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T man

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Everything posted by T man

  1. "I don't think he's done yet so get yuraka out of here" jacen said to the others. The persion yuraka shot got up. Jacen pulled out his wistle and blew one it. Two thomas came up to take the others out. "Ready to go vash" jacen asked. "Ready to go when ever you are. You guys get out of here" vash called out to the others. "Sorry but we just can't leave you behind" hisame said. "See hisame you do care about me" vash said starting to cry. "Vash we got some thing to do" jacen said hitting vash on the head. "So what's your name and why did you go around impersionating me" vash asked once he got himself together. "The name's jake. Plan was to get the bounty on you to go up then kidnap those girls to make you show up. I trained to have the exact same skills as you" jake said with drawing his gun. "If you have the same skills as vash I guess it's time to do this" jacen said as he threw his guns in the air and smashed him to gether. Some smoke came from them. After the smoke cleared jacen was holding a hand gun with two barrels with the same dragon heads from before one the normale hand gun. "The dragon of heaven and hell" hisame said looking surprised. "What the heck is that" inoccence asked. "They're a type of gun that can distroy a town in one shot. I thought they were distroyed" hisame said. "That can't be true" inoccence said. Jacen turned around and shot a boulder the size of A two tory building. As jacen shot rorwing could be herd. The boulder fell apart into sand. Inoccence mouth droped open. "Your right hisame. That was at it's lowest so it'll take all my will to keep it from killing this guy" jacen said.
  2. vincent came out of the bar. "Can some one tell me what happened in there" he asked. "Sorry about that. Some people are after me" vash said. "Excuse me vash but do you know where knives is" jacen asked. "No sorry. Why do you need to see him for" vash asked. "Let's just say it's persionale" irvine said. Vash looked at jacens scar and it was a combination of dark red blood and black. "What's with the scar" vash asked getting up. "Let's just say it gives him the ability to find people. That's how we found you" kate said getting up. "How did he know where I was" vash asked. "It's because you know wolfwood. It also let's me find those who have connections with knives. I should get going" irvine said as he started to leave. "Are you going after knives" vash asked getting seriouse. "Yes my scar tells me he's shown him self" irvine said as he started to leave. "Then why don't I come with you we would have a better chance if we both go" vash said. "Fine any one who wants to come, i'll be leaving tonite" irvine said as he headed back to the hotel.
  3. "This is going to be a boreing trip. Might as well try to meditate" irvine thought as he sat cross legged. He found that being in space was the one of the best ways to meditate because there was basicly no one to bug you. He sensed his fellow jedi around him. Kain and vastus were talking while kel was haveing problems being on the ship. "Why don't you just meditate. It'll take your mind off the ship" irvine said to kel. "I'll think about it. I just don't like being in space ships" kel said. "I just hope nothing happens between kain and vastus because it may interfere with this mission. If some thing does I will have respect for what ever they do" irvine thought as he went back to meditating.
  4. "He was a nice guy. He was willing to do any thing to help others. Were you the one calling out that you were looking for vash" irvine asked. "Ya I herd he knew wolfwood. I herd he might be here" kate said looking down. "I might be able to find him" irvine said standing up. He turned around the room untill his scar turned pink. "Come on I found him" irvine said leaving the room. "How did you do that" kate asked. "It's my scar. It turns pink if some one knows wolfwood. That's how I knew you know wolfwood." irvine said as they got out side. They walked down the rode and came to a bar. Irvine's scar turned red and he looked around. There was a woman following them. "I'll deal with her later" irvine thought as they came into the bar.
  5. T man

