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Everything posted by Epsilon

  1. [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]No offense, Ryu_Sakura. But wasn?t that a little...Close minded? Anyways, congrats to all of those who help make OB v7. It looks as though it took much time to create and make it just right. And it's well worth it, personally, I love the new layout and think it's perfect. I can find nothing wrong with v. 7. The side bar makes it much easier to navigate, and move around. It also fits for all of us who use a smaller resolution the 800x 600, because it only takes a few seconds to scroll over. (And if they can't do that, they're kind of lazy. Heh) Yet also suits those who use one higher. So it's not really that smashed together when you spend awhile thinking about it. The new over all system is great. Never really seem anything like it, but it dose take awhile to get use to. I really like to two different skins. Both the, Gesiha and Liquid skins are great. I think it was a good idea to merge the gaming forms together. Since some of them weren't getting that much attention. Since some OBer's wanted to keep them, so it saves space. And keeps game lovers happy. The only thing I can find wrong is, OB seems to load slow. Other then that, perfect.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Although it is a simple banner, Dagger. It's extreamly well made and high quility. I really like the images you used, each one seems to have a different feel. And yet in every one he stille has a syern type of look. I like the color sceem and how two of the images are slightly transparent. The screen lines is a good effect, it makes the character really stand out. Also, you've done a good job on using shades of grey. Great use of a border, too. Great work, I really like it.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [size=1][color=firebrick]Ah the title suggest this is the thread I'll just be putting some random work in: banners, drawings, etc. Warning Image heavy. [b]Banners[/b] Banner: Pilot - Arch [IMG]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/arch_banner01.png[/IMG] Banner: Crese [IMG]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/cerse_banner01.png[/IMG] Banner: Chii (love) [IMG]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/lovebanner.png[/IMG] Banner: Random [IMG]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/news_ban.jpg[/IMG] [b]Wallpapers[/b] [URL=http://brokeneyes.250free.com/outlaw-lights.jpg]Outlaw Lights[/URL] [b]Drawings[/b] Drawing of a Zaku(sp) [IMG]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/re_zaku.jpg[/IMG] Drawing of a bird known as the, Ptarmigan Lagopus Mutus. [IMG]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/Ptarmigan_Lagopus_mutus.JPG[/IMG] That's all for now, please C&C.[/size][/color]
  4. [size=1][color=firebrick]Is it alright if I comment on both images? Original Image - Very well done/made. I like the feel this gives off, especially the ripped off head in the light being given off from , what I think, is a flash light. You've done a great job on re-creating the blood in the image. It's spectacular on how you did the knife and the reflection. *Likes the positioning of the pink things/insects" Good color seem, can't say to much. Since I don't do too much of 3-D/video type stuff, but I like it. Heh... Banner - You choose a good part of the original image to use in the banner. As you've already stated, it fits the mood of the up coming "holiday." The only problem I have with it, is it has no banner. Add one and it'd be perfect.[/size][/color]
  5. [COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1][B][i]Before...[/i][/B] Walking, the sun seemed to shine brighter then it once had. This place seemed as though...a perfect place for a prophet to reside. Having the air currents lead her, she felt they had something strange about them. Especially since the plants here seemed beaten down, wilting...Certainly, a prophet was near. Continuing, Siaga saw no one around. But could hear their foots steps upon the ground. The pats against the ground weren't very strong though, suggesting that there was a child. And of course a child wouldn't be out alone, there's usually always someone older near by. Fallowing the sounds of the foot steps, she came to a clearing and a little girl leavening the area. Walking quickly to catch up behind her. Siaga tapped her on the shoulder, she turned, the girl looked up at her. "Excuse me," Siaga said, "but do you know someone by the name of, Yuri Katana?" The girl nodded, and Siaga softly smiled. [i][b]Currently...