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Everything posted by Epsilon
I have lots of time to think of ways to die. Here's my favorite way. Ahem, if able. You take a gun, eaither down the throat or in the head. I won't tell me plan(and dayday or any one else please do not say anything about it eitehr)I'd wanna go out with a bang. Hanging, poision, shooting, drowning, jumping off a building, presure points, drugs, etc. All of these work really. Just depends on the way you want to go out when being suicidal. If I can't go out with a bang, then I'd jump off a building, drowning, hang my-self, those or poision. Or if some how not any of those a nice large intake of drugs.
OOC: No prob, Xion. ------------- "We're all here arn't we?" asked Siaga. "It would apper so." said Evean. "Yes, very thankful too." "Man, bunch of nuts." muttered Kaiyden, "Ack, my head hurts..." Zi, jumped off her thomas, "Your lucky it's only your head.""We should be fine now, " Siaga asked looking around. "No, if they were able to do a stunt like that," Vash said getting up, "We won't be safe for a long time." Evean looked around. Vash staerd his scar was glowing again. "What?" Vash asked, "Are one of them coming again?" "Yeah," said evean, "One of them will be arriving soon." "Geez, I thought we were in the clear." Soon the Thomas reared up and had to be restrained. A small dot was seen in the far. But it swayed in the heat, and they weren't able to tell what it was. A sure guess was that it another fight would come up.
*comes back* [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by pantalaimon [/i] [B]ahhh im not sure im a cold hearted devil or so most people say. [/B][/QUOTE] I don't mean to play mod. But, isn't this getting a little off topic? Most people just get married on OB for fun, or to celebrate a friendship. So it's basically for fun, or for friendship. Or if they're doing long distance relationship that's their choice.
Name: Saikano TecAmoray (Sai for short) Age: 16 School: Shimada High Elemental: Earth Digimon: In-training: Dokunemon Rookie: Betamon Champion: Yamamon Ulimate: SandYanmamon Mega: Brachiomon Elemental: Terrainmon D-Elemental Colour:[COLOR=seagreen]Sea-Green[/COLOR] Description: Short black hair tinited vilot, brown eyes, pale skin, and rosy cheeks. Wears a short sleeve white shirt, the end of the sleeves are lined with sea-green along with the collar of the shirt. Black pants, white and black tennis shoes, and has black choker with a small rose in the front. She is 86 lbs, and is 5' feet tall. Personality: Sai is very quiet, void, and intelligent. Sai's quiet attitude causes many people to interpret her as being shy. Her nature is more contemplative really. Sai basically let's the others do the talking and adds her comments when she feel it is need. When she chooses to speak it's usually relevant and important. Sai tried never to show fear, or any other emition that would cause others to worry about her. At school, she is usally found helping others, that or being alone. Sai being faithful to the ones she cares about. Will always be there for them and stand up for them. Although not being the best fighter she gets beat up and teased alot at school. So Sai usually keeps her mouth shut. This causeing her to be ignored by the other class mates.
Sounds fun (I'll be one one of Finny's friends) ---------- Name: Siaga McAmoray Age: 13 Gender: Female Description: Short silver/blue hair, pale blue eyes, pale skin, silver/white wings, long pointed ears, long sleeve gray top, loose silver skirt, gray shoes, carries along a silver lanturn, and a bag of silver dust Background: Siaga is one of the many in charge to make sure the plants around Rumbumbalo Tree stay alive. And to clear out anything that may harm Rumbumbalo and any one who lives in Goobly. When ever she gets a free moment she'll come and vist Finny. Siaga is always intrested in Finny's inventions. And will always be there to try and cheer him up if he's feeling down. She watchs out for him, if there's any sign of trouble. She's known Finny for a few years now. If not seen around Goobly she's sitting on some roof daydreaming or thinking. She's never really tryed wishing under the Rumbumbalo Tree cause she dosen't know what' she wish for. Siaga is pretty happy with the way things are, anyways.
The other three had found their way. Zachi would go her own, she started looking around the place again. As she walked around she found the stand post at the back. The way in was covered, but it seemed un guarded. She unslide the doors went in and shut them behind her. The area was dark, but there was still light. Walking forwards she found that the guards were all knocked out. Once out of the darkness she came to a two knocked out steel shinobi. Dokuja was there, it seemed like he was waiting. "Nice to see you finnally made it." said Dokuja. "I take it your the one who got past all of them?" said Zachi. "Yes, lucky me." Dokuja said smiling, "Their low level too, there should be more coming soon. Where are the other two?" "Heh, they went their way." Zachi said, while shaking her head, "I'm sure we'll meat up with them later." "Right." said Dokujia.
