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Everything posted by Epsilon

  1. Kitty: Before you start anything we should get going first. So what's your answer? Teakyon: We'll leave now then. Shiro: Then lets get going, alright. Every body ready? Kitty: Of course, let's get going! Shiro: We need to get off the ship first. Teakyon: How are we ment to do that? Kitty: We can find away. Shiro: If we can get to a directory panle we can get a map of the ship. Kitty: So where we gonna find one of those. Teakyon: Think one of you could rip open a area of the ships floors or walls? Kitty: I can do that no problem, just say where. Teakyon stood up and started walking around the room. She tapped her foot a few times, then knocked on the walls. She then stopped at a certain piont of the wall. Kitty: Now I get what's she's doing! Shiro: Well I've got no clue. Kitty: It will be easyer to turn off the lights and escape. Teakyon: Kitty, can you punch a hole right here in the wall? Kitty: Yeah sure, you better know what your doing. Kitty punched the wall with so much force that it came open on impack. After doing so Kitty removed her fist, inside there was circute controlling. Shiro: Here let me do this part. Shiro got up from the bed he was sitting on, and wlaked over to where they were. He broke a circuit and the lights started flickering. He crossed a wire and then the lights turned completely off. Kitty: Now we should be able to get out of here no problem! Shiro: Right. Teakyon: We should get going before they have this place working again.
  2. As they went up Ijimeru stopped, he looked around confused. Siaga went back and made sure that he kept walking. Kaira went and took a quick look out a near by window. "The house is surronded," she said, moving forwards. They all walked forwards making sure their shadows weren't seen from out side. Going up they heard nosies at the door, it was like they were trying to break in side. "Why are we hiding?" Ijimeru asked puzzled. "We don't want to be found that's all, we should just keep moving." Siaga smiled, "We're falling behinde the rest." Ijimeru nodded and they kept going, up in front Yanagi stopped walking. They heard Jeffery's voice, "What is it now?" Yanagi said nothing and kept going, the rest fallowed.
  3. J-PAwn heard a voice coming from down stairs. It souded like it was Aelus. "Please, excsue me for a moment." J-Pawn said. J-Pawn then turned around and went out the door, looking around the hall she saw no one. So she went near the steps, he wasn't there. She looked around and didn't see him. Suddenly a voice came behind her that made her jump. She turned around and saw Aelus. "Heh, did I scare you?" he said with a smirk. J-Pawn was still a little shakey, "Um...of course not, hehee." Aelus smiled, "Who's this archer you were talking to?" "He's in the room next to ours," J-Pawn replied, "Here this way." Aelus and J-Pawn walked down the hall, she pointed out there room. And the one next to it. The one next to it was the archer's. Aelus and J-Pawn walked in. "Aelus this is Damion," J-Pawn said, "Damion this is Aelus."
  4. Sorry if by any means we confused you Jay. Your char. is looking around town, either you come to the inn and join up with our char.s. Or I can have my char. come out and look for your's. --- J-Pawn picked up the glass and started to put it back in the bag. So that later it could be re-maleted. She did decided not to try to cheer him up with juggleng act, instead just to visit. J-Pawn left her room and went next door. She knocked but got no answer. She opened the door to find him on his bed, he looked like he was a sleep. J-Pawn remebered what the inn keeper had said, not to wake him. So J-Pawn turned to leave, but as she went for the door handle he awoke. "Hi," the archer said. J-Pawn turned around and smiled, "Um...Hello. Nice to see you awake. How was your sleep?" The archer sat up in his bed, "Restful." "That's good," said J-Pawn, "I see that your an archer, how long have you been praticing?" "Most of my life." said the archer, "May I ask what your name is?" "My name is J-Pawn." she said cheerfully, "Now may I ask a question of you?" The archer sighed, "Go ahead." "Hm...what's your name?" she asked.
  5. J-Pawn sat there becoming very board, she stopped humming. She spring up off the bed and walked over to the open window. She put her hands on the window cell and stared out side. J-Pawn then went out of her room, and down to the inn keeper. This time it wasn't the same inn keeper as before, this one was a women. She smiled when she saw J-Pawn. Inn Keeper: What can I help you with today? J-Pawn smiled, "I was just looking around." "Oh well, feel free to look around. But please don't create too much noise." the women said, "We had gotten an archer here, who's badly wounded." "Can I ask which room he's in?" J-Pawn asked. She said, "Sure, he's in the room right next to your's. You could go cheer him up." J-Pawn, "I could try. Thanks!" She then went back up the stairs and into her own room. She took out 3 small glass orbs. So that she could make sure she wouldn't drop one if she went into the other room to cheer up the archer. Just like the ones she had used in front of the court, she had hidden them in side the bag that hung around her with the scrolls. Incase she dropped one again there was a fourth one in her bag. One by one they went higher into the air, till all three were spining round and around. She decided that she had been pratcing enough and would go talk to the archer. So one by one they fell into her hands but she stumbled on the third one. It came crashing to the floor with a loud crash.
