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O.O.C: I hope this is what you ment EowynElf. Evean looked around because some thing didn't seem right. "Aren't we missing some one" evean asked. "No I don't think so" rann said. Evean looked around for the scent of a wolf demon. He knew there was one that had been with the group but wasn't there any more. "Are you sure. I'm sure I smell a wolf demon" evean asked. He started heading back to the town. "Oh wait we forgot katumea back there. We should go back" tani said. "I'll go back. I'll have a better chance of finding her. I'll catch up with you guys later" evean said as he tossed the sword with the spell on it to rann. He started running back to the town as it came into view. As he ran he jumped over the moat that was outside of the town then jumped over the wall. As he looeked around he caught the smell of katumea and started for the cell she was kept in. As he went to the jail he knocked out the gaurds and took a set of keys from one of the gaurds. "Time to save katumea and get out of here" evean thought as he went into the jail.
"Suzuki if you want to fight him alone you can" evean said as he left suzuki. "Thanks evean. I'll ask for help if I need it" suzuki said as she continued to fight loyd. "I should go help the others" evean thought as he went back to the other battle field. He looked around and saw flash on the ground. "Better get it out of the way" evean said as he launched one of the arms. He pulled it out of the way as a missile was about to hit it. "You o.k flash" evean asked. Flah nodded and glowed with a white light. Evean typed on a key boards while looking at a screen and was surprised. "Time for me to get out of here" evean thought as he grabed two casses and got out as his zoid was covered by a red crystal. "I don't know what that was for but thanks flash" evean said. "What's flash doing" nitsu asked. "He's evolving my geno saurer but who knows how long it'll take" evean said as he opened the cases. "Will he be o.k after the evolution" nitsu asked walking up to him. "He'll be fine. Don't worry he wont fuse with it" evean said as he put together anti zoid rifels to fight with. "Come on we need to help the others" evean said as he tossed one to nitsu.
"Can we dissable it" gene asked. "We might be able to" tilby said. "Then let's deffeat it and deal with the shadow creature" gene said as he aimed his glaive at the enemy. The others aimed and the energy that was colected was fired. The OMG dissapered as the shot hit it. "Well since that's finished with let's see what was caught" rika said as she walked to the cage. As they walked up to the cage the dark figure was trying to get out f the cage. "Why did you add on to our attack" tilby asked. "I wanted to see if you could handle the power increase. It seems like you were able to handle it abit" the dark figure said. "You could of asked to add it on" gene said charging up a lightning bolt. "So what are we going to do with it" sarah asked.
Evean looked at the scanar to see how every one was doing. The rest of the team was fighting while flash was looking for a sniper and nitsu was fighting the lightning saix from before. "Suzuki the guy who's after nitsu's back. "He is? We'll have to deal with him once we're finished with loyd" suzuki said as loyds liger charged hers. Loyds picture appeared on there screans. "Nice liger suzuki. Let's see if it can handle this" loyd said holding up a metal box with a orb inside. "Hey evean. What's that" suzuki asked. "It's the piece of the death stingers zoid core that loyd stole" evean said as he charged up a shot. "Your right. Even though i'll only have half the power it'll be more than enough to distroy you" loyd said laughing as he opened the box. The orb flew out of the cockpit and fused with the liger. In a flash of light the death stinger was infront of them. "Now i'll realy need the gene saurer to evolve into the geno breaker" evean said as he fired the shot but the death stinger diflected it.
"We'll since we're showing what we can do i'll show you three" gene said as he opened his hand. A small glowing ball appeeared in it. Gene looked around and saw some let candles. As he closed his hand the candles went out. When he opened his hand the ball was gone and some of the candles relite but no one noticed. "So I guess you can control fire" tilby said. "I can also control lightning" gene said as he opened his other hand. In one hand a small fire ball appeared and in the other a yellow ball with rings appared. "I think you should put them away before some one notices" sarah said. "Hold on" gene said as he put his hands together and the ball of fire along with the ball of lightning dissapered. "I guess that could ome in handy some times" rika said. "Ya. I mostly do it on camping trips to practice" gene said smilling.
"It's going to be a boreing day I guess" gene thought as he looked out the window. As he turned around he herd some one talk about him. He looked around and saw two girls about the same age as he was setting at a table. "Can I help you two" gene asked as he walked to them. "Sorry I just noticed some thing about you" one of them said. "I guess you have powers to uh" gene said as he took a seat. "Yup. I'm trilby and this is rika" trilby said shaking hand with gene. "I get the feeling that i'll be needed for some thing so why don't I hang around you two for awhile" gene asked. "Sure. We'll need to find some more people and you can help" trilby said.
