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Everything posted by Epsilon

  1. [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray] I am not sure if I was able to align correctly, but I'm rather sure that if I didn't... I can fairly close. As for the image it's self, I very much like it. It is simple. But trying to render the image correctly taught me something new on colors adjustments. [b]Stock Image.:[/b] Sister Princess. [b]Image Submission.:[/b] [URL=http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/1764/detre9mk.jpg]Click here, please.[/URL] [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][quote name='Retribution][size=1']Tagalog, I believe. And interestingly enough, a great portion of it is Spanish, as the conquistadores took over and occupied the Phillipines for quite a long time, forcing a language fusion.[/size][/quote] Retribution is right, it's Tagalog. Broken Tagalog with heavy English and Spanish is referred to Taglish And I am; 25% Tibetan, 25% Chinese, and 50% Jamaican. [i]IE: [b]50% Asian. 50% Jamaican.[/b][/i] I fluently speak Chinese (Mandarin). And for the most part my family fallows various Chinese and Jamaican rules. Since My Grandfather is Chinese, he dismisses the Tibetan traditions. I was raised by my mother rules and my siblings by my father's. While my mother looks purely Chinese, I look strictly Tibetan. Most people do not associate me with any of my family except for my mother. Nor do a majority of people know what Tibetans look like outside of stereotypes or confusion with other Asians. I've been mistaken as Filipino, Cambodian, and Indonesian a few times before. ;_; When I'm in the USA, I'm considered 100% American. But when I'm in China or if I were to ever go to Indonesia, I'm 100% foreign. Which I think actually have a lot of benefits.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. Epsilon

    Epidemic [M-LSV]

    [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Syris nodded slightly, cautious of the blade held so close to her neck. Gin could slit her faster then she could shoot. Quietly, she complied. The lights slowly went out one by one from the burning rolls of paper. Chase took out another, smaller, roll of wrinkled white paper. Lighting it, he threw it forwards. Glowing brightly as soft foot steps became apparent, separating it's self from the silence. Mino cocked him self up straight against the crates, grunting. Auden's hand quickly pushed him back down. The shadows moved slightly as the papers burned. Travis looked up briefly at the tinted windows. The sun seemed to finally be shifting. A sloshing sound moved closer as two figures moved into the minute fire's glow. Syris cracked her neck holding her arm closely to her side. Gin's smile had returned, but the others had never seen it leave. Gin giggled, twisting the strap of Syris's Madsen around her neck. Travis jumped up pulling out a pockect knife from the inside lining of the sole of his shoe. Gin let go of the strap and waved a finger in the teasingly. Uncurling the rest of his fingers, Lugars and Paras fell from his hand. Clinking as they hit the grounding, rolling. [b]"Do yeh real?h wanna see this littl?l lady die?"[/b] Gin's smiled grew wider, [b]"We'ce hit ta' littl?l deal. Yawls get a' go free ."[/b] [b]"We can take care of our-selves."[/b] Before Auden could finish, Chase cut him off. [b]" And we can't leave without her, she's our top tactics director."[/b] Chase said, annoyed. Syris was their [i]tactics[/i] director. [b]"Don't make this be for nothing. I can take care of my self."[/b] She paused and thought. [b]"If anything happens to my Infiniti, I'll kick all your asses."[/b] Auden chukled, [b]"You won't because were not leaving with out you."[/b] [b]"Get going."[/b] Annoyed, Syris quickly moved forwards. Kicking the burning coil of papers. Landing up against one of the wooden crates it quickly set on fire. As the crate burned, the flames slowly raised up over the stack behind it. Soon it'd burn down the building within an hour. Auden threw Mino over his shoulder. Lifting him he glance backed at Syris. Unwavering the group quickly left. Chasing looking back behind at her. She waved good-bye. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  4. Epsilon

    Epidemic [M-LSV]

    [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Syris stared for a minute stunned by Gin's weapon ability. Quickly she, shot aimed at the two available pressure points. One hit the second pressure point, three fourths to the top center of his lower forearm on his right side. The other shot missed. Mino dodged back and off to the side. The Shinsou striking into his shoulder. His body yielded to the delivered blow, he sled back a few feet. Gasping slightly from the pain of the blow. He began to stumble backwards catching him self clumsy on the edge of a near by crate. Auden lunged forward, Gin moving for another strike, Auden made a quick strike. Missing, Gin had already moved. Faster then should have appeared possible. None of them could spot Gin. Auden slowly stood, Mino leaning against his left side. Using his arm for support. He grunted gripping his make shift weapon tighter. With careful haste Travis and Brittney moved over to Mino's and Auden's poistion. Quickly slingling one of Mino's arms around Travis's shoulders and lifting him slightly. Gin's voice rang out and seemed to echo, [b]"Yawls not too' quickly witted, ne?"[/b] Chase fallowed over closer to Auden, taking out his lighters and a roll of paper from his pocket. He quickly lit them and threw them around on the floor. Giving way to quick movements in the shadows. Quickly Syris stepped back and stood opposite of the others. Crouching down upon one knee, she reloaded and adjusted the Madsen's strap. Within the corner of two stacks of crates, ready to fire again. There was a small clank. A bullet falling to the ground. Gin stood in view now. The pieces of paper burning brightly, they'd soon go out again. His mouth was still curved into that terrible broad smile. The bullet removed he had already bandaged the bullet hole. Auden chuckled to him self, [b]"This is getting old, Gin."[/b] [b]"Aw, Mr. Cocky?s not havin' fun."[/b] Gin tapped the blade of his weapon lightly. [b][i]"Well, jus gotta' fix that, eh?"[/b][/i] Syris began to shot before Gin could move.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. Epsilon

    Epidemic [M-LSV]

    [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray][b]"What?"[/b] There was a small pause then Auden nodded his head. [b]"Alright, Mino. We'll be there soon, try not to die until we get there."[/b] He flipped the phone shut, slipping it back into his pocket, turned to the others. The other Illz members waited for his comment on the phone call. Auden ran his fingers through his hair, glancing over at Syris. She didn't look back at him, too focused on an inventory list. Travis stood from his seat to lean against the wall besides him. [b]"What was that about?"[/b] Before Auden could answer him Chase butted in. Teasingly, he snickered, [b]"Mino gonna bite the big one soon."[/b] Syris looked up and placed the inventory list down on the table. They watched her as she kneeled crawled beneath the table. Returning from underneath with a thin silver suit case and black handle. Quickly loading it and throwing the strap over her shoulder. She stood dusting her self off, Auden was gone. As they slowly filed out of their headquarters. Walking up the stairs, Syris held on to the long black railing. It was smooth and cold, her hand lifted off as she eyed the alley. Auden had already gone to the storage area where the fight had been set. A silent command; they'd have to drive fast enough if they wanted to take part in the fight. Travis opened the door to his Porsche, which clearly, his sports scholarship held no grounds on. Chase and Brittany went into the back seats from opposite sides. Brittany waved good bye. Syris waved good-bye and watched them leave before she got into a black Infiniti G35. Taking an extra round of bullets from underneath the passengers seat and stuffing them into her pocket, Syris found her own way. There was a dim light above. It seems as though there was only a light on per every 20 square foot of the cement floor. Storage crates and boxes stacked, the high windows were all tinted a murky shades of green. [b]"Are you sure this is the proper place?"