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T man

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Everything posted by T man

  1. Evean ran from the shots. "You need work on your aim" evean said smilling. Ticris started shooting again at evean. "You probaply couldn't shoot me at point blank" evean said starting to laugh. Ticris aimed and fired at evean. The shot knocked him down. "You were saying. No one could survive a shot like that" ticris said smilling. "Nice try. This is a steal bullet proof vest that's about three feet thick" evean said smilling as he got up. "How can you move so fast with that on" ticris asked shocked. "Since the day I made it i'm allways wearing it to train against the weight" evean said smilling. Evean pulled out the phinox soul as he was being fired at and ran. He set it to the quick shot mode and started fireing.
  2. "There it's finished" even said as he filled in the hole in the phinox soul's armor. His scar started glowing as a arrow came at his head. He shot it down the middle with the phinox soul and it split into two. "You must not realy listen to shai that much" evean said as he started walking. He moved his head a bit as as bullet went past it. "I've got no time for this. I'm going to find vash then visit a grave" evean said as he pulled out the last gun in pergatory, set it to the strong shot and fired at ticris. The ledge that ticris was standing on crumbeld and he landed on the ground face first. Evean just smilled as he went to look for vash.
  3. "They're my cookies. Yours are in the cuboard over to the right" evean said. "They are? Sorry about that" suskui said. "Back to what I was going to say. He's a rank A zoid pilote. He's one of the most voted to go onto rank S but as you know you have to be apart of a team. It's said he has a partner named talim but no ones ever seen her. He's wanted for stealing information and sneaking into ruins. He's also stolen a part of the zoid core of the death stinger. Bcause of his skill only rank A pilotes are sent" evean said as he finished the cookie. "Why would he steal a part of a zoid core" tical asked. "The zoid core belonged to the death stinger. A zoid that was strong enough to survive a drop from the planet's atmoshphere. The death stinger was made from two zoids used to keep the death saurer in control" evean said. "That must of been a strong zoid" nitsu said. "But I herd the death stinger turned to stone and then crumbled" nitsu said as she came back. "It did but a small piece of it didn't. From the information stolen it seems like he needs a lot of energy to restore it. It's said that he's planning to steal the still intact parts of the death saurer and recreat the both of them" evean said. "So is that why we're going to helic city" nitsu asked. "Yes. Even though the death saurer that was sent to distroy helic city was a clone it was still powerfull. We'll need to stop him before he gets the parts" evan said.
  4. Evean had finished cleaning up the mess in the kitchen and set the whale king on auto pilote. Evean turned on the radio as he reached into a cuboard and pulled out a chocolete chip cooke bigger than his fist. "In recent news the zoid battle commission has started the search for the thief known as loyd hetaro. He was one of the most voted zoid battlers to make it to S rank. Because of his skill only the zoid teams of A rank were sent. The first team to go is the demolition runners. They have won every match they've had and are belived to be the first one's to bring loyd in" the newsman said. "At least we'll get some rechonition for what we're doing" evean thought as he bit into the cookie and sat down at a table. He looked around and saw the others except nitsu. "Hey evean where did you get that from" nitsu asked from behind him. He was surprised and almost droped the cookie. "There in that cuboard" evean said pointing. Nitsu went to the cuboard and pulled one out. "Thanks evean. I love cookies" nitsu said as she sat down across from evean. "I should go around and colect supplies tomarrow once we land and find some info" evean thought as he bit into his cookie.
  5. "Let go. Your choking me here. I wont be of any use if i'm dead in here you know" enix said trying to get ijimeru off. Ijimeru let go of enix's head. "The world records some data. I think what we saw back in those fields were recorded data. I think because it was imcomplete that's why it faded" enix said as he started to catch his breath. "Why would those moments be recorded" subaru asked. "Who knows. Maybe some ones planing to use them against you. I herd there was some strange copy's of tsukasa in the net slum" enix said as he sat down. "That's true but the field was eventualy distroyed. A theroy was composed that the copy's were used before the origanle tsukasa came" crim said standing up. "So then what were the images for then" subaru asked. "I don't belive that the world would record those moments on purpose so I think some one is useing the images for some thing else. I don't know if they're ment to help us or go gainst us" enix said as he sat down. "So what's the net slum" ijimeru asked putting him in another head lock. "A place where old data, codes and bugs that escaped the debuggers go. From what I know there are a couple of them around. The recording's probaply came from one of them. I've never been to one so I can't tell you any thing else" enix said geting out of the head lock.