"I've herd that some of the swords are hidden within the elements. Things like mountins, lakes or volacnos. I've allso read they can be found during storms but it's extreamly rare" evean said as they continued. "Why would they be in there" yani asked. "Like I said before. Most of them were distroyed so the others were hidden" evean said looking dwon. "If we can't find them is there any way we can make a new one" rann asked. "Maybe. Most of the materiel was used in makeing the swords. We maybe able to turn this one into one of the holy ones but we would need to find some one who would be able to lift the spell and know the one for the holy sword" evean said looking at the sword. "Then we'll just have to find one of the swords or some one who can change the on we have" tani said as she went up ahead.
"Let's just end this. Athousand arrows, element strike" kyp called out as he fired a arrow at the wyverns on kain. As the arrow split apart it caught on fire. The flaming arrows hit all the wyverns in the head and they started burning. Once the wyverns on kain got off kain moved before they started on fire. "How did you do kill the ones that were off of kain. You weren't even aiming at them" kai asked. "I did a combination of my attacks. The arrows will split apart and hit all targets. The only way for them to be stoped is for me to call them off or for them to be distroyed. As for the fire it was from my element strike" kyp said smilling about his hits. "What would of happened if a arrow hit me" kain asked. "Those wyverns would of burst into flames. The element strike would of put a fire shield around you and burn them off" kyp said smilling.
[b]Name:[/b] gene kasaru [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] male [b]Element:[/b] fire,lighting, psychic [b]Features:[/b] blue eyes,black hair, 5'8" [b]Weapons:[/b]glaive, sword [b]Bio:[/b] Gene has alwas wanted to go on adventures. He is willing to help those in need and is loyal to what few friends he has. He will do what is needed to defend is friend and that means giveing up his life. He found out about his powers when he was able to redirect lightning and control a flam.
Evean had just cut down another solider as one of the wolfs came up to him. "You need to go don't you. You can go because it's allready over and be carefull" evean said smilling. The wolf howled and then the wolfs left back into the forest. Evean looked around and most of the soldiers were eather killed or were retreating. He went looking around and seeing if the left over bodys of the soliders as he saw tani looking at a sword. "What's wrong tani" evean asked walking up to her. "It's the sword I was stabed with. It has a spell on it so i'll allways feel pain" tani said as she stood up. "Here let me see it" evean said holding out his hand. Tani gave him the sword and he looked it over. "I've seen one of these before in a shop but it was in pieces. I asked the store owner and she said that some swords had been made to cancle the effect of this one but the were distroyed because they could heal the wound" evean said as he put the sword back in the sheath. "Do you know if there are any left" tani asked. "I've herd there are some left but it's rare to find one. I think we should bring this with us. I was told it'll react to the sword that can heal the wound" evean said as he slung the sword over his back. They left and rejoinded the others.
Sorry but i've allready started it and it seems like it's close to the end.
O.O.C: shai is a guy millionknives88 "Man this is geting crazy. If this keeps going on it'll end up like before" evean thought as he ran up to nicholas and lifted him up on his shoulder. "Vash let's go before those two get a lucky shot" evean said as he picked up his gun. "Ya let's go. Come on kaiyden" vash said as they started to leave. "What about them" kaiyden said as he jumped off the building. Vash had to think about it as shai and zi were shooting at them. "Pick them up and bring them. We can leave them in different places in the town" vash said as he picked up shai. Evean went to pick up akasuki as kaiyden went to pick up ticris. "Hey evean. Do you have any more smoke bombs with ya" vash asked as they ran from saiga and zi. "Allways do vash" evean said as he tossed one behind him. They continued to run as the smoke came up. "Now let's find a place to drop these guys" kaiyden said.
[b]Name:[/b] gene tusung [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Weapons:[/b]sword, glaive, whip [b]Description:[/b] blue eyes, brown hair, red head band, gloves, black pants, green shirt, brown cloak [b]Bio:[/b] Gene is a experenced thief. He only takes what he needs and he treats any one he meets the same as he would with others. He is willing to make firends no matter who or what they are. He doesn't care if some one says any thing bad about him or others. If he sees any one who needs help he will help them. Because of his travels he knows many typs of medicens and some spells.
