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I'd like to sign up Ryu Sakura. You should get more of a story or plot up for others to understand the plot better, though. And I'm pretty sure if you had more of a plot othes would join to. So once that's done, I'll post my sign up.
Race: Elite Type: Altered Humans (valkyrie) Name: Kenmei Wasenshi Age: 361 Gender: Female Description: See Attachment Location: Hyouden Weapon(s) :[URL=http://secure.sovietski.com/isroot/sovietski/ImagesOnline/catalog/121224.jpg]Steel, BroadSword[/URL] Magic/Skills/Spells: Light Of Purity: Creates a bright, glowing, orb, that heals minor wounds. (type: Light) Shiro Kaze (white wind) : A strong and violent wind arise out of nowhere to slice into the opponent's skin. Then comes a slight breeze of white dust though the cuts that leaves the body numb for a few seconds. (type: wind) Saikyou Touitsu (strong unity) : Creates a clear barrier out of magic, needs the tip of the sword to be a draw point for focusing. Once focused a dark blue stream will com out of the tip of the sword, and make a thin dome over the group/person. And protect them for a short time. When hit it will loose some of it's power, and waves shall emerge from the point of attack. (type: unknown) Personality: Intelligent, wise, kind, and caring Bio: Kenmei has lived in Hyouden for what very well may be all of her life. All those living there are kind and warm hearted. So she's learnt over the years to be the same. But in the people's kindness they may also be taken advantage of fairly easily. Being taken advantage of her self many times before, she's learnt to be wise about those she trust. In Hyouden, Kenmei had lived with her family. Who had consisted of her mother, father, and baby brother. She spent much of her time studying though. Kenmei's mother in her free time had taught her magic, her father taught her how to wield a sword. And her brother most of all had taught her that all life is precious. And that no one has the right to take away another's life. Kenmei's little brother taught her this the hard way though. Over fifty years ago when he had still been around. He had became sick from a wide spreading illness, along with her parents. Now she lives in a small cabin like place hidden among the trees in the snow. Kenmei often times helps anyone passing by. Never forgetting the memories of the past, she refuse to ever let some one die with out trying to help them first.
Siaga tried to hold the Digivice steady, but her hand shook. Using her other hand she tried to steady her arm. A bright light grew from right. Swiftly Siaga shifted her view, the tower was glowing a bright pink. But there was one thing that she couldn't understand. The Vilmon were clumping into a group to the left. Quickly she looked over at Mikhail and Devidramon, Kuwagamon looked over to the side with the small figure. "Isn't that Lady Devimon?" he asked, worriedly. "I think it could be..." Finally Siaga remembered to stay focused but the three light sources looked as if they were going back into the warp. Jolting her hand forward she tried too have the Digivice give out more power. But it was no use. They were disappearing. "Mikhail!" "What is it?" he asked, not taking notice. "The gate, I can't open it." replied Siaga, "And Lady Devimon is coming." Mikhail turned his view, and saw the shadow grow larger. Lady Devimon had came all the way from the tower over to where they were. But for what reason? Ryoma stared, "Don't but into other peoples battles!" Lady Devimon shook her head. "Your fighting a lost battle anyways, it has no matter to me." she said, "Mikhail, Siaga, finish up here. Then get back to the tower there are new orders. I'm going off to the others."
