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"This is a basic ship used on my planet. Most people just buy upgrades for them so they don't have to pay for high built ones" garai said as they headed down the hall. "And about knowing how close we are to the planet" zsuzsanna asked. "You'll see one we get to the cockpit of this ship" garai said as they turned a corner. They entered te cockpit to find the others finishing up. "So what are we going to do with this ship" anya asked. "I'm still thinking about that" hak said. "Move over and alow me to finish those missiles demi's fighting while your thinking" garai said pushing hak out of the way. He pushed a couple of buttons and the missiles blew up. "So how close are we to the planet" zsuzsanna asked. "Take a look at the screen and see if you can find any thing wrong" garai said. The other looked to the screen and tried to look for what garai was talkng about. "All I see is two moons" seichiro said folding his arms. "You're not good in physics are you. Why do two moons have a orbit when there is no planet to orbit? It's possible that they're orbiting each other but not likely" garai said as he took out his sapphire blade and started playing. In the distance a planet appeared between the moons. "We should be there in a couple of minutes so make sure you got what you need becuase neo's all ready there" garai said putting his blade back.
Max used his remote to bring his motor cylce to the hotel. He ran to kilo's room to wake him up. "Hey kilo. Are you awake in there" max asked banging on his door. "What is it that you want max" kilo asked as he opened his door. "It's time to beat it kilo. Cops are coming and we need to find charlotte" max said. Kilo nodded and left to get his stuff. Max went down the stairs to his motor cycle as kilo ran to catch up to him. "Get on and let's go" max said as he got on and started it up. Kilo got on as the engine started. They started down the road as a cop car came by. As they went down the road a cop car came up behind them. "What are we going to do about that one" kilo asked looking back. "Hold on a second" max said as he fliped a switch. A smoke screen came out of the back of the motor cycle. Max pushed a button that released some minerature mines. The cop car hit one and blew up along with some of the road. "Now let's find the others before more trouble is started" max said as he drove.
Evean walked through the tunnel. Becuase it was getting dark he used a spell to create a fire ball. "I wonder if there is any toarches down here" evean asked him self. He noticed there was some thing on a wall side ahead of him. He went up to it and held up the fire. It lit up a toarch with oil still in it. "I guess I should light it" evean thought as he put the fire ball in the oil. The oil caught on fire and lit up some of the hall. He didn't notice a tray with some oil in it on the wall behind the toarch so he was supprised when streams of fire went down the hall. Other toarches caught on fire to show that he was in a hallway with suits of armor to his sides. "Normaly there's some kind of trap around in places like this" evean thought as he took out a stone from his pocket. He tossed it into the hall. Once the stone hit the ground holes opened in the wall and fired arrows. Evean started walking forward after the arrows stoped. "The faster I find that sword the better" evean thought as he headed down the hall.
Keith looked around. He didn't remember any thing after his dark side took over. "How long have I been out for" keith asked him self. He started knocking on the force feild to see how big it was. He looked around to see shisu and chi were asleep but were having problems. Keith checked to make sure he still had his dagger. He found it still in its staff form. "I wonder why it's still like this" keith asked him self. He started concentrating and went into his mind. He found his other sides still fighting but the dark side seemed preoccupied. "We're traped and there doesn't seem to be a way out of some shields that are holding us" keith said. "I'll see what I can do" keiths good side said as he dissapered. "You know there is some one else in here other than us. You should probaply check it out" rage said. "Why would I belive you on that? Your a mad killing nut case who distroys any thing in sight" keith said. "It's your decision kid" rage said as he left to his own part of keiths head. Out side of keiths mind his good side started chanting. A fire ball started infront of him but if fizzeled out before it was finished. "I guess I can't do spells that needs help frm the elements so i'll need to use a spell that doesn't need out side help" keith said looking around. He stood up and grabed his staff. "I know I was told to use this spell only when I found fort dragonise but this is as good as a time to use it" keith said as he spun his staff. It started glowing as it spun. "I wonder why I was told to only use this on fort dragonise" keith asked him self as he fired an energy blast. The blast hit the shield and caused an explosion. Keith fell to the ground from the blast. Once he got back up he found the shield gone and left a hole infront of him. "That's a big blast. I guess it would be strong enough to bring down fort dragonise" keith said as he jumped over the hole. "I guess I should try to bring it down a bit so it doesn't kill the others" keith said as he started on getting chi out.
