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T man

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Everything posted by T man

  1. Kyp and the others faught against the virage. Kyp sent out a wave of energy knocking the virage over. "I think you got it kyp" felica said. Kyp just shook his head. The virage got up and roared. "How strong is this thing" kethri asked taking a fighting stance. "Well what would expect from some thing that can bring down dragons" kyp said. "These things are as powerfull as dragons" kethri asked shocked. "Normale virages have the power to bring down dragons but I don't know about this one. It's not a real virage" kyp said smilling as he slashed at the virage. "Well this thing seems as strong as the ones i've herd of" felica said. Kyp just shook his head as the dragon spirit activated. Kyp took it out as a knight came running up to him. "Hey kyp, I thought I asked you not to do any thing like this. Well not with out me any ways" the knight said. "Sorry but I don't remember saying that" kyp said. "Stop joking man but more to the point what's going on here" the knight asked. "We're fighting a minerature virage so either shut up and fight or leave" kyp said as the virage made a swing for them. Kyp and the knight jumped back. "Well who ever you are catch" kyp said as he tossed the dragon spirit. The knight caught it and it glowed. "Hay kethri let's go" kyp said as he held onto his dragoon spirit. Kethri nodded as she glowed. They both went into there dragoon forms. "So what can I do like this kyp" kethri asked. "Use the star children attack" kyp said as he held his hands together. "I don't know how but i'll try" kethri said raising her hands. Teh clouds above them parted and showed the stars. Balls of light started streaking from the starts and struck the virage. "I'll help you guys out" the knight said casting a rave twister spell. A twister started spinning around the virage. "Let's bring it down. I'll use the divine dg ball attack" kyp said as a ball of energy appeared in his hands. He threw it at the virage striking it. The virage started falling as kyp and kethri returned back to normale.
  2. Your entry's alot better than mine considering my entery was the second banner i've ever made. Those banners are good and I know a friend at school who would like that sailor moon one.
  3. [b]Name:[/b] zieg [b]Age:[/b] about 20 [b]Description:[/b] [URL=http://guidesarchive.ign.com/guides/13238/images/disk4/disk4_05/disk04_050.jpg]zieg[/URL] (this isn't the best of pictures but if I find a better one i'll use it) [b]Bio:[/b] (not much is known about zieg so i'll just make some of it up) Zied is the dragoon of fire or also known as the red eyed dragoon. He is the leader of dragoons and seeks to defeat the winglies before they can finish there plans for making the god soa's dream of a perfect world a reality. He's a warrior who does what's needed of him and will protect those he cares about. [b]Element:[/b]fire [b]Side:[/b] Human/dragoon
  4. T man

    Ruroni Kenshin

    Gene looked out the window to see the girls they were following were coming to see them. Gene grabed his weapons and went to find his brother. He found him sharpining his zanbattou. "Our targets are coming and we're being watched" gene said. "Ya I noticed. The guy's on a roof about three buildings away" mal said standing up. Gene walked over to a window as mal got up and followed. "He's over there. He came some time after those two guys in the forest finished there fight and hasn't left" mal said pointing. Gene opened his window as he drew an arrow and took aim. He fired the arrow and hit there watcher. The persion fell off of the building. "Well since they're out of the way for the time being let's go meet those two" gene said closing the window as they left the room. They left the hotel as the girls came out of the hospital. "So what is it that you two want" mal asked as they walked to each other. "How do you know we were planning to talk to you" one of them asked. "For one you looked right at me when we were in the hotel and it's seems we'll both be heading in the same way" gene said. "Your trying to save kenshin to" the other one asked. "I'm just out to fight him and nothing more. I don't care what happens to him after words" gene said. "Once gene has his fight with kenshin we'll be on our way" mal said. "So is there any thing else you two want to talk about or are we going to just stay here, be silent and wait for one of the guys who've been following us to show up" gene asked.
  5. Well I decided to take a try at this. It's a tenchi one and this would be my second banner attempt so no flames please. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=529050[/IMG]
  6. T man