    Bloodstained Port

    "There's a part shop in here for space ships and i'll need to buy some. They also work in weapons" irvine said as he went through a door. On the otherside there was a clear dome so people could see the stars. There was a couple of houses and other buildings. "This is kind of nice I guess" kitty said looking around. "Ya I know the part shop is around here" irvine said as they came to a shop. "Evean do you have the parts I need" irvine said as he came into the shop. "I have the parts if you have the money. Who's your friend. Is she your girl friend" evean asked starting to chuckle. "Evean, this is kitty she'll be traveling with me for a while" irvine said. Kitty was looking at the different weapon parts. "My ships docked so just have the parts sent there" irvine said as he paid for the parts. Evean left through a back door. "Kitty the ship wont be finished for a couple of minutes so feel free to look around the station" irvine said as they left.
  6. "Well that was some good exercise" irvine said to him self as he walked to the hotel he was staying at. The scar on his head was returning to normale. "Hey did in one come in while I was out" irvine asked a man behind a desk. "Ya a woman came buy and is staying in a room up stairs. Why do you ask" the man asked. "I like to know who come around to the hotels" irvine said as he went up the stairs. He opened the door and sat down in a chair. "That grave guy probaply doesn't have this kind of gun" irvine said pulling out a hand gun. He rembered what he was told. Pull one switch and it would act like a machine gun. Pull another and it would send off a strong shot but there would be a recoil. Irvine got up and opened his window. He pulled a switch on the gun and fired at a rock. He was pushed back a couple of cenameters from the recoil. The rock had been broken into six pieces. As he sat down he herd some one coming by. The persion nocked on the door. "You can come in" irvine said. "Um excuse me but did that blast come from in here" the woman asked. His scar started to turn pink. "Ya sorry about that. But excuse me miss but do you know nicholas d. wolfwood" irvine asked. "Yes he was a friend to my family. Why do you ask" she said. "The names irvine. I was raised by him for a couple of years" irvine said sticking out his hand. "The names kate nice to meet you" kate said shaking hands with irvine.
  7. "Come on domes. We got work to do" irvine said as he left the chamber. Irvine's r-2 droid followed him. "I'll need you to find maps of the mines" irvine said as they came to his room. He looked around and saw the clothes and the case for his light sabre. "Not realy what I would of chosen but hay i've got a job to do and they'll help me in it" irvine said to him self. By the time irvine finished gitting dressed domes had the maps on some discs. "Thanks for those. Be ready if I need ya" irvine said as grabed a holo projector, grabed the case with his light sabre and left to go to the transport ship.
  8. Irvine defended against it. He just passed through the fire stream. "What the. That should of killed you" demerti said looking surprised. "Like I said I will not be killed by any one but knives. Now it's time to tell me where he is or die" irvine said turning over the cross punisher and fired a missile as his scar started to become a darker red. He shot the missile and the explosion made demerti go flying. Demerti let go of the cane and irvine blasted the skull into peices. Irvine ran up to demerti with the cross punisher aimed at his head. "Now tell me where he is and I may let you live" irvine said..
  9. "My scar says you do. In my family some one allways has this scar and it changes depending on the mood of the persion. I seek knives to kill him for killing the people of pergatory. This scar tells me you know him and it's never been wrong about this kind of thing" irvine said preparing to grab the cross punisher. "And what if I do know him" the man asked. "Then prepare to fight. But just be warned because of the rage I have over the town of pergatory my body and mind will not let me die. I can not let my self be killed by any one but knives" irvine said pulling out the cross punisher.
  10. Enix ran into the decks of the ship. "What's wrong enix" ki asked seeing him run into the room. "Win, he fell of the ship when we were hit by the stream of water" enix said catching his breath. "I'll go tell the others" ki said as she left. Enix left to go tell rui. "Rui can we land the ship soon. Win fell off" enix said running into the control room. Oni had all ready left. "Ya when we were hit I slowed the ship down to land" rui said. "Well I'm going after him" enix said as he left. "You shouldn't, we don't know what's in this area" rui said but enix all ready left. "This is probaply going to hurt but i've been through worse" enix thought as he jumped off the ship and into the forest.
  11. "Still no sign or word of this knives guy" irvine thought. He was haveing a drink in a bar. He herd some one talking about vash but decided he wouldn't get involved. "How much longer must I go one not knowing what happened in purgatory" irvine thought as his scar started turning red. He got up and payed for his drink. As he left he saw some one going by and his scar turned a deaper red. "Does he know about knives. Might as well follow him and find out" irvine said as he stood up and followed the persion. The persion had a box on his back with a eye on it and walked with a cane with a skull on top.