Keith starts looking towards the east as he started rembering his orders. "It's probaply fort dragonis. I was given orders to distroy the place after I found rage" keith said as he sat down. "If it's close by why don't you go and distroy the place" shisu asked. "In chi's present condition I don't think it would be a good idea if I left you two alone" keith said. "I think I could handle any thing that would come our way with out you" shisu said. "O.k then. If she's doing better tommarow morning i'll leave to distroy the place" keith said. Shisu nodded as keith went to sleep. In side keiths mind the god keith found his other sides still fighting. "Why don't you take a break keith. I'll take him on" keiths good side said as he floated down. Keith nodded and dissapered. "Come on you weak angile. If I can distroy you i'll only have to fight keith for domain of this body" rage said. "You can try but it'll end up like last time when we keep drawing" keiths good side said as they started there fight.
Keith started going after tenshi. "Have you ever bomb dived before" keith asked looking at shisu. "No. If your going to let me get down first" shisu said. "There's no time to land so i'll need to set you down in some thing" keith said before he started chanting quickly. The vines wraped around the trees below them started moving to form a net. "Unless your not afraid of me bomb diving i'll need to set you down there" keith said. As shisu nodded keith dropped her. He folded his wings and flew droped. As he bomb dived after tenshi he saw shisu land in the net. Once he was closs enough he grabed onto tenshi and stopped her before she hit the ground. He landed and set her down as shisu came to them. "Is she o.k keith" shisu asked as keith put her down. "She's blacked out. I guess she's fighting with her other side" keith said as he said as he looked around. "What are you looking for" shisu asked. "I'm trying to judge how close we're to fort dragonis. Rage has strong spells and magic items stored in there. That's why he wanted to go there after killing you so he could make some thing to keep me and the other keith locked away" keith said. "So you think tenshi's other side would want to go there" shisu asked. "Yes but the fort can't be broken into becuase of a spell rage set up. The only way to open the door is to use the sword keiths dagger turns into but it's all ready turned into my staff" keith said as he started setting up a camp. "So the only way for some one to get in would to let rage out by taking off the ring so he could change the dagger into the sword" shisu asked. Keith nodded as he made a fire pit and got a fire going.
[b]Name:[/b] crewger [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Race:[/b] human/elf [b]Decription:[/b] blue eyes, 7" 6' , green hair, red shirt, black pants, orange vest, boots, gauntlets, purple earings, black belt with red crosses, sand colored cloak [b]Bio:[/b] Crewger didn't lead a normale life like others becuase his mother was an elf and his father was human. He was mostly taught about using spells, things about nature and fighting skills. He travels alot to improve his skills. He can tell if some ones a demon, elf, fairy or human. He likes to hunt down demons but the only other thing that he likes more than hunting demons is getting treasure or money. When ever he gets in trouble he some how manages to get out. Most people say he's just lucky or it was a fluke but he just says it's his skills that gets him out of trouble. [b]Weapons and belongings:[/b] double sided spear with red jewels at the base of the blades, purple earings that will increase most spells he uses, pouchs and viels of spells that he keeps on his belt
[b]The world[/b] [b]Name:[/b] maverick [b]Gender:[/b] male [b]Affiliation:[/b] Player [b]Class:[/b] Long Arm [b]Ability:[/b] teleport through fields without using the Chaos Gates [b]Weapon:[/b] double sided trident with blood red tips [b]Description:[/b] blye eyes, gold hair, red head band, two red X's going over his eyes, blue shirt, boots, black pants, gauntlets, sand colored cloak [b]Level:[/b] 50 [b]Role:[/b] hacker [b]Real World[/b] [b]Name:[/b] evean merein [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] male [b]Description:[/b] brown eyes, black hair, white shirt, black pants, red shoes, gloves [b]Bio:[/b] A friend tol evean about the new version of the world. Becuase even all ready liked the world game that he all ready had he decided he would search for the new verison and see how well it works for him.
