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Everything posted by Epsilon
Feel free to use anyone of them Hataki Vash. You can do anything you want to them, since you don't like the white b/g. Also thank you, both. I think I'll go back and try different things for back rounds. By the way here are the other 9 avi.s [IMG]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/magnacarta02.bmp[/IMG]
I've been kinda of board, and I had started making avi.s. I have 18 in all, and all are of Manga Carta game. I had made them in paint...their all plan basically. Here are 9 of the 18. Tell me what you think of them, and maybe something I can fill up the white space in back of the characters. [IMG]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/magnacarta01.bmp[/IMG]
Ok, one thing before I talk about your wallpapers...Cool site, and cool pick of Suu. Clover rocks! Ahem, anyway...Very nice wallpapers. High quality paper. All of them over all are great, but as Semjaza Azazel said some of them would look better without the screen shots. Even with them, they all are pretty good though. Nice work. I like the Chobits one the most. Because the way it's like there is a warp/link between the dark and the light. The contrast between the white and black and the over lap. Also how Chi's hand goes through the white, and disappears/fades near her wrist. The pics you had used for it look great, and I think the font goes well. The colors all fall together well. And the colors how it fades on the symbol.
Pretty good eino, there are only two things I don't like though. The "g" is cut off, and the Woolfwood pic. came out a little funny. Other then that I like it. Well done.
Fallen dreams and a blacked sun...like a world turned to be full of sorrow, never to see a ray of hope. I like the feel to this one. A veiw through the eyes of one who's lost the one thing that they care most for. Having the feeling of hate embued into one's self, trying to keep it unknown would make alot of stress. A heart like a festering bruise, that beleave nothing matters anymore...such pain would almost make one think of giving it all up. The message gets across. And there's a feel of pain/sorrow to it. I truly like this one.
Profile Info Name: Siaga McAmoray Age: unknown, (looks 13) Role: Villain Key and Staff/Magical Weapon: Key of Gates, Divine Rod of Darkness Description: Long pink hair, dressed in purple, green eyes, greeen hair band, for rest [URL=http://www.advancedanime.com/displayimage.php?pid=2825]Click Here[/URL] Bio: Looks like a school girl. Don't be fooled by the way she looks, she really is Siaga partner of Takamari . Siaga plans to take over the world, by using the dark powers she and Takamari has over the Clow. Siaga dosen't care who gets hurt or killed, if she had the time she'd kill everyone just for fun. Which is why she has taken the form she did, this way she can be close to the Captors with out them noticing. And one by one Siaga will destory the Captors till there's no one left to stand in her way.
Name: Zoma Age: 4,361 (looks 21) Gender: Female Species: Demon Description: Long with hair, long shaggy bangs, bright red eyes, pale skin (almost white), black collar, long black coat, black pant's, black armored boots, long sleeve black shirt slits in the side (coverd by long coat), and belt horder for her sais. Bio: Zoma is a hater of all things good, and juest. Being in this she hates all fallowers of the heavens. Now that the world is covered in darkness and sorrow. It time to make her move, her plan is to come pletly destory any happpniess along with all humans and any angels. Zoma kills for the shear injoy ment. It is said that she had sold her soul to the devil to gain the great power she has. Weapon: A pair of sais Spells: Gingetsu's Blood Rain Side: Hell
Many people often time grow cold and hard after loosing someone dear to them. I like it how the poem tells what it'd mean if a friend dies. Then longing to be with them. Yet not leaving yet because it'd be unfair to the rest. Having it hurt so much to live, yet going on. Staying in the land just to be the closest you can to them, although the others there mean nothing. Having the one means so much taken away. You were really able to get the feel in this one on how it feels. And what gose through the person mind. I like it ShadO MagE.
If you could erase one human emotion..what would it be and why?