[/b] Chase asked as he kicked at the ground. A small puff of dust raised and quickly fell back to the ground. [b]"This place is so dirty."[/b] Brittney was too easily annoyed by small things. [b]"Brittney, you're terrible."[/b] Syris giggled, taking a step forward. [b]"But yes, this is the place. Do you seen any of them?"[/b] Travis cracked his knuckles as he walked further into the center of the storage house that was to be their 'fighting grounds.' Surely enough there was Auden and Mino conversing in the dark. Gin not too many feet away. Auden held a make shift weapon. Why did no one ever ask her to give them one. It could have easily been done, if they simply asked. Syris readyed her submachine gun to fire incase Gin moved before Auden did. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  6. [size=1][color=slategrey][b]Name.:[/b] Emily Syris Amaia. [b]Gender.:[/b] Female. [b]Age.:[/b] 16. [b]Gang.:[/b] The Illz. [i] - Stressed out genius.[/i] [b]Weapon of Choice.:[/b] Madsen m/50 submachine gun - Denmark Model. [i]Caliber.: 9x19mm Luger/Para. Weight.: 3.17 kg empty. Length (stock closed/open).: 530 / 800 mm. Barrel length.: 200 mm. Rate of fire.: 500 - 550 rpm. Magazine capacity.: 32 rounds Effective range.: 100 meters.[/i] [b]Specialty.:[/b] N/A. [b]Appearance.:[/b] Fairly small in appearance, Syris stands no more then five feet in height and weighs 100 lbs. With bright eyes; one is dark brown the other is unnaturally a deep shade of red. Her hair is black with small random locks of vivid brown and blond coloring. Syris's hair is short only reaching three inches past her chin. It is held up by a dull white ribbon in bun while loose strains fall forwards, curling to accent her face. She has long bangs that are splitting at the side and reach to the center of her cheek. Around her neck, Syris wears a small butterfly necklace over lapped my two more beaded necklaces. Each seem to over lap, creating crosses leveling around her neck down to the golden butter fly pended. Other then this, her clothing style is quite plan. On her upper half she wears a dark grey evening halter top. Three small black and blue button down the front. It's ending is lined in a darker shade of grey. Lower down she wears a black scorch. Fitting tightly it reaches half way down her thighs. Three fourths where the skirt pieces folds over it is lined with the same buttons. Upon her lover half she wear black knee high stockings, imprinted with a floral design pattern. Syris wears plain white tennis shoes. On her arms she can usually be seen wearing three small bands on each forearm. Always fallowing in the same color pattern of yellow, green, and pink. These small bands are actually the end to the long, black, fingerless gloves she wears. Usually has a sleek white head set on. Over all of this Syris wears a standard blue military recoil's jacket. [b]Personality.:[/b] Viewed as one of the more intelligent and cold students at her school. She is annoyed quite easily and seems to have a short temper. However, being intelligent she does not express her annoyance very often. Letting it out slowly through some small annoying habit such as tapping her foot, breaking things, or picking up a fight with one of the other Illz members. Her temper and anger often times forces her to disappear for short periods of time. Syris does not like others easily she is alone and isolated. And in her belief it; suits her well. If she'd not need the other Illz members Syris would have killed them all long ago. Her conscious is fairly weak and guilt has very little to no effect on her anymore. Being desensitized to violence and pain, she's a well rounded fighter for a high-school girl. She covers her tracks and can actually be called caring by other students. Despite how much she detests being called thus. Syris can usually be heard randomly speaking of ways to inflect pain, through self mutilation. [b]Bio.:[/b] Born into small family located in Bolest City. Syris was the youngest of four children. That number soon became two, after her older brother had died at a young age and her elder sister was murdered. The two remain children grew up fair enough with no real thought of their deceased brother or sister. Both children were taken care for. Both children given the proper things needed to grow as most children would. Both children were loved. Both children were equal. And both children were happy, but more so her brother then her. As most sibling do tend to think, Syris thought also that her parents loved her brothers and sister growing up. One by one she [i]made[/i] her problems go away. And in turn, she became happier. Her father, a former Recoil solider, and her mother, a former surgeon, Syris's family had no problems in terms of living status. Nor had her family had any problems with the crime activity bubbling beneath the surface of Bolest City. They were all actually quite happy and Syris couldn't stand it. Because happiness was a sin and to find happiness in Bolest City was a sin. Due to how unorganized, not only, the government but the gangs as well. For a very long time, she brooded over this. Growing all the more angry as the years passed by for such ill decorum. Syris started selling weapons to various gangs. With no questions asked, she'd turn a blind eye to all of the criminal activity. Her father never noticed the high increase of Military S.U.F. weapons on the street or the gapping hole in the Military storage house. During her first high school year Syris met Chase, an odd Goth who seemed to always dally in other cliques, and in turn she met Travis who was friends with Brittney... And eventually the chain continued on from one friend to another. Meeting the Illz grouping until she finally met Auden. The cool, sleek, over all well, rounded leader who was trying to make a place for him-self in Bolest City. During her second year of high school, she joined the gang known as the Illz. They'd get a tactics planner. She'd get power and a few escape goats to boot. [b]Writing Sample.:[/b] Syris's nimble fingers worked faster. Applying a small amount of rubbing alcohol to Auden's arm before applying a light, almost transparent, layer of gun powder. She glanced up at him, mumbling beneath her breath, she took the lighter from Chase's hand. He moved back a step taking the cigarette out of his mouth. Syris stood, opening the lighter and flicking the switch. Auden had gotten the wound earlier that day when he had ran into Gin. Gin had been alone, and Auden had thought he'd able to take him down. Increase the Illz hold and power and help build up their reputations. Gin went easy and let Auden go. Auden had been wrong. [i][b]"Is that going to even work?"[/b][/i] Chase cocked his head over to the right, letting his hair fall over his eyes. [b][i]"Yeah, but..."[/b][/i] She nodded, with a fake smile of composure, trying to reassure Auden, [i][b]"It's going to hurt like hell."[/b] [/i] Syris looked up again at Auden. From his shoulder blade a long, blunt, trail of skin was missing all the way down to his hand. Twirling in a snake like shape. The open cut was lined with poison. Travis and Brittney stared over from behind Chase. Standing she took a step back from Auden touching the flame of the lighter to his skin. They watched and listened as his skin sizzeled and small explusive lights sparked along Auden's arm. He bit down on the bottom of his lips as his flesh bean to burn, boil over, and heal. After less then fourty seconds the wound along his arm hand healed over. Light wispy trails of smoke rising from his arms the air pockets underneath his skin started to harden. Auden's arm blistering, he scrunched his nose as Syris moved to let Brittney work. Applying medical paste and bandages along his arm. Brittney screeched, disgusted at how his flesh had boiled and at the thought that Auden hadn't screamed. Walking away Chase fallowed after her. Grinning broadly as the half used cigarette dropped out of his mouth. He placed a hand on her shoulder, turning her. [b][i]"That was nice of you."