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T man

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Everything posted by T man

  1. "There it's finished. I think i'll call it the phonix soul" irvine said smilling. "I think it's a good name for a weapon that was built from the remains of another" kate said. "Hey kate are you o.k" irvine asked. Kate was starting to sweat. "Ya i'm fine. I'm just need some rest" kate said. Irvine checked her and she had a fever. Irvine left, diped a rag into cold water and put it on kate's head to help to keep her cool. Irvine took the dart and looked at the poison. "I think i've seen this poison but I can't remember where" irvine said to him self pulling out some viles. "What are you doing" kate asked looking at irvine. "I might be able to make some thing to slow the poison long enough so you could get a restance to it. In the viles are different poisons and antidotes" irvine said as he droped some of the poison into the viles. "You realy do have many skill irvine" kate said smilling. "I guess i'm a regular jack of all trades" irvine said smilling.
  2. "I might be able to make some thing new from the parts that are still intact" irvine said looking threw the pieces. He pulled out a mold and some more tools. "You realy do have alot of stuff under that cloak" kate said shaking her head. "Ya I know. I'll need to melt the out side of the cross punisher to make armor for the new gun" irvine said setting up a stand and started melting the pieces. While the armor was being melted irvine started on the inside. "I have to finish this by the time the armor's ready" irvine thought as he made the barrols. A couple of minutes later it was built and the liquid metal was in the mold but it would need to cool. "I'm basicly finished except for the armor. How are you doing kate" irvine said looking at kate. "I think some of the poisen is going away but some is still in me" kate said. "O.k then. The armor is almost cooled off and it's stronger than before. I've built my new gun to launch missiles and do like my normale gun but with out the recoil" irvine said smilling about his work.
  3. T man


    "From what I now some sickness came upon the town as a wanderer came. Those that lived through it evacuated the town leaving the disabled behind to get away. Some stayed and some returned after awhile but I think they were killed by the wanderer. Of course this from some research and rumor" irvine said. "It probaply happenend when I was away. I should of stayed" kitty said starting to cry. "Oh come on kitty. How could you have known it would happen. Come on if we can find the wanderer who did this we can keep it from happening to others" irvine said trying to reasure kitty. "Ya your right. We do need to find that wanderer so let's go then" kitty said whiping away her tears and they started on there search.
  4. Name: kyp kiro Race:half-human Power/weapon: healing, sword Age: 14 Gender: male Personality: plays around some times but can be seriouse Bio: Kyp trained all of his life to perfect his skills. He knows how to use any weapon but would rather use swords. He can cast some spells but chosses not to only if needed. He knows how to make medicens from plants. He found a sword blade with no handle and absorbed it. He can shoot small blades from his hands but normaly doesn't. He is not afraid to risk his life and is not afraid to die. Appearance: blue eyes, platinum gold hair, black pants, blue shirt, brown boots, brown cloak
  5. I just love gundam wing so i'll help in any way I can. I'll do this in my opinion. [b]Hero yuy:[/b] He was named after a politicain from the colonys and was trained to be the perfect warrior. [b]Quatre winner:[/b] The 13 child and only son of a colony devolopers. even though he is against violence he fights to stop the war. [b]Duo maxwell:[/b] a member of the sweeper group who where sent to figt oz. He jokes around some times but can be serouse in battle. [b]Chang wufei:[/b] He lives with a strict honor code. He works alone because he thinks other warriors are lower than he is. [b]Zechs merquise:[/b] The top mobile suit pilote for oz. Orignaly he used to be known as meliardo peacecraft untill he joinded oz. [b]Relena peacecraft:[/b] relena used to be known as relena darlian untill she found out the truth that her real name is relena peacecraft. When she meets the gundam pilotes she sees that she has more strength than she thought.
  6. From what i've red some on ditched chi at a dumpster behind the resturaunt where hideki works. Hideki takes here home but drops the inofrmation disk for chi. Later on chi finds that she has a different persionality that bugs her about being with hideki. Of course like i've said this from what i've red about it.
  7. T man