Err....yeah, I had gotten them. ^^ Anyways since no one commented on the last two banners. These two might give some thing to comment about. Because the first one isn't something I normally do. [IMG]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/kenmeibanner03.JPG[/IMG]
Here's another one I had made for ~aya kinimoto~ since she didn't like the first one too muc. I had problems with this one. I couldn't match up the right pictures of Rei and Asuka for the banner. And Met. had asked me to change the other Eva. banner. Although, I'm now back to having problems with it. Oo I think I messed it up again... [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=502401[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=502658[/IMG]
Yeah, for the Mutio banner I couldn't think of a very good bg or border for it. And I was kinda on a time limit. I had made it before school had started and my time was limited to finish. As for the font, my MS Paint program has only the fonts that came with it. And all of them are pretty bad to use on banners. As for the eva one I had had problems with the cut out job. But I did take the advie you guys had givin me. I tryied a different back ground for the eva one side and a different and bigger text. As for the angel side I left it how it was because people seemed to like that side as it was. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=502658[/IMG]
Name: Siaga Age: 13 Appearance: Long white hair, long shaggy bangs that are tinted silver, pale/blue/dead eyes, pale white skin, black vest lined in white, long white sleeve shirt, black shorts lined in white, violet stockings, tall white boots, a neckless with a book pendent, and has one red slash under left eye Class: Long Arm Level: 56 Weapon: Javelin Personality: Intelligent, obedient and kind. But Siaga will go against what's asked of her if she knows it will effect her friends in a negative way. But for the most part will do what she's told or asked of. Being intelligent she can think her way for the most part. And would like to aviod fighting. Although it's not always possible. Siaga also tends to get close to those who she shouldn't, or the ones who will hurt her the most. Even so, no matter how much they hurt her she'll be there to help them. Siaga would give up her life for them. She'll stay by them, and never forget anything that happens, good nor bad.
Siaga kept running, keeping the Vilmon and Kuwagamon in her veiw. Not knowing that she was being fallowed. As she ran she noticed that Kuwagamon was lowering near the ground, and finally stopped adn turned to face her. The Vilmon stopped in the air and looked downwards at the two. Siaga stopped running and walked up to Kuwagamon. "What's wrong?" Kuwagamon shook his head, and pointed fowards. "A new gate..." Looking around she saw nothing. "What should we do?" "I don't know to tell you the truth..." Kuwagamon then hosited Siaga, and the two went higher and higher. As they started to fly, Siaga noticed that some of the Vilmon turned and looked around. But then wen't back to staring forwards the way they were going. But Siaga didn't see anyone, and they hadn't even flown that close to the two below on ground. She couldn't figure out what they had been looking for. If they heard anything, she probably couldn't. Because of so many wings flapping at the same time, along with the loud buzzing. Kuwagamon then quickly told the Vilmon to go to the left as he did. "What are you doing?" Siaga asked very confused, "We're ment to go that way!?!" "There's a relivently large gate this way..." Siaga nodded, as they drew closer a gate came into their view. It was larger then most of the gates she had ever seen. And strange of all it was hovering high up in the air. Siaga felt something to her side, and remembered about her digive. A bright stream was coming from it, it looked as if the light was going to the gate. Taking out the Digivice, Siaga held it to the gate.
Alot of boardom and time on ones hands usually hlpe. And as for the 3-D effect on the secon banner. I had used therr images. First was Naruto, second was whats in the back of naruto, and the three one was of a wallpaper I had had. It had had 3-D shaded parts, so I cut it out and repeatedly made it smaller and cutted it so it was the right size. Anyways heres a new banner I had made for some one in the banner/avi. request area. The other one is one I had recently made of Mutio. It has a plan pink bg though, because I could thinkg of anything else to put. And I'm going to try and modify banners 2 and three. So Hopifully I can make them better then they are now. Banner 1 [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=501431[/IMG]
Siaga looked over at Kuwagamon. He spread his wings and took to the air. "Tell the vilmon to get to the tower." Siaga yelled up to him. Kuwagamon then flew higher up to where the group of Vilmon had been hovering over head and waiting for the orders. After a few seconds the Vilmon started flying off into the direction of the glowing light of the Tokyo Tower. Siaga looked back at Angel, Angel not looking back nodded. Siaga walked to where Kuwagamon was starting to lower to the ground. Whispering, a puzzled look came over Kuwagamon's face. Shunning this off, he started to go up again and flew after the Vilmon. Siaga looked over at those fighting. Then at Nisha and Angel, she really didn't want to be around when those two fought. It was now time to take her leave, and see that the orders where carried out to get the Dark Digimon coming out of the protals to the Tower. Shifting her view up then forwards, Siaga started to run in the dircetion of Kuwagamon to see that all went right.