[/b][/i] he said happily, [i][b]"Always like doing things the hard and violent ways?"[/i][/b] She smiled and continued to walk [b][i]"I don't know what you're talking about.[/i][/b] [b][i]"Your mom was a suregeon right? You probably have a medical crap load of medical stuff in your house. You could have made it a lot easier on Auden, and now that whore 'gonna have nightmares for the rest of the week."[/i][/b] [b][i]"I think Auden deserved it, he's not strong enough. Epically alone. I don't think Gin was really trying, Gin isn't even part of the Epidemic."[/i][/b] Chase stopped for a second thinking brief before continuing after her. [b][i]"What that guy said, was it true?"[/b][/i] [b][i]"It's a secret, I don't remember selling him anything though."[/b][/i] Syris looked back at Chase, pressing her pointer finger to her lips. [i][b]"I'm pretty sure my parents don't know either. If they knew, so would the military. And then I'd be gone."[/b][/i] [b][i]"You should be cautious then, he'll hold it over you if he needs to."[/b][/i] [b][i]"If he does, I'll just have to take care of him won't I?"[/b][/i] Chase took the cigarette stub out of his mouth. It had finally burned out. He tossed it aside on the ground. [b][i]"Where has Mino been? I haven't seen him since last week."[/i][/b] [/size][/color]
  7. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]My apologies for taking so long, and for my lack of detail. It is very good to see you back. [color=red][b]Edit: ***[/b] I've changed the story to Faithful John.[/color] -------------------------------------------- [b]Name:[/b] Julia Tayce. Bourbon. [i]( - Tayce.)[/i] [b]Age:[/b] 16. [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [b]Appearance:[/b] Small, and weak. Tayce is no taller then five feet. Her hair is jet black and borders between wavy and curly. It is waved loosely with red ribbon. Braided her hair reaches no further then the end of her shoulder blades. In the front she has long bangs, lightly brushed to the sides. Tayce's eyes are a deep brown, reaching nearly black. But with a loving gaze. Her eyes are quite wide with full flowing lashes. An odd skin color, her skin is a off set shade of pale brown. She weighs 98 lbs. She wears a simple, deep red, skirt. Reaching down a few inches past her knees, it fits tightly around her legs. Three layers of four inches of white lace are attached to the end of the skirt. Along the side of this on the right side there is a cut. The end of the skirt is embroider with a beautiful red color. This same embroidery can be seen along her corset, sleeves, and collar. Her corset it's self is the same deep red. However the inside lining that the ribbon weaves over is the same red as the embroidery and hair ribbon. It's liner is the same color of vivid red. The laces are white matching the lace. In total, the corset is laced in the front 30 times ending with a bow at the top. The top of her outfit ends with a baby doll fly away. The same color and design as the skirt and corset, it is long sleeved. At the end of the sleeves it comes over her hands like a glove. This glove like end of the sleeves end in a ring on each middle finger. All of her other fingers are uncovered by jewelry or cloth, creating a 'v' like shape. It is lined in lace. White stockings that reach to her thighs, with a deep red garter. They are thin and slightly transparent with no more use then fashion. She wears deep red ankle boots, that tie in red laces. These are knotted tightly. This is done to ensure that if she falls behind from her limp, she may not trip. [b]Personality:[/b] Withdrawn, shy, and easily frightened. As the name Tayce may imply, she is quite when in the presence of others. It is not as though Tayce is silent out of respect, but out of the fear she may say something wrong. This trait has been what has allowed her to get along with others when placed in various situations. Although she must admit Tayce is not very fond of others. This many other people may mistake as simply being cautious. Shy she opens up or befriends very few. Tayce tries her best to be polite and kind when speaking. Frightened with great ease Tayce avoids the dark or those of whom she does not know. This part of her personality seems a natural trait. Her family can say freely that when viewed, Tayce stayed out of the way. And was a good girl growing up. But fear of both known and unknown never leaves her eyes. She is simple and thinks nothing as very grand. Except for those she admires. For those few she does her best to dot upon them and make sure they're always smiling. [b]Short History:[/b] Born to a highly praised linage of French Nobles, Tayce had everything a child might think to ask for. A father, a mother, little twin brothers, and a large home. She was much loved. Receiving one of the best educations available in France, she had a private tutor and three maids of her own. However she never adjusted to life it's self. Regardless of time spent with others. Tayce soon dismissed her maids and most of her family. Although she felt strongly for them. She could not stand them nor did she have an reason why. Tayce is different from them, this is all she knows. This is the most probable cause of her withdrawal. As the years passed this confused her further. Tayce continued her studies either taught of self taught. Through the passing of this time her tutor had died, his son taking his place. Within recent years, she's been smiling. The innocent, loving, smile she had lost near the age of ten. It is not sure to her family nor the families staff why, but it's gladly received. Even if they dread what the reason may be. [b]The Reason:[/b] [i]"Dear Pa'pa and Ma'ma, Tutor, Master De Chevalier, has been taken away from me. I fear the worst for Mast De Chevalier. The terrible rumors about the forest seem to grow everyday. My only love resides within Master De Chevalier. I promise to return. Je suis désole. Please, forgive me. - Tayce."[/i] [b]Writing Sample:[/b] [u][i][b]Three Days Ago...[/i][/b][/u] Blushing softly, Tayce continued to stay in the door way. Chevlier looked up at her as he placed his pen down. Pushing the chair away from his study desk he stared at her. Confused, he looked back at the empty book page. Quickly closing it, his view moved to the window. Studying the position of the moon. He made sure she knew where his gaze lied. [i]"It is late."[/i] He looked back at her. [i]"Go back to bed."[/i] [i]"I cannot sleep."[/i] she said. [i]"I am sorry, but I cannot help with that. You need talk. --"[/i] She cut him off before he could finish. [i]"Tell me a story. A fairy tale. Dear, Master De Chevlier, please."[/i] Tayce smiled sweetly, and continued. [i]"Please, tell me a stroy."[/i] [i]"Julia, do not plead."[/i] Master De Chevlier sighed. He brushed his few loose strands of hair away from his face. Readjusting his lens, he sat up straight. And smiled back at her. [i]"Have you heard the stroy; 'Faithful John.??"[/i] She shook her head. Slowly walking towards him, Tayce stopped besides him. Peering over his shoulder at the, red book's cover. She could not read it. The title was engraved with golden as were most of his books. But it was in English, and she could not read it. With a silent smile, he pulled her closer. Taking her hand he kissed it lightly. [i]"Listen closely then. For with the times as they are... You may not hear this story again."[/i] And with that Chevlier began his story softly. [i][b]'[/b][color=teal]The king was dying, and would be soon to depart. Staring up, his eyes glazed, he laughed a breif laugh of instanity. Turning over to his side he called upon his most faithful of arms. This man was known to all as the King's favorite subject. And he was loved by all the kingdom. Kneeling down beside the King he prayed. Whispering, "May your sorrows soon be gone my Lord." "John, most faithful, promise me. That after I go that you'll look after my son?" A light smile touched the old King's face. Faithful John nodded, "Yes my Lord. I promise you, no harm shall come to your son." With that, the old King smiled. And rolled over dead....