    Bloodstained Port

    "Um excuse me but we herd there are pirates in the area and we were wondering if it's true" irvine asked taping one on the shoulder. "Ya, who's asking" one of the pirates asked as he chuckled. He turned around and irvine punched him nocking him down. "Nice right hook ya have" kitty said as she punched another one down. "Ya, You got a good one to. Let's bring these guys in and see if they got any thing good or how much a bounty they have on there heads" irvine said as he punched another.
  8. They walked into a bar and laid kate down on top of the bar. Irvine removed the dart and gave it to kate. "Vash go to the town sqaure to get the anitdote incase kate can't make one. I'll keep a eye on her" irvine said slinging the broken part of the cross punisher off his back. "Are you sure about that" vash asked. "Ya i'm sure. I'll be able to work on the broken part of the cross punisher" irvine said takeing out some tools and parts from his cloak. "I'm surprised that thing doesn't slow you down with all that stuff" vash said. "Ya I know. I carry a lot of stuff in this thing. Mostly things for emergency's like this kind. So get going" irvine said takeing off the cover to the piece of the cross punisher as vash left.
  9. "Ohh man it'll take me an hour to fix this" irvine thought picking it up. "Do you think you can get it fixed faster" vash said. "Maybe. I just rembered some thing" irvine said spliting the cross punisher in to half. "I rembered that I built it to work as four different weapons. I can still use one half normaly and fire missiles but I need to fix the other half" irvine said as he aimed at obiwaban and shot him in his legs. "I thought I destroyed that thing" obiwaban said in rage. "I built it so it could be used as one gun or two seperate ones. Of course only one half has the missiles but obiwaban didn't hit it" irvine said smilling while he was slinging the broken part of the cross punisher on his back. They ran to where the fire started.
  10. "Vash if we don't lead them out of here this town is going to end up like the first july" irvine said pulling a missile from the cross punisher. "Hey tao let's see how well you can catch" irvine said tossing the missile at tao. Tao tried shooting the missile but it blew up and sent him out of the bar. Vash looked up and started shooting obiwaban as they ran. "Soon enough you're going to have a bounty on your head" kate said to irvine as they left the bar. "We need to evacuate the town so no one else get's hurt" vash said rembering what happened to the first july. Irvine reset his gun and fired at tao. Tao screamed in pain. "What did you do to him" kate asked. "Remember when we first met? There is a setting on my gun that creates a strong burst of energy and uses it to increase the bullets strength. It's stronger than what I shot him with than before. Hopefully that slows tao down and it should because if you shoot it right you can break a rock the size of a two story building" irvine said as they ran.
  11. I would want the outlaw star from outlaw star, the epyon from gundam wing, rodgers car from big-O.
  12. Name:kyp kiro Age: 14 Gender:male Species/Race:human Height:6 feet Weight:150 pounds Appearance: green eyes, brown hair, red head band, black tinted goggles, gloves, purple shirt, black pants, brown boots Weapons: whip, sword, glaive Powers: control of elements and any forest with in a two mile radius Bio: He trained all of his life to perfect his skills. He realy doesn't have any friends and was adopted. He doesn't fear to give up his life. He entered the tournament to improve his skills and see if it would be fun. Personality:likes to kid around some times but can serious. He likes to meet others and have adventures. Side: against makal
  13. "The town should be this way" evean thought as he ran throught the forest. As he came out fo the forest he saw a group of people in front of the town. He saw some of them laughing. "Um excuse me but are you the rebellion" evean asked. Most of them looked surprised that he showed up. "I didn't even hear him comeing" one of them said. "Why do you ask and who are you" a girl said. "The names evean and I would like to join the rebellion" evean said pulling down his hood. "Welcome then. I'm rann. How did you find us" rann said shaking hands with evean. "I followed you. I'm part wolf so I have good senses. I normaly blend in amongset normale people except for my eyes" evean said smilling.
