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[b]Name:[/b] evean kiro [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Height/Weight:[/b] 5'20 150 [b]Description:[/b] brown hair, green eyes, blue head band, black pants, brown boots, purple shirt, orange vest, gloves, goggles, brown cloak [b]Attitude:[/b] nice, brave, useally keeps his cool [b]Weapon:[/b] the hand gun and phinox soul from the trigun return of death [b]Side:[/b] vash's team [b]Bio:[/b] Evean has been searching for any one left in his family. He herd of irvine but found out he died in a fight. He found the grave where irvine was barried and now cary's the guns he used. Like irvine he has the same scar even though only one persion in each family was to have one. He seeks out those who killed his brother. He is willing to do what is neaded to help others and hates to see people treated unfairly. He has the same will as irvine not to be killed.
Irvine looked at the wreked mecha next to him. "That's a reasion why I choose to have one with the cockpit in the chest" irvine thought. He check the wrecked mecha and took the weapons. "I guess he had it comeing to him though for killing some one. The people I get stuck with" irvine thought as he pulled up the scimatics of the ship. It semed like he would have to go down the hallway the other mecha went because the one he was plaing to go down was blocked. He started moveing away from the enemy mecha and left down the hallway the other mecha came. "Now where did he go" irvine asked him self as he turned on the beam sabore and redead his sheild. He turned on the jets under the feet and on the legs then hovered down the hallway.
[b]Name:[/b] kyp kiro (a.k.a blade master) [b]Age:[/b]16 [b]Gender:[/b] male [b]Race:[/b] human [b]Weapon:[/b] sword, glaive, bows and arrows [b]Appearance:[/b] brown hair, blue eyes, red head band, purple shirt, gloves, black pants, brown boots, sand colored cloak [b]Skills:[/b] magic, sword skills [b]Attacks:[/b] [b]Army strike[/b]-copys of kyp appear and then strike [b]Athousand arrows[/b]-one arrow is fired that splites into groups to strike multiple enemys. The arrows will follow the target untill they're told to stop, hit the target or are distroyed. [b]Element strike[/b]-one of the elements strikes the opponent or can be used to increase defense [b]Healing light[/b]-a wave of light heals alies [b]Stat remover[/b]-removes things like poison or paralys
"There's the police station" irvine said as a building came into view. "Come on then let's see if these guys have any bounty on there heads" kitty said walking into the building. They walked up to a woman behind a desk still draging the pirates. "We're here to see if these pirates have any bounty on there heads" irinve said dropeing the pirates he was carrying. The woman looked at the pirates and started typeing. "There is abounty on them for 150 dollars each so the total amount is 1050" the woman said pushing a button. Some cops came by and started draging the pirates away. Another cop came by with the money for irvine and kitty. "Here's your half of the money kitty" irvine said handing her her half of the bounty as they left the police station. "Thanks. What are you planning to do now" kitty asked as they headed to the docking bays. "I still need to attach the parts to my other ship" irvine said as they entered the docking bays. They entered throught the cargo bay. Kitty looked at the ship parts while irvine went to a control panel. He went through the security systems but found some thing in the heat sensors. "Hey kitty get ready to fight. Some one got through the first security system but no the heat sensors" irvine said pulling out his gun and started walking into the cockpit of the ship.
"I hate being on enemy ships" irvine thought as he went through the halls of the ship. He all ready had his shield infront of him and the blades on his arm were all ready out. "I espisaly don't like it because these hall ways are to small for my wings. I have to rely on my jet pack, the jets on the botom of my feet and the ones on my legs" irvine said turning a corner. "We have reported sightings of ER" a voice said over the comunication system. "Jake did you kill any one" irvine said as he went to the location. "I killed one persion but the other two are shooting at me" He had the blades go back into the arm and pulled out a sniper rifel. He meet up with jake who was in a dark green mecha. "How many time do I have to tell you don't kill them. We're here to stop them not to kill them" irvine said shooting a grey mecha in it's arm. "Oh lighten up. Were in a war. It's our job to kill them" jake said fireing. "Well it may be your job to kill them but it's not mine. I'm trying not to kill'em because there have all ready been enough deaths on both sides" irvine said tring to shoot the grey mecha in the other arm.
"Do you have split persionalitys" jack asked arika. "No, I don't think so. Why do you ask" arika asked jack. "That could be why you don't remember what you just said a couple of seconds ago. It could also explain why you had two reflections" jack said closing his eyes. "If you do, that other persionality brobaply knows more about the war than we do" nayan said. "I've been able to read the minds of a goup of people but never any one that had two different persionalitys. I don't think I could take it for to long" jack said opening his eyes. "So what did I saw then" arika asked. "You talked about the war happening again and that it would have to be faught some were else" keiko said to arika. "The things I get my self into. Oh well it could be fun" jack thought as they continued walking in the halls.
