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T man

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Everything posted by T man

  1. "Let's have the battle right here then" evean said as the geno suarer started floating. Suzuki charged at evean with the blades on the rev raptor out. "Nice try but I had a shield program put in" evean said as suzuki bounced off the shield. Evean landed and started shooting. Suzuki ran from the shots and fired at him. "You have good aim suzuki" evean said as he avoided the shots. Evean launched a claw at suzuki but she caught it. Evean started shooting and suzuki let go. "How about a charging fight" suzuki said as she charged at evean. "Sure why not" evean said as he opened up the claws on the geno saurer and charged at suzuki.
  2. "As soon as I find that guy i'm shooting him with the cannon" evean said as he joined with the others. The girl with the organoid came up to him. "Hi i'm nitsu. Thanks for comeing to help" nitsu said as she opened her cockpit. "I'm evean the leader of the demoltion runners team. That's suzuki and that would be jake up there" evean said as he got out. "Hey do you mind if I joined your team" nitsu asked. "Sure ya can join" evean said smilling. "Jake head back to base and tell the others I have two new members" evean said on a comunication channel. The raynos circled around them then left. "Suzuki. I'm heading back now. If any one else feels like comeing to get some thing to eat feel free to" evean said as he closed the cockpit and got ready to head back to the base.
  3. "Well search else were. I've only herd rumors of the guy" kyp said geting ready to fight if neaded. "Why do you ask" kyp asked as he prepared to call the blades. "He has some things i'm looking for" the persion said looking around. "Well if I see him or some one who works for him on my travels i'll find some way to you where he is" kyp said becoming calming again and jumped off the roof. "Oh ya a bit of warning. If you see a demon girl who looks angry, don't get in her way. If you look around back there you'll see a kid nocked out because of her and she didn't even hit him" kyp said as he walked away.
  4. "Well I know now never to get on her bad side" kyp thought as the girl walked past him. He had seen her knock some one out by holding there neck. He jumped on top of a building and looked around. He held out his hand and fifteen small glowing blades came out. "I wonder why that sword I found didn't have a handle" kyp said as he made the blades spin in a circle. "Oh well. If it did I probaply wouldn't of been able to absorb it and do this" kyp said to him self as he swung his arm and five of the blades started spinning as they went to a tree. The blades drilled through the tree and came back to kyp. "Time to see what else is in this town" kyp said as he called the blades back and jumped to the ground.
  5. "Am I to be chalaanged" evean asked as he saw a pteramander get in his way. "I challange you two a battle" the pilote said. "Fine but I have some things to do" evean said as he switched comunication channels. "Jake get your raynos out and help the rev raptor protect the girl with the organoid and get them back to base" evean said after a couple of minutes a raynos came from the base to help suzuki as evean saw a hell cat leave the group. "Suzuki I called a friend to help you and the girl with the organoid. Try to get back to the base. Jake will tell you were it is" evean said as he got ready to fight. "Like i'll need help fighting this guy" suzuki said over the comunication system. Evean started floating as he started fireing. "I'll give you a fighting chance. I wont use my plasma partical cannon" evean said as the pteramander ran from the shots.
  6. Evean and suzuki had finished there meal. "That was a good dinner" suzuki said as evean paid the bill. They got up and left the resturaunt. As they left they saw a girl riding a organoid go past them with a lighting saix following. "You normaly don't see that every day now do ya. Think we should help" suzuki asked watching the two in the distance. "I think we should. Normaly organoids are rare and most people hunt them down when they see them so more people may come after her" evean said turning the caseing on his watch In a couple of minutes his geno saurer came from above them. "Well the remote seems to work. I'll give you a ride to your rev raptor then we can go after them" evean said as the cockpit opened and they got in. It took a couple of minutes to get to the rev raptor and after suzuki got in they left to go after the lighting saix.
  7. "Not much has been going on since the defeat of that naraku guy i've herd about" kyp thought as he jumped down from a tree. He had been take a rest from his training. He held out his hand as a small glowing blade appeared in it and then threw it at a piece of fruit. The fruit fell down into his hand as the blade came back around. He caught it and it dissapered. "Let's see what's going on in town" kyp said as he bit into the fruit and headed to the town.
  8. T man