"Looking around shouldn' hurt." Zachi said, walking around. As she walked she kept stopping and checking ever thing. She heard voices coming from further ahead. [i]A guard check[/i]: she thought to her self. She leaned against the coner not to be seen, she then listened to their coversation. Something about steel. Suddenly they stopped talking, and their voices dissappered. It was safe to move again. "Better get back to the others now." she said to her self. She then left and got back to where the others were talking about "steel." Kenji: I was wandering where you had gone. Zachi: No where, find anything? Tical: Yeah, "join steel." Zachi: So they're going to join up with steel. That's intersting... Kenji: I thought Tical was gonna die. Tical: I'm lucky I'm still alive. Zachi: Did they notice you?Kenji: If they did then they might come looking for us. Tical: No they think I'm dead. Zachi: Anyone think of any plans to get in?
Siaga ran out in front and did the double palm heel strike. A sphere came over them. The bullets seemed to disappear once they came in contact with the protecting light. "I'm sure he doesn't know what he's doing!" Vash said, "You have to listen you must stop!" Shai noticed the source of where the shield was coming from. He took aim and shot into source. The bullet went straight through and into Siaga's hand. The shield went down. Siaga ran off holding her bleeding hand, Zi watched her. "Hey, where's she running off to!?!" Vash asked, trying to avoid getting hit. Evean took out his, phinox soul. "Don't he's only 12!!!" Vash yelled. He shot at Shai, the bullet hit Shai in the leg. Siaga came back hold rains of two Thomas. She gave the rains of one of the Thomases to Zi, and hoped on the other one. "What your just gonna leave me here?" Vash said dodging bullets. Zi's Thomases came running up behind Vash, she grabbed his collar and took his up apon the Thomas. Shai took another shot, and hit the phinox soul out of Evean's hands.
"Vash the Stampede!" Siaga said, "Shai, this guy is Zi's!" Zi cut in,"I've been waiting for my revenge too long now!" Vash looked back at her, "There really no need for this..." "Shut!" Siaga said, ready to shoot, "I'm not the one who wants to kill you, but if I have to I'll do it!" "You can't kill him," said Shai, "you don't the courage to." Siaga looked back at Shai, she took aim and shot at him. Shai managed to get out of the way, and avoid the bullet. At this Vash ran out ready to take leave. But Zi took out her Ninja-to ready to kill Vash. "I can see both you women are dangers." he said. More gun shots were heard but it came from the other two. Ticris was shooting at Evean. He had gotten out of the way of the shoot from before. Ticris shots came across the room, forceing them to duck to avoid getting shot. As the ducked, Vash use this time to try and get to the door to take his leave.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kain [/i] [B][color=firebrick][I]Yeah i like the grey clouds. Just to look up at the raindrops falling out of a sea of vast grey clouds. Its kinda like the world is upside down. Because if the clouds are the sea that the rain falls out of that would make it upside down right? But i don't know. I just like it. Guess i'm a weirdo.[/I][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, it would make it up side down. I've never thought of it like that before. Such a beatiful thought Kain, no your not a weirdo. Cause if it makes people weird for likeing gray skys and thinking like that. Then I'm a weirdo too. Ummm...back on topic. When storms comes and there's a lot of rain, thunder/lighting, and wind. I usually go out side and stand in one place staring up. I like it when the rain is really poring like that. All the blowing rain in the rush of thunder and wind feels great. And the light showing in a black sky with the mix of rain. I like storms. ^^
"You two ladies bounty hunters, heh?" asked the bar tender. "Yeah, so got any information?" the other women said. "The only info, I have is what every one else has." he said, "Only what was on the release." The other women smiled, "Alright thanks, well just ask around the bar." The bar tender then went back to serveing drinks. Siaga turned in her seat and looked around, she then looked at Zi. "So, who do we ask first?" she asked. "Which ever guy here has some info." Zi replied, "Then well take down Vash." Siaga smiled, "Alright then, let's get some info. So who do we ask?" Zi looked around, there was some one three seats down staring at them. The looked around and then back at his drink, trying to act like he didn't see them. "That guy right over there!" she said, pointing to the man three seats down. The two girls then got up from their seats, and walked over to him. The man looked up from his drink.