I hope this will be o.k. [b]Name:[/b] Tsubasa [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Bio:[/b](CHIBINESS) Tsubasa is basicly a nice guy but doesn't like to do any thing social like go to parties or that kind of stuff. When people look at him they notice that he smiles alot even though he may not be happy. When people ask why he smiles alot he just says it's an old habit. He doesn't realy show his emotions and keeps his anger hidden away even though he doesn't know how he keeps it locked away. He's just a mellow guy who stays out of people buisness unless he thinks he should intervene. He sees faye around the city but doesn't feel like he should try to talk to her. [b]Aperence:[/b] Dark brown eyes, redish-brown hair (Gene Starwind style), tan, tall, a baggy red t-shirt that goes a bit above the knees, and black pants. [b]Favorite anime/manga:[/b] gundam wing, outlaw star [b]school:[/b] Tokyo School for Boys
Keith stopped to float among the clouds as he waited because he herd some one call his name. Tenshi and shisu came up after him. "We were wondering if we could come with you" tenshi said once they reached him. "Neither me or the other keith have a problem with you two coming" keith said as he started looking towards the mountains. "Thank you. We might be able to find raven along the way" shisu said as they headed towards the mountains. "So what was it with that evil side" tenshi asked. "It's a demon that has over five hundred kills. I was sent out to either capture it or kill it" keith said as they flew. "Does it have a name" tenshi asked. "It realy doesn't have a name. Becuase of that people just made up a name and called it war lord rage" keith said. "I think that name suits it very well. So what should we call you if your not the keith we meet from before" shisu asked. "I realy don't have a name but if you still want to call me keith that's fine" keith said. Tenshi and shisu nodded as the mountains came into view.
Keiths body fell to the ground as the ring started taking efect. Inside keiths mind the sides were fighting each other. Keith tackled his evil side nocking him down. The dark keith drew a sword as he got back up. Both keith and his good side drew weapons and started fighting him. "I was so close. If it wasn't for that girl I would of been to fort dragonise and would of been rid of you two" the dark keith said. "Ya well it seems like your plans failled" keith said as he kicked the dark side back. He ran at him and put the dark keith in a head lock. "Get the ring on before this guy gets out of my grip" keith said. "If you think you can handle him i'll go then" keiths good side said as he flew through the door. Out side of keiths mind his wings turned from demons into angels. "Oh my aching head" keith said as he got up. He started rubbing his head. He remembered the ring and out it back on. "Are you o.k keith" chi asked looking at him. "I'm fine but i'm not the same keith you meet before" keith said as he got up. "What do you mean by that" shisu asked still ready to fight. "I'm his angle side. He sent me out while he deals with the evil side" keith said as his wings folded around him. "O.k then. Is there any thing you can do here about the town that was here" shisu asked. "I think so. I realy don't know if i'll be alowed to do this but i'll try" keith said as he started chanting. In a flash of light the people from before appeared but the buildings were chared from the fire. "How did you do that" chi asked looking around to see that the people were wondering what hapened. "I did a spell. I was wondering I would be given the power to do it" keith said as he looked around. He found the dagger on the ground. It had turned back from its sword form. He picked it up and it turned into a staff. "I guess I should probaply get going before any more trouble is started" keith said as he opened his wings and started leaving.
"That's what I hate about angels. They're annoying and they get in my way" keith said holding up his hand. The sword lifted off of the ground and flew into his hand. "If you wish to die so be it but as fair warning I am the highest class of demon so you have no hope of defeating me" kieht said smilling. "I'll beat you any ways. Just leave the people of this town out of our fight" shisu said. "Why would I do that. I've never left any village, city or town that i've traveled to standing. It's what i'm known for and I like to hear people scream as they die" keith said starting to laugh. A huge explosion started in the town. People screaming from pain could be heard as they were surounded be fire. After a flash of light keith, shisu and chi were the only ones there. There was a larg burn circle around them and alot of ashes on the ground. There was nothing left of the town there. "Nothing like hearing the screaming of people before they die and you'll be joining them next" keith said smilling. "I'll get you for killing all those people" shisu said as she charged at keith. "You can try but you will not succeded" keith said as he charged back. As he ran at shisu he made some quick slashes leaving cuts on her body. She fell to her knees. "You can either give up and try to escape or we could do it the way I like with your blood splatering all over the place" keith said smilling. "I'm not going to run from some one like you" shisu said getting up. "This will just make your death alot better when I kill you" keith said smilling.
