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I've been trying my hands at a new banner. It features the character from Xenosaga. Known as KOS-MOS, since this game has stunning graphics I had decided to make a banner out of a few (2). Now that it's been started, I need some help finishing it. I'm afraid that I may mess it up if I go by my own judgment. It seems kind of empty. So, I'd like some help. I can't figure out what to do with it. I think it'd be best if I had asked other's opinions on it. I'd be greatly appreciated if anyone could suggest something that should be added or changed. C&C [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=530540[/IMG]
A quick recommendation for those of you who can't think of something to put on the banner. As in the quote part for the contest ruling. Look around and find what character on the banner says the most. Or a line they've stated that you think really means something. @ Ryu Sakura, not to intrude...But Pok'emon is considered an anime. As is Kirby, and others of the such. That'd also be a nice banner to enter, if it wasn't your contest. Anyway. I see many great banners here. Not only are the banners that have been entered pleasing to the eyes, and great clarity. But they're also of some of the most aspiring banner makers. Great job every one. This will be a close call...
YYou've gotten my opinion on the contest banner. So moving on past that... Sailor Moon Banner I like this one. A really clean cut image, and the "Will you dance with me?" is great. Only thing I can pick out is it could have been done in a darker shade of gray. Other then that it's great. The Pink One I love this one. I normally don't like pink, usually very few shades. But this one I make an exception for. I like the text, and the picture. It's very easily seen, and deciphered. Card Captors Never seen any one use that angle. Well rarely, but you've pulled it off. It actually fits the text extremely well. It seems as if she's dancing. Very nice. Don't "do" happy I really like this one also. You choose a good picture to fall along with the words. There's something that's bugging me though. It might have gone better if the text had been in the upper left hand corner. Confused I love this one the most by far of these sets. The picture is of very good quality. And her expression goes with the saying you have on there. Good choice on the shade of purple.
Vey nice, Ryu_Sakura. I like this one, you've choosen a good shade of purple that gose to the banner. And from the chocies of fonts you have to choose from in MS Paint. You've done a great job selecting the right one to go along with the banner. The only problem I have are about two letters are hard to read. The "e" in "here" on the left hand side. Also the "a" in "am" on the right hand side. Other then that, I think it's great. ^^
Wanting to get in a Eva., greetings, banner. I went and made one using Pen Pen and Rei. Although it's simple, I'm actaully really proud of this one. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=529062[/IMG]
And now as for my second one. This one being harder to make, it took longer. Around 10 minutes, but I'm happy with the way it turned out. *cough* Go, OtakuSennen! *cough* *cough* [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=528885[/IMG]
Here's my first one, a quick one here. So I'll be doing another now. Which will certainly be more Christmas-ie (sp). Beh, had to get one in. ^^ EDIT: Opps...I just noticed I had forgotten to put the "My Profile" on this one...*gose off to edit banner* [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=528441[/IMG]
Here you go: [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?threadid=32838]http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?threadid=32838[/URL] He's using AOL 9.0 correct? Tell him to simply use Internet Explorer. The link above should tell all. It was the most recently made thread about this same problem, or at least I think. I know there are a few others if you go under the "Search." Hope this helps.
Thanks so much, I love it. Don't forget Katana, [i][b]MS Paint[/i][/b]. Yeah...Anyways, I really do like this banner. You've done a great job on capturing Washu's different expresions. With the combinations ofr the three pictures. I think you did a great job on the cut out on the middle pic. Much better then I could have ever done with paint. Keep up the great work. PS: Again, thanks I love it. ^^ That's also a very niffty trick.
I like. ^^ I think this one is better then the other Subaru banner you had posted earlier. This one giving more range of view, and more space to fit text. Also I had failed to mention earlier. Using the text in white is a good idea, considering some of the bg it happens to lay across are shades of black, grays, and white. I like the angle you had used on this one. Having the far away view rather then a more close up. Unlike the pic. of Subaru being flipped upside down.