I didn't mean technically. Cause there hasn't been too many events in my life that could make me sad, or depressed. As for emotions, yeah. I don't know which emotions would really caused me depression. Because what I'm feeling is usually the same. I'm just gonna shut up now. *shuts up, runs off*
Rain...I like it. Cause of the fact that it can make people sad. That and when it rains I feel happy, that's pretty weird. Rain helps me think also. Sadly where I live it dosen't rain enough, but when it dose I usually just go out side and walk around. Which is the same with fog. When it rains or snows here the sky is such a beatiful shade of gray. To me both snow and rain are relaxing. Rain beacuse of the sounds and thoughts, snow because of the temp. Although I like the rain more then snow.
Yes, very long time. Glade to see you've decided to stick to writing the book. ^^ -------------------- ^^ Yay, Noah is finnally in the story. That's a good thing, giving back story to what had all lead up to the story. I like the monster, cause you haven't had one like it in the story before. Lara sounds funny to mess with, -.- also kind of annoyinh too. I'm beating that there will be alot of clashs between Lara and the group. Also, nice touch to the end with the leap of faith. I like it, glade to see another person now knows of the story too. Cause the story's plot is great.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by lea2385 [/i] [B] some people, it consumes them everyday[/B][/QUOTE] *Points to her self* Anyways I'm usually always depressed...but I try never to show it. I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing. Back on topic, I usually get depressed with out knowing why. But I think maybe, alot of people go through depression not knowing why. Depression...To me it feels like your slowly losing apart of your self. Till there's nothing left.
They walked for a while, but they soon stopped. There were sounds coming from the upper part of the trail. Zachi ran down to where the voices were coming from, Dokuja fallowed after. Once they came to a stop there were three of them. Two Sand Shinobis and a Fire one. "These them?" Dokuja asked. "I think so..." Zachi said, "But I don't know who the third one is." Dokuja smiled, "We'll soon find out." One of the Sand Shinobis noticed them on the upper part of the trail. Soon all of the Shinobis there knew of each other's being there. "Why do you all fell the need to come this way?" asked Akumatsu, "All of you, state your names." "Well, this is annoying." Zachi said, staring at Kenji. Dokuja looked at Kenji then at Tical, "Why are you staring for?" "Are any of you going to state your names or not!?!" Akumatsu asked. Zachi's attenion was broght back to the fire Shinobi, "Hum...yeah, I'm Zachi, hunter-nin of Mist Village."
Zachi came and walked up to the welcome sign. It's right: she thought: Leaf Village. She went past the sign and to the main entrance. Awhile after walking she came to a tower. A guard was in the top tower, he looked down at her. Guard: What do you what? Zachi: Well, your rude aren't you? I was invited here. Guard: By who? Zachi: By Naruto himself, I'm the Hunter-Nin of the Water Country. Guard: A missing-nin hunter...your not with the other two are you? Zachi: No clue what your talking about, far as I know there's no one else that I know who have come here. Guard: Fine.... The guard went silent, he shook his head. His head then disappeared back into the tower. Zachi was then allowed to pass. After a few minutes she met up with Hokage the 5th. Naurto: A hunter of mist valley, I would have thought they'd sent someone else. Zachi: What's that ment to mean!!! Naurto: Umm...nothing, there are two Shinobis here already. Zachi: Who? Naurto: Sand Shinobis. They two are heading to Nami no Yami. Zachi:.... Naurto: Well, what are you doing just standing there? Go find them. Zachi: Yes, great Hokage. Thank you. Naurto went back on about his business. Zachi then let and set out to find the other Shinobis.
Why did you choose your screen name?