Answer: crim calls it a broken place Question: How does sora find aura?
I wasn't planing to go out that way ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I can't belive my life is going to end like this" irvine thought. He turned over on his stomach and started trying to move. "If i'm going to die then I want to die seeing vash fight knives" irvine said starting to get up. "Darn the poison. I'll probaply die by the time I get to the out skirts of the town" irvine thought starting to move. The town was about a mile away. "I hope tao and demerti have slow and painfull deaths" irvine thought starting to walk. As he walked he felt pain and the last of his life going. A couple of minutes after walking he fell. "I guess this is it for me. I'm sorry for not being able to avendge the death of the people of pergatory" irvine thought as he layed his guns across his chest. As he felt his life go his scar returned to the way it was before all the fights.
"I wonder what would happen" enix said holding up his staff. "Are you trying to hack in. I've all ready tried and it seems like you can't" akira said looking at enix. "I might be able to. I made some hacking programs and most of them work but I don't know how long this one will be able to keep a door open" enix said aiming the staff at the door and moved it down. A light flickered in a line on the door then it seperated opening a way in. Enix walked in side and saw ijimeru watching two other people talk. "I think it's just a recording" enix said walking up to ijimeru. "It's possible but isn't that the tsukasa player" ijimeru asked pointing at tsukasa. "Ya it's tsukasa and the girls the former leader of the crimsion knights. Come on I don't know how long the door will be open for" enix said to ijimeru starting to head back.
"Thats it, i'm kicking there buts" irvine thought geting up. His scar became as black as space. He got up and returned the phinox soul to normale but it was now glowing a light blue. He pulled out the last gun made in pergatory and it was glowing to. "See I told you he would wake up" demerti yelled at tao. Irvine dashed towards them and fired his guns. Small explosions could be seen on tao's and demerti's bodys. They fell down with A thud. "Since when can he move so fast" tao asked trying to get up but his body was paralyzed. Irvine dashed to demerti with the blades of the phinox soul extended and cut off his robotic hand. "I could kill you two right now. But you two seem like it would be a wast of my time but who knows I may kill you any way" irvine said holding the guns two tao's and demerti's heads. Irvine pulled a seting and the guns went to the strong burst shots. "You can think what the shots will do at close rang to your heads" irvine said smilling. Tao and demerti looked scared. "Right now I have a bigger fish to fry. I'm comeing after you two after him so if you want to pray for your life you better do it soon. I'll keep the arm as a trophey" irvine said starting to laugh as he left the two and went after knives.
Irvine pulled out a small capsul and put it in the phinox soul. "What's that. A new type of flare" tao asked. "Kind of. When I first had the idea for the phinox soul I thought about makeing this capsul. Since I met you I decided to make it" irvine said pulling a switch. The phinox soul started to glow with a white light. "So it's a battle of the light and the dark" tao said with drawing his sword. "Sure seems like it. But for fare warning the capsule can last for hours" irvine said as he charged tao. Tao defended against the strike and then dissapered. Irvine turned around and defended. "Even if you use the power of the shadows my scar will tell me witch direction you'll crom from" irvine said smilling. They swung at each other but only got close cuts but nothing leathel. They swung at each other striking each others weapon. "Normaly my target would be dead by now so I cangrat you on your skills" tao said smilling. "Thanks for that. Once I bring you down i'm going for your friends and then for knive's head" irvine said as they swung at each other again. "This may be fun but I nead to end this and meet up with the others. I feel a bit tired but not much so can still be able to finish this" irvine thought as he swung for tao and tao defended. Tao tried the same and irvine defended.
"Sorry grave but your not killing her" irvine said starting to run at grave. He wiped out his hand and the gun became straight. The barrol extended and two blades came out of the sides. Irvine cut the barrol of grave's gun once he reached him. "This is some thing that i'm trying out. The phinox soul can be used as a blade weapon. I expect it to be used by those who are skilled enough to be able to use the blades and the gun parts at the same time" irvine said smilling. Obiwaban started shooting again as irvine ran. "That will be a nice addition to my collection then" grave said starting to shoot with another gun. Irvine pulled out his other gun and focused on obiwabans location. Irvine shot and herd the sound of metal hitting skin. As irvine ran the shots from obiwaban were slowed. "I guess I hit him in the leg again" irvine thought as he ran back towards grave with the phinox soul back to the sword form.