  14. "Come on I think he's in here" irvine said to kate. They walked into a bar. The bar was basicly empty except for vash and a bar keeper. "Vash can I talk to you" irvine asked taping him on the sholder. "Sure what do you need to talk about" vash said. It seemed like he was a bit drunk. "Vash why are people after me. It seems like they would be more after you" irvine said shaking vash. Just then they herd a explosion. After the explosion they herd gun shot. "Get behind the bar" vash said. They all jumped behind the counter as gun fire came throught the window. "What did you do to them to get them so angry" vash asked geting out of his drunkenness. "The only thing that I want that has to do with them is get revenge on knives for killing the people of pergatory" irvine said. "There ya go. They don't want you to fight knives" vash said as he started shooting back but nothing happened. "I'm starting to think I shouldn't of come with you guys" kate said ducking. "The let me be your body gaurd and protect you from them" vash said try to impress kate. "Vash, concentrate here. There is only one guy who couldn't be hit by thos shot's and it's tao" irvine said hit vash on the head. Irvine threw a flare but a wave of darkness cancled it out. "I wonder what would happen" irvine thought. He threw another flare then threw another and fired. The darkness cancled the first flare and the second cancled the darkness. "I'm going to get you for that shot" tao said. It sounded like he was hit in his leg again. "Hey vash how good is you timeing" irvine asked. "Pretty good why" vash asked. "We'll need to time our shots and the time we toss the flares" irvine said as he gave vash some flares.
  15. "From what I know of him he's eather htting on some girl, at a bar or eating doughnuts" irvine said as they turned a corner. "Can't you find him with your scar" kate asked looking at him. "Sorry but I can't. There are to many people around here who knows knives so I can't get a exacte lock on him" irvine said. "Then can you at least tell what area of the town he's in" kate asked. "That I can do. But we'll need to find him before that tao guy get's up and fixes his leg. Follow me" irvine said as they turned a corner.
  16. Irvine herd some one comeing up behind him. He turned around and saw some one with kate. "Who are you and what do you want" irvine asked geting ready to shoot. "I'm tao the shadow and you loose" the man said. "You have no qaurl with kate so you can just let her go" irvine said as his scar started glowing. "I need her as a little insurance to make sure you loose a fight. Any way it doesn't matter as long as there is darkness you can't shoot me" tao said as he started laughing. "That may be true but the night doesn't stay around for ever" irvine said as lights turned on inside buildings. "Now your at a bit of a dissadvantage" irvine said smilling. "Yes but there is still some darkness around for me too use" tao said. "Wanna bet. Kate close your eyes" irvine said pulling out a flare and pulling the top off while pulling down his goggles. There was a bright light and gun fire could be herd. Once the light cleared tao was on the ground. "Kate are you o.k" irvine asked. "Ya i'm fine. But where did you get that flare from" kate asked walking up to irvine. "From home. I helped make them before every one died there. I have about tewnty more. Come on let's find vash. I think I only shot that guys leg" irvine said as they ran.
  17. Irvine started moveing faster than the buletes and grabed his gun. In a couple of seconds it was rebuilt. Irvine looked around and saw obiwaban shooting at him. He changed the setting on his gun and started fireing. Irvine stared shooting in a stream of bullets make obiwaban run to avoid them. "You shouldn't be able to still use that thing" obiwaban said surprised. "I helped build this gun my self. It's one of a kind. It was built to work for me only. It wont work for any one else and if you want it too you would need to change the way it was built but if you take it apart it'll break. Only two people know how to change it with out it breaking and i'm one of them. The other died in pergatory because of knives" irvine said reseting the gun and fired puting craks into obiwabans gun. "Like I said before, do you have any thing else for me to break" irvine said smilling.
  18. Name: evean miramax Age: 14 Sex: male Race: wolf/human Alliance: rebellion Weapon: broad sword, bows and arrows, whip Appearance: brown hair, yellow eyes, blue shirt, black pants, brown boots, tan cloak (looks human except for the eyes) Bio: Most people didn't like evean because of his ability but he does have some friends who say they would like the idea. He would get into fights with people who thought he was strange or by those who say he is a freak of nature. He normaly tries to keep people looking at his face directley because of his eyes. He joinded the rebelion so no one else would have to go throught what he does. He realy isn't afraid to risk his life.
  19. "You shouldn't under estimate me either" irvine said as he pulled out his hand gun. He changed the settings on it and fired. Irvine hit obiwaban's katana and some of it craked along the bottom of the blade. "Your blade will probaply fall of if you try to strike some one before it's repared so do you still want to continue" irvine said smilling. Obiwaban started grumbled. Irvine returned the gun back to the normale settings and shot the blade off. Obiwaban looked at the helt of the katana and there was no jagged edges. "Got another one I can break" irvine said starting to laugh. Obiwaban just ran off.
  20. T man