Keith and merin watched shisu run into a town. "Are you up for a slaughter" keith asked smilling. "Sure why not. I haven't done one in awhile" merin said. Keith landed on the ground and hid his wings. They faded into his clothes and looked like a pattern on it. "Why did you do that for" merin asked looking at him. "We wouldn't want any one running so early from noticing my wings" keith said as he walked into the town. As they looked around most people had all ready gone into there homes. Keith grabed the coat of a man walking past them. "Did any one new come to this village" keith asked. "Sorry but from what I know no one new has come here" the man said. "That was the wrong answer but it was one I was hoping for" keith said as he stabed the man with his sword. He pulled his sword out as his wings appeared. "Let's bring this place down" keith said as fire balls appeared in his free hand. He threw the fire ball and it started toarching buildings. People started running out of the burning buildings. "We'll either distroy this place untill there's nothing left or untill shisu come out of hiding" merin said. "Who says any thing about stopping after she shows her self. I've got a reputaion as a distroyer to keep so i'll burn the place down any ways" keith said as he toarched more buildings. He charged and started slashing people who were running either from the burning buildings or from him. Keith just laughed as he and merin went through the town distroying any thing in sight.
Glen and tracy were leading the others through the forest. Glen looked back to see kris looking at tracy. He tapped tracy on the shoulder to get his atention. "I think she likes you tracy" glen said smilling. "Who? Are you talking about kris" tracy asked as his face turned red. "Ya, I looked back to see her looking at you" gitan said floating up to him. "So why don't you ask her if she likes you" glen asked. Tracy just shook his head. "Just try to do it tracy. You'll never know unless you ask" both glen and gitan said. Tracy just shook his head and hit them both on the head. "What was that for" gitan asked as they rubbed there heads. "Becuase your both hard headed" tracy said walking on ahead. "What did you two do now" bells asked as she floated onto glens shoulder. "We didn't do any thing" glen said as they neared the end of the forest. In front of them was a cannon with a path going down into it. "Do either of you have a map of the cannon" kris asked glen and tracy. They both nodded and pulled out a map. "Like I said before, you guys are strange and how is it that you both have maps" kris asked looking at them. "Some monsters make maps on there travels and we get them for letting them stay at our ranchers" glen said as they walked down the path into the cannon.
Evean walked to a smal clearing. There were some stone tablets at the side with writing carved on them. He nealed down and started reading the carvings on the tablets. "Our enemies came at us where we had our gaurds waiting for an attack. Our former allies gave us off that our weak spot was to the east so we had to hide our treasure while seperating our forces. Head east to find what we had hidden" evean read to him self. "The sword could be the treasure they were talking about" evean said to him self. He looked around to figure out which direction was east. He walked ot the tablet that was on his right. "As we tried to escape more enemy forces came. They came from all sides so we were traped. We could not leave into the sky becuase of attacks so we faught and barried the treasure in the center of the of our attackers" evean read. "If they came from all diretions that would only leave the inside of the circle" evean thought as he walked into the center of the circle. He stomped hard on the center and a hole opened. Evean jumped in to find a tunnel. "I guess I should go through here" evean said as he started through the tunnel.
Glen and the others left to go find alen. They found hare sitting on the fence swinging his legs. "Where the guy named alen" tracy asked. "He's inside getting packed and griffon is wakeing up zaratan but he still wont wake up" hare said hopping off of the fence. They walked into the house to look for alen and found him in his room. "We've got some more travelers who'll be coming with us" hare said. Alen just nodded as he turned around. "Can you vouch for this one. I still don't like the idea of amber traveling with us" alen asked looking at tracy. "He's one of my oldest friends so you can trust him" glen said. "Then what's with the gitan. They're one of the strangest monsters there are" alen asked looking at the gitan. "What do you mean by that. We gitans are not strange" gitan said holding up his tridant. They started yelling at each other. "He acts like bells when she fights. How long have those two known each other" kris asked looking to glen and tracy. "We both got them and unlocked them on the same day so they hang out with each other alot" glen said. "They kind of picked up each others attitudes" tracy said smilling. "Then whch one had the origanle attitude" kris asked. "That's just the problem. We don't know" glen and tracy said hanging there heads down. "You guys are strange" kris said. Both glen and tracy just glared at her. Hare came in along with griffen. "I got zaratan awake" girffen said. They nodded and walked out of the house. Zaratan circled the house a couple of times and landed. Alen, hare and griffen got on zaratans back and they took to the sky. "We might as well get going" glen said. The others nodded and they headed into the forest.
