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Everything posted by Epsilon

  1. Teakyon: There two others 000897673512 and 0008971701, but Kitty is right we need to get out of here first, before were found. Kitty: See, I was right. We should go and worry about the rest later. Shiro: Ok, then Kitty. How do we get out of here with out another attack? Kitty: We're a whole lot smarter then they are. And if they've already got us surronded we'll just have to fight our way out. Teakyon: Kitty, what lies to the east and west of us? Kitty: On the west there lies more rocks and waste land. But then to the east there lies rocks and lower rock formaions. Then even farther east lies water. Shiro: So then which one should we take? Teakyon: It'd be the best way to go unseen...Kitty, you seem to know more then we do about this. So it's up to you to decide.
  2. My first RPG stopped after a few days in the adventure place. So I'm making another one. This RPG is fallowing the first book Dark Messenger. -------- Story: The town burned as the shadow rises out. Another place had fallen victim to the Dark Messenger. It had been roaming for years now, destroying every thing in it's path. Countless places had been destroyed, kingdoms fell one by one. All too sure this world they knew would end. And a new world would be born, one of darkness and fear. There was only one kingdom that had not fallen or gone to the side of the Dark Messenger's power. This kingdom stood tall, it had been protected by the drawn blood. This kingdom was named Vellweh. The blood drawn from the Dark Messenger it's self, then purified by the king's daughter and wife. But the blood was sent a flame by the kingdoms that fought for the Dark Messenger. Which brought about a war, the Dark Messenger no longer had to roam around destroying the world it's self. It would let the human's destroy each other. The only thing left is to destroy the Dark Messenger so peace will return. So the king sent out his most trusted people of the kingdom with only the knowledge needed to destroy the Dark Messenger. And this. In thu name of life, and thy death Release thu soul, and fight thy will Thu shall die in dark nor light Thu shall die in soul alone Will shall fore hence go alone -------- Sign up sheet Name: Age: 12-255 Gender: Weapon: Class: (these are the classes to chose from: priest, knight, elf, warrior, thief,lackey, mage, jester, wanderer, daemon, falcon talon, wise man/women, Dark messenger) Description: Bio: -------- Here's mine Name: J-Pawn Age: 16 Gender: Female Weapon: Lily Daggers Class: Jester Description: Jester suit, pale blue eyes, white make up, long white hair, under jester's hat, blue skirt, pink suit, blue jester shoes, dark blue gloves, four bells on hat,and a golden rim attaching the skirt. Bio:Originaly was a median working for the kingdom, then decided to be come a jester for reasons of her own. She usually carries around 3 glass orbs. When she's not around others her true self comes out. A very void person who hates most of the world. But she'll never let anyone see the true her. ---- Wow! Glade that's over. Hope people join this one. PM if you have questions or anything about the RPG.
  3. Siaga started walking away. (*sticks tounge out*) "Ok, so they think I'm an idot," Siaga said to her self, "Which I'm not disagreeing with, but if they knew. They'd want to fight too." Kitty and Akumatsu walked away in the oppiste dicreaction talking. Siaga stopped, and decided to leave to look for more fighters again. Going through the village, she came to the edge leading down a dirt road. Up ahead there was a tree line exsenting father up into a forest. Man...evil Akumatsu, his master was right: she thought to her self. Siaga then started to run down the road till she got to the tree line then entered the forest.
  4. Yeah, I'm looking for the biggest fight of all time to get into. ~~ Siaga: Hey she has weapons, she must be a fighter too. Yes, more people to fight! Akumatsu: Your carzy.... Girl: Hey, you! Akumatsu stared at her. The girl came up to him, she looked at Akumatsu, then at Siaga, and then back at Akumatsu. Kitty: So then your a samurai, correct. Akumatsu: Yes, I am. Again, why should that matter? Before Kitty said anything Siaga jumpd in. Siaga: Your a fighter then, am I right?
  5. Teakyon: Get out of here Kitty! I'll see you guys later, get going! Kitty: Damn it!!! You'll be killed! Teakyon: Just get going! Shiro: If we stay we'll be killed too, we can't do anything. She refuses to kill them. Teakyon: Nothing matters, but stopping Nightmare. You're the ones who the rebellion depens on. Get outta here! Kitty: Well have to take her word on it! Kitty then took Shiro and dissappered from the cliff. There were no more foes in their path, all of them were going for Teakyon. Teakyon dropped her bo, and took out her sais. She crossed them, closed her eyes, and screamed. Dragon's Gate!!! Teakyon opened her eyes once more and most of the cyborgs were down. She then put away her sais and picked up her boh, and started to run. She saw Kitty and Shiro. A forest was father ahead, that's were they were heading. Any foes left she would lose by dissappering. In there she'd meat up with the others.
  6. Siaga enter a small village. I wander is I'll find another fighter here: she thought to her self to her self. Siaga went walking through the village till she came to a crowd. As she was going through, she saw some one out of the coner of her eye. A man dressed like a samurai. She turned around and started to make her way through the crowd to him. Once close she yelled over to him, but he didn't hear her. Siaga: Hey! The samurai turned around and looked at her. She made her way over to the very spot of which he was at. He stared at her. Siaga: Hey, your a smurai aren't you? ???/Samurai: Um..yes I am, why should that matter? A smile came apon the girl's face.
  7. Epsilon

