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O.O.C: She's talking about siriko. Evean and the others went back to the base. Evean set the zoids that were used onto auto pilot. He looked at suzuki to make sure she was all right. "You do know we've still got one of them at the base you can pound" evean said smiling. Suzuki just nodded. Evean looked forward as the base came into view. "If you don't want to tell me what was stolen from you that's fine and i've assigned you as a teacher" evean said as they entered the base. Suzuki just looked at him and smiled. They got out of the zoids and vearen went to his team. Evean just smiled as he and suzuki got out of the geno breaker. Zacks team came walking up to them but stayed a good distance away from suzuki. "Hopefully vearen has told you about your classes tomorrow" evean said. The students groaned a bit but nodded. "Well, i've decided that suzuki would be your guys permanent teacher starting tomorrow and it's still a free for all battle" evean said smilling. The students hung there heads down thinking about what kind of training suzuki would put them through. Evean just walked away to leave suzuki to her new students.
Evean, suzuki and vearen flew after the people who stole the information from suzuki. "Which on has it" suzuki asked. "It's one of the raynos pilots" vearen said. Suzuki nodded as she flew on ahead. Evean looked down to see siriko running on ahead. Evean looked on a head to see one of the raynos turning around to fight him. "I guess i'll take that one" evean said smilling. "O.k then. I guess I got the zabit" vearen said as he flew on ahead. The raynos activated it jets and chardged at evean as it fired. Evean flew up to avoid the shots then dived bomb. He went through his memory to remember it's weak point. He started fireing near the wing. The shots hit and it went down. "There's some thing to remember. Never use my own zoids against me. I'll know there weakness" evean smilling as he activated a program that would lock the cockpit so the pilot couldn't escape. Once the program was set he flew after the others.
kyp was still heading to the well as one of the blades that were still gaurding the castle flew up to him. He looked at it as it flew in a pattern. "So kaira dissapered. Do the others know yet" kyp asked. The blade replied as the disk kyp was sitting on slowed down. The blade flew in a pattern which ment they haven't found out yet. "O.k then. Go back to the castle and keep watch" kyp said as he set foot on the ground. The blades flew off as the disk turning back into blades. Kyp held out his hand and absorbed them. He walked through the forest and saw raven looking at the well. "I guess I should wait and see if she tries any thing" kyp thought to him self as he hid in the bushes.
Another ball was launched and both garai and neo went for it. Garai grabbed onto it but neo knocked it out of the clamp. "Go get it guys and make a goal" neo said to his team mates. One of the people on neo's team who were sitting on one of columns jumped for the ball and grabbed it. "Cesia, rath help out thatz" garai said as neo jumped over him and ran. Garai ran after them. Cesia hit the ball from neo's team mate and rath got it. He jumped on the columns to avoid then started dodging neo's team as they went after him. Garai ran after them as did neo. Rath tossed the ball to garai who was nearing the goal. "Seems like another score for us neo" garai said smiling. Neo just looked at him and ran faster. Neo jumped and tackled garai into a column. Garai dropped the ball and neo picked it up. "You were saying garai" neo said smiling as he ran at thatz with his team in front of him.
Glen started running ahead of the others. "Come on you guys. I thought zans and tigers were supposed to be some of the fastest monsters there are" glen said as he looked back. The monsters looked at each other then started running faster. The zans started to move ahead of the tigers and silver fang until they were neck and neck with glen. "Now that's what i'm talking about. Let's see how fast you can run" glen said smiling. The zans looked at each other then started to run ahead of glen. Glen looked at them then started to run faster. They came to a bunch of rocks jutting out of the ground. The zans just jumped on them while glen dodged them. Once the zans landed they saw that glen had managed to keep up. "Not bad. You must have a great endurance to keep up" lomi said. "No, I just like to keep up with monsters. I gotta be prepared especially when I got to out run them" glen said as he ran in front of them. The two zans nodded as they continued there race.