  12. "Save some of your bombs yuraka" jacen said. He pulled out a whistle and blew some beats on it. A thomas came running up to him. "O.k you two get on. Vash let's give them some cover" jacen said as the girls got on. They started sooting to clear a path for meryle and milly to escape. "See ya when we end this" vash said as he shot some one who was about to shoot the thomas. The thomas started running out of the town. "About half of them are down so let's rap this up because we got a biger fish to fry" hisame said shooting a group of people.
  13. In the morning every one was awake and ready to go. They got on the thomas and started off to the ruins of july. They arrived there around noon. "So this is what's left of july" kitsune said looking around. yuraka pulled out his tracker and led them to a stair case. "kitsune, hisame and inoccence keep a look out while we go down" jacen said to them. Jacen, yuraka and vash went the down the stairs and opened a dood into a room. At the end of the room was a safe. "Are they in there" vash asked. Yuraka nodded. Vash ran up to the vault door and knocked on it. "Girls are you in there" vash asked. "Ya vash get us out of here" a girl said from the other side. Vash pulled on the vault but it woudn't budg. "O.k you two get out of the room and you two move away from the door" jacen said pushing yuraka and vash out of the room. "What's he doing in there" yuraka asked once they were out. A couple of seconds later they herd a explosion. Yuraka and vash came in. The vault door had been blown of it's hindges. Jacen had his goggles on and was untieing the girls. "How did you do that" vash asked stunned. "I'll tell ya later. Now you two on the out skirts there are some thomas get out of here" jacen said as he finished untieing them. "Thanks for the help" one said as they ran past. "What was that about" vash asked following jacen up the stairs. "It was too easy. Get ready to fight you guys" jacen said. The others pulled out there guns and gun fire was herd. Jacen looked around and people were shooting at them. "Probaply if we take down enough of them the leader will show" jacen said takeing cover.
  14. I would rekemend it because it has agood plot and some good music in the show and on the sound tracks. I mosty liked it for the ship and gun fights.
  15. They continued to check rooms as they went. Most of the rooms were emptey or had supplies."Hold on. I herd some thing move" tiga said looking around. "It was probaply a rat or some thing. Who knows what's in this base" sakura said. Cay looked into a room and aimed her glaive at some thing. "Hey guys I think we found one of our targets" cay said to the others. The others came over. "It's the maiden from before who oni brought with him" milo said. "Is he going to keep that knight stuff up untill this is finished" enix said shaking his head. "Come on arielle your out numbered and if you don't we'll feed you to thomas and al" enix said. "I thought we're not supposed to kill her" saina asked. "No but they would eat her no matter what we say. Tami and cay keep a eye on her" enix said.
  16. "We're for it" kiro and enix said at the same time. It seemed like the others were thinking about it. "So are you going to ride inside the cars or do you want to ride up here with us" enix asked as he lookied around then jumped on top of the train. "I am never going to learn how you do that" zone said shaking his head. "It's mostly about balance" shinjikyo said as he jumped up to. "I'll ride in the car for now. So how was it that you got to my house so fast" domi asked looking at enix. "Well when kiro does his attack four other kiros apear. Each one representing the elements of earth, fire, wind and water. Kiro became the one representing the wind but he can only hold it for a couple of minutes" enix said smiling. The train started and domi and zone got in and they headed to ginza.
  17. Ifrit fell down and landing hard and makeing a depresion in the ground. It started to get up and threw a fire ball at akira. "Wave of chaos"glen calledou holding his staff. A wall of fire came up and lighting came down from the sky to stop the attack. "My wave of chaos can also be used for defense glen" said smilling. Andon came running up to them. "Nice to see you up. Are you ready to fight" akira asked looking at him. "Yes i'm ready to fight. Climhazzard" andon said swinging his sword a beam of energy came from it. "I call for the attack thunder blaze" glen said aiming his glaive at the sky then at ifrit and lighting bolts came down to strike ifrit. "Rising ground" akira called out. All three attacks stuck ifrit and knocked it down.
  18. "Your doing pretty well at this" enix said. "Ya I know. I didn't think I could stand up on a moveing train before" shinjikyo said. "It's mostly about balacning the right way" enix said. Kiro was looking back at the town. "What is it kiro" enix asked walking up to him. "I think we should go back" kiro said looking at enix. "If you say so" enix said. They joined together and got ready to leave. "What's going on" shinjikyo asked. "Some things happening we need to go back to domi's house" kiro said as he flash blue for a second. A wind started around them. "What's going on" shinjikyo asked looking suprised. "I'm the wind part of kiro's attack. We'll have to move fast. I can only keep this up for a couple of minutes" they lifted of the train and left to go to domi's house. A couple of minutes later kiro flashed white. "I hope you can land well and get up fast. There's kage and her new partner" kiro said as they droped. Shinjikyo landed with a thud and kiro landed safely and dashed for kage. He did a jump kick and knocked kage off of domi. "How did you two get here so fast" domi asked as shinshinjikyo got up and joined them. "I'll tell ya later" kiro said with drawing his sword.
  19. T man

