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Everything posted by Epsilon

  1. OOC: It's turning into Legend of Dragoon, Chrono Cross, Chrono Trigger, Dino Crisis and a Final Fantasy game all at once. It's like the RPG is becoming a mix of video games. -------- "I don't think I wanna eat anymore." J-Pawn turned around and looked at the door, "How can you people eat meat, ick..." Aelus took his staff and tapped in on to her head, "Get over it, most people need to eat meat to live." Evean sighed, "I don't think I can live with out eating meat, it just is good to eat alright." "What ever," said Aelus, "I'm gonna go get something to eat." Evean agreed and went to go get something to eat. While J-Pawn took a seat and looked around. So borad..: thought J-Pawn. "Damion if it's any matter were going to the eastern kingdom next that's higher up." J-Pawn said. Damion asked when he stopped eating, "Wouldn't it be easyer to go south?" "You'd think wouldn't you?" J-Pawn said, "Going to the eastern kingdom we'll be able to get more info. That and it's near a falcon talon clan, most of their falcons have been dying."
  2. My obession I've had since I was, about five. I'm obessed with Ronin Warriors, it's been my obsession for over 5 years. A hard core Ronin Warriors fan now and FOREVER!!! Not OB obsession but some one I met through OB. He knows who is he, so I won't say his name. But I'm obsessing over those two, and most likly always will. Both of my obsessions have gone WAY TOO FAR, once you start dreaming about the obsessions that's too far. Having obsessions for over 5 years is not a good thing. After that long you really need help, cause it's more then just an obsession.
  3. OOC: Orinally we we're in a hall in the run down house. But I guess we could go with the clearing out side and speed up the stor. Any androids would like to jump in and change to there other modes. ----------------- As the they shoot, the groups only way out was running. Yet even if they did run, they would track them down. They ran even faster avoiding the bullets that shot all around them. Runing though they finally came to a stop. The way they had been running was a dead end stop. There were more fire arms ready to shoot. It was go through the fire arms or be cought. But being cought wasn't what any one of them had planned on doing.
  4. Epsilon


    Um...ok the name Ruby. TH you already know what my real name is so yeah, Ruby is nothing close to it. Anyways Ruby came from people saying my eyes look like blood red in the darkness, other people said they shined like blood stained rubys. I have no clue what's up with the blood part, anyways I took a likeing to the name Ruby. That and I got tried of my other name Veggie.
  5. "Umm...yeah we can." J-Pawn said, "Once past here we'll be at the 9th knighthoods fort." "Wouldn't it be destoryed by the time we get there?" Aelsu asked. Eveacn shook his head, "I'm thinking it's long gone." "If they fought well enough it shouldn't be." Damion said. J-Pawn shook her head, they all countuied to walk forwards. Once out of the cavren they were in a tree line now. Past the tree line was the knighhoods 9th fort, and the 9th knighthood as well. As they made their way up to the highlands it seemed glowing golden dust fell. "What is this stuff?" Evean asked looking around, he got some in his hand and his hand started to feel like it was burning. Evean dropped the dust. "This is what is causeing the knighthood so much trouble." Aelus stated, this and te fact that there are orcs around here." "To deal with both the dust and the orcs would be rather hard." Damion said. "Come lets go." said J-Pawn. The group went father untill they saw the fort. It was covered in vines, and the golden glowing dust. Moving around they could see a few of the knights. One saw them and waved, he then ran to the head of the knighthood. And reported that help had come. Once there J-awn talked to the leader of the knighthood. They explained what had been happening and why they were in need of help. At knight they would be attacked by orcs, and by day the dust would make them weak. Half of the knighthood had died. Leader of the Knighthood bowed, "I am the commander of the 9th knighthood. My name is Commander Leo, before knight fall you should take a look around the fort." J-Pawn thanked the commander and was lead in with the others. They spilt up and started to look around the fort.
