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T man

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Everything posted by T man

  1. Enix looked around because he felt some thing. "Yago what's going on back there" enix asked. "We're losing track of you. Some thing is interfereing with our coniction. We'll see what we can do about the others because it seems like there being chased by some thing. Sorry enix but it seems you on your own for a while" yago said. "Well it looks like i'm on my own for a while untill the others show up or some one finds this place" enix said raising his staff. The orb in his staff started glowing white. The room was filled with light. It looked like a normale dungon to enix. He walked through the door he saw and tapped the end of his staff to the ground to see if any thing happened and it lite up with light to. As he walked in and looked around he saw that there were pillars in the room. "I wonder what's this room's for" enix thought. As he looked around a small tornado of wind came at him. He raised his staff and a shield reflected it. As he got ready to fight the staff's orb turned white.
  2. Gene had been walking through the forest for days. He herd that there was a kingdom near by and figured he would look to see if there was any thing worth stealing. As he walked he herd the sound of lighting. "Bad sign. Most would dissmiss it as just the weather but a experienced thief like my self would know better" gene thought looking into the sky. It was becomeing dark and lighting bolts flashed. He started heading back as he herd some one comeing up behind him. He jumped into a tree for cover. As he looked around he saw a girl come by and start looking around for some thing. "Can I help you miss" gene asked as he jumped down. "Yes. I was sent here to find you. I'm here to ask for your help" the girl said. "Sure why not. I'm gene" gene said sticking his hand out. "I'm ren" ren said shaking hands with gene. "So what am I needed for" gene asked.
  3. [b]Name:[/b] Evean hilind [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Key and Staff/Magical Weapon:[/b] A staff with a blade at the end and a green orb at the top [b]Description:[/b] blue eyes, black hair, red head band, orange tint sun glasses, gloves with out the fingers blue shirt, black pants, red and white sneakers [b]Bio:[/b] His family has always studied magic and have made some of there own spells. His family has been known to have recordings of events that had to do with magic. He can tell when some thing that has to do with magic is near. He hardly uses his magic powers and mostly rely on his own skills.Because he respects others he will let people do there job and only stop them if he thinks he should. He is willing to fight when ever needed and is willing to help out any one who needs it of his friends. He wants a adventure that can challange his skills. He is a card captor but he mostly care about returning the cards to there rightfull owner and haveing fun capturing them.
  4. Enix got a strange message that he couldn't under stand. "Hey yago. Can you and the others give me a hint about what this says" enix asked as he sent the message. He waited as the message was passed to the other four hackers that weren't with them. "It kind of sounds like it's saying aura, great distroyer, captive, please help" yago said in the message enix got. "Is there any way to trace it" enix asked as he looked around. "Our closest guess is it's from one of the net slums but other than that we can't tell" yago said. "Keep a eye on the others. I'm going to look around and see if I can find the source of the message" enix said. As he finished sending the message he got ready to leave. "I'll be leaving for awhile. Some thing came to me and I need to check it out" enix said to the others. The others nodded as he headed to the entrance to see if any one would enterfere with his search. As he looked around he saw two dead players with a puchigos. He pulled out some food that he had with him and tossed it in the air. The puchigos came running and started eating the food. "What can you tell me about the one who killed those two" enix asked. "A heavy blade player came by and killed them. The player then rode off on the puchigos that was with me" the puchigos said. "Can you take me after the player and how fast can you run because I need to look for some one soon" enix asked. "It depends on if you have some more food with you" the puchigos said. "I'll give you half now and the rest once we find him" enix said taking out more food. After it finished eating enix got on and rode after the player.
  5. "We'll it's time to see if yago and the others pulled through" enix said. He nodded to a heavy blade and a long arm. There weapons glowed and they charged at the unbeatable. As they cut through it it broke apart. "It seems like they pulled through" crim said. "I have the same type of program for me, nitsu, valiant and siroken. The one they made is higher up. Mine increases with time. The one yago and the others made will increase more in battle each time" enix said as they continued. "I wonder what will happen when we reach the end and fight the virus" enix though.
  6. Name: evean kiro Age: 17 ( i'll change the age once I find out how long it's been Height/Weight: 6'10, 250 Description: brown hair, green eyes, blue head band, black pants, brown boots, purple shirt, orange vest, gloves, black tinted goggles, brown cloak Weapon: the hand gun and phinox soul from the trigun return of death, phinox sould 2 Bio: Evean decided to hang around with vash because he knew vash would get in trouble and he would need some one to help to get out. He helped to make the church in wolfwood name and in the name of his brother to honor them. He's made the phinox soul 2 based upon the first one. He's become very good at mechanics and is learning about the ancient technology used in the plants. He helps vash out when ever he can.
