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Everything posted by Epsilon

  1. Alright, I'll save you a spot. And a falcon Talon is a some one with large black wings, wears a head type gear thats black thats covered in black fears, waers a black cape/cloak, and carries around a staff made of falcon bones. They have talons, and often have a falcon with them as a look out.
  2. This is a great start to an FanFic. It seems like it really would be one of the epi.s shown on t.v. or in the manga. Your writing style is near perfect. And it's a great starting. I really like it, if you post the rest I'll be reading it. ^^ Your a very good writer, keep up the good work. P.S. Don't double post.
  3. The other mage stopped at the elf. Mage: Thief, I'm here to aid the child and have back his belongings. Elf: What! That kid had stolen the money from me! J-Pawn: This is useless! Aelus: Their bickoring is too loud, it might draw attenion. J-Pawn: We could stop them if we had any clue on what was going on. The elf and the mage contuied their fight. It had seemed like one had stolen money from a child bu the child had stolen money from the elf.
  4. Teakyon: City in the sky... Shiro: Yeah. We should make it there alright, if we can stay unnoticed. Teakyon: There's no way to do that... Shiro: Why not? We've been able to do it for this long. Teakyon: They can scan the ship, or have teams of cyborgs singal us out. Shiro: Don't worry about it, we'll be fine if... Teakyo hushed Shiro. They sat there and listen. The patter of rush feet were there. A team of cyborgs were out side the room. Shiro and Teakyon listened as the sound faded till they started taking again. Shiro: As long as we make sure they don't have a reasone to scan the ship they won't. Teakyon looked down. Teakyon: Alright
  5. Siaga went into the stance of te, and got ready. She took her bo and held it at an attack angle. Siaga came in with an attack, Kitty doged and struck with an upper counter strike. Akumatsu watched them fight as the battle went on. Siaga took down with the kinta teakyon and struck Kitty. Kitty went and cut on the side of of both Siaga's arms. Siaga reversed back and rolled up from the ground. Gaining her stance back Kitty came chraging at her. Siaga went rolling back and jumped. Siaga would regain her stance for attacking in the air. Siaga swirled her bo in the air. Which gave her more time to gain power to knock Kitty down. She went down with full force and the bo hit Kitty to the ground. Siaga waited for Kitty to get up and then they both went charging at each other. They came into a lock with there weapons. Face to face they stood in weapons lock. Siaga: This is the most fun I've had in a while. Kitty: Same here.
  6. Aelus: My name is Aelus, why dose it matter? Just then as Aelus had stated his name. An elf came running by and almost knocked J-Pawn down. But she jumped up and got away from the hit. The elf went to the road leading away, he walked cheerfully throwing up and ctahing a bag of something. J-Pawn: Please excuse me for a second. J-Pawn then left and went on to the path, and catched up with the elf. She tapped him on the shoulder and he turned. J-Pawn then punched him. Elf: What was that for!?! J-Pawn: I was in a conversaion and you came and almost knocked me over! Elf: Opps, didn't see you there. Foot steps came about Aelus was coming down on the path. But yet once he stopped walking and got to them there were still the sound of rushing foot steps. They all looked back and saw another mage coming down. It looked like he was coming for the elf.
  7. Epsilon