  6. OOC: I think 'OOC' stands for Out Of Content, or maybe something else. But you put it when ever your going off of topic. And what I was talking about was the monsters. And that's alright if you don't post that much I think, as long as your still in the RPG. -------- The Omiboyle started fallowing J-Pawn as she tryed getting some distance frm it to attack. It used poisin gas trying to reach her had get her down for the kill. But J-Pawn jumped up and got out of reach. The Omiboyle went back and seeped into the ground, J-Panw couldn't fight it now. She watched and waited for it to come back up for an attack. J-Pawn went back on to the swamp ground waiting, she found her self sinking. She couldn't move her legs something was holding on to them. She took the two daggers and started stabbing at the ground around her. She heard a screeh of pain, she jumped up. Going up she saw the Omiboyloe come up from the ground. It was starting to attack wildly. J-Pawn came down attacking with an x-strike. It soon was dead, steam started rising. Mean while....The Evean was fighting off the Trice. As it was he had already hated swamps. And this just made it worse. The theif used his skill with of his whip and the elemets off surprise. He used his whip and got high up on to a tree branch. AS the trice looked for him, he took out a dagger. He then leaped down from the trr branch, landed on the trice and struck the dagger into the Trice's head. Making blood spew all over the place. In this the body started to sink, along with the theif. Evean jumped up before he went down too. He put away his daggers and used his whip to meet up back with the others.
  7. OOC: It might be, but some of the monster's stautus attack go up because of shirll sounds. If you want I can give you a listing of monsters in the swamp. And for each place that they travel, after all there are many charts of the monsters judging these monsters are from the three books. But as long as they're still strong enough to fight it's fine.
  8. "Thanks,Damion." J-Pawn said cheerfully, "Were all really good at fighting, I see." "If we keep going we'll keep getting into more battles." Aelus said, "Where is the 9th knighthood?" "It's in the hill lands." J-Pawn said, "By tomarrow morning we should be there." "Let's keep going." Damion said, "It's best to keep moving." "Right" they said. They kept walking, as they went it seemed there was more and more fog on the ground. Evean started to sink as he walked, he suddeny jusmped up and used his whip to get on to a tree. "ARGH!!!" he yelled, "I hate swamps!" The others laughed, and walked. Evean used his whip to go along the trees. Aelus used his staff to make sure he didn't step into sinking sand. And Damion walked with coution, but not with very much. J-Pawn it seemed like she just didn't care at all. They kept walking untill they got to an opeing path that lead into a small cavren, that would lead them through the barrior up into the high lands. As they went to the path a rush of monsters started coming out. It looked as if they were back for revenge for their friends. There was a monster for each, there were Monosu, Omiboyle, Trice, and Anacondi. Each monster came closer to a fighter making them leave each other's sight for room to fight.
  9. That's very good, it can create an image in the reader's head. Can image it now. Anyways the polt line keeps getting deeper, which leads the reader to read it more. And again with having you able to read what Vash is thinking and get into his head is great. ^^ I love the Trigun Kitty part, it's great. And having Vash stare out at the stars, and waiting with Kanna is great.
  10. They started walking through the swamp. To Damion it seemed familair, Damion kept looking around. "Anything wrong Damion?" J-Pawn asked. "I think I've been here before," he siad, "But it's different some how." "Could it have been when you beat that other archer that it changed?" Aelus asked. "Yes, that must be it." he answered, "If it is, why did it change?" "Must of been something she controlled." Evean said. "Maybe..." Damion said. Just then J-Pawn stopped, as did the rest. They looked around to see what she was looking at. She pointed forwards. "Hey, you guys ready for a battle?" J-Pawn asked, takeing out her lilly daggers. "All ways ready" Evean said taking his wipe. Aelus took his staff ready to attack, "This should be easy with so many of us." Damion smiled taking aim, "As long as I get stronger." A Monosu, and two Trice came out attack. The first trice came out spreeding poisnous air, on which they all avoided easily.
  11. He, yay! Milly and Maryl. You've done a great job of getting there characters too. They seems so like they are in the show/manga. It's great, and Meryl scolding Milly for drinking their drinks. So true. I like how you put the setting of every thing. And watching out as the wind blust around, then having them come into the story. Just how they would normally.