[/i][/b] The two walked a while, and after a few minutes had passed. Siaga stopped. The little girl kept walking till she noticed that she had stopped. She looked over her shoulder and stared back at her, puzzled. "It'd be best if I just wait here, if you--...If Yuri ask who it is...Just tell her a friend. Kay?" "Alright," and she continued. After a few minutes had passed by, the girl came back with one older then she. The two walking side by side, they stopped a few feet in front of Siaga. Smiling, Siaga took her staff and struck it into the ground, she then smiled. "Hello, Miss Yuri." she said, "So glade to meet you, and your little sister Mimi. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1][COLOR=firebrick]Sign-Up [b]Name:[/b] Siaga McAmoray [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Nymph [b]Occupation:[/b] Prophet, Scholar [b]Weapon:[/b] Staff of Shiro - The "Staff of Shiro" is a long black, embroiled with white flames, coming up to half way point. At the top it loops in a large metal sphere, which resembles netting. Inside the sphere is a glowing blood red ball of dust. [b]Prophet:[/b] Air and Plants [b]Skills:[/b] To change the air currents, and manipulate plants. [b]Home Town:[/b] MinIto [b]Bio:[/b] Siaga was born in the town of MinIto, at age 5 her father abounded her family. And her mother and she was left there in the town of MinIto. Her mother went into a great disappointment, for Siaga's father was the only one her mother loved. Short after he left her mother was to bare another child. Of which she did, but within the day of the sons birth...Her mother passed away. Siaga and her baby brother were then left with the Priest of MinIto. Growing up, the two worked along side the elfin Priest in the church. Her younger brother would run errands for random people and often leave. Coming back and helping to not only support the his sister, but also help the church thrive and be at it's best. Soon Siaga grew very found of the Priest, and began to think of him as an older brother. Within the years her brother left, and never returned. Always waiting for him, she finally realized that any hope of him returning was slim to none. She gave up hope. Since then Siaga would spend most of her time with the Priest, grew more found of him. Eventually, though, with a sad parting. She left the place of MinIto on a search to learn more about the world and what might have happened to her brother. But before she left, she had promised to come back to her love, the priest, and live out the rest of her days there. Continue the life they had once had. Siaga really dose aim to keep that promise. [b]Regular Appearance:[/b] Siaga has a pale skin complication, and ears seem as though they belong to an elf. Her eyes are colored crimson, and shine ruby red in darkness. Siaga has long shaggy bangs, that cover her eyes for the most part. She has extremely long, dull, white, flowing hair, that seems almost gray. And wears a red ribbon holding it back, braided. She wears a white cape, lined with red, hiding her black/transparent insect like wings, which emit light in the dark. It ties in the front with a dark red bow. Wears a long sleeve black tunic, of which cufflinks are white with red brims. A long black skirt that goes down to her knees, has a long red bow tied around her waste. Acting like a belt, and wears white stockings, and black shoes. Tied with red top ribbons, that hang about the souls of her shoes. [b]Prophet Appearance:[/b] Is a towers 6'4" feet, and 98 pounds. Her complication becomes a bit brighter, but still dull. Her eyes become ruby red full time. Her long hair seems to become longer, and her shaggy bangs shift and lean. They then cover her left eye completely. Her hair is no longer in a braded and flows with the wind. Wears a black long sleeve shirt, the collar has a red bow, and that ruffles at the arms. Coming off to a tight sleeve working embroiled with red bows. The red ribbon acting as a belt is far longer, flows down her back side, then to her heals. Skirt tightens and goes down past her feet and trails on the ground. Her wings are un coved and fully seen. Usually, they're glowing a with a pure light. ------ Let me know if I need to change anything.[/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  7. [COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1]The first image is made by the artist known as Yukin. (sp?) Very beautiful and talented artist...I don't know who the second is made by, maybe the same person....*Stops* No matter...Both are beautiful, Conna_da_fox. Banner 1: Just Lost in Heaven" Personally, I like this one better of the two. You've used the grid effect well, and I like how it dosen't show up all that much. The fact that you have it faded into the bg. Did a great job on the color scheme of this banner. The font and it's shadow flows well with the image. And you did a good job on using the double border, and using a golden type color. Banner 2: Trapped in Sorrow The only thing I can see wrong with this one is, the color of the crosses. Could have used a different color. You were able to keep it as a very clear cut image. Did a great job on the double over, slightly transparent, bg. Good font color, and good font to use. Considering it goes well with the crosses, angles, color, etc. Great work, I hope to see more banners/graphics from you in the future.