Ganute looked into the fire as he thought about an answer he could give. "I'm just traveling around to improve my ranching skills and to give these two some training" ganute said looking at his monsters. "From what I know jokers and gali's are hard monsters to raise so you must be pretty good" aurora said. "I just see my self as a normale rancher. I can get along with these two well excecpt when they do some thing to anoy me" ganute said. "And what kind of things do they do" one of aurora's monsters asked. "They keep calling me things like boss even though I tell them to stop" ganute said as he closed his eyes. "But we do see you as our boss, boss" req said. "See that can get realy anoying after about a month" ganute said hanging his head down. "We've answered your question on why we're out here so what is it that you four out in the forest" gali asked.
[COLOR=darkblue]Jake looked on as they're opponents left and dissapered. He looked down at the people he had help fight. "We might as well introduce our selfs" jake said. Zeeker replied as they jumped over the rocks they were hiding begind. We walked over to the pilots as they got out. Shadow scout lowered it's head to let jake get out. "Well I guess i'll be working with you four" jake said as he got out. "I guess so. Thanks for the help during the battle" one of them said. "You're welcome and i'm jake and this is my partner zeeker. Just call him shadow scout because he doesn't like any one else calling him zeeker except me" jake said smilling as he put out his hand. "I'll try to remember that and i'm cay" cay said as she shook his hand. She went around and introduced the others. "So what do you think they wanted" phelan asked. "Who realy knows. We'll probaply find out later" jake said as he walked to shadow scout and got back in the cockpit.[/COLOR]
Nice dragon knights and card captors banner. DO you think you could make a rath or thatz avi?
O.O.C: You're not the only one. I've been out of it for awhile Kyp went through the castle and looked around. He felt that he had been through there many types but he didn't remember coming there. "Why can't I remember my past" kyp asked him self. As he walked though the halls the knight from before came up to him. "So why'd you come here kyp. From what I know you were still traveling" coren asked. "Well, if you must know me and the others had come for the moon object" kyp said. "That doesn't seem like a good reason" coren said. "Well there's another reason. The girl who's turned into the dragoon of light is the moon child. I vowed to protect her and get the moon objects before a rouge winglie does" kyp said. Coren just looked at him a bit stunned. "Well i've never doubted you so i'll help you protect her. I give you my word as a knight" coren said smiling. "Thank you coren and I have a question for you" kyp said. "O.k then what is it" coren asked. "Do you know any thing about my past" kyp asked. Coren just shook his. "Then my search continues" kyp said as his wings appeared. He flew out through a balcony and sat on the roof. He looked towards the sky as he thought about what he knew about him self.
Crewger got into the room he would be staying in after grabbing a key. He jumped on to a bed after putting his spear down. He slung the bag he was carrying on his shoulder off. He started going through the things he had stolen from the castle. "Let's see if there's any thing that would sell for a good price" crewgwer said to him self as he went through the stuff. Most of it was either jewels, coins or jewelry. He saw a couple of things he liked and decided to keep them. What he had decided to keep was a broach, a neckless and a dagger. He put the rest of the stuff away as he got off the bed. "Now to find a place to sell this stuff" crewger thought smilling as he grabbed his spear off the floor. After he made sure he had all of the things he had brought with him he left.