  12. "Alright then, our next stop would be trying to get to the third kingdom and helping the 9th knighthood in the mountains." J-Pawn said, "Were to leberate it from slavor under manufactor of weapons and imperssoning dragons." Aelus, "Isn't that kind of a big task for only four peope?" Theif nodded, "That would be true." J-Pawn sighed, "Even so, they agreed to leave it to us. We'll just have to try and not get into too many unwanted firghts." Damion looked at them, "What are we waiting for, let's get going!" They then left the church, then soon the town till they had gotten to the swamp. J-Pawn took one of the scrolls inside it held a map. To get to the 9th knighthood they'd have to go past the swap, up into the high lands.
  13. "Geez, I thought you were dead or something." J-Pawn said. Aelus started to laugh, "She cares for ya, Damion. She was planing to have us go look for you." J-Pawn stuck her touge out at Aelus, "Still, if you really want us to go help you fight I huess we can." Aelus inturrputed, "Don't we have a mission to do?" J-Pawn smiled, "Hey, don't worry about. It's said to help anyone along the way. This would be helping wouldn't it?" Aelus disagreed, "We should get going and defeat the Dark Messenger as fast as possible." The thief looked at them strangely, "What are you two talking about?" "Heh, nothing." J-Pawn said. "So can we go or what?" Damion asked. J-Pawn, put her hand to her head and took out one of her scrolls. "Here we go agian." In thu name of life, and thy death Release thu soul, and fight thy will Thu shall die in dark nor light Thu shall die in soul alone Will shall fore hence go alone Do you, Damion, and you theif, agree to come along with us to destory the Dark Messenger?" "Do you always have to ask?" Aelus said sighing. "Yeah, pain in the butt ain't it?" J-Pawn said, "Anyways, answer what be your answer?"
  14. O_o Ouch, father died...that's a great thing to get a reader hoocked on the story. Plus it builds great tension. Also that's extreamly like Vash saying that it's not her falut. The story keeps getting better with the plot as the story keeps goiing. This is an extreamlly great story, espiaclly having them go back to the town at which it all had started. ^^ Great job!
  15. Aelus and J-Pawn walked out of the inn. Aelus sighed, "Do you have any leads onto where he is?" "What ever gave you that idea?" J-Pawn started to laugh, "I have absultely no clue Hehee." "Oh that's very funny," Aelus said, "We'll look around to see if anyone had found him." "Alright." she replied. Aelus and J-Pawn went to different ways to look for any clues. After a while Aelus came and found her. "Any luck?" J-Pawn asked. Aelus smirked, "He's right here in the church." Aelus lead the way to the church. They went in side and talked to the priest. Damion was there sitting on a bench staring at rays of light.
  16. Wouldn't want you to break the comp. now would we? And I know that answer is a no. Anyways, that's funny. Vash trying to open the door with his head. Then Kanna opening the ropes that held her while Vash is still tied up. The word for that and the head banging: Funny. That's also a good idea having Vash waiting to know what Kanna sees, makes you want to read it more. Hee, it's great. ^^ Keep up the great work!!
  17. ^^; Don't cry, I hate making people cry. Ahem, anyways...that's just how a really villian of Trigun who act. This is truly a great story. And having Gero being the level that he is, well it makes him a great person for the villian. The story is so great and fun to read, truly caputuring the moments of Trugun greatly. And having so many trees in the story when usually the world is like a waste land. ^^ It's great.
  18. The battle of angels and deamons, and them being together. Having a tounting past as sour as leamon drops. And the surger sweet pain of not being albe to be with the one you love. Then once close enough to be with them you get dropped back down. ^^ It's great, the thought in this one came through perfectly. I really like it, very well done. Love the thoughts in it.
  19. I like it, it's really good. ^^ Longing for some one, not being able to be with them again. Yet death is so close you can't escape it. Never see them again, and crying out their name to come back. It's great, I love the thought that it shows.
