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Everything posted by Epsilon

  1. Hobbies and past times....Well I'm in matrial arts. Currently red/black. I'm a writer. (another story comes out on shelfs in sep. and a poem comes out his month, yay!) So I'm an offical writer for how many things I have published. I'm an artist, that's not very hard to tell. And I collect weapons, throwing stars, daggers, swords, random blades, etc. I also like video games, grahic desing is considered a kind of hobby...I think so graphic design. And of course, try not to make my self look like an idot infront of Ben. (Yes, that's a hobby:p)
  2. O_O wow, can you really handle three mangas? The new one your making is a manga, isn't it? What's Underground about? I like the title, 'Underground' sounds like it would be fun to read. Some reasone the title undergorund makes a few words pop into my head. Anyways, please tell more. ^^ that is if you don't mind.
  3. ^^; Ok, we're still here. At least some of us are....Don't worry, the thread won't die...I'm sure the people who are still here will help keep the thread alive. --------------------------- Genreal: This is your last chance. All of you, androids and cyborgs, most give your self up or be deactivaed. Ijimeru, stared in anger, he shook his head. "Who are you?" asked Ijimeru, "Why are you the one to tell us what to do?" Siaga looked around at the soilders, they were waiting. They had still yet to get ready to fire again, like they had once been before. Kaira stared at the genreal coldly. Siaga took a few stepps forwards. "Most of your men are down." Siaga said, "They we're tooked down by a force that you have still yet to see. I'm beting that, that force is on our side. Or we can take down the rest of you on our own, you have no right to tell us what to do." Yanagi decided to step up along with the others. "You can't keep chasing us..." The genral looked at some of the soilders. Genreal: Rebellon will not be torlated. We will be force to deactivate you, all of you if you do not comply.
  4. Shiro: Have you been here before Teakyon? Teakyon: Don't know really. But if they were to find us we could always find away to get an air ship. Kitty: There arn't many places that would just give away an air ship, you know. Shiro: It'd be about impossible to get one. Teakyon: There use to be one lying under ground, under neath half the surface of this place is empty. Shiro: If it's under ground how are we ment to get it? Or even take lift off for that matter? Teakyon: There's a hatch to get out once inside.... Kitty: How would we get to it? Teakyon: Well to get to it...we'll have to go back to the place we came from.... Shiro: Back at Garis's landing place!?! Teakyon: Yeah, there's a latch in the base that gose down. After all Makst ity is in the sky. Kitty: So then it's an air ship, like the one Garis has...if we have to go back it means I have a chance to fight him, right? Shiro: Don't get too excited. Teakyon: We will have to go through him though, I can asure you of that. Kitty: Then there's no problem, I can just beat him. And we'll be on our way! Shiro: Before we do we should at least find another place to go after we leave. Teakyon: We'll stay here alittle and ask around the city for info. Then we'll leave.
  5. Broil looks so cool in that pic. He's all like kill. :p Ok so I have no clue how to describe the pic it's self. But as a banner it worked really well. Even if it dosen't have text. ^^ I like it, Broil is a really cool character and great to use. It really dose look great. The way the boarder is great too, I like it. Great job. Edit- Ok, I've seen the pic, before you changed it. I can't belive you were able to do that in such a short time. The banner and the pic look realy, really, REALLY, differnt. -.- I'm so bad at banners, it would have took me a few days just to change the original pic like the way you did. You really are great at making banners.
  6. Who cares if it's plain. It looks really great the way it is, I like the way it looks simple, yet elegent. (sp) But for guys I'm pretty sure the girl makes up for it. The font is really cool too. Great job!
