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O.O.C: the wings are more like the ones on an angle, not a demon J6 stoped in the air and turned around. He saw some one following him. J6 landed floated down to an ally was. His wings dissapered once the person found him. "What are you" the girl asked. "I'm some what of a spirit dectective who quit and became a merk" j6 said. "I wouldn't of thought some one would quit being a spirit detective" the girl said. "It's some what of my choice so unless you've got any other reason for bugging me beat it" j6 said takeing out his spear.
The jason fley up to the origanle. Jason looked back to see him catching up. "What happened j6" jason asked. "Our employer asked me to kill the dead girls mother. The girl came up and blocked the storm of torment attack" j6 said. "Why did our employer ask you to kill her" jason asked. "I don't know but more to the point what should we do about the girl" j6 asked. "Just keep and eye on her. If any thing hapens report back but if that's not possible fight her" jason said. J6 noddded and headed back. "I guess koenma will probaply try to get her to be a ditective or some thing. I'll need to keep an eye on her" jason said as he continued to search for yusuke.
[COLOR=purple]My 1000 post.[/COLOR] Kyp walked down the hall. He saw sango pulling miroku off of the wall. "He did some thing stupid didn't he" kyp asked stopping. "Yes. He should learn to keep his mouth shut" sango said. Kyp just nodded as he continued down the hall. As he went he heard a smack behind him. "He should aslo learn to keep his hands to him self" kyp thought. He came to the room that his blades were gaurding. The blades moved from the door to let kyp in. He came in and walked up to a petastale where the orb he got from kaze was sitting. The blades that were surrounding it moved. Kyp picked it up and looked it over. "What is the real reason she gaive this to me" kyp asked. Once he was finished looking the orb over he put it back down on the petastale and left back into the hall.[COLOR=purple]My 1000 post.[/COLOR]
One of the jasons landed on the roof across from the one that belonged to the woman who was crying. "Why did j1 ask for one of us to keep an eye on her" the jason asked. As he watched he got a message from j1's employer. "Take the woman out" the voice said. "That would be going against j1's orders. He only told us to keep and eye on the dead girl and yusuke's friends" jason said. "I'm the one paying j1 and just do it or else" the voice said. The jason just shook his head as he flew into the air. He opened his hand and a bow appeared in it. He raised his other hand a bolt came down to it. He pulled back the bow string as an arrow formed. Jason took aim at kie's mother and fired.
Kieth walked to the directors trailer with the girl following. "So what's your name" kieth asked. "My names nikkie. Do you know why I was asked to come" nikkie asked. "No one knows yet. I've talked with the director and he doesn't know either" kieth said. "So then we'll have to find out later" nikkie said. "I guess. My guess is that you're probaply a duelist so here" kieth said takeing out a duel disk. "What's this for" nikkie asked takeing the duel disk. "I'm testing them out for kaiba. My instructions were to give them out to duelists" kieth said. "So these are new ones then" nikkie asked. "Ya. I have to give out a couple more but i'll have to wait for the other people" kieth said as he went into the director trailer.
Jason was watching what was going on from a roof of the ally. "Well that was a worthless fight" jason thought. As he watched some one came by to take the dead girls spirit away. "Why not have some fun messing with those two" jason thought standing up. "Sorry but you can't right now" a voice said. Jason knew who it was. It was his employer. Jason hadn't realy meet him face to face but he would get orders from him every so often. "Wht is it that you want" jason asked. "I need you to keep and eye on yusuke and his friends" the voice said. Jason just nodded as he walked to the edge of the roof. His wings appeared and he took of into the sky. As he flew he split into seven. "Find each of yusukes friends and report back. I want one of you to keep an eye on those two back there in the ally" jason said. The othere six jasons nodded and they went there seperate ways.
