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keith and his other side was waiting for some responce from rage. "What is he doing now" keith asked. "He's looking more merin while following his sword" keiths good side said as his eyes glowed. Keith just looked around untill he thought about going to take a look at rages side of his head. Rages side of keiths head was so black keith couldn't see any thing. He started walking as keiths good side's eyes stopped glowing. "I don't think you'ld want to go over there keith" keith good side warned. "Why not" keith asked. "You wont like what you'll find" keiths good side said looking down. "Why? What's over there" keith asked. Keiths other side didn't say any thing. Keith just looked back in the direction he was going and started running. He ran into the darkness and still felt that he was in his own head. As he ran he saw images of people with different wounds on there boddies. "Who are all these people" keith asked looking at the different boddies. "They're all the people that rage has killed when he was free or when he was in control of you. You have to remember he eats those he kills. Just see it as a libary or some thing" keiths good side said. "And why didn't you tell me these were here before" keith asked looking at his other side. "Because I thought it would be best you didn't know and that you wouldn't remember what he did when he was in controll" keiths good side said as he appeared. "In other words when ever I blacked out when he was incontroll and I didn't remember any thing afterwards it was becuase of you" keith asked. Keiths other side just nodded. Keith didn't say any thing and kept walking untill he herd a voice. He started running untill he found chi laying on the ground. "Hey chi are you o.k" keith asked picking her up. "Can you get out here and help me keith. I'm out in the snow" chi said looking at him. "I realy don't know if I can do any thing but i'll try" keith said. They started hearing some one laughing around them. Outside of keiths mind rage had found merin's body. "Time to get my sword back and kill me enemy's" rage thought holding out his hand. The sword flew from merin and he grabed it. "I could just kill you here but what would be the fun" rage said as he droped shisu. She landed in the snow next to merin as rage flew off to fort dragonis. Keiths good sides eyes glowed as they started moving again. "He's going to fort dragonis now" keiths good side said as he flew off. "What will happen if he gets there" keith asked lifting up chi onto his back. "Trust me you don't want to know. But if you do need to know some thing when he gets to fort dragonise he'll be free and we'll be the traped ones. He'll create a spell so that the ring wont affect him" keiths good side said. Keith just nodded as they left the darkness. Outside of keiths mind rage had reached fort dragonis. He slammed the sword into a stone tablet with a hole. Fort dragonise appeared in front of him. "Darkness shall consume its enemey's and rage and death shall rule" rage said pulling his sword out. A shield around the fort flickered the dissapered. The doors opened with a rumbeling sound. Rage walked in as toarches caught on fire. As he headed to the stairs the doors closed and the spells were reset. He walked up to a chamber where he had spells set up. There was four toarch stands and a petastall in the middle. He grabed a bottle and filled the toarches. He walked to the petastale and set the ring down on it. He flamed the toarches. Smoke fell from the toarches as four colors flowed representing the elements. The colors came to the petastale. A orb in the petastale that was black abosrbed the colors and turned them into swirls. A dome went ofer the ring and glowed. "Once this spell if over i'll be free and go on my killing spree once again" rage said smilling.
