shot.
  24. Name: evean kiro Age: 16 Gender: male Race:human/ wolf demon Weapon: sword, whip Appearance: blue eyes, black hair, cloak, boots, dark blue shirt, black pants Bio: He travels to improve his skills as a fighter. He knows of many legends and if he finds out that one is true and it seems that he can get it he will go after it for fun. If he has found a item and some one asks for it he will give it to them if he thinks they have a good reason. He does know some spells but they're mostly for healing. He will help out any one who needs his help. He belives that good people shouldn't be treated unfarely by other just to gain power or to show there supperiority.
  25. "He's seriously lost it" enix thought as another blast of wind came at him and it the pillare he was behind. "If fighting him brings him out of this then so be it" enix thought as a tornado of wind broke threw the pillare. As he ran he spun his staff around in his hand. A ring of wind started forming around the staff as it spun. As he stoped spinning the staff and aimed it at ijimeru. The ring launched at ijimeru but he jumped over it. "Luckily that ring is set to keep bounceing untill it hits the target and luckily it won't hurt any one except the target" enix thought as he ducked from a swing from ijimeru's sword. The ring hit ijimeru in the back knocking him down. Enix started spinning his staff again as he ran and hid behind another pillar. "Hopefully this is strong enough to knock him out and not kill'em" enix thought as a ring of fire started around the staff. He saw ijimeru get up so he took aim.
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