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T man

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Everything posted by T man

  1. Name: glen sisco Age: 14 Weapon: glaive True rune: bright shield Rune: Right hand: thunder Left hand: cyclone Head: white tiger
  2. Ya I know i've never herd of A digimon called that. If their is can you show A picture.
  3. I'll join even though I realy don't know about that last part. :bluesweat Name: irvine Ocupation: wanderer Weapon: sword, glaive Side: good Appearence: brown cloak with A hood, blue eyes, black hair, black pants, brown boots, purple shirt Personality: nice, curagous, fearless, loyal Bio: irvine is A traveler who is looking for some thing but does not know what it is he looking for. He is not afraid to risk his life and if willing to give up his life to protect others. He likes to go on adventures and do new things. If he sees some one in trouble he is willing to help them. When he says he is going to do some thing he means he is going to do it unless some one gives him A good reasion.
  4. T man

    /Black Star\

    "Well if being merks doesn't work out we could be assains" irvine said spining his glaive around. "I don't we'll go that far yet" trent said to irvine. "So if we're going to be mercenaries how are we going to be doing this" jericho asked. None of them knew so they just stood their and thought about it.
  5. "Hey jacen did you bring any thing with you to eat" akki said looking at jacen. "Some times I wounder if you have A black hole for A stomach" jacne said to akki. "Max has any thing happened on your part of the building" jacen said into his meda watch. "We had A couple of robattles here but nothing serious. Also it seems the medabots are trained to fight on their own" max said. "Thanks for the info" jacen said as he turned of the comunicater. After A couple of minutes they herd some thing comeing their way. The thing that was makeing the sound was A multicolor. After it got into the hall way it dissapered. "I realy hate those things because I keep loosing to them because of that ability" akki said looking around. Mr. referee came out of the shadows in A ninja get up. "Sooner or later I have to find out how he does that" jacen said looking at akki. "This is an submission robattle. Medabots ready, medabots robbattle" mr. referee said. "B bot use hunter then use your qaud shot" jacen said into his meda watch. A green light came on in at the ceiling and bullets started firering. In A minute or two the multicolor became visable and ejected it's medal. "Function ceased. the winner is B bot" mr. referee said before he went into the shadows. "If there is another one i'l take" akki said to as jacen sat down.
  6. T man

