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Everything posted by Epsilon

  1. Good choice in words dayday. It's a great poem, with the hunting and the past trying to bring you back. Yet fighting to stay in the prestent time, and keep going forwards. ^^ It's great dayday! keep up the good work!
  2. Siaga heard a sound, it was if some one was whipping something at the ground. She stopped walking and went back down the path to where the boy had been. Through the trees she finally saw him, but he had yet to notice her. She could see him better now, that there was a light more light shining. He had some how gotten a large quarter-staff and was useing it to get off the ground. As he was up he looked around, and he finnally saw her through the trees. They stared at each other from afar. Siaga took it that none of them were going to move or say anything. She decided to find out who he was right her, and make the first move. Siaga: Um...glade to see your awake. Blue haired boy: ....
  3. Epsilon

    otaku prom

    Ruby looked at mirai, she then looked back at the dance floor. "Hey mirai, what had you ment by this night getting weirder and weirder?" asked Ruby. "Well...ah..." mirai, didn't really have answer. Ruby smiled, "That's all right you don't have to tell me, if you don't want to." They listened to the music and stared back out at the dance floor and watched people dance around the room. This has been a pretty fun night: Ruby thought to her-self.
  4. It's not only happen to AOL memebers. I have CompuServe and it's doing the same thing. The only way to not have the: Sorry. The administrator has banned your IP address. To contact the administrator click here is to use Internet Explorer. For some reasone when useing Internet Explorer it won't pop up any more. It's been happening to me and many of the people I know on OB. ----- Sorry, for sending you an e-mail about it James. I guess I should have looked in on it first, to save you some time. ^^;
  5. Hyo: What had happened to your arm? Shiro: It had been ripped open by... Kitty hit Shiro in the back of his head. And stopped him from telling him who did it. Kitty: It was one of the cyborgs that was after us. Hyo: I see, well then. I'll fix it for you. Hyo went and got a small lab box and some supples. Shiro rested his arm on the table so it could be fixed. Hyo turned around and looked at Teakyon. Hyo: Siaga is there some thing on your mind? Teakyon: Hyo may I ask you a question? Kitty: Heh, Siaga that's a funny name... Teakyon: It is, isn't it? Hyo, why did you help them to make cyborgs such as us. Was it for the sear fun of knowing that we would be made just to kill? Or was it for just reseach of the human mind and of it's limitions? Shiro: Teakyon! Kitty: Wow, didn't think you could be so blunt! Teakyon: Err...sorry Hyo, please forget I asked. Hyo sat at the talbe in the middle of the room. He then started to work on the damaged arm. Teakyon stared out the window as this was done, and Kitty was staring as Shiro's arm was being fixed. Kitty: Now that her question is over I'll be asking a questions of my own, Hyo.
  6. Epsilon

    A Piece of Mind

    dbzanimegrl17 don't call my chacater popular. I hate that, popular people...ICK! In truth at school, I'm punk/goth. So don't call me that stupid word. (Know I don't mean to offend popular people) ~~~~~ Siaga: The only thing anyone could sent me a letter like this for is because I hate my life and every thing about it. Kitty:Yeah, that might do it. Hey how could you hate your life? Siaga: Popular people suck, my life stupid and I hate my family. Kitty: That would defiently get you a letter, I guess. Siaga: I wander who this Piece of Mind person is... Kitty: How am I ment to know, it's just some person looking for help or something. Siaga: Wanna find out if any one else got the letter?
  7. How many threads has there been like this now? Your too young for relationships. Your 12 years old (come to think of it so am I) But even I know, relationships at age 12 only last for a few hours most of the time. The longest relationship I've seen is with two of my friends, some how they're still together. Anyways being far too young now and then still being too young in like two years. A relationship at a young age mostly never works out. Give it up, and play video games, read a book, or something to take your mind off of haveing a relationship and girls.
  8. Epsilon

    otaku prom

    "So then, what would you like to do now?" mirai asked. Ruby simled, "I don't really know, anything that you'd want to do?" "Not really," mirai replied, "I guess we could always just site down and talk". "I like that idea." Ruby said. Now mirai was smiling too, "Ok, good." Mirai and Ruby went over to some chairs and sat down. Then they watch people go bye. They soon started to talk about random things that poped into their heads.
  9. Sorry, I would have posted sooner. That is if my computer hadn't froze. ~~~~ Siaga sat there on the field. She saw a road turning into a dark forest. She had no reasone for anything so she sat watch the sky. She heard the sound of breathing going back in forth, in an sub-normal patteren. It had been coming from the forest behind her. Siaga got up for looking up at the sky and went down the road leading into the forest. Once walking inside it stopped and went in to a fork. She took the left fork and fallowed the sound of breathing. It stopped, she no longer heard breathing. She stopped and looked around, she saw some one laying in the grass. She went and turned him over. He was breathing heavily.
  10. Ok, after a few more people join I'll start the RPG. But as the RPG goes on people who still want to join can if they'd like. Side note: If you'll be gone during the time when the RPG is tell me so that in the RPG you can't get killed off by anyone. ---------------- Ok, I've decided to start the RPG. If anyone still wants to sign up they can.
  11. Epsilon