    otaku prom

    Mirai smiled, they both did. Both mirai and Ruby were happy being so close to each other. "I'm glade to be with you mirai," Ruby said, "this is one of the rare times I've been happy like this." Mirai looked ther, "It some what seems it happens to go the same way for both of us." Ruby leaned closer to mirai. Mirai pulled her closer to him. Mirai smilled. Ruby kissed mirai again, and smiled sweetly.
  8. Thanks for the intro. ;) ---- The braclets that Teakyon wore started to glow. Flashing lights came out of them new another flash. A armor clad warrior was there, Garis stared at her and laughed. Garis: Oh, how pretty a cyborg. Too bad you have to die! Teakyon: Who said anything about diying here!?! Garis smirked, he then came charging at Teakyon. He then shot rapid fires. But Teakyon crossed her arms across her cheast, and then tore at the air. Teakyon: Feng's wrath! The fires then swayed off course. Yet Teakyon found her self sliding back. He had still been able to hit her. He then walked up to Teakyon as she was gaining her ground from the hit. He then grabbed her by the neck and lifted her off the ground. Shiro could hear Teakyon's neck caving in, small sparks started coming. Shiro: Teakyon!!! Suddenlly he grib loosened. Garis looked back at Shiro, he had shot him. Shiro: Destory him now! Teakyon: Reaper's soul! Garis let go, sparks started flying from his body. He then fell to the deck and didn't move. Shiro: We have to get Kitty up here! Teakyon: Right, I'll get her. Shiro watched Teakyon jump off down from the deck and left Shiro there. Shiro saw Teakyon jump back up in her normal mode, along with Kitty. Shiro started to get back up. Shiro: If we hide out on this ship it will most likely take us some where else. Any where would better then here. Teakyon: Yeah, we should try to find a place to hide on the ship. With that Teakyon went over to Shiro to check if he was alright. After wards they started looking for a safe place to hide.
  9. *mouth drops open* Go Sephiroth! Sephiroth Rules!! Sorry, hee it's just he's one of the coolest FF Char. Anyways I really love the banner. ^^ It really is one of your greatest. You should know what my rating is. 10/10
  10. Siaga came down the stairs with bandages and other things for Yanagi. But she didn't see Ijimeru. She came down and saw what Yanagi had been staring at. There was some one standing infront of the door of whom Ijimeru was talking to. Siaga put the things down on the table and stuck the disk in her pocket. Yanagi watched her go over by Ijimeru. Jeffery stared at her, "Great another one. How many are in there?" "Only-only we three." Ijimeru said. Siaga turned and took a seat by Yanagi and took up the bandages. "This house dose draw people out here." said Siaga. Ijimeru looked back at her, "What do you mean by that?" They stared at Siaga, "On my way up there was a way to a basement." Siaga said, "I didn't go down but I think there may be something in there that makes people come here or something." "You mean like a a flower draws bees, right?" Siaga nodded. Jeffery, "I don't think I ever should have come here..."
  11. Epsilon

    otaku prom

    Ruby slightly blushed, she then smiled. "Thanks mirai for being with me." Ruby said. She then kissed mirai, and she blushed a little more. Mirai smiled, along with Ruby. He leaned on her, as they listened to the music. The lights were spining round the room, each time making different patterens on the walls. Both mirai and Ruby were glade to be there together.
  12. Epsilon

    My art

    Thanks for saying it's ok to post the pic. After all it was a gift pic to you, and you alone. I'll post that next time. And yes I went and found that it is in fact angel17. For now I'm posting another panner I had made. It's strange though have no clue what had driven me to make this banner. [IMG]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/friends.bmp[/IMG] [URL]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/friends.bmp[/URL]
  13. The group started walking westward to the ridge. Once close enough, looking forwards there were gaping island, and a sea surronding. Teakyon: Couldn't it be possible that the land forms could have changed as time went by. Kitty: Looks the same to me, we should stilll be able to get out. Shiro: Just take her word on it, she's our only lead to geting off this place. Kitty: Come on! Kitty walked closer to the ridge and looked below. She then turned and looked at Shiro and Teakyon. And walked back to them. Kitty: Long safe way, or fun fast way? Shiro: What do you mean by that? Teakyon walked up to the ridge and crouched and took a look down. Teakyon: Which ever way dosen't get us killed.
  14. Arika, the characters of Tsuaksa_hack and mine are acutally the only characters that don't know they're a android or a cyborg. Or so it would seem looking at other people's post. -------------- Ijimeru and Siaga were confused, all that was there to of their knowing was books and records on androids and cyborgs. As far as they knew she was the only android there. Siaga shook her head, "What had drawn you to come to this place?" Kaira shrugged, "I don't really know, I had heard your voices nad came over to find out who they're comeing from." Siaga stared and contuied looking through the books, looking for something to help Ijimeru find memeories. "Do you happen to know what this place was used for?" Ijimeru asked. Kaira took a seat, "I've never been here before so no." Siaga turned and looked at them. She held a disk in her hands. It seemed to be still intacted and useable. "Ijimeru, I think we may be able to find something out with this." Siaga said cheerfully.
  15. Epsilon

    My art

    Thanks K.K.C., and I think I will try to fix the writing. The eye scares alot of people. I have no clue why though, cause if you watch or have seen Evagalion(sp). Your bound to see it sooner or later, because of the angels. Personally I like the eye.
  16. A little, it seems they all some how fit together. Yet they're all different in their own way of having different elements in some parts. You seem to foucs on a few main elements in your writings though. And that's really cool considering it's the paint programe.
  17. Epsilon

