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Kyp got up and brushed the water off of him self. The cut he had was being healed by the blades. He knew the blades that were gaurding the castle would be on there way to see what happened to him. "Where did kiara and raven go" kyp asked him self. He looked around to see a girl holding a bucket. He remembered that she was the one who had blocked ravens attack on him. He figured she was the one who had struck him in the stomach but he wouldn't bring it up. "What is it that you want kid" kyp asked. "I'd like to have a fight with you. You seem to be a stronge opponent" the girl said smilling. "Fine but i'm not going to go down easily" kyp said. The blades that were gaurding the castle appeared and floated next to him. He picked up his sword as the blades seperated from it. He held out his hand and absorbed the blades. Once he had abosrbed the last of them he took a fighting stance.
Zieg flew the slave city. As he flew winglies came out of hidding places to fight him. One cam chrcging at him with his sowrd drawn. Zieg drew his own sword and blocked. The winglie flew up then dive bombed. Zieg put his sword back and fired a fire blast. the blast hit the winglie making him drop. Zieg turned around to see more winglies comeing. "This battle never seems to end" zieg thought as he drew is sword again. As he flew at them a wave of fire came down and hit the winglies. Zieg looked up to see a dragon fly by. "Thanks for the help zera" zieg said as he started towards the towers. Rhe dragon just roared as it flew off. As he flew towards the towers he saw a group of winglies coming to attack. As he started flying faster another dragoon came up to him. "Sir zieg. The towers that we've occupied are about to be attacked. Some of the other dragoons are still out fighting so your needed to help gaurd the towers" the dragoon said. "Is there any one else at the towers" zieg asked. "Just ryden from my knowledge" the dragoon said. "I'll help him. See if you can find the others" zieg said. The dragoon nodded as he left. Zieg prepared him self and flew to the towers.
Ganute looked back as ray and his monsters caught up. "So how is it that you managed to keep up with me" aurora asked. "I belive that if you're going to be a rancher you should be able to keep up with the monsters you raise" ganute said smilling. "And what if you can't keep up with them" aurora asked. "Then you have to beat them in another skill" ganute said as he pulled some things from his bag and started cooking. Once he was finished he handed it out to the others. As he ate he saw lionel hopping around ray tring to get his food. Ganute just shook his head. "So how is it that you guys know ray" aurora whispered to ganute. "We've meet him a couple of times in the towns we travel to and the boss always manages to ditch him" req said. Ganute could of just hit req on the head for calling him boss again but he would just do it again later when req called him the name again except the hit would be alot harder. "So why is it that you try to avoid him" aurora asked. "He gets on my nerves. He's a newbie rancher and he wants me to teach him how to be a better one. I keep telling him that you become a better one as you gain more skill but he doesn't stop asking me" ganute said as he ate his food.
Zeo was on a rock going through his memorys of the spells he knew. Most of the spells he knew were for fighting or for healing. Any other spell he knew would have to be played on his flute. He got up and took out his flute. He walked over to the water as he started to play. Stone from the water started rising to the surface and formed a path. The draw bridge came off of it's hinges and started floating. "I'm not even going to ask how you did that" link said getting up. Lilly walked over to the stone path to see if it was solid. When she stepped on it the path didn't breake apart. They started going across the path as zeo stopped playing. As they walked the stones behins them started sinking back into the water. Once they were in the town the bridge reset it's self. "So now that we're in what should we do" zeo asked as he put his flute away.
Gene took out a arrow and wondered on how many tries e'd give his opponent before he would kill him. "You'll have three chances to tell us where your boss is or you'll be dead" gene said. "Like I would tell you any thing" genes opponent said. Gene put the arrow on the bow and got ready to shoot. "I'm still not going to tell you any thing" the opponent said. Gene just pulled the arrow back and took aim for the guys neck. "You'd better tell him unless you haven't heard of his reputation. He's hardly a guy who bluffs when it comes to fighting" mal said smilling. "Who realy cares about his reputation. even if I told you where the boss is at you guys will still get killed" the man said. Gene let go of the arrow and it went sailing through the mans neck. More than half the arrow had gone in. "We might as well get going again" gene said as he put the bow away. The others nodded and they started along the path again.
