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T man

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Everything posted by T man

  1. "So far so good" glen said as he jumped through the trees. "The war hasn't porgresed this far yet to reach the borders" glen thought as he herd the others going about there buisness. "Might as well take A nap. Maybe nothing will happen." glen said as he sat down on his favorite tree. Even though glen thoughtnothing was going to happen he ha A feeling some thing would.
  2. As kyp was running through the town he kept comeing upon deamons who were dead or dying. "Who ever did this should be strong with magic if they were abile to kill so many deamons in one shot" kyp said as he ran towards where he thought the source of the power came from. He went down into ally way and saw woman laying down with some dead demons near her. "Is it her who killed all those demons I came past" kyp said as he walked towards the woman to see if she was still alive.
  3. Sure it's possible. I belive the whole universe is nothing but some ones dream. I realy don't fear that every thing is a dream. I would live and act as if nothing was new because nothing realy supprises me any more.
  4. T man

    /Black Star\

    "What the heck is going on" irvine said as he finished eating. Rei brought vinces suit case into the room. The suit case was blinking and beeping "I think we should be going after vince now" jacen yelled as he grabed his stuff. "Why what's the light mean" roy said after he put his plate down. "It means vince is in trouble. I made some trackers to find the signal" irvine said as he pushed some buttons on his watch and left. On the table was some more watches. All the lights had a image of a arrow pointing in the direction irvine ran.
  5. T man

    Two Worlds

    [B]Name[/B] jack sisco [B]Age[/B]: 15 [B]Fraternity[/B]: rakksha [B]Rank[/B]: soldier [B]Ability[/B]: mind mirrior [B]Pesionale discription[/B]: orange sun glasses, red hair band, blue eyes, black hair, red T-shirt, black pants, gloves with holes cut off at the knuckles, blue and white shoes. In the other form he wears A tan cloak, red shirt, dark purple pants and black boots. [B]Bio[/B]: jack has had visions of wars going on other planets that seem familer but has no idea what the planets are or where they are. He doesn't like to see others get hurt so he helps when he can. He has ideas on what people are think about and he is allways right. He normaley use the powers to win at sports or to get out of fights.
  6. "Hold on you two. Do you even now where they are" jacen said looking at yuraka and vash. They just looked at each other and shook their heads. "Guess the plans about leaving tommorow is off then" jacen said as they came back into the house. "We'll get our supplies together then we can leave so if any one needs to do some thing do it now. I'll go get our rides" jacen said as he left and went to the stables.
  7. I say the slots in ruby and saphire are better than the older ones. The only problem is that it's harder to get A match.
  8. "Hey jacen what kind of gun do you use" kitsune asked looking at jacen. "Here take a look for your self" jacen said as he tossed his guns at her. She caught them int the air and looked them over. "Hey wher's the opening to the barrel on these" innocence said looking over kitsune's shulder. The guns were A bit longer than others and at the end of the barrel was A dragon head. On one gun the eyes were white and the eyes on the other gun was colored black. "The opening to the barrels are in the dragon heads. when i'm shooting the heads open and move back to show the barrel. I bilive that the right hand gun with the white eyes represents peace and life while the left gun represents caos and death" jacen said as kitsune gave the guns backs.
  9. "Hold on" jacen said as he left and went into the kitchen. About twenty or thirty minutes later jacen came out with some food. "Hey vash catch" jacen said as he tossed a box to vash. Vash opened the box and saw A lot of doughnuts of different types. "Thanks for the doughnuts jacen" vash said as he stuffed his mouth full of the doughnuts. 'I herd a rumor that you love doughnuts but I thought it was a rumor" hisame said as she took a drink. "Oh wait i'll be back I forgot to fead the thoames's" jacen said as he went out side. OOC: I don't know if those things that the people ride on is called A thomas that's just what I herd they were called.
  10. T man

