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T man

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Everything posted by T man

  1. It should be in the room with the scientist in the bottom left corner aslo what key are you talking about because there are about 4 or 5 hidden keys.:ball:
  2. As kyp came to the edge of the town he saw some demons on roof tops. Even though they where in the niddle of the town he could see them as if they where right infront of him. "Time to practice my skills" kyp thought as he went into the town. As he went into the town some demon tried to attack he but he allready had his sword drawn. "This is far too easy" kyp said as he killed the last demon. "Maybe as I go through the town i'll find out what's happening here other than the destruction of this town" kyp said as he ran farther into the town.
  3. "What's going on now" kyp said as he woke up in A tree. He looked in A direction that he thought that he herd A explosion. A while off was A town that looked like there were some fires. "Might as well go see what that's about" kyp said as he jumped down from the tree and ran twords the town.
  4. T man

    Next generation!

    "Evean what is the status of the camp" serg asked as they walked into A room and they sat down. "The gaurds are being allowed to do any thing they want and that means they're allowed to kill any one they don't like" evean said looking at the floor. "We have been on the run since this morning and haven't had A chance to rest so I am requesting that we can stay here" evean said looking at serg. Serg nodded. "We have two people with bullet wounds in their shoulders and we need that to be taken care of.I've done what I can to stop the bleeding but I belive the bullets are still there" Evean said. "I can take care of that evean" serg said. "Any plans after to night" serg asked evean. "Can you take us to the base I had aranged" evean asked. "I'll do what I can. Now come on, you and your friends are probaply hungrey so let's go get you guys some thing to eat" serg said as they got up and left the room to get some thing to eat.
  5. T man

    The Castle

    Name:jacen Age:14 Gender:male Appearence: orange sunglasses, purple head band, blue eyes, black hair, red shirt, black pants, black and white shoes, gloves with holes cut at the knuckles, 4'9" Bio: jacen is allways willing to go on A adventure and is willing to do what is nessicary to protect others. He likes to do things that people would find exciting. He does not scarre easily. Jacen brought A sword that the people in his family thought was strange. He figured he would find out why in the haunted castle. the one thing you took from home: A family sword
  6. I see paintball as Acactuall sport because in most sports you get A lot of exercise and you do in paint ball. Of course i've never played even though I would like to some day and I wound't of done A essay in school about it if I didn't want to play it.
  7. Well actually if you recall tsukasa met maha in front of the chest with the stone tablet. You also have to rember that silver knight said that people have seen tsukasa with maha befor when they first met.:demon:
  8. OOC: it's kyp vicky, not kpy Kyp walked through A forest. He herd the sound of A villiage being destroyed and ran twoards it. He mangaged to save 5 people from the villiage but every body else was dead. "Man this war is geting more brutal every day. When will this sense less fighting be over with" kyp said as he was walking Away from the villiage. A while laitter 3 men who appeared to be wounded came up to him. "Are you the warrior named kyp" one of the men asked. "Yes, why do you ask" kyp said looking the men over. "Our villiage is beeing under attack and we herd you are A great warrior" another man said as the other two withdrew knives. Kyp withdrew his sword and killed to of the men. As soon as kyps sword struck them they turned into demons. "How did you know we were demons" the last man asked as he turned into A demon. "I have A spiceial abillity that tells me if I can trust some one or not also I know there are no villiages around here for three miles. You woundn't of lived long enough with those wounds to get here. Now who sent you three to kill me" kyp said with his sword aimed at the thired demons neck. "I don't know, we were hired by some one in A black cloak" the demon said with some fear in his voice."Thanks for the info" kyp said. The demon looked releifed until kyp cut his hands of. "I know there are some creatures that eat wounded demons at night time so you better get running before night fall" kyp said as he walked of.
  9. When cay and enix came out of the portal they saw A women in front of them. "Is this her" cay asked enix. "I belive so because I sense a dragon soul" enix said as he looked at the persion in front of him. "My guess is she hasn't learned of her power yet" enix said. "Then if we get into A fight we wont have to use all of our power" cay said. the women in front of them asked some thing and from what enix could make out she asked what poewr they talked about and what was A dragon soul.
  10. Me and my family will probaply go out to where we normaly go and i'll just lie down in the truck bed of my dads car.
  11. "Me and cay will go after this arielle de lioncourt persion" enix said as cross opened up A portal. "Grabed some supplies for the trip cay" said as she carried A bag over her back. "When we get her open up two portals and we'll send her through then we'll go after oni. This will be A good chance for us to get some training in before we fgiht oni again" enix said as cross opened up A portal. Cay nodded then enix and cay jumped in.
  12. "Sure why not, i'll hack into some goverment computers and see what I can find" jacen said as he streched. Kinika said she would help even though she didn't know what she could do. "Kinika you met some people with chips to didn't you" jacen asked. "Ya I did why"kinika asked. "Let's go talk to them to see if they'll help" jacen said. They agreed. After jacen left to get A motor byke from home, they all left to find the others.
  13. T man

    Next generation!