"Come on then let's go" jacen said running to the car. The others followed. As they left shin got on his motor cycle and followed. "Esap does jericho still have the comuincator" jacen said pushing a button. "Yes sir. The tracker inside the comunicator is all ready on" esap said. "Get the ship ready and open the cargo bay" jacen said as the handgers came into view. Jacen drove the car into the ship. "I'm going with shin" kitty said going out of the cargo bay. Flash and jacen just looked at each other. "Just be sure not to kill him" flash said as the doors closed. Jacen started up the ship and lifted off. Shins ship was lifting off too. They flew in the direction that they saw jericho went. "I just hope he doesn't do some thing stupid with out us" kitty said over the comunication system. "Knowing him he'll do some thing stupid by the time we catch him" jacen said starting to laugh.
"Do you think you can find them evean" rann asked looking at evean. "Hold on. I'll try" evean said. He started smeilling the air trying to find a trcae of the others. He caught a light trace of tani. "Come on. I think I found them" evean said as he started walking. "I guess you can come in handy if we need to find some one" reena said smiling. "There are some solders behind us" evean said as they ran into a alley and hid. As they hid they herd a solder say "as soon as I find that punk i'm going to kill him." "Looks like you made a enemy" rann said to evean. "I figured I would joining the rebelion" evean said as they started walking out of the ally. "Come on the secnts stronger" evean said leading then down the street.
"Strange, I thought we would have one past life in the war. Could it be that she was two different people" jack said to him self. He walked infront of the mirror and saw what he looked liked in his other life. A reflection of some one in a cloak appeard. "Not so strange as the others but i'm not going to complain" jack thought. He noticed some thing at the bottom of the cloak. He imitated he was grabing the bottom of the cloak and the mirror imadge did the same. Along the edge he saw small blades. "That could be usefull in a fight" jack said as he walked away from the mirror.
Evean struck a night down who tryed to attack him. "Any one else want to try" evean said smilling. "Come on we can best him. He's just some blind punk" one of the knights said as they charged him. "I would be emberesed by being beaten by some ones who blind" evean said pulling out his whip and striking two soldiers. Reena had knocked down some soldiers with her scimitar. "Time for us to move it" evean said starting to leave. "Why should we start running" reena said cathing up. "Some one called in reinforcements. More people are comeing" evean said as he jumped over a soldier. They ran into a ally as some gaurds ran by. "I think I smell a mermaid. I thought most of them were gone" evean said looking around. She's with rann" evean said running out of the ally. "How do you know it's a mermaid" reena asked. "I've meet one before. Follow me" evean said turning a corner as they saw rann and some one with him.
Irvine stoped shooting at obiwaban and put away the phinox soul. "Irvine are you o.k" kate asked comeing out of the bar. "Ya i'm fine. The poison probaply wont kill me as fast as they think. Like I said, I wont allow my self to be killed by any one but knives" irvine said pulling out some bandage and wraping it around his solder. "I guess if you can keep your self from being killed you have a strong will" vash said comeing out of the bar. "I guess. So let's go, we have some people to fight" irvine said checking his first gun. "Are you sure your up to it. If you take it to hard the poison will move through your system faster" kate said. "Yes i'm sure. Like I said before. I will not allow my self to be killed by any one other than knives" irvine said as he started walking to the clock tower.
Mechanoid Pilot [b]Name:[/b] irvine kiro [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Description:[/b] brown hair, brown eyes, red head band, purple shirt, orange vest, blue jeans, black boots, gloves, goggles [b]Side:[/b] luna enforcement [b]Mech:[/b] 75-X speeder [b]Weaponrey:[/b] beam sabors, gatling guns, partical blasters in the arms, swords blades that come out of the arms, missile launcher, rail gun, sniper gun, [b]Mech Description:[/b] sixteen feet tall, white wings, jet pack on the back, rockets on the legs and under the feet, two red eyes, legs are black with red stripes, arms are deep blue, purple head but the face is white, gatling guns to the left and right of the head, the body is mostly white, red and blue shield [b]You favor:[/b] speed, power, defense, skill
Evean entered a weapon shop. "Welcome to my shop. I usealy don't get travelers. It's normaly knights, soldiers or people who are hunting the rebelion. I agree with the reblion that every one should get along to gether" the shop owner said turning to evean. "Yes I agree with you. There should be peace amongst all people. Can you tell me what's been going on in this town" evean asked. "From what I herd a army is being formed to fight the rebelion. Those that are caught are to be killed" the shop keeper said. Evean then caught the smell of reena and she was being chased. "Thank you for all your help" even said as he left. He followed the sent and found the soldiers geting ready to attack. Evean unraveled his wip and stuck a knight who was about to hit reena. "Didn't your mother ever teach you never to hit a woman" evean said smiling. "You should stay out of this. It has nothing to do with you" the soilder said looking at evean. "When it come to helping some one it allways does. I belive what your doing is wrong" evean said putting away his wip and pulled out his sword getting ready to fight.
