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T man

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Everything posted by T man

  1. I'll use my character from the first rp i've made. [b]Name:[/b] jacen [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Weapon:[/b] 2 hand guns that fuse into one [b]Appearence:[/b] brown hair, blue eyes, red hair band, black goggles, white shirt, grew pants, tan cloak [b]Bio:[/b] Jacen likes to go on adventures and play games. Most people say he is never serious about things. He is always willing to do what is needed to protect others and is not afraid to take risks. He owns a ranch full of thomas that he trains him self. When he heard that vash dissapered he figured that it would be a challange to find him.
  2. Jake went to where they last saw akuryou. Once they were there they didn't see him. They started looking around the street to see is they could find him. After awhile of searching they regrouped. "Did you find any thing guys" jake asked. "I didn't find any thing" noa said. "Not really but i've got an idea of a way to find the others" blake said. Blake walked to a wall and took out his sword. It started glowing as he raised it. "As long as we're in the spot where joey, amber and yugi dissapered I can open a portale to follow" blake said as he swung his sword. A purple cut appeared on the wall and opened up. They walked in then the portale closed up.
  3. Jason manadged to get his flying under controll once his wings appeared and he opened them. Once he figured where he was he started back for the abandoned whare house. Once he was there he sat down on the floor. His coppies appeared around him. They had the same damadge he did. Jason looked at j6 but he didn't say any thing. "Seems like what ever you did worked" j2 said. "It seems so. I removed most of my memories from him so he shouldn't be a problem any more" jason said. He closed his eyes as the coppies did. They covered them selves in spirit energy and started healing them selves.
  4. Jake walked home with his head set on. Because he was listening to his head set he didn't notice that some one was yelling out his name. As he turned a corner he slammed into the person. Jake fell then rubbed the back of his head. He took off his head phones and stood up. He saw that it was noa who had slammmed into. Jake just staired at noa for awhile then shook his head. "I know your not a hologram because you slammed into me and i'd figure you'd probaply like to stretch your new body out a bit but why the heck did run into me for" jake asked grabbing noa's shoulders. "Amber, yugi and joey dissapered after following that new kid. now let go of me" noa said. Jake let go of the kid. He started to think about the explanation for there dissapearence. Once he got an idea he started running. "Where are you going" noa asked running to catch up. "I gotta find blake" jake said as he ran. As he ran he held out his mellenium gonthlet which was glowing. A black ring appeared infront of him. The ring had a image of blake walking home in it. "What is it that you want jake" blake asked. "Get to your house fast and grab your deck. I'll meet you there" jake said. Blake nodded then started running. The image closed as jake turned a corner with noa fallowing.
  5. Jason looked down at jinxy. "Should I fight her or not" jason asked him self. He knew that j6 had faught her before and talked about a rematch or some thing but he'd never get around to do it. "I might as well since i'm bored" jason thought. He drew his sword and used the banshi shriek sending a wave of black energy at at jinxy.
  6. "Quit frankly I got no clue what you're talking about" jason said as he hit her off of him. Alex stumbled back a bit but got her footing quickly. Jason came up for a low punch but alex manadged to jump back and avoided it. "Come on jason. Do you really want to hurt me" alex asked as she avoided jasons attacks. "Alot of my tartgets ask me that and the answer's always the same. Yes I do" jason said. He bent down and did a sweap kick. Alex jumped but didn't see that jason had used it for a diversion. He came up and punched her in the chest. Alex flew back and hit the wall. She slumped down to the floor as jason left to the window. "Get it through your head. I'm not the person you think I am. I'll be back to finish you later. I've got some thing to attend to" jason said. He jumped through the window and flew off.
