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Everything posted by T man
"If you ask us there both hot headed warriors" enix and kiro said siting up in A tree. "Ya I agree with you two" zone said as he sat up. "So what are we going to do about the fith persion" enix said as he jumped from the tree. "Who knows how long it'll take my friend to get here. I guess we should look for another shaman who'll join us" zone said. "Well we should start looking. So i'm gonna go look" enix said as he started to leave the park with kiro behind him.
"I'm going to go look around" evean said as he started to leave. "Just be sure not to take any thing" J-pawn said. "I'll try not to" evean said as he left through the door. "What kind of theif would I be if I didn't steal some thing" evean thougt. He walked down a hallway and looked into a room. He saw a room with sits of armor, two men runing back and forth and A guy practiceing against a dummy. Past the guy who was practiceing against the dummy evean saw a dagger with jewels on the handle and it had a gold plated shith. "That would be nice to have in my collection" evean thought as he unraveled his whip and went behind some suits of armor. He whiped a sword down and the guy who was pratcicing looked away and went to pick up the sword. "Nows my chance" evean said as he used the whip and wrapped it around the dagger and pulled it to him. He started to sneak out of the room. "Now to get out of the castle before any one notice the daggers gone" evean said as he walked down the hallway but he herd some one other than him in the hallway.
"Pidgeot let's go" kevin said as he saw the boat left the docks. Kevin had been flying all the way from celladon city and his pidgeot needed to land. "Pideot return" kevin said and his pidgeot dissapered from under him. As he fell towards the boat he saw some one holding the letters and pokenavi2's. He all ready had his rollar blades on and went zooming past the guy once he landed on the deck and left his letter behind before he went past the man and grabed a pokenavi. "Gotta find a room now" kevin thought as he dodged the trainers and pokemon that where on the boat. "Comeing through" he said as he jumped over a absol and he saw an emptey room. He went into the room before he hit the railing. He typed his name into a sign. He took off his rollar blades and dropped his stuff in the room. "Time to meet the other trainers" kevin said to him self as he put on his shoes and left the room.
"My name's evean" evean said to the guy and the girl. "I'm J-pawn and this is aelus" J-pawn said as they headed through the swamp. "Why did you decide to come with us. I thought a theif wouldn't care about this kind of thing unless it had to do with them" aelus asked. "I realy don't know. I feel like i'm searching for some thing but can't find it. I figure if I come with you i'll find it" evean said. "We should hope fully find the next knight hood by night fall" J-pawn said looking at a scroll. "Should I even ask how many scrolls she has" evean asked. "Trust me no one should ask because she has alot" aelus said.
"See that's what happens to ya when you don't travel with others" evean said as he droped down from the rafters of the church. He saw a guy and girl walk into the church. "How long have you been up there evean" damion asked. "Most of the night. Never herd any one say a thief couldn't stay in a church" Evean said smilling. "So are they friends of yours" evean asked pointing to the guy and girl. Damion got up and looked at the door.
"Hey zone if your going to be apart of his team mind if I join ya" enix said as he jumped down from the roof. "And you would be" zone asked. "The names enix and this is my partner kiro" enix said as he shaked hands with zone. "You probaply wont get very far with two people" Kiro said. "We might as well go talk to shinjikyo" zone said as they headed across the street.
In world Name: enix Gender: male Description: red head band, brown hair, tan cloak, purple shirt, black pants, brown boots, gloves with the fingures cut off, green eyes, two purple lines that look like scars going across the eye lids Class: wavemaster Outside Name: evean mirax Age: 15 Gender: male Description: red head band, green shirt, blue jeans, orange sun glasses, black and white shoes, gloves cut off at the knuckles
"Boreing day to day isn't it kiro" enix said walking on a roof. "Even with ghost being taken away from there shaman" kiro said floating on his back next to enix. Enix went and jumped to another roof. He had to move on the roof tops so no one would see his sword and ask him questions. Kiro then stood up and landed on his feet. "What's going on now kiro" enix said looking at kiro. "A ghost just attacked two thugs and another one appeared with it a couple of minutes ago" kiro said looking to there right. "Well then show the way" enix said as he started running. After a couple of minutes the came upon two people with there ghost but stayed on the roof top.
"Ah great, I was hopeing that guy would actually stay down for once. Even with the world being restarted he still lives" enix said as he left the room. "Hey milo you do you rember oni yorimasa" enix asked once he found milo. "Ya why do you ask" milo said as he got up. "Well he lived through the rebirth of the earth and now he's a gaint" enix said as he left the rom with milo following. Milo looked out a window and his jaw droped open. "Guys who is oni yorimasa" ki asked. "Long story short, there were some people who wanted to use the dragon souls for evil purposes and oni was at the top of the list of them" enix said looking at ki. "Let's hope he doesn't have his sword and if he does let us hope it's not as big as he is" milo said.