  7. Enix started thinking about what happened to ijimeru. "So what do you think happened" crim asked. "It could be that what ever happened to that player that we found happened to him while he was gone" yago said. "Well if that's true I want you to go tell the others and talk to the rest of the hackers to see if they could find any connection" enix said. "Well see what we can find. I'll report back if we find any thing" yago said. Enix nodded and yago left. "So what can you tell us about that player you found" subaru asked. "Not much. When we found him he was tied up in chains. Enix tried breaking the chains but no thing happened to them" nitsu said. "Then how did you get him out" siroken asked. "Yago broke threw it with one of his programs. The programs he makes break others" enix said standing up. "I'm heading back to that church to look around. If any thing happens tell me" enix said as he left.
  8. Enix looked around and saw a player that looked like a cat tied up in chains. They saw a girl infront of the statue. "Do you think she works with the virus" enix asked. "I don't know" nitsu said. Enix held up his staff and shot a beam of energy at the chains but they didn't break. Chains started comeing from the wall to get him to. He taped the end of his staff and a shield came up to defend him along with the others."Well it seems that if we try any thing well end up like him" crim said. Enix looked around and saw a long arm comeing. The persion ran up to the player wraped up in chains and cut him loose. "Hey yago nice time for you to come" enix said. "Ya I know. Let's get out of here before those doors close" yago said picking up the persion and ran. They ran to the doors as they closed. Enix was the last one out so he jumped as the door closed. "So who is this" nitsu asked. "This is yago. He one of the people that I told you that wont fight but will make some programs to help" enix said. "How did you know we were here" crim asked. "On of our little army" members told me tha some thing strange was happening here" yago said. "So who is this guy any ways" yago asked. "We don't know. He was in there when we got there" enix said.
  9. Gene and ryu ran to where the demons were attacking. Gene wraped his whip around a snake demon that was about to strike a villagers and started pulling get back. The persion ran by as gene withdrew his sword. "Get the people out of here. We don't need any more people geting hurt" gene said as he killed the demon. Ryu nodded then left to look for any one else being attacked. A demon jumped out at gene but he struck it down. "I wonder why so many demons would come here" gene asked him self as another demon got infront of him. He stabbed the sword into it and conitued looking for other people who needed help.
  10. [b]Name:[/b] evean hiland [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Job:[/b] bounty hunter/ escourt/ body gaurd [b]Weapons:[/b] 2 custom made hand guns, gatling gun [b]Appearence:[/b] blue eyes, black hair, purple shirt, blue vest, black pants, gloves with the fingers cut off, boots [b]Bio:[/b] Eveans father was with the red dragon and his mother was with the ISSP. Eventualy both of his parents were killed by the red dragon so he seeks to distroy it. If any one wants to help him bring down the red dragon he'll let them come. He is a good pilote and mechanic. He's herd of spyke standing against them and seeks to do the same.
  11. Evean herd the sound of a dragon outside. He was still in the building with katuema as she looked for her sword. "Did you here some thing evean" katumea asked looking at him. "It was probaply one of the others transforming. We're heading out to look for a sword once we join up with the others" evean said. "What kind of sword is it" katumea asked. "A healing sword. One of rebelion memebers got hurt and a special sword is needed to heal the wound" evean said. Katumea nodded and continued to look through the swords. "Here it is. Now I can go after that gaurd" katumea said smilling. They left the building as they herd foot steps comeing. They ducked into the shadows to see who it was. It was the gaurd who was to kill katumea. "It looks like your in luck" evean said Katumea smilled as she ran out of the shadows and cut off the gaurds head before he could draw his sword and defend him self. "With that done and over with we can leave now" katumea said as she started running to the wall surrounding the city. It took them a couple of minutes to reach the wall. They jumped over it as gaurds started walking by but they didn't see them as they cleared over the wall. "Now let's go meet up with the others" evean said as they ran into the forest.