  6. "Now where did I put that knive" evean thought as he searched his cloak. He knew akasuki, zi and saiga were comeing to get them. He didn't want to fight them tied up. He was still able to move around a bit mecause the rope wasn't as tight as vash's. "How are going to get out of this one. I eather get killed or go to jail I've all ready gone to jail once" vash said starting to cry. "Oh shut it vash" evean said as he found the knive and started cutting. "We'll probaply kill you vash. As for you evean, I realy don't know" shai said. "Well sorry to burst your bubble guys but we'll be going now" evean said as he finished cutting the rope and pulled out a smoke bomb. As he threw it he grabed vash and started running. "We'll have to find a place to hide out in untill we can fix your arm and the phinox soul" evean said as he started cuting vash loose. "Ya so let's move it then" vash said as shai and ticris started shooting.
  7. T man

    Rogue Trader

    They came to the asteroid where jericho landed. "So kitty what would you do if you found the place where your target is" jacen asked as they walked out of the ships. "Why are you asking me" kitty asked looking at him. "Do you realy need for us to answer you" flash said smilling. Kitty just grumbled about the responce. "I would go find the target as fast as I can then go in shooting" kitty said as she walked off. "There's your answer jacen. Let's go find jericho" shin said as they followed kitty. "If we can't find him we can always listen for the sound of bullets" flash said as they walked into a hallway.
  8. "Uh vash, we have a probplem" evean said as he reset the phinox soul to the sword form and started cutting him loose. "What is it evean" vash asked looking at him. "Akasuki's bleeding. Also she's cuting her self lose" evean said pulling out his other gun and aimed it at akasuki. Akasuki stoped cuting the rope. "Hey zi. Is akasuki worth more alive" vash asked as evean finished cuting the rope. "Ya she's worth more alive for all the things she's done" zi said not noticing vash was free. "Well then you better stop her bleeding" vash said. "What are you talking about" saiga asked turning around. She noticed that vash was free. "You dirty rat" saiga screamed at evean. "Sorry but he's a friend of my brother and because of that he's going free" evean said smilling as vash got off the thomas. Vash took the katana from akasuki and tossed it into the sand. Vash bumped zi off the thomas that had kaiyden on and got on it. "Let's beat it" vash said as they started running. "What about you evean" kaiyden asked as saiga and zi started shooting. "I can run for a long time so don't worry about it" evean said as he avoided a shot.
  9. Name: ray hiro Age:16 Gender: male Appearance: blue eyes, black hair, goggles red head band, blue shirt, black pants, brown boots, orange vest, gloves, Weapons: glaive, hand gun Bio: Ray travels from town to town looking for adventure. Because he was adopted and had no friends he is not afraid to risk his life. If he sees some one in trouble he will not hisitate to help. He will fight against any one who will kill others. Personality: nice, loyal, some times a joker, he is in search of some thing does not know what it is
  10. o.o.c: Has every one else forgoten the plot of this rp? Nicholas feel from the hit and fell unconcise. "Thanks for giveing me a hand there" vash said starting to laugh. He picked up the metal hand and tossed it back to evean. "Bad joke vash. You could of told me you were planing that" evean said catching the hand. "So what are we going to do about these two" saiga asked. "Who realy knows. We could leave them out here" zi said. "Hey evean do you have any more rope" vash asked. "Ya here's some" evean said tossing some rope to vash. "I'll tie him up. Just not so much that he can't move" vash said catching the rope. "I'm going to get you and vash once i'm out of this" akasuki said to evean. "Hey evean do you have any duck tape in that cloak so we can shut her mouth" saiga asked. "Yup I have some with me" evean said smilling as he tossed the roll to saiga..