    /Black Star\

    "So lets get started then and get this thing off the ground go for A test drive" trent said as he and the others walked into the ship. "I'll take the guns" irvine said as he took a seat in front of A counsle. Trent went into A seat in the middle of the cockpit and rei sat in front of him. "Take your seat lady and gentle men so we can start this thing" trent said with a smile on his face.
  11. "Come on B Bot help me with these parts" jacen said to B bot. B bot was still in it's black parts. They were working on cleaning the normale colored parts. He had his nuitrenurse help heal the scratches and dents while B bot was polishing the parts. He got the nuitrenurse as a present but hardly uses it in battle. "We need to practice jacen. If the medabot that faught mia and beat her rokusho is as strong as we herd we'll be in for quit the callenge" B bot said as he finished the head part. "Ya I know B bot and I remember I was to ask her for A rematch but I don't think she's up for it" jacen said as he put the part he ws working on down. "They say A medabot can be affected by the meda fighters feelings so shouldn't we help her" B bot asked. "Ya your right we'll help her any way we can" jacen said as B bot nodded.
  12. T man

    /Black Star\

    "I don't think we should name it untill we're finished with the work" irvine said to rei. "Ya, I guess your right. If we named it now then change it to some thing else later it would seems stupid of us to name it before it's finished" rei said as he removed some wireing. "So what is the first thing your planning to do once we get this ship working and go into space" eris said as she checked the systems. "I don't know yet. I'm going to go work on the weapons right now" irvine said as he went to the front of the ship.
  13. "You must be the real vash who dissapered years ago" jacen said as he shook hands with vash. "Ya, but how did you know he was the real one" yuraka said looking around at the group. "For starters your known as the worst womannizer there is and you didn't tell that girl to get off of you" jacen said as hisame and yuraka introduced them selves to the others. "It probaply isn't safe for you out here so let's head back to the ranch" innocence said. "We are planing to go after the impersionnater tommorow so you can come with us to clear what ever of A good name you have" kitsune said as they came up on the ranch.
  14. "Welcome to the team kitsune. This is innocence and I now it's A strange name but that's what he wants to be called" jacen said. kitsune shaked hands with innocence. "I have some extra rooms here so make your self at home because i've decided we wont leave till tommorow" jacen said as kitsune set her stuff down. "Thanks, I needed to tak Ae rest because I came here from another town kitsune said as she sat in A chair.
  15. OOC: Here goes nothing for my first rpg. Jacen saw A group of people surrounding A sign near the sherif's office. "What's going on now" jacen said to him self as he pulled up his gogles. He made his way through the crowd to see what the people where looking at. The sign said "66,000,000 goes to any one or any team who brings in the humanoid typhone who has shown up again and has been distroying property". Jacen looked around saw most people left to get weapons and prepare to go after the humanoid typhone. Some people were posting up signs for teams to be made and jacen figured he should too. The sign said "For any one who wants to be part of A team to look for the humanoid typhone come to the tyrana ranch near the edge of town. The money earned from the bounty will be shared as equaly as possible". "Well I should be geting back now and prepare too leave too. Might as well wait A day to see if any one shows up." jacen said as he left to go back to the ranch.
  16. T man