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [SIZE=1][COLOR=firebrick]No problem, Kitty, I'll PM you a list of weapons for BladeMasters. If anyone else needs the list of weapons for their character let me know. Both your sign ups are great. ____________ [b][u][i]Sign Up:[/b][/u][/i] [b]Name:[/b] Kenmei or Ken for short [b]Position:[/b] Moderator [b]Class:[/b] Wave Master [b]Level:[/b] 67 [b]Weapon:[/b] Jester's Wand [b]Height/Weight:[/b] 4"11"/89 lbs [b]Appearance:[/b] Long white hair, long shaggy bangs that are tinted silver, bright red eyes, pale white skin, black vest lined in white, long white sleeve shirt, black shorts lined in white, violet stockings, tall white boots, a necklace with a cross pendent, and has one red slash under right eye. [b]Personality:[/b] Intelligent, obedient and kind. But Ken will go against what's asked of her if she knows it will effect her friends in a negative way. But for the most part will do what she's told or asked of. Being intelligent she can think her way for the most part. And would like to avoid fighting. Although it's not always possible. Ken also tends to get close to those who she shouldn't. Even so, no matter what she'll be there to help them. Ken will stay by them, and never forget anything that happens, good nor bad. [b]Cause:[/b] To help out her friend who is now stuck in the world. And while doing so to help indorse the rules. [b][u][i]IRL:[/b][/u][/i] [b]Name:[/b] Felicia Camio [b]Age:[/b] 12 [b]Occupation:[/b] Student [b]Height/Weight:[/b] 5'11"/86 lb. [b]Appearance:[/b] Short black hair, shaggy boy cut with bangs coming low over her eyes spreading at forehead, pale blue eyes, dresses in black skirt, sort black boots with sliver straps, black stockings, pink top with short sleeves with slits in the upper part, and black gloves. [b]Personality:[/b] Same as world; intelligent, obedient and kind. [b]Bio:[/b] Her mother died when she was young, so she dosen't remember too much about her. But her father dose, and tries to keep Felicia's memories of her fresh in her mind. So she spends much of her time with him. Trying to keep the "World," and IRL separate. Felicia is extremely involved with the developments of CC Corp because of her father. When not in the "World," Felicia is either studying, taking classes, etc. Which is how she begun to start to play in the "World." A while ago, when she had moved to where she currently resides. Felicia had meet with some of the CC Crop. workers, it had been where her father once worked. It was also ironically, what she had been studying, increments that had occurred in the "World". As soon as the development had came that people who were playing in the "World" got around. She received her position as a Admin of the world. Felicia felt that it was her responsibility to stop it, and find out why the Moderators and other Administrators of the world had been disappearing. [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1][COLOR=firebrick]I had seen the Chobits banner, I just didn't get a chance to reply. Had been doing other things, but I still remember it. So if you don't mind... Chobits Banner: I really liked that one Ryu_Sakura, the way that the images had over lapped was great! And I liked the clean cut images, even though at some points they were transparent. Could of used a black border though.... Naomisan24 Banner: Nice but, you've certainly done better. I like the characters that you've chosen to be in this banner. Especially the character from the anime, "To Heart." Both characters go well with the pink, but I think you should have flipped the "To heart" character's position. Could use a bg and a nice thick pink border. But all and all, good.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1][COLOR=firebrick]Personally, it's great. The color and font goes perfect with this banner. You made a good decision on having it kinda having the red image glowing...Thing. It has a beautiful bg, adding on to the text and accenting on the skull. I really like the over screen effect. And how not all the text (in the bg) is solid, that fades in and out of the banner. Would look even better with a blood red border. Heh, the banner reminds of me of blood. Love it, I hope to see more of your banner skills in the future. Great job. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  11. [CENTER][IMG]http://www.raine-tech.com/images/63484187.jpeg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1]4 years later after LIMINALITY... Tokuoka Junichiro: Kuro no Bito...The information on the "Epitapth" isn't common knowledge, even now it isn't. You know far more then you should. How was it that Helba- He was cut off by Kuro's words. Kuro: I cannot give this information, If you really like to know. Find Kyoko. On the other line he could hear it, Kuro had left before Tokuoka could finish. There were still questions unanswered from the years be forehand. Tokuoka hung up the phone and walked out. He looked behind him, staring at the phone booth and then East wards. CC corp.'s information center just 14 block away...And the hospital where Coronary and the one who was once known as "Tsukasa," in the world...It didn't seem right, but it wasn't that far off. Walking down the street he got into his car and began to drive.Soon it started raining, turning the wind shield wipers on, Tokuoka turn on the radio. Listing to the music it was interpreted by some static. He turned it down...The static stopped, and there was no sound. But instead a scratchy voice came on. Wavering in and out, barely understandable. He stared down at the car radio, still keeping one hand on the wheel, he fooled around with the knob trying to make it more clear. There came a link of loud booming sounds, after wards there was a crash. The interruption ended, it went back to playing music again. Tokuoka pulled into a parking lot, and turned near the door. The car lights shown brightly in the darkness, above the doors where letterings on a silver plate. It read "Library," in a gothic font. The door open and Mai came out, hold a high stack of books in her hands. She came walking up to the car door, he opened it and she got in and put the books in her lap. Closing the door, she turned to Tokuoka. "Thanks for helping me do this" she said, "If my dad found out that there was any sign of a glitch in the world again..." Tokuoka nodded and drove, soon the car pulled into the drive way. Tokuoka took half the books, and she took the other ones. They went inside and up to the room where the computer had been relocated to. After setting the books down, Tokuoka left and Mai begun to flip through the books. A high pitch noise came, she looked over at the computer screen. She had received an e-mail from Tomonari. Walking over she read the e-mail, it had been a request for her to log into the world and come to the fields of Dun Loireag. Mai logged in, and head to the server of Dun Loireag. When she got there, SIEG was there along with other players. Mai's Char: What is it? SIEG: There's been a glitch in the server. These players and hackers think that it might have something to do with the Epitapth...We've been talking about it for awhile, and I had mention what happened before. One of them explained something about another player before we had had our problems. Who had had a problem similar to ours. Something about someone called, Aura and Tsukasa. Player #1: Two of us are having problems logging out. The rest of us have already contacted CC crop. and their information center. None of us have gotten any replies, and no ones been able to contact the mods or admins. Player #2: We-We want to gather parties and see if we can find some other way to log out of the world. If it's happened before, I'm thinking that we'll be able to find some one to help us that way. More people seem to be having problems in the world with logging out and checking the message board. Mai Char: Alright, I'll help as much as I can. I have to log off now, but I try to find information in the real world. After Mai and SIEG logged off, more players lost their abilities to log off. In the real world ambulance sounded in the far, rushing people to the hospitals around the world. Your job, find the cause. [b][u]Sign Up:[/u][/b] Name: Position: (Moderator, Admin, Player, Hacker) Class: Level: (Hackers 20-60 : : Players 1-40 : : Mods 30-70 : : Admins 50-90) Weapon: Height/Weight: Appearance: Personality: (I don't want the same ol' personalities, make them unique) Cause: (Reason for playing) [b]IRL:[/b] Name: Age: Occupation: Height/Weight: Appearance: Personality: (Again-unique) Bio: [u]Rules[/u] 1. Fallow all rules of the Adventure Arena 2. No godmodding 3. Post must be at least 10 lines 4. Spelling and Grammar 5. No controlling of others characters 6. Have fun. What we need: 1-? Normal Players (can log in and out of the game) 2-3 Traped Players (can't log out) 1-3 Mods/Admins 0-? Hackers --------- I'll be posting mine later. If you need to know anything or have any questions, PM me.