RPG Pokemon: Secrets of the Legends(PG13 for violence and possible swearing)
T man replied to GuyYouMetOnline's topic in Theater
Luke looked at the magma member he would be faceing. She didn't seem like much of a trainer and she probaply wasn't. Of coarse it didn't matter to luke if an opponent was strong or weak because a battle was a battle. "How about a two on two battle" the magma member suggested. "Fine with me. Wild fire and lotad, you guys are up" luke said. Lotad jumped off of wild fire head and walked up. Wild fire just followed and stood next to it. "That lotad doesn't seem very strong but it your decision. I call out electabuz and blastoise" the magma member said throwing her pokeballs. The pokeballs opened and her pokemon came out. "Use thunder and hydro pump" the magma member said. Luke just smilled as the pokemon did there attacks. The attacks hit wild fire and lotad but they didn't back away from them. The magma member was surprised that her attacks hadn't weakend lukes pokemon. "I've trained my pokemon to over come there type weaknesses and by the power of those attacks your pokemon aren't very strong. Well it's time finish this so use sky upper cut and surf" luke said smilling. Wild fire came running at the blastoise as it's fist glowed. Wild fire hit the blastoise and sent it flying. The blastoise went back and hit a wall then slumped to the floor. Lotad sent a wave of water at the electabuz. The electabuz tried running but the wave still caught it. Once the wave was gone the magma member returned her pokemon and ran. "Nothing to do now but wait I guess" luke said as he sat down. -
RPG Pokemon: Secrets of the Legends(PG13 for violence and possible swearing)
T man replied to GuyYouMetOnline's topic in Theater
Luke heard the conversation and wasn't to surprised. From his knowledge of pokemon legends it was stated that some pokemon had great physic powers but there was never any proof of it. Most people had talked about it but no finale decision was made about weither it was true. "Well since the last trainer is comeing I might as well get wild fire back up here" luke said as he took out a pokeball. He threw it and a lotad came out. The lotad landed in the water. It saw around a bit then looked at luke. "Go find wild fire and come back" luke said. Lotad nodded then dived into the water. A couple of minutes later lotad came out of the water on wild fires head. Lotad jumped off of wild fires head as wild fire looked at latios and latias. "You can calm down wild fire. I'll explain later on what happened while you were gone" luke said. Wild fire just nodded as lotad jumped back onto wild fires head. Wild fire just sat down as they waited for the last trainer to come. -
RPG Pokemon: Secrets of the Legends(PG13 for violence and possible swearing)
T man replied to GuyYouMetOnline's topic in Theater
Luke just watched the people that came out of the elevator. He looked around to see that most of the pokemon had gone back to there buisness but wild fire kept stairing at the boy and girl. "Did you sence any thing from them" luke asked as he walked up to wild fire. Wild fire just nodded. Luke trusted wild fire the most out of his pokemon because it had the most experience and had better sences than lukes other pokemon. "Can you tell what it is" luke asked. Wild fire just shook it's head. "Well while we wait why don't you do you laps" luke suggested. Wild fire just nodded. It ran to the edge of the platform and jumped into the water. It dove into the water and started swimming around the platform. -
RPG Pokemon: Secrets of the Legends(PG13 for violence and possible swearing)
T man replied to GuyYouMetOnline's topic in Theater
Luke and wild fire rode wings to the reaserch facillaty. Once they were over it wild fire jumped off of wings back. It landed on the platform and looked around. Luke jumped off of wings back and landed next to wild fire. He returned wings back to its pokeball. He looked around to see other trainers with there pokemon. "I guess we're to wait" luke said as he started looking around. Wild fire just sat down crossed legged and closed its eyes. He saw the trainers talking to each other. There wasn't much around there to look at so he figured he'd talk to them. "Hi i'm luke. How much longer do you think it'll be before we can start" luke asked walking up to them. -
Zeo saw other trainers ahead of them going after latios and latias. Some of them were flying and one of them was going through the water. "Give it all you got wings. See how close you can get" zeo said. Wings nodded and started going faster. A couple of minutes later they were with the other trainers. He saw some of the trainers fighting each other. "I wonder what they're doing" zeo thought looking at the other trainers. "Stay outside of them wings. We wouldn't want to get hit by a stray attack if a fight starts" zeo said. Wings nodded as it stayed away from the other pokemon but stayed close enough for zeo to keep and eye on them.
Zeo looked up. He thought he had heard some thing go past the island above him. He didn't know what it was but figured he'd find out soon enough. He started running back to his pokemon. He found ice blaze and wild fire looking at the sky. "Did you hear them to" zeo asked as he ran up to wild fire. Wild fire just nodded. Wld fire was zeo's first pokemon and his strongest. It's skills were higher than any of zeo's pokemon so it could stand up to most pokemon. "Find the others ice blaze. We'll be leaving in a bit" zeo said. Absol nodded and left. Wild fire got up and started stretching. a couple of minutes later ice blaze cam back with zeo's other pokemon. Zeo returned them to there pokeballs except for wings. "If you saw where those pokemon went I want you to go after them as fast as you can" zeo said as he pulled his goggles down. Wings just nodded as zeo got on its back. Once zeo was on it took off after latios and latias.
