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T man

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Everything posted by T man

  1. T man

    Ruroni Kenshin

    [b]Name:[/b] gene kelroy [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] male [b]Description:[/b] black hair, brown eyes, blue head band, gauntlets, boots, red shirt, black pants, sand colored cloak, [b]Bio:[/b] Gene travels on his own becuase he doesn't have a family. He travels to improve his own skill and perfect his own technique even though he doesn't use it. he wishes to challange kenshin to a fight to test his limets. Most consider him a man slayer but others just call him the rageing storm becuase where ever he goes some thing gets distroyed or some one gets hurt. He'll help some only if he thinks they can't help them selfs. [b]Weapons:[/b] sword, glaive, bow and arrows [b]Side:[/b] neither
  2. Ganute was walking through the forest with his monsters behind him. "How are you two holding up back there" ganute asked. "We're doing fine back her boss" req said. Ganute just slapped his hand to his face. He liked his monsters alot but the thing that bugged him was what they called him. "I told you guys i'm not your boss. I'm your partner rancher so don't call me boss" ganute said letting his hand down as he turned around. "Yes but in a way you are our boss master kearen" gali said. "I'm not your master eather guys so don't call me either of thos names" ganute said turning back around. "Yes sir" both req and gali said at the same time. Ganute just shook his head and continued walking. As they walked they saw a fire get started. "Hey req. Fly up and check out that camp" ganute said. Req nodded and flew into the sky. He came back down after looking around. "There's a small camp ahead boss" req said. Ganute didn't say any thing but nodded. As they started again they herd a tigers growl. "We're not here to cause any trouble so you can back off" ganute said walking into the clearing with the others fallowing.
  3. [b]Name:[/b] ganute kearen [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Description:[/b] black hair, blue eyes, gloves, white shirt, black pants, goggles [b]Bio:[/b] ganute always liked to raise monsters. He grew up on a ranch and raised many monsters. He knows how to take care of many types so he's prepared to help monsters and knows how to read the anceints text. His first monster was a requiem joker that he calls req. He later won another monster in a tournament that was a gali. he likes his monsters but they keep calling him things like boss even though he tells them to stop. [b]Monsters:[/b] requiem (special breed joker), gali [b]Later Monsters:[/b] angel (pixie/gali) warrior (special breed henger) zan
  4. Glen thought about what they should do about moo's followers. "I say we pound them" amber said. Glen just shook his head. "We'll just let them report back to moo and show him that he should be afraid" glen said. "I guess but it would just work as well if we pouned them into lost discs" amber said. "Ya but we should probaply help out here" glen said looking around. He walked over to the man that owened the henger. "If I may ask why were moo's followers here" glen asked. "We found a tunnel full of monster disks and started removing them. We send them out to towns with newby ranchers. We were to send out some disks to the town at the other end of the canyon but we were slowed down" the man said. "We're heading there so we can help ya out" glen said. "Thank you. I'm ganute, this is my wife kate and my kids jake and sam" ganute said pointing to his family. "If you'ld like i'll show him through the tunnels" henger said hovering to them. Ganute nodded. Glen and henger started into the tunnels.
  5. Crewger had been walking through the forest but hadn't found any thing interesting. He then got a sence of some one needing help. He also senced that a dragon was around. "It's no demon but it'll have to do" crewger thought smilling as he started running. As he ran he heard a roaring sound. He came to a clearing and found a black dragon fighting another person. The dragon fired a fire ball. Crewger took a vile from his belt and cast a spell sending out a wave of water. The water hit the fire and put it out. "Do you mind if I join in" crewger asked walking into the clearing. "Sure why not. I'll probaply need the help" the guy said. Crewger nodded and took out his spear and got ready to fight.