Ganute didn't realy know what he could say to aurora. Some one she knew and hated had been able to get past them. He knew that he shouldn't ask what she had against him but there was one other thing bothering him. The problem was ray who he had to keep ditching. Ray was nice but he got on his nerves when ever he was around. "So why are you here" ganute asked looking at him. "My lionel was hungry and we came here to see if there was any body here" ray said. "Ya so you got any food with ya one the moment ganute" lionel asked hopping around ganute. "None in here but if I give you some will you guys be on your way" ganute asked walking away. "Probaply not. When ever I find you, you always dissapere on me" ray said smilling. Ganute just hung his head down as he headed back to the camp.
Zeo walked through the forest whle playing his flute. Playing the flute had calmed his nerves after fighting a monster who had eaten some of his stuff. He didn't realy know where he was going and figured he'd find a town sooner or later. As he walked he saw people walking on the path. "I wonder where they're going" zeo asked him self. He stopped playing his flute as he watched the people walk by. As he started walking behind them he put his flute away so he wouldn't be distracted by making sure he had to hold onto it. He wasn't sure who they were but he'd figure he'd find out sooner or later.
Glen watched the fight between gaunt and titan. Gaunt just avoided he attacks while titan just took them head on and didn't even flinch from them. "How about if you fight kelmadics instead of gaunt. He would probaply be more stronger than gaunt" glen said. "Sure. This zan hasn't done much damage" titan said. Gaunt looked back to tracy. Tracy nodded and gaunt got out of kelmadics way. Kelmadics brought up his sword in a fighting stance. "I haven't had a sword fight in a while" titan said smilling. A golem walked up to titan with a case. Titan opened the case and took out a large sword. kelmadics charged at titan and started swinging. Titan was pushed back as he blocked the swings. Titan came around to kick making kelmadics jump back. Titan brought his sword down making kelmadics block.
Jason started going through the cards he had drawn. Most of them would come in handy during the duel. "I'll play one monster in face down defence mode and i'll lay two cards down" jason said as he placed the cards. The cards appeared as amanda went by. "Best of luck to ya jason. I'll come back to see how well you're doing once I find kaiba" amanda said as she ran down a hall. Jason just nodded. He looked at seth and waited for him to make his move.
Kyp waited in the bushes waiting for some kind of responce from raven. It didn't seem like he had noticed his presence yet. He might not have to call the blades and have them get the others after all. Raven looked around then started to leave. As she neared the edge of the forest she stopped. She looked back and sent out a wave of fire. Kyp had his blades form a ball around him and make a shield. The wave went over him. Once the blades seperated and the shield dissapered he saw raven holding a sword. "So what is the reason you're out here" raven asked. "I followed inuyasha and kagome here. I'd figure I would stay and wait for one of them to return" kyp said drawing his own sword. "Well if they do return the only one waiting for them will be me" raven said as she charged at kyp. Kyp brought up his sword to defend. She hit the blade with enough force to send him back. Kyp went back untill he hit a tree and slumped to the ground. He quickly got back up and raised his sword. The blades started circleing kyps sword and joined with it increasing it's size. "I wonder if i'll be able to hold her off with out the rest of the blades" kyp asked him self as he charged back.
I think kagome and sango are still open but you can just make up your own character.
Sign Up The Legend of Zelda: Awakening of A New Evil
T man replied to Maximillion404's topic in Theater
I guess i'll join this. [b]Name:[/b] zeo [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] male [b]Race:[/b] elves [b]Description:[/b] green eyes, black hair, boots, gauntlets, red tunic, purple pants, blue cloak [b]Bio:[/b] Zeo does alot of traveling. He travels to search of a purpose in his life and to gain skills. Zeo likes to play his flute alor because it helps calm him and becuase it's been in his family for years. He normaly makes friends easily so he'll do what he can to help others. He perfers to use magic becuase when ever he uses his other weapons he goes over board and kills his opponent. [b]Main Weapon:[/b] ogre with sword blades [b]Other Weapons:[/b] staff, mostly thunder magic, spell given off by his flute, sais, bows and arrows [b]Good or Evil:[/b] good -
Garai got up and jumped. He grabed onto the net above them and started moving across it untill he was above neo. He let go and dropped infront of him. He brought the hammer part of his haraku staff and hit the ball out from neo's stick. The ball went sailing through the air and landed infront of neos goal. Both theams members were on the other side of the field. Garai looked at neo and looked back. They both started running with the others following. Garai swung his staff to hit the ball into the field but neo got the ball before him. "Seems like you missed your chance agan garai" neo said smilling. "Don't remember one of the important rules of fights or sports? Don't wast your time talking" garai said as he clamped his staff onto the ball. Both garai and neo started pulling to get the ball from the other but neither let go. The rest of the teams except for the goaly came running up to them. "If this keeps going you guys are going to distroy this stadium again" cesia said. "Hopefully this time we wont be the only ones rebuilding it" garai said. Neo jumped to try to get garais staff to let go but it just stayed on. They both landed on a colomn and started trying to hit each other so they'd let go of the ball. Garai jumped as neo did a low kick. Neo blocked as garai punched. The rest of the team gathered at the bottom of the colomn as garai and neo continued there attempts for the ball.