Zeo was riding on wings back with changing floating next to them. Zeo didn't real know of a spot for them to land on but figured they'd find one sooner or later. "What do you have for a weather prediction" zeo asked looking back. Changing just turned into its sun form and smiled. "So it'll be clear weather then" zeo asked. Changing just nodded. Zeo smiled as he went back to looking for a island. He saw one with a small forest on it. He pointed to it and wings started going down. Once they landed zeo got off of wings back. "You can come out guys" zeo said letting out the rest of his pokemon. The pokemon came out and sat down. Zeo watched as his pokemon went there separate ways for the time. As he watched he saw ice blaze go over to the water. It looked back and called zeo over. "What's going on now ice blaze" zeo asked as he walked over to the water. Ice blaze just pointed with its horn to the water. The water seemed to be unsettled. "Some thing has happened. That's why you since a disaster isn't it" zeo asked. Ice blaze just agreed with zeo as it sat down. Zeo herd some thing behind him so he turned around. He saw changing go into its storm form. "You two seem to think some thing will happen soon. If some one or some thing comes to the island find the other pokemon then find me" zeo said as he started walking into the forest. Ice blaze and changing nodded as zeo left.
[b]General Awards[/b] [COLOR=royalblue]Overall Member of the Year: James[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Honorable Mention:[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Male Otaku of the Year: DBD[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Honorable Mention:[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Female Otaku of the Year: Ryoko T.D.C.[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Honorable Mention:[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Staff Member of the Year: terra[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Honorable Mention:[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Funniest Member:[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Honorable Mention:[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Most Opinionated Otaku:[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Honorable Mention:[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Member most likely to be here in two years: dark dragongirl[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Honorable Mention: JoyKaiba[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Best Newbie: Ryu Sakura[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Honorable Mention:[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Best Oldie:[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Honorable Mention:[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Most likely to become a Staff Member: DBD[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Honorable Mention: Japan86 [/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Favorite Banned Member: Tical[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Honorable Mention:[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Most improved Member of the Year:[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Honorable Mention:[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Thread of the Year:[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Honorable Mention:[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Silliest Thread of the Year:[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Honorable Mention:[/COLOR] [b]Random Awards[/b] [COLOR=indigo]Avatar Award:[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Honorable Mention:[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Signature Award:[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Honorable Mention:[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Best Location:[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Honorable Mention:[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Best Otaku Couple: Skyechild91 and Sqaull[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Honorable Mention:[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Best looking Otaku:[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Honorable Mention:[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Otaku clique of the Year: Armeggedon Gang[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Honorable Mention:[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Best MyOtaku:[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Honorable Mention:[/COLOR] [b]Otaku Writers[/b] [COLOR=crimson]Poet Laureate: Ryu Sakura[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]Honorable Mention: Skyechild91[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]Writer of the Year:[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]Honorable Mention:[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]Orginal Story of the Year:[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]Honorable Mention:[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]Role-Player of the Year: Annie[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]Honorable Mention:Ryu Sakura [/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]Brawler of the Year: Burori[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]Honorable Mention: DBD[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]Role-Playing Game of the Year[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]Honorable Mention:[/COLOR] [b]Social Otakus[/b] [COLOR=tomato]Otaku Social member of the year: Honorable Mention: Entertainment Otaku of the Year: Honorable Mention:[/COLOR] [b]Anime Otakus[/b] [COLOR=darkblue]Otaku of the Year:[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Honorable Mention:[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue].hack//SIGN Member of the Year: K.K.C[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Honorable