Epsilon replied to EdtheHackerGirl's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B]There was a thread like this a while back, but oh well.[/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, there was a thread [i]like[/i] this one. Only that thread was "What dose your name mean?" Stating what, not why. Well Ruby, it was a nick I got from a friend. He's the one who had actually given me the name Ruby, when I was starting a new file on a video game. From then on I just used the name Ruby for video games. So I stuck with it for things on the comp., nothing special really. -
Name: Siaga McAmoray Age:19 Height/Weight: 5'7/ 99lb Description: Long white hair, pale gray eyes, black pants, long, white sleeve button shirt, black ankle boots, tech gloves, and black choker band Attitude: Siaga is depressive, but tries to not let other people be sad/or angry on a count of herself. She's also very Valiant at times, she usually tries to see things from other points of views. So that she may see how it will effect those around her. Weapon: [b]Tech Gloves[/b]- A spinal glove that is a pair of gloves made up of currit that line up directly over all the bones going from the wrist down to all the finger tips. On the inside of the palm there are to flat red circals which is what generates the energy. When the user is attacked they hold out their two hands doing a double palm heel strike. Which causes a large sphere to cover the person and who ever is standing close to them is protected from the attacks for a short time. [b]Basic shot gun[/b]- I don't think a description of a basic shot gun is needed Side: Good Guys Bio: Siaga is a bounty hunter. She has been wandering around all of Smokegun for all the biggest bonties. All of the bounties she had collected in the past has aloud her to make the Tech-Gloves her self. She cares for making weapons considering almost every one she knows had been killed by unatural causes. As a child her family and every one she cared about was killed by a large unknown explosin. She roams the world taking down outlaws, and making sure they never may hurt any one ever again. One day she was called out. She heard that a Sheriff was offering 500,000 Double Dollar bounty. Considering this, she couldn't pass up the offer.
It's Larva!!!! Yay, some one else knows of Vampire Princess Miyu. Ahem, anyways...I like it. The font you used for the pic looks good. And having it going down the side instead of across the banner is a really great idea. And the pick you used for the banner is a good choice. It dose kinda seem color coordinated. -Ruby The Vampire Princess Miyu fan
Name: Zachi Age:15 Country: Hidden Mist Village (Water Country) Rank: Hunter-Nin (Jounin) Skills: [COLOR=blue]Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu (Water Clone Skill)[/COLOR] Creates one or multiple identical copies of the original out of water. More similar to Kage Bunshin then a regular Bunshin, Water Clones are capable of attacking, except each Clone is 1/10 the power of the original. Also, the clone can only be controlled within a certain radius of the user. [COLOR=blue]Kirigakure no Jutsu (Hidden Mist Skill)[/COLOR] A simple but very affective technique. Basically, a huge sheet of mist covers your enemies crippling their senses and creating a good opportunity of attack [COLOR=blue]Suiton Suijinheki (Water Type; Water Barrier Wall)[/COLOR] Often used a counter attack to a Fire Type Jutsu, this technique creates a barrier of water expelled from the mouth. The wall can be manipulated by the user to block a single attack or surrond the user. [COLOR=blue]Suiton Suiryuudan no Jutsu (Water Type; Water Dragon Blast Skill) [/COLOR] Powerful attack that creates a huge current of water in the shape of a dragon, which is sent towards the opponent. This Jutsu can only be done when in or near a body of water (unless super wicked Ninja) Description: Nin-Mask, short black hair, brown eyes, pale skin, and black mist unifrom Bio: Zachi is one of the top Hunter-Nin's of Mist Valley. Zachi is very well skilled in what she dose. Zachi easily passed the test of killing one of her own to get to where she is. Zachi often takes up other jobs for catching missing nins for vallies other the Mist. Once given a job, she will always carry out her mission to the best she can. Zachi rarely talks, and can usually be found training. She is cold, and very cruel in battle, but will do anything to help the ones she cares for.
All right, I wanna be Agent Kitsurubami. She's pretty cool. ^^ That's also a good story for the RPG.
OOC: Hope you all know, I won't be posting for a long while after this. -------------- Zoma walked into the bar, ignoring all warning from Demerti. She took a look around, and saw the girl. She was with the man named Irvine. He stared at her as he stopped walking, the women stopped walking also. Looking around again and scanning the area she saw a man in a red coat sitting at the left hand side of the bar. She knew him, it was Vash the Stampede! Zoma went past Irvine and the girl, and straight to Vash. Before Zoma had gotten fully past Irvine he took out his hand gun, and aimed it at the back or her neck. Vash turned around and looked at the three, Irvine looked over at Vash. In this time Zoma took the advantage of surprise. She quickly ducked while kicking Irvine in the knee. As Irvine fell the gun shot, almost making it's mark into her head. But on the off chance it missed, just slightly missing the back of her head. "So this is one of your enemies, then?" Kate asked, watching Irvine get up. "Yeah, you could say that." he said. Just then his scar started turning blood red. He took his gun and aimed it at Zoma agian.