Human name: gene tusung age:16 gender: male appearance: blue eyes, brown hair, blue shirt, black pants, gloves with the fingers cut off, black tinted goggles personality: nice, brave, loyal Bio: He is willing to help any one in need and is not afraid to risk his life in a fight. He is loyal to his friends and will do any thing to help him. He has a colection of blade weapons but doesn't use them unless he has a reasion. He does have some physic power but only uses it to win games or fights.
"That was fast" kyp said as they set up camp to eat the food that ki brought. "Hey kyp and kai. Why don't you to go out and get some fire wood" ki said. Kyp nodded and they went into the forest. "You like her don't you" kyp said once they were out of hearing range. "I don't know who your talking about" kai said as he picked up some wood. "I've done alot of traveling so i'm pretty good at reading emotions" kyp said as he picked up some more wood. "Sooner or later you'll end up telling her" kyp said as he picked up some more wood and headed back. A fire pit had been dug up so the threw the wood in. "So how are we going to light this" kitty asked. Kyp held out his hand and a small fire ball apeared. "Here's you answer" kyp said as he tossed it in. The wood caught on fire as kyp sat down. "So does any one have any ideas on what we should do once we find the earth crystal" kyp asked as he looked around
"Guys help them out any way you can" evean said as loyd jumped into a blade liger and left. The rest of the team replied. "Suzuki, if you have electrical particle blades or a energy shield you'll be the only one who can defend against the shots" evean said as he left after loyd. "Rember you guys to take out the charged particle converter on the tail" evean said as he left them to fight. "If I want any chance to stand up to the death stinger my geno suarer with need to evovle" evean thought as he left after loyd to the lost ciy of the zoidians.
Evean fired at the camand wolf and brought it down. "One down three more to go" evean thought. He fired at the zabor fang that was on top of tical. "Thanks for the help evean" tical said as he got up. They both started fireing at the zabor fang as it ran. "Let's finish this soon so we can finish what we set out to do" suzuki said as she tackled the rev raptor. Tical and evean hit the sabor fang in the legs and brought it down. "Let's see how the others are doing" evean said as he set up the radar. The storm sworder had been brought down and they were heading back. "Your partners have been taken out so your out numbered. You have two choices. We eather pound your zoid into the ground or you can give up" evean said to the pilote of the rev raptor. The rev raptor backed down and stoped moveing. "So what are we going to do with them" evean asked suzuki. "Why are you asking me" suzuki asked. "They work with loyd and you said that you would kill any one who works for him so i'm asking you" evean said.
O.O.C: I'm so happy that my first rp's gone so far. I give thanks to all of you who joined :D "Why don't you two have the wedding at the ranch or would you rather have it back in your home town" jacen asked as jake started fireing at him. "I'd have to think about that" kitsune said. "Hey vash how about some help here" jacen said as he jumped behind some ruble. "Uh, oh ya hold on" vash said after he stoped crying about what hisame said to him. Vash started fireing at jake. "Hey jacen can you make your shots faster" vash asked. Jacen started fireing at a faster rate. As jake ran vash started shooting at him from the front. "This should end quickly" jacen said as he pulled out a whistle and blew on it. After a couple of shots jacen and vash hit jake in his arms and legs. "At least that's over with" vash said as he walked over to hisame to try again. "Hey kitsune why don't I give you my share of the money as a wedding gift" jacen said as he pulled out some rope to tie jake in. "You will. Thanks. I appreceate it" kitsune said. Once jacen finished tieing jake the thomas came back with the girls. "Hey, vash has been pestering her to marry him" jacen said pointing to hisame. "He has. Vash if she doesn't want to marry you then she doesn't want to marry you" meryl said starting to give vash a lecture."Thanks jacen. He was getting annoying. I was afraid i'd have to shoot him" hisame said smilling. "It's o.k. Now let's go turn this guy in and get the prize money" jacen said smilling as he swung jake over his shoulder.
Evean looked around and herd the sound of foot steps in the forest. "Head to the forest" evean said as he started running. The others followed. After a couple of minutes wolfs came from the forest. "Where did those come from" a solider asked. "Some one from the rebelion probaply called them" a solider said as he steped forward. "We'll if they can call wolfs i'd hate to see what else they could call" a solider said as he started heading back. Some more of the soliders moved back as the wolfs moved forward. Evean unwraped the bandages from his eyes and they reflected the moon light. "Is that a wolf demon" one of the soliders asked once they saw eveans eyes glowing in the forest. Evean started howling as the other wolf did. Most of the soliders got ready to fight as some backed up. "You like doing that don't you" rann asked as he looked at him. "Yup. I like to scare people like this" evean said as he with drew his sword.