Those are actually...Pretty good for a beginor. *clapps* Nice job, Ryu_Sakura. If you don't mind me asking...What program are you using? These banners are much better then my first few. Anyways, out of the two my favoite would have to be the .hack//sign banner. First Banner: .Hack//sign : : Subaru It's made with a very clear picture, and the font kinda works out. There are probably a few better fonts that could work out with it but. I'm dropping that, because it looks good. Very nice. ^___^ Second Banner: Trigun This one would be better if the re-sizing wasn't iffy. It looks some what compressed. And the way a small part of the picture is cut off dosen't serve the banner justice. Other then that I like it, simple. I like how you used the red text, and the font with the white bg and no boarder. *Still thinks the Subaru banner is pretty* Oo
"Actually, I had been waiting here for you to arrive Maverick." A voice said, "I had simply wanted to hit to birds with one stone. Your not ment to be here." "Why'd you close off this field?" Maverick gripped his weapon, "I see nothing wrong with this place..." "It was not my decision, I had been fallowing orders," Gingetsu said, jumping out into view from the shadows, "Fallowing orders as you should have been fallowing rules." Stepping forwards, Shape said: "You like to talk a lot don't you?" "I'll talk as long as I need to, to get it through your heads. Now leave!" Foot steps where heard lightly. "Some one else, who is it now?" Maverick siad, "I can't be another mod can it?" Before Shape could answer. Gingetsu, rising up her Laevateinn sword. Forwarded one foot, and came with a slashing charge at Shape.
OOC: You people really need to read other people's post carefully before posting your own. _______________ IC: "Ahhh...can we wait till later," the man said, "It's so late in the night and we should probably both get some rest..." A vain started to show through Minami's forehead, "But do you have the information!?!" The man nodded, "But...How about tomorrow morning?" "No, because we now have another person waiting to get the same information" Minami replied. "Oh really," the man replied innocently, "Who might he be?" "He's a bounty hunter," Minami continued, "He's name is Clyde, he's after Vash the Stampede as well." "I see and where might he be?" Minami smacked her hand to her forehead, "Stay on track! Do you [i]really[/i] have the information!?!" "Yes, yes of course I do." he said waving his hands, "But as I said, we all should be getting rest now." Minami looked behind her at Clyde staying in the door way. He nodded, she begun to walk over to him. The two walking out into the hall, she shut the door. They began to discuss weather to wait till the morning or have the questioning done now. The door opened back up slowly, the two had a stern look on their faces. "Alright," Clyde responded, "We'll wait till tomorrow...But on one condition." "I'll be waiting out side of this hotel's room door." she said, "Before you can have a chance to escape. It seems that you have some very important information you refuse to tell. We're not letting you get away. Understand?" The man nodded, and swiftly went off to a chair over by the table. "I'm not going anywhere." he said, "And by the way, could I have me jacket back?" Throwing the blue jacket back over, Clyde walked out the door. Giving him a long, cold, hard stare. Minami left the room and shut the door loudly behind her. Pulling out her gun, she took a seat on the right hand side of the door with her gun ready to be of use.
Gingetsu walked around, scanning through the crowd of players. All walking about forming parties, and buying new items. There seemed to be no sign of troubles on this server. Strangely enough, Gingetsu found herself walking to the chaos gate. Taking up her Laevateinn and rising it to point upwards to the sky. She warped to through the chaos gate and on to another plan. Coming through, she put the blade's tip to the ground and curved it. Leaving a thin cut in the ground. Looking ahead, a small figure seemed to disappear into the entrance of a dungeon. [i]How nice...[/i]:Gingetsu said to herself: [i]A player who chooses to come to an off limits field. I'm just going to have to teach them not to deify the rules.[/i] Gingetsu went over past the ridges and drops over to the entrance of the dungeon. Walking in, it was a deeply lit and so it lead a possibility to arose a few minor problems. But Gingetsu continued to walk further inside. At the corner of her eye, she saw a shadow growing smaller. It was swift and quickly disappear out of sight. She began to fallow the player through the dungeon. Just to see what may occur.