  12. Enix was getting word from the other people he had sent messages to. He was off by him self as he sent out replys. "Well that answers the replys for the last 22 people" enix said to him self as he headed back to the others. Once he got to them he found them surroungding tsukasa. "What happened" enix asked. "We don't know. He just blacked out" subaru said. Enix started getting a message from one his his brother of events. "It seems that people are being knocked out but no one knows why" enix said. "Is any of the people you asked for help knocked out" subaru asked. "No there all fine. I've talked to them and fourty of them will help us fight while the last five will make programs to help fight against the gaurdians" enix said. "O.k that's good to know but what will we do about tsukasa" crim asked lifting him up. "I think we should go back to that church. When we appeared there after being beaten by the unbeatable I was wondering why we came there" enix said preparing to leave. "I'll come with you. Some thing may be happening there" crim said. "If he's going i'm comeing" nitsu said walking up to them. "Fine then the rest of you keep a eye on tsukasa" enix said. He warped him self along with ntsu and crim back to the church. They reapered in front of the church and they tied to go into the church but it was sealed. "Some thing must be going on in there. It's normaly open" enix said getting ready to fight if a enemy approached them. "I agree with you. Some things not right" crim said said.
  13. Storm [b]Name:[/b] gene hilind [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b]male [b]Bio:[/b] Gene is a experenced thief. He travels looking for a challenge to test his skills and knoledge. Knows how to escape traps and unlock any type of lock. He knows many types of spells from his travels and is willing to teach any one who wants to know them aslong as he can trust them. He is loyal to any friends he has and is willing to help those in need. He will work with any one no matter who they are or what they are as long as he thinks they have good intentions. [b]Description:[/b] blue eyes, black hair, blue shirt, black pants, gloves, cloak, brown boots
  14. O.O.C: Well it's over and sorry black phinox. It seems like your a bit late. I thank you all for joining and if you feel like posting after mine feel free to. Also if some one wants to make a sequil to this feel free to but tell me. I'm so happy that it made it this far:bawl: "We'll I guess it's over then" evean said as he flew the geno breaker over to the remains of the death stinger. He charged up a shot to get red of the remains. as he fired a shot one of his whale kings landed. "Sorry i'm so late. I would of been here sooner but a member of the zoid battle commission wanted to come and some people from the media came" tracey said as he walked out of the whale kings mouth with a couple of people following. Suzuki, nitsu and the rest of the team came to meet up with evean as he distroyed the rest of the death stinger. "I assume you're the leader of the demolition runners team" the woman asked as evean opened the cockpit. "Yes i'm the leader of the team" evean said getting out. "I'm mira hilind. I'm here to reward your team with the prize money for defeating the death suaurer and the death stingers" mira said. "Well thanks it wasn't easy. It took alot of work" evean said. "It's been decided that we'll move your team up to S rank because it took alot of skill to defeat some of the strongest zoids there are. Also we'll move up any other persion or team who helped" mira said. Jay and kay started yelling about there new rank. "I'm glade it's over and we'll get a rank promotion" suzuki said smilling. "Hey can we get a picture of the team together" a news reporter asked. "Sure why not" evean said. "Hey flash get over here" nitsu said. Flash came to them to get into the picture. The news reporter took the picture once flash got there. "Hey how about once we get to the base we party" nitsu asked. "Sure why not" evean said smilling.
  15. "I'm going to meet up with the people I called in dun loireag" enix said to them before ijimeru left. He then gated to dun loireag. As he walked around he saw some land set up like a stage where he was to meet the ones he called. He saw wave masters, heavy blades, twin blades and long arms in the crowd. All 23 of the people who replied to his message had come except for the orther 22. He walked on to the stage thinking about what he wold say. "Fellow players of the world. I have told you why I have called you here. I called to ask for help. As you know, me and some of my friends have been traped inside the world. Some of you also know about that attack that happened. All these events are connected some how" enix said as people in the crowd talked about what he was saying. "So i'm asking for your help to defeat the one who is doing this. But as I said there is a chance you'll die from helping us. If you feel like not getting involved or want to back down after it's begun i'll understand" enix said looking around. The crowd started talking about what they would do. A long arm came up once a answer was decided. "It's been decided enix. To protect the world and get you and your friends out we'll join you in your fight" the long arm said as the crowd raised there weapons and cheered. "I thank you my friends. Go and train because I could call you at any time. If you encounter a unbeatable do not fight it because you could end up like me. Trust me, it hurts like heck after it beats you and you reform" enix said. Some of the crowd laughed. Some of crowd left to prepare and some stayed to talk to the others. "It's good to know we'll have help" enix thought as he got off the stage.