  7. I think it might be sinsless rambleing put together in some wierd story form.
  8. [b]Name:[/b] jake hiro [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Description:[/b] black hair, blue eyes, red shirt, orange vest, boots, black pants, red tint goggles, black and white bandana, mellenium gauntlet on the right hand [b]Bio:[/b] jake has always had an interest in sci-fi stuff. He likes any thing strange or any thing that he finds interesting. One day he got a gift from his unlce who was working in egypt. When jake opened it there were two items in side. One was a gaunlet and the other was a sword. He kept the gauntlet for him self and gaive the sword to his friend blake. Jake has always wanted to try a shadow game so he when he got the gauntlet he always kept it with him. [b]Millennium Item:[/b] mellenium gauntlet [b]Millennium Item?s Power:[/b] increase ones shadow realm skills and gives them controll of things around them [b]Monster:[/b] deep sea warrior [b]Monster Description:[/b] light blue and green armor, black see through mask, double sided trident [b]Side:[/b] helping yugi [b]Reason for Playing the Shadow Game:[/b] learn more about any thing about shadow games and wanted to try one out
  9. I guess it is as the title says. It sounds like complete idioticy to seems.
  10. As kieth looked at the insricptions near the door his duel disk started beeping. He turned out towards the sand and pushed a button on the duel disk. A hologram of kaiba appeared. "Systems show some ones started useing the duel disks. Do you know who they are" kaiba asked. "Not yet. Hold on a bit" kieth said. "Kieth went and pushed a couple of other buttons and another hologram appeared. It showed that amber and joey were dueling. "It's amber and joey" kieth said. "Joey's good but he's not that good. He'll probaply lose to amber" kaiba said. Kieth just nodded as the holograms dissapered. He turned back around and saw that the gaurdians eye was staring at him. "I think i'll go else where. That thing is starting to creep me out" kieth said as he left.
  11. Ya I agree with ya. The image is good but you need to change the color of the text or at keast the type of text.
  12. Jason and his coppies came to the abandoned whare house they were staying in. The coppies flew up and hung j6 to the rafters then flew back down. They went to different possions then started charging up there storms of tourments. "You're a fool you know" jason said looking up. "You're saying i'm the fool? You should of just stayed a spirit detective" j6 said swinging around trying to get loose. "You talked to alex about the accident didn't you" jason asked. J6 didn't say any thing. "Of coarse now i'll have to kill her. But first i'll need to decide what to do about you. Do it guys" jason said. The coppies let loose there storm of tourments. The shots hit j6 and killed him. The soul left him and jason reaborsbed. The body dissapered once he was finished. "So what are you going to do about him" j2 asked. "I'll have to whipe his memory of his talk with alex and keep him from ever rembereing that I used to be a spirit detective" jason said. The coppies nodded before they dissapered. Jason left the whare house and flew off.
  13. Kieth and luke walked up to the front of the temple. Kieth walked to the side of the door and started reading the inscriptions. "So what's it say" luke asked. "It says to open the temple the gaurdians eye must open when the eye of darkness is open" kieth said. "What does that mean" luke asked. "How should I know" kieth said as he looked up. As he looked around he saw some thing above the door. He jumped and started climbing up the side. As he got closer the object looked like an orb. Once he was next to it kieth pushed on it. It came out a bit then spun around. On it was the mellenium symbole. It rotated and looked at kieth. Kieth fell off from being surprised. "What is that thing" luke asked. "It's probaply the gaurdians eye" kieth said getting up. "Well what ever it is it seems creepy" luke said walking up to the door. The eye just looked down at them then continued to scan the dig. "I'll see if I can find out what the eye of darkness is" kieth said as he left.
  14. Jason thought about what alex had said for a couple of seconds. "Fine you've bought the guy a while longer to live but i'll get him eventually" jason said. He looked back and the symboles let go of jono and dissapered. "But before I go i've got one last thing to do" jason said smilling. The other jasons flew up and grabbed j6. They tied him up by his arms and legs. "I thank you for bringing j6 here. You helped him get captured easily so i'll see you later but i've got to deal with j6 first" jason said as he and his coppies started leaving. Alex started going after them but jason used his elemental strike attack. Two of the jasons kicked alex back. They turned into there symbol forms and started spinning. As they spun a storm started. Jason and his coppies used the storm as cover as they left.
