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T man

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Everything posted by T man

  1. Shaman Name: enix Age: 14 Height/Weight: 4 feet, 149 bounds Description: brown hair, blue eyes, red head band, purple t-shirt, black pants, brown boots, blue tint goggles Side: Good Bio: Enix met his ghost dureing a thunder storm. While enix was reading a book A flash of lgiht happened in his room and the ghost was sitting on his table. The ghost had said he was drawnto enix for some unknown reasion. Since then he has been friends with the ghost and they work together. He likes to meet people and go on adventures. He is willing to help any one who needs it. He has been known to cary A sword with him some times. Ghost Name: kiro Ghost Appearence: (same as Shaman) SPecial Abilities: spell caster, swordsman Ghost Special Attack: elementale strike
  2. "Well see you later" enix said to the fang bat as it left back into the forest. Enix walked back into the ship to for win. "Hey win I don't know if you ever talked about this but did you ever ask him what happens to the dragon souls after we let them go" enix said as he saw win working at a computer. "I never talked to him about it, why" win asked looking back. "I have A theory about what you saw out there. I belive that when the dragon souls had finished their job of remakeing the earth they created new beings to hold there power after they left. The thing you saw out there might be one and sees us as a thret" enix said looking out A window. "That is a possibility. I'll take that into thought" win said to enix as he left.
  3. T man

    Rogue Trader

    "Stay here flash while I take this guy in" jacen said as he went down the cargo ramp with mercury into the police station. "I'm here for the bounty on mercury andrews" jacen said to a man at the front desk. "Hold on and i'll get you your money" the man said as he pushed A button and to police man came to take mercury away. The man then went into a room behind him and brought out A suit case. Jacen nodded and left the station. "I wonder if he put some thing other than money in here" jacen thought to him self before he got to his ship. "How did it go" flash asked as jacen got on the ship. "I think there's some thing other than money in this case" jacen said as he opened the case. He lefted up the money and started looking around the case. After A couple of minutes he found A tracking device. "Just as I thought, the cop was working for zemdi. Esap take the ship to the hangers" jacen said as he disabled the tracker. Jacen and flash went to the cargo bay as the ship started up. Thery got onto jacens motor cycle and headed back to jerichos house with the money as the burning star left.
  4. It's nice that you made A badge for me taki ebina but I all ready had a idea of my own. I call it a sky badge. [IMG]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/badge.bmp[/IMG]
  5. "Might as well see if every one is doing well after the battle" jacen said as he ran out of his house with B bot following. "Shouldn't we make a plan in case we see the jackers again" B bot asked. "Ya I'll talk to the others about it and yes i'll see if mia's ready for a battle" jacen said looking at B bot. They came to vans house and knocked on the door. Van came to the door and let them in. "Well every one's here except akki" van said as they joinded the others. "So what does every one think about what happened last night" jacen asked looking around the room as he sat down.
  6. I'll join if I can Name: max zaybock age:16 Height: 6 feet Weight: 141 Description: blue tint goggles, red head band, brown hair, blue eyes, grey shirt, black pants, brown boots and glove cut off at the knuckles Personality: Likes to have fun but can be serious when it's needed Bio: Max likes to play with his pokemon and works as A pokemon breader too when he isn't battleing. He likes to meet people and go on adventures. He helps any one he can if they need help. When he battles he thinks of his pokemon first and what his stratigey is. He started a gym near a air feild that his father left him. He does have some psychic powers that allows him to contact with his xatu mentally. Pokemon: Swellow (20) xatu (30) pelipper (20) skarmory (25) altaria (30) pidgeot (30) Trainer/gym leader: gym leader Mark: none
  7. "Come on ki and win let's see what cross and sakura taught you" enix said as he and win came down the tree with ki following. The ship had landed in A clearing surounded by A forest. "I would duck if I were you" win said as he droped. A black creature came from the forest and tried to hit einx and ki but they ducked before it hit them. "It looks like A bat and A realy big one at that" ki said as she got up. It was A big black bat with red eyes and long fangs. "Well if it does have some relation to the bat my plan might work" enix said as he pulled out his flute. "And what if the plan doesn't work what'll you do" win asked as he prepared to fight. "Then be prepared to fight" enix said as started to play his flute. The bat just seemed to stall in the air and drop. The bat got up and hoped over to enix and sat down in front of him. "Well It seems to like your playing" win said and enix nodded. "So being the first new creature we see here, what are we going to call this thing" ki asked win.
  8. "Who is this guy" akira asked as they attacked oni. He's out to kill us but his partner in't here for some reasion" enix said as he tried to strike oni. Akira took one of the support beams for the roof and threw it at oni. Enix shot A flame at the beams to turn it into a spear while cay shot lighting to distract oni. The spear hit oni and nocked him down. When oni tried to get up cross and mira struck him down again. "Oni I thought the next form was supposed to be better than the last. I thought this form would of been able to with stand the attacks" cay said smilling. Oni got up and charged them.
  9. "Come on yuraka" jacen said as he and yuraka started working on hisame's wounds. Yuraka took out A blade to remove the bullet while vash held her still. "This isn't A serious wound so you'll be o.k" jacen said as he bandaged up the wound. "Hey kitsune will you keep A eye on hisame" jacen said to kitsune. "Why can't I look after her" vash asked. "How do you think she'll feel if she woke up and saw you stairing at her" jacen said looking at vash as he layed kitsune down.
  10. T man