"The rooms are on the second level" jacen said as they came out of the hanger. They walked down A hall way and came into big A room with A big screen t.v, dart board, bar, pool table and stero system. The room was painted red and the coloms where A light tan color "I hardly ever use the bar but I keep it incase I have people over" jacen said as he turned on the t.v. There wasn't any news about zemdi yet. Jericho went over to the pool table and said "jacen how about we play a game of pool" while kitty and flash sat down on a coach. Jacen went over to a cabnint and pulled out the things for the pool table. "Feel free to look around the place" jacen said.
"It sounds like A deal to me" evean said smilling. He handed the dagger to the man and got the money and the dagger. Evean wraped up the daggers and put them in the bag. "My name is damion" damion said as he took the dagger. "The names evean. How about I join you on your journey. I'm A pretty good fighter" evean asked as he put the bag back under his cloak.
"The ships are refueld and we have our food" jacen said as they left the station. Flash and kitty were talking about there plans. "At least there not fighting" jericho said. A couple of hours later they came upon sintila. "Are there any bounty hunters here" flash aked. "Don't worry there's normaly no bounty hunters. The only people that you would have to worry about are cops or a couple of body gaurds" jacen said as thet entered the planets atmosphere. They came upon a small mansion over looking a ocean on a cliff. "Is that your house" jericho asked. "Yes it is. I got it with money I got the body gaurd jobs i've done and for all the people who have bounty's on there head that I brought in" jacen said as they came to the front of the cliff. A door in the cliff wall opened and they landed in a small hanger. "Feel free to make your self at home" jacen said smilling.
"I'm a bit of a collector. I'll show you what I have and if you see some thing you like i'll trade you" evean said. "O.k then let's see what you have" the man said. "Hold on" evean said as he reached behind his cloak and pulled out a bag. He pulled out different daggers wraped in cloth from the bag and unwraped them. He unwraped 12 different daggers. "Well do you see any you like" evean asked.
"Not much in this place" evean said to him self. He unraveled his whip and wraped it around a piece of fruit and pulled it onto the roof he was sitting on. He then saw some one leaving a inn. The persion was looking over a rusted old dagger. "I could get that molded into a pendent or some thing. let's see if he would be willing to trade for one of my daggers" evean thought as he followed the persion.
Enix was looking out one of the windows back at the explosion. "What are you thinking about" ki asked. "I was just thinking about the "girl" back there. I know I felt some thing like a dragon soul but I also felt some thing else" enix said as he looked at ki. "So what do you think happened to her" ki asked looking out of the window. "I realy don't know maybe I shouldn't of come on this trip" enix said looking down at the floor. "Why do you say that" ki asked looking back at him. "Well, of all the people here I was the only one who had a dragon soul. Maybe that's why the explosion happened or it could be like win said about so many emotions being around. I just hope that doesn't happen again" enix said as he leaved the room.
"This shouldn't be to hard to get across" evean said as he came to a swamp. He looked up to his and he could see a small camp with some one there. "Best not to disturbe them" evean said to him self as he started to climb A tree. He jumped to the nearest one to him. The tree started to sink abit and he almost fell off. "I realy hate swamps" evean thought. After A couple of minutes he came to the villiage. He used his whip to catch wrap on a tree branch that was to far for him to jump to. He swung across on the whip and untied it. "Time to see if there is any thing of worth here" evean said as he went into the shadows.
Name: evean kiro Age: 16 Gender: male Weapon: glaive, whip, daggers Class: thief/wanderer Description: tan cloak, black pants, brown boots, gloves with holes cut at the knuckles, purple shirt, black hair blue eyes Bio: Since evean's parents died when he was 6 he had to improve his skill to keep alive. By haveing no friends around him he doesn't care if he lives or dies. He fells that he is looking for some thing but he can never find it so he travels from town to town looking for it. He only takes what he needs and no more than that. If he sees some one who needs help or some one in trouble he does what he can to help.
"It must be mewthre" prof. redwood said after seeing what happened. There was A dark form in the clouds "Xatu take to the sky" max called to his xatu. The xatu flew into the air. "Xatu use future sight then confusion" max called out. Xatu's eyes started to glow then it shot A wave of energey. The dark figure moved out of the way. "The attack's here" max thought as he felt the wind. "Go altaria. Use dragon's breath" max called as he threw A light blue pokeball. Altaria blew fire once it appeared. "Use sand attack" lauren and ki called out at the same time. Rush and vaporeon started kicking sand at the dark form. The form was hit in the face by the sand then by the fire. After the fire stoped the dark form was hit by a light blue ball of energy in the back. The form fell out of the sky but got back up before it hit the ground and flew into the skys. "What attack was that that hit it" lauren asked. "It was the move future sight which is a move made by psychic type pokemon. It takes a while for the attack to come and hit the opponent" max said as the sky's started to clear up. "I think it's best for you to start your journy and go after mewthre because I think that was A test" prof. redwood said. "It may come after us again so we should leave as soon as we can so no one else will get hurt" ryan said.