Jason wondered where kaiba was. They had found another opponent but the other one had left into the castle. He wondered what would happen if the castle was distroyed with some one it. "What do you think would happen if we just blasted the castle and distroyed it with some one inside" jason asked. "We can't do that. Kaiba might be in there and we don't know what would happen. Any ways we have to deal with this new opponent" amanda said looking at him. "Fine then i'll take a look through it" jason said walking forward with the deep sea warrior following. "Sorry but your not going in there" there new opponent said getting front of him. "We'll see about that" jacen said smilling. He started running at him. Once he was infront of him he jumped and landed on the other side of there opponent. "I'll tell you guys if I find kaiba" jason said smilling as he ran into the castle.
Evean and the others came to the location that talim had given them. Evean looked around to see that there was cliff walls around them and pillars of rock jutting out of the ground. "Does any one else think talim's planning to ambush us" evean asked. "Probaply but we'll beet him if he tries" nitsu said. Evean just nodded. He looked on ahead to see some zoids comeing. The zoids that stopped infront of them was a lighting saix, a spino breaker and a camand wolf. "So let's get this battle started" talim said smilling. "But first i'd like to know why those guys tried stealing from me" suzuki asked. "If you guys win i'll tell you but I don't think that will happen" talim said as he fired at them. Evean brought up his shield as suzuki and nitsu avoided them. Talims partners ran for better fireing points. Evean started fireing makeing talim bring up a shield. Evean switched to his pulse laser gun and started fireing. Talim started running from the shots.
Kyp was on top of the castle still in thought about him self. He heard a noise behind him and turned around. He saw the knight coren come onto the roof. "What can I do for you coren" kyp asked looking back towards the sky. "I've talked to the king and he agrees that I should travel with you and your friends" coren said walking up to him. Kyp just nodded as he got up. He walked to the edge of the roof and started floating once he couldn't go any farther while coren just followed on the roof. He circled the castle untill he found kethri laying down on the grass. "So how well do you think you'll be able to protect her" coren asked. "I don't know. I've failed to get one moon object and I don't know if i'll be able to get the next one. If I don't get the next one then it means i've truly failed in my mission" kyp said shaking his head. "Well if you fail I will see it as my duty to keep a eye on her" coren said. "Thanks coren. You're a good man" kyp said as he floated back. "It's the way I was raised and it's the way I act as a knight" coren said as he headed back to the door he came through. Kyp just nodded as he landed on the roof. He looked down to make sure that kethri was still there. He saw that see was still looking at the stars. She seemed like she didn't mind that some one was after her and kyp would do what he could to keep her safe. He sat down and looked of into the moon.