[b]'[/b][/i][/color] [u][i][b]Three Days Past...[/i][/b][/u] It was not as though she did not love them. She had left the letter to try and console them, to try not to make them worry. Tayce had covered her tracks well enough. Already knowing her family would not fallow her nor send anyone to retrive her. Walking through the small alley, Tayce fallowed it until it curved. Over the curve it fallowed to a dirt road. She fallowed this dirt road for nearly a mile. Crossing down the long road, she kept her gaze averted to the ground. In hopes that no one would realize who she was. It would be considered a scandal for her to be dabbling in such affairs. Especially considering the circumstantiates her family was currently in. The dirt road soon lead out onto farm land. But the farms seemed empty and fair apart. The graze along the road was untamed, it grew leaning towards the path. Beginning to over take it, slowly but surely. The sky wasn't as bright as it had been not too long ago. And the winds were unfriendly. Looking up, Tayce was startled to see she was just at the edge of the dark forest. And that the road and broken fences of wood were long behind her. Turning around to look back at the city, it seemed so far away. Her foot steps where light and silent as she walked around the edge of the forest. A few hours passed of walking around. Slowly she sat down. Quivering the forest felt as though it'd swallow her whole had she entered already. Burying her face into her knees briefly, she began to remember all the rumors she had heard. Standing quickly there was a small grouping of other children. Unable to determine their ages, Tayce waved to them. As they spoke she learned of their stories. About the ones they were trying to save. Smiling softly, she asked if she could fallow. Walking with them, it was the feeling of [i]Deja Vu.[/i] [b]Other:[/b] Tayce is physically weak. Her left leg is lame, she limps when walking or running. She also carries around Master De Chevlier pale red book. However it is in a language she cannot read.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [color=slategray][SIZE=1]Thank you both. And I had really liked yours, Hittokiri Zero. -^^- Especially your choice of colors combined with your image. The colors are probably better suited for the layout of the site. I've seen the full image of the one you had used, it's very cute. Plus the idea of the of the image mapping was really niffty.[/SIZE][/color]
  9. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Here are my two entries. [b]Edit:***[/b] [i]Added in 'Merry Christmas.' Due to the conversation that's arisen. =P[/i] [b]Banner:[/b] 001. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24992[/IMG] [b]Banner:[/b] 001. [i]v2 + Merry X-Mas Text.[/i] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25008[/IMG] [b]Banner:[/b] 002. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24993[/IMG] Good luck everyone, and happy holidays. [i] - Epsilon.[/i] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Doukeshi beat me to first post. Here is my try at the avatar / banner set. [b]Avatar.:[/b] 001. [IMG]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24817&stc=1[/IMG] [b]Banner.:[/b] 001. [IMG]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24818&stc=1[/IMG] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][quote name='Delta][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZe=1]I've finished the left forearm, her right elbow, and her bangs but I'm now in a rut figuring out how to shade her abdomen. Thus the update![/SIZe'][/color][/quote] I think the best places for shading her abdomen would be in the fallowing places as shown be. This way the high light and shadows upon her skin would coordinate with the shadows on her left upper (?) elbow, chest, and front shoulder. [IMG]http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/1420/abd6gl.jpg[/IMG] [b]Image: [i]Rikku - 02.[/i][/b] For an drawing so rough, I really enjoy seeing small pieces of the process that you are currently going through. I really like your choice of colors and find them fairly accurate to most of the original artwork designs. Very eye catching. The color especially seems to flow well on her scarf / knit. The texture brush you've used work effectively. From your second version, there is two minor flaws that I find slightly annoying. On her where her the upper muscle over her shoulder connects to the lower muscle, is distorted. On the area of which the two muscles meet the arm gets too thin. I think it could be widen slightly to be more proportionate to the rest of the body. The second is the inking on the nose. It's very thick, and a little of the black inking could probably removed. However, I like both the position you've chosen and the over all feel to your image. It distributes a good side of her personality. Along with showing off her character design. You're drawing style is very well rounded. The way you've drawn Rikku eyes and hair are wonderful. And I'd really adore you posting the finish project some time in the future. Great job. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Sorry for the late-ness, but some of these are taking a while to re-clean and change format correctly. [b]Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne[/b] 002. [URL=http://img486.imageshack.us/img486/8342/smt0030024zr.jpg][IMG]http://img486.imageshack.us/img486/8342/smt0030024zr.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [b]Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga[/b] 001. [URL=http://img453.imageshack.us/img453/1229/smtdds02011if.jpg][IMG]http://img453.imageshack.us/img453/1229/smtdds02011if.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I have made many wallpapers of Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne and Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga (1) with various magazine images. I do not know if I create the type of wallpapers you are interested. So I'm submitting an example here. Please feel free to do what ever you wish with it. [b]Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne[/b] 001. [URL=http://img420.imageshack.us/img420/7827/smt0030011ew.jpg][IMG]http://img420.imageshack.us/img420/7827/smt0030011ew.th.jpg[/IMG] [/URL][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]She stared at Kadaj and his out stretched hand. The water's ripples wear oddly placed spreading outwards. The two opposite colors merging on the end of the water, it had a strange presence of a type of aura. [i]Much like the one of Geostigma,[/i] Magara thought. Shaking her head she slowly began to step closer to wards the water. Magara, returning her second weapon to her hip, stopped. Not even two feet in the water could feel the pull of the tides in the water. Looking back at Kadaj his ungloved hand was still out stretched. Continuing to walk forwards, Magara slowly raised her hand. Placing it in his when close enough. Kadaj's smile still did not disappear. [b]"In exchange for power and knowledge, you must here by pledge your-self to Mother."[/b] [b]"I, Magara, pledge my-self to Mother. My will, will be of that of Mother. My life belongs to Mother. To server and protect her and her ideals."[/b] There was a pause and Kadaj's smile grew slightly larger. Quickly he hand moved to Magara's wrist tightly. He shifted to the side, unready for this move, Magara fell forwards. Rolling her wrist to break free, she was too slow. Kadaj's other hand was quickly upon the back of her head. Forcing it down into the water. Pressing downwards, she tried moving to the side. But his grip was too tight and she failed to move free. The air escaping her, Magara's lungs filled painful with the dark water. She could hear him say softly, [b]"A pledge to Mother requires leaving behind what defies her."