Name: Kenmei Wakamono Age: 12 Gender: Female Race: Human Deck: The Deck of Trial Weapon: Scythe Description: 5'2," 89 lb., dull/dead eyes, pale white skin, frail build, short black hair, long shaggy bangs, long sleev black shirt, black skirt, vilot stockings, ankle boots, two silver rings (one on each pointer fingure), and a silver neckless with a book shaped pendent Bio: Kenmei is the youngest of four childern. Having two brothers and one sister, some how she felt that she never really had belonged. Even so, Kenmei never complained nor said anything. She just kept it to her self, considering she didn't know if any one else had felt the same. Being that she was very wise and intelligent for her age she knew what to do about it. Not having very many friends at school, Kenmei burried her self into books. The reason she had problems making friends because to her, they had always judged her wrongly. But becoming distant from them had made it worse. Which was the only reason they really judged her for. And so it contuied on further. Yet there was one she had felt close to, they had been her best friend. Her friend had recently died though for unknown reason reasons. Feeling that she, her-self, hadn't done anything to help them, and it had been her fualt. Kenmei has now tooken a change, and will try and help anyone she can. Often times though, others don't want her help because they way she acts. With always reading, and still being distant from them. This has not chanced to cloud Kenmei's thoughts though. Because she still has a good will of judgement, and is thoughtfull of others and their well being.
Sue stepped out of the red car that had just stopped, and closed the door. Swiftly walking up to the front door, her parents waved good bye, as did she Sue and drove off. Turning Sue walked and came to entrance to the park. Looking around before she went, she thought of how the park looked so misplaced here in NY. But shuned the thought and started walking again. Strolling down the path, Sue's view was to the sky. After a while of walking she ended up near a large tree and stopped. Listening, faint voices could be heard. But she had no clue who most of them were, and none of the voices belonged to Kari. As Sue kept walking she saw a few people's shadow and then heard Kari. Sue starting running and came to a stop at where Kari and a few other people were.
OOC: Please remember about how long your post are. _________________________________ Kuwagamon got up but had a lemp to his step. Siaga ran over to him, and view his cover shell just slightly above his right wings led. The shell had been slightly burned, and a few streaks of steam coming out. "Kuwagamon!" said Siaga running over, "Hey you alright?" "Yes just fine, the Dark Digimon will be coming," he said, "hey've interferred with the orders..." Siaga looked up at the tamers and their Digimon, "Yeah, we'll have to work around them and get the Dark Digimon to the Tower." "They might not go, because they'd probably rather battle" As the battles went on the warp started glowing a viloent red. In random waves, small light beams shot out. And many small creatures emerged, they had small wings and went shooting out. After a few seconds they revealed them selves as Vilmon, and swooshed around as if they were waiting. Suddenly the warp seemed to explode from the inside, and it looked as if he warp was being torn. Large streams of light started coming out. A stronger and larger Digimon was coming. Kuwagamon took Siaga flew. Staring around they scaned the way for Damian. Once found Siaga and Kuwagmon, she had him fly her down there. Siaga asked as she took a few steps forwards. "Need any help, here?"
*copy and pastes* I had wondered about what had happened to this...(As said before friends with Finny) _____________ Name: Siaga McAmoray Age: 13 Gender: Female Description: Short silver/blue hair, pale blue eyes, pale skin, silver/white wings, long pointed ears, long sleeve gray top, loose silver skirt, gray shoes, carries along a silver lanturn, and a bag of silver dust Background: Siaga is one of the many in charge to make sure the plants around Rumbumbalo Tree stay alive. And to clear out anything that may harm Rumbumbalo and any one who lives in Goobly. When ever she gets a free moment she'll come and vist Finny. Siaga is always intrested in Finny's inventions. And will always be there to try and cheer him up if he's feeling down. She watchs out for him, if there's any sign of trouble. She's known Finny for a few years now. If not seen around Goobly she's sitting on some roof daydreaming or thinking. She's never really tryed wishing under the Rumbumbalo Tree cause she dosen't know what' she wish for. Siaga is pretty happy with the way things are, anyways.