Mention:[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]DragonBall Guru:[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Honorable Mention:[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Digipeep of the Year:[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Honorable Mention:[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Gundam Member of the Year:[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Honorable Mention:[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Yu-Gi-Oh Member of the Year:[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Honorable Mention:[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Least Disappointing Yu Yu Hakusho Member:[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Honorable Mention:[/COLOR] [b]Otaku Gamers[/b] [COLOR=blue]Gamer of the Year:[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Honorable Mention:[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Nintendo "Mario" Award:[/COLOR] Shinmaru [COLOR=blue]Honorable Mention:[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]The Sony Award:[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Honorable Mention:[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Xbox Gamer of the Year:[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Honorable Mention:[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]PC Gamer of the Year:[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Honorable Mention:[/COLOR] [b]Otaku Artists[/b] [COLOR=green]Best Graphic Designer: Ruby[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]Honorable Mention: Dan Rugh[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]Best "Traditional":[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]Honorable Mention:[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]Best Spriter: Dragonballzman[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]Honorable Mention: Satori Night[/COLOR] [b]Series Otakus[/b] [COLOR=darkred]Series Otaku Member of the Year: Honorable Mention: Square/Enix Member of the Year: Honorable Mention: PokéPlaque (Pokemon): Crimson Spider Honorable Mention: The Triforce Award (Zelda): Desbreko Honorable Mention:[/COLOR]
Evean flew into the sky for a better view point. He saw suzuki and nistu fighting talims partners but he didn't see where talim had gone to. "Where did he go now" evean asked him self as he went through his scanners. As he went through the scanners he saw a trail talim left. The trail left to a group of rocks. He powerd up his cannon and fired. The rocks broke apart and talim started running. "Come on talim. For some one who's out for revenge you're not doing as well as I thought you would" evean said smilling. "Wait till the tournament. This is a bit of a practice fight" talim said as he fired at evean. Evean brought up his shield. He didn't know what talim was talking about but he figured he'd find out later. Evean landed on the ground and fired back.
Kyp went through his memories to tell james what happened. "Kethri's memories have arrision. I'm not really sure why they have stayed hidden or why they showed up now but I belive i'll will find out when the time comes" kyp said. "O.k but why was smoke coming from the castle when I came to the town" james asked as he turned back. "The rouge winglie who is after kethri made a minerature version of the virage. The one that was captured had escaped. It was distroyed but the winglie managed to get the moon object from us. Our last chance to stop him is to get the astral dagger" kyp said. "The passing ceramoney for the dagger wont happen for a couple of days. I guess we should either train or seek out the other dragoons" james said as put his sword back. "I'm planning to make a stop before we reach lohan. I have no idea why but I feel some of my past will show it's self after words" kyp said as he headed back to the castle. "Is there any way for me to train before we leave" james asked walking up to kyp. "Find coren. He got his dragon spirit awhile ago too so he should be at the same level as you" kyp said as he went back into the castle.
[b]Name:[/b] luke [b]Age:[/b]15 [b]Home town/city:[/b]lavaridge town [b]Starter Pokemon:[/b]blaziken [b]Other Pokemon:[/b]swellow, armaldo, linoone, absol, lotad [b]Appearance:[/b] 6" 5' , blue eyes, red shirt, goggles, black pants, boots, gloves, orange vest, white bandana with a pokeball patern on it, green pack pack with red and blue strips [b]Personality:[/b] Luke likes to catch any pokemon he can. Because he has relatives in differant regions he knows alot about different pokemon. He has pokemon stronger than the ones he keeps with him but he chooses not to battle with them. Luke can be wise some times but can also be very thick headed. Because he has a high knowledge of pokemon legends some people call him wierd but he doesn't care. He cares for his pokemon as much as he would care for some one else. [b]Other:[/b]The only pokemon he keeps out is blaziken. Blazieken will only go into it's pokeball when luke is traveling on swellows back. Luck has trained his blazieken to stand even the strongest of water attacks. [b]Other2:[/b] lukes swellow is a biger size than others. It's about the same size as a charizard.
Ganute had finished eating his food. He looked around to see that most of the monsters had gone to sleep. He saw gali looking at the cliffs. "What's up gali" ganute asked. "We are still being watched but it's not andrew who's watching us. I sence the one who is watching us has been planning things for awhile" gali said. "Can you tell who it is" ganute asked. "I'm not sure but I know it's one of the monsters with andrew" gali said looking at ganute. "Then we should probaply keep an eye out for one of them" ganute said as he stood up. Gali just nodded and went back to watching the ciffs. Ganute climbed a tree and sat down on a branch. He took a final look around then went to sleep.