  6. Tsubasa arrived at the party with the guys from his class. He got off of his skate board as the others got off of there bikes. "See ya later basa" one of them said as they left to lock up there bikes. Tsubasa just nodded as he walked into the party. He looked around and didn't really see a reason to stay. He noticed a group of girls from another school were coming but he didn't feel like talking to them. "Maybe I can find a secluded spot to test this thing out" tsubasa thought dropping his skate board next to a chair. He took his staff off of his back and walked into the forest. He found a small clearing with some space that he could work in. "Not let's see what this thing can do" tsubasa said as he twisted it. The staff broke into two pieces. He flipped some switches and they turned into axes. He threw them and they went pretty deep into a tree. Once he pulled them out and put them together again. He flipped another switch and the staff turned into a glaive. He swung it around to see how light it was. It was pretty light for a weapon with so many parts. He pushed a button and the blades started crackling with energy. He picked up a stone and threw it into the air. He slashed the stone and sparks flew as the stone was cut in half. He pushed another switch and the blades retracted as a hole opened. A fire started blowing from the hole so he aimed it towards the sky. Once the fire stream stopped he picked up a rock piece and threw it into the air. He flipped a switch and the staff fired a stream of liquid nitrogen freezing the rock. Once the rock hit the ground it shattered. "So i've got a multiple blade weapon, flame thrower and liquid nitrogen gun all in one staff. I guess if I get into any fights i'll win using this thing" tsubasa thought smiling as the hole closed. He started walking over to a boulder then jumped on it. He took a seat and waited to see if any thing happened.
  7. "That's technically your last lord of dragon because rules state you can only have up to three per deck so your dragons will be open to traps and what not" jason said as he looked at the card he drawn. The card he drawn was another fissure. "I'll play dokuroyaiba in defence mode. I'll also use fissure distroy your lord of dragon and finish up with secret pass to the treasures." jason said as he played the card. The cards appeared on the field as the lord ofdragon dissapered. "My secret pass to the treasures allows any of my monsters face up monsters with 1000 attack point or less to attack directly so i'll use the dokuroyaiba to attack shonya" jason said smilling. The dokuroyaiba flew at shonya and hit here getting red of 1000 of her life points. "Well it seems like your almost out of here shonya unless your partner does some thing or you come up with a plan" jason said smilling.
  8. Jason looked at the card he drew and smilled. He checked his hand to see if there would be any other cards that go along with the one he drawn. "Oh well. It'll go with what I had planned before" jason thought. "I'll play the dream sprite in defence mode and i'll use final flame on shyona's life points" jason said placing the cards down. A fire ball appeared as did the dream sprite. The fire ball flew and hit shyona takeing away 600 of her life points. "Let's see what'll happen. Amanda's got a good plan so let's see if they'll be able to counter it" jason thought as he waited.
  9. Crewger was walking through a forest looking for some demons to fight. He hadn't found any sign of them for days. If there wasn't any demons around for him to fight he would have to go treasure hunting untill he felt like leaveing but there wasn't any around. Well atleast none that he knew of. "I've been in this area for awhile but I haven't found a single sign of a demon or any treasure" crewger thought hanging his head down. As he walked he heared a rustleing in the bushes next to him. He took his spear off of his back becuase his sences were telling him that it was a demon. The demon jumped from the bushes and crewger swung cutting its head off. He knelt down next to it and sighed. The demon was about his size if it still had its head on. "Darn it was a small fry. I was hoping for some thing bigger and stronger" crewger thought getting up. He looked around to see if there was any more demons around but didn't find any thing. "Maybe i'll find some thing stronger later" crewger thought as he put his spear back and started on his way again.
  10. Tsubasa came to the shop he was looking for. He got off of his scateboard and walked into the shop. "Do you have the part I asked for jack" tsubasa asked walking up to the counter. "Ya but why do you need the part for" jack asked taking it out. "That's none of your buisness" tsubasa said as he took out his money. He droped the money as he grabed the part. He left the store and headed back. As he left he saw a party starting in the park. Tsubasa just shook his head. Once he reached his window he grabed his board and climed the tree then went into his room. Once he was inside he put the last piece in and closed the case. He picked up the pole and pushed a switch on it. Blades popped out from both sides. He pushed another switch and some of blades