  11. "Let's meet up with the others. Maybe they contacted helba all ready" enix said preparing to take them to the desert. "Your planning to contact helba" subaru asked. "Yes a deal was made with the player killer sora even though I think it was a bad idea. The deal was that he is alowed to join us" enix said as he took them to the desert field. They reapered with the others. "That was fast" nitsu said. "Hello subaru and hello to you to tsukasa" crim said standing up. "Has there been any word from sora or helba" enix asked. "Sorry but we haven't herd any thing from them" valiant said. "So what is the story here" subaru asked. "Me, nitsu valiant and siroken faught against a monster that defeated us. We were sent to that church field and found out that we were traped inside the game" enix said. "That doesn't explain how you were able to make a gate to get into where we were" subaru said. "I made some programs for this kind of problem based on the events with tsukasa. The program I used was to open a lock and make a door. Not to open a gate to another field" enix said. "If that's true then some one messed with your program then" crim said. "But why would some one want to change a program that was ment to be a key into a gate" nitsu asked. "Who realy knows. Some one probaply wanted it to be a gate and not a key" subaru said as she sat next to crim on a rock.
  12. "This is a nice view" kevin said to him self. He was on a small mountain that had a good view of the island. He pulled out the pokenavi and set it to the locator mode. "Seems like every one's doing fine" kevin thought. He looked into the sky and saw some thing move into a cloud. "I wonder what that was" kevin asked standing up. "Wings come on out" kevin said as he tossed the pokeball. Wings came out and flew to him. "Wings I need you to go over there and look around" kevin said pointing. Wings flew to where kevin pointed then came back. "Nothing there wings" kevin asked. Wings just shook its head. "Well thanks. Wings return" kevin said holding out the pokeball. "Leafs go" kevin said tossing the pokeball. Leafs came out standing next to him. "Let's see what we have" kevin thought pulling out the sliph scope and aimed it at the cloud. Kevin looked at the read out and was suprised. "A dragon. Leafs use solar beam" kevin said pointing. Leafs charged up then fired. The cloud dissapered and the form of the dragon pokemon appeared. It started flying to the volcano. "Leafs head for the volcano" kevin said getting on leafs back. Leafs lifted off the ground and started for the volcano.
  13. "Sorry but you'll have to kill him later" evean said as he set the gun to machine gun mode and fire. Akasuki ran from the shots. She ran behind a sand dune and fired back. Evean dived out of the way from the shots. Evean pulled out the phinox soul and fired a missile back at her. The missile hit the sand dune and made akasuki go flying. Evean pulled out a lasso and tossed it. He caught akasuki in the air with it and pulled her to them. "I've all ways wanted to do some thing like this" evean said smilling. "Some one get me out of this thing" akasuki screamed. "We wont let you out untill vash ends his fight"saiga said smilling. "You got a nice catch evean. Make sure she doesn't escape and inturupt the fight" vash said returning to the fight with nicholas. "I'll try my best vash" evean said smilling as he took akasuki's guns and tied her up.
  14. Evean went to the bridge and started lefting the whale king back into the air. Tical flew his pteremander up to the bottom doors and came in side. A couple of minutes later tical came to the bridge. "Where are we going any way evean" tical asked. "We're heading to helic city to find some information on loyd" evean said as he put them back on course. "Do you have a electro magnetic sheilding on your zoid" evean asked looking at him. "Ya I all ready have one equiped" tical said. "O.k then. Feel free to look around and choose a room" evean said as tical left. "I wonder what we'll find in helic city. Hope fully some thing we can use if we end up against loyd and the death saurer along with the death stinger" evean thought.
  15. "It's nicholas. He's comeing for a fight" evean said as he reached for the last gun made in pergatory. He reset the gun for the strong shot and fired. He felt the ricochet but showed no sign of it. They could see nicholas go flying off the motorcycle. "Were did you shoot at" vash asked. "I shot at the tires. Figured it would be funny to see him crash" evean said smilling. "I'm starting to think your not related to irvine" vash said looking at evean. "Hey vash, catch" evean said as he tossed some thing to vash. Vash caught it then looked scared for a couple of seconds because it was the metal hand. "I thought I told ou to put it away" vash said tossing it back. "I like it. It seems like a trophy of my brother's last battle" evean said smilling as he put it back into a cloak pocket. They looked into the distance and saw nicholas walking towards them.