Kyp just smilled. He had never seen dragoons og against each other him self but figured it would be a interesting event. "I have to let him come with us. He's a dragoon and he'll be needed to fight" kyp said as he got up. "Fine then. As long as he doesn't do any thing to annoy me" kethri said shaking her head. "I'll be out for a bit. I should probaply train james a bit" kyp said as he left. Kyp walked through the halls and found james heading to the court yard. He watched as james tried to get the spirit to work and started to chuckle to him self when james couldn't go into his dragoon form. "Just focus on the spirit and feel the energy go into you" kyp said walking up to him. James nodded as he closed his eyes. As he concentrated he was surrounded by fire. The fire turned into balls and floated around him. After a flash of light he was covered in red armor and his wings appeared. "Now that you've got that finished let's see if you can you the power you have" kyp said as he went into his dragoon form. "First we'll see if you can handle the magic you posses. Trust the spirit and it will show you the spells you can do" kyp said as he picked up a stone. James closed his eyes and started concentrating. He opened his eyes and threw his sword into the air. Kyp threw the stone to as james started his attack. A fire ball started to form infront of him. Once the fire ball was finished he punched it. The fire ball flew and hit the stone. "You've learned to do the flame shot. Trust your spirit and it should show you the rest of them" kyp said as he turned back.
Kyp didn't know what he could say. If she wasn't the moon chiled he wouldn't of meet her and would of been protecting some one else. He would of found the other dragoons and of gotten the moon objects but it wouldn't of been the same if he didn't meet her. "I really don't know why your the moon chiled kethri. I may have an extensive knowledge of dragon campaign and what happened ahundred years ago but I can't tell you why you're the moon child. From what I know the moon child is random and only the black monster can tell who the moon chiled is" kyp said. "If it's random what were the chances it would be me and how did you know I was the moon child" kethri asked looking at him. "I used my knowledge of the past and of how the black monster was created so I made a locater" kyp said as he reached into a pocket. He pulled out a small disk. The disk looked to me made of wood with a stone inside of it. The disk was painted grey and had symbols all over it. The symbols and disk was glowing a light blue. "I don't remember making it but I know I did" kyp said as he put the locator away. "So you made that in your past" kethri asked. Kyp just nodded as the door opened. Kyp looked back and saw james come in. "I should probaply give you this back" james said taking out his dragon spirit. "He's a dragoon to" kethri asked shocked. "Yes kethri. He's the dragoon of fire" kyp said. "I realy don't belive it" kethri said. "Take out your own dragon spirit, aim it at him and see what happens" kyp said. Kethri nodded. She reached into he pocket and pulld out her dragon spirit. Kyp did the same and all three spirits glowed. "A dragon spirit glows when others are near or when they are near there dragoon" kyp said as he put his spirit away. "Speaking of which I can't keep this. I don't think i'm much of a fighter" james said handing it back to kyp. "Sorry but I can't take it. You're a dragoon weather you like it or not. It's your dicision if you want to use it or not so keep it with you" kyp said giving the spirit back to james.
Kyp didn't really know what he could say. If he told her that he heard the name from before when they saw her memories and didn't tell her he figured she'd be angrey with him. "Are you hiding some thing from me kyp" kethri asked looking at him. Kyp didn't want to upset kethri but he figured it would be better if he told her sooner than later. "I heard the name when we were looking at your memories" kyp said preparing him self incase some thing happened. Kethri didn't say any thing. She just looked down at her feet. "Why didn't you say any thing sooner" kethri asked. "I wouldn't know how you'd react if I told you. I hope your o.k with me not telling you" kyp said as he relaxed. "It's o.k kyp. I'd just like to know why it didn't come up till now" kethri said looking up. "I realy don't know. I might be able to find out later after we leave" kyp said. Kethri just nodded as she layed back down. "I just hope the person i'll ba talking with will still be around" kyp thought as he wnet thrpugh his memories again.