___________________________ So sorry, about the delay every one! _____________________________ Real World As the years passed, most things of Digimon had faded from most peoples minds. Anything of the sort to be considered childish. People no longer gave any thought of; Was there really such a thing as a Digital Monster? Will there ever such a being? Too many where caught up in their own problems. But the ones who did happen to think of such things, only talked among them selves and others who had the same thought. All adults and so many children have forgotten the years before, when Digimon had appeared in the real world. When the Digimon and humans had been able to move between the two. Forgetting of the Digital World was one of the worst moves people could have made. As the sun started to set, up above in the sky. The earth's sky seemed to be disintegrating, and replaced by streams. All moving in odd ways, it was the same as if data. People around the world dropped what they were doing to see the phenomenon. They faded in and out of the sky. In other parts of the world it was the same. At the very same time, creatures started to appear out of nowhere. Causing chaos to all the areas surrounding. Children and teens claimed that the Digimon was back. Those near televisions, saw that it was news on every channel. All covering the extraordinary phenomenon. On some channels showing a top eye view. It seemed that blue gates where opening all around the areas that the creatures were appearing. One gate was the most important though. A large, glowing, barrier surrounded it's self around the Tokyo Tower. Those using electronics stopped, a strange, high pitch sound came. Yet, for children and teens with theirs, they heard a computerized voice, asking them if they were ready. And if they happened to answer, yes. Beeps came from all around, the voice told them to fallow the sound. The sounds always lead to a gate where a creature was waiting. But there were a selective few who had received the call. And those who had answered no, were attacked by dark Digimon. And then brought through a gate into the Tokyo Tower. Digital World The Digital World has been at peace for nearly a decade. For any forces of evil, have been dealt with. And driven off into the depths of the digital world. The Digimon who have fought for good, thought they no longer were in need of assistance of the humans. Afterwards, the mysterious Digimon didn't feel the need to re-surface. As if they had just been testing the Digimon. Obviously, they had much bigger plans then just the Digital World. [I]Now[/I] The sky was a dark gray, with a few glowing blue and pruple strikes zig zaging across the sky. Within the strikes you could see them. The creatures waiting to apper. The Digimon just bitting their time to get stronger and create choas among the humans in the real world. All arould the streets were bussy most trying to defect the rush to get home. Others trying to get a glimce at the protals before they closed or when one of the creatures some children and teens had called "Digimon." Walking down the street, her head hang low. Siaga was the only one who heard the buzzing of Kuwagamon flying over head. His buzzing silent, and soft was carried along the tinted breezes of the city. Stopping at the side of the street the buzzing went on. Taking her view off the ground, she look around. People were standing near a shop window, looking through at the tvs by the glass. waitng to hear of updates of the Digimon. News caster: We have just gotten word that what is said to be called a "Blue Warp Gate" is opening up on the oppist side of town. There have been givin warning for all to leave in the area, and the areas around them. So as to avoid any kind of deaths or major damages. Siaga heard their voices rise, and looked up. She couldn't see Kuwagamon....looking around and staring more. He had already gotten far infront of her, drawing closer to the protal. Their job, make sure all the dark Digimon get to the Tower. With out waiting for any cars to stop, she started out running into the street. The cars screaching to a halut, and the drivers winding down their windows to yell at her. After running Siaga found that Kuwagamon had landed and was staring at the protal. The whole area was deserted but the two. The gate started to glow a dull gray and blue. Then lights started swirling out in random patterens. Suddenly Kuwagamon stired, and looked around. He then muttered, "There are others here, Siaga..."
