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"Come on you two might as well go after him" jacen said as he opened the cargo bay of the burning star. "Nice car you have here. I call shot gun" flash said as they came into the cargo bay. Kitty mumbled about how she wanted to sit up front. Jacen drove out of the cargo bay and the doors closed. "Hopefully he doesn't do any thing stupid" jacen said as he drove after jericho. As they turned a corner jacen said "now I remember this is the car with the missle launchers. But the targeting systme control is behind you flash so kitty can use it. There should be a panel on flashs chair to open the controls so don't use them yet." Hearing this kitty smiled.
I've read most of the new jedi order books. I even know how the yuzhan vong would react to jedi and machines. If this is after the new jedi order books I all ready know what to write. I read alot of star wars books ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Irvine kairow Age:20 Race: human Occupation: jedi knight, fighter pilote Weapon: a light sbare with a purple blade, smoke bombs, blaster Ship: x-wings Bio: like most jedi he was trained in the jedi temple after it was moved away from black holes and relocated. Before he left to go train in the temple his father told him that he would get him a ship. Once he came home from his training his father had gotten him a old x-wing and a R-two modle droid. He read about what the yuzhan vong have done and different fighting styles. It is his dream to fight some one who is as strong as he is or some one stronger. He was sent to dorvalla because the jedi council thought he would be skilled enough and it would be good for training. Discreption: black hair, blue eyes, sand colored cloak, purple shirt, black pants, brown boot's, blue tint goggles and gloves with hole cut into the fingers Persionality: He is willing to do what is needed to help others. He jokes around some times but can be serious when needed.
"Where close enoguh to the ships distanation" irvine said as he took a seat. He closed the docking bay hatch as he dicnonneted from the transport ship. "Why are you being a escourt. You seem like you would be beter off as a fighter pilote or some thing" kitty said. "Ya I know but I need enough money to buy parts for a ship i'm makeing to hunt down pirate's. So why were you on that transport any way" irvine asked as they pulled away from the transport.
"What happened to him" enix asked. "So where were you and how did you get here so fast" shinjikyo asked. "I ran in to a fight with a evill shaman. It didn't really take as long as I thought. I took a train here" enix said. "I thought you would of taken a cab" shinjikyo said. "He didn't want to use any of his money on transportaion so we rode on a train" kiro said. "I don't even wnat to know how you were even able stay on there" shinjikyo said shaking his head. "This must be the shaman that kiro was talking about. I'm enix and this is my partner kiro" enix said holfing his hand out to domi. "I'm domi and this is dannerrio" domi said shaking hands with enix.
"Hello irvine your needed to do another escourt job" a man on the phone said. "Why do you need me jack" irvine asked. "It's a transport ship that will be traveling near space where pirates have been spoted" jack said. "O.k i'll do it. Just send me the info and put the money in my account"irvine said before he turned off his phone. "I just need a couple of more parts before I can get my battle ship off the ground. Of course i'll need to find a crew" irvine thought as he started the star blaze and went to catch up with the ship. When he caought up with the transport ship he saw two other escourts. "Well this going to be a boreing trip" irvine said as he went to the front of the escourts. A couple of minutes later five ships came buy shooting at the transport. "Time to have some fun" irvine said as he started shooting. The ship he was shooting at blew up. The two other escourts left to get the two other pirates. "Where did the fith one go" irvine asked flying around debri. "Need assitance. Pirates forceing there way ih through the dockeing bay hatch" a voice said. Irvine aimed the star blaze at the transport ship and there was the pirates next to the ship. He started shooting at the pirate ship as it started to leave. As the ship started to escape it blew up. "Guess I should check to see if they're o.k" Irvine said as he docked with the transport ship. As he walked in he saw a girl with a beam sabre and a couple of dead pirates. "I was woundering why they left so fast. I'm irvine kiro. So what's your name" irvine said to the girl. "The names kitty cho" the girl said sticking her hand out. Irvine shaked hands with her thinking "maybe once I get the ship started she could be my first crew meber. She sure does seem strong enough."