  16. Evean looked out of the window and saw the pteremander. "What's he want now" evean thought. Nitsu came into the bridge. "Evean can you land the whale king. I need to talk to that pilote" she asked. "O.k then. If you're sure you want to" evean said as he slowed the whale king and came down to the ground. "Hey evean why are we landing" jake asked as he came in. "The pilote of that pteremander from before wants to talk to nitsu" evean said as the landing gears came out. Evean opened the mouth of the whale king so nitsu could get out. "Jake stay here and be ready to leave quickley if needed" evean said as he left to catch up with netsu as the pteremander landed next to it.
  17. "Being traped as a jewel is better than getting you head cut off or being eaten alive ya know" evean thought. Evean fliped over, well as much as he thought he did. "I wonder I can talk to some one like this. Hey rann can you hear me" evean called out. "Yes I can hear you evean. What do you think will happen if tani doesn't show up in time" rann said in a worried voice. "I could try calling a pack of wolfs to help. I've done it before" evean said. "Well see if you can before the fishers bring up the net" rann said. "I'll see what I can do but i've never done it like this before" evean said as he concentrated. His mind saw a wolf pack in a forest close to them and called out. "There i've called out but I don't know if they'll come or not" evean said.
  18. "Hey vash let's beat it" evean said as he shot a missle into the sand. The missile blew up and sand went into the air. Saiga grabed kaiyden and left on the thomas's with zi. Evean started the mortoercycle and the busted tire broke off and a new one inflated. Vash got in and they left. Evean could hear akasuk, shai and nicholas shooting at them. "What if they hit the gas tank on this thing" vash asked as evean avoided a shot. "I've put bullet proof armor on the motorcycle" evean said as he shot another missile. Evean jumped over a sand dune as the missile exploded in front of there attackers. "Where did you learn to drive this thing" vash asked. "Quit frankly no one taought me how" evean said smilling. "You shouldn't be allowed to drive that thing!" saiga said looking at evean. Vash started screaming "get me off of this thing."
  19. "Sytems are checked so we can leave then" evean said as the over head doors of the base opened. The whale king started off into the air. Nitsu came to the bridge and looked out of the window. They were leaving the base. "How long will it take us to get to helic city" nitsu asked as they started to leave. "About a day. We should arrive by noon tomarrow if nothing get's in our way. I've herd there are some people who are supporting loyd so some people may try to stop us. But being as skilled as we are that wont stop us" evean said smilling as he turned the whale king to helic city. "Yup nothing's going to stop us and if they try we're going to beat them" nitsu said smilling. "Well if they try with flying zoids we'll blast them out of the sky. This whale king seems to have good armoring and weapons" suzuki said as she entered. "I have alot of rooms on this whale king so go pick one out" evean said. Nitsu nodded and left to looke for a room.
  20. They finished eating and left to the area for the land based zoids. "Do any of you have electro magentic shielding in your zoids" evean asked as they came into room. "I have one on the rev raptor but I still need one for the liger" suzuki said as she walked to the rev raptor. "I don't why do you ask" nitsu asked looking at them. "If we find loyd and he trys to escape he might go to the valley of the rare hertz to loose us" evean said. "Why would he go there" nitsu asked. "It messes up systems because of the energy there and it's not a good place for organoids" evean said as he started up the geno suarer. "How is it so bad for organoids" she asked as she walked to the konig wolf."There systems tend to stop working and they go against there partner. The only way to fix it is to go into the mouth of a volcano and get a spicail stone close to the lava" evean said as the geno saurer started moveing. "Is there still time to equip it" suzuki asked. "I have some on one of my whale kings. We can equip them once we get off the ground. The rest of the team is all ready on" evean said as he left to go on the wail king.