    Rogue Trader

    "Just what I wanted to hear" jacen said as he turned of his comunicator. "Esap bring the burning star around" jacen said after pushing a button on his watch. After a couple of minutes the burning star came down from space. Flash got in with jacen once it landed. "This is a nice ship" flash said as she looked around and took a seat. "Esap bring the shields up and arm the weapons" jacen said With a smile on his face. He brought it around to where the tranismision from jericho came from. He brought it in slightly through the builing. He saw jericho and a group of people with guns aimed at him. "Hey mercury would you rather have us bring ya in or get your body blown up" jacen said into the intercom with A targeter aimed at mercury and the people working for him.
  11. T man

    Cybonia 2099

    I'll do this the best I can Name: enix speeder Rank in Nation: jet pilot Age: 16 How long you've had your rank: 2 years Gender: Male Description: Blue eyes, black hair spikey hair, 5 foot 11 inches grey T-shirt, black pants, brown boots, red head band, black tint goggles Bio: He had been born in 2083 and suffered haveing to see most of his friends and family be taken away to be slaves. He had been trained to do hand to hand combat by his brother before he was taken away but he would rather do aireal battles. He decided to be A pilot and went to A flying school at the age of thirteen and became a ace pilot. He fights so no one else will see their friends and family be taken away to be slaves for some one who abuses their power. Because of haveing no friends or family around he doesn't care if he dies in battle. He does what is needed to help others and does not care about how people look. Birthplace: United states Freedom Warrior or patriot: Freedom warrior How long they have been with said side: 2 years
  12. T man

    Rogue Trader

    "Well join up with ya when we can" jacen said as he sat down flash and kitty where sitting seperatly. "Good thing they haven't started fighting or some one could get hurt" jacen said as he ate his hamburger. A light started flashing on his watch. Jacen pushed a button on his watch and said "Esap what is it." "A guy named shin left the hangers in his space ship. Isn't that the man that jericho was talking to on persiai" the on board computer asked. "Ya that's him I should go warn jericho" jacen said before he turned of the comunicator. "What's going on jacen" flash asked. "Well you rember that shin guy we meet before he's here. I think we should go tell jericho before shin finds him" jacen said as he got up. Flash and kitty followed him out.
  13. Sayuri came chargeing in at kyp. Kyp reshithed his sword and moved out of the way. As he moved out of the way he hit her in the side with the shith. "Even if that gem in your mouth controled the deamon blood in you, the sword would still have A effect. It also looks like I paraliszed one of your wings. This shith was made by the wife of the priest wife who was a priestes so even if I din't have the sword I could still do some damage wit the shith. I wont fight you because if I did I would have to fight ken" kyp said as he watched wolf fight twilight.
  14. "I realy don't know if this will work or not" kyp said as he reshithed his sword. He put the shith with the sword in front of him in both hands. He withdrew the sword A bit and reflickted the sun light at sayuri with the blade. The light nocked her down. "What was that about" ken asked as sayuri got up. She looked A bit dizzey. "This is one of four holy swords that were made as A gift to my great grandfather and his friends from A priest. They were given to them for saveing their town from being destroyed" kyp said as he reshithed his sword. "If I was to stike sayuri most of her would burst into flames because of her deamon blood" kyp said.
  15. "Come on" kyp said as he arus dashed down the halls cuting down any gaurd in their way. "Where are wolf and the others" arus said as he cut A gaurd down. To kyp left was A court yard and on the other side was A hallway. Kyp saw sayuri and ken. It looked like sayuri was in pain. "As much as I hate to do this but I gotta" kyp thought as he cut down the wall with his sword and ran into the court yard with arus following. He did A few quick slashes and the wall to the hallway fell apart.
  16. "Where not freaks where just doing some thing that's bigger than your self and you need to be apart of it" enix said smilling. "I think you guys better leave" tiga said to his friends. Tigas friends left. Tiga tried to punch cay but she moved too fast for him. "O.k how about I try this" tiga said as A piece of metal fince started to lift of the ground. He threw it enix. "You forget tiga metal melts. Pyro sword ignite" enix said as he withdrew his sword. He took his sword and cut the pieces and they melted as they hit the ground. "Let's see if can handle this" enix said as he did his sea of flames attack. Cay shocked tiga with thunder as the flames surrounded him. after the flames left tiga down on the ground but seemed like he couldn't take any more.
  17. I'll play as my charcter in samuri of the wind Name: Kyp kiro "the red blaze" Age: 19 Weapon: sword, bow and arrows. The sword has A diamond on each side of the handle where the blade comes out of the handle. The sword and the bow and arrow set has been passed down through kyp's family from his fathers side of the family. They have helped win many battles and are simbles of the family. Description: gloves with metal inside the cloth. red shirt, purple pants, blue eyes, black hair, A blood red shith, black boots Bio: kyp was tought how to be A smurai at the age of 7. When he was 10 he was given the family sword, bow and arrow set to become A good samurai. He is known as the red blaze for his speed and agility. He was tought to be fast to and to be able to avoid attacks and he can block many attacks. He belives that people who fight with out A reasion or those who have no honor should not have A weapon. He does not want to see people be hurt for no good reason. Kyp is not affraid to give up his life. He now searches for swords that belonged to the friends of his great grand father.
  18. answer: In episode 14 castle Question: Where is aura in the episode dispair?
  19. Forest Deweller Name: irvine kiros Age: 16 Appearance: Black tinted goggles, red hair band, purple shirt, black pants, tan cloak, brown boots brown hair, blue eyes, Weapon: glaive, sword, bow and arrows
  20. T man