Epsilon replied to Bishie's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo[/i] [B]Now that isn't true. Because love can give you strenght and hapiness, you just gotta understand it. Man, i have a habit for defending love, don't i?[/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, a true romantic DBD. I too would have to say I'd wanna get ride of the emotion of love, also. I argee with Chaos, cause to me love dose make you weak. Sometimes... Along with all the other reasons that had been stated. You can have happniess with out love, you may also be very strong with out it...I'd also want to put down one more but we can only say one. So I'll keep my mouth shut. -
I like it Shippo, the coloring is done well. And I like the back round you had used for it. It gose well with the two characters, I think. Because of the elements they use. Good pic to choose and color. There's only one thing I don't really like. Mimi (sp) looks rather pink. Other then that good. 8.5/10
Glade your back. -------------------- I like this one, seems like life it's self have torn away at the person in pain. And having the mistake of meeting those who have no concern for anyone that they may harm, like another you a reflection in a mirror. The results of the mistake lingering. Flowing blood from untended wonds, cause by one's own self. Then having take the pain away throw more cut's and brusies, because of the one who let the first rush of blood flow. only to bring more pain and sorrow into one's life. Falling asleep to pain, and the only reason to wake up is because the pain won't leave. Only to have the misfortune of living through the pain, because it'd be a mistake to die young. Knowing that they must go on, for they don't want to die yet. I really do like this one. Some how this reminds me of some one I know, although I know not who....
Alright then, three. Shara of Teknoman: Find ways to cut my life span down, I can hesitate before acting. Usually returned with insults for my actions. Can have major break downs, and keep it to my self. And no one ever finds out, will always try and help those I care for. Carries other's well being above my own. Bathyscaphe of Narue no Sekai: Smart and will be providing guidance and advice when necessary. May easily keep things from others, and hide the truth. Priscilla S. Asagiri of Bubblegum Crisis (Bubblegum Crash): I don't like to rely on others. Can carry a grudge for an extremely long, time. Enjoys fighting. And I care for those few I considers friends. Can be cold, aloof, solitary, and quite. And may some times may seem insane.
Name: Sai Age: Unknown (looks 18) Male/female: Female Class: Force Race: Android Type: FOcaseal ID: Pinkal Mag: Marica Monster:Pofuilly-slime Weopon: Divine Rod Description: Long gray/white/dull blue hair, long shaggy bangs, dull gray eyes, pale skin, 5'10", black choker, black pants, black shoes, long sleeve white shirt, and black vest with a golden symblom on the right side
It makes sence to me. I like it, the storms and wind coming once more once another heart break is there. Or so it is to me. In my thoughts it's a good idea having used two wanderer. From the fact that they wanderer and can't really get too attached to something, cause they'll end up leaving it some times. Well written.
What a way for a char. to go. I like it, her getting hurt and on the brink of death cause she didn't want Vash to be hurt. The way Vash acts in the story is really how'd he'd act. It's great, I like how you having the drop of blood bringing her back to her-self. Then losing her self once more. Good story, I think I'm gonna like what might happen to Gero. Considering how close you come on to Vash's personilty would make it intresting for what'd happen between them.
Gero's char. sounds cruel, but that's what makes it good to read. And having him think of Rem was a good idea, cause in most cases he would. The thick smell of blood lingering in the air was a nice touch to the setting of the story. And having Kanna apologize at the place they're in makes her char.'s personality come through stronger.
Maha making the plant grow was ment to be a kind of symbolism for Tuskasa and Maha it's self, I think. Because as Black_Phoenix breaking away from Morgonna, so it could be the same with Tuskasa breaking away from the world. Anyways... *drops flower on Maha's grave* Considering what happens to players in the world, that's about the closet thing that could have happened to Maha. Cause in one of the epis. they had said a cat like player, which was Maha. So most likely Maha was deleted. Maha was so brave! Down in the line of duty going aginst Morggonna!!! Maha, one of the best char.s, poor Maha....:bawl:
Sai walked out the front door closing it behind her. As she walked down the street a rustling came from behind her. It was Dokunemon, he stuck his head out of her back pack. He then again made a shrill sound and swayed his head. "What are you doing?" Sai asked, "What if someone sees you?" "No ones around..." "All right, if anyone sees you or hears you talk, were gonna have some problems." "All right, I'll go back down if anyone is near." "Good, so then we have an understanding." Sai continued walking down the lanes of streets. Walking down, she head someone singing. It wasn't the best voice though, and the lyrics were strange. The voice seemed familiar, Dokunemon stuck his head back into her back pack. Looking around Sai didn't see anyone, yet heard the voice. But it kept getting smaller and smaller till she couldn't hear it anymore. Dokunemon came back out, and Sai started walking again. "Hey Dokunemon, mind if I ask you a question about what you had told me earlier?" "No, I don't mind," he said, "go ahead." "All right, why were only certain people chosen?" "Only those who would be able to help were chosen." "Ok, then. Thanks." Dokunemon then went back into her bag. Looking around she saw Shimada High come into view. It didn't seem like she was going to be late. The time for the first bell was far away from the time it was now. So Sai kept walking at the same pace she had been from before. Seeing father ahead, she saw another person walking awhile a ways in front of her closer to the school. It sounded like he was singing, the same song from before. But up close it sounded worse then from before.