  15. Jasons elemntal coppies turned into there symbol forms. They wrapped jono up and dragged him down. They landed on the ground and kept jono in place. "What is this" jono asked looking at he bonds tied around him. "It's probaply your death" jason said as he charged up an energy blast. He took out his spear and conentrated the energy into the blade. Jason spun the spear and took aim. Once the energy was charged up he sent a blast at jono.
  16. J3 dodged the arrow. He flew into the air and started chargeing for a storm of tourment attack. "Stand down. I'll take him my self" jason flying up to j3. J3 nodded and meet up with j4. They floated down to the floor and watched the fight start. "So you're the origanale of these copies" jono said. "What's your point? Quit frankly i've got better stuff to do than fight a weakling" jason said smilling. "I'll show you who's the weakling" jono said. Jason just shook his head. He used his tech and split into five. They started charging up there attacks. As they prepared one of them drew there sword. "Let's see if you can dodge these. Storm of tourment" jason said as he started fireing arrows. As he fired the others went into there attacks useing shards of winter, dragon of darkness flame, angle links and the banshi shriek. Jono started running from the attacks.
  17. J6 sat down and pulled out some bandages. He started wrapping up his arm. "So why is it that you're a merk. It seems like you'd be better at another job with your kind of skills" alex said as she sat on her bed. "J1 all ready was a spirit detective. He quit and became a merk. He doesn't like to talk about what happened" j6 said. "Speaking of who why did he quit" alex asked. "He quit becuase of an accident that happened on his case. He wouldn't allow for the accident to happen again so he quit. He became a merk and so that's how we're working for our employer now" j6 said rotating his arm. "I thought useing the prisim of seven technuiqe would make all of jasons copies act the same" alex said. "Normaly it does but becuase j1 had a problem with quiting his job as a spirit detective. He hid his feeling about it but doesn't think about it when useing the prisim of seven technuiqe so that's why I act different from the others but I still follow orders" j6 said. "That must be hard on you haveing to deal with them" alex said. "It'll be alot harder for you to now. J1 doesn't want any one to know about his past so he'll probaply try to kill you and he's probaply sent some of the others after me" j6 said standing up.
  18. Jason had used the curse of the prism of seven to help out. His copies were flying around him. Jason looked around to see that j6 wasn't there. "Where's j6" jason asked. "He left off on his own for a bit" j3 said. "Was he talking to any one after fighting the girl" jason asked. "He was talking to alex before I told him about the meeting" j2 said. "J2,5 and 7 go find j6 and bring him to me" jason said. The other jasons nodded and left. J3 flew up untill he was next to jason. "Why is it that j6 needs to be found" j3 asked. "When I quit being a spirit detective some of me wanted to stay one. I figured that part of me would get put into one of you. We all have the same memories so j6 will probaply blab why i'm a merk now" jason said. "So what shall we do about the girl our employer was talking about" j3 asked. "We'll continue with orders. Hopfully j2 and the others will find j6 and bring him back" jason said. J3 nodded as they flew.
  19. As jason watched yusuke and botan he got another reply from his employer. "My imformants have told me that koenma has given the same ordeal he gaive to yusuke to the girl who died today" the voice said. "Ya so what is it that you want me to do" jason asked. "If she tryies to contact any one I want you to kill the person. If that can't be done try to take the spirit egg that she's been given" the voice said. "And what about yusuke" jason asked. "Ignore him for the mean time" the voice said. Jason nodded as his wings appeared. He ran off the building and flew off.
  20. Jason landed on a roof next to where yusuke was talking to botan. Jason just shook his head. "I wonder if he's gotten any stronger since his fight with toguro" jason said as he sat down. His wings dissiapered as he caught his breath. Once he was ready again he started masking his energy. He stood up and walked over to the building ledge. He found a good view point and started watching yusuke and botan while waiting for some thing to happen.