"I'm going off on my own for awhile" evean said as he pulled out some bandages and wraped it around his head. "Are you sure you should be going like that" rann asked. "Yes i've done it before. I normaly avoid eye contact and if some trys they see the bandages. I normaly say i'm a blind persion who have improved his hearing and senseing skills. I can still see through the bandages but people can't see through them" evean said pulling up his hood. "Well then don't get into trouble" tani said. "I'll see what I can find out" evean said as he walked to some shops.
"Obiwaban are you sure it was the new poison" irvine asked. "Yes i'm sure" obiwaban said. "Then whats this" irvine said pulling out a red vile. "That's the new poison. How did you get it" obiwaban asked surprised. "The antidote I made was colored green not red. Also I put the second antidote along with a third one in my cloak and I don't think you would of been fast enough with your wounds to get them. So i'm sure I gave her the right one" irvine said breaking the vile. Irvine started removeing the bullet that vash hit him with. "So where is knives now and what's he planning" vash asked walking up to obiwaban.
I love zoids. I've seen every episode of chaotic century and most of the zoids gaurdien force to ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: kanute gares Age: 14 Race: human Sex: male Height: 6 feet Weight:150 Occupation: Mercenary Allegiance: republic Rank: none Weapon: foot long knife Appearance: brown hair, blue eyes, purple head band, goggles, gloves, blue shirt, orange vest, red and black pants, brown boots Personality: jokes around some times but can be seriouse. He is not afraid to die or risk his life Personal History: His father was killed in a zoid battle while his mother was locked away for knowing the location of hidden bases of both the imperials and republic and not telling any of the information. His skills as a zoid pilote and his knoledge of the republic along with the empire came from his parents. He was left with a friend of the family because the mother was sentenced to death. He left to look for a zoid to use in zoid battles. He found a hidden geno saurer that was hidden a small hanger in sand two miles out side the town. Under the geno saurer was a tunnel leading to a capsule and that's how he found kiro. With kiro and the geno saurer he went out to make a name for him self as a great mercenary. Organoid Sign Up Name: kiro Type: t-rex Height:4 feet Appearance: looks like a t-rex only smaller, blue with red stripes, green eyes, spykes along the tail Special Ability: flight, healing zoid parts, minerature lazer cannon inside the mouth, cameflauge Zoid Sign Up Name:darkness Zoid Type: Geno Saurer Appearance: [url]http://www.zoidsunofficial.coolfreepages.com/geno-2.htm[/url] Height: 11.7 m Length: 23 m Weight: 112.8 t Max Speed: unknown Weapons: charged partical cannon Support Systems: sheild emiters, lasor sensor, anchors Extra Custom Modifications: electromagnetic grappling claws, back mounted pulse laser riflels, nose mounted pulse laser gun,
[b]Name:[/b] evean kiro [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Anime character:[/b]gene starwind from outlaw star [b]Bio of human:[/b] evean loves anime and watches it when ever he can. He mostly likes anime that has to do with space or mechas. He jokes around some times but can serouise when it's needed. [b]Bio of anime character:[/b] Gene is the captain of the outlaw star. He used to be afraid of space travel because of a incedent that happened to him and his father. In his job he does bounty hunting and errands.
"You got your but kicked vash" irvine said to vash smilling. "Is kate o.k" vash said geting up. "Ya I made a antidote. She's getting better" irvine said as they headed back to the bar. "Where did you get that any way" vash asked pointing at the phinox soul. "I made it from parts of my cross punisher after obiwaban blew it up" irvine said as the bar came into view. Vash looked down and saw obiwaban on the ground. "What happened to him" vash asked. "I shot him in his arms and legs with the phinox soul. It's not fatal. He just wont be able to walk or use weapons for a couple of days" irvine said as they entered the bar. "Hey kate how are you doing" vash asked walking up to her. "Ya i'm feeling better. We need to go after them" kate said getting off the bar. "O.k then but if you need to rest then take a rest. Vash keep a eye on her i'm going to get the car" irvine said as he left.
"Hey obiwaban I have some thing to show you. I made a new gun from my destroyed cross punisher and I call it the phinox soul" Irvine said as he shot obiwaban in his legs and arms with the phinox soul. Obiwaban fell down to the ground. "What a dummy. You allways make another antidote incase the first ones gone" irvine thought pulling out another vile. He pullled out a injector and gave kate the antidote. "This should work. We need to go after vash soon" irvine said as he loaded the missiles into the phinox soul. Irvine saw obiwaban moveing around but couldn't walk or handle his weapon because of the shots. "To make sure he can't use them i'll break them" irvine thought. He reset the phinox soul and shot at obiwabans weapons. The shot put cracks into them and would make them break easyle. Irvine smilled about the work he's done.