Listening, loud, sudden thumps, came around for two corners over. Ran had been lucky at this moment, there was no way in behind her. Nor was there anyway around to her, rather then front. Walking speedily, almost in a panic, she could hear gun shots firing off rapidly. Each shot causing sounds of splatter, splatter of blood. Now a familiar smell to the women. Bulling out her gun she round the corner, there was a door with bodies lying on the floor. Swimming in pools of blood. [i]There are those still sane?"[/i] She thought to her self. More of them came running, up to the door entrance. All trying to get through, to those foot steps running up. Finally the massive rush of the infected stopped coming to the way of the door. Like to the entrance inside was blacked by too many clouding, like blood scolding over. Watching as they went up the stairs, after those shooting back. hastily, Ran came out of the corner looking for others. And waited near the door way. Peering slightly over the damaged frame of the door. She watched as a fell down the stair, sliding in their blood. After the bodies came sliding down and came to a halt, Ran stepped over the bodies and went up. There wasn't any light at the top of the stairs too hard too see. The women heard the starching of wood. Taking out her gun the she shot blindly into the darkness. And red a thump, a red fluid came down the stairs and a little light came through. But was quickly covered by a shadow. And the turning of a knob.
Name: Yuki Campbell Screen name: Tartaros Age: 19 Description:[URL=http://www.angelfire.com/anime4/ryvius/images/scans/posterbook1.jpg]Click here[/URL] It's the guy the back of the picture, behind the girl in purple. Weapons: Tech gloves (Hoping you remember them U.L.X) Bio: Watching over the Adventure and Battle Arena, Tartaros is very strict. And will do all in his power to enforce the rules. He's some what of an old member, making him more experienced. When he had been younger, he had always been in RPG's. A majority of them were blood, futuristic, or medieval. And so he takes more responsibility in these then others. He's also an expert fighter and only participates in battles if he sees them fit. It's actually not the hard to please him those with good quilt ideas. Personality: Cold, and rude. Tartaros is very intelligent, he knows this very well. Although, he has the smarts to use the intelligence and be kind and such. Tartaros just chooses not to, just to make sure that the rules are enforced he's very blunt. And can be quite hurtful. Target Realm: Adventure and Battle Arenas (Heh, I'm already a mod for these arenas at other boards, ironic)
"The World? Name: Gingetsu Gender: Female Affiliation: Moderator Class: Heavy Blade Special Ability: Chaos Gates Warp Weapon: Laevateinn Description: 5 feet, 11 inches, 125lb.s. Short black hair, long shaggy bangs, with violet tips. Bright red eyes, pale skin with some what rosy cheeks. A metallic band that rings around the back of her head, and underneath near her bangs. The metallic band, has a triangle on in the middle on back. It's black and red, and often times there are four ribbons interlacing colors, hanging from the metallic band. An extremely long white and gray jacket, with the sleeves cut off. Having a round about type shall attached to the upper side of the jacket, which is stated to the glove like sleeves. The middle of it has a pink/red triangle. The upper part of the jacket like cloak is black. Except for the collar. The collar of jacket, comes up covering most of Gingetsu's face. Level: 88 Role: Often time she seem as if a normal player, and could very well be considered so. But is actually in the world to enforces the rules. And deal with those who break them. (Or will be PM, and will be changed) ----- Real World Name: Juli Blues (july - buruu) Age: 12 Gender: Female Description: Short black hair, cut like a boy's. Juli has a stern pale face, that always seem as if her mind is drifting. Has dull blue eyes, and she wears a long sleeve black shirt with turtle neck. A black skirt, with black stockings, and ankle boots. She also has a necklace that she seemingly never removes, a silver chain with a book pendent. Bio: Juli had always had a loving family and friends. She had always liked being with others, but within the last few years Juli had been starting to drift from them. When younger she had never really liked playing video games. They were boring to her. But soon enough those around her started boring her. She got tired of their kindness and love. Until recently... Strangely, enough she's been spending most of her time online. Ever since, she's been playing in the world because of those around. And now works as a Moderator for the "World".