Ganute looked around. He didn't see ray and his monsters around. "Req, gali where did ray and his monsters go" ganute asked. "He left to the river awhile ago boss" req said. Ganute would of hit req on the head but there was more things to work on. "Gali take alook at the berries that were brought" ganute said. Gali floated over to where poison had dropped the berries. Once floated up to gali's face as gali looked it over. "It's a berrie normaly fead to monsters for training purposes. A bitter tast becuase of a type of poison in it. The poison doesn't effect monsters but has a bad effect on humans" gali said. "How does gali know that" aurora asked. "Gali knows alot on plants, fruits and berries. Good info to know for a rancher. Req go and search around for ray and come back if you find him or if some thing happens" ganute said. Req nodded and left. Ganute watched req leave then went to the matter at hand. He looked over the pixie that they tackled. "I think we have an imposter here. It's the same type of pixie but not the one you were with" ganute said as gali got ready to fight.
As kieth walked he thought he heard some one behind him. He turned around but didn't see any one so he continued to walk. As he went through the sand he heard the person getting closer. He slowed down a bit and grabbed a stone then continued at a reguler pace. As he walked he quickly turned around and threw the stone. The stone hit amber in the head. Kieth started backing away. "What was that for kieth" amber asked rubing her head. "Sorry about that. I didn't know you'd be here" kieth said starting to move faster. "Don't screw up any thing or else" amber said. Kieth just nodded as he ran to the directors trailer.
[b]Name:[/b] jacen miramax [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] male [b]Race:[/b] human [b]Appearence:[/b] 6'9, blue eyes, orange sun glasses, red shirt, white pants, black hair tied into a pony tail, purple bandana and ring, white shoes and tan skin, pruple wings some times [b]Bio:[/b] Jason has had basicly a normale life. He was never realy much of a fighter. One day his grand father died and jacon was givin a ring with a purple stone in it. Awhile later he was hired by koenma. He sent jacen to keep an eye on yusuke and fight if he was to fail. As jason followed yusuke his ring coppied all the techs that yusuke and his friends ever used or was used against them. Because he never learned them him self he studied the skills. Eventualy jason became a merk and works for who ever pays him the highest. [b]Side:[/b] bad [b]Weapons:[/b] spear, broad sword [b]Spirit attacks:[/b] element strike (four coppies appear each controlling an element) prisim of seven and storm of tourment
Kieth looked at joey then at luke. "When did joey get here" kieth asked. "He came here awhile ago. Why do you ask" luke asked. "I know he's a good duelist but i'm wondering if i'd be allowed to give him a duel disk" kieth said. "Thinking about what kaiba will say when he finds out" luke asked. Kieth just nodded. "Well just give him one. I don't think kaiba will do much to ya if he finds out" luke said. "Fine but if I get in trouble you owe me fifty bucks" kieth said. He walked over to the trailer joey was staying in. He knocked on the door and waited. A couple of seconds later joey came to the door. "What can I do for you" joey asked. "You can take this and don't break it" kieth said takeing out a duel disk and tossing it to joey. "A duel disk. If these are around here where's kaiba" joey asked as he caught the duel disk. He put his deck in and put the duel disk on his arm. "kaiba's not here. I'm testing these new duel disks for him" kieth said as he started for the director tent.
Kieth walked over to the trailer and knocked on the door. "Who is it" tara asked. "It's kieth" kieth said leaning against the out side of the trailer. "What do you want" tara asked. "Are you a duelist" kieth asked. "Ya. Why do you ask" tara asked. "My boss told me to give you some thing if you're a good duelist" kieth said. "And who's your boss" tara asked. "Seto kaiba. I'm testing some new duel disks out and he wants me to give them to worthy duelist and have them test them out for him" kieth said. As he waited for a responce from her he took out a duel disk from his bag for tara.
Kieth and luke walked up to the trailer. "You lost the race man" kieth said smilling. "Sure I did. I came up infront of you when we reached the the first tent" luke said. "Realy. From what I know the site starts at that dune over there and I beat you to it" kieth said as he knocked on the door on the trailer. A couple of minutes later. A man came to the door. He seemed like he was frustrated over some thing. "Are you some of the people that were called in" the director asked. "Ya. So do you know why we were called in" kieth asked. "I'm not realy to sure but why don't you come in for a bit" the director said. Kieth and luke nodded and walked into the trailer.