Glen was looking along the wall as the henger took him through it. Most of the disks in the rock wall had been removed and had left marks. "We've manadged to remove most of the disks we've found and transport them" the henger said. "How long does it normaly take to get these out" glen asked. "It realy depends on the location of the disks. If they're to far into the rock it can take hours" the henger said as they walked through the tunnel. Glen herd running behind them and saw tracy running to catch up. "These tunnels are long. Couldn't you of taken him through the shorter ones at the top" tracy asked as he caught his breath. "All the other tunnels have been dead ends. There's some thing I belive that you'ld find interesting down here" the henger said as they continued. A couple of minutes later they came upon a stone pillar with a disk in it. "Whe've manadged to go around it but we haven't been able to get the disk out yet" the henger said pointing. Glen walked up to it and looked around the pillar. As he walked to the back he saw the same symbol on it that was on the temple. He took out his compase and put it on the symbol. The symbole glowed as the disk started spinning. As it spun a hole oppened in the back of the pillar and the disk fell through it. "My guess is that other than the disks all ready in here they wanted that one the most" tracy said as glen caught it. "Why would they want that one" the henger asked. "Who realy knows. We'll probaply find out later" glen said as he put it with the others. "Well we've stopped the tunnel work ahead so there's not realy much left to see so we'll started heading back" the henger said as they started back for the enterance.
Kyp was sitting on a chair when one of his blades came in. He had it so that if some one left the castle a blade would follow. It started flying in a pattern which normaly ment trouble. "So raven showed up. Did inuyasha and kagome get away" kyp asked. The blade reported that they did but it couldn't follow. "Well if ravens still there I should probaply investagate" kyp said staind up as he put the book down. Get walked to a window where about have of his blades were waiting for him. The one that reported to him joined the rest of them as they started spinning and turned into his riding disk. He got on and started heading for the well.
Gene and the others were walking through the town as herd some one fall from a tree. "There goes another spy" gene said. "How do you know another spy was caught" dg asked looking back. "I've asked that to but he never tells me. I think it's apart of the fighting style he created" mal said. "What's the style called" kia asked. "That's just it. He wont tell any one the name of it becuase he doesn't want any one to know how to use" mal said looking down. "I don't want my style to be used for wrong purposes so I will not teach it to any one or tell any one it's name" gene said. "If you knew some one who wouldn't use it for any evil purpose who you teach it to them" dg asked. "Yes but the only persion I would want to teach it to is mal. He has a possibilaty to learn it but he still has a way to go before he's strong enough" gene said. "The only problem is there is no part of it that uses a zanbattou so i'll need to started useing a lighter sword. If I ever want to learn the fighting style he created i'll need to get a new sword even though I like the main weapon I have now" mal said brining his head up. "Can't you just make him an attack that uses a zanbattou" kia asked. "He keeps asking me to and I tell him not to push his luck. Once I find kenshin and fight him then i'll think about it" gene said looking on ahead. He knew that people would come out of the forest to slow down there search for kenshin. He didn't mind becuase it would mean more training for him to improve his fighting style.
[COLOR=darkblue]Jake saw the peole get attacked. He started up the scanner systems and moved into a better sniper possion. "Zeeker start rotating through the scanner systems and see if you can find the zoid that dissapered" jake said. Zeeker beeped a reply as jake move the dark scout. He piloted it to a group of rocks that would give him some cover. Once in place he started targeting with his sniper rivel. He fired at the storm sworder who was fireing at them. He hit it in the wing and it started going down. "Have you found that blade liger yet" jake asked. Zeeker replied and gave the best postion that it could of the blade liger on a screen. "O.k zeeker. Start working on a new scanner system so we can see the zoid easier if we have to fight them again later" jake said Zeeker replied as jake started fireing at the location zeeker gave him[/COLOR]
Alot of these are pretty good except the rules state there are supposed to be some qoutes. Since it's my job to spot some of the problems i'll do my best. dark_dragongirl: your the letering in your picture is a bit blurry. Kieko: your fourth banner is blurry to. OtakuSennen: you're banners are good except there aren't any quots and try not to use japaness. Not every one can read it. MrSonic: you need to of used some better pictures but other than that you have a good quote.