Zieg flew into a group of winglies and started slashing at them. For every winglie he slashed at three more came at him. As he faught more winglies came to fight them and try to bring them down. "This battle never seems to end" zieg said as he cut another winglie down. "Ya, I know. Why do you think they keep coming" ryden asked as he defended from an attack. "They could be trying to stall for some one to finish a misssion" zieg said as he flew after some winglies who had made it to the tower. He sent a wave of fire and the winglies fell. "If they're stalling then shouldn't we finish this faster" ryden asked. "We might as well even this up then" zieg said as he took out a whistle, He blew it and the ring went through out the city. A couple of seconds later zera flew into the battle. He started flamming any winglies in its path. Most of the winglies either continued to fight or they ran from the dragon.
Kyp saw kethri fall to the ground. He started running to her with james following. He got to her and picked her up. "What do you think happened to her" james asked looking down at her. "I realy don't know. Go into the castle and find a knight by the name of coren. Have him go to kethri's room to meet with me" kyp said as hie wings appeared. James nodded and left. Kyp flew up and flew into the castle through a window. He flew past the workers and the knights in the castle. Most of them asked what he was doing but he did feel like responding. Once he got to kethri's room he landed and opened the door. He walked over to her bed and set her down. "I should probaply stay here in case she wakes up" kyp thought as he sat down in a chair.
Kyp and kaze came to the castle. They landed and found the others waiting for them. "So where have you been kyp" sango asked. "One of my blades followed inuyasha, kagome, and kiara. It reported back and said that raven was fighting them" kyp said as he got off his transportation disc. "So what happened to them and whats with the kid" miroku asked looking at kaze. "I faught with raven then kiara came back. I got knocked out and lost track of kiara and ended up fighting kaze. She doesn't seem to be to much trouble but we should keep a eye on her" kyp said walking up to him. Miroku nodded as kaze got off of the transportation disk. Kyp absorbed the blades as he headed into the castle. "Why is it that you had her come any was" miroku asked. "The rouge blade wanted her to come. I don't under stand why yet. I think it might be because of some orb she had given me" kyp said. "Speaking of which we got it from some of your blades. It's locked up in a room and your blades are gaurding it" miroku said. "Thanks. I'm not sure if it has any other purposes other than being a tool for psychics. I'll be in the libary doing some research" kyp said as he turned down a hall.
Jason drew a card and went through his hand smilled. "Well with some of my life points gone i'll activate one of my trap cards. I'll use solemn wishes. I get 500 life points for each card I draw" jason said smilling. "So what. That wont help you much" seth said. "Maybe but if my plan works it might be enough. I play pot of greed whitch allowes me to get two more cards increasing my life points" jason said as he played the pot of greed card and drew two more cards. "Next like I did in my previose duel I play the dokuroyaiba in deffence mode and use secret pass to the treasure" jason said as he played the cards. The dokuroyaiba appeared on the field. It flew and struck seth in the chest. "Next i'll use two final flames which will remove 1200 of your life points" jason said as he layed the cards down. Seth became surrounded by flames. The flames removed the last of his life points. "It seems like you're finished again seth" jason said smilling.
Jason looked behind seth to see amanda and kaiba. He would of smilled but if he did he would of tiped off seth so he showed no sign of noticing them. "I'll play raigeki to distroy your face down monster" jason said. Jasons card on the field flipped up and distroyed siths monster. "Next i'll flip my harpies brother up into attack mode and play over drive" jason said as he put the card down. Jasons monsters appeared and went into attack mode. "I'll use seven completed to raise my over drives attack to 2300. Then i'll have them do some direct damage to your life points" jason said as he played the seven completed. His over drive started fireing at seth and removed some of his life points. The harpies brother flew in the air and charged at seth. It came down and slashed at him removing more of his life points. "It seems like your finished. On my next turn you'll probaply go down" jason said smilling. Even if jason lost the duel the mission they set out to do would still be completed.