Name:zeo gartz Nickname:zg Age:15 Gender:male Eye Color:brown Hair Color:black Appearance:red shirt, black pants, green vest, blue gloves, boots, black tint goggles Demeanor:he's nice but can be anti social, cares more for his pokemon than other people, is wise some times but can be thick headed [b]Pokemon:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] blaziken [b]Nickname:[/b] wild fire [b]Attacks[/b] sky upper cut blaze kick fire blast double kick [b]Item:[/b]charcoal [b]Name:[/b] swellow [b]Nickname:[/b] wings [b]Attacks:[/b] fly steel wing aerial ace quick attack [b]Items:[/b] quick claw [b]Name:[/b] armaldo [b]Nickname:[/b] zilla [b]Attacks:[/b] earth quake dig ancient power rock smash [b]Item:[/b]hard stone [b]Name:[/b] linoone [b]Nickname:[/b] zigy [b]Attacks:[/b] strength secret power slash cut [b]Item:[/b]left overs [b]Name:[/b] absol [b]Nickname:[/b] ice blaze [b]Attacks[/b] shadow ball future sight iron tail aerial ace [b]Item:[/b] focus band [b]Name:[/b] castform [b]Nickname:[/b] changling [b]Attacks:[/b] thunder weather ball ember powder snow [b]Item:[/b] shell bell
Evean and the others ran through the hall way. He looked back to see the other students and teams had found tracy and were placing bets. "Does every body in this building gamble" evean asked hime self as he turned back around. They came to the henger and went to there zoids. Evean got into the geno breaker as the others got into there zoids. They left the base one they got a location from talim for the battle. As they left the doors closed behind them. As they went into the dessert evean opened a channel to the camand center to see every one was in there watching. "So who has the highest bets" evean asked. "So far every one's betting on suzuki to beet talim" tracy said smilling. "And what about me and nitsu" evean asked. "Not to many people have bet on nitsu and the only people that have bet on you are vearens and zacks teams" tracy said. "They're just trying to get out of there classes with suzuki tommarrow" evean said trying to find vearen. "Well guys i'll not to let you down" suzuki said smilling. The people in the base cheered her on. Evean just shook his head. He was wondering if they'd do that every time they would go into battle.
Evean just shook his head. He had hoped that they wouldn't hear from him until the tournament. He looked to the screen as talim appeared. "What is it that you want now talim" evean asked. "Just to wish you guys luck and hope you don't get beaten in the first round of the tournament" talim said smiling. "Did you set another bomb in one of the wail kings or in the base" suzuki asked as she glared at talim. "Why would I do some thing like that again. Last time evean managed to bail out all of your zoids before the wail king blew up and if I did wouldn't the bomb of gone off by now" talim said glairing back. "So what is it that you want really want then" nitsu asked stepping into view. "I'm surprised to see you back so soon but back to the point i'm calling evean, suzuki and nitsu to a battle" talim said. Evean had to think about what was talim asked. The zoids had all ready gotten there upgrades in and were reloaded but evean didn't know if talim would try some thing while they were gone. He looked around to see tracy and the others all ready placing bets. "What is it with you guys and placing bets on us and how do you know we'll fight him" evean asked. "We know that if talim ever came by and challenged you again you'd fight him. You wouldn't let some one like him annoy you and not do any thing" vearen said as he started placing bets. "I some times hate it when you guys are right. Well put the place into a lock down once we've left and make sure we get some of that money" evean said as he got up. Suzuki and nitsu got up and followed as they placed some bets them self's. Evean just shook his head. "And suzuki i've herd that some one tried to steal some of your stuff. From what i've been told you still have one of them in the base some where locked away. Of coarse if I had any thing to do with it you'd have to find out. I'll see you guys on the battle field" talim said before the screen turned off. Suzuki just stood there for a couple of seconds then started running to the hanger. Evean and nitsu ran after her as the others headed to the command center.
Gene ran at his opponent who ran back. There swords hit each other as both fighters tried to push each other back. Gene jumped back and kicked his attacker. His opponent started falling back untill they hit a net. The fighter jumped away as arrows were fired from the trees. As the fighter moved gene ran up to him and started slashing. His opponent moved back as gene slashed but he still manadged to get a hit. The opponent jumped into the tree to hide from him. "Where did he get to" gene asked him self as he looked around. As he searched he herd a rustling sound and turned around. His opponent jumped out of the tree and started slashing at gene. gen was pushed back untill he was at a tree. As his opponent started to slash he jumped and pushed off against the tree. He took out his bow and fired five arrows as his attacker started running. The arrows went through his arms and legs. The fith arrow went past the mans neck and left a cut. "I guess I should work on my aim. That last one should of pierced your neck. You can tell use your employer or have this one go through your neck and this time I wont miss" gene said takeing out another arrow.