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [SIZE=1][COLOR=firebrick]Beautiful, Ryu_Sakura. Such an improvement from your paint banners. Banner #1 I really like this one. I think it's near perfect, the text goes nicely because of the font. And the color of the text adds to the over all feel of the image. You found a good image to use very clear. Only thing I don't like is you don't have a border.... Banner #2 This one is good also, simple yet pleasing to the eyes. I like the shad of blue you had picked for the text. And you placed it will, only I think you should have used a different text, or at least a smaller one. Reason being is that it sort of covers her eye lid. (sorry but that one thing bugs me) Avatar #1 Not much to say...Could have used a different color for the word "Princess." It blends into the character's hair, making it harder to see. This avatar could have also used a border. Banner #3 You did a really good job on this one, Ryu_Sakura. Nice use of a border, and an effect. The image goes good with the message your trying to get across. And I like the angle of the image, but just one problem. The text is hard to read, and a different font would have helped it to be easier also. Banner #4 This one, in my opinion, is very unique. Having the feet of the character rather then the actual character was a good idea. On this one the font really goes, but you should have maybe put it in a darker color of blue. A blue border would have gone great with this banner. Banner #5 This one is, I think, your best. I love the image, and you did a great job on picking which effects to use. The colors are very soft on the eyes, great job on the text and color. Border would have made it perfect though. I love this one.[/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1][COLOR=firebrick]-Sign Up- [b]Name:[/b] Felicia La Imeal [b]Age:[/b] 11 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Grade:[/b] 6th [b]Nationality:[/b] French [b]Ability:[/b] Felicia has the ability to manipulate shadows to protect her and those she cares about. But she can only use her powers when she's afraid or near death. Which helped to caused her fear of others. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=541420[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Usually with a smile on her face. Felicia is compassionate to everyone. She'll try and help all of those around her. Very intelligent for a 6th grader, she has the smarts to use her intelligent when needed. But very insecure...She's afraid of others, and of her self. And can often time find her self worrying too much. But will always try her best to keep everyone happy. [b]Bio:[/b] Originally from France, Felicia had just recently moved to Japan in the summer. They moved to Japan because of her parents jobs had required them too. Her mother works as a secretary, and she doesn?t really know or understand what her father dose. When ever she asks her parents it?s always, ?It doesn?t concern you.? And so Felicia never knew, and probably won?t for awhile. For the most part after she moved here, Felicia stayed inside. She found that she had begun to develop a fear of other people. So she then spent most of her time inside studying until recently. On her birthday she began to feel sick at random times, even though she wasn?t so. Now when ever she feels sick, she needs to get out side to some shaded place away from others. But this caused her to have the want to be around others, often causing her to become confused about what?s happening to her. Shortly, a few days after her 11th birthday school will be starting again. And she hoping that what ever is wrong with her will go away, and that the fears she?s developed will stop.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1]Beatiful for your first shading, maladjusted. You've done a great job on choosing the colors to fit the character. I love the way you've shaded, I really love the eyes. Need to work on lines though. Hope to see some more of your cg-ing skills latter. Great job.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=firebrick] (Will probably be edited, later) [b][u]General Awards[/b][/u] [b]Overall Member of the Year:[/b] Raiha [size=1]Honorable Mention: James[/size] [b]Male Otaku of the Year:[/b]Shinmaru [size=1]Honorable Mention: Jokopoko[/size] [b]Female Otaku of the Year:[/b] Arcadia [size=1]Honorable Mention: Annie [/size] [b]Staff Member of the Year:[/b] James [size=1]Honorable Mention: Charles [/size] [b]Funniest Member: [/b]Dragon Warrior [size=1]Honorable Mention: Shinmaru[/size] [b]Most Opinionated Otaku: [/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Member most likely to be here in two years:[/b] T-Man [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size]James [b]Best Newbie:[/b] Arcadia [size=1]Honorable Mention: Jokopoko[/size] [b]Best Oldie:[/b] Raiha [size=1]Honorable Mention: Ben[/size] [b]Most likely to become a Staff Member:[/b] AzureWolf [size=1]Honorable Mention: Double B Daigo[/size] [b]Favorite Banned Member: [/b] Dayday [size=1]Honorable Mention: [/size] Taylor Hewitt [b]Most improved Member of the Year:[/b]Kitty [size=1]Honorable Mention: Ryu_Sakura[/size] [b]Thread of the Year:[/b] - Star Wars 411 - [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Silliest Thread of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b][u]Random Awards[/u][/b] [b]Avatar Award:[/b] Charles [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Signature Award: (Best Signatures Overall)[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Best Location: (Best Specific