Sign Up: Name: Ran Aren Nationality: British Rank: None (British Civilian) Age: 30 Height/Weight: 5'8"/140lb.s Prime Weapon: M16 (Given to her by a soldeir) Melee Weapon: Two Stylus pens Description: Ran has short black haircut, looking rather boyish. Brown eyes, that look green when reflected in bright light. Dresses in a long, sleeve, buttoned shirt, with black lined cufflinks. A black vest the seems to fit rather tightly, holding a pocket on the left side. The pocket is where her two pens are held. Long, pressed, black pants. And black pretty plan black boots, with silver links. Personality: Cynical, short tempered, Ran comes off rude in many situations. Intelligent she came think her way through most bad parts of life and can plan ahead fairly well. Except most times when she has to be around others, who's personalities happen to clash with her own. But for the most part Ran is very caring, and will try and help those around her the best she can. When left alone she has some nerves habit of biting on one of the pens she always carries around with her. Ran tends to give out advise even if other don?t think they need it, and it usually works.
All poems added together two spelling errors, and two punctuation errors. Heh, I'm picky lately. You're one of the best poets I've read here on the boards thus far. The lines of the poems flow great together, and they don't stray away from the main idea. Personally, I love the subjects that these poems are based around. Poem: Crashing 10/10 Poem: Screaming 10/10 Poem: Torment 10/10 Great job, Myth. I look forwards to more of your writings. PS - Love your sig.
I like the avatar...But creepy at the same time. Oo But anyways on to the design and such...That's actually a very well made avatar. Reason being the images in the avatar are all of good quality. I like the idea behind the avatar, and how it kinda relates and states something about this certain point in time. As Shinmaru had stated, it has a very good animation. That and it's funny, which is pretty much all that matters, other then the way it's made, and the quality. And a very nice title for the thread may I add, I didn't get it till I had actaully seen the avatar...
"I take it your after Vash the Stampede as well, eh?" "You could say that..." the man replied. "Alright then, sure no prob." Minami said, "I'm Minami, officer on the look out for Vash the Stampede." "Nice to meet you, I'm Clyde." Clyde turning the knob and opened the door, Minami went inside. Flicking on the lights she tapped her foot, and took a look around. Being satisfied she turned out the lights, went out and stared at Clyde. After a few seconds, Minami walked past him and down the hall, the man fallowing behind her. Coming to the man's door, she turned the knob. It turned slightly then stopped, Minami hit the door with a knee jab. "That bump!" Minami angrily said to Clyde, "He locked the door!" Shaking his head he asked, "Have a pin?" Nodding, she reached into one of the pockets of her over coat searching for a pin. After finding one she took it out and handed it to him. [i]Maybe he's not as drunk as I thought...[/i]: she said to her self in her mind. Clyde straitened the pin and picked the lock opening the door. "Ladies first." Minami gave him a cold hard stare, and walked in. Closing the door behind him, the two stood looking around the room. There was the man's coat hanging on the back of one of the chairs by the table...
Becoming inpatient, Minami was getting annoyed all the more by the minute. And being half way drunk her self wasn't helping at all. "So what's it gonna be?" Minami asked, enraged. "Once I have a hotel room, I'll tell you all I know...So is it a deal?" "Alright..." Walking down the dusty roads, helping along the drunk. It began to become darker and darker as the time passed by looking for the hotel. Finally, the two saw a little over hanging sign that read: Inn. In big bold lettering, walking in side Minami went to the counter while setting the man down on a chair. Ordering and paying for the two rooms, the owner of the hotel looked over Minami's shoulder and waved to the drunk. Confused, she ignored this and took the two pairs of keys to the rooms. Heaving the drunk up the stairs and taking him to his room. She helped him take a seat on his bed and gave him his keys. "Stay in here, and don't go anywhere! I want my information and I plan to get it," Minami said walking out the door, "Got that!?!" The man nodded, and she left the room. Walking down the hall looking for the room she began to sing her little song. The man heard this and sat up right on the bed...