    The Mech Wars

    "All reamaining LE's it's time to bail out. If you have a mecha or found one that's still working use it and leave. If you have any still liveing ER's let them go when you land" irvine said as the green and silver mecha's from before came up to him. Irvine all ready had some people with him and looked at the mecha's and saw people riding on top of them. "We found all the people we could that were still alive" the pilote of the green mecha said. "Good then. Let's go" irvine said as they flew down the hallway. Irvine saw some ER's leaving. "We'll leave these people with them then leave them alone. We will not fight them. Is that understood" irvine said as they left the ship. "Yes irvine we under stand" the pilote of the sivlver mecha said as they got closer to the ER's mecha's. "We are not here to fight you. We are just leaving these people here and nothing more" irvine said once they landed waiting for a answer.
  9. "I wouldn't fire you if you lost in a battle to me. I hire people based on skill, attitude, and how they act during battles. I think you have what i'm looking for as a member of my team" evean said as he ate some rice. "In that case why don't we have a battle once we finish eating" suzuki said. "Sure, once we head back to the base and I show you around the place we'll have the battle. I need to test the new programs I put into the geno suarer" evean said smilling because that he would get a fight in before they left. "At lest your acting better than the other people I asked to join" suzuki said as she ate her food. "Ya. Some zoid pilotes can be real jerks" evean said as he finished his rice and started on his soup. "Why don't we go to that part shop we past by to see if any one would be willing to join or have a battle" evean said looking at suzuki. "Sure why not. I might find some good parts for my rev raptor" suzuki said.
  10. They had stoped near eveans motorcycle at the edge of the town. "I know the one I was fighting with is a relation to obiwaban. It's probaply a vengance thing against you and me" evean said as he removed the bullets that hit him. "How can you stand doing that. It should be pretty painfull" zai said looking at evean. "Trust me, I don't know how he and his brother can remove bullets with out showing any pain" vash said scratching his head. "Hey vash do you know who's hand this is" evean said tossing a metalic hand to vash. "This is demerti's hand. Your brother cut it off to get the antidote inside" vash said looking it over then tossing it back. "I was wondering what that liquid inside was" evean said as he caught it and then started working on the phinox soul. "There it's finished. It'll only work for me now" evean said as he put the hand in a bag on his motorcycle and the phinox soul in it's holster. "I think we should go after that kaiyden guy. If he's any relation to you they'll go after him too. I'll give you a ride" evean said as he pulled down his goggles and started the motor ycle.
  11. Evean droped the girls along with vash and fired into the saloon. "Sorry kid but you can't have ny brothers gun" evean said. After the smoke clared vash looked into the saloon and it was emptey. "They're gone" vash said walking out. "Your irvine's brother aren't you" vash asked walking to evean. "Ya. Why do you ask" evean asked looking at vash. "You have the same scar. I thought only one persion in each gerneration had one. Any ways how did you get his guns" vash asked looking at th phinox soul. "I took them from his tomb stone. Some one put them in there" evean said putting his guns away. "You did what. Are you a grave robber" vash asked looking surprised. "No, my brother said I could. I found this inside the phinox soul" evean said pulling out a note and giveing it to vash. "If this is being red then I have failed to defeat knives and avenge the town of pergatory. I whish for my weapons to go to some one of my family. In a compartment of the phinox soul are instructions for the weapons I used but it can only be opened my a family member" vash said as he red the note. "I guess you're not a grave robber then" vash said as he gave the note back to evean. "I think you should go after that kaivden guy. I think he's related to you" evean said takeing the note back. "I might but we need to deal with these two" vash said pointing to the girls.
  12. Evean and suzuki walked into a building for the zoid battle comity. "I'd like to regester the demoltion runners team to go after loyd" evean said to a woman behins the front desk. "O.k i'll regester your team for the search. Is she part of the team" the woman asked looking at suzuki. "She will be once I bring up the paper work to be done" evean said. "O.k then. I'll need your name and the name of the zoid you use" the woman said typeing on a computer. "I'm suzuki malizumy and I use a rev raptor" suzuki said. "O.k the works been done. The only thing left is the paper work" the woman said. "Thanks. I'll bring in the papers when I can" evean said as they left. "How about we get some thing to eat before we head to the base" evean asked. "Ya, I haven't eaten in a while" suzuki said smilling. They walked into a resturaunt and found a table. In the resturaunt was a big sceen t.v with a zoid battle going on. "That battles going on out side the town. Who do you think will win. The command wolf or the pteramander" evean asked as he looked at the menu. "I think the command wolf will win" suzuki said as she watched the battle.
  13. T man

