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Everything posted by Epsilon

  1. Epsilon

    otaku prom

    As mirai and Ruby entered, they could hear the music. "How many songs can they play in one night?" Ruby said. "It just depends on the Dj and band I guess." replied mirai. Ruby smiled, "Yeah, guess your right about that." Mirai, "So have anything you wanna do?" "Um...haven't thought about it really," Rusaid, "So were back at trying to figure out what to do." "Yeah, I guess we shold have thought of some thing ouit side." said mirai.
  2. Cool banner! I like it, and it's great what you did for the back round. I love it how, it looks like she infrount of the banner. It'd be better with some text though. Great job! 9.9/10
  3. Epsilon

    A Piece of Mind

    Ok, every one dayday is gonna be gone for awhile. So we gotta keep this RPG alive till dayday gets back. ---------- Kitty: That's just stupid. Siaga: Sydney when did you get that letter? Sydney: When did you get your's? Kitty: I got mine yester day, so did she. Sydney: Well then same time as you two. Siaga: You don't know who "Peace of Mind" is do you? Kitty: Why would she know if we don't even know? Sydney: I don't know either... Siaga: All I wanna really know is what are these letters really for.
  4. J-Pawn looked down. He was looking in the same dircition that she was in. She jumped down form the tree. And landed infront fo him. A grin came over her face. Yet he stared at her. J-Pawn: A mage I see. Aelus: Who are you? J-Pawn: For give me, I have not stated who I am yet. My name is J-Pawn. J-Pawn then quikly bowed and looked at him. Aelus: I'm guessing the jester of the court then, am I right? J-Pawn: Yes you are correct, may I ask you some thing? Aelus: Depends on what the question is. J-Pawn: I see...what is your name? Aelus: ...
  5. Epsilon

    otaku prom

    "Come on, if you have something to say you can tell me." Ruby said. "Err...um...I really blanked out." mirai answered. Ruby smiled even more, "I think you rememeber what you were going to say." "Even if I do," mirai said, "I wouldn't be able to say anything." "So then, you do rememeber." said Ruby. "No...I never said that." said mirai. Ruby said cheerfully,"Alright if you don't want to tell me, don't. But if you ever happen to want to say some thing to anybody, know I'm here." "Thanks Ruby." said mirai. "But one day I will know what you were planing to say." Ruby said.
  6. J-Pawn walked through the forest. Till she came to an open road, she fallowed down. She had still not found anyone who could help to fight the Dark Messenger. No village, no warriors, no nothing. I'm getting board of this...: she thought. As she went down the road she saw something moving through the trees that were close to her. It had seemed to be a mage. She turned and went back into the forest. And started to catch up to the mage. She jumped up into the air and got hold of a tree branch and started jumping from one to another. Till she was close to him over head. J-Pawn then stopped to see if he had noticed her.
  7. Glade to see you decided to finally post. -------------- Kitty and Teakyon came and looked over Shiro. Kitty waved her hand in front of his face, but he was out cold. Teakyon: They know we're here... Kitty: I'll get Hyo, you watch out for anything comeing this way. And keep an eye on Shiro. Kitty went inside the cabin. On the inside of the cabin half looked damged. Hyo was there getting two of his gear packs. He turned and looked at Kitty. Hyo: We'll have to find another place to do this. Kitty: Let's get going! Out side, buzzing noises came around. Teakyon looked up and saw more missils coming. She grabbed Shiro and jump out of the way. Once the missil had contact with the ground, the reslat was like a mini-sonic boom. Kitty came out with Hyo, and stared at them. Teakyon looked behind them, more were coming. Teakyon got out the way, yet was still hit by the blast. Kitty: Come on! We can't saty here! Teakyon: Right! Kitty took Hyo and started to run to the rim of the islande. Teakyon did the same. At the rim, Kitty stopped and waited for the others. Once there Kitty yelled, Cat Flash!!! And got them across the water, they then started to run to get away frm the island.
  8. Those would be great with animation. They'd fit together wanderfully. ^^ I really like them. There great. Here's my rate, 10/10. Your really great at this, keep up the good work.
  9. I take martial arts. Currently I'm red/black. (One more year!)I started when I was littler though, and it's still pretty fun. I'm also training for Kendo, and by the way Tae Kwon Do is not just I'll beat you up for fun with no brain and be a fighting zombie. It's really more about...um...well I'll just say it can be put to better use in street fights some times. But Tae Kwon Do is fun too.
  10. *bows to the greatness of your banners* Stuart you've got to be one of the greatest banner/avi makers I've ever seen. ^^ All the work you do is always better then the last. I love your work, it's so cool. Anyways I'm gonna give a rate on you banners, after all this thread is called "Rate my banners." You should know what they're going to be though. Banner 1. 9.9/10 Banner 2. 10/10
  11. Epsilon