The fire from the enemy ship stopped. "I guess they took out the control room" garai said as he looked at the screen. "How are you guys doing in there" zsuzsanna asked after turning on a com link. "We've taken out the guys on the bridge and we haven't seen any more" hak said. "I guess we can dock to the ship" garai said. Zsuzsanna nodded and piloted the ship to the other ones docking port. They left and went to the space lock. Garai and zsuzsanna entered the ship and looked around. Garai looked around to see a bunch of zantar boddies on the ground. "Are you going to be o.k garai" zsuzsanna asked walking up to him. "Ya i'll be fine" garai said as he checked the boddies. He found one of them still alive. "Well if it isn't big man garai. What are you doing here" the zantar asked. "Haku, you're an idiot. I came back to get some information and I find most of the teams on this ship" garai said. "Do you know him garai" zsuzsanna asked. "Yes. He's the leader for a sports team on the home planet. Most of the other teams are here to" garai said pointing to the zantars on the foor. "Speaking of which why the heck are you here. Neo's your worst opponent becuase he always creams you guys in haraku. I figured you guys would be the last ones working for him" garai said picking up haku by the his shirt caller. "Most normale breeds want the same power as the special breed. Neo said if he became the legendary breed he could give us that kind of power" haku said. "The legendary breed isn't to happen for a couple of more years so how do you know he's the one" garai asked. "Some of us don't know if he is or isn't and some of us don't care. There are those that want to come out of hiding and fight for them selfs against other alien species even though they'll probaply be killed becuase normale zantar breeds can't fight for squat" haku said looking at garai. "Then how were you able to fight against the others" zsuzsanna asked. "Neo showed us an old spell that would give us the abillaty to fight" haku said. "Like I said before. You're an idiot. How many of the teams where here" garai asked. "Most of the teams got scared and went home when your friends showed up. Those that didn't leave stayed and of coarse your team still goes by your belives and opposed to this so they stayed home" haku said before he blacked out. "You're leader of a team" zsuzsanna asked. "Ya. I'm a leader of mixed breeds but no time to get into that. Let's find the others" garai said as they ran down the hall.
Jason returned his over drive to his deck and caught up with the others. "So have you seen any sign of where kaiba is being kept" amanda asked. "Sorry but I haven't seen him around" josh said closing his eyes. "Then we might as we see if thee's any thing around here" jason said takeing a card from his deck. The harpies brother appeared in the sky. "Take a look around and see if you can find any sign of kaiba" jason said. the harpies brother nodded and flew off. A screen opened infront of jason to show what the harpies brother saw. "Is there any sign of him" amanda asked looking over jasons shoulder. "Nothing yet. Try looking behind you" jason said. the view on the screen changed and showed a black scull dragon coming. The harpies brother ducked as a fire ball was fired at it and flew back. "The guy from before signed back on and they're coming" jason said as he closed the screen and the harpies brother returned to his deck.
Then what about those that have dreams about it before it happens. Normaly I dream about what the deja vu will be a couple of months before and forget about it. I normaly get deja vu's every one every couple of months but it's happening more often. I've had deja vu with people i've never met before so it couldn't realy be a repeat of things you've seen before.