    A Piece of Mind

    Siaga stared at the letter. She then set it beside the lamp on the dresser. She got up off her bed and put on her ankle boots. She then grabed her backpack, and then letter. As she walked out her room she started reading the letter once more. This was the sixth or seventh time she had read it. Siaga locked her door behind her to her room, and made her way to the front door. She then left making sure it had been locked. Siaga looked up at the sky. Siaga: Hope it rains.... She then left, walking down the street to get to school. As she walked down the street she saw broken guard rail and scattered metal. She stopped and stared at it, then countined walking. She looked at the letter again and read over once more. She then stuck it into her pocket, and went on her way.
  12. It seemed like Kitty was going as the same speed, as light would it's self. Kitty stopped at the lake and put the other two down. And looked back. Kitty: They're idots, that can't even keep up! Shiro looked back, the foe cyborgs never even had a chance to spot them. Shiro: That attack is great for getting out of things like these. Teakyon looked at the small island in the middle of the lake. Kitty and Shiro looked at her. Kitty: Ready to go over? Shiro: Come on lets get going, before they find we're over here. Teakyon said nothing. Kitty got ready to use Cat Flash. Kitty: Cat Flash! Again, almost at the speed of light they were over the water and at the island in the middle of the lake.
  13. Ok, we can just have orcs as some mini lacks. Cause every one seems to hate orcs here. So well just have ocrs as the bone head lacks that are the lost form of lacks. ^^; So I'm guessing we'll have alot of killing of the orcs.
  14. Yep, your in Vicky. Any one who signs up for this RPG is mostly not going to be turned down. Cause we're going to need as many players as we can for this. ^^; I probly should've but it's kind of an epic adventure.
  15. Epsilon

    otaku prom

    Ruby came walking down the hall, she didn't see mirai. She looked around the hall a little then decided that he might have gone back in. So Ruby went in and started looking for mirai. After awhile she saw him over across the room. So she made her way over. Mirai had yet to hear her so she tapped him on the shoulder. He turned, and saw her. "Hi, Ruby." mirai said. "Hello," Ruby answered, "I thought I might have lost you agian." "Nope. Hey do you know where a water fountain is?" asked mirai. "You had passed it already." Ruby smiled, "It's back over that way." "Ok, thanks." Ruby lead mirai over to the fountain. Which he had already been to.
  16. Siaga heard foot steps behind her. She then took her boh and got ready for a fight. That is till she saw who it was. It was Akumatsu, he was coming down the path that she had been walking on to get into the forest. Akumatsu: Siaga, Kitty thinks you might have fun with what's going on. Siaga: Well could you explain on what's going on first? Akumatsu: Couldn't we just drop that and go back, already... Siaga: Fine, what ever. Siaga then started to run down the path again back to the town, along with Akumatsu. Once back they went to where Kitty was. A man was coming up yelling at Kitty, there was a young boy that was with her. Kitty looked back. Kitty: Took you long enough! Akumatsu stared on. Siaga started to get a little hyper. She knew that it was time to fight. Siaga: Well, this is gonna be fun!
  17. I live in Fridley, Minnesota. I hate that name! The name Fridley is evil, every body thinks Fridley is friendly. Just becasue they it may be so it's not true. Anyways no one should ever come here, the biggest thing that went on here was the priestend came and gave some guy a honor thingy. You should never want to come here, it's so boring.
  18. They walked untill they came to a drop down. Kitty took a look down, and saw how they should get down. Kitty: Dosen't look like there are any more cyborgs to worry about. Shiro: How can we be sure, there might be cyborgs hidden some where. Kitty: Trust me, I'm right you know. Come see it for your self. Teakyon took Shiro closer to the hill. He took a glance down the looked at Kitty. Shiro: You're right Kitty, I don't see any problems. Teakyon: But the question is how are we going to get down. It's steep and if we were to go down this way.... Kitty: Stop worrying! See look over there! Kitty pointed farther down where the cliff made a stop and drop. Father there was a land formation not so steep that they could use to go down. Kitty lead the way as they went.
  19. Epsilon


    O.O Normal brush? *looks back at pic* *claps* You really are good at art. I'll just take it as you do different kinds of art. And are good at all the ones you like to do. You could very well one day be a great artist.
  20. Epsilon


    ^^ It's great, it looks like it was done with air brush. Which my guess of air brush is wrong. I like it, I give it a 9/10. What did you use to make the pic?
  21. Epsilon


    You really are a great artist! All your work is great! ^^ And what they mean by double posting is you can't post once then post again. It gose for every thing on OB. If you have anything you wanted to post and no one else has posted merge it into one post by using edit. Or you'll have to wait till some one else post. Anyways your one of the best artist I've seen on OB that haven't post anime. It's a relief to see more people doing things besides anime. YOu don't need to make another thread just wait till some one else post.
  22. Epsilon

    Chrono Souls

    Amelia went to Dango and handed him the gem. He then fell down, and was knocked out. But once he came back all had to be explained to him about what was going on. Amelia then went to Masuket and did the same, then to Siaga. William, Sirius, and Clyde were still attacking the behemoth. They others watched them fight the large behemoth. A cracking started to come from the water. Masuket stared over at the water, wandering what was going on. Earlyer she had froze the water but now. Now it was going back to normal and the rumbling started again. The water then started rising up into the air again. Mauket ran over and started to freeze the water again. The thunder sounded and the water started to rise once more.
  23. A: The first eye he had poked out first was the right eye. Q: Why did Tsukasa first start to take aprt the teddy bear in the first place?
  24. Epsilon

    Yami Yugi

    To me it's kinda out of it's for matting. I like it, though. Causes it's drawn well. But the face is what bugs me, so...I'd give it a 7.9/10
  25. Epsilon


    O_o Wow! Cool! Looks like it could be something from a video game or something like that. I like it. ^^ I know you never asked for a rating but I'm giving one anyways. 9.5/10 Your a good artist, hope to see more of your art work. ~~~ Off topic: Hee, as you can see I go around the board very fast.
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