Location)[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Best Otaku Couple:[/b] Syk3 and Mei [size=1]Honorable Mention: Queen Asuka and PiroMunkie [/size] [b]Best looking Otaku:[/b]Arika [size=1]Honorable Mention:BabyGirl[/size] [b]Otaku clique of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Best MyOtaku:[/b]LazeChibi [size=1]Honorable Mention: James[/size] [b][u]Otaku Writers[/u][/b] [b]Poet Laureate:[/b]Myth [size=1]Honorable Mention: Mitch[/size] [b]Writer of the Year:[/b] Mitch [size=1]Honorable Mention: Myth[/size] [b]Original Story of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Role-Player of the Year:[/b] Double B Daigo [size=1]Honorable Mention: Jokopoko[/size] [b]Brawler of the Year (sparring):[/b] Metatron [size=1]Honorable Mention: Double B Daigo[/size] [b]Role-Playing Game of the Year[/b]When Humans Are the Enemy by Ben [size=1]Honorable Mention: TRIGUN: Return of Death by Double B Daigo[/size] [b][u]Social Otakus[/u][/b] [b]Otaku Social member of the year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Entertainment Otaku of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b][u]Anime Otakus[/u][/b] [b]Otaku of the Year:[/b]DaggerIx1 [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b].hack//SIGN Member of the Year:[/b] Black_Phoenix [size=1]Honorable Mention: AzureWolf [/size] [b]DragonBall Guru:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Digipeep of the Year:[/b] Takuya [size=1]Honorable Mention: Ben[/size] [b]Gundam Member of the Year:[/b]Domon [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Yu-Gi-Oh Member of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Least Disappointing Yu Yu Hakusho Member: [/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention: Yu Yu Hakusho [/size] [b][u]Otaku Gamers[/u][/b] [b]Gamer of the Year:[/b]Shinmaru [size=1]Honorable Mention: Desbreko[/size] [b]Nintendo "Mario" Award:[/b] Shinmaru [size=1]Honorable Mention: [/size] [b]The Sony Award:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Xbox Gamer of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]PC Gamer of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b][u]Otaku Artists[/u][/b] [b]Best Graphic Designer:[/b] Syk3 [size=1]Honorable Mention: Terra[/size] [b]Best "Traditional" Artist (Drawings, paintings, etc.):[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Best Spriter:[/b] Kazuko [size=1]Honorable Mention: Dragonballzman [/size] [b][u]Series Otakus[/u][/b] [b]Series Otaku Member of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Square/Enix Member of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]PokéPlaque (Pokemon):[/b] Lady Katana [size=1]Honorable Mention: Crimson Spider [/size] [b]The Triforce Award (Zelda):[/b] Desbreko [size=1]Honorable Mention: Shinmaru [/size] [/COLOR]
  16. [SIZE=1][COLOR=indigo]"What," the boy seemed to be very excited, "But!?!" Not wanting to listen, she couldn't help it. Felicia just didn't want the conversation to continue at the moment. [i]Not no...Not at this time...[/i]:she though. Suddenly Felicia slammed her book loudly, the tow looked over at her. Getting up she stared at Reveille, and bowed to them both. She stayed looking to the ground as she began to talk, grasping her book. "Excuse me...I'm sorry, to interrupt." she still didn't look up, "But Reveille, but could I talk to you out side?" "Yeah, of course," Reveille said, with some relief in her voice, "I'll be right back." The boy nodded, and the two started to walk out of the room. Felicia walking behind Reveille, glancing back over her shoulder. "What is it?" "Did you ever loose some part of your memory?" "Don't think so...Why?" "If you ever did happen too..." The door opened, and Paige stepped out. Yawning she shut the door with a loud slam. "What's the big idea?" she said, dozily, "You two are loud!" Felicia nodded, "We'll try to be quieter, you can go back to bed if you wish." "Nah, I woke up." she said, "Plus there's some guy in there, who is he anyways?" "We don't know...That's what I came out here to talk to Reveille about." Felicia said, almost in a whisper, "He knows Reveille..." Paige gave looked over Reveille, and gave her a hard look. But her face soon soften, and came over with a distant look.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. Over, something...something.... I think there's a "to" in the 5th line... Beh, that's all I can think of. All I can find in the code is what I think are the words "over" and "to." Then again I may be wrong...Yeah, moving on. It's not the best banner I've seen from you, but it certainly is one of the most creative. I like the second one best. Reason being it's large and easier to see the text. The color contrast between the green and black/gray scale goes pretty well. But nothing really bugs me except for one detail. It?s the ?7h? covers over part of Fate Linegod forehead, making it harder to read. Great idea Wondershot.