  7. Ok, GO CRIMSON SPIDER!!!! Love listing to what CS has to say. Ahem, back on topic, anyways you have no true propose to be thinking of suicide. It's [u]A[/u] girl, on the earth there is something like 5000 well based matchs for ever one. Sorry coming off rude, but you should take the adivce given to you. Tough it out. This actually gose agianst what I had said on IM, but this adivce your getting right now, helps! Try to not think about her, as get off the comp. and play some video games on a PS2 or something. The longer you think of suicide the more you plan it out, till you just kill your self. Trust me on that! Don't kill your self, you have your life in front of you, and it will hurt those around you. Don't kill your-self over just one broken heart, you two didn't even know each other too well I'm thinkg. I know for a fact that that's true too.
  8. Ok, since you want to keep the thread moving I'll just post my answer not really knowing if it's right or not. A: Dun Loireag Ok, easy question. Q: Who is the first person to apper of the Descendents of Fianna aka Legendary Party?
  9. Might not want to read my post. I don't really have anything nice to say, but I'm trying to say something nice... Ummm..., intresting. Sorry, I lied, VERY intresting. How did you could up with these things? Geez...Strange Lif3, intresting, plot should work out well. And 5-Five Love. I got nothing to say about, cause sounds like tenchi with a twist in the whole plot. To me these would sell well as mangas, and might do well as a anime show. Other then that I got nothing nice to say. Ok, I think...I'll keep my mouth shut forever now.
  10. *Looks at sig, then linky in sig.* ^^ *Click linky* Ok, I'm done with that now. A tained paradise, in which is your happyness and sorrow at the same time. A grvae yard for all the innocentes killed, and feeling like all it is is another one gone. Then wanting to end life then to relize that it's saying that you were defeated. Then wanting a god's pity so as not to be defeated. It's great, I love the thought. And not wanting to admit defeat, it's great. ^^ I really love this one.
  11. J-Pawn shook her head. It hurt from what ever it was that happened. Damion stared at the bird. "You alright, J-Pawn?" asked Damion. J-Pawn stood up, "Yeah, hey any one up for going through the Lacono Forest after this?" "What's the sudden intrest of going through that forest now?" Aelus looked at her strangly, "It's under contoll of the Dark Messenger." "Heee, yeah I know." she replied, "But I still wanna go, theres some one who needs some help." "Alright" Evean said. J-Pawn started walking again along with the others. They then saw the silver falcon flying over head, down to the south.
  12. Teakyon: We should find some place they won't look for us. Shiro: There may not be a place like that around here. Kitty: They can't search every where, I know theres a place some where. Teakyon: Makst City is the city in the sky. So we should try and get out of here. By getting a ship or some thing. Shiro: Considering we're in Makst that shouldn't be too hard. But we need to find away to get into hiding first. Kitty: We could hide near the sky limites. Shiro: Why, that dosen't make very much sense. Teakyon: If we did hide at the sky limites, it might give us protection for a short time. There are many abannedoned ware houses there that used to be for air ships. Kitty: Alright then, once your all ready we can get going. Teakyon: I'm ready, how bout you Shiro? Shiro: Guess better now then latter. Kitty: Cat Flash!!! They then were taken to the wares houses on the sky's outer limites.
  13. Yes, you can join. As I had said before, Need Many People. And for a very good reason. The story and polt line to these RPGs are huge, but there aren't many players to use to get the real in depth plot going. And we do need a villian in the story. I'd be glade if you were the Dark Messenger. And thanks for the offer, we do need a villian.
  14. No offense taken, it's perfectly fine. But the only problems are the fights. On which I hope to clear up sometime soon. If you wish you may be the Dark Messenger, but you'd have to go back and read Arika's post. The reasons being in that is because of where she is, she's with the Dark Messenger. Or you might just wanna read all the post if you have the time to find what's been happening with all the post. If you don't wanna join this one, I plan to put up another one which is a link in the Saga of the books.
  15. Epsilon