Thanks Eclectic. ^^ Glade you liked them. Here's another one I've been finishing up. Here's one I had been doing for a request in the Banner/Avater area that I've decided to do. This one is really taking me awhile though. Comments and suggests for this one please. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=500720[/IMG]
Thanks Haze Gundam006. Yeah, the font is kinda hard to read. Had some problems with it. And the only reason I could be better with Paint is because before it had been the only program I could use. -__- Which made all my banners/avi.s suck. Anyways, I had just finished this Naruto one a few minutes ago. I couldn't think of anything to put on it though. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=500512[/IMG]
Name: Umoki Age: 19 Gender: Female Rank: Jounin Village: Hidden Mist Weapon: Exploding Notes, Kubikiri Houcho, and a pair of Sai's Jutsu: Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu (Water Clone Skill) Creates one or multiple identical copies of the original out of water. More similar to Kage Bunshin then a regular Bunshin, Water Clones are capable of attacking, except each Clone is 1/10 the power of the original. Also, the clone can only be controlled within a certain radius of the user. Suiton Suijinheki (Water Type; Water Barrier Wall) Often used a counter attack to a Fire Type Jutsu, this technique creates a barrier of water expelled from the mouth. The wall can be manipulated by the user to block a single attack or surrond the user. Kirigakure no Jutsu (Hidden Mist Skill) A simple but very affective technique. Basically, a huge sheet of mist covers your enemies crippling their senses and creating a good opportunity of attack Water Prison Skill (Suirou no Jutsu) A move used to trap the victim inside a prison of water; it is very difficult to escape. The only downside to this technique is that the user must keep one arm inside the bubble at all times in order for the victim to remain imprisoned. Demonic Ice Mirrors, Secret Skill (HiJutsu Makyou HyouShou) With this Special Jutsu, the user creates a prison of Ice Mirrors from water and surrounds their enemy with them. This Jutsu allows the mirror's reflection to transport the user at extremely high speeds. Almost unsee-able to the opponent inside, the user can attack without danger of being harmed. The high speed of the user makes it almost impossible to dodge any oncoming attacks. Persona: Umoki basically let's the others do the talking and adds his input when she feels it's needed. When Umoki does choose to speak it's usually relevant and important. Very obeident, and complicated. Being in that she rarely says anything about whats going on. People often judge her as some what aloof. This is not true, she actually cares deeply for the ones she''s with. And dosen't wish to harm others...too much. But Umoki is not to be taken likely, she's very easily one of the most intelligent Mist Nijas you'll be meet. And therefore the most dangerous. Considering all of this though, Umoki will do anything for thoses she cares for. Even if it means giving up her life for them. She'll always be there for them, when ever that time maybe. Looks: 5'4," 120lb., gray/silver eyes, short black hair, pale skin, dark blue and black Mist Uniform, a very flat fronted vest with various holsters and pouches around it, etc. Bio: Umoki has been training since she was barely considered a kid. All of those in her family had bcome a Jounin rank before the age of 18. So she felt that she had to do the same. Most of her time, therefore, conisisted of studying and training. The fighters of Mist Village gladely helped to teach Umoki, knowing that she'd help keep the standaruds of the village high. As a child often orded to do things and many tasks Umoki learned to be obeident and not question any orders. If so, she'd be punished, the result was she never questioned an order. Having no second doubts allowed her to rise through the ranks faster then most, because she kept her mouth shut. At the age of 15, Umoki finally had reached the ranking of Jounin.This brought happiness to the ones who had trained her. But it had ended up as her being the slowest to reach the rank of Jounin. Which brought glimces of shame to her family, but her family knew enough that she had done her best. Her family tried not to let the shame they felt show, yet Umoki knew anways. This pushed her to train and study more then ever. ___________ I'll edit/finish this part tomorrow, because right now I gotta go. :: Advance Blood Line:: Clan:Haku Advance Blood Line Name: Skill Type: NinJutsu (Ninja Moves) Power: Brief Bio: (Hows it passed down, any Clan troubles with the power, doesn?t need to be a novel)
Seeing as it's been an extreamly long time since I made a last banner. I felt that my skill with MS Paint was going down. So I've started making MS Paint banners again. The latest one I've made is of Genjo Sanzo from Saiyuki. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=500310[/IMG]
Art A new banner.... hopefully better than the last one
Epsilon replied to Dagger's topic in Creative Works
It's a very good banner Dagger IX1. You've done a very good job on it. The font you've chosen for the banner is great with the image and colors. And the way the image kinda fades out into the color/words on the side, adds a mysterious effect to the over all banner. Because of the colors you used for the banner, iot makes it look even better. I like it, great job. 10/10 -
Yep, that's perfect Arika. Alright I'll start this later to day. Till then, I'd rather that we all have our Digimon digivalutions down. Or at least the Megas done. So for every Digimon you haven't thought of some thing for. You can make them up. But if you have them donw leave them as they are.