    Rogue Trader

    "Esap where going to persiai. Get the burning star running and you know what to do if some one askes you to stop" jacen said as he aimed the star jammer towards persiai with the burning star following behind. "This ship handles pretty well" jacen said turning to avoid another ship. "Ya I know. It took me awhile to get it" jericho said as he got out of the cargo room. "Shouldn't you be back in there to make sure they don't kill each other" jacen said. Jericho nodded and went back into the cargo hold.
  21. I like it too. I would say that gene and jim are the best characters. Gene for his attitude and jim for his computer skills. It was A real shame when they cancled it.:bawl:
  22. T man

    Two Worlds

    The things that jack feelt before lead him to A house that seems different from others. "I know most of this house isn't real so some one must be creating this. I have A feeling that there are more than one persion with them and I can trust them too" jack said as he walked up to the door. He lefted up his sun glasses then put them back down as he nocked on the door. A woman came to the door and greeted him. "I have A feeling that his house is mostly reall. I also know there are people here who have powers like I do" The woman nodded and invited him in. "I'm nayan it's nice to meet you" the woman said. "It's nice to meet you too. The names jack" jack said as he shook hands with nayan.
  23. "Unhitch the horses from the cart" kyp said as he got off the cart. he unhitched the horses from the cart. "Now what do we do with them" arus said looking around. Kyp hit both of the horses and they went charging down the hallway. "Now come on and move it. We need to find the others" kyp said as he started running. "Was that realy needed" arus asked as they ran. "Well yes. We were ordered to make a distraction so some of the gaurds will be busy with the horses while we take out the rest" kyp said as they ran down the hallway.
  24. Yuraka, inocence and kitsune were eating while jacen went to talk to vash. "Hey vash can I ask you A quistion" jacen asked vash who was looking at the tree that hisame climbed into. "Sure why not" vash said as he sat down. "What are you going to do when we save those insurance girls. Are you going to ditch them to follow hisame around or are you just going to go about your buisness like normale because I herd they follow you every where you go to help pay for the damage you some times cause." jacen said while he took A seat. "Well I think that takes care of hisame's probplem for A while" jacen said as he looked at vash who looked like he was haveing A hard time thinking about the quistion.
  25. T man

    Two Worlds

    "It seems like it's just going to be A normale knight to knight" jack said as he was walking down the street. Even though it was dark he still wore his sun glasses to train him self in his power. He suddenly had A feeling that A force of beings who had the same powers as him was gathering. "Man that was strange. What ever that was I know i'm not going to like it" jack said as he lefted up his glasses. He then felt another being that had powers too. But this persion seemed different from the others he felt. He ran in the direction of that persion that he senced hopeing to get some answes about what was happening.
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