    A Piece of Mind

    Siaga: We need to find out who this, Peace of mind is... Alex: And what if there are more who have the letter? Michelle: We'll just have to find them. Sydney: But all of us are totally different, none of us are the same. And either is anyone else. Alex: She's right it would take days to find out who has the letters. Plus this person is asking for help, we should try to help them as fast as we can. Siaga: ... Michelle: Hey what's your name any ways, I haven't really seen you around before. Siaga: Hmm...it dosen't matter who I am...I'm gonna go talk to Kitty. Siaga left the group and went to go and talk to Kitty. Sydney: This is strange. We're all different really, and we don't even know one of the people who got the letter too well. Alex: This might take a while.
  18. Teakyon: Well as long as she's alright and has her memeories it really dosen't matter. Shiro: How could you say that? If we don't know how she got off this island, well never be able to stay alive. Teakyon: That dosen't matter. With or with out her memeroies of how to leave this place...we should just hope she's alright. If Hyo can't find it in her memeories we can find a way out on our own. Shiro: That's not the safest choice you know. Teakyon: If it means that she can keep what ever it is she has of her memeories...then yes it is. Shiro: ... A few blue sparks came out from the shadows of deeper og the forest. They stared as the sparks went down, and fizzeled out. Shiro: Wander how you shut down cyborgs. Teakyon: Should it matter? Shiro: I guess not.
  19. You took ten mintues on that? *looks up, reads poem once more* Um....that's strange. Some times if you take time on a peom, some times it can get messed up. On the other hand though you can come out with a good poem the same way. I guess it's just the way your thinking of things I guess. Anyways I read the original and the one you have above. This one is much better cause it has more feel to it. It's also strange that you had only gotten a 70, I think you should have gotten in the 90's or at least 80's.
  20. Epsilon

    My art

    Ok, here's my newest art work. I had tryed my luck at a banner once more. Ok, I tryed fixing it the best I can. But as you can see I'm not very good at fixing things. [IMG]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/02.JPG[/IMG] [URL]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/02.JPG[/URL]
  21. O_o Intresting thread. At my school there are sterotyping for almost every one. I'm one of the punk/goth that confuse every one. Popular people at my school, they judge too much. Ironically every one of those popular at my school are the ones who make me think of suicide, along with many others. Many of the "in-crowd" make people think that way. I'm glade to be a punk/goth really. That's besides the point anyways... *lites class room books on fire* People often hate other people for the stereotyping.
  22. That's pretty cool how you did that. ^^ Anyways the poem is great. I really like it. A pool of blood and water. Then having a soul and it's spirit lurking and waiting in side the water. Till one day it comes to consume (sp) some one. The hiden truth part is great, cause lots of people really do ignore the truth when told. And end up hurt. Keep up the good work.
  23. Epsilon

    Chrono Souls

    All the others went the same way as the unnamed man went. They looked at each other and started to whisper things. The unknown figure glared back at them. Considering they where behind him and he was father a head. Dango: Dose anyone else get strange vib from this guy? Masuket: It's more or less and unknown feeling I think. How bout the rest of you? Amelia:I'm sure we all have a different feelings. Considering he's said nothing about him self, that's all. They had all agreed with them, all but Siaga. Siaga: Personally I like him, you just don't like the unkown untill you find out about it. So you get a strange feeling about it, plus he seems really cool. Clyde: Your crazy, as always. William: I think she may like being called crazy from the looks of it. The unnamed man looked back at them. ???: You know, you could run faster if you shut up and stop talking. He then went faster, and father ahead of them. The rest looked at each other and ran faster. Till they were only a ways behind him.
  24. Epsilon

    otaku prom

    Ruby smiled, she felt happy with mirai close to her. She still wandered what it was that he didn't say though. She didn't really mind that he hadn't told her. "It's better when you have some one to enjoy the view with." Ruby said. Mirai smiled, "Yeah, I'm just glade I get to enjoy the view with you." Ruby looked at him quikly, "Thanks mirai." "Heh, no problem." mirai said, "But what I had said is true." "Yeah, I know." Ruby said. She then put an arm around mirai, and held him close.
  25. "Where would that be?" Siaga asked. Ijimeru looked down, "There's...there's am old house back in the forest. We could look there." "Alright," Siaga said, "It should be better then here, i guess." Ijimeru and Siaga started walking again through the town. They walked for a while, but it seemed like it was less time then th first. Once they had gotten back to the field and walked through. Ijimeru stopped at the edge of the forest, and stared at the sky. Siaga looked up, it looked as if it would rain. "Sky worring you?" Siaga asked. "N-No it's nothing." he replied. "Ok, if you say so." Siaga answered. They then went into the forest, Ijimeru lead them to the old, broken, house.
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