    The Castle

    "Man, of all the rotten luck. I should of brought knight vision goggles or some thing" jacen said as he was walking in A hall way. ahead of him a suit of armor started moveing. "Well here goes nothing" jacen said as he with drew the sword he brought from home. The suit of armor with drew it's sword too. Jacen was able to defend against most of the blows but had to jump over A low swing. One of the swings hit him and sent him into A wall. "Well what ever this sword does it better do it soon" Jacne said as he defended against A attack. The sword started glowing and the armor stoped moveing so jacen struck it. The armor fell apart and some thing came flying out and went into the wall then dissapered. "Well now i'm begining to like this sword" jacen thought as he walked down the hall way.
  17. "Come on akki I have A feeling we might be needed" jacen said to akki as they went to the elemental medabots room. "Man it looks like A battle field in here" akki said as he looked around the room. They saw max and van at siting against A wall. Van's cyan dog looked badley beaten. "Transport meda part" jacen pushing the button on his meda watch. In A flash of light B bot's left arm turned into A nuitrenuse arm. "B bot take care of shadowcat and cyandog. So what happened here" jacen said asking max. "Hold on A bit and we'll tell ya" max said as he got up. A couple of minutes later max finished telling akki and jacen but they didn't have any thing to say.
  18. This seems like A good amount. I'll get started on it when I can.
  19. Name: glen sisco Age: 18 Weapon: staff, glaive Class: thunder mage Village: Black mage village Skills: thunder blaze, wave of caos Appearance: brown cloak, black hair, blue eyes, grey shirt, black pants, brown boots, belt to hold the staff Bio: Glen has been able to with stand being struck by lighting and never die. People find him strange because of it. He has the ability to move fast and not make A sound. He does not like to see people be hurt for no reasion and is not afraid to risk his life. He travels around feeling that he is looking for some thing but does not know what it is he is looking for. As he travels he practice his skills.
  20. T man

    /Black Star\

    "Hey is that jericho up ahead" irvine asked. "Ya it's him. nice to see that he caught up with us" vince said as they were running after the assain. The assassin threw another bomb at them. Irvine pulled out his gun and shot the bomb before it could come any closer. The explosion nocked the assassin down but he quickley got up. "Well that slowed him down" roy said. Well if we can't catch him maybe jericho can because he's alot closer to the assassin than we are"irvine said as he shot another bomb that was thrown at them.
  21. "I am not even surrprised by that" kyp said as he jumbed into a tree for A better view point of the town. Sayuri just didn't say any thing and just gave kyp one of her evil looks. "Well I hope you two have fun" kyp said as he droped out of the tree. "And where are you going" sayuri asked. "I'm going to look around the town and get some information" kyp said as he ran off. "That's not A bad idea things may of changed since I left" wolf said. The others didn't say any thing and prepared for the insuing battle ahead of them.
  22. Ya it's o.k kesaki indea. You did it right.
  23. O.k I have never done this before so i'll do this the best I can. If A moderator has A problem with it just say so and i'll get rid of it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It has been 5 years since the end of trigun. Things have been normale ever sence the humanoid typhone has dissapered. Now some one has been going around claiming that they are the humanoid typhone and distroying any thing in there path. A reward of 66,000,000 douple dollars would be given to any bounty hunter who brings the persion in. The govenment wants bounty hunters to go in groups but there are people who do not work together. I'll need your info and you can be the villian or a character from trigun if you want but if you have seen the finale episodes, don't spoile it. Name: Age: weapon: Appearence: Bio: Here's mine Name: jacen Age: 18 Weapon: 2 hand guns Appearence: brown hair, blue eyes, red hair band, black goggles, white shirt, grew pants, tan cloak Bio: Jacen likes to go on adventures and play games. Most people say he is never serious about things. He is always willing to do what is needed to protect others and is not afraid to take risks.
  24. T man

    /Black Star\

    "Good thing you got hit in the shoulder" irvine said as he bandeged trents shoulder. "Should we leave him behind rei" irvine said as roy pulled up trent. "We shouldn't. The people who attacked us would try and kill him if we left him behind" rei said as they sarted moving again. "Hey trent where you trying to impress eris" irvine wispered into trents ear. "Why would it be any of your buissness" trent asked irvine and irvine just shook his head.
  25. T man

    /Black Star\

    "Well we're probaply going to have A hard time fighting tommorow if we find the guy we're looking for" irvine said as he looked through his bag of tools. "Ya, so what do you think will happen" trent said sitting on A chair. "Well with this number of reported killings the guy should be A experinced fighter" irvine said as he started working on the tv. "Well we should probaply get some rest then" trent said as he layed down on A sofa. "Well see ya in the morning. I probaply wont go to sleep untill I get this thing fixed" irvine said as the tv flashed on then off.
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