    Chrono Souls

    -_- ok, weak sheep. Can the sheep do anything else besides tackle? ~~~~~~~~~ Sirius got up from the ground. The sheep stepped back ready to talke him again. Clyde started to laugh a little, the sheep then stared at Clyde. He tryed to stop his laughing but some how he still laughed a little. Siaga walked up to the sheep and bent down. The sheep stared at Siaga. Siaga: Dose your name happen to have a meaning? Mikon: Um...what do you mean? Masuket: She means like Sadad, it means emptiness. Dose your name have a meaning like that. Before Mikon could answer every one heard laughing again. Clyde was laughing but he was also trying to hold it in. Siaga looked over at him. She then felt around and looked for a stone. Once found one she picked it up and threw it at Clyde. Siaga: Let's see you laugh at that! Mikon started laughing, along with Masuket and Siaga.
  8. Epsilon

    otaku prom

    Hehee...sorry TH. But me and dayday had planed out a fight over IM. Also sorry mirai for getting you thrown into it. And I'm gonna make this place ahve lockers. If none of you mind. ~~~~~~~ "Opps, sorry." Ruby said, Yeah, I think I want to get cleaned up now." Mirai sighed, "That'd be a good idea." Ruby and mirai started to leave the area on which the dance was going on. They went out the big doors into the hall. Mirai waited in the hall for her. Ruby went down the halls and to a place with lockers. She then opened her's grabbed a bag out of it then closed it. She then ran to the rest room to change. Mirai noticed there was cake on his feett. He then tapped the toe aginst the ground and it fell off, he then did the same to the other foot. He stared up and wandered when Ruby would be back.
  9. Hey, if they keep not working out. Just try a privte RPG with a friend to get better at them. ---------- Name: Siaga McAmoray aka Saga Age:19 Gender: female Personal Weapon: Two laser/shot guns Description: Wears short black hair down, long bangs in front of eyes more, long white sleeve shirt, black pants, black ankle bots, and a silver braclet Bio: Saga fights in the name of Zion fallowing after her late father. Her father died in the name of Zion while the attack on Side-7 was going on. Considering that she lives on Side-7 and her father was ordered to attack it she rather hold something aginst Zion. Yet in stead she has made her self to belive that the Earth Federtion attacked Side-7. So now she'll fight in the name of Zion for her father. Mobile Suit: 06-MS-Zaku 2 Weapon: Charged partiacl beam saber, and 00739 gun Special Properties: This Zaku was a back drop, it has been painted blue, with a dark red sheild. It may also be hooked up with ab-normal weapons aka charged partical beam saber. Or other things. This mecha is best at speed and close combat. But may also use it's 00739 gun for long range, on which it often gets over heated.
  10. Epsilon

    otaku prom

    ^^ Hehee, not that much happened. Just a funny, little, planed out, fight. ~~~ Dayday and Ruby started to get more punch and threw at each other. Till they ran out of punch, once finished Ruby and dayday looked around the table. "What should we use next?" dayday said cheerfully. Ruby smiled, "Well, closet thing on both our sides is cake so..." Ruby took up a a pice of blue and white cake and her hands and threw it at dayday. Dayday did the same. Soon they were throwing cake at each other. Some of the people around them started to laughed and stared at the mini food fight. "Hee, this is just so funny!" TH said laughing. Mirai stared, "Ah, they shouldn't be doing that...we should really stop them..." dayday and Ruby contuied throwning cake at each other.
  11. Note: Your ment to have a 10 line post. Just thought I'd let you guys know that. ~ Teakyon: Don't just stand there! Shiro: She's right were going to have to fight our way out. Kitty: No way! I can get out on my own. Teakyon: Your getting on my nerves, so just shut up and fight! Teakyon took her bo and started running along the side of the ones fallowing her. She kept hitting there weapons destoring them, but not the cyborgs them self. Kitty: You're a fool! There's no point in not killing them! Shiro: She must have her resones. Teakyon: That's just passing judgement! Kitty took her twin katanas and started attacking the other cyborgs that were surronding. As Kitty was about to slash down another cyborg Teakyon jumped in. Kitty's katanas started to slit Teakyon's bo. Kitty: What are you doing they're trying to kill us. Get out of my way! Teakyon: It's not of their own will! Shiro: Stop fighting! We need to get out of here! Teakyon did a crestent kick and knocked Kitty down. The cyborg that was going to be alimenated by Kitty then got up and started to run. Looking behind Kitty, Shiro was haveing problems him self. The wound that Kitty had left in him were takeing effect as he foght off the other cyborgs. Teakyon ducked and went to help Shiro as Kitty started to go back to killing many other attacking cyborgs.
  12. Very nice! Looks really cool! I like the way it's done, good formatting and every thing. That's really cool how his hair is blowing. It's great! ^^
  13. Yep, I have three split personalities my self. Anyways having things pop into your head when feeling something different from what you usually feel isn't all that weird. And nor is the fact of have you go out side your mind and writing something with not knowing it.
  14. She ran off from the cyborg team. The commander saw this and started giving out new orders. "Get her! She's with the rebellion!" the man yelled. With this she started running faster and faster through the rocks land forms of the waste land. Something got in to her eye sight as she was running. Another was being chased in a far. Maybve I should help him, he might be like me: she thought to her self. the female cyborg then changed her path to help the other and get away from the ones out to kill her. Runnin once she came up there were other cyborgs figting each other. Behind them were teams of the cyborgs going to kill them. So she decided to a take the other attacking forces of cyborgs.
  15. Epsilon