  6. Thanks, I think I'm gonna try more Eva. I went and made more of the units. I think these ones are a little better then the first ones I had made. [IMG]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/avi06.bmp[/IMG]
  7. J-Pawn walked back into the Inn. Aelus was still going around so she didn't have a chance to talk to him, till he came back. J-Pawn wasn't even sure if he knew what inn she was in. But then again it was one of the only inns in the town. So he'd come back soon enough. J-Pawn sat on one of the beds and stared out the window. She heard a thumping sound at the door. J-Pawn went and opened the door, it was the inn keeper. Keeper: Exsuce miss, but would it be alright if I put one more person in here with you? J-Pawn: Sure. Keeper: Thanks we had ran out of rooms, and he needs a rest badly it would seem. J-Pawn: Alright, they'll be able to get a good rest. I can a sure you of that. Keeper: Thanks, he's a knight he should arrive here soon. J-Pawn: Ok. The keeper left and J-Pawn took a seat on one of the other beds and stared out the window. She started to humm.
  8. I don't mind if you use it..but WOW! That's cool how you did that. [COLOR=blue]I'd be glade if you used it. [/COLOR] I love it how you edited it. And thanks for asking.
  9. Alright The Mage Prince, I'll start making Eva Units. Then you can decide on your own for just how good I am. But know I still won't be able to use anything but MS Paint. ------------ Ok, I tryed. But as you can see I lucked out on them. Heh, just proves I'm not as good as people think. I'm not even all that good at all and this proves it. [IMG]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/avi04.bmp[/IMG]
  10. I like it, it's good. ^^ Acidic waters flowing over you to release the things hidden for so long. And having past and future brought together all at once. Overcoming you, and nightmares, then drowning from the pain a sorrow. It's great.
  11. Totally off of subject ----------------------------- I don't mean to play mod or anything but but...HEY!!!! To post or join an RPG you have to sign up first. Two, that can messed up the story now that we don't have a Bio. If your going to post sign up first. It's an RPG, please sign up first. There are rules here, I must ask that you go by them the same as every one else. [COLOR=blue]ThePeacockAngel go sign up in the Recruitment area. Unless ThePeacockAngel signs up first we will have to ignore all of your post. ThePeacockAngel, and every one else, know that I do have the nerve to get ride of my own RPG my-self. If it gets too messed up, too spamed, or off topic, I will ask to get it shut down, or close it my self. Which I really don't want to have happen.[/COLOR]
  12. Thanks Kaola Su and Yami*Maho Keno. Yep, Rei's exprission mostly never changes. Really hard to get a different experssion out of her. Next here are some ones I had done of Shinji. (Personaly, I don't like him that much) [IMG]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/avi03.bmp[/IMG]
  13. Thank you both, I'll get to use a different program soon. (I hope) Here are some of Asuka (sp) I tryed. Again these were done with MS Paint, but I think I was able to get some different expressions with these. [IMG]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/avi02.bmp[/IMG]
  14. Yeah, they are pretty low quality. But it's because to make them or anything else like banners or avaters I have to use the basic MS Paint. Anyways, thanks for repling.
  15. I see that there are a lot of mages in the RPG. At least we finally got some one even remotly close to the Dark Messenger. Thanks Arika, know that I'm gonna put a limite to how many mages if we get any more people. Tw34kY I've posted going over to the town, so we can really 'start' on the adventure there.