"Esap are one of the car in the burning star" jacen asked as they headed down the hanger. Yes I loaded a convertable into the cargo hold. "Why are you asking what was put into the burning star" flash asked. "All the things in my gardge has bullet prove armore, machine guns, radar, comunication systems and lap top. Well actually the motorcycle's launch tiny time bombs that attach to enemy cars and sends out a magnetic field to disrubt things like computers and a shocker to fry car wires and the driver. I just cant remember what has the missle launcher" jacen said as they came into the hanger. "Hey jacen I can i have one of the cars from your garadge when this is over" kitty asked. "I'll think about it" jacen said thinking about what trouble she would get into with one. They started the ships and they left sintila.
"Digs, vapor go" kevin said as he tossed his pkeball. A diglet appeared along with kevins vaporeon. "I'm going fishing" kevin said as he pulled out a fishing rod. He turned on his hover board and tossed some rope to vapor and they went into the water. "Just be sure not to get into trouble" ki called out as kevin sent the line into the water. A couple of seconds later he got a bite. "Let's see what I got" kevin said as he used the reel to bring the line in. The pokemon he reeled in looke like a ariados with spykes along it's back. It was black and had two front pinchers. The thing opened wing and started flying. "Vapor hidro pump" kevin called out. Vapor started spraying water. It hit the pokemon and nocked it back into the water. It then dove down and dissapered. "Where did it go" kevin said as he paddled with his hands to where he last saw the pokemon. He saw a hole where it was. It came out of the water behind vapor and started glowing as it did a pinmissle attack. "Vapor dive" kevin called. vaporeon came up behind it and tackled it. "Poke ball go" kevin called out as he tossed his pokeball. The pokeball hit the pokemon and caught it. Kevin was smilling as he patled by the floating pokeball. "Nice catch" dayu said to kevin as he and vapor came back. "I know don't you two think so too" kevin said to vapor and digs and they chered about the new pokemon.
"I don't know but i'm going to try" enix said as he pulled down his goggles and with drew his sword. "Well now would be a better time then any to see if I can ride the fang bat" enix said before he started playing his flute. The fang bat came buy and enix got on it's back. The dragon fired a fire ball at the enix and the fang bat. "O.k let's try this" enix thought as he leaned to his right. The fang bat flew to the left and avoided the attack. "Tahu even though I like ya, I still got to do the job we started together" enix said as the dragon shot another fire ball. Enix hit it back with his sword and it hit the dragon. "I thought you didn't have the power of your dragon soul" oni said. "I don't but i'm able to redirect fire and defend against it" enix said as he hit another another fire ball back.
"Well let's get some rest. We should get to the ruins of july by noon tomarrow. The last report of the impersinnator was near july so we'll most like have to fight'em" jacen said as he got ready to sleep. Every one got ready to sleep and hisame moved away from vash. Kitsune decided she would keep watch for awhile to make sure vash didn't try any thing. "How could you people think I would do some thing like that" vash said starting to cry. "We don't we just think it would be best for hisame to know that some one's looking after her during the night other tha you" kitsune said.
"Do you think daren will lead us to zemdi" jacen asked. "I don't know but he would be the closest lead we have" jericho said. "I wonder where those to are" Jacen as he sat down in the car. He opened a panel in the car and a radar came out. It showed that flash and kitty were comeing. Jacen pushed a button and said "Where have you two been for the last hour." "Oh we haven't done any thing. We were just driveing around" kitty said. Jacen and jericho just shook there heads. Jericho could see kitty and flash comeing down the road. Jacen noticed some one come out then back in. Jacen pushed the comunicator button again and said "I think we have some one other than daren to deal with" as he pulled out his gun.
Kevin saw ki looking at her pokenavi so he figured he should continue work with his. He pushed some more buttons then red dots appeared on the screen. One was flashing and a electronic pencile poped out. "I guess it works as a tracker. I guess the flashing dot means me and I should write the names down" kevin thought as he took the pencile. He looked around the room and matched the people with the dots. He pointed the pencile at the dots and box's appeared so he filled up the names. "I'll talk to ki about what she found and i'll tell dayu what the pokenavi can do once we get to the island" kevin thought. "O.k you two it's time to go back to your pokeballs" kevin said to vapor and shock. They dissapered into there pokeballs and kevin put vapor's pokeball on his necklass and shock's pokeball on his belt.