    /Black Star\

    Name: irvine Age: 18 Gender: male Weapons: glaive, pistols Description: orange gogless, purple head band, blue eyes, black hair, red shirt, grey pants, green shoes and gloves cut off at the knuckles Bio: irvine has always had A interest in making things or working on electronics. He is always willing to help others and is not afraid to take risks. He likes to go on adventures and wants to go to places that no one has been to before.
  7. ooc: I gave my medabot A nick name if some one gets confused "Thanks for the colored war bandit parts" jacen said as he took some parts from A store clerk. "Your quit welcome. Make sure you take care of these parts" the clerk said as jacen paid for the parts. As jacen was leaving some one steped in front of him. "How about A robatle for those parts you got" the guy said. "Sure, why not. Transport B bot." jacen said as he called his war bandit on his meda watch. In A flash of light jacens war bandit was in front of him. The opponents medabot was their too. It was A phoinix type medabot. "B bot use your repeaters" jacen said as B bot raised his right hand and started shooting. "Function ceased" The opponents meda watch said. "That was too easy. I have more of A callenge fighting mia and her rokusho because we're equaly matched" B bot said to jacen as they were walking home. "Don't worry i'll see if we can have another match with her later but first I have to give you these parts that I got colored for you" jacen said thinking about haveing another rematch with mia.
  8. ooc: I'll try to do this the best I can "Not so fast" pohatu nuva said as he formed his kodan ball with his claws. He kicked the kodan ball at the one of the strange creatures known as the Rahkshi that attack gali nuva. Because the rahkshi was attacking gali nuva he did not see the attack and he was hit by the kodan ball. The kodan ball bounced back to pohatu. "You need to remeber that you can use my mask of speed or tahu's mask of shielding when we are close to you" pohatu nuva said as gali nuva got up. "Yes I will rember that" gali said as she got up and joined the others.
  9. Me and my sister have talked about the episode where rodger goes into the subways and finds A casket on one of the busted up trains. He wounders if it was dorthey who was in their but in the episode dorthey dorthey rodger says it was A scientest that created her recentaly. So I want to know wich one is it.
  10. "I'm with ya sky. If we don't beat the creator of theis demons, the world maybe destroyed" max said as put his sword in the sheth. The others agreed. "Sakura can you tell where the decendent is" sky asked as he landed. "I'll try" sakura said as she stood still. "He is in the forest some where" sakura said. Sakura lead the others into the forest to find the next decendent.
  11. "Hey sakura can I hurt them or not" max said as he defended against an attack. "I'll have to get back to you on that" sakura said as she stoped A demon attack from hitting sky. "Well untill you tell me i'll eather have to knock them out or freeze their body's" max said as he froze the arm of A demon attacking him.
  12. "It figures she has some demon blood in her" kyp thought as sayuri came back to the group. They started on their way again. "If I was allowed too I would make A comment, but i'm A man of my word and I said I wouldn't untill the end of this mission" kyp thought as they walked. Sayuri looked at kyp and kaiser waiting for them to make A remark but nether of them did. "Now what was I told about this sword" kyp thought as he walked. If he was going to fight sayuri later and use the info that he herd A while ago he would need to rember what he was told.
  13. Medafighter Name: Jacen Kiro Description: orange sun glasses, blue eyes. black hair, red head band, black pants, white and black shoes, red t-shirt Bio: jacen likes to play games and robattle. He likes to go on adventures and make friends. He collects meda parts for his medabot to strengthen him. Jacen meet mai durring A robattle and they kept tieing with each other. Medabot: Medabot: warbandit Type: king lion Medal: kabuto Speial attack: shooting Description: [img]http://www.medabotplanet.hpg.ig.com.br/warbandit.jpg[/img]
  14. Oh come on dayday how do you know that. Do you ever talk to them that much. Of course i'm not putting any thing on here because I think that no one would have A crush on me and there are people I respect but do not like.:demon:
  15. "Man what is going on here" max said as he made A chair for him to sit in. "Hey sakura if you don't want any animals to be hurt you better tell them to go for cover" max said as he drew his sword and carved the ice. "Why should I do that" sakura said with A angry look on her face. "Well, on the way here I herd the ground shake and I thought A battle was starting So I created A small snow storm for cover. But you don't have to worry too much because it should be A light snow. It wont be over for A hour or two" max said as he sat down.
  16. Max was walking through the forest. He herd some thing that sounded like the earth was shaking. "Might as well make some cover for my self" max said as he crated A snow storm. A snow storm started as max walked farther into the forest. As he walked he herd wolfes. Two wolf showed up infront of max as he neared the end of the path. "From what I know wolfs useally travel in bigger packs. I hear no others wolf or things that would suggest them. So my gues is, your trained wolf" enix said as he called up his power. One of the wolf jumped up at him. "Nice try wolfy" max said as he moved out of the way. He sent his power around the wolf and made A cain and callor. The other one jubped at max but he avoided that one too. "Now for you" max said as he made another cain and callor on the other wolf. "Now take me back to where you came from and i'll let ya go" max said as they went in the direction the wolf came from.
  17. Name: max Age: 14 Element/Them: ice Elemental ability: The power to create things out of ice or incase things in ice. Weapon: A sword with A eye on each side where the blade goes into the handle Appearence: blue sun glasses, red head band, black hair, blue eyes, purple T-shirt, black pants, blue and white shoes Bio: max knows of his power but no one else knows except his parents and his friends. His friends say the power is cool but not when he uses it to beat them in hockey. He goes to different spots to try different things with his power. He likes to go on adventures and is not afraid to take risks.
  18. It was episode 19. I say subaru likes tsukasa. When her clothes where torn, the game was probapley programed to make it seem reallistick.
  19. Kyp bandaged up the wound. "As soon as this mission is over i'm cuting of her demon head" kyp said to him self as he got into his bed. Kyp checked his sword and arrows again. He made sure he had every thing with him. He had A feeling that things where going to be hard tommorow and it was going to be harder now trying not to make any more wise cracks at sayuri again untill the end of the mission.
  20. Name: jacen kiro Age: 14 Gender: male Description: blue sunglasses, purple head band, red shirt, blue eyes, black hair, black pants, black and white shoes Bio: Jacen is good with computers and likes to play games. Jacen is allways willing to go on adventures. He does what is needed to protect others and is not afraid to risk his life. Extra: Jacen is interested in weapons and is willing to try new things out. Jacen has two swords that he carryies around some times. If he does not carry around his swords he carries around brass knuckles.
  21. As soon as sayuri had her sword out kyp had drawn it. "If you want to fight here then let's do it but I don't think it's A good idea" kyp said with his sword drawn. "Why not" sayuri said with some anger. "If you two did start fighting here it would cause A comotion and that is not what we need" wolf said. "We can fight when we finish our mission. I'll hold off on the jokes for awhile" kyp said to sayuri. Sayuri just said nothing and withdrew her sword.
  22. [B]6/10[/B] I think it was A good episode. It wasn't too surrprising that krim help start the crimsion knights. A persion I know wants to know why subaru didn't run away or call krim for help when she got into A fight. I want to know what people think about that.
  23. "I'm no fallen samurai and not every one here is for that matter" kyp said as he checked the work evean did on his sword. Some how the sword became lighter with out loosing any parts. Kaiser droped back to talk to kyp. "You have been around her longer, does she allways act like this" kaiser whispered to kyp. "Probaply and don't say any thing that could get her realy angry or she'll bight your head off" kyp said as he started to snicker. Sayuri gave them A bad look. "Ah, it's the eye of the devil run for your lives" kaiser said and they both started started to laugh.
  24. here are my attacks :hard mist :earth creation :wing blade :aqua blaze :thunder blade of course these are my own attacks if I had pokemon my self.
  25. Once kyp herd the attack that dango gave shadow he didn't even move. Kyp turned around and didn't even flinch. Most people wouldn't hear the attack from the distene that dango called the attack but kyp did. Kyp jumped into the air and killed the demon that attacked shadow. "Their are other ways to try and kill me you know than try and sneak up on me. You can't sneak up on me because I would hear you comeing. I'm used to people trying to kill me so i'm used to it" kyp said as he ran farther into the town and dissapered into the darkness.
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