What program are you using? Don't put your self down eaither. Practice makes perfect. There are only a few things wrong with the banner. The placing of words, they should be a little lower down. Name needs o be put in a different place. Needs a bg though, or a different type of boader. Other then that I pretty much like it. The banner flows well with your sig because the two fonts are the same. Also the white black and color contrasting.
Walking along, through the crowd she saw the man in the blue coat. Running up behind him, she tapped him lightly on the shoulder. He turned and the response she got was, "Wha..." The man had bags under his eyes, and his breath smelt as if he had been drinking. Minami took a step back with out even thinking of it. [i]Certainly not Vash[/i]; she thought. "Excuse me," Minami managed to say, while holding her breath, "But have you had any sighting of Vash the Stampede, or any information on him?" "Maybe...why yes I do, really..." the man said stumbling, "I'll tell you if you buy me a drink. Hehe...I'm flat broke...So what you say you get me a drink and I'll give you my information?" [i]And this is the only lead I have?[/i] : she though, [i] Better then none I guess.[/i] Sighing heavily, Minami nodded and they walked to the pub. Walking into the doors of the pub, they went past every one. The soon she get the information if any the fast she could do her job. Taking a seat she ordered two drinks. One for her and one for the drunk. After taking one sip of his drink the man started rambling on, but he said nothing of Vash. On and on he went, about absolutely nothing. After while of his non-sense, she just ignored him and kept ordering drinks to keep her self occupied. After what it was, what she thought to be her fifth drink. She banged her head on the counter, tried of listening to the man. Lifting her head from the counter, she finally got too tired to drink and drown out the mans words. Clunking the rambling drunk in the back of the head with one of the cups. Knocked him and out. The mans head fell to the counter, and snorings sounds came. "Finally!" Minami yelled.
Minami waking through the sand stopped. The wind blew and picked up the sand twirling it about. Dust lifting into her scarf, and blew around her face. The sudden wind settled, she pushed the dust off the scruff. Looking forwards there was a minute speck on the horizon. Seeming the quite little town of New July, and by the rumors floating around the next stop. The next expected mark of Vash the Stampede. Looking forwards, Minami continued walking on. As Minami walked on, her shadow seemed to shift strangely as any type of breeze blew. Entering past the sign, on it read: Welcome, New July. Feeling a strange shiver down her spin, Minami felt around to find where her weapon was canceled under neither her over coat. Gripping the gun through her coat, she let her hand fall. Scanning the area around her, Minami looked around to see if she could sight Vash. But no use, only the normal residence of NJ. Walking around she began to ask of any sightings. Over and over she asked the same question, and every time it was the same. No Vash. Investigating, she still had no word of Vash. Only people with new rumors. And they were of no use either, all of them discarding a fact that the rest of the officials and she already knew. After covering most part of the town she still had nothing, but as of now had made up a song. "O'l Vash, Stampede, gonna pay the price, I'm gonna take you. Never gonna see the light of day again..." she sang this repeatedly as she walked. Walking down a alley, she stopped signing. And saw a man in a blue coat stride by. Thinking back to the rumors and the facts Minami thought it was a possibility of Vash. But how could she be sure? Only catching a brief glance wasn't enough to arrest someone, and especially on such charges. From what she saw, he hadn't looked all that much as she had pictured him anyways. Discarding this though she, walked out of the alley. But for some reason unknown to her she took a look to the side she had seen the man heading. He wasn't there... Yet she went to her right, just incase it was him. And if she found him, and he wasn't Vash the Stampede. Minami would question him anyways, just for the fun of it. By her bets he'd have some rumor or something else to say about Vash that'd be worth hearing...Everyone did. Walking she started to sing her little song again.