    Garai looked at a watch on his hand. "Well you guys can either stay and put the aromor on the ship or come with me to watch my team play against neo's in haraku" garai said as he started heading towards the car. The other looked at each then ran to catch up. The others took there seats as garai started the car. As they left the space port and headed towards the stadium it started getting dark out. "So is there any thing we should know about this sport" demi asked. "It's pretty simple so you should get the idea easily" garai said as they came to the stadium. As they parked and got out of the car lucca walked up to them. "The cesia and the others are waiting for you" lucca said. "Thanks. Will you show them to the team sky box" garai asked as they headed towards the stadium. Lucca nodded as they entered. Garai went down a hall to meet up with the others. He saw cesia and the others talking. "Are you ready to go guys" garai asked. "We're ready when ever you are" thatz said. Garai nodded as they left the hall and entered the playing field. The field was covered in grass, had six columns and was covered by a net. Garai looked over to neo's side to see his team chanting. "What is the belive i'v taught you guys" neo asked raising his haraku staff. "Defeat to the enemy, victory is life" neo's team cheered. Garai just shook his head as he took his place. Neo just walked up to garai. "Come on garai. This time we're not tieing this time and one of us probaply wont come out of this alive" neo said. "Ya but when ever we play against each other we tie and both of us make it out" garai said smilling. "Ya but this time I don't think you'll make it out" neo said as a hole opened beneath them. A metal ball with rings circling around it was launched into the air. Garai jumped as the rings dissapered. He hit it with his staff to cesia who hit it into neo's goal. "So far we're in the lead" cesia said said smilling. "Ya let's try to keep it up" garai said as he took his place again.
  7. T man

    Ruroni Kenshin

    Gene looked in the direction there follower had gone. He had left after the persion who faugh the two girl. "So what'll we do if those two girl don't pull through" mal asked. "They better. They're my only lead to kenshin" gene said. "Ya but what if that guy comes after us" mal asked as they heard thunder clouds. "He came after those two becuase they were trying to find kenshin and save him. I'm just out to fight him" gene said. Mal nodded as they started walking. "We'll stay in the hotel close to the hospital so we can make sure they're o.k" gene said as it started raining. Gene got a room for them then they headed up. They entered the room and mal got onto his bed after dropping his zanbattou and whip. Gene looked out of the window as more lighting sounded. "A fight is about to break out. I wonder who'll win" gene said as he looked towards the forest.
  8. Tsubasa waited as the other girls waked up. He was waiting to see if they would need any help even though he didn't want to. The thing that was annoying him the most was that abby hadn't shut up yet. "Is there any way to shut her up" tsubasa asked starting to get ticked off. "She's normaly not like that" one of the girls said as they got up. "Wll if no one's going to do any thing I will" tsubasa said. He turned around and knocked abby out. She started falling and tsubasa caught her. "Was that realy needed" another girl asked. "Since no one could think of some thing I decided to" tsubasa said handing abby over to them. He saw the guys from his class start you leave. "You guys better not be running" tsubasa said as they were about to get on there bikes. "I'm going to make sure you go back" tsubasa said as he got back on his skate board. He went after them as they went back to there dorm rooms.
  9. O.O.C: I realy don't know what's going on with tthat post so i'll just go along with it. Tsubasa just shook his head then hit the girl on the head with the staff. "What was that for" the girl asked rubbing her head. "I needed you to shut up and there would of been worse ways I could think of" tsubasa thought. He could of set her on fire or frozen her lips. He started heading back to the remains of the party. "So what's your name" the girl asked runing up to him. "Most people just call me basa" tsubasa said not looking back. "Ok then. My names abby" abby said. Tsubasa didn't say any thing. He walked out of the forest to see the girls friends getting up from the ground. He looked around and saw the guys from his class just looking at what happened. He just walked up to them and wacked them on the head. "What was that for" one of them asked. "For probaply not helping when you could of and for being drunken @$$ hole bastards" tsubasa said. "When did we do some thing like that" another one asked. Tsubasa just pointed over his shoulder to the girl who tried comeing after him. "Oh ya, her. I wonder what had happened to her" the one who came abby after before said. "We don't need some of you being locked away again becuase it'll be a bad rep for the school so try to have some controll or i'll do worse than wacking you guys on the head" tsubasa said glairing at them. They nodded as they backed away. Tsubasa didn't say any thing and started back.
  10. T man