Name: Sue Ferenan Age: 15 Gender: female Weapon: Pair of Sai's and Butterfly Ogre Element: Fire Appearance: Short black hair, long shaggy bangs, gray/silver eyes, extreamly pale skin, long white sleeve shirt, black vest, black ankle boots, and black choker Background: She's always has been the "odd" one in her family. Sue has two brothers, a sister, and her mother and father. She dosen't get along with any of them really. Sue dosn't really talk to much, because when she dose she comes off some what weird and dosen't know how to really socialize. And has very little friends. Since Sue tends to freak people out. But while visiting NY, Sue met some one she could truely could call a friend who liked her for who she was. And some one she looks up to. Sue dosen't live in New York, but it seems as she dose. Seeing how much she visits. She actually lives in N.J., but often takes a trip to NY. Almost every two weeks, and stays for a few days. Which is the way Sue had met Kari. While on a trip to NY, Sue had bumped into Kari inside the park. After awhile they became good friends. But when Sue had to leave, they kept in contact through mail. But Sue dosen't know too many of Kari's friends. Lucky for her, she had just arrived at NY to visit her.
Yep, perfect Rokuki. I could help you on your bio-merge, if I had any knowlgde on the Digimon you've choosen. I don't think I've ever heard of those ones be for. (Although it's probably just me) But if you get find me a pic. of the Digimon or tell me their appearance, I'd be happy to help with your Bio-merge. Also a note to every one, this rpg will start in two to one day from now. I'd start earlyer but I want to give a chance to Arika to get her sign up posted.
First Name: Rodrica Age: 12 Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Dull brown Height: 4'11 Wardrobe: Black or gray shirt, black jeans, collar, and the rare occasion of a dark red shirt. Personality: Quiet, some what depressed, cold (to some people), aloof, obedient, and complicated aka (insane). Hair Style: Black hair, a few red strikes, extreamly long shaggy bangs, usually worn up. Favorite Music Type: Rock, heavey metal, country, light rock, and J-Rock Favorite musical Band/Artist: Disturbed, Divid Usher, Breaking Benjiman, Nickel Creek, Trust Company, Match Box 20, Life House, Three Days Grace. There are too many other ones to mention... Hobbies: Ob, collecting...things..., martial arts, writing/reading, drawing, anime/manga, graphic design, internet, and video games
Great sign up, RioLaskand. About the teams, you don't really need to switch unless you want to. Because they're perfectly balenced out right now. As for a suggestion I'd go with DigiFan's suggestion. Or Marinedevimon, but I don't recremend Marinedevimon because it won't suit your element. Other then that, if you can't find one you like make one up. And this RPG will start was soon was we get Arika's sign up. But if she dosen't post it with in this week, I'll start with out her.