Kyp looked down from the stars and into the town. He looked and saw people chasing some one. Kyp just shook his head as he watched. As he watched the persion run his dragon spirit and the fire dragon spirit reacted. "I might as well get him out of what ever trouble he caused" kyp said standing up. His wings appeared and he jumped off the roof. He flew through the town untilll he found the knights and one of the workers in the castle chasing james. They chased him into an ally and the knights drew there swords. "He's with me guys. You can put back your weapons" kyp said as he landed between james and the knights. "I know your a friend with the king and sir coren but it seemed like he was stealing" one of the knights said. "Even so. If you need another oppinion on if he should be killed or not you can take it up with the king or coren. I'm sure they'll agree with me. They have allways trusted my judgement" kyp said. "Fine. We'll take your word on it but if tries any thing we'll take it up with the king" the knight said as they left. "Why did you help me" james asked. "I helped you because you are the dragoon of fire. A battle will start so the dragoons will be needed" kyp said turning around. "I don't think i'd be cut out for a dragoon" james said. "Well even if you don't belive it you're a dragoon. Dragon spirits know who they go to and will react to them" kyp said. He reached into his pocket and took out the fire dragon spirit. The spirit was glowing brightly. Kyp handed it to james who just looked at it. "Weather you want to belive it or not you are a dragoon so i'm giving you the dragon spirit. I'll probaply be seeing you at the castle later so come when you can" kyp said as his wings appeared. Kyp lifted off the ground and headed back to the castle.
Kyp looked over at kaze. He saw that she was awake. "I didn't do any thing to you. I don't have that type of power" kyp said looking at her. "Then what happened to me back there" kaze asked. "How should I know. You seem to be the phsychic one around here and your in the cage becuase one of my blades wanted you to come with me" kyp said looking back ahead. "If your not going to tell me what happened will you atleast let me out of this thing" kaze asked. "If your sure about that I will" kyp said smilling. The energy connecting the blades to gether dissapered and the blades flew to kyp. Kaze screamed as she fell to the forest. "You never said where to let you down" kyp said looking down. The blades that had formed kazes cage flew down. They spun under her and formed a transportaion disk. She was lifted up before she hit the forest. Once she was up in the sky with kyp he started laughing.
Enix defended from another attack. He swung one of his staffs but the woman just defended again. He used his ring hack and fired them. They bounced across the room and hit the woman sending her back. "That orb you've found has seemed to of given you a great power. You could put it to other uses" the woman said as she got up. "I could do that but I wont. I'd like to see what else it can do before I decide on what to do" enix said smilling. "Your decision. But what is the point of having a great power if you can't abuse it to win" the woman said. "You shouldn't abuse power unless you know how to use it and to fix any problems that it cause" enix said. The woman just shook her head as she started slashing at enix. Enix brought up his staffs to block. He jumped back and brought his staffs up. He jumped up and started spinning them. He used one of his hacks and two balls of light appeared. Two figures came out of the lights and landed on the floor. Enix landed on the floor as the figures stopped glowing. The figures looked at enix. They took a fighting stance and charged at the woman. She brought up her swords to defend. All three enixs kicked her back. They raised there staffs and sent out bolts of lighting. The woman flew back as the bolts hit her. She hit a pillar a the the two other enixs dissappered. Enix brough his staffs up as the woman got up.
Kyp turned around and kicked raven back As she went sailing through the air she disappeared. Kyp looked around and saw the orb that kaze had left on the ground. He picked it up and looked it over. He really didn't see any thing that made it special. "I really don't know why she wanted me to keep it. I haven't used it so I have no reason to keep it. I'll probaply sell it sooner or later" kyp thought as some of his blades came out. "Kiara probably has already left back for the castle" kyp said to him self. The blades started circling the orb and lifted it into the air. The blades left with the orb to the castle. Kyp let some of the blades out to make his transportation disk. As he got on the rouge blade reacted. "Why is it that you want me to take her with me" kyp asked. The blade didn't react to any thing he said but still reacted to kaze. "Fine i'll take her with me. You can lead the others to her but nothing more" kyp said holding out his hand. The black blade appeared then flew off with some of the others following. A couple of minutes later the blades returned holding a knocked out kaze in an energy cage. Kyp held out his hand and absorbed the rouge blade. He got on the disk and started heading back to the castle with kaze's cage following.