    "Not every one follows the councile. Well not on this planet any ways" garai said looking at hak. "I thought most planets did" hak said. "Well this one doesn't. You have to remember this planet isn't suppost to exist. It can't be shown on any maps or scans so you guys are basicly the only ones that know it's here" garai said. "Does that mean that not much is known about this place" zsuzsanna asked. "Technically this place is nothing but a rumor. To most people this place isn't real and is nothing but a legend" garai said smilling. "Like I said before. If your going to need a place to hide why not come here to place that's only a rumor" garai said. "Then you do have your own main language" hak asked. "Yes. The mother lagnuage is required for zantars to take if they ever want to leave the planet or if people from off planet are coming" garai said. Hak just nodded as lucca came down the ramp. "The ships systems have been reset. You can start putting the armor on but we'll need to set up stands to cancel the magetic fields long enough to get them on the ship" lucca said as she walked over to the cart and unhooked it from lumina. She took out some polls from the cart then set them around the ship. The orbs on them flashed and a bubble formed around the ship then dissapered. "You can start putting them on now" luccan said as she got on luminna. "Thanks lucca. I'll see ya at the game" garai said as lucca left again.
  11. T man

    Ruroni Kenshin

    Gene knew that one of there followers had already gone ahead and one went for a better view point. Mal was uneasy because gene wouldn't let him go after one of them. "I know one of them is still here so why can't we go after them" mal asked. "It's just proof that you're improving and we'll go after them when a reason's given" gene said. "I understand that las part but what do you mean my skills are improving" mal asked. "After they've moved around that fast and you still know they're here means that your hearing has improved. Eventualy your skills will be as high as mine and you'll be able to tell where they are with out looking" gene said as they neared the edge of the forest. "Does that mean there's a closer chance of you making an attack in your technique that requires a zanbattou" mal asked looking at gene. "Don't push your luck mal" gene said as he went ahead. Mal sighed then ran to catch up.
  12. Maverick thought about what he could do. He could go back to the dungeon and finish looking around, get some practice in or get a little vengence on the mod that had stoped them. He decided with the little bit of vengence. He started a hacking program that he had origanily made for fighting monsters. Four sparks of light appeared next to him then flew toawrds the gate. As they dissapered a screen opened up. It showed the mod geting up after geting read of the status effects. the sparks appeared around her then started spinning around her. She tried hitting them but they just avoided her swing and formed bonds around her. She fell to the ground as she tried to get out. "It'll probaply be a couple of mintes before the program stops" maverick thought as he closed the screen. He raised his weapon and warped to another dungeon.
  13. Those are some pretty good banners you've made. You'll probaply end up making as many banners Ruby does for other members.
  14. T man


    Garai started thinking about the answer. He hadn't played any one since he left home. Because there weren't to many zantars that were off planet the game wasn't well known. "It's a sport called haraku. It's a phisycle sport with three groups. The groups are for normale breeds, special breeds and a mixed group for both special and normale breeds. I lead a mixed team. The spots are goaly, slammer and two normale players" grai said. He stopped explaining the game as he heard some one moving around. He turned around as a object was thrown at him. He grabed the object and spun it in his hand. It was a staff with one side with a large hammer part and a metale clamp on the other side. "You guys can come out now" garai said looking up. The others looked up to see three pairs of glowing eyes looking at them. The people above them started dropping from the ceiling. "Can all you guys do that" seichiro asked. "We all can" one of the zantars said as they landed on the ground. "It's good to see you haven't lost your touch garai" a female zantar said as she stood up. "Guys i'd like to introduce you to my team. My best friend cesia, her twin brother rath and our goaly thatz" garai said pointing to them. "Then that makes you the slammer and what is that" hak asked. "I'm the one who tries to make most of the goals" garai said. "When we saw lucca leaving the ranch we figured you had arrived. We've been able to keep our rank so we'll need your help against neo's team" thatz said. "Speaking off who where's lucca" garai asked. Once he finished the asking lucca came with a car as luminna came with a wooden cart hooked up to her back. "She's not old enough to drive yet so she uses remot controlls" garai said as he walked over to luminna. He opened the cart and pulled out what looked like a metal plate. "This a very strong form of metal. It generates a magnetic field so the ship will need to be set to work with it" garai said as he put the plate back. He looked to lucca and she nodded. "I'm on it garai" lucca said as she walked into the ship. "Where's she going" hak asked going after her. "Just let he go hak. She knows what she's doing" grai said trying to reasure him. "Fine but she better not mess any thing up" hak said. "Well it's nice seeing you again garai but it's probaply best that we go and prepare" rath said. Garai nodded as they left.
  15. Tsubasa woke up because he herd some thing. He looked down to see one of the guys in his class tugging at a girl who was trying to climb the tree he was sleeping in. "He's probaply drunk again. I'll need to pound some sence into him later when we get back" tsubasa thought as he started going back to sleep. He would of fallen asleep untill he herd a crashing sound. "What's going on now" tsubasa asked as he opened his one of his eyes. He looked down to see the girl had fallen. "I normaly mind my own buisness and leave others alone but I was taught be a gentlemen so I have to go down" tsubasa thought shaking his head. "Why do I get the feeling i'm going to hate my self for this later" tsubasa thought as he pulled his weapons out of the tree and put them back together. He slung it on his back as he grabed his skate board. He started heading back down the tree.
  16. T man