    Rogue Trader

    Jacen and shin sat on the back of the car watching kitty chase flash around. "Why does she act like that" shin asked. "Who knows. I don't have the guts to ask" jacen said as he watched kitty try to tackle flash but flash moved out of the way. "So why don't you ask her" shin asked. "Let's just say this. I fear for my life some times when i'm around her. She punched her friend and he flew 5 feet from what I herd" jacen said as he saw kity try again. "Come back here flash" kitty said as she got up. Jacen and shin just shook there heads.
  21. Kyp walked over to the woman. He looked her over and it seemed like she was a demon. It looked like she was starting to wake up. "That spell take lot out of ya" she said as she tried to get up. "Here let me help you up. I'm kyp" kyp said giveing her a hand. "Thanks, i'm yoshiko" yoshiko said as she grabed kyp's hand and kyp pulled her up. Kyp then herd some thing above him. "Ahh great he sent a dragon. I could deal with him and his horse but a dragon, that's hard enough" kyp said as the dragon landed. "I guess i'm supposed to ride it" kyp said as he walked to the dragon. "Come on I guess he would want to meet you" kyp said with yoshiko following. Once got on the dragon started flying.
  22. T man


    "The town should be this way" irvine thought as he jumped from tree to tree. He had herd of a town called oberan that had been evacuated and figured there would be no one to stop him from stealing the treasurs in the town. He came to a clearing in the forest. "That strange the town should be here should be" irvine said looking at a map as he jumped out of a tree. He saw some one sitting on the ground and walked over to her. "Excuse me miss but do you know where the town of oberan is" irvine asked. "Yes the town was suposed to be here but it's not. It had been here two years ago but it's not any more" she said as she started crying. "I guess you wernt here when it was evacuated thed" irvine said looking around. "What do you mean it was evacuated" she asked looking up. "I herd the town was evacuated for some reasion and I decided to see if there was any thing worth stealin" irvine said helping the girl up. "I'm irvine if you need any help feel free to ask" irvine said smilling. "Thanks, i'm kitty. I'm going to look for the persion who did this. Would you mind helping me" kitty asked. "I wouldn't mind. I like to go on advetures" irvine said as they shook hands.
  23. "When it comes to the case of knives my rage can get me moveing pretty fast" irvine said. "Because of those shots most people have all ready left town so there is no one to interfere with us. If I need to fight you to fight knives then so be it. But just to let you know this is not going to be a easy fight" irvine said with drawing his cross punisher. "So let the fight begin" obiwaban said charging at irvine.
  24. "Thanks I'll be by here for it later" irvine said as he finished the work for the car. As he left one of the points of his scar started annoying him. "Better go find vash and kate" irvine thought as he started running. As he ran he saw vash walk into a bar. He ran in there to. "Vash I think we have a problem" irvine said. "What kind of problem" vash asked. "I don't know. I just know alot of people could die so let's go get kate" irvine said. Vash got up and followed irvine to the hotel. They found kate in her room. "Kate we think some thing's going to happen" irvine said as she looked at them. "I'm all most finished here so we can look around" kate said. "Vash keep a eye on her and don't try any funny stuff. I'm going to see what I can find" irvine said as he left. "What kind of persion do you take me for" vash asked as irvine walked down the hallway and left the hallway.
  25. Irvine herd a nock on ther door. His scar was still black. "Come in" irvine said. Kate came in. "I've decided to go with you" she said. "Fine with me but a bit of warning i'll act differently because of this scar and you may not come back alive. So are you sure you want to come" irvine asked. Kate nodded. "Fine Get your stuff ready. I'll leave in a hour. I'm going to rent a car and look for vash. I'll see if that guy from the bar will come" irvine said as he grabed his stuff and they left the room.
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