retracted. "I don't even know why I built this thing. Oh well, it might become usefull later" tsubasa said as the last of the blades retracted. "Hey basa if your finished with your project would you like to come to a party with us in the park" the kid from before asked as tsubasa put the staff down. "I told you i'm not a social persion" tsubasa yelled at him. "Come on man. All you have to do is stay for a bit then you can leave and we wont but you for the rest of the week" the kid said. "Fine but as long as you back off for the rest of the week or i'm cutting your head off" tsubasa said looking at the staff. "O.k then. We'll see ya there" the kid said as he left. "I might as well get this over and done with" tsubasa thought as he grabed his skate board again. As he left to the window he grabed his staff. "This might become usefull later" tsubasa thought as he jumped out the window and left.
  11. Tsubasa was in his room working on his staff. "Hey basa. There'll be a game of basket ball going on in the court. Do you want to come with and play" a boy in his class asked after knocking on his door. Tsuabsa just shook his head without looking up from his work. "It's your choice man. See ya later" the guy said as he left. "Haven't they learned i'm not a social person yet? If they keep it up i'll have to hurt them until they get it through there thick skulls" tsubasa thought checking his staff. All the parts were in place except for a last piece. "I should probably get the last piece now" tsubasa said as he grabbed his skate board. He went to his window and jumped out. Once he got on his skate board he left to get what he needed.
  12. Glen readied his grapling hook. "Where are the others" glen asked looking to amber. "We went ahead of them to find out what had gotten silverfangs attention" amber said. As they watched a group of scale gells and a metale gell came out of the tunnel. "I hate scale and metale gells" glen said. "It's the practiacly imortale thing isn't it" amber said looking to glen. Glen just nodded. "Oh well. Let's hold them off untill the others show up" glen said takeing a fighting stance. Amber and her monsters nodded. "Go get those people untied and repair the henger" glen said. Tracy nodded and left to get to work as the gells charged at them. Geln wrapped his grappling hook around one of scale jells and whiped it down. It got back up and readied it's self to fight again. "This is why I hate scale gells" glen thought as he kept knocking them down but they got back up again.
  13. Jason smilled as he drew his card. "I'll just play a monster in face down defence mode along with a trap card and i'll use fissure to distroy you lord of dragons" jason said as he layed the cards down. His face down monster appeared along with jasons other card as the lord of dragons dissapered and was sent to the graveyard. "Let's see what they'll do. The only one of them who seems to have some real protection is shyona so what'll seth do if he's attacked" jason asked him self as he waited.
  14. Ya you can still join but it would seem like it would be up to NashvilleDream to decide.
  15. Jason drew a card and smilled. "Is there any thing you'ld like to say before you lose your dragon Ms. Shyona" jason asked looking at her. "I don't think you have any thing stronge enough to distroy my dragon and don't call me Ms.Shyona" shyona yelled at jason. "You had to make that bit didn't you" amanda said looking at him. "I couldn't help it" jason said smilling as he took out a card from his hand. "But back to buisness. Who said any thing about distroying your dragon. I use change of heart" jason said putting the card on his duel disc. "I'll take your thousand dragon" jason said as the dragon went to his side of the field. "Now I sacrifice it along with my harpies brother to bring out the wing weaver" jason said as he laied down the wing weaver. The monster appeared as the thousand dragon dissapered along with the harpies brother. "Not the question is which one of you I should attack" jason said smilling.
  16. Maverick walked up to the guy he had seen battleing. "you've got some nice skills" maverick said. "I guess so. What do you want" the player asked. "Basicly what all players of the world want. To have some fun and meet new people" maverick said smilling. "Well in that case i'm shape" shape said. "And i'm called maverick. So have you tried hacking through the door yet" maverick asked. "Ya, i've tried but nothing happened" shape said. "Let me take a try at it" maverick said walking up to the door. All the blades on his weapon retracted except for the middle on in the front. Maverick spun it around then slashed at the gate. The seal broke and dissapeared. "We should be carefull. A mod is in here so she shouldn't be to far behind" maverick said as he opened the gate.
  17. T man