[/b] Drowning, these words echoed in her head. As they faded everything went blank. Memories of the past few years went by quickly. Before she was able to realize what had happened, there was a lightly spinning aura around her. Magara could feel Kadaj's hand on the back of her head again. Gasping for air, her view was blurred. Falling back, she knew her eyes had glazed, her throat and lungs felt no pain. Her body It felt as though nothing had happened. But she felt stronger and knew more then she had previously, before being drowned. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Magara stopped. Watching as the green light rushed outwards, from where Kadaj was presumably located. She thought back to the rumors, the information of she had gathered. Shaking her head, Magara walked forwards bringing up her two weapons. Ready to defend in case Kadaj had any desire for another fight. Gradually picking up pace to where he stood, halting no less then 15 feet away from him. She didn't dare get any closer. He didn't turn to face her. Glancing over the area, Magara slight smile disappeared. [b]"How cruel of you."[/b] [b]"They didn't understand Mother."[/b] With this remark his head turned slightly. His voice seemed almost sad. As though he regretted his actions, even if only slightly. Magara didn't respond and the silence seemed to grow. Slowly taking a few steps forward, Magara returned one of the two rings to her side. Unknowing as to how he would react should she get too close to him. Struggling with knowledge limited on his actual behavior, she gripped the other ring tighter. Near ready to attack him. Kadaj quickly turned fully to face her. [b]"Kadaj, I am Magara."[/b] [b]"I know of you already, you've been tracking with much skill. I'm surprise you've fallowed this long."[/b] The smile returned to her face. [b]"I am very determined."[/b] [b]"What was the question you came here to ask me?"[/b] [b]"Tell me of Geostigma. It holds power not only of those who have been infected, but I do not understand - "[/b] Magara stopped, cutting her self off, thinking of the word [i]'infected.'[/i] Her question had not came out the way she would have liked it to have. This question more insulting, Magara bowed slightly. [b]"Infection? It is a gift from Mother."[/b] Kadaj's head turned slightly. [b]"I've heard only rumors of you till now. And am unable to determine the lies and truth of the power which Geostigma is able to bring forth. Please, will you tell me any information on the relative subject matter? I'd be willing to make a deal if need be."[/b] Kadaj's smile grew slightly larger at her question. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][b]Name:[/b] Magara. [b]Age:[/b] 21. [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [b]Appearance:[/b] Magara is fairly petite. At full height she is 5'0" and weights no more then 100 pounds. As a result, her stature is rather frail. However most attention is drawn away from this by her eyes. Large, dark eyes, that are an odd shade of brown. That at a glance appears to be two dark pools of black, which no light can escape. Magara skin is a pale tan like color. Her cheeks are a rosyl color. Hair black with thin streaks of grey, fairly long. Magara's hair is loosely held back by a large white bow. And light strands of hair fall forwards with her bangs lightly. Below her right eye there are three small rubies. Mush like the Turks, Magara wears a standard out fit consisting of black and white. Wearing a long, white, shirt that buttons down the front. The buttoning is often covered by the flowing frills that fall down from the collar. The sleeves however only reach as far down as her upper forearms. The cuffing pieces unbuttoned. Over this she wears an open black vest. Underneath is a sleek black tie. Wearing a long grey sash around her waist. It flows over her sides end just above her ankles. Wearing a short scorch that only seems to reach one fourth down her thighs. The Lotus Rings of which she carries hangs from the side of her sash. Grey stockings with a single, black, wing like print going up her left leg. For foot wear, Magara wears very simple black ankle boots. [b]Weapons:[/b] Two Lotus Rings. [i] - A pair of ring shaped weapons. It is made of a strong steel but only the out side of the rings are bladed. The inner circular piece of these rings are painted black. And have a thin outer lining of white along the edges. These measure a full foot in circumference. However, these weapons are more for defense rather then attacking when held.[/i] [b]Materia:[/b] Heal. Mystify. Barrier.. [i] - Esuna. Second level of the classification of Heal Material. Helping to heal an allies or opponents.[/i] [i] - Reflect. The third level of the Barrier Materia. Reflect may weaken or reflect specific other Materias or attacks.[/i] [i] - Berserk. The second level of Mystify Materia. Causing both confusion and short term insanity.[/i] [b]Personality:[/b] Magara comes off slightly strict and military like in terms of personality. Having high standards for her self and those around her. Very collected with her emotions, compulsive, she becomes afraid, hesitant, and a bit of a coward when any failures occur. But Magara easily bounces back and is quit cheerful afterwards. Becoming slightly hyper before returning to how she normally acts around others. Some couldn't tell that she does like watching out for others. At many points, she takes on a rather motherly like role. [b]Biography:[/b] [i]"Travel the world. And listen to what others have to say, rumors are like puzzles. Only it's easier to find a rumor place then the puzzles pieces are."[/i] Claming to have originated from the Icicle Area, the actual area is uncertain. It is unconfirmed if anything she speaks of is a lie or truth. Magara soon appeared at the age of eighteen in Midgar. After witnessing a small conversation, she immediately came to recognize the names that were spoken. Aries name stood out the most a long with the various members of the group known as the Turks. Of whom she held high respect for. Becoming fascinated in rumors of the affairs of which they were involved with. However, the more Magara learnt of everything the groups had faced... She no longer became interested in Cloud's affairs. And slowly began to stir trouble within the towns she visited looking for more answers to her questions. Soon, Magara sought out specific information. The events of Geostigma, Kadaj and his brothers, and the one referred to as Mother. Although with no intend to bring power or knowledge to anyone. She wishes to have her questions anwsered.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]I am personally, glad the summer is gone. During the summer, I had Military Academy every week day but Monday. Lasting for not much more then six hours, it left me with a lot of free time. I then basically divided my time into three pieces. [b]1.:[/b] [i]Continue to Practicing Martial Arts.[/i] [b]2.:[/b] [i]Spending time with Spencer and Friends..[/i] [b]2.:[/b] [i]Work and Studies.[/i] However, there were quite a few things. (That I normally would have never really been able to do before.) That I had enjoyed. The highest peak was my Thai Land trip. Later accompanied by landing a new job writing. I also got to spend much needed time with my loved ones. This summer was well past my expectations. Although I'll never seen any of my friends again after this upcoming school year. I'm still very excited. I'll be attending a private school focusing on various art types. And if I am able to do well, total A's or B's, I'll be able to get a few scholars ships. The two and a half hour bus rides will be worth it. With the school year comes the Diamond Nationals.Many other Martial Arts tournaments and conventions come with the school year as well. Especially awaiting these because the school I'll be attending has it's own 'Fight Team' that I'll be working with as it's assistant instructor. I really can't wait for the school year to begin again. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]To view a full list of Administrators, Moderators, and Technical Support. Please direct to the front page. Scroll down to the table column above [i] 'What's Going On?'[/i] - Click [b]View Forum Leaders[/b], this link is listed next to the link [i] Mark Forums Read.[/i] It will then show all Moderators, Administrators, Team Leaders, and Technical Staff. I hope that was of help to you.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Syris glanced at Alex quickly. Twirling the pen in her fingers she look out side the window quickly. Tapping the pen on her knee she folded her legs pondering what the atmosphere Silent Hill would be like. Alex leaned his head further against the back of his seat. She watched as he stared up to the ceiling then forced another smile. Smiling back the flight's announcement came over head: [i] We shall be landing shortly to our destination, port just a few miles off from Silent Hill. Please make sure your seat belts are fastened. Thank you, and I hope you've enjoyed you flight.[/i] "Do you have anyone to meet up with once the flight lands?" Alex nodded slightly wincing again. "Yeah." "Okay." Without further word through the rest of the trip, the flight ended without trouble. The two got off heading towards the check gates. The two met again moving through the luggage. Walking towards the door, Syris stared at the waiting and meeting area of the port. Metallic with a blue tint the shined over everything. The ceiling was and slanted, open with a few small windows over head. Noticing the doors they were narrow but six of them were visible. From what she could see it was bright out side, and a good enough atmosphere. The two stopped a little short of the door, as Alex's name was yelled out. Two girls and a male came towards him. Stepping to the side Syris took a seat on one of the waiting benches. Alex looked over to her and she waved slightly, pointing to his fast approaching trio. Crossing her legs she grabbed one of her bags taking out a note pad and grabbed the pen from her pocket. Syris started doodling. Smiling she looked up and scanned over them, "You're friends seem caring." [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  20. [center][color=slategray][size=1]Dorothy dragged her feet sluggishly before moving back into form. She lifted the fans, this time one closer to her knee the other six fist worth from behind it's normal position. Moving into a front heavy cat stance. She slowly moved into a high block footed defense, waiting. The Gryphon shrieked, rearing it's head upwards it change directions. Diving to the ground it shifted it's weight upon it's largest left wing. The dead plants shattering away from the beast combining with the grey soil that blew in strong gust around it. Dorothy couldn't see forced t move and dodge the flying thorns. The Gryphon forced her to the ground as it flew back into the air. Getting up again she watched as it fame down. Only three feet off the ground. She stared moving back into the same high defense. This time slightly shivering trying to predict the Gryphon attack patterns. "Come now, this is my domain. You cannot win by defense alone." Dorothy nodded, "I know that very well, Sir." "Sir, such formality for one in your position!" She laughed slightly. The beast beat it's wings faster, sending another wave of thorns and dust. Circling she blocked them. She could hear it in her mind, the fans wear being ripped slowly apart. Dorothy closed her eyes as she continued to block. Realizing the flaw in her technique and she shut her eyes tighter. Closing the fans she reverted to her cat stances. Allowing the thorns to cut through her skin further. The Gryphon stopped again, laughing more haughtily then before. It lowered it's self to the ground leaving deep foot prints where it stood. "Pathetic girl, you're wasting my time." She didn't say a word, still defending she waited for the next attack. As predicted the attack came. The Gryphon not leaving the ground Dorothy opened her fans to their fullest extent. Rushing forwards she twirled helping to create a larger wind force to catch on the fans. Moving the fans in figure eights as she got within 3 feet of the Gryphon she struck four times. Only two hits missed their targets, the others didn't even come close. The Gryphon taking three steps back as it did this it shook it's head. Slightly dazed from the strike to pressure points Heart Four and Stomach Six. Before it could recover, Dorothy struck it again between the eyes and then retreated. It stumbled, swinging forwards and back before recovering it ground. It roar again in annoyance while beating it's tail. The Gryphon's leg disabled along with all of it's six wings. Dorothy neither laughed nor smiled. Simply staring waiting for something to happen. She wouldn't fight anymore. The beast grunted waiting for the girl to finish it, she still didn't advance. "What are you waiting for? If you want power you must finish me." "I would not accept power then." Angered, it's tail struck the ground. "Wretch!" "If I ask you a riddle, would you..." Her voice trailed off. "Insolent girl, you act no better then a child." Not saying a word she walked towards the beast, returning one fan to it's place on her back. Dorothy thought for a second. "YYURYYUBICURYY4AME." "Too wise you are, too wise you be, I see you are too wise for me." Before the beast could move, she lunged forwards grabbing the beak. As it tried to pull back she struck it upon the head with the closed fan upon the head. Much like a hammer fist strike knocking the creature out. She returned the fan to it's place and sat down besides the Gryphon. Stroking it's feathers she watched as red butterflies emerged from the dead plants and the cracks of the dead land. Waiting for it to come through again, if it did awake, she took out her fans. Examining them they were the same color of the butter flies. Not after long she heard the pounding of the Gryphon's tail. It stood knocking her hand away, it slowly walked to wear it came from. The thorns it touched becoming red roses. Standing she took a step forwards and it stopped, as did she. The beast did not turn to look back at her. [i]"Catch those that are the wind and leave this place."[/i] The Gryphon continued to walk out of sight. Bringing up the fans she held them high above her head, like a butterfly catcher. As the butterflies passing by hit they were destroyed. Fans dripping in red, the world around her disappeared. Dorothy smiled and gave way to the darkness that was around her. [/color] [/size] [/center]
  21. [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray][b]Name:[/b] Syris Smith. [b]Age:[/b] 16. [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [b] Appearance:[/b] Please see image, and basic description listed. - [URL=http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/9241/untitled76rx.png]Click here.[/URL] Weight. 95.0 pounds. Height. 5" ft. 3' inches. Eye Color. Green Grey. Hair Color. Black w/ grey tint. - [i]Syris is usually covered by her large coat. Only buttons coat to the fourth button, revealing her stomach. And three, thin, black, belts can be seen laced when closed.[/i] [b]Starting Weapon:[/b] Stylus Pen. - A thin, sleek, simple office pen, that has three inter changeable tips. Click once; pencil, click twice; pen. And three times and the pen's tip reverts to the standard green touch pen, this tip is often used when working with touch pads, tablets or screens. Syris's stylus pen is white and silver. On the side it reads her last name, written in curves. However the black ink used seems to be faded and chipped. On the opposite end of the pen is a small flash light. [b]Personality:[/b] Syris has a strict and military like personality. Focused her studies in journalism and photography. She likes to work alone and does her work diligently. Although she has a slightly standoffish air around her during school hours, Syris appears and acts extremely kind hearted during work. She doesn't speak much but when she does it's words of encouragement. Lacking in some social departments, she smiles a lot. And often times can be seen looking at an old photo she keeps in her pocket. However, Syris has never shown the actual photo to another person. Apparently she likes keeping things private. Come night time Syris acts as though she's a dog with it's tail behind it's legs. [b]Worst Fears:[/b] [i]The Dark.