    "This is to easy" evean said as he pulled out his dog whistle. He blew A couple of beats on it. In A couple of minutes groups of people were on the roofs with guns aimed at the cops. The cops droped the guns. A group of people whearing masks came by and got the guns from the cops. The people left into the shadows and allys. "Now if you don't mind us we're out of here" evean said as he pulled out A smoke bomb and threw it. Evean, dai, nadie, mia and rad ran into the allys. In about A hour or two they arrived in A nighberhood. "What was that about evean" dai asked when they stoped by some trees. "There are some people hiding out in some of the apartment buildings who own dogs. That's why I was looking for the ladder. Now come on because they send out more patrol cars at night. After A while they came up to A white house. "Stay right here" evean said as he went to the door. After he knocked on it A girl that looked 13 came to the door. Once she saw evean she smilled. "Is your dad home sara" evean asked and the girl nodded and left. A while later A guy came to the door.The guy looked surpprised to see evean . "Good to see you again capt.serg" evean said to the guy. "Evean, good to see you too. How did you manage to get out" serg asked. "What else, with the training that you showed me and the others. Also thanks for the grenades. Me and my friends need A place to hide out for A while" evean said and serge "replied sure you can stay here." The others came out of hideing. "Can we be sure we can trust him evean" rad asked. "Of course we can. capt.serg is A man of his word" eveam said. They went into the house and went down to the basement. "I'll bring some things down in A minute and I expect A report from you evean" serg said as he went up stairs. "He seems like A nice guy" nadie said as she sat down In A chair. "Evean why doesn't that girl talk" mia asked. "Well A while ago she was beaten up by some cops and she needed surregery on her throught. She can talk now but she chosses not to. Since then capt.serg has been against the camps." evean said rubbing the back of his neck. "After I give my report to serg we can do some work on dai and rads bullet wounds" evean said as he went up stairs.
  14. OOC: Did you base some of this story on the 4th digimon series "Well then let's get going" jacen said as he started writing the things down. "Is every one here" sakura said as she counted the people she saw. "Ya, I think every one is here" david said. As they walked along. The scenery started to change from what jacen knew. "O.k now things are geting strange" elli said looking around.
  15. Yes but for the people who don't know the shedinja will have the same stats as ninjack and the hp will be 1 so don't go into battle right away.
  16. T man

    Next generation!

    "I can't find it" evean said as he looked around. Evean looked around untill he found A part of the wall that looked covered up. "Here it is" evean said as he uncovered A lader. "All I have to do is tell the others then we can get out of the tunnle." evean said as he climbed the lader and checked the man hole. It opened as he herd that rad went looking for some thing. He then herd some thing about rads father farther in the tunnle. He got down the lader and pulled out the dart gun and A smoke bomb in case he had to shoot A enemy.
  17. I would say the game legend of the dragoon has the best starting music because I think the game goes along with the music.
  18. "Hm, if my information is correct this should be the place" kyp said as he walked into A resturaunt. Kyp went to A table and took A seat. "How can I help you" A waitress said as she came by. "I need to find evean cross" kyp said trying to look normale. The waitress just nodded and said "come this way" as she lead kyp into A back room. Inside was A guy working on A sword. On the wall was tools and different type of blade weapons. "Are you evean cross" kyp said as he walked to the man. "Yes I am so what do you want" evean said as he looked at kyp. "I need you to do some work on my sword" kyp said as he tossed it to evean. Evean looked the sword over and said "this will cost you A deal of money and are you sure you want me to do it." "I know of your reputation of makeing swords that can cut metal about 2 feet thick and your skill with tools. I'll pay you half the money now and give you the rest later. I'll give you A couple of hours to get the job done." Evean nodded and went to work. Kyp left some of the money for evean and left to get some thing to eat in the resturaunt.
  19. "Come on oni, you ready for round 2" enix said as he got ready. "Ya, where not going down so easily like last time" cay said as she held out her glaive. "I call upon tahu to give me his power. Pyro blade ignite" enix said as he withdrew his sword. "I call upon tahu to increase his power" enix called out as he was surrounded by fire. "Not this again" oni said with A bored look on his face. "Now it's time to see if my training worked" cay said as her body was encased in lighting. They both carged oni and sent him into A building. "This could be interesting this time" oni said as he got out of the ruble.
  20. T man

    Next generation!

    "I'll see what I can do" evean said as he went to the back of the cannoe and started pushing while swimming. They started to go faster. In A couple of minutes they saw the other side. When they hit the shore they got of. Mia went of to do her buisness while evean went to look around. "I think i've been down here before" evean said to him self. He went to look around near A wall and found what he was looking for under A rock. It was A circle with lines going inwared in A spirale shape. "This means we're close to some one who can help us" evean said to him self as he looked for A man hole cover to see if he was right.
  21. "So of all the people who are awake, i'm the only one who doesn't like this plan" kyp thought while he was up in the tree checking his arrows. "So sayuri thinks it's A good idea, ken thinks it's A good idea and wolf is undecided. Man I don't like sayuri because she gets on my nerves and I had A feeling she was trying to hex me os some thing, So i'll have to be on my gaurd now" kyp thought as he rembered his training about how to get some rest with out actually haveing sleep.
  22. "I got my chip when I was 7" jacen said as he called back the charged energy and walked back to the others. "I was told, because I was A strong persion is why I was chosen for the expirement and why do you ask" jacen asked.
  23. Kyp was listining to what wolf and sayuri where saying. He fell out of the tree laughing. "Not all guys have that weakness you know" kyp said as he climbed back up the tree still snickering. "No one said you where going to be apart of part of this plan" sayuri said looking at kyp. "I'm not apart of this plan I just find it funny" Kyp said as he took his seat. He sat there smiling because he woundered how much money he could get from guys who would want to watch the plan.
  24. Just act like the friend you were in the past and get over the boy friend, girl friend thing. You should be happy that you have A friend because haveing A friend is better than haveing no one.:demon:
  25. T man

    Next generation!

    "I agree with nadie" evean said as he floated on his back "It is possible that this tunnle goes into another state" evean said as he started kicking. "I guess that is possible because we don't know how close the camp was to the state boarder" dai said as she paadled.
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