Kieth and luke were riding in a cargo plane to the airport. Luke was working on his deck while talking to kaiba and mokuba. He was going over his instuctions. "Have you checked all the systems on the disks kieth" mokuba asked. "Yes mokuba. I've checked them before I got on the plane and a couple of minutes ago" kieth said as he put on his duel disk. "Remember to only give the duel disks to worthy duelist" kaiba said. "Yes Mr. kaiba. I'll check with the duelist befor I give them the disks" kieth said. "Be carefull with them. They're still prototypes" mokuba said. "I know. I'll contact you once i've given them out and a duel's started with them" kieth said. Kaiba nodded and they turned of the screen. He walked to where luke was working. He tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and finished up his work. "Are you finished with your work" luke asked. "Ya I got my instuctions and here's your duel disk" kieth said giving luke the disk. Luke put his cards in the deck and they started for the cargo door. As they walked through the plane they grabbed there bags and slung them on there backs. "Open the door and bring the plane as close as you can to the sand" luke said as he stopped at the cockpit. "Why do you want us to do that" the pilot asked. "Just do it" luke said as he continued on his way. He found kieth getting on his motor byke. Luke got on his own and put on his helmet. Kieth pulled down his goggles and put on his gloves. "I'll race ya" kieth said smilling. "You're on. Just make sure you don't get stuck in the sand" luke said as the door opened. "With these bykes neither of us will so it'll be left to skill and luck" kieth said as they came down. Kieth and luke left out of the door and started there engines. The bykes landed on the sand and they started going faster as the plane left. Kieth gave it some gas and went on ahead of luke. "Come on luke. Let's see what ya got" kieth said smilling. Luke didn't say any thing and sped up. He came up untill he was next to kieth. They looked at each other and smilled. They started going faster through the sand faster as they raced each other to the escavation site.
Fire otaku will be out for awhile so he asked me to start it. Kitty and egyptgirl2 you're both in so i'll go ahead and start the rp.
Zeo walked up to the girl he saw from the stable. She didn't seem like she'd be a good fighter but zeo had learned not to think like that. He noticed that the girl was wearing some gloves. Zeo was pretty sure he had seen then before. "Can I help you" the girl asked looking at him. "You started the fire didn't you" zeo said. "How would you know that" the girl asked. "You didn't react to the fire and it you seemed to enjoy haveing it around" zeo said. "And what if i'm a pyro" the girl asked. "I've seen those gloves before. They're rare but they can creat great fires depending on the person" zeo said as he turned around and started for the stables.
[b]Name:[/b] kieth hirolind [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Appearence:[/b] brown hair, bleu eyes, red shirt, orange vest, blue pants, gloves, boots, goggles with black tint lens, black and white bandana [b]Occupation:[/b] dueslist [b]Bio:[/b] kieth likes to duel when ever he can. He works in kaiba corp as a tester of the new technology that kaiba makes. He studies ancient egypt text and is interested in the shadow games and the shadow realm. Because kieth thought that other duelsist would be going on the trip he dragged his friends luke into it. Before kieth left kaiba gave him a couple of new duel disks to test and was told to give them to any god duelist he saw. [b]Shadow realm monster:[/b] dream sprit [b]Reason for going:[/b] learn more about the shadow realm and shadow games, test kaibas new duel disks
Zeo walked around the stable. He was looking for a horse that would be able to run fast if needed to. As he walked he smelled smoke. He looked out of a window to see some of the field was on fire. He took out his flute and was about to play it but the fire died down. He looked out and saw a girl near the fields as he put the flute away. She seemed like she didn't really mind there was a fire. "I wonder who she is" zeo asked him self. He dicided that he would find out later. He went back to looking at the group of horses. He found one that seemed pretty strong. He looked around and found some riens. "I guess i'll go with this one" zeo said as he put the riens on. Once they were on the horse he left the stable and waited for the others.