    The Mech Wars

    "Now let's see what we can find" irvine said as he came to a opening of the rising sun. The other two mechs followed him in. "Go through the ship and evacuate any one still alive even if they're ER's" irvine said activating his rockets. "But wont you get in trouble for saveing the enemy" the pilote of the green mecha said. "I realy don't care about that. Just go around and get people off the ship then leave then alone once they're safe. Try not to get into any fights and see if you can find the persion who gave the orders to crash the ship. Bail out if there's no time left" irvine said as he flew off through the halls to find the people still on the ship..
  14. "What can I do for you" evean said opening the cockpit of the geno saurer. "I'm wondering if your hireing zoids pilotes" the woman asked. "Yes I am. I'm all ways willing to hire new people. I'm planning to do a search and retrive kinda of thing later so I need all the help I can get" evean said walking out of the cockpit. "Then you have your self a partner. Are you planning to go after that loyd guy" the woman said shaking hands with her employer. "Yes I am. Like I said i'll need all the help I can. I'm evean, the leader of the demoltion runners" evean said. "I've herd of that team. Don't you have a big colection of zoids? Oh ya I'm suzuki. Where did you get that geno saurer any way" suzuki said looking at the geno saurer. "Do you rember a organization called the back draft group" evan asked looking at her. "Ya I remember. They inertfered with battles but eventualy were defeated" suuki said. "They had three geno saurers but they were deafted. My dad salvaged any thing still use able and made a new one for me" evean said smilling. "Geno sarurers are normaly hard to beat so you must be good" suzuki said looking at evean. "I have some work to do so once i'm finished we'll get the paper work done once we head back to my base" evean said as he walked off.
  15. "Let's see. A relation ran past me. Another relation to the killer of my brother in the bar and some one who knew my brother is in there too" evean said pulling out the phinox soul and set it to the strong shot mode. He walked up to the bar and fired through the windows. He herd guns falling out of people hands as he walked in. "Excuse me but you wouldn't be a relation to the one known as obiwaban" evean asked a kid who was reaching for his gun. Vash looked at evean and was surprised that evean had the phinox soul "And what if I am" the persion said picking up his gun. "Then we have battle for the death of my brother" evean said takeing aim. "Then you must have some relation to the one known as irvine who faught him" the persion asked takeing aim at evean. "I'm his little brother. The names evean. Since I can't go after one of his killers I might as well go after a relation of one who acts the same way" evean said as he fired.
  16. "Still no sign of any one who killed my brother" evean said as he drove through the desert on his motorcycle. He didn't realy care if any one said he was to young to be rideing it. "I guess the phinox soul and the last gun made in pergatory could be considered a family airlume. I'll have to live as long as I can because i'm the last of my family since my brother died" evean said as he avoided a rock. His scar then turned a light pink. He looked to his left and saw a town. "Maybe there's some one who knew him or is related to one of his friends in there" evean said as he turned he motorcycle to the town. It took him a couple of minutes to get to the town. He got off his motorcycle as he lifted his goggles. "Now where are they" evean thought as he looked around. His scar directed him to a bar so he went in that direction.
  17. "Every thing seems to be in order. Let's test the system" evean said as he started up the systems. "Open the hanger doors" evean said as he started the jets on the legs. The doors opened and evean went into the desert. He made some quick turns and the systems worked. "So far so good lets. See how well the target systems work" evean thought. "Fire the targets at my location" evean said into the comunication systems. Five targets were fired from the base. Evean shot them all. "Fire the new target. It's time to try the new parts for the pulse laser gun and shield" evean said as he started charging his attack. The target started shooting at him once it was released. The shield came up to defend the geno sauere. "It's time to finish the testing" evean said shooting his charged up shot from the mouth of the geno saurer. It broke threw the shields of the target and distroyed it. "O.k guys salvage the parts. I'm going into town to see if any one's willing to join us" evean said as he aimed the geno saurer to the town and left.
  18. Evean was in the land based zoids hanger for the demolition runners team. "I wonder what other teams are going after this loyd guy" evean thought as he checked the systems for his geno saurer. "Evean are you in there" one of the members of the demolition runners asked as he came up to him. "Yes jake i'm checking the systems. Have you and the others finished working on the whale king" evean asked opening the cockpit. "Sorry, but we haven't finished yet. I brought a list of all the people who were informed of the death suarer and death stinger resurection" jake said tossing a list to evean. Evean looked through the list. "Most of these people are some good battlers. See if you can get a battle with one of the teams and if a merchanary comes by looking for a job tell me" evean said tossing the list back. "I hope I can get some battles in before he leave to search for loyd" evean said as he closed the cockpit to finish his work.
  19. I am happy that people have joinded. If people still want to join they can. I'll try to start this today or tomarrow.
  20. Answer: she becomes warped when tsukasa is being negative Qestion: why do bear and the others belive that subaru is morgana's target?
  21. I want to get about two or three more people but if no one else joins I plan on starting it on monday or tuesday.
  22. T man