    /Black Star\

    Irvine just shook his head as he turned around. "If you want a ride i'll give you one ya know" irvine said turning his head. Vince just gave him a look and shook his head. Irvine just nodded as he used his remote to bring his copter around. He decided to leave because he knew that vince would be more than a match if you ticked him off enough. "I wonder what's up with him" irvine asked as the helicopter landed. Irvine got in and set it to manuale controll. "I guess I should do a check up on the ship or wait till vince cools off" irvine said as he lifted off the ground. He turned towards the apartment and left.
  18. Glen and tracy turned around to see amber and kris blushing about some thing. "Is there some thing wrong you two" tracy asked. Amber and kris shook there heads then turned around. "They're strange aren't they" glen whispering to tracy as they turned back around. Tracy just nodded. Bells and gitan just came up and hit them both on the head. "What was that for you two" both glen and tracy asked rubbing there heads. "You two are completly dense when it comes to girls" bells said to them. "I have to agree with her you guys" gitan said. Glen and tracy just looked at there first monsters then hit them on the head. "What did you do that for" they asked. "That was for the first hit and let's get back on track" both glen and tracy said as they went ahead of the others.
  19. Maverick was waiting for his friends to come by. "Where did maverick go to now" a persion in maericks party asked. Maverick smilled as he jumped out of the sand. The guys in his party screamed. "Don't do that maverick. You know it scares the heck out of us" another party member said catching her breath. "Oh come on. I find it fun to scare people" maverick said smilling. "Well it's getting late for me guys. I'm logging of" one of them said before they left. The others nodded as they left to. "I guess i'm not. I might as well go to a dungon" maverick said raising his weapon. He activated on of his hacking programs and entered a dungon that had been put on off limits. "I might as well start looking around" maverick said as he started into the canyon.
  20. T man

    /Black Star\

    Irvine started the helicoptor and flew into the sky. "So where do you want me to land" irvine asked. "You can just land us at the apartment" eris said. Irvine nodded and flew in that direction. A couple of minutes later they landed on the roof. Eris and trent started getting out of the helicopter once they set down. "I think you need to work on the watches" eris said as she opened the door. "Why do you say that" irvine asked looking at her. "They went blank while we we in the hostpitale" eris said as they got out and closed the door. "That normaly means one of them was been busted. I'll go to the busted ones last location" irvine said as he flipped a couple of switches that turned on a map. Eris nodded as irvine left.
  21. T man

    Next generation!

    Evean, dai and rad headed back in and went down into the basement. they came back in and found serg working on the wounds of the others. "Your up rad. Don't worry, capt. serg is good at this kind of stuff" evean said smilling as he put his hand on rads good shoulder. Rad just looked at him and walked over to serg. Evean sat down in one of the beds that had been set out for them and layed down. He looked around to see the others either sleeping, eating or just laying down. "Tommarow we wont have to make it harder for serg by staying here" evean thought as he went to sleep.
  22. Jason took a look at the cards in his hand. He had drawn some of his favorite cards to use in duels. "I'll place two cards face down and i'll play one of my favorite cards, the haprie's brother in attack mode" jason said as he played his cards on the holo disc. His monster along with his two face down cards appeared on the field. His monster took a fighting stance as it appeared. "It's your move now" jason said waiting for seth's move.
  23. We're not in the over drive any more so please edit you post.
  24. Keiths good side was sent back into keiths mind. "See. You should of just let me eat her" rage yelled at his other sides. "Will you shut up" both keiths yelled. "You've only got one choice you two know" rage said smilling. Neither of the keiths liked the idea but they had no other choice. "Fine you can fight her but once your finished we're in control again" keith good side said grumbleing. Rage just smilled at the fact that he would be in controll. "Just let me get in controll long enough to get shisu out" keiths good side said as he dissapered. Once out side of keiths mind the good side started chanting. His hand glowed and he punched into the shield holding shisu. The shield cracked and fell apart. Keith started shaking shisu but she didn't wake up. "How could I wake her up" keith asked him self untill he got an idea. "Merins got the sword and she's heading to fort dragonis" keith yelled into her ear. "Shisu imeaditly got up and looked around. "Which way is fort dragonis and who the heck let merin out" shisu asked grabing keith by his color. "No time to talk. My evil sides going to be in controll untill he's finished so I need you to take care of the ring." keith said making shisu let go. "Why is that nut case going to fight her" shisu asked. "He's the one who had the fort built and he knows every thing about it along with all its spell so don't argue" keith said as he took of the ring and gaive it to shisu. keiths wings turned from angels to demons as shisu put the ring away. "No time to talk so let's get going" rage said grabing shisu by the arm and they flew off.
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