  18. [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] Looking out a window... "25...26...27...28...29..." Felicia said, in a quite voice. Paige gave her a strange look, "What are you doing?" "Counting the insects that are getting killed by the car." "You like to waste your time, don't ya?" Paige stuck a piece of chocolate in her mouth. Shaking her head Felicia opened her book and be gain to read again. Paige eating her chocolate, and Reveille trying to find a decent radio station to listen to as she drive. After a few minutes went by, both Paige and Felicia were staring out the window. "Didn't you already pass this spot?" Paige with an annoyed tone, "I swear I've seen that tree before." "No, I know where I'm going." Reveille responded. "I'm pretty sure you passed this spot." Felicia shook her head, again, "Are you sure your going North, Reveille?" Reveille pointed to one of the windows and pointed out; North, south, east, and west. Winding down her window Felicia looked at the ground. Eyes opening wide she quickly winded it back up. "Paige, how quick do crickets multiply?" "Kinda slow...Unless they're killed off by their normal circumstances...Why?" "Maybe we haven't passed here yet..." Reveille looked back, "What's up now?" "Most of the plants out side are totally covered with crickets." "Go back to reading," Paige said, somewhat relaxed, "There's nothing to worry about. Say wants in the book anyways?" Flipping through the pages to the back of the book, she held it up so that the others could see. In the few back pages of the book was a map. But it was torn and jagged for the most part. Yet it was still readable/use-able.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1][COLOR=indigo]Walking swiftly Felicia caught up to Reveille, and Paige seconds after. On parts of the bridge head, only 5 cars were left. And so pieces back washed clung to the cording of the bridge. Felicia looked over her back and then to Reveille and Paige. Felicia asked, looking up at Reveille. "How many people do you think got washed out?" Reveille replied, "I'm thinking almost everyone in a car." "Why would it matter," Paige commented, "Not like anyone is going to die anytime soon." "Yes, I suppose your right." "Don't worry about it," Reveilles cracked a small smile, "They'll be alright." Nodding, Felicia became silent and started to walk again. While walking, Felicia began to read her book. The other to looked at her then back ahead of them. The few cars left started to drive again, all past the three walking. The three heard more shoots and cannons, but some how. They had seemed farther behind them. Rather then getting closer of louder, a sharp high toned pitch came wavering through the air. Disappearing, and randomly coming back in un-orderly patterns. Hearing short and almost silent mutters, Felicia looked over at Paige. Closing her book and holding it to her side. She stopped walking. Reveille looked back over her shoulder, "What's wrong now?" "Reveille, Paige...How far dose this bridge go?" "How are we ment to know?" Paige shook her head. Shrugging, Reveille continued to walk only a few steps behind Paige and eventually beside her. Running to catch up, Felicia walled behind the two. Beginning to read her book again. Still walking the three still heard the wavering high pitched tone.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. Strolling down the side of the bridge. Water suddenly came down, as if a cloud burst had started. Stopping Felicia stared up and forwards. Seeing large explosions in the water, forcing it to come up like rain. Starting to run, she stopped a ways off from a trail of powder. Leaving off into another explosion, waiting she looked down to see the water come up. Hearing sounds of cannons, she thought it best to see what kind of cannons had been set off. Staring as the water came up and came down upon the bridge. Knowing all she needed to. She started to look around from some sort of shelter. Sighting a place will the works marked The Tropicana" atop on a sign. Running to the entrance she opened the door. Somewhat cold. Walking in Felicia shook her head to the sides. Trying to dry her hair from the water. Of which had still been falling, faintly sounding, out on the bridge. Continuing to walk around she took a seat inside the waiting room. Sitting by another who's hair seemed as though it hadn't been so drenched by the water hailing out side. Taking her book and placing it in her lap, sided by her hands Felicia began to read. But as she did every few seconds she glanced other at the women sitting beside her. Curiosity getting the best of her, she silently closed her book. Standing up, she bowed quickly to her. "Excuse me," Felicia said, hesitantly, "But are you Miss. Reveille?"