    My New Sig

    Aww....I bet I know the reason why you made that. Anyways I like it, sad, yet pretty. It reminds me of the night sky. It reminds me of space. If you ever happen to put any text on it make it white text. That would make it even better. Good job, TH.
  16. That was an old one? *Looks back old banner* Geez you really are greta at these. I don't see how that could be an old one thoguh, cause it looks great. And I really do wanna see the one that you've been working on. ^^
  17. Epsilon


    Some person asked for my real name so here's the reason for it and what it means to what I know of. My first name, Rodrica, is ment to be some queen, who I think killed her self. (note: which would explain for my demise) Last name, I have no clue. And all the rest of my names, I think the people who named me just wanted me to be a freak of nature. And the nick, Roddy. Becasue they wanted every one to think I'm a guy on which I'm not. But it's better then Rodrica, ain't it? And the name Ruby is better then Roddy, another reason for the user name Ruby.
  18. 1. Ronin Warriors action figures, legos, little shaped mini transformer thingys. 2.Some thing to play with. Really nice swords, nice to throw at people. I was totally in love with my action figures. Refused to let anyone touch them. 3.Still plays with one favorite action figure, but only when no is around. Plastic armor not a good idea. Collect them more then I did before. Still refuse to let anyone touch them. 4. I only have a problem with people and the stupid doll action figure thing. Girls can play with action figures if they want.
  19. ^^ Just like Vash would do. It seems that all your characters made up or not have a deep personality to them. They stay true to them self. (if possible for a story)Their personilty gives a strong feeling as if they are real people. The plot moves in the story moves on quilky and you don't have them dewling on one thing that's happened to them. Whcih is a great thing, which gives you the feel that they're not like a basic hero with no feelings. It's great, keep up the great work.
  20. OOC: There are different monsters in each region. ----- Damion waited for J-Pawn but saw no sign of her. He heard a brisling nosie from above higher up in the trees. J-Pawn popped out and sat on a tree branch. "Geez..." she said, "What took you so long?" "I fell asleep," he said, "I'm back now, and no one saw me so we're fine." "Well, the rest are up," she said, jumping down from the tree, "Go see them, I'll be going to talk to the king." "Alright." Damion replied. Damion then jumped down from the tree and went back intot he caslt. J-Pawn did her little dissappering act, when she came down she was in the hall before the chamber that lead to the court. J-Pawn bowed then receved the granting by the court to enter the area of the Falcon Talons. She left and meat up with the others, out side the caslt. They then started through the city out wards. The group then fallowed up the river which lead them to the Falcon Talon territory. Many falcons flyed over head, but there was one different from the rest. It was silver. It fallowed them and seemed to lead them to the clan. Once at the clan leader's surronding. It was ruins with bricks with Faclon clan members perched sitting with their falcons. When talking to the leader they would be rewarded if they could get ride of clan's problem. A large divingon had been troubling them resently, since it was a fallower of the Dark Messenger. They were to defeat it then come back for the reward. It would take a few days just to get where it was. It rested a top a mountain covered in ice. The group thanked the Falcon Talons and left for the mountain.
  21. I just thought of something. If Tsukasa's mother died, what did she die of and where did she die? Some people die of abuse, beatings, again abuse, etc. So she could have died from things like those. She could have gotten a divorce, form Harald and gotten remarried. Then moved away, and for what ever reasone she would have to divorce him would still linger in the world aka the rage, hurt, bad feelings towards Harald. Yet it was still Haralds child if she had had the daughter with him then divorced. So he could have still gone to visit the grave. If anything I just said would happen to hold true Tsukasa_hack's theory would be correct. If nothing I said was true, feel free to ignore what I've said.
  22. Well that's creepy...Anyways yes, the broken mans name is Harold. That'd be strange if it was Tsukasa's father. [SPOILER] Considering the one epi. where it shows the man who is ment to be Tsukasa's father drinking, yelling at him, in the hospital pulling the plug, etc.[/SPOILER] But in that epi. it didn't should the man's face. So I really don't know about the broken man being Tsukasa's father, but it is likely that it is. And I think your right about Tsukasa being dead in the end, with all that happens to him in one of the epi. [SPOILER] The epi. with the girl being in the hospital and having the father pull the plug and that the doc get it put back in when she is almost dead. And being beaten. [/SPOILER] So I think your theory may very well be correct in most of the things you've said. Wait, I think I just confused my-self. :sweat:
  23. I go with Cyber E. Things don't need massive fight scenes eaither. And the music just makes you think, it's happy yet depressing. In .hack//sign you MUST use your brain, it contrubits to higher level of THINKING then most animes. It's great in the thought of having to think about the plot and all round great. Cause if you don't think about almost everything that's going on in the story you get confused. So the people who came up with the polt knew what they were doing and thought about the out come of everything in the story. Also on the outcome of how many people would happen to like .hack//sign
  24. Epsilon


    I go with Knives all the way. Cause it's true to save one thing another most die. The human race has shown that all ready, save both the human race and other life forms....they'd destory each other first. Reality is something to be feared, in truth no living live form can reach true peace. Unless all other life froms that have created the conflict are gone. But then that life force it's self would be gone cause even in it's own kind it creates conflict with in it's self.
  25. OOC: I didn't mean as a bad thing. ^^; Don't take it the wrong way. And shouldn't we be going north east for an Eastren Kingdom? ---------- As they walked east/west (whatever) they came to a path wineding up wards on to anothor place. One hich they split into other paths. The paths were like mazes, always spliting off onto another dircection. J-Pawn took out the scroll with a map and tryed finding where they're ment to go. The eastern kingdomwas still farther norht east, to know they were going the right was they'd have to go past a small lake in the highlands. Considering that there as only one lake in the high lands it shouldn't have been to hard to find. The group kept walking farther untill they got to the lake one by one they crossed and contuied walking. Finnally the eastern kingdom was in reach, and even farther north they could see where they would go after to find what was wrong with the falcon clans that held in the high lands. Once gotten to the gate the sun was starting to set. The gurads opened the gates and let them in. The were then pointed in the way to the caslt, once there they would stand and state their being infront of the king. Once standing in front of the king they kneeled and bowed. King: So you are the ones here to free the world from the wreatch I see. J-Pawn: Yes lord, we ask that we be granted going to the falcon talon's clan. King: That shall be granted, but you are not aloud to go out at nightfall. The monsters are here are far too harsh for just a party of four. J-Pawn: Yes, my legence. I under stand. King: Dissmissed. They then went out in to the hall.
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