    otaku prom

    "So then I take it my advice didn't work ok then, did it?" Ruby asked. "Well I couldn't go through with it." dayday said. Ruby sighed "I under stand, after all my adivce wasn't the best way to go about it." "Right," dayday said, "but I've been having fun with TH." "That's good I had been waiting till you danced with him." Ruby said cheerfully. "What do you mean by waiting?" dayday asked, with a little confusion. "Well" Ruby stopped, "I just thought you'd dance with TH... Anyways my advice didn't work out, I guess I should have thought more about what I should have said."
  16. ^^; I'd have to agree with you. To me they are kinda creepy, but that might just be me. Anyways I like it. It is a bit messy but good. I don't like the eyes really. But the rest is about perfect to me so here's my rating. 9.5/10
  17. Epsilon

    Chrono Souls

    :sweat: Ok, it seems like there are only a few of us left in the RPG... ~ Why'd I say I'd go find out the cause of this. I'm an idot: Siaga thought to her self. Dango: Don't get killed now He then disappered behind the trees into the hiding places like every one else. As Siaga neared the lake the clouds seemed to be getting darker and spreeding farther. Siaga looked up at the sky, thounder started to sound. She took her way around the lake. Something moved in the coner of her eyes. There were 4 shadows moving closer. All of them seeming to head closer to the lake. Thunder sounded and all of the figures were shown. Three males and a girl. Three of them seemed to be holding musical insterments. From near the lake she could see something shining from afar. It came to where they were.
  18. I'd have to go with Chirs. The first one is better then the second. The second one looks like it was kind fo thrown together. The second one is a bit too simple.
  19. O_o Here we go again with the Dino Crisis video game flash backs. Very bloody...Dino Crisis such a great game! ------------- S.O.A.R. special op. Medic Name: Siaga McAmoray a.k.a Saga Age:21 Gender: Female Country From: France Height:5'2 Wieght: 98 (sorry if this is under stating it but by age 21 this is how much I really would wiegh) Item: Medics-Medic Box and ten packs of ammo Weapons:Medic-Heat Knife and Energy Hand Gun. Description: Short, shaggy, black hair (tinted blood red), long bangs that go down a little past her eyes, pale white skin, brown eyes that shine ruby red, when not wearing a suit wears; a long white sleeve shirt, black pants with a dragon fly out line made of silver, one on each pant leg, wears a two silver braclets on right leg, one silver braclet on each hand, and black fingure gloves Bio: At age 4 her father left her family to go and study the happeings of the station. Seeing as he never came back, and her mother recived a letter saying of which he was dead. Seeing as her mother's spirit was weak, she one day found that her mother had left her. Her mother was going ot the same place her father had once gone to. Saga's mother never returned seein that they both never returned she was left with her mother's friend. At age 10 the mother's friend told Saga what had happened. After this Saga came very fond of studing dinasours and things of space. She is now searching for the things untold about the station. (hope this works)
  20. In that case since it's more free lanced then anything else. And not done the old boaring way. I have a new rating. 10/10
  21. ^^ That's a good poem. Having nothing or anything that can help you get out of (bascially) just a dark voide. Being alone with nothing but darkness and your own mind locked away from every thing else. Crying and seeing just darkness. It's like being locked in your own mind with the world around. Only the world is ignorent. It's great. I really like it. ~ P.S. Welcome to the Otaku Boards
  22. A: Red/pink, well I thinking it was one of those. Q: In the first ep. what did the inside of the dugon look like when Tsukasa woke up?
  23. Ok, I'm in. -------- Name: Siaga Teckamory (tec-a-mor