    Rogue Trader

    Jericho just looked at jacen so did shin. "What, before I didn't remember witch car had the missile launchers then I remembered that it's this one with the one with the launcher. The launcher controls are in front of kitty on the back of flash's seat" jacen said. "Are you sure it was a good idea to tell her where the launcher controls are" shin asked. "Ya, she seems like she would like missiles" jacen said."Turn here" kitty said as they turned a corner. They were leaving the city. and going to the country side. "Is that the place" flash asked pointing to a house that was a bit bigger than the others.
  20. I give your first poem a [b]9.5[/b] and for the vash poem I give it a [b]10[/b]. For that last one I give it a [b]9.6[/b]. Of course this is just my opinion. I think they're all good poems.
  21. T man

    Rogue Trader

    "Do you think your up to walking by your self" jacen asked. "Ya I can walk on my own" jericho said. Then lost kitty becase they stopped to talk. They started running after kitty. Jacen pushed a button and a projection of the building appeared. "Well if kitty does find shin she wont only have to fight him" jacen said. "What do you mean" flash asked as they turned a corner. "There's some one with shin in the building" jacen said getting ready to draw his gun. "Kitty is intering a hallway the would bring her to shin and the persion with him so let's move it" jacen said as he turned off the projection and ran faster.
  22. "Well i'm going to look for the others" enix said as he stood up. "How would we contact you" nitsu asked looking at him. "Trust me, it's easy. Just think of the persion who you want to send a message to, think of the message and the message will be sent" enix said smillling. "If you can create a programe like that you are better than you think" crim said. "Well, i'll see ya later" enix said walking away. The orb on his staff glowed for a second and he disspered. He reapeared at the church. "I guess it does work" enix said as he entered the church. "What works" ijimeru asked seeing enix walk in. "A program I made for jumping to fields" enix said looking around. "And who might this be" enix said to a girl with two sowrds. "I'm arika, a hacker like your self" the girl said and they shook hands. "So what's going on here" arika asked. "Well me and some freinds of mine are traped inside of the game and we're looking for a way out" enix said.
  23. "Helba's lacky. I herd he was a lacky to some one called morgana and that she sent a monster after you and it beat you" enix said starting to laugh. "Don't speak of that name to me and how did you know about that" sora asked enix looking angry."A hacker's gotta keep up with the times and know what's going on" enix said getting ready to fight. Sora extended his blades. "Come on you two, this is not the best time for fighting" crim said walking between the two. "Fine, this little runt doesn't seem like he would be worth my time" sora said contracting his blades. "We'll finish this later" enix said as he lowered his staff. "So what do you want from us to call helba" nitsu asked looking at sora.
  24. "Your going to conntact sora" enix said said whith his mouth hanging open. "Do you know who he is enix" nitsu asked. "I'm one for meeting for a great hacker like helba but do you need to call sora" enix asked. "Sadly I do. As much as a pain he is" crim said. "Come on that disk better be in by now" enix thought. As soon as he thought that the orb on his staff started flashing in colors. "What's that" nitsu asked. "Rember the programs I told you about. I got some one to activate them. Just grab onto the staff" enix said holding the staff out. Nitsu, valiant, siroken grabed onto the staff and they glowed. "We should be able to send e-mails with out typeing, jump to servers with out gates and our states should go up" enix said as they and the orb stoped glowing. "You must be a good hacker to do that" crim said. "I'm not that good. I'm more of a rookie. I don't know if the programs work" enix said blushing.
  25. "Where is he" enix said looking around. He turned a building and saw some one he knew. The persion looked at him and ran. "Kiro get back here" enix said as he chased after the persion. It was a heavy sword carryer in a rust colored cloak. "I gotta catch up with him" enix thought starting to run faster. He tackled the persion he was chaseing. "Kiro is that you" enix said turning the persion over. "Ya it's me get off enix" kiro said standing up. "Why the heck did you run" enix said. "I was afraid what happened to you and three other people a while ago would happen to me if I got to close to you" kiro said checking him self over. "Well those three other people are my friends. I need you to load the red disk on my desk labled xp-1 into my computer or another one in the house" enix said. "Isn't that the disk you made for this kind of problem" kiro asked. "Yes so just do it. Load the disk in about ten minutes and do you know where crim is" enix asked. "Ya I think I saw him going to the grunty stables. If mom finds out about that disk your dead meat" kiro said as he pointed in the direction of the stables. "Ya I know so make sure she doesn't find it" enix said as he ran to the stables.
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