Kyp took out his dragoon spirit and the fire dragoon spirit. He pointed them to seles and they glowed. "It seems the next dragoon of fire is comeing. He should be by here in the mourning" kyp said as he put the spirits away. He turned around and headed out side. "I goofed up on this one. I should of known that the virage would get out. It was probaply allowed to be caught so it could be a distraction" kyp said looking down. He looked up into the sky to see the stars out. "I wonder what my future holds. I'll need to ask when we get to fletz" kyp thought. As he looked at the stars siriko came out. "How are you doing kyp" kethri asked. "I'm fine except that I can't belive I let the moon object get stolen. The last moon object is the astral dagger in fletz" kyp said. "Speaking of which how are we supposed to get there" kethri asked. "We'll need to go through the bog, then hoax and the barrens" kyp said. "Well don't worry. I'm sure we'll get the dagger before it's stolen" kethri said as she headed back into the castle.
Evean and suzuki left the base as he herd the others come out from hiding in the tunnels. "If some one tries to make a joke about this they're in for some trouble" evean thought looking back at the base. Then thought about ways to help suzuki. "So what was stolen. If you don't want to tell me you don't have to" evean said preparing to run if needed. She just looked at him so he was relived when she didn't hit him. "Some information about people I know was stolen from my diary" suzuki said looking down. "Well I don't think any one in the base would of stolen it" evean said. "Ya they know better than that and if they don't they're going to find out why" suzuki said. "No one has herd from talim since he escaped so he could of stolen it" evean said. "Ya but who knows if he did" suzuki said. "The only people who are allowed in the base are the students and teams who don't have enough money to by a base" evean said. "O.k but what if some one came in as one of the teams then found the diary" suzuki asked. "Well the cameras would of recorded some thing unless they were tampered with" evean said. "I viewed the recordings but the power went out before I could look" suzuki said. "Well there is a second set of cameras that aren't connected with the normale system and has a seperate power sourse so those cameras wouldn't be afected" evean said. "I guess we could go look at those ones" suzuki said as they headed back. Evean took out his head set and put it on. "Has any one left the base yet" evean asked as he ran to catch up. "No ones left since you guys came back" tracy said. "O.k then. Go through the people there and see if you can find some one who's not supposed to be there" evean said. "I'll tell the rest of the team and we'll see if we can find them" tracy said as he the cannel turned off.
Evean turned a dial on his watch and a screen opened up with tracy on it. "What did you do now evean" tracy asked looking around. "I didn't do any thing this time. Where's the teams staying at the base" evean asked. "Most of them bailed out once suzuki started screaming" tracy said. "And what about max, kate, jake and sara" evean asked. "They were training some of the students and they're still out. I'll warn them" tracy said. "O.k then. Get alen, siriko, nitsu and angle to gather the students then bring them into the tunnels" evean said. Tracy nodded as the screen turned off. "What tunnels are you talking about" vearen asked. "When the second wing to the base was built I had some emergancy tunnels built. I go in there to hide from suzuki some times" evean said turning a dial on his watch. A hole opened up and they went in. "So this is where you hide" siriko said walking up to them. "So what will we do about suzuki" vearen asked. "Try not to get in her way. The last guy who missed with her stuff and got caught had there arm broken" evean said as the hole closed. "So who's going to try and calm her down" nitsu asked walking up to them with a bunch of students behind her. They all looked at evean. "Why me. Why can't nitsu do it" evean asked backing away. "She seems to like you evean" vearen said smilling. "If you keep that up i'm turning it into a one on one battle" evean said pointing at vearen. Vearen shut up and backed away into the group. "I guess i'll go but next time nitsu's going" evean said as a door opened above them. Evean climbed a ladder and started looking for suzuki.
Evean turned around and looked at the ceiling as vearen came in. "Does she always do that" vearen asked looking down at him. "It all depends on her mood" evean said as he got up. "Just to let you know you'll be facing team fire phinox tommarow which is led by a kid named zack and suzuki will be helping you" evean said. "Why will she be helping us" vearen asked getting nervose. "Zack's team is a group of six and your team is a group of five" evean said as he got up and headed to the door. Vearen nodded as he walked up to him. "So do you like her" vearen asked smilling. "Haven't you been told not to look into things you shouldn't" evean asked glairing at him. "Yes but I just like to look into things" vearen said. "I'm turning your class into a battle royal now" evean said going through the door. Vearen's mouth dropped. "Your turning it into a battle free for all now" vearen asked running up to him. "Yes. do you have a problem with that" evean asked. "Yes. She'll trample us into dust. Especially with those up grades you got her" vearen said. "Welcome to my world vearen. Best of luck to you guys tommarow. You'll need it to survive againt her" evean said smilling as he ran down the hall. Vearen ran after him trying to get him to change his mind.