  21. J2 stopped flying and looked down. "Come on j6. you can talk to her later and if j1 will alow it. J1's haveing a meeting and if we don't go he'll have our heads. Literaly" j2 said. J6 nodded and jumped back into the air. J6 looked down at alex then flew ahead to catch up with j2. They eventualy came to the roof top of an abandoned factory. "So has any of you found them or any sign of them" j1 one aske. "Sorry sir but we haven't found any sign of them" j3 said shaking his head. "What about you two" j1 asked looking at j2 and 6. "I didn't find any thing and j6 was haveing a fight with a girl but he tied" j2 said. "Was the fighter good" j1 asked. "Pretty stong. We were able to match each other eveanly" j6 said. "You should of been able to beat her easily. Did you at least get to copy one of her techs" j7 asked. J6 just shook his head. J6 and 7 just hung there heads down. "Well we'll deal with the girl later. We've still got stuff to do" j1 one said. The other jasons nodded. J1 closed his eyes and reabsorbed them. Once he was finished he ran and jumped off the building. His wings appeared and he flew off to look for yusuke. "Hopefully I can find a lead" jason said as he flew.
  22. Another one of jasons coppies laned on the roof of a building next to j6. The copy just shook his head. "Can't belive you lost so easily" the jason said. "Just shut up j2" j6 said getting up. "Why? You had a good fight but it ended up in a tie" j2 said. "Yes but j1 says it's better to tie than to get your but whooped and killed" j2 said as his wings appeared. "We can't be killed. If we do our souls just go back to j1 and we can be called back out to fight again" j2 said. "Shouldn't you be looking for yusuke's friends" j6 asked as he floated. "Haven't found them yet. We got an idea on where yusuke, kurama and kuwabara are but hiei's to fast to track" j2 said as he floated into the sky. "Then let's get back to looking" j6 said as he flew off with j2 following.
  23. J6 powered up his spirit energy. His wings appeared and he flew up into the air. The other jasons followed. J6 started charging up his energy. The four other jasons turned into element symbols of earth, fire, wind and water and started circling j6. J6 took aim and fired an energy blast. The symbols flew down ahead of the blast and surrounded the girl. Energy bonds flew from the symbols to keep the girl tied up. They wrapped around her as the blast hit her. The energy explodid and sent the girl flying. The four jasons reapeared next to j6 and started charging up blasts. "Normaly j1 is the only one that uses this tech but I don't think he'd mind if it was used in this fight" j6 said as he charged up a blast him self. He took aim as the girl looked up. "Spirit gun" j6 called out as he fired. The other jasons fired spirit energy blasts to. The blasts came closer as the girl started running.
  24. "I'm only part of the guy whos sent you got. He was looking for yusuke and his friends and he was around when the girl got killed. He split into useing the curse of the prisim of seven tech and sent me back to keep an eye on the dead girl. Hopefully he's found yusuke and the other five have found his friends" j6 said. "In that case i'll to get red of you then the others if you're going to be pain" the girl said. "You can try but you wont succed" j6 said. He used his element strike tech and split into five. One of them came charging up at the girl while spinning his arm. A tornado started around his arm and he punched the girl. She went flying into the air. Another one became surrounded by black energy and sent a wave of black fire in a shape off a dragon. The girl managed to avoid the flame and landed on the ground. "Those were the tornado punch and the dragon of darkness flame" the girl takeing a fighting stance. "And I can do alot more than those techs" j6 said as he charged at the girl with the other jasons following.
  25. Kieth and nikkie walked up to the guy who waved at them. "Hi there. I'm hayato" hayato said sticking out his hand. "Nice to meet you hayato. I'm kieth and this is nikkie" kieth said shaking hayato's hand. Hayato just nodded untill he noticed the duel disks on kieths and nikkies arms. "Where did you get those from" hayato asked. "I'm testing them and asking others to help. If you're a duelist i'll you one" kieth said. Hayato smilled and nodded. Kieth took out a duel disk and gaive it to hayato. Hayato put his deck in and put the duel disk on his arm. "So does any one else have some of these" hayato asked. "Acouple of other people do but no one's used them in a duel yet" kieth said as he went into the trailer.
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