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Everything posted by Epsilon

  1. Most people that are married online, I don't think that they actually see each other off line. Or if they do, I think that they might just not know it. Also if they do it'd have to be planed out carefully. Anyways, I think the best OB couple is Sky, and Mei. They're a really great couple. I've never talked to either one of them though, but they still seem like the best couple on OB to me. I just think they have a really strong marriage. *Stares at DBD and spotg67* Geez...haven't you two been reading? Nvm, I'm gonna shut up. Because I have no clue on this subject eaither. *shuts up, runs off*
  2. Demerti the Trick and Zoma left in no time. After given the order they left immediately. They were soon on the outskirts of New July. New July, 11:13pm They walked into town, dust blew around but then quickly settled down again. They'd find Vash easily here, he couldn't have been to far off. Demerti the Trick and Zoma would split up to find Vash. It'd be much easier that way. As they split up a women went running past Zoma. It sounded like she was saying something about Vash the Stampeed under her breath. Zoma waited till the women was out of sight. Making sure she hadn't seen her, incase the women was a friend of Vash. Once the women was out of sight Zoma went and started to search for clues on the where abouts inside the town. While keeping an eye on the women who had ran by.
  3. Epsilon


    After watching Yuki get beaten by Amelia, Zoma walked down. After seeing that Yuki was cleared off and Amelia had left. She walked into the ring and waited for her next apponent. The fight had already been choosen before the fight. So both fighters knew what they were getting into. She waited a while, the other fighter came and walked into the ring. He was a fairly tall man, which would inable him to move at a faster speed. And have more force from an angle. But that didn't matter it was about skill. They both got into fighting stance, he moved his upper hand. Like he was going to attack with it. Watch his upper hand, and then shifting her view to the lower hand back up. He struck with the lower hand and sent her sliding back, making her loose alittle of her blacne that she regained quikly. Zoma stood their waiting till he attack, he came charging at her and kicked with his lead foot. She quikly turned to her side, leading with a cresent kick that landed to the side of his head. He fell to the ground, Zoma waited till he got back up. Once he got back into stance. he came back at her and landed a front jab. Forcing her back once again, and leaving her with a few drops of blood coming from her mouth. Zoma whiped off the blood. She came running at him with an double x-blow to his neck. As the blow went down he fell as he choked. Zoma then brought the fight to an end with cutting off all air, and killing him. The ref. started counting, he didn't get back up. Zoma was declared the winner and left the ring taking her money. Ignoring the cheers and every thing else.
  4. *hugs Mirai* Yay! ^^ I thought of another person, CS. Yep, Crimson Spider, because his view are different from most people's. He's basically the only one who can change my view on something. Which is near impossible cause my mind can't usually be changed. So CS is one of the few people who's changed me in the way I think of things. Although I never talked to him. And I respect him greatly more then most people, it's kinda hard for some one to get me to respect them the same way I respect him. I think though if he ever reads this he's gonna think I'm a nut, and should be locked away. Also will never talk to me now. Hee...oh wel. ^^;
  5. Epsilon


    As you saying secrets, when I had said physo, crazy, watch out for the quite ones. I was referring to the my firends off line that tend to try and get ride of each other. I was referring to you as one of my friends who can't keep things kept away from people.
  6. Epsilon


    Um...dayday and TH. I wasn't really talking about you two. The key is watch out for the quite ones of my friends. TH your not a physo nor a nut case. You too dayday, you two considered to some of my friends would be sane. Most of my friends are usually beat each other up. Those are the one's I was taking about for being crazy and physo.
  7. OOC: Down Tsukasa_hack, down. ^^: Wouldn't want to get too out of hand, now would we? -------------------------------- All of them were silent, none of them spoke. They sat spread around the house not talking. Some one would have to break the silence some time. Ijimeru stared at his blood stained hands, he didn't know how he could do such a thing. Siaga wanted to say something, but she drew a blank when thinking up something to say. Kaira was taking a hard, cold, stare around the room. Every one, had nothing to say. They just sat trying to think of something to do, or something to say. Ijimeru looked at Siaga, and asked, "Did I really kill them? I-I don't know how I would..." "Don't worry about it," Siaga replied, "It's not your falut that they're gone." Ijimeru went back to staring at his hands. Jefferey was getting annoyed, he got up and walked around till he couldn't stay silent any more. "Why are we here!?!" he yelled, "We can't just stay here!" Yanagi sighed and looked at him. "We'd have no place to go..." she said, "They'd track us down." Jefferey started mumbling under his breath. "We'll leave as soon as we can think of a place to go..." Siaga said, still looking at Ijimeru, "Ideas on where to go? Anyone?"
  8. Siaga got reday to fight. Zone already being with Ning and merged, she thought it was her turn now. Before Ning had a chance to move, she called apon Vorless. Once retegrated with Vorless, they both moved out. Vorless came chargeing at Ning, but Ning jumped and got out of the way. Vorless jumped up after Ning, and struck him to the ground. Ning using the bamboo stick struck Vorless up. Ning got up and as Vorless was getting up, Ning put the end of the bamboo shoot to Vorless's neck. Vorless quikly took the helt of his weapon, and struck Ning forcing him back. Vorless took his sword and flipped it so that the blade was facing Ning. Vorless then backed up.
  9. Epsilon