O.O.C: look at post where kaiba got captured again. It says that joey gets brought in and jason comes back. As jason looked around a screen opened up infront of him. It showed a red eyes with people riding on it's back. "O.k harpies brother. Head up to them and see what's going on" jason said. The harpies brother flew on faster untill it was next to the red eyes. "What's a harpies brother doing around here" joey asked. "It belongs to Mr. jason. He sends it out as a scout" the dark magician girl said. "If his harpies brother is right here where's jason then" joey asked. "Right behind you" jason said as his red eyes caught up with joey's. "So what's been happening in here" joey asked. "Amanda was rescuing kaiba but after jasons duel they were both captured" lily said. "I'm not realy one who'll help kaiba but i'll do what I can to find amanda" joey said. Jason just nodded. He sent the harpies brother on ahead to see if any thing could be found.
Evean was riding through the dessert as his scar started reacting. He stopped as he looked around. "There's an enemy back in back in new july and there's one ahead of me" evean said to him self. He looked into the distance ahead of him and knew that there was some one that had to do with his family ahead of him. "I'll go after this one first" evean said as he continued driving. After a hour of driving he came by to a man walking in the dessert. "Can you tell me if i'm close to new july" the man asked. "It's down that way" evean said pointing behind him. The man just nodded and started on his way. He stopped then looked back at evean and evean looked at him back. The man reached into the case on his back and pulled out a sword as evean got the phinox soul 1 and set it to sword mode. They both raised there weapons to each others necks. "I never thought i'd see another kiro around since I herd about the death of irvine" the man said smilling. "You must be the one called sand rock i've herd about that fights members of my family" evean said. "I'm one and the same. Let's see if you can reach your brothers level" sand rock said as he drew his gun and fired at evean who jumped off the motorcyle and started fireing back. Evean started charging at sand rock as he did the same. There sword clanged aginst each other. "Let's see if the rumors about you are true" evean said. "I guess we'll also see if your as good as the rest of the men in your family" sand rock said as they continued fighting.
Jason smilled. He felt that he wouldn't be leaving any time soon. He looked around as his body started dissapering. "Seems like you'll be leaving soon" seth said smilling. "I realy don't think that will be happening any time soon" jason said smilling. The part of his body that had left returned. Jason drew some cards and smilled. "You better start running. This castle's comeing down" jason said as he started to leave. "I summon my red eyes and use raigeki" jason said as he left the door. Seth looked at jason then started running. Jason got on his red eyes and left the castle. Jasons deep sea warrior got on the red eyes as they left rang of the castle. He looked down to see lily. "Sorry to call your battle off lily but it's time to go" jason said as the red eyes came down. Lily got on and they took off as a bolt of lighting came down and struck the castle of dark inlusions distroying it. "So where will we be going now" lily asked. "who realy knows. We'll have to wait and see what happens" jason said drawing a card. He summoned his harpies brother and sent it on ahead.
RPG Pokemon: Secrets of the Legends(PG13 for violence and possible swearing)
T man replied to GuyYouMetOnline's topic in Theater
Luke walked through the tunnels. He heard some one and looked back to see kitty. "I guess she's in here to find out what happened to laitios and latias to" luke thought. Once he turned around ziggy was holding a potion bottle. "Where did you find this" luke asked. Ziggy ran to a part of the tunnel that slopped down. Luke ran after it and looked down. There were a bunch of magma members either nocked out or dazed. "Looks like latios did a luster purg to them" luke said walking around the boddies. He looked around to see ziggy grabing items from the magma members. It went around grabing items. It came to luke and put the stuff in his bag. Luke just shook his head. Ziggy had always liked to take things even if it belonged to some one else. Luke figured it would be o.k because the aqau members would leave soon. "If you finished can you get back to finding latios and latias" luke asked. Ziggy nodded. It ran further into the tunnel with luke and wild fire running to catch up. -
RPG Pokemon: Secrets of the Legends(PG13 for violence and possible swearing)