  20. WoW! O_O I think that's the longest post I've ever seen and the most blood shead too...Great Post! --------------- J-Pawn sat and stared out side the window. She hadden been able to find anything fun to do for awhaile. She walked around the room as Aelus sleeped. J-Pawn started humming, as she stared out the window looking at the moon. She then remebered Damion, he had said he would be back in an hour. It's been days, she thought. I still have to wait to see if that knight comes. I wanted to ask that archer to join us.:J-Pawn thoguht. She walked over to Aelus as he slept. "Aelus," J-Pawn whispered, "Hello!!!" Aelus started to wake from his sleep, "What is it?" "The archer," J-Pawn replied, "We should go out and look for him." Aelus sighed, "But it's the middle of the night." "Fine, how bout we go look for him, in the mrorning then?" "Good, now go to sleep, geez..." Aelus then fell back a sleep. J-Pawn then went back to humming and stared out the window looking at the moon.
  21. Aelus stared at her, "And there are 10 scrolls of that?" J-Pawn nodded. "Alright then, I'll look at them once I get really board." Aelus said, "Right now, I'm gonna go take a quick rest." "Alright, have a nice sleep." J-Pawn said, "I'll see you once you wake up." Aelus went back over to the room next door to take a rest, mean while J-Pawn was gathering the scrolls again. She put them away, and decided she'd see if there were any glass makers in town. Heee, I'm gonna finsih looking around now: J-Pawn thought. With that she left the room, and started looking around the inn.
  22. ^^ Those banners are all great. I really like how you did the back rounds to them The thrid one is great too looks like the pict was a book. The fonts on them are all great. The next one is great also. The backrounds cool, a great font/size, and you picked out a great pick to go along with it all. So it all fits together greatly. I love 'em, there all great.
  23. J-Pawn sighed, she then pulled out a few scrolls from the bundle of them hanging on her side. J-Pawn: Do you really have to know? Aelus: Yes, I would like to know what I'm getting into. J-Pawn: Ok, here we go. J-Pawn too a seat as did Aelus, she then started reading off the frits scroll. Under statement of the force of kingdoms to seal away the Dark Messenger we here by abide you to stop the war. Under meting the Dark Messenger an force needed my be used, and anything need to that content. And by abiding by these rules you are here by trusted by all of the kingdom and the 12 knighthoods and have the names to the prophecy: In thu name of life, and thy death Release thu soul, and fight thy will Thu shall die in dark nor light Thu shall die in soul alone Will shall fore hence go alone On which has been entrusted to only those chosen by the further hence of those of peace. In this search the aid of a knight and who ever else may so happen do you choose shall remember the prophecy of war, on which you shall use the united souls to defeat the Dark Messenger. The Dark Messenger is in the southern country known as Fort of Mamoru on of which is located in the middle of the 8 kingdoms of light. Of which now are the kingdoms of darkness and sorrow. Upon getting there you may join with any forces. You must liberate any kingdom or any people who ask of your help along the way. J-Pawn stopped and stared at the rest of the scrolls. J-Pawn: And it goes on like that, do you really wanna have to listen to me read these. After all I'm not even half way finish reading the first scroll. Aelus: Alright, then I'll read them my self later.
  24. J-Pawn turned to Aelus and smiled. Aelus stared at her, puzzled. "I remember what I wanted to talk to you about Aelus," said J-Pawn "What's is it?" Aelus asked. J-Pawn pulled out a scroll from the pouch hanging on her side. She searched through and found the one she was looking for. She then stated: In thu name of life, and thy death Release thu soul, and fight thy will Thu shall die in dark nor light Thu shall die in soul alone Will shall fore hence go alone Aelus became more puzzled, "And what's that ment to mean?" "To tell you the truth...I have no clue." J-Pawn said, starting to laugh, "Anyways I'm ment to say it to the people I want to come along with me on the journey to destory the Dark Messenger and stop the war. Or so the king says" Aelus sighed, "And your asking me to come and help you, right?" "Yep," she said, "So it's up to you to decide. Will you help end the war and stop the Dark Messenger or go find something else to do?"
  25. Any one is still wishs to sign up they can. We still need some one to sign up as the Drak Messenger aka huge villainess with LOTS OF DARK POWERS. If on the list you didn't see something that would suit you, you may also put up a differnt class not said. But it has to be of something like the midevil times kinda like Dragon Warriors aka banits/thief, dearler, half breeds, etc. Also if signing up try to pick different age ranges.
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