    *hits dayday* Yes, I'm late. ^^; Anyways judging from dayday that'd make me have to loud mouth friends. Most of my friends are loyal, and would take serects to their grave. And we usually beat the crap out of each other, but beat each other up for fun. My online friends are usually loyal, polite, smart, funny, or have major issue problems that most keep inside aka physos. So yes, my friends very loyal....except for one online firend who isn't so loyal as I'd like. *glarces at dayday*
  10. Epsilon


    Zoma walked around the halls, she then came out. She looked around up from over the stands. Zoma looked down to the ring, there was Jigen fighting. But the one he was fighting she had never seen before. It seemed that the no name fighter was fairing well against Jigen. There were three others around the ring. This would be a good time to see if there was anyone strong enough to give her a good fight. She leaned agains the wall and watched the fight. The unknown fighter was better then Jigen. Since she had never seen him, and he was new to the under ground...He'd have to be worth fighting
  11. Ok, pain. You must really not like the pain you feel. The paradise lost looks really good. I like the swirlly things, they remind me of fire. You chose a good font for it too. I like the colors that you chose for every thing together, it just makes it better. The colors go well together, although the swirlly thingy on the end with your name seems to cut off and be brighter then the black thats in the middle. Other then that you did a good job. ^^
  12. Ok, Cloud_Z...totally off subject, PM some one for that. Anyways... *stares at banner* It's a smurf!!!! The text is cool fadeing the way it dose. And you picked a good text for the banner, and making it the same blue made it even better. That was a good job getting the smurf in there, that pic of the smurf looks good. I like the bg too, gose good with the smurf. All combined very good, well done. Great job, Stuart. ^^
  13. If you put up a poll like this shouldn't you ask why they like the band? Also why they voted for them above the rest? Anyways....Disturbed all the way! I say Disturbed is one of the best on the list. Almost all the things they feel and write into a song turns out great. You can feel what's going on with them through their music. I love listing to their music the most. Then again all the bands you listed as a choice are good. This is just my opinion...Ok, I'm gonna shut up now.
  14. I have too many to list. But these ones top all the rest. Fav. Bands Injected Disturbed Afi Fav. Songs Faithless-Injected Remember-Disturbed Get down with the sickness-Disturbed Prayer-Disturbed All songs by Afi
  15. Yay! *looks at name* What dose pink mean? Oh, well. Anyways here are the people. They're all in [COLOR=red]random[/COLOR] order. Ben ShadO MagE mirai_torankusu Stuart Double B Daigo dayday Taylor Hewitt dbzanimegrl17 Like I said [COLOR=blue]random order[/COLOR]. I think listing them in some kind of order might be insulting.
  16. I have. It's great, I really like the plot. Oh, and go to blue [URL]http://www.bluegender.com[/URL] I can't really say more with out spoiling the story. But you'd have to watch most of the eps. to get it. The site will give just the basic story plot line, and the non-spoiler junk. But if you really look around the site too much, then it may spoil it. So just watch the previews, which just give little things about the plot, and place.
  17. Name: Rodrica Ness Age:13 Description: Brown eyes, short black hair, height 4'11, 86lb, pale skin, weres a studed dog collar, black tennis shoes, black pants, long sleeve black shirt, and samller dog collars on right and left wrist. Bio:Rodrica often is seen reading or drawing. She has good grades, nothing ever below any B's. But it dosen't seem like it, she comes off as an all grades F student. Rodrica is a goth, and a punk. She usually fighting other student, and can be seen in detention or study hall for her miss-behavor. She mostly hates things that are happy, pink, lovy dovy, or anything else of that stupid junk. Dosen't like talking or being with anyone, and can confuse anyone with the words she speaks. Anyone who makes a wise crak at her is surly to end up with a black eye, or may not be seen for a few days. aka, total gothic/punk. Scedule: Items: Text books, note books, regular S.K. books, stekch book, 3 pencils, 1 black pen, and black backpack
  18. Epsilon