    As they landed they started hearing a roaring sound. "What was that" sichiro asked. "It was probaply nothing" hak said. "No, that would probaply be luminna" garai said smilling. "Who or what is luminna" hak asked looking at hm. "She's my pet. Look out the window and you'll see her comeing to the city" garai said pointing. They looked out to see some thing leaving a dust trail as it ran to the space port. "How big is luminna" zsuzsanna asked. "You'll see soon enough" garai said as they landed. As they got out of the ship they saw a girl holding a cat waiting for them. "Hey sis. I was wondering if you'ld show up" garai said as he came down the ramp. "Hi garai the teams been missing you and they've got a game comeing up" garai's sister said as the cat jumped out of her arms. "Who's this and is that luminna" seichiro asked looking at the cat. "This is my sister lucca and that's luminna's kitten" garai said. "Then where's luminna" demi asked. "She's right behind you. A narataku is never far from there kittens" lucca said. They turned around to see a large black cat with fangs as long as garai's sword and a blade on it's tail stairing at them. "How violent are these things" hak asked backing away from luminna. "Mostly the wild ones are violent. The tamed one's wont fight unless they're ordered to or they're provoked" garai said walking up to luminna and petting her on her head. "So who's the team playing" garai asked. "They're playing neo's team. Cesia was wondering if you could play becuase you were home for the time" lucca said picking up luminna's kitten. "Is she talking about the same neo that attacked us" seichiro asked. Garai just nodded. "Once we get things done here and I get some of the armor from the farm tell cesia and the others i'll be at the stadium" garai said. Lucca nodded as she got on luminna and left.
  17. As evean and the others went to the town a zoid came up on his scanners. "Hold on guys. We have company comeing" evean said as he stopped the geno breaker. The others stopped as evean got out of the geno breaker. A scout fox came up to them and stopped. The scout fox neeled down and the pilot got out. "Are you the leader of the demolition runners named evean" the pilot asked walking up to him. "Ya and how may I help you" evean asked. "I'm vearen kethree and i'd like to start takeing classes at the base if you'll alow it" vearen asked sticking out his hand. "Sure why not. It's nice to get a new student" evean said shaking vearens hand. "Who's this" siriko asked getting out of her lighting saix. "This is vearen.He'll be takeing classes at the base now. Of coarse we'll need to finish the sign up once we get back" evean said as vearen shook hands with siriko. "We're heading into town. You could head to the base or come with us" evean said. "I guess i'll come with you guys" vearen said. Evean nodded as they got back into there zoids. They started of towards the towna again. "Just a bit of warning to you vearen. Don't eat any of suzuki's cookies. She'll chase you untill she finds you" siriko said. "Thanks for the warning" vearen said. "Darn I was hoping she wouldn't talk about that. I had hoped he would draw some of the fire" evean thought as they went though the dessert.
  18. Tsubasa just shook his head. "I might as well get some sleep if i'm going to be staying here" tsubasa thought. He walked out of the forest and grabed his skate board which was sitting near a chair. He slung his staff onto a holder on his back, grabed his skate board and went to the closest tree near him. It looked like the largest on around which ment less of a chance of some one seeing him and bugging him. He started climbing as he a glance to check if any body was watching him. Once he got to the top he sat down on a branch. He took the staff and seperated it into two. The blades came up and he put them into the tree above his shoulders so he could grab them quickly if needed. He put his skate board on them as he looked around. He saw the guys from his class start talking to the new girls who had come to the party. Tsubasa just shook his head again as he went to sleep.
  19. [b]Name:[/b] jake kelo [b]Sex:[/b] male [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Role:[/b] mercinary [b]Appearance:[/b] brown eyes, brown hair black tint goggles, red T-shirt, orange vest, black pants, boots, gloves with out the fingers [b]Personality:[/b] nice, get's cocky some times, is rude to people he doesn't like [b]Bio:[/b] Jake had been given a scout fox the day he left his home to make a name for him self. Most people see him as a great zoid pilot so if a tuff situation comes up they'll see if he can help. He's one of the few people that can read zoiden text with out needing help so the GF hired him to help find the bandits and translate the tablet that was found. [b]Zoid:[/b] [URL=http://www.zoidsunofficial.coolfreepages.com/scout_fox.htm]scout fox[/URL] [b]Type:[/b] fox [b]Nick name:[/b] dark scout [b]Weapons:[/b] back mounted gattling gun, pulse laser gun, Az 180 sniper rifle, shock cannon, AZ-70mm laser vulcan gun [b]Support Systems:[/b] electromagnetic net gun, smoke screen, multi censor array, pulse gaurd [b]Upgrades:[/b] hyper energy shield, booster unit
  20. Crewger kept slashing demons as he went. He was either looking for a way to the persion who had scream or was looking for some kind of treasure that he could take. As he came to another hall he saw another demon. This one was a lot bigger than the others and was guarding a door. Crewger came running up then jumped. He spun his blade around and stabbed it in its skull. He pulled out his spear as it started falling back wards. He jumped as it hit the door and broke it open. Crewger looked in and smiled. The room was loaded with piles of treasure. "Some of this stuff should be able to hold me for a while" crewger thought running into the room. He started grabbing any thing valuable or any thing he liked in sight. Once he got a full bag he got out of the room and started running as he slung the bag over his shoulder. "If this place is here later i'll come back for the rest of it when no ones around" crewger thought smiling. He started searching for hunter but didn't see any sign of him. As he walked he felt some strong presence around. He didn't know why but he started running towards it. He came to a room and opened it a bit. He saw hunter with a girl and what looked like baby dragons. He also saw a guy take a sword out to strike them. Crewger came in and did a thunder spell hitting the guy in the back. Sparks of energy could be seen as the guy started getting paralized The guy looked at him then disappeared. "Is he o.k" crewger asked as he ran up to them as he removed a veil. "He's very wounded but he's alive. Who are you and what's that your caring on your back" the girl asked. "I'm crewger and this is no time to talk" crewger said changing the subject. He pored the veil into hunters mouth. His wounds started healing. Crewger picked up hunter and jumped out of the hole he made. Crewger picked up the girl as the dragons flew out. They looked around and saw two more people show up.
  21. Crewger ran to the doors of the caslte but didn't see a way in other than the front door. "In a place like this they got to have some treasure" crewger thought as he walked to the front door. He tried pushing it open but it was locked. He took out his spear. One of the blades glowed as he jumped. He put the blade between the door and brought it down. Once he landed the door opened. He came in as he herd the sound of some one coming. "Yes. There are some demons in here" crewgwer thought as a bunch of demons came out of the shadows. Crewger started slashing them down as he went farther into the castle. As he went through the halls demons came to face him. Most of them but up a pretty good fight but didn't last long against him. "The faster I beat these guys that faster I can raid the place of any thing valuable" crewger thought as he went farther into the castle.
  22. T man