OOC: Basicly from what I know we write as though our ghosts are fighting each other inside the shaman's body ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kiro withdrew his sword as did ghost working with kage. "So what's the name of the ghost working with cage" Kiro asked. "I'm tsubasa and that's the last name you'll hear" tsubasa said as tsubasa charged charged. "I doubt that" kiro said as he charged to. "Seems like were eqauly matched so this may actualy be a challeng" tsubasa said smilling once there swords hit each other. They kept slashing swords at each other but kept blocking each hit. "Time to end this little game. One thousand shadows of pain" tsubasa said as copys came from the shadows. "A multiple strike, I can deal with that" Kiro said as he split into five but the fith one dissapered. The tsubasa striked the kiro but the attacks went through three of them. The forth one didn't even flinch. "What is going on" all the tsubasa's asked. "Each one of us represent earth, fire wind and water. And your right it is time to end this" the kiro's said together. They moved out and started circling the tsubasa's pusing them back into one. The four kiro's on the ground charged at once as the fith one dove from the air. "Elemantle strike" the one from above called out. After the attack the kiro's fused back to one and enix was in controll. "Good try. The trick is to tell where the fith one is comeing from" enix said as he climbed a fire escape to get to the roof. He could hear kage geting off the ground and standing up.
"Well see youg guys later" kevin said as he, vapor and shock headed back to kevins room. "Good night you two" kevin said as he sat down on his bed and shock and vapor went to sleep. "Let's see what this thing does" kevin said as he pulled out the pokenavi2. He started pushing buttons and a projection appeared. A couple of secounds later dayu showed up in it. "I was woundering what was beeping" dayu said looking surprised."I guess these things work as comunicators. I was just pushing bottons and projector started" Kevin said. "Well tomarrow can you show me what you did" dayu asked. "Sure why not. I'm still missing around with mine" kevin said. he then pushed another button and the screen closed. "I wounder what ele these things do" kevin thought as pressed more bottons.
Name:Evean Age: 17 Gender: male Weapon:glaive Power: weather (If that's not allowed thunder and wind)
"Well every one time to go back" kevin said calling every one back except shock and vapor. He walked down to the lower deck to the mess hall with shock and vapor following. "Can I have two pieces of pizza" kevin said grabeing a tray. The man at the counter gave him the pizza and kevin sat down next to ki who had rush laying down next to her. "It's been a nice trip hasn't it" ki said to kevin smilling. "Yes it's been nice and quit" kevin said as he puled out a small canister. "What's that" ki asked. "It's some pokemon snacks I made" kevin said as he opened it and tossed some pellets to vapor and shock. They cought it and ate them. "Mind if I gave one to rush" kevin asked. Ki nodded as kevin tossed one to rush. Rush caught it and ate it. Rush started barking and jumping happeliy. Kevin and ki smilled.
"Well I realy hope she doesn't get into a group. She doesn't seem to social" kevin said as he looked down. Kevin looked at his pokemon. His pikachu was playing with another pikachu on the boat, ponyta was laying down, tropius was soaking up the sun, vaporeon was swimming and his pidgeot was looking at the sea. He decided to look around his room. The room was like the ones in a hotel. He looked under the bed and a hover board that was blue with red stripes on the sides. He pulled out some rope from his bag and left with the board while turning it on. "Hey vapor catch" he said as he pulled his goggles down and tossed the rope to his vaporeon. His vaporeon caught the rope and started pulling. "Hey Vapor if you get tired tell me. Time to see how this thing handles" Kevin said as he went ahed of the boat on the board.
"O.k i'll see what I can find. Esap bring up the files of all the people who have the most buisneises on the planet and who has the most money" jacen said into a on board computer in the car. A panel opened and a laptop came out. On the screen was all the people with the most buinesses and the most money. "The persons name is daren teckimoray. He has the most money on the planet. Should I get kitty and flash" jacen said. "Maybe and meet me at the gorry" jericho said. "Esap, are flash and kitty back yet" jacen asked as he started the car. "Yes sir" esap answered. "Give them one of the cars, give the keys to flash and tell them where to meet us" jacen said as he headed to the gorry.
"They found another shaman but the ghost doesn't want his partner to see him" kiro said as he followed enix. Enix had been running on the roof tops of the city looking for evil shaman or for those who would join the team. While running enix saw a girl and a ghost. "Do you think she's good or bad" enix asked kiro. "She's one of the evil shaman"Kiro said as he got ready to fight. "Then I see it as my duty to fight her" enix said as he jumped down from the roof. "So how about a battle enix asked. "Sure why not. I've been wanting to fight the whole day" the girl said. "I'd like to know the name of the one i'm going to fight. Just to let ya know I don't go down easily" enix said as he joined with kiro. "The names kage and neither do I" kage said as she joinded with her ghost.