  16. O.O.C: it's not exactly over yet Evean started calling back the energy that he had charged up. "I wonder what's so bad about that zoid" evean thought as he called the base. "Who is this and how did you get this line" the persion asked. "Tracey it's evean" evean said into the communication system. "Oh sorry evean. When did you get a geno breaker because from my scans your in one and not in your geno saurer" tracey said. "Ya I know. I got it a couple of minutes ago. Listen I need you to bring one of my whale kings to my location and check it for any bombs because that's how my first one went down" evean said. "How did a bomb get on" tracey asked. "I'll tell you later" evean said. "I'll be around in a couple of minutes" tracey said. He checked the systems and they were the same as they were before. "What's up with those two" jake asked once he landed with the others following. "It's some thing about suzuki's liger. I called tracey and he's bringing another one of my whale kings" evean said.
  17. "So we'll need help to get his done" enix asked. "Yes but are you sure people would want to get involved in this" kara asked. "Yup. I know my brother would want to. I have some friends who are hackers who have had dreams about doing some thing this big and have been planning for it in case they're needed. I also know some people who like this world better than the real one and they would give up there lives to save it" enix said smilling. "How do you know so many people" akira asked. "That's for me to know and it's none of you buisness" enix said. "Fine then. Send them a message but warn them about what could happen to them" subaru said. "All ready on it" enix said as he sat down on a stone and started sending out messages. As soon as he sent them he started getting replys that they would help. "So far all the people i've sent out messages to have agreed. Some are logged on all ready. So should we go meet up with them" enix asked.
  18. Evean had lefted suzuki off the ground trying to wake her up. "What happened" suzuki said as she woke up. "I think you beat loyd" evean said smilling that she was awake. He pointed to the wrecked death stinger that loyd used. Most of it was burning. Suzuki smilled that it was over but looked scared once she saw another death stinger behind evean. "Where did that come from" suzuki asked. "It came from talim. He called it up but i'm wondering how he did with out a part of it's zoid core" evean said turning to the death stainger. He looked into the distance and saw the death suarer still standing."What the heck. Wanna use the death stinger to distroy the death suarer" evean asked. "Sure why not" suzuki said. "Hey guys get out of the way" evean said into his head set as they went into the cockpit of the death stinger as the rest of the team ran and fired the cannon at the death suarer. "Good aim from this distance" nitsu said smilling as the shot hit the death suarers zoid core and it fell as it blew up. "So what are we going to do with this thing" suzuki asked. "What else, blow it up. We can't leave it still standing for some one else to use. Because it's not as close as loyds was to the orginal it should blow up easily" evean said smilling. As they got out of the cockpit the crystal around the geno suaurer broke apart. Flash started walking to nitsu from the new geno breaker. "Thanks for the geno breaker flash" evean said smilling. "Once we blow up the death stinger i'll call the base to pick us up in a whale king" evean said smilling as he got into the geno breaker. He turned to the death stinger as he started to charge up a shot to distroy the death stinger.
  19. "We're not her body gaurds. We're her team mates and as for talim, no one realy knows about him" evean yelled to jay. Nitsu fired a couple of shots and took out the charged particle converter. Evean turned back on the head set to talk to the rest of the team. "O.k the charged particale converter's out so it can't use the charged particle cannon any more. Take off the armoring around of the zoid core and bring down the death saurer down but be carefull because it still has some weapons left" evean said as the gun sniper came to a stop. "Sorry jay but we'll have to finish out fight once our zoids are fixed" nitsu said as they jumped down. Evean looked around and saw the rest of the team start shooting at the zoid core's armoring. "Come on evean. We need to check on suzuki's battle with loyd" nitsu said as she ran to where suzuki was fighting loyd. "Go on ahead. I want to check on the crystal" evean said as he went to check the geno saurer's crystal cocoon. "I hope it evolves soon incase suzuki needs help" evean said as he put his hand on the crystal. He felt the crystal beat lightly under his hand. "I guess i'll stay here incase i'm needed" evean thought as he set the anti zoid rifel to the long range mode and fired at the death suarers zoid core armoring.