    Name: Siaga Teckamora aka "Zoma" Age: 17 Height/Weight: 5'3"/98 lb. Description: Short black hair, shaggy bangs, pale white skin, brown eyes that shine red. Inside the ring: Black pants, black shoes, short sleeve black shirt, white vest, black fingure gloces. Outside of the ring: A slik blood red shirt, black tie, black pants, black shoes, and black fingure gloves. Martial Art: Te (Tay), and Teakyon Bio: She's had been fighting under ground for some time. There is only one reason why she fights. Not for the money but for some thing else. Long ago, the one she looked up to brought her to the under ground, to fight and become stronger. The only one she had ever known to care for died in the ring under ground. She belived him to be one of the greatest fighters. Seeing the only one she had ever looked up to die, and loose his place as the number one fighter. Siaga will not stop till she becomes the number one fighter. So far in all her fights she refuses to let any one of her foe's live. Siaga has gotten the name of Zoma from the way she fights. ------ Side note: I hope you people know what Zoma means. And, I can use the matial art teakyon if I want, don't know what I'm talking about...go look it up under Society of Hwarang-do and Black Tiggers.
  19. "There is a shamen knoown as Genji Satuko," Siaga said looking back at Vorless, "He's one of the must powerful shamen there is." Vorless spoke, "To become powerfull you'll have to join forces with him, although you'll be under his command after words." "The task he ask for shouldn't be too diffcult for those who have just recived power." Siaga said. "So what is it we'll have to do?" Kage asked excited. Vorless faded away into Siaga, her eyes started glowing. A black barriar soon came apon the ghost and two shamens. A light came up, and Vorless came out of Siaga. "Where are we?" asked Kage looking around. "We're in a releam of darkness." Siaga said as she started to walk away, "Stay here, Genji will make a path for you when he's ready for you. Till then you'll have to wait." "You may train here with your ghost if you'd like." Vorless said. Kage stared, "How long will it take?" "How ever long he wants to keep you waiting..." Both Vorless and Siaga then left Kage and Tsubasa alone in the darkness. To do what ever they pleased till Genji called apon them.
  20. Yeah, I still think I'd rather read "Under ground warrior". And even if your 13 you could still get it published, you'd just have to talk to NDP, Clamp, or TokyoPop. Your age dosen't matter, to tell the truth, my friend has a chance to get his graphic novel published with TokyoPop. All you'd have to do is get a hold of some one represtenting one of the companies. At let's say an anime or comic book convestion. Underground Warriror might be good as an RPG. You'd just have to have enough fighters, and that kinda stuff. Strange Lif3 sounds funny, but then again it is comedy.
  21. As the group went along, they started to hear loud noises.They were sharp and painfull to the ears. Looking around they saw large groups of Igunsta flying around. There were vast majorities of them, they all swarmed around in the air like it was a war or something. Each group fighting for land against them self-and the falcon talons. Damion was about to shoot one with his airrow but he then put his bow down. They crouched down low to the ground to not be seen. If they were seen, they wouldn't be able to fight them all off. "Why can't we fight?" asked Evean in a whisper. "That'd be stupid," J-Pawn said, "There are too many of them." "We'll have to find out what's causeing so many of these monsters." said Aelus, "And destory it." Damion started moving again, "Alright lets get going." The group then started moving close to the ground. And started heading farther up into the mountains parts. On which they would find the cause to so many Igunsta destorying the falcon talons.
  22. The flames are a very cool back round. They seem to fit Kenshin well too. The text is intresting, never really seem other banners with that kinda text before. Anyways I like it, fits well together. Plus I really like the pic of kenshin you used and how it goes with the flames. Great job. 10/10
  23. In my favorite ranking order, I like Dragon Knights, RedMoon, and Chobits...All though I'm really sure no one has really heard of Dragon Kinght. Nor RedMoon either, so the only one I think really worth saying is Chobits...
  24. I'll make my apperence now. Better now then never, I guess... ------- Siaga jumped the roofs, along side Vorless. Her ghost stopped and swayed away from her, she soon started fallowing him. They soon came to a stop. Looking down there were two ghost along with them two shamens. One of the shamans was promising to fight better next time. While the other shamen was going up a fire scape up on to a roof. The ghost fallowed but as he finally stopped up on the roof, he looked over near them. But when he looked over he saw nothing there. Vorless and his shamen had dissappered. The boy then went off wiith his ghost. Siaga had Vorless fade them back, they then went down to the ground. Vorless stood beside Siaga as the two ghost stared at each other. "How long have you been fighting?" Siaga asked the girl. The ghost looked at at his shamen. Kage said nothing. Siaga looked at Vorless then back at the girl. "What's your name?" "My name, " she said, "it's Kage." "So your name is Kage..." Siaga replied, "There are ways to get stronger, that is if you'd two be willing to work for it."
  25. ^^ WOW! That I think is the best manga your doing, just my opinion. It sounds intresting, and I love fighting. The name "Onizuka" reminds me of my friends matial arts teacher. His teachers name is "Oni," oh boy just thought of what he must fight like. Just to let you know, if I ever get a chance I'm going to be reading your mangas. All of these story plots are good. But "Underground Warrior" sounds the best.
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