[color=darkblue]Jake had been riding in shadow scout for a couple of hours while review over his text books on ancient zoidians. "How long till we reach the base zeeker" jake asked looking up from his books. Zeekers answer started scrolling across a screen showing that it would be about and hour before they'ld reach the base at the rate they were going at. Jake nodded as he went back to reading his book. As he read one of the scanners went off. He pushed a button and a view of two zoids along with some organoids were close by. "Let's follow them for abit zeeker. We'ld be early if we kept going so let's follow them for a bit to blow some time" jake said putting the book away. Zeeker agreed as they followed the zoids but at a far distance.[/color]
After a couple of minutes they came into the base to find the others waiting. Vearen parked the gustav and opened the back. Evean got out and walked to the back of it to started unloding the upgrades. "O.k guys here are you upgrades" evean said passing them out. Once every one got there upgrades evean saw vearen lookinng at the zoids. "What's wrong vearen" evean asked walking up to him. "I herd this place was big but I didn't think it was this big. You can probaply fit over two hundred zoids in here" vearen said looking at a iron kong. "The last time I checked there was about three hundred and fifty zoids in here and half of them are mine" evean said smilling. Vearen just nodded as he continued to look around. "I herd there are some class teams. Is there one your going to assign me to" vearen asked. "There is a team haveing problems choosing a leader. I'll have you lead the team" evean said as he walked down a hall. "I don't think i'm the leader type of persion. I think i'm more of a follower" vearen said running to catch up. "Don't worry about it. You seem to have good skills so they should listen" evean said as he stopped infront of a room. Inside the room was a small conference room for the teams. In side the room there were four students fighting over who would be the team leader. "kathy, mick, emily, fred settle down. We have a new student and he's joining your team" evean said. Only fred and kathy stopped but mick and emily were still fighting. "If you don't stop fighting you're haveing a two hour class with suzuki tommarow" evean yelled. Mick and emily shut up and sat down. "Why'd you use suzuki to get them to shut up" vearen asked. "She can be mean when you get her ticked off" evean said. "Ya and you'ld know more than any of us" fred said under his breath. "I herd that fred. But as I said before vearen is joining your team as leader because you four couldn't agree. I hope you'll treat him with respect and if you don't you'll all have classes while i'm gone for the tournament" evean said. The students nodded as evean left.
I guess you have alot of time on your hands. That banner kind of reminds me of my self. I hardly get happy and when I do I don't show it.
Gene fell back with mal so they could try to speak with each other with out the others listening. "So what will we do after you fight with kenshin" mal asked. "We'll be on our way and I can continue to perfect my technique and don't even ask becuase I probaply wont make you one for awhile" gene said. Mal just nodded. "So what do you think about those two" mal asked pointintg. "I think they're good fighters and they'll have a challandge finding kenshin" gene said closing his eyes. "I'm not talking about there fighting skills. I'm talking about how they act. I for one think they're cute" mal said smilling. Gene just hit him in the head. "Get controll of your self and focus mal. You can worry about how they look later after we've found kenshin and i've had my fight with him" gene said glairing at mal. Mal just nodded as he rubbed his head. "O.k but do you think you could hit a little less harder next time" mal asked. "I can't promise you any thing and keep on your gaurd" gene said as he looked around.
It's goo but my question is how fast do you make these things?
Could use some color in the backround and it kind of seems some thing a evil leader in movies or shows would say don't you think?