    The Mech Wars

    Irvine landed on the ground in the distroyed town as two LE mechas came hovering up to him. "Sir the enemy mecha has all ready left the area. Explosives were set off as a distraction" the pilote of the green mecha said. "We also have reports of the ER ship comeing down and it seems like it's going to crash" the pilote of the silver mech said. "Are there any more LE's up there" irvine asked. "Yes there are still some mechas and some soilders. It seems like some one aimed the ship to crash" the pilote of the green mecha said. "What are they doing up there. Can you two fly" irvine asked as he opened his wings. Yes sir and we have all our weapons and the're loaded" the silver mecha said as they lifted of the ground. "Then come on then. Try not to kill any one and don't call me sir, just call me irvine" irvine said as they flew to the rising sun.
  23. This is the third rp i'm trying. It's mostly a combination of zoids chaotic century, zoids gaurdian force and zoids new century zeroI don't realy think any one will join but i'm still going to try. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A man by the name loyd hetaro has found the lost city of the zoidians, and is trying to recreat the death suarer and death stinger. They plan to recreat them to take over planet Z. Those who know about about it have started making teams, because the battle comission has put out a reward to the team who distroy's the death saurer and death stinger before they are recreated. This news was not realsed to the public for fear that it would creat a panick. It was only realsed to those teams who are strong enough to deafet the zoids before they are recreated and used.. [b]Sign up:[/b] Name: Age: Appearence: Team: (you can have a team or be apart of one. If you want to be apart of one or start one pm me. Other people can join teams but you need to pm the creator of the team. You can be a mercanary if you want) Bio: (You can be loyd or some one who works for him if you want) Zoid: (you can have any zoid you like except for the death saurer, death stinger, or geno breaker unless you play as loyd. I'm still thinking about haveing ligers schneider, jager, panzer) Ultimate X: (I'll allow five people to have ultimet X zoids and three people to have organoids. It's first come first serve. If more than five people want one i'll think about who gets one) [b]Here's mine[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Evean miro [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Appearence:[/b] brown hair, green eyes, red head band, goggles, gloves, blue pants, red shirt, brown boots [b]Team:[/b] The demlotion runners [b]Bio:[/b] Evean likes to play games and have zoid battles. He likes to go on adventures and have fun. He is willing to protect others no matter what the cost. [b]Zoid:[/b] geno saurer [b]Ultimate X:[/b] does not have one
  24. T man

    The Mech Wars

    Irvine came flying into the engine room. He looked around and saw the grey mecha infront of him. "Stand aside. I need to do my mision but I want to do it with out killing some one" irvine said pulling out his beam saobre. "Sorry but i'm doing my job to" the other pilote said. Irvine lowered his sheild anf fired with his gatling guns. He broke off the left arm and damadged the right arm. He then fired up the rockets on the legs along with the ones under the feet and jumped over the grey mecha. He slashed the engine with the beam sabore as two other mechas came in. "The engine isn't to much damdged so you can still fix it but it'll take you a couple of hours and by then we'll find your friends. I sugest your friend get inside the cockpit" irvine said aiming the beam sabor at the floor. As the enemy cockpit opened and the woman got in irvine started cutting a hole in the ship. As he left through the hole the enemy mechas started fireing. "Irvine we have a report of a earth rebelion mecha. Your the closest one so we need you to get it" a voice said over the comunication system once irvine was through the hole. Irvine opened his wings and flew to the location as he was being shot at.
  25. T man

    The Mech Wars

    "Sorry but i'm not going down so easily" irvine said pulling up his shield. He opened the caseing on his gatling guns and fired. The enemy mecha moved. "Sorry but I have some where to go" irvine said as he dimmed the screen and fired a flare. He flew past the enemy mecha as the flar lit up the hallway. The top part of his arm came up and he fired but the enemy mecha moved. He herd a shot go past his head as he went down the hallway. "As soon as I stop the engine i'm geting out of here" irvine thought as he started the rockets on his back and flew down the hall faster. "That enemy mecha all ready has a head start so I need to catch up" irvine thought as he turned a corner. "I'm probaply the last lunar enforcer on the ship" irvine thought as he came closer to the engine.
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