[/i] This could be easily guessed is her worst fear. Keeping a flash light on a pen that never heaves her side. However, rather then being of afraid of the entity known as 'darkness,' Syris seems to be scared of not knowing what she cannot see. Especially when it is dark in large open areas or when she is alone. She'll often sit in corner with her flash light and hum to her self. [b]Character Snippit:[/b] He opened the door, still with the same smirk he had had earlier that day. But now, he was mocking her. Syris went past him, hoping into the taxi. Folding her arms she stared straight ahead to the seat in front of her. Aaron leaned over kissing her on the cheek, while putting his hand on her shoulder. Trying to reassure her. "Are you sure you don't want to stay?" he said, "I'd be here with you." She smiled faintly. "It's dark and I have work tomorrow." "What do you to for work anyways?" "Nothing of interest, Aaron, they're waiting for you." He's mouth stopped short, Aaron knew she was right. Shaking his head he took a step back waving he closed the door and walked away. The taxi started, sending small trails of grey fume through the air. Syris listen as the window went up and the door locks clicked. Turning she leaned against the side. Moving one hand into her pocket she took out an old photo. Staring at the image she took out her pen, clicking on the flash light end. The taxi was nearing her home. The taxi stopped, and the doors unlocked. Getting out Syris waved good by to the driver. Taking a few steps forwards she waited for him to pull out of the drive and past the gates. Stuffing the photo back into her coat pocket she quickly moved the flash light around. Scanning the area... Nothing. Syris continued walking up the drive way home.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  22. [center][color=slategray][size=1]The meeting room had disappeared and in it's place a warmer surrounding. Much warmer then she had been used to and perhaps too warm. Looking up towards the sky there was no sun nor clouds apparent. Only an endless crystal blue. Shifting her view forwards there was only an endless plain. The area was brown and barren with the dead corpses of various plants and trees. All unknown to her, they were all covered in sharp thorns. Sighing contently, a short gust blew. Causing dust to rise and swirl. Dorothy forced to cover her eyes with one hand quickly drew one of the fans with her free hand. Still protecting her eyes she opened the fan to it's full extent. Moving it to position to have it act as though it was a shield from the blowing thorns. The wind stopped with a roaring burst of a shock wave, pushing Dorothy back. Stumbling she fell to the ground rolling with the fan until the wind stopped. Stand she brushed her self off, closing her weapon she took out the second. In front of her stood a large beast. A haunting creature, sporting a figure she could not have possibly seen before. Something out of a fair tale. A fabulous-looking beast with the head of an eagle, the tongue of a snake, six wings of an angel, and the body of a lion. The Gryphon sat proudly in a crown of thorns. The dead shells quickly bloomed as the beast's tail thumbed hitting the ground. The flowers in beautiful shade of red closed as quick as they open with each pound, and with the next pound of his tail they burst into red butterflies. Watching as they flutter there was a final pound. The dust rising around the beast sending another gust of wind, the butterflies turned into a sparkling red dust. Simply blowing away on the wind. The beast raised its paw and the thorns moved creating a path, leading straight towards her. Dorothy flinched back, as she slowly tried to turn and found her left foot entangled by plants that where once dead. Opening both fans, Dorothy positioned her self ready to fight. She turned the fans slightly waiting for the Gryphon to make the first move. However it stopped staring into her eyes. Her view did not waver. "Hope of thu eighth sun, thy lovely Dorothy. Many years have passed since one of chosen to wield those fans." His voice was rough but loud and clear. Hesitating Dorothy nodded. She did not release her form. The beast began to laugh at her, jumping once to the ground. The Gryphon bounded into the sky. Sending another fury of thorns with the beating of it's wings. Dorothy blocked every one with out fault, he laughed louder. "Which you truly like to unlock the power of the Bleeding Autumn?" Her eyes perked, the brown within her eyes becoming brighter. "I would, sir." "You think you can beat me then?" The beast grunted, have heartedly. She smiled slightly. "I do not know." The Gryphon roared, sending a strong wind. Dust and thorns up lifted off the ground. Sending a wave against her she carefully blocked it. Her foot work resembling some traditional form of dance. Moving through she could hear him laughing again as his wings beat harder. Sending a shock from all directions form all sides that sent Dorothy flying back. Landing the thorns piercing deep into her skin. Restraining a small hushed yelp, she begin to try push her self up. [b]"Pathetic."[/b] [/color] [/size] [/center]
  23. [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]I've given the banner a try. Since you've mentioned no specific girls / handlers / or alliances I've gone with the top three girls that people are most familiar with. If you would like any changes, please notify me. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  24. [color=slategray][size=1]Ayanami's hand dropped, ignoring Ayato's comment. The alarms began as a command was shouted. ?Commander! We need you in the Command Center immediately, an angel has appeared, information points that it?s the one responsible for the attack on the Lilia Litvyak." [i]Later.[/i] After climbing into the Vermillion Ayanami was soon out of the water. She ignored as the other three were talking with no relevance, waiting for a command to be ordered. Ayato blocking the blast, shouting: [i] Holy shit! That must mean its not too far away.. Hmm.. I have an idea. Elvy, Rei, follow me![/i] After moving to position Elvy, Shinji, and Ayanami shot. A counter attack was shot at Elvy, whom dodged poorly. Watching on from the Vermillion, viewing Ayato as became stirred by his emotions and charged. Destroying Ramiel, a small ping ran through her head. [i]Command Center.[/i]Ayato's mother glanced back at Ayanami, as they were walking through the hall to the Mulian Chamber of Twelve. Discarding this motion her own view became totally focused on the sliding doors. Ayato's mother stepped to the side leavening Rei to move forwards freely and alone. The doors shut behind her. [b]Voice.:[/b] Rei Ayanami, found near of near Mt. Fuji [b]Rei.:[/b] Yes, Sir. [i][COLOR=silver]The air was still cool, but the clouds had begun to part. Turning into cirrus formations. Rei ignored this continuing to walk forwards. With out any other aim then to collect further on the current land elevations. The land begin to shake. She kept walking, until the shaking became larger and there was no longer enough stable patterns which she could find to step safely. Stopping Ayanami's glance drifted upwards. Her walk had taken her closer to Mt. Fuji. Eyes darting caught sight of the Vermillion and soon the RahXephon. A slight ringing started as the core of Shamshiel was omitted. The blast fallowing through, dodging past Mt. Fuji and not grazing it. However, the wind force blew Ayanami back. As the traces of the angel disappeared the slight ringing went away as well.[/i][/COLOR] Those who formed the Mulian Chamber of Twelve furthered questioning Ayanami. Rei could see the shadows playing off of Lady Maya face. The slight frown on her face as a glance was exchange between her and the other 11. Ayanami seemed not to cringe as most might, her face stayed detached. The same expression as when she had enter. The Mulian Chamber of Twelve dismissed her. Ayato's mother was still waiting as Ayanami walked out. Leaning against the base wall to the right of the door. Giving an odd glance, the women slowly too a step forwards. Ayanami was escorted halfway to her room before the women left. The doors slide shut. Rei stood in the middle of the room, her view staying on the ground in front of her. Her view moved again. This time to the swaying beams of light that shown through her closed curtains. Ayanami moved to the dresser below it, lifting up a small brown book. Pulling out one of the tabs, she opened the pages to the latest unfilled page. Flipping back she looked to the data from the day before. Replacing the tab to it's proper place she set the book back down. Glancing over the room it was nearly empty. A chair, a bed, the small dresser, and one or two boxes next to a refrigerator. Viewing the vast area unused of her room... Rei frowned slightly. Sitting down on her bed she thought of all 16 Angels as the light beams grew smaller. [/color] [/size]