"Might as well feed them before they get mad" kevin said as he walked to the lower deck to gte pokemon food. He came to a desk where a woman was sitting. "I'l need five bowl and one of the biggest bags of pokemon food you have" Kevin said at the desk. The woman nodded and left to get the bag. A couple of minutes later she came back with the bag then left to get the bowl. Kevin walked to the egde of the ship. "Hey wings need some help here" kevin called up and his pidgeot came down. It grabed onto the bag and flew to kevins room. The woman from the counter brought the bowls and kevin took them and went to the top deck. All of his pokemon were all ready there and waiting. He cut open the bag with his poketnife and seved the food. "Might as well let'em out. Leafs go" kevin said as he tossed his pokeball. His tropius flew around the boat then landed to eat. "I just hope that leafs doesn't get in rouble because it's a bit bigger than that charizard" kevin said as he sat down.
A: Balmung of the azure sky Q: Why does subaru disband the crimsion knights?
Enix just shook his head and said "it's nothing, nothing at all" as he walked over onto the top of the ship. even thought it was curved he didn't fall of. "What if there are more of those beings out there. Those who have the power of a dragon soul" enix said to himself. He looked around and figured he should try to memorize the land as much as the land scape as possible. He sat down and started playing his flute. A minute or two later the fang bat from before caught up with the ship and landed next to him. "It's fast. Maybe it's possible to ride it" enix thought as he continued to play his flute.
"Time to do some work" enix said as he looked around. He found a computer that wasn't distroyed in a room. "O.k let's see what we have here" enix said as he started typeing. "What are you doing" thomas asked. "I'm trying to find where oni sent arielle. If the base has any food you two can raid the place" enix said to thomas and al. The two of them just smilled. "I've found it" enix said as a portale opened up. "I've set another portale to open up 40 minutes after this one closes to bring us back so let's go" enix said as he jumped in with the others following leaving oni and cross behind.
"He has a good point ya know. He isn't a knight yet and I don't trust oni one bit. I'm even more suspicious that he some how lived through the rebirth of the planet" enix said as he left puting the sword back into the sheath. Enix walked up to milo. "What are we going to do about him" milo asked. "I'll keep a eye on him today and you can do it tomarrow and we'll switch back and forth" enix said and milo nodded. Enix sat down on a chair and started playing his flute to calm his nerves.
Jacen was walking through the halls of his house and came to a locked door. He preesed a panel and it opened. A scanner and a card key slot came out. He put his left hand on the scanner and swiped the card key through. "Esap asre the systemes up" jacen asked as he entered the room."Yes sir i've hacked into the police systems and i've started searching for records on zemdi" esap said. Jacen sat down infront of a computer with a lot of equpment around it. He brought up a file of all the calls that had been sent in by oficers. Two of the calls got his attention. "Esap go tell jericho that shin might be here and i'm going to look for kitty and flash" jacen said as he left the room. He went into the garadge and opened the doors. There a couple of different motorcycle's, vans, trucks and convertable. He got into blue and white striped one, started it up and left to go find kitty and flash. "Knowing those two there probalpy still close by to where the call was sent" jacen said shakeing his head.
"Well since every one's pokemon are out I might as well lit out mine" kevin said as he took the pokeballs off his belt. "Go pikachu, ponyta, vaporeon, pidgeot" kevin sad as his vaporeon, pidgeot, pikcachu and ponyta appeared. Kevin's vaporeon jumped into the water and started swimming while his pidgeot flew to the higher decks. "Why didn't you let out your two other pokemon" seion asked. "I don't think they would like it. One is a diglett and there isn't any soil around. The other is a tropius and I think it's to big to fit into a room" Kevin said smilling. "Shocks and wild fire go talk with the other pokemon. Wings make sure vapor doesn't swim to far" kevin said to his pokemon. His pikachu jumped onto ponyta and they left as vaporeon swam around the boat. "They keep a eye out for each other don't they" austin said. "I keep a eye out for them and they look out for me and each other" kevin said looking at the view of the ocean.