  20. Evean was still follwoing katumea as they searched for her sword to fight with against there enemy's. 'Do you know were they would keep my sword" katumea asked as she walked down the street. "When I was here before with the others I saw a place where they stored weapons. It could be in there" evean said as he lead the way. It took them acouple of minutes to find the building where they kept the weapons. As they looked around they saw two gaurds infront of the door. "Here you can use my sword" evean said drawing his sword and he gave it to katumea. "What about you evean" katumea asked takeing the sword. "I'll be fine. Wait here for awhile" evean said unraveling his whip and walking in front of the gaurds. The gaurds looked at him and drew there swords. "Looks like one of the members of the rebellion stayed to get killed" one of the gaurds said smilling. Evean used the whip to wrap around a gaurds neck. The other gaurd was about to cut the whip up katuema cut him down. "Now give us the keys to the door and we may let you live" evean said. The gaurd gave evean the keys as he tried to get the whip off. Evean knocked the gaurd out once he got the keys and started to unravel the whip. "Come on let's get your sword" evean said as he opened the door and went in. As they looked around they saw different swords hanging on the walls so katumea started looking for her's.
  21. [b]Name:[/b] irvine kellarny [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Apearence:[/b] blue eyes, brown hair, red head band, gloves with out the fingers, dark blue shirt, black pants, brown boots [b]Bio:[/b] Irvine travels to increase his skills with the sword and in the martial arts. Because of his travels he knows how to use many type of weapons and knows different types of medicens. He's allways wanted to meet Kenshin and see if he could learn any skills form him. He's not afraid to fight for what he belives in and he'll do any thing to protect a friend. He will fight any one who hurts others. [b]Attitude:[/b] nice, brave, loyal
  22. "Sure we need a lift. See how close you can get to the death saurers tail" evean said as he got onto the gun sniper with nitsu following. "I'll see how close I can get" the pilote said. Evean pulled out a head set and turned it on. "Jake I need you and sara to make some distraction so we can take out the particle intake. Max and kate you working with us" evean said takeing aim. "How good are you with guns" nitsu asked. "I'm pretty good. Take off the armoring so we'll have a better shot" evean said as max and kate came and started fireing. "Move out of the way" evean said as a missile came from the tail. Nitsu aimed and shot the missile. "Good shot nitsu" evean said. "Thanks. I do alot of practiceng" nitsu said as she fired. After a couple of shots the armoring came off the particale converter. "I'll take out the particale converter. Evean, keep a eye out incase some one tries to stop the shot" nitsu said as she took aim.
  23. "This is too easy. They must of sent there best fighters after us" evean thought as he knocked out another gaurd. He continued down the hallway untill he came to katumea's cell. He looked around but didn't see any one in it. "They must of moved her or they've all rady started it" evean thought as he jumped out of a window on to a roof. As he ran he saw people gathering. He jumped to a roof to get a better view of what was happening. As he looked around he saw a girl who was about to have her head cut off. "I guess that's her" evean said as he unraveled his whip and struck the sword out of the persions hand. The exocutioner looked at evean and steped back as most of the people who gathered did. Evean jumped onto the stand and knocked the exocutioner off. "It's the wolf demon from before" one of the solders said. "Yes and i'm back for my friend here and if any of you get in my way prepare to be cut down" evean said smilling as he withdrew his sword. Most of the people gathered had run but those that wanted to fight stayed. "I realy like scarrying people like this" evean thought as he cut katumea loose. "Let' go meet up with the others" evean said as he jumped onto a roof. "Ya these guys wouldn't be worth out time" katumea said as she jumped after him and they started for the outside of the town as some of the gaurds and solders fired arrows at them.
  24. Gene was still knocking demons down as a guy with a kid on his back ran out with people following. "Is there any body else in here" gene called out. As he looked around he herd faint crys in the flames. He started running through the flames as more of the building caught on fire. He saw a boy and girl in the flames being attacked by a demon. "It's to far for me to strike with my sword" gene thought as he pulled out his glaive and threw it. The glaive went through the demon and brought it down. "Are you two o.k" gene asked walking up to them. They nodded as gene removed his glaive from the demons back. As they started to leave more burning debri came falling down in front of them. "Since we can't leave through there we'll have to make a new way out" gene thought as he drew his sword and cut a hole in the wall. "O.k you two get out of here" gene said as more debri fell. The kids got out followed by gene as the hole was started to be blocked by flames. "I hope every one's out" gene thought as he lead the kids back to the front of the house to join up with the others.
  25. "It's probaply going to be a peacefull day" gene thought as the sun came up. He had nothing to do so he figured he would stay in the tree he was sleeping in. "Might as well go look around here" gene said to him self as he jumped out of the tree. As he looked around he saw smoke. "What's going on now" gene asked him self as he started running. Once he got to the town he saw people running from a burning building. "Is there any thing I can do to help" gene asked a girl who was helping to evacuate people. "See if you can find any body left in there" she said. "I'll see what I can find" gene said as he left to look.
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