  21. Geez...How naive and hollow... Ok, [U]please.[/U] Consider the common factors. Would you like to see a listing of over a 100 people as the same character over and over again? Would you like to know that others can more easily take your character status? All because of the game would have the same computing design. The utter confusion things could cause. If you use the same character design status, small remolding, it'd just be kinda of pathetic in my opinion...
  22. Name: Felicia Re Elcritian Age: 14 Home Country: France Appearance:4'7"/98 lb. Short black hair, sharply cut bangs off to the side, brown/red eyes, pale white skin, white long sleeve shirt, cutting to a slip with a red bow in the front, dark purple skirt, white stockings, black ankle boots, purple gloves with red bows. Demeanor: Intelligent, but is rather withdrawn. Leaving others often confused by her actions. Very sweet and kind to most, she'll do all in her power to try and stop the suffering that's going on around her. Felicia is probably one of the youngest that are journeying to the north. But this is concealed making it easier for the others to not ask too many questions. They all seem to think she's 18 or so, in fact she actually acts as though she is so. And would rather have it said then rather any others say she was any younger. Not a good fighter, she has a lack of confidence. Willing, she has a brave streak. Usually when ever some one is in trouble, she also only cares about others happiness. But lately...Felicia has been sunning off others, and talking far less then she once did. What You're Bringing: An old book she found long ago. It was written on the date the boy disappeared. Thinking it might be some help. Has yet to read it though... Purpose of traveling to the North: Is tired or the fighting, and the hectic world. Feeling that some day the ones fighting will die sometime or another she feels it's her responsibility to stop it. And end the feeling. Other: Acts as if she is 18, and is thought as so. In her hand she's always holding a cross pendent, but it's inside her right hand glove. She usually never takes off. ----- Tell me if there's anything I need to change. PS - Glade your still around.
  23. Heh, I remember this subject. You had even posted in it your self. Why didn't you just continue with that thread? It was basically the same, only two different ways and redetections. One sending e-mails one sending letters through the actually mail. It makes no difference to most. Think about the time it would take, the money, programmers, and everything else. If one wanted it to truly be like the real .hack or dot hack games. Most likely by the time they'd be finish developing it enough to make it like it was in the show everything would boring. Because of how many years it'd take to make. But on the other hand... If you'd want to make it like FFXI that's a completely different story. But it'd still take a few years to develop. Have you every actually stopped to think about Bandai it's self. Why if they we're to focus on certain things only they could go way down hill. And become in lack of what they are now. Other things they work on could suffer if they didn't set it up, bank rapt, etc. First of all think of the factors that would come with making the game. If they ever did come out with one, and no problems or errors accorded...Then I'm thinking it'd cost near a hundard dollars or more just to play. I don't think too many teens or kids would be even able to play. There'd be so many gltichs and errors. The game probably be down every months. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dark_dragongirl [/i] [B][color=navy]Well, if you look at the thread I started called "The World Petition Site" you should find some kind of answer that Death Bug said, that would say "writing letters will help".[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] But dose that PROVE it will work. Think of the factors and errors that may occur, things that can be caluated in the making. ^^' Sorry, I hadn't ment to come of rude or to be rude. But that was the nicest way I can think of. Again sorry.... If you'd liek to read about others opinions in general, go [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=31567]Here[/URL]
  24. Although I'd wish people would draw the old school Mega Man. Both pictures are drawn very well. I like the way you've chosen to fill in so it's in color. You've also done a very good job on propositions, which some still find hard even not doing a full body shot. I like the expressions you've given the two characters, it suits them well. The only thing I can recommend is that you should shade a bit more. Or at least a few shades darker. Other then that, great work.
  25. Great work, Haze_Gundam006. I especially like your latest wallpaper of Sesshomaru. Both together as one, makes for a nice wallpaper. His position flows well with the back ground. Having it red in this aspect works well, which is not so common with this character. But you made it work. I say this because the back ground makes one think of blood. Which can be easily associated with Sesshomaru . There's only one thing that's a little off. Some of the cropping areas around him have a white/light blue lining. Mostly near the flow strans of hair. Other then that...Great work.
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