That's a pretty cool ending, and good title. having it stated as the familiar cold feel of a gun is a good idea. Considering how many times he's had a gun put to his head. Having the voice unreveled and unknow is good too. Being bashed over the head was a nice touch, also. This fan-fic is always fun to read.
Like I said before, [u]don't[/u] double post. Anyways it's still good, therefore I still like it. ^^ It's intresting to see the different side of a char.'s personality. That's like Vash also, mumbling about Knives for the things he done. And the problems he's cause. Kanna seems to be a dromtic character, which is a good mix. With the usuall light hearted, goofy Vash.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kain [/i] [B][color=firebrick]What if there were no earth?What would happen to me?What will happen after i die?Where will i go?Is there a heaven?A hell?But out of all these questions there isn't an answer for any of them.So all you can do is live the life you have now.You can't spend life thinking about "what if".Well that's all i have to say at the moment.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I agree with Kain. Spend too much time thinking of what [i]might/will[/i] happen when your gone, will just be a waste of time. I'd rather think of [i]how[/i] I'll be going. But I already know how I'll be going. Anyway, I'm still gonna say what I can think of the quickest, since it's been awhile since I thought about this subject. If I died right here right now...all I can say is interesting. Not the way I've been planing to go out. If there's no earth, well every one be gone. Then you'd find out your answer. As for no nothing, that's not possible. Which brings up the theory of the multi-verse. And I'll stop there, cause I don't have a comment for the rest of the questions. P.S. I am crazy, and maybe what you'd call depressed.
The room was dark. Out side there wasn't any sun light, like it was being blocked away. Inside the room the radio was still on from last night. Although it was on sleep mod, it hadn't worked. An interference had come up. The alarm clock sounded. Sai got up from her bed, and turned it off before it could be heard through out the house. Turning back around she noticed the computer on the desk. The screen was glowing, the screen was at an angle. Two objects could be barely seen. She adjusted the screen. There was a strange object, and what had seen to be a small bouncy ball with purple strips. Sai put her hand out about to take up the small ball when it unrolled. A bug was in it's place, it's head swayed then focused. The bug made a shrill sound, then fell silent. [i] It's a bug right?[/i]: Sai thought:[i]Guess it might be hungry...[/i] Sai stopped staring and went over to where the alarm clack was. There was a plant sitting next to it. She picked up the pot and brought it over to the bug. The bug quickly grabbed one of the leaves, and munched on it. "Thank Sai," it said, "I'm Dokunemon, and it's very nice to meat you." "Your welcome....umm...what are you?" "I'm a digimon." "Digital Monster?" "Yep, and I'm also your partner." "Partner...for what?" Dokunemon sighed. He then turned back and picked up the device. Sai took the computer chair over to by the computer and took a seat. He brought it over and gave it to Sai. It was small and colored a sea-green. "It's called a digivice, I'll explain every thing to you. "All right..." Dokunemon then started to explain everything. The story was long, and kept seeming like it'd never end. Sai hoped that it wouldn't take too long to say. Sai sat back in her chair, listing carefully. After a while she feared that the conversation would never end. That she might have to ask her questions later. But Sai didn't want to be late for school.
1. In the managa and show they usually have some things changed. So it could be that Woolfwood is Christian. 2. I got no clue on this one. 3. The neckleace is a magic one. And can onlybe taken off by Kagoma, Kiko, and Kiko's little sister. 4. Strange, but dose any one else remeber the story that Spike told. He after all was ment to be the color tiger. [SPOILER]There once was a colorful tiger, who could never die even if he wanted to. He could be killed a thousand times and still never die. One day he met a female tiger white with black strips. The two tigers fell in love. Till one day the female died of old age. The colored tiger cried a thusand tears, till one day he died too. But this time he didn't come back.[/SPOILER] He was ment to be the male tiger and Julia was the female tiger. Considering he fought shortly after Julia died...I think he's gone. 5. I'll get back to you on this one.
Finally, I kept getting pulled away from reading your story. Nice to know that you'll contue posting it. Feel free to take as much time as you need with it....anyways...Alley's gone :bawl: , she was a cool character. You pick very interesting places for them to find the fragments. I like the character Derek, he seems like he's gonna be a good ally in there journey. The battles you make up always get more exciting to read. And the relationship between each char. of friendship is fun to read about.