    otaku prom

    "Well...I'm glade you took a step out." Ruby said. Mirai smiled and put one of his arms around her. They stared up to the stars, as they had once did before. Ruby smiled at the thought that they would always remember the night. "The stars always seem to change..." mirai said looking up. Ruby looked at him, "Never in the same place twice." "That's good it dosen't go for us." said Mirai cheerfully "Yeah," Ruby said, "it'd be hard never to be in the same place twice."
  12. Hyo: To deactivate her would be faster, if we scan her memeroies...We'd have to take away parts of anything she remembers from her past life away. Shiro: And what if she want's to keep those memeories, or not to be shut down? Hyo: It's one way or another. Time or memeories. Shiro: ... Teakyon walked through the trees. Muttering about what Hyo and Nightmare had done. To get ride of some one's memeories is to get ride of their past...They have no place to do that.: Siaga thought to her self. After walking she saw Kitty. It sounded if she was crying. Teakyon walked up quitly, Kitty was didn't notice she was there. Teakyon: Kitty... Kitty looked up and saw Teakyon. She gave her a long, hard, stare.
  13. Ijimeru got up from the ground. He looked at the flute, and then put it away. They walked down the path till they came out. Once out Ijimeru stared at the sky. But Siaga said nothing and waited till he was finished. They started walking down the field till they were at an edge of a town. A huge building cameing into Ijimeru sight, much larger then the rest of them. "Is that building the music hall?" Ijimeru asked. Siaga smiled, "Yup, hopefully we can help you find some answers there." Ijimeru and Siaga walked through the town, passing all the other buildings. "Maybe after the music hall," Siaga said, "Maybe I'll have a chance to show you around this place." Ijimeru looked at her, then at what was ahead. Just a few streets away from the music hall Ijimeru stopped walking. He turned around and looked back. He gave a long cold stare, with doing this Siaga stopped and tryed to find what he was looking for. "Hey, Ijimeru you ok?" asked Siaga. Ijimeru was silent.
  14. Siaga: Kitty's right! It is hard to learn how to get along with people. Kitty: It might be harder for you then any other person, Akumatsu. Akumatsu: That dosen't matter, I'm sure I can take it. Kitty: Fine then. Siaga: Hey Kitty, up for a fight? I'm sure some one of your level would be really fun to fight. Akumatsu: Could we get back on topic first? Siaga: Fine, but Kitty I'll battle you before I leave. Kitty: Alright, I'm sure your no match though. Siaga: Even so, if I lose it dosen't matter. All that matters is I get to see what you can do! Akumatsu: Siaga...your a loud mouth, idotic, nut case. Siaga stuck her tounge out at him and smirked.
  15. Anyways good poem. The thought is good, and the way it's written is great. Having every thing being taken away only left with your self and nothing more. And alone searching for friends. The world coming to an end, and being the only one left. Just being there to search for a friend or just some sort of hope. This is great! ^^ Hope to read more of your work.
  16. Epsilon

    Chrono Souls

    Siaga: She must have seens omething we didn't.... Amelia: She must have seen a larger force then we had fought. Masuket:Um...she had came out the lake and ran off. Dango: Sure yo hadn't been seeing things? Masuket: No I'm sure of it, a women in a purple cape came out of the lake and then left. William:I guess she wasn't as strong as the sheep, so she ran off. Amelia: I don't think that would be the reasone... Sirius: Where way had that women gotten off to? Masuket shook her head: I can't remember really, but I think she had gone that way to where the clouds had come from. Amelia: Then we should go after her.
  17. Siaga: Alright, now. Siaga said as she got ready for a fight. Siaga: Hey Kitty, should I kill him? Or should I just kick his butt in front of every one? Kitty: I'll let you chose. Akumatsu: These two are... Kitty: Akumatsu, you watching? Akumatsu: Um...yes, I am. Siaga took out her boh, and spon it in her hands. Then got ready to attack. She then came charging at him ready to use the kinta teakyon.
  18. "Ijimeru, heh?" Siaga said. The boy stared at her. "Ok, that's what I'll call you then." Ijimeru said nothing and contuied to look at the ground. Siaga smiled, "Come on, I'm sure I can help some way." He's eyes went and looked at her, yet his head was still tilled down. "Look since you don't have your memerories, and I found you around here." she said cheerfully, "I bet if we look around we'll find some memeroies of your's." Ijimeru looked back up, and gave her a long hard stare. "Why-why, would you want to help me?" he asked her, as if she had something to hide from him. "Hey don't look at me like that, alright." Siaga said as she sighed, "We're the same in some ways. Let's just leave it at that." Ijimeru stared at her once more.
  19. Epsilon