T man replied to GuyYouMetOnline's topic in Theater
Luke looked around. It seemed like the aqua members were leaving. He looked at his pokemon and saw that wild fire was practicing its punches while lotad was getting sleepy. "Take a rest lotad" luke said holding up his pokeball. Lotad returned to it's pokeball. He returned the pokeball back onto his belt and took out another one. "Come on out ziggy. Let's see what you can find" luke said holding up the pokeball. Ziggy came out of it's pokeball and jumped around. "See if you can pick up on latios or latias sent" luke said. Ziggy nodded then went down the tunnel as it sniffed around. Once it found some thing it called out. "Come on whild fire" luke said as he followed ziggy. Wild fire nodded as they went farther into the tunnel. -
Enix brought up his staffs to defend as the woman slashed at him. He jumped back and fired an energy blast at her. He brought up her sword and defended. She was pushed back and landed on the floor. Enix took the break to look back quickly. Half of his friends were doing well against the gaurdians but the others were being pushed back. Enix looked back at his opponent to see that she had gotten back up. "At this rate you're friends will be done for" the woman said smilling. "I think they can handle them selfs" enix said bringing his staffs up. "That's pathetic. You're probaply out of hacks and can't defend your self" the woman said starting to laugh. "I have a hack that I haven't tried yet but I don't think I will use it" enix said. "If it's weak there's no point in useing it but if it's strong why don't you try it" the woman said walking towards enix. "If you'd like to see it i'll use it" enix said smilling. He raised both of his staffs up. The orbs in them started to glow as did enix. Energy started leaving enix and flowed into his staffs. The orbs flashed. Once the light died down two purple gaurdians appeared. Enix fell to the floor and started catching his breath. "Finish it" enix said. The purple gaurdians struck the ones that were attacking the group. The enemy gaurdians dissapered. The purple gaurdians turned towards eveans opponent. She looked at them affraid. The purple gaurdians went to strike but the woman dissapered before they could hit her. Enix's gaurdians started to dissolve away as the others surrounded enix. "How come you didn't use that hack before" nitsu asked. "It requires him to give up all of his life except for one point. Because he was trapped in the world and becuase the hack can only be used once a day no one thought he'd use it" a female twin blade said looking down at enix. "So are you o.k enix" valient asked. "I'm fine. Just tend to each other" enix said. He put his staffs back into one and used it to help him self up. He looked around to see his opponent had left. He cast a healing spell on him self. He looked around and didn't see any thing new around. He started checking around the statues to see if he could find any thing.
[b]Name:[/b] zeek [b]Position:[/b] hacker [b]Class:[/b] long arm [b]Level:[/b] 60 [b]Weapon:[/b] naginata [b]Height/Weight:[/b] 225, 6'3" [b]Appearance:[/b] red shirt, black pants, boots, blue head band, gauntlets, sand colored cloak [b]Personality:[/b] a guy of his word, likes to lay in the world alone, likes to fight for the fun of it, loves to see his opponents die, he likes to show off his hacking skills some times [b]Cause:[/b] to improve hacking skills and for the fun of it [b]Name:[/b] gene cilind [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Occupation:[/b] high school student [b]Height/Weight:[/b] 230, 6'3" [b]Appearance:[/b] white shirt, black pants, black hair, brown eyes, red and white shoes, purple bandana [b]Personality:[/b] likes to be alone, hardly speaks [b]Bio:[/b] Gene likes to avoid talking to people. He has a couple of friends but doesn't talk to them either. He day dreams alot and may lose focus on what he's doing some times. He keeps any feelings he has inside him self and wont talk about them. He's not realy a persion who likes to fight.
RPG Pokemon: Secrets of the Legends(PG13 for violence and possible swearing)
T man replied to GuyYouMetOnline's topic in Theater
Luke looked to see that ace was being ganged up on by auqa members. "I thougt only team magma was in here" luke said sitting up. "Take aim and use bullet seed lotad" luke said pointing. Lotad nodded and started fireing seeds. The auqa members moved away from ace as the seeds hit them. Wild fire came up and started useing flame thrower to turn the seeds into fire balls. The auqa members ran so they wouldn't be hit by the fire balls. "Be sure to get acouple them guys" luke said. Lotad and wild fire just nodded as they continued to attack.