  25. [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray] [b][u][i]The Basics[/b][/u][/i] [b]Name.:[/b] Dorothy. Spes. Octavius. [b]Age.:[/b] 19. [b]Gender.:[/b] Female. [b]Appearance.:[/b] Please [URL=http://img202.imageshack.us/img202/4053/spes0tk.jpg]click here[/URL]. Although the fabric is re-embraced silk much like Chinese traditional dress, the red is too pink. And will often send mix messages about her history or personality. She wears a traditional dress. Purple and red, the bottom of her dress ends six inches below her knees. Dorothy's dress has slits coming up the side to allow for easier movement and flow. Underneath it she wears knees high white stocking. She wears, a little over, ankle high boots. Dorothy can usually be seen wears red, fingerless, gloves. The bottom plams are made of a harder, strange colored, leather. On her back she wears two leather crossing belts that wrap around her arms. These are used for carrying the fans. Dorothy can usually been seen wears a white vail. [b]Personality.:[/b] Intelligent. Kind Hearted. Obedient. Quite. From what others have been able to understand of Dorothy thus far she seems rather kind hearted and somewhat naive. However this is most likely due to her language barrier. Since Dorothy solely speaks Latin she often times will not understand those around her, but she is rather intelligent and has begun to be able to put different motions and gestures together. Rather then trying to speak she is fairly use to taking orders, obedient. If she should fail the task assigned to her Dorothy will simply try again until she gets the correct out come. She doesn't seem very serious about most things. Dorothy had originally came from a land covered in snow. Due to the atmosphere of the town, she learned to be the opposite of the environment. Instead of cold, she's warm hearted and very forgiving. [b][u][i]Weapon of Faith[/b][/u][/i] [b]Weapon Specifics.:[/b] Two Red Steel Fan. Please, [URL=http://img202.imageshack.us/img202/2950/spes022pb.jpg]click here[/URL]. Ribs.: 27 ribs.¹ - 24 Steel. - 2 Bamboo. - 1 Bleeding Autumn Strip. Height.: 45 Inches.¹ Width.: 65 Inches. ¹ Extend.: 55 Inches.¹ Weight.: 30 Pounds.¹ Color.: Base Red. [b]Technique.:[/b] The emblem of Chang-li-chuan of the eight immortals. This weapon requires an amazing amount of dexterity from its user. Although this weapon is not used for heavy blocking or striking, it's use was often to be used as distraction tool as well as for redirecting blocks. A fairly well aid when one is looking to use it for locking techniques. As well as for light strikes and harder pressure points, including bruising the pressure points, brain 1 through 15, stomach 3 through 24, and heart 16, 17, 18, and 19. Obviously in the right hands this weapon can be rather lethal. Since each fan is so heavy the person wielding it often must have faster movements then others as to build up power when fighting. Due to Dorothy's size, their are errors in her foot movement. Most of which appear to be the use of Aikido's stance in sparring. Generally, Dorothy is able to wield her fans in perfect synthesis. [b]Weapon Power.:[/b] When using the power of her fan's, Dorothy is able to move fast. Moving in a, literally, 360º circular movement she creates a small gust around her. This gust is used to ward off flying objects while she gains more speed. By causing the wind, the steel spikes are pushed through the Autumn stripe like flesh. As it moves forwards a thin blood like liquid covers the sharp steel and acts as a poison. After using the power of her fans, however, Dorothy is often times tired and weak. [b][u][i]History[/b][/u][/i] [b]Biography.:[/b] [i]Dorothy. Spes. Octavius.[/i] Or in Latin: [i]Hope of thu eighth sun, thy lovely Dorothy.[/i] Born a place unknown to most of the world, a small town that was simply refereed to as 'The Lost Snow' by out siders. Those within the town had no name for it. They only called it 'home,' there was no other way to describe it. This place was located in a place covered by eternal snow. The people in the town seemed to live endlessly as well. With an endless winter there were little no visitors, although one or two people came every so often. Usually lost in a blizzard or some sort of crash. The people of the town would help them of course but never took very kindly or warm to them. Dorothy's mother was one of those lost souls. However, the town's leader took [i]very[/i] kindly to her. As a result the women stayed and married the town leader. Not only was she the most respected of the town but she was also the most well liked by the town people. Eventually the couple had a daughter. They chose to name her Dorothy after the town leader's, first, deceased wife. Since they never hand any other children Dorothy was one of their most prized possessions. The father and mother did not dote on her, that was left up to the towns people, but they taught her all the morals that would be need. Universal morals that she could transfer to others who lacked them. When she was seventeen Dorothy's hand was given away to another family's eighth son in marriage. He was to become the town next leader. The two were to be married as soon as she turned 20. [b]Character Snippet.:[/b][i] This will be my first and last message to whom ever may find this page. Hopefully as I place it in a bottle and send it into the 'sea' it shall somehow find it's way home. I find this place strange. Oddly enough I also find my self annoyed and dishearten. I cannot understand what those around me are saying. From the information of which I have been able to gather I am located a few islands off the coast of a larger island known as 'Japan, the Land of the Rising Sun.' The sun here does not glisten as it does at home. Here it is not the 'season' for snow. But the first sun rise I have seen, glistened off mountains in rays of golden light. Still I prefer the endless snow.[/i] Dorothy stopped. The fine tip of the brush bleeding on to the paper, merging into the black lettering. She read over it once more signing the words [i]Hope of the Eighth Son.[/i] Suddenly the small rice boat bumped sending back a wave of force. The brush and torn page flying from Dorothy's hands into the water. She stared as the brush sank and the paper drifted. Leaving trails of oil behind it. She watched until the oil had completely been removed by the water. The paper was then pulled under by the heavy black ink that slide to the center of the ruined letter. Kuroda hopped off the front of the rice boat. With a strong grip on the sail he brought the boat fully onto the sand and tied the rope to the side of the shambled dock. Stepping off she watched as he forced out a smile, out of courtesy she did the same. Dorothy bowing as he left her at the end of the dock area just before it lead into the main town. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
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