  16. Lately every thing I do is of Evangelion. Every thing but the request I've gotten that is. So here's the first set of things I've done. They're all Rei avi, and most of the things are of Rei or the angels. Please tell me what you think of them. [IMG]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/avi.bmp [/IMG]
  17. Ok, I guess I'll be evil then. ----------------- Shaman Name: Siaga Age:12 Height/Weight: 5'2/86 Description: Short, black/vilot hair, brown eyes, pale white skin, black pants, black ankle boots, short sleeve black shirt with a few silver dragon flies Side: Bad Bio: On a trip to Paris (random pick) a fog came up, blocking her sense of direction. Losing her way Siaga found an old abandoned house. Going in side she found the need to go farther up and explore the house. Seeing more of the house she had gotten to the roof and saw a ghostly figure. After being there with the figure for hours, she found that night hadn't end. Once she talked to the figure Siaga found that she had liked it, the ghost soon started following her around after she left the house. Ghost Name: Vorless Ghost Appearance: Short blond hair, goes to his shoulders, light red eyes, red mask, long blood red scarf, red shirt, black pants, red armor boots knee high, long black coat, black belt, holds his red sword, and black gloves Special Abilities: swordsman Ghost Special Attack: Si fate (an attack that sends 5 red paralyzing, energy waves from the sword)
  18. Aelus, and J-Pawn left the mage and elf to sort out their burdens with each other. J-Pawn: Aelus, what had you been looking for in the forest? Aelus: I was looking for a town or a place to stop. J-Pawn smiled: We'll lucky for you there's one near by. J-Pawn changed their path and lead them to a town. Aelus smiled, and thanked J-Pawn. He then left her to go around and look around the town. She went to go find the Inn to get a room. After that was done she figured she might as well look around town too.
  19. That's how Vash really would act if some one asked him that. I take it you have seen most epis. of Trigun...Or are just a really big fan. You really are a great writter, I love your writting style. Your story is cool. ^^Anyways, haveing him with his most known saying "The world is made of love and peace," or the "Love and Peace." It's so great that you have him saying love and peace. Love your work. ^^; Hee, I'm gonna lay off that now.
  20. ^^ You got Vash perfectly in this story! Must be another reasone why the story's so great. This story is also very fun to read. And that's really good with having Vash's inner-self speak out. It's great. Kanna's personaility seems to be really in deep, like it's based off a real person. Could be, but only you would know that. Anyways, keep up the great work.
  21. Epsilon


    *Mouth drops* These are very good! ^^ They're all well written and the message of the thoughts get across what you want to say fast. They're great. I like them, cause everyone can relate to them on some level of their lifes. I take it that these are really in fact written on some truth of your, or some one else's life, maybe. Anyways...your a good writter, keep up the good work!
  22. Yeah, this story is perfect to be shown as aa epis. on tv. Anyways it's an intresting story. I haven't seen a plot like this one from as far as I can tell of it. Your writing style, seems, to be able to take the same course. On of which other writers have problems with sticking with some times. Very good story, well written and good grammer.
  23. Shiro: It would seem that mine and Kitty's memeroies have been coming back to us. How bout you Teakyon? Teakyon said nothing. Kitty: Hey, you gonna answer? Teakyon: I couldn't even if I wanted to, all I know is even before I was a cyborg I didn't have my memeroies. They were all quite, the speaks bombed. It was Garis's voice again. Garis: We are now landing at Makst City, everyone must be ready to dock. Shiro: We should get off once the ship docks. Teakyon: We can't... Kitty: And why not? It can't be that hard to get off. Teakyon: If we happen to get off they'll find us. Shiro: We'll find away to go unnoticed, they won't find us. Teakyon: We can't... Kitty: We're going, and we won't be found, alright? Shiro: She's right we can't just stay here. Teakyon: Fine, we'll get off as soon as we dock then. Kitty: Knew you'd see it our way.
  24. Epsilon

    otaku prom

    Ruby smiled as she looked at mirai. As mirai stared into her eyes, he smiled. Ruby lightly kissed mirai, and his smile grew just a bit bigger. "I'm glade too mirai..." Ruby said. "That's good," said mirai, "We're both glade to be here together." Ruby said, "Yeah, hope the lights din't make you dizzy again." "Don't worry," mirai said cheerfuly,"If they do, I can just look in to your beautiful eyes." Mirai kissed Ruby and smiled, in the end they both ended up smiling. Looking around they saw, people danceing around in the shades of light. Light spining, reflecting different colors all around.
  25. Hee, I like the Patrick ones, "When in doubt pinky out." That's so funy. ^^ They're great. The Homer one is great, I really like the back rounds on every thing. And the way it's done is great. Comic guy one is great too. It seems like he's in a fantasy world saying "Beam me up Scotty." Your definatllly one of the greatest banner makers on OB. Every thing you do is better then the last. it also seems you've found a font you like also. ^^ Your work is great.
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