The tiger creature from before caim out of the forest. "I'm here for you again kikyo but first i'll get the one over there. I know he's got the jewel and i'll make sure he doesn't get in the way when I kill you" the tiger creature roared. He charged at gene from behind and jumped. As kikyo pulled back her arrow to fire gene raised his hand and grabed the tiger creature by it throught. "Here's some thing to remember about me. I'm never completly asleep and don't try to attack me when I am sleeping because i'll wake up faster than you'll be able to react" gene said as he tossed the creature. It broke through a couple of trees then slumped down to the ground. Gene stood up and opened his eyes. "Are you o.k kikyo" gene asked as he turned around. "I'm fine gene. You realy didn't need to get up" kikyo said. "Well I felt like waking up any ways. So what will we do with this thing" gene asked turning around as the tiger creature got back up. "You really don't need to decide. You wont live that long" the tiger creature said getting back up. It started charging at gene. Gene put his hand down and did a low punch. The hit sent it across the dirt. It manadged to get up before hitting a tree. Gene took out a sword as it charged again.
Gene was surprised to see kikyo wake up so suddenly. "Are you o.k kikyo" gene asked looking at her and got up. "Ya. I was having a bit of a bad dream" kikyo said as she started breathing easier. "Well if it was a dream about the past it could of ment some thing about things to come or it could of been a reminder for you" gene said as he sat back down. "I guess so" kikyo said as she layed back down. Gene just watched her as she went back to sleep. Gene got up and walked to the tree that kikyo was sleeping in. "I guess I should be over here incase some thing happens" gene thought as he sat down.
Garai saw the hatc on the other side of the bit start closing. "I guess i'm to let go now" garai said as he took out his sapphire blade and started chanting. He was covered in a different armor than the one before as the sapphire bead fragments were sucked out. The fragemnts closed the doors so no more air would escape. He floated around wondering where every one went to. "Dragus and demi left in there ships. Hak, seichiro, any and her wolf are on the enemy ship so that just leave me, zsuzsanna and miles on the ship" garai thought as he pushed of the window and went through a door. He landed on the floor as the armor dissapeared and looked at his sapphire blade. There were three beads left. "I'll need to get some new ones later" garai said as he put the blade back and ran to the cockpit. He came in to find zsuzsanna already sitting in a chair. "We need to distract the enemy ship for awhile" garai said as he took his station. Zsuzsanna nodded and they got to work.
"You do know the sand will probaply slow us down" jason said. "Probaply but we still need to find kaiba" liliy said. "Then if we want to go faster why not use an all terrain vechile veichle" jason said as he drew a card. "I summon my over drive to the feild" jason said smilling. The over drive appeared infront of them. Jason opened a door and got in. "Come on you guys get in" jason said smilling. Liliy and amanda just looked at each other then got in. The deap see warrior got on liliy's red eyes as the dark magcian girl floated. "Do you even know to drive" amanda asked. Jason just smilled at her. "I don't think we should of got in" liliy said getting worried. "To late baecause you all ready got in" jason said smilling as they started through the dessert.
Glen and kris ran up to catch up with alen before he lost it. "So what will we do if he finds amber in there" kris asked. "He probaply wont. Gearen's pretty good at covering any sign of his tracks or his parties and if he knows some one shouldn't be around he can hide them pretty well" glen said as they caught up with alen at the barn. Alen walked into the barn and started looking around but didn't find any thing. "See. I told you" glen whiapered to kris smilling. "I guess they left" alen said as he walked out of the barn. "O.k guys. You can come out. He's gone" glen said looking up. The garus jumped down from the ceiling and kitty lifted amber and the others from the rafters. "I guess they can tkae care of them selfs pretty well" kris said. "Ya. I guess we better be takeing our leave now" gearen said looking at them. "O.k then guys. Hope to see you guys next month" glen said as the garus left.
Garai walked into his room and started putting his stuff in his bag. He walked out and went to zsuzsanna's room to see if she was there. He found here there packing her stuff. "Hi garai. Have you seen miles" zsuzsanna asked looking at him. "Sorry but I haven't. I'll help you look" garai said as he started searching. He looked under zsuzsannas bed and found miles curled up in a ball. "Come one miles. It's time to go" garai said as he picked up miles and took him out from under the bed. Garai handed miles to zsuzsanna and left. As they walked down the hall they saw seichiro yelling. Garai saw the drill detaching from the ship. Garai started chanting and grabed onto the drill and started tring to pull it back. "Go find hak and tell him what's happening" garai said as he started pulling on the drill.