"So kai what reasion do you belive that we were called here" kyp asked. "I know a godess named kilari has called me here. What about you kyp" kai asked. "Me? I realy don't know why I was called here. For that matter no one asked me to come" kyp said smilling. "Then how did you know to come here" kai asked. "I follow what my spirit tells me and it told me to come here. It tells me that I am needed and to follow what ki tells me" kyp said smilling. "You probaply have good sences then" kai said smilling. "I guess I do then" kyp said as he sat back down as kai sat to the left of ki.
"Time to go find vash" evean said as he pulled out some rope to tie ticris with. Once he finished tieing him up he looked around. Down the rode he saw the grave of his brother. "I guess I could go make a prayer" evean said as he pulled out some duck tape and put it over ticris mouth. Evean started walking the grave. He nealed down on one leg once he got there and layed the phinox soul along with the last gun made in pergatory on the grave. He thought about what he would say. "Well irvine I guess i'm going to end up like you because of vash and of course i'll try not to. I've found the son of Mr. wolfwood but it seems like he found me and vash. I'll try my best not to get into any more fights with him and i'll try to do my best to help vash in any way I can like you did" evean said picked up the guns and he started to get up. As he started walking to the town he herd gun fire. "Well I know where he is now" evean said as he started running.
O.O.C: If any body else is wondering K.K.C asked me to make up some other team members in a older post.
Kyp had been walking through the streets looking for the one who called him there. "I wonder why I was called to help. Who knows but when I am called upon to help a cause greater than my self I will come" kyp thought as he turned a corner. He noteced a light in the sky. "That could be just a candle but some thing tells me different" kyp says to him self as he started running to the source of the light. "Hi there. I'm kyp. I feel that you are one of the ones who called me here so I will lend my skills in any way I can" kyp said sticking out his hand. "I'm ki. Thanks for comeing to help. I'm still waiting for the others" ki said as she shook hands with kyp. Kyp sat to the right of ki as he waited with her. "Aren't you cold out here" ki asked. "I'm fine. I do alot of traveling so i'm used to being in different temperatures" kyp said smilling. "I wonder how many more people will come" kyp thought as he looked at the stars
"Oh great it's some of loyds followers" evean said as he got out of the caryer and got into the geno sauerer. "Jake go after the sworder" evean said as he started the geno sauerer. "All ready on it" jake said as he flew off. "You guys get into your zoids to" evean called out to the rest of the team. Max got into his shadow fox. Kate got into the shield liger as sara got into her spino breaker. "We're here to stop you from interfearing with loyds plans" the pilote of the camand wolf said. Evean started fireing at the camand wolf but a shield came up to defend it. "A shield. I'll need to use the pulse laser gun" evean said as he lowered the geno saurers head and fired. The camand wolf started running from the shots. As evean fired he herd the others fighting. The radar in the geno suarer activated. He looked at the scans and saw another zoid comeing. "Great another follower probaply" evean thought as he hit the camand wolf.
"Every one prepare to bail out. Pearichutes are being attached to the zoids so get to them as fast as you can" evean said as he went to the a concile and started typeing. Tical looked around and saw the others running to there zoids as pearichutes were being put on by robotic arms. He set the system to start landing the whale king once they got out. "Come on evean we need to go" susuki said to evean. "I'll be around in a couple of minutes" evean said as he continued to type. Four small transports were droped to carry the zoids. He ran as he looked around and saw that all the zoids were safely off. He grabed a pericute and jumped out of the bottom doors. As he fell he saw the whale king start to land. He pulled the rip cord as he saw the others land. He landed and looked around. "Is every one and there zoids here" evean asked looking around. "Ya every one's here along with there zoids" susuki said walking up to him. "O.k then. Load the zoids on the caryers then we'll leave" evean said looking at his whale king as it explodid. "Are you o.k evean. You look sad about some thing" nitsu said walking up to him. "It's just that I had that whale king before I made a team and got my base" evean said as he walked to his geno sauer and got into the cockpit. "Come on we still have things to do" evean as he piloted the geno sauerer and got it on a hover bed. After a couple of minutes the zoids were on and they started for helic city again.