  21. "Evean, you have a good call on judgement. Did he realy know wolfwood" vash asked. Evean looked at the persion that had the cross punisher aimed at vash. His scar gave off a pink glow. "Ya he knew Mr. wolfwood" evean said setting the phinox soul for the strong shot. "Ya and vash killed him" the persion said. "I don't think my brother would of hanged around some one who killed his idol" evean said. "How do you know" the persion said. "For one my brother could tell if he can trust some one and also I herd the persion who raised Mr.wolfwood killed him" evean said as he shot the cross punisher. There was a crack in it because evean had reset it. Evean reset it to the machin gun mode and started fireing.
  22. Evean was in one of the breifeing rooms with the other members of the demolition runners team. "Here is the zoids that had attacked nitsu and her organoid and the zoid that had tried to fight me" evean said as he typed on a laptop. A picture of jay's lighting saix came up. "So why is he after her" jake said as a recording of the battle started playing. "I realy don't know. I'm still looking for any info on the pilote" evean said. He then brought up a picture of tical's pteramander. "What's so bad about that zoid" a girl asked at one side of the table. "Well kate, there's some thing strange about this zoid" evean said as he started playing the recording of the transformation. "Normaly there aren't to many zoids that could keep a fake appearence with all those weapons attached" another member said as the recording continued. "Well max i'm just surprised that cannon was able to stay on. Normaly you can't use it very easily in sand because it works better in the air or on stable surfes" another member said. "Ya I know sara. I'd like you all to keep a eye out for them incase they come by. Especially for the pteramander. Meeting's dismissed" evean said as the lights came on and the screen turned off. They all got and left the room. ""Better go see what info I can find" evean thought as he walked to his room.
  23. "I'm doing some training while traveling" kyp said as he sat down. "So then what's your story" kitty asked obiwaban. "I'm searching for a guy named naraku" obiwaban said. "So what brings you" obiwaban was about to ask when kyp interjected. "Remeber. Don't get on her bad side and that's why I didn't ask" kyp said. "You saw me get that kid back there didn't you" kitty said looking at kyp. "Yup so i'm sure I don't want to get on your bad side" kyp said. "Hey do any of you see some one rideing a turtle" obiwaban said pointing at a turtle comeing to the town. "That would be inuyasha. He's late" kitty said as she jumped off the building. Kyp watched run to the persion on the turtle. "If they start fighting who do think will win" obiawabn said as he jumped off and followed kitty. "I'm placeing bets on inuyasha" kyp said as he jumped off and followed the others.
  24. O.O.C: I agree with K.K.C that even with a organoid a zoid shouldn't be able to do those things and it does seem like in every rp we're in together me and tical end up fighting each other I.C: "Hey suzuki let's end the battle till later" evean said as he flew to the konig wolf. "Ya we can finish it later" suzuki said. "Nitsu, i'll give you a lift to the base and we can have your zoid fixed" evean said as he opened the cockpit. "Ya why not. I should have it fixed if that wierd kid tries some thing again" nitsu said as she got into the cockpit. Evean flaoted over to the konig wolf and lifted it up with the claws. "Base we have soem damadged zoids that nead repair" evean said as they left . "If any one else feels like comeing feel free to" evean said. A couple of minutes later the base came into view. "That place is big" suzuki said. "Ya I know. It can hold over a hundred zoids and has sections for land based and aireil zoids. I rent some of the extra rooms and what not to teams who don't have a base of there own" evean said as the doors opened. Evean put the konig wolf on it's feet then landed. "Will they be able to fix it" nitsu asked as she got out. "They should be able to. I have a lot of parts in this place" evean said as crews started checking the geno saurer and the rev raptor. Suzuki got out of the rev raptor and joinded them. "So what do you think was with the black zoid" suzuki asked. "I realy don't know" evean said.
  25. "Since My legs damadged i'll float then" evean said as he lefted off the ground. "I souhld of gone for your jets to then" suzuki said as she fired at evean but the shots just bounced off the shield. Evean charged at suzuki but she moved out of the way. Once evean got a better shot he started fireing with the weapons on the geno saurers head. "Let's see how well you can run from these shots" evean said as the guns on the back of the geno saurer started fireing. Suzuki started running from the shots as they got close.
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