"There's a fuel station close by. They normaley have stores, food courts so there may be some bounty hunters there so let's just hope you don't have to were those costumes again" jacen said as they headed to the station. Once they landed jacen left to get some one to fuel up the ships. A couple of minutes later jacen came back with a truck and a fuel tank. The driver started fueling up the ships. "It seems like there aren't to many people in the station so you can come out" jacen said sticking his head back in the ship. "Some one should probaply stay with the ships while the some one get's us some thing to eat" jericho said as he came out of the ship.
Name: kevin Age:16 Pokemon: ponyta (wild fire) vaporeon (vapor) diglett (digs) pikachu (shocks) pidgeot (winger) tropius (leafs) Description: red head band, green eyes, blue tint goggles, brown hair, gloves cut off at the knuckles, grey shirt, black boots, blue jeans, white hat with a pokebal on it, neckless with a pokeball holder Bio: Kevin wanted to go on the trip to the island to catch new pokemon and meet new people. Important Extra Items: backpack, potions, berrey's, revives, antidotes, rollor blades, pokeballs, full heals, fishing rod, pocket knive, devon scope, sliph scope, camera, flares, sleeping bag, rope,pokenavi2
"We cold go to my house on the planet sintila. It'll take a couple hours to get there but it's A nice place" jacen said as he sat down on a chair. "I've herd of that planet. Most people go there for vacations" flash said. "It's A nice place to get lost in a crowd or get some info. If we do go you wont have to worry about paying for parking in the hangers because I have my own hangers hidden away near my house" jacen said. "We'll take that into consideration" jericho said. "Where would you get the money for a hidden hanger in the first place" kitty asked. "I do some body gaurd work other than bounty hunting" jacen said as he pulled out his gun and started cleaning it.
About tsukasa being a girl outside of "the world" that is unknown. In the show the characters say that tsukasa is A girl. But some pople say the persion looks like A boy in the flash backs of tsukasa outside of the game. As for the girl on the bed that's aura.
"Let's see what ya got. Don't worry about geting A badge. You can still get one from me if you lose. I'll use one of my weaker pokemon" max said as he and lauren went out side. "Swellow it's time to battle" max said as he tossed A blue pokeball in the air, caught it then threw it. Max's swellow appeared in the air. "Vaporeon are you ready" lauren asked her pokemon and it nodded. "Since this is your first battle i'll take it easy on you. I hope you've read up on water and normale attacks" max said. "Swellow use agillity" max said as his swellow started to move faster untill it looked like there was A group of them."Vaporeon use tackle" lauren called out. The vaporeon tackled one of the swellows but it just disapered. "You were close to hitting the right one lauren. Swellow use quick attack" max said as the other swellows dissapered except one. The swellow flew towards the sun then came down fast. "O.k got to think fast. What is a attack to reduce accuracey" lauren thought. "Vaporeon use sand attack" lauren said to her vaporeon. The vaporeon started kicking sand ar swellow and swellow had to move quickley to avoid hiting the ground. "Swellow use werlwind" max called out. Swellow started flapeing it's wings and blew vaporeon down. "I call of the battle" lauren said walking to he vaporeon. "Swellow return" max said holding up his pokeball and the swellow went back inside. "Knowing when to use the right attacks and when to give up the battle is part of being A good trainer so I award you these" max said as he walked to lauren. He gave her A badge that looked like A feather and five drinks. She took the badge and the drinks. "What are the drinks for" laura asked max. I made them my self. Give one to veporeon and it'll be fine. The drinks I make are for healing. I'll join you on your pokemon journey to show you how to make them, what to do if there aren't any pokemon centers nearby and give you pointers on battleing" max sid smilling.
"So lauren why are you here" max said. "Well i'm here to get A pokemon from the professor" lauren said. "Yes she needs to get A pokemon to help fulfill A legend" prof. redwood said. The professor told max, ivan and risuke of the legend and of what's been happening. "I wondered if that's why my xatu was acting strange"Max said looking at his xatu. "It may have been acting strange because it's A psychic type pokemon like mewthre or because of the belife that xatu's are allways looking into the future and into past at the same time" prof. redwood said as he took A seat. "Well lauren when you get your pokemon let's have A battle to prepare you. Depending on how you act with your pokemon will tell me if you're will be worthey enough to have A sky badge because I belive how you act with A pokemon is more important than battleling" max said smilling.
Lauren looked up and saw a guy with a xatu. "Here let me help you up. I'm max" max said as he helped lauren up. The xatu landed and started comunicating to him in flag. "Yes xatu I see it. He's asking about the mark on your cheek" max said. "I'll talk about it later. Aren't you max zaybock the gym leader for the sky badge" lauren asked shaking hands with max. "Yes I am. I came here to talk to prof. redwood about the newest pokemon breading technics" max said. "Come on we can both talk to the professor" lauren said as they entered the building.