    otaku prom

    "Yeah, it would." Ruby said, "Too bad no one can tell where a shooting star lands." "If we did, I'd go and get the star." said mirai. Ruby sighed, "It's really would be nice to have a reminder of this night though." Mirai looked at Ruby and smiled.
  20. Hyo: Yes, what is it Shiro? Shiro: Will you be willing to answer my question no matter what? Hyo: It depends on the question. Before Shiro had gotten to say anything loud sounds came from out side. Teakyon: I'm gonna go out side now. Hyo and Shiro looked strangely at Teakyon. She then left the small cabin. Leaveing Shiro and Hyo alone to talk about what ever it was that Shiro had wanted to know. Outside...Kitty was taking out her anger by cuting down trees. Each time a new one fell dust and dirt rised up. Pretty soon it was if Kitty was going to make a dust cloud above the island. Teakyon: Kitty...plaese stop that. Kitty: Why should I!?! I'm having so much fun! Teakyon: Nightmare will find us. Kitty stopped, and stared at Teakyon.
  21. Epsilon

    otaku prom

    "True it is hard to not feel at peace while looking at them." Ruby said. Mirai looked at Ruby, "Do the stars happend to remind you of anything?" "They...ah, nothing." Ruby stopped, "They can only make one feel at peace to me." "You were going to say something else." mirai smiled, "What was it you were going to say?" Ruby smiled, "Do you really wanna know?" "Yes of course I do." mirai said, "So you gonna tell me?" "They remind me of lost dreams and forgotten hope." Ruby said, "That's kinda weird to be reminded of while looking at the stars." "A little." mirai said.
  22. As the court watched the J-Pawn throw the glass orbs into the air, they laughed with glee. Suddenly she stopped, two orbs fell into her hands. But the thrid orb dropped downa nd crash on the floor. They stopped laughing. Jester: Forgive me, my king, queen, and royal court. I had no means of which by to... Queen: Worry not J-Pawn, for it matters not. You have given the court a show and that is what matters. J-Pawn was releaved by the Queen's kind words. She picked up the broken glass and put the shardes into a pocket held at her side. She then jumped up into the air and dissappered. As J-Pawn left a knight cam rushing in. He was battle torn and looked as if he would die right in front of the King and court. The knight stopped and kneeled. Knight: Sir I have news on the war, the third knighthood has fallen. King: I understande, this war has gone on far too long. This is the fourth knigthood we have lost in one war. The king got up in front of the court. King: I will sent the girl on a journey to gather the greatest fighters and kill the Dark Messenger so that peace may come to the land once more. Queen: Dose any one see any fail in that, if thy plan not work out we will go to our last restort and use all the dragons we may get... Hours later, the jester was called into the throne room. She came walking throuh the large red doors only to find. To find that there was all of the remaining knighthoods. She walked pass them and bowed to the king and queen. King: J-Pawn the journey to destory the evil has been placed on your shoulders. J-Pawn: But I'm not trained as a knight,...err...forgive me my knig. King: You were trained at a young age to be a knight by your late father. You had then trained with my knighthoods. You could do better then some of the knights in this room. This is what you will sya to any one you see fit as to aid you on your way: In thu name of life, and thy death Release thu soul, and fight thy will Thu shall die in dark nor light Thu shall die in soul alone Will shall fore hence go alone J-Pawn: Yes my king. King: Dissmissed! The jester got up and walked down pass the row of knights again. After out the red doors, she jumped up into the air and dissappered once more. Later she came to the gates and was give five scrolls, each holding a different meaning of what the mission was. Once out side the kingdoms limits she went into the forest surrounding the kingdom. And walked through it thinking of what the king had said, remembering what to say to those she saw fit to fight the Dark Messenger along with her.
  23. Epsilon

    otaku prom

    "I wander how Xra is doing..." Ruby said. Mirai smiled, "Hopefully he turned bcak to his old-self." "I think he has." Ruby said cheerfully, "I wander how the stars look right now?" "Why are you wandering how they look right now?" mirai was confused. Ruby looked at the ligths going around, "Well, it's a different time now then before. So the stars patterens could have changed I guess." "Would you like to go back out and see if they've changed?" mirai asked. "Yeah, I think I would." Ruby looked back at mirai with a smile, "Thanks mirai."
  24. Very good, I really like it. ^^ Having a servent of the dead and forgivness for them once wrong has been done. Also having no soul and then once getting one it's of darkness. As dark as night sky. It's great. Very well written and the thought of it's great. I love it! ^^
  25. Epsilon

    otaku prom

    "Why are you laughing, mirai?" Ruby asked. Mirai smiled, "Well, we had been thinking the same things about tonight." "I see..." Ruby said,"I'm glade for it..." Mirai looked over at her, "Which reasone are you glade for?" "In the fact," Ruby said cheerfully," that's there's even a time where this is a normal prom." "Yeah, with out a time that's considered normal." he said, "This really wouldn't be a prom at all." They smiled at one another.
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