[COLOR=darkblue]Jake walked into the room where the tablet that was found is kept. He looked around and found it on a table. He took out a note book and started translating the text on it. As he wrote one of the workers in the base came into the room. "I'm general zeo agarz. I'm told your the murk that was hired to help translate the text on the tablet" zeo said walking up to him. "Ya, I'm jake. What can I do for you" jake asked as he put the note book back. "How much of the text have you translated and from what you know what is zoid eve" zeo asked. "I've gotten most of the text translated but there are some symbols I don't understand and as for what zoid eve is, I don't know. From the reports i've seen and the things i've read it suggests that zoid eve is a great power source. But as for what it truly is I don't know" jake said as he turned around. "Well, thanks for your help jake. Best of luck on your next mission and if you find any thing else I want you to report it as fast as you can" zeo said. Jake just nodded as he left. He took out his note book as he got into the hallway. He flipped it open and started reading through what he had translated as he started to the cafeteria.[/COLOR]
Gene and the others walked through the forest. Nothing had happened since they had left the dojo and it was bugging gene. If some one wanted them to keep from finding kenshin wouldn't some one be there to fight them. He looked around and thought he noticed some thing ahead of them. "I think we should stop going on this path guys" gene said stopping. "Why do you say that gene" kia asked as she stopped and looked back. Gene bent down and picked up a stick. He threw it ahead of them and it hit some thing in front of them. Arrows started firing from trees. The arrows hit the stick as it fell to the ground. "There was a trap net waiting for us. If we had kept going we would of been hit by the arrows" gene said. "Thanks for the warning gene" dg said. "Well it's official that you're no rookie" a voice said from around them. "So should we take them out and take out some threats" another voice asked. "Sure why not. This should be fun" the voice from before said. Two people dressed in black dropped out of the trees. They drew there weapons and looked over the group. "So who will be the first ones we kill" one of the people asked. "I'll step up. Is there any one else who'll fight with me" gene asked as he drew his sword.
Evean started cutting up some meat for dinner. As he started cooking the meat the others came in. "So what are you making to day guys" angel asked walking in. "I'm making burgers and as for what suzuki's making who knows" evean said smiling. Suzuki just hit him the shoulder. Evean looked back to see the rest of the team and the class team leaders coming into to. He noticed that alex and tracy were following siriko in. If they started fighting evean wouldn't know who to place bets on. "So what do you guys want on your burgers" evean asked. They all told him as vearen came walking up to him. Vearen started getting things out for the burgers. "So how was your first class with suzuki" evean asked looking at vearen. "She just gave us a basic test today so it wasn't to bad. So why is it that you made her a teacher" vearen asked looking at him. "For one she wanted to started teaching and the second reason is that i'll be giving the zoids tune ups for the tournaments" evean said. "Are you sure that's the only reason evean" vearen asked smiling. "Didn't I tell you not to look into these things" evean asked blushing. Vearen just started laughing under his breath as he left.
Glen looked down to see what was going on. Tracy took out his telescope and looked to see if there was any other ways around. "What do you think is going on down there" amber asked. Glen just shrugged his shoulders. He took the telescope from tracy and started watching the titan. One of the golems walked up to it and started talking but glen was to far to hear what it was. "We'll go take a look and see what they're trying to do" welk said as he and lomi ran down the canyon wall. They watched the zans go up to the titan and started asking questions. As they watched the others came up to them and watched to see what would happen. A couple of minutes later welk and lomi came back up. "So what's going on you two" glen asked. "They're trying to block you from getting over the canyon. The only way to the town on the other side is to use that path" welk said. "So what should we do then" kris asked. "What else plow through them if needed. Come on bells" glen said as he started walking. Bells nodded and followed. Once they went onto the path the titan and a couple of golems walked up to stop them. "By the orders of moo you are to be brought in. If you show no resistance you will not be harmed and this will be over quickly" titan said. "And what if I refuse" glen asked smiling. "Then you and any monsters you have will be harmed and most likely turned into a lost disk. Just for fair warning i'm one of the fastest enforcers following moo even though i'm a golem" titan said taking a fighting stance. "That will just make things more interesting" glen said smiling as the others came down.
Ganute looked around. Even though he had met someone who seemed nice there was something that was bugging ganute. He looked at req and gali who seemed to be having problems to. "Do you guys since something to" ganute asked. "I believe we're being watched boss" req said as he looked towards the cliffs near by. He could have just hit req on the head for calling him boss again but it wasn't the time for it. "O.k then. I don't want to alarm aurora so go do some recon around the cliffs gali" ganute said. Gali nodded and left into the forest. Once gali had gone beyond the forest line he looked at the cliffs to see if any one was there.