    Ruroni Kenshin

    O.O.C: The zanbattou is the large sword weapon that sanoske use against kenshin when they faught. It's also the reason sanoske was called zanza. Gene and mal started heading to the edge of the town. They stopped and waited for there followers to catch up. "You wouldn't happen to be the kelroy brothers would" one of them asked. "Ya. Why is it any consern to you" gene asked resting his hand on his sword. "Most call you the rageing storm becuase some one or some thing gets hurt when your in a town. It's also said that you have your own technique and it's vary strong" another one said. "Whats your point" mal asked. "You can either tell us how to use your technique or we kill your brother along with you" another one of the guys said. "I will show you the a move from the technique but the only ones who will die will be you" gene said drawing his sword. He dissapered as he ran. A coupel of seconds later he reapered and most of the guys following them dropped. "If you'ld like i'll do it again only it'll be more painfull for the rest of you" gene said smilling. There followers got scared and started backing away. "Come on gene. I want to take a try at them. i'll just hurt them enough to regret coming after us" mal said stepping forward. Gene just nodded. Mal charged at them and swung his zanbattou. They jumped into the air. Mal quickly chainged the angle of his swing and struck all of them. They all fell to the ground with some of there bones broken. "Normaly you can't swing a zanbattou upwards but i've learned how" mal said smilling. "Come on mal. We should probaply get going" gene said putting his sword back. Mal nodded as they entered the town. The jumped onto the roofs and started searching for the girl after kenshin.
  23. T man

    Ruroni Kenshin

    Gene had been watching the fight from a roof. From what he saw the girl was well experenced with fighting. "So do you think she's after kenshin to" gene asked. When he didn't here a responce he turned around. He saw that his brother wasn't there. Gene just shook his head. "I've told him not to go off on his own becuase he always get's in trouble" gene thought as he jumped off of the roof. "Knowing mal he'll go to the closet resturaunt" gene thought as he started running. He came to a resturaunt and opened the door. "Have you seen a kid with a zanbattou come in here" gene asked. "Ya. He's in a booth down at the end of a row" the waitress said. Gene nodded as he started walking. He found mals zanbattou out side of a booth. He looked in and saw mal eating. "How many times have I told you not to leave with out telling me" gene said hitting his brother on the head. "I would of told you but I was hungry. Why don't you join me and grab a bit" mal said rubbing his head. Gene didn't say any thing and just sat down. "I found some one who might be looking for kenshin" gene said. "Good. The faster you fight him the faster you can make a technuiqe that uses a zanbattou for me" mal said smilling. "I never said i'd make you one" gene said hitting his borther again. "We'll follow the girl and see if she finds kenshin" gene said as he started looking at a menu.
  24. Crewger heard the sound of some one scream as he fired an energy blast at the dragon. The dragon stumbled back becuase the blast hit in the head. Crewger spun his spear and sent out a wave of lighting stunning the dragon. "If we're going to bring it down we might as well do it now" crewger said to the guy he was working with. The guy nodded as crewgers spear blades glowed. They both charged at the dragon. They swung there weapons making a larg X in the dragons chest. The dragon fell as it lost blood. He looked in the direction the scream came from and senced some thing was there and he wouldn't like what it was. "Thanks for you help and i'm hunter" hunter said. "Your welcome. I'm crewger. I get the feeling we'll be both heading towards that scream so why don't he team up for awhile" crewger said sticking out his hand. Hunter nodded as he shook crewgwers hand. They both put back there weapons and headed in the direction the scream came from.
  25. Max looked around and herd the others coming. The rode he and kilo were on mergded with the one the others were on. "So do you have any idea of where we go from here because we don't realy have a place to stay" charlie asked. "We can stay at the guy who built my motorcycles place" max said as he took out a head set and put it on. He turned a dial on it as they left the city. "Hey max. I was wondering when you'ld call" a voice said. "Ya ray. We need a place to stay so can we stay at your place" max asked. "Of coarse you can max. You'll need to use the under ground entrance becuase you and all of your friends are on the news" ray said. "Ya just don't rub it in man" max said turning the head set off. As they left the city there were less houses around them. As they went into the country side they saw a mansion ahead. "Is that your friends place" charlotte asked winding down a window. Max nodded as the ground rumbled. A larg door opened infront of them and started lighting up. "Down here guys. Ray should be waiting for us" max said as they went into the tunnels. "So can this guy be trusted" jackle asked. "He's my oldest friend so he's trustable" max said as they started coming to a parking lot. Once they stopped there was a man already waiting for them along with a six year old girl. Once they stopped the girl jumped on max. "Hi uncle maxy how was your trip" the girl asked climbing on to his head. The others just looked at him as they got out of the car. "She likes to call me her uncle even though i'm not" max said as he took the girl off of his head and got off of his motorcycle. "You guys can stay as long as you like. Most of the rooms are empty so choose any that you like" ray said stepping forward. "Thanks for the help but you'll probaply get in trouble" kilo said getting off of max's motorcycle. "I'm used to trouble. I normaly make it by creating cars, boats, helicopters and motocycles like max's" ray said smilling. "Would it be possible to get one of those cars? We may need one later" jackle said. "If you tell me what you want i'll make it for you" ray said. Jackle just nodded. "I belive that max knows the way around here so he can show you around. Come on jamie, it's probaply time for you to go to sleep" ray said as he left with jamie following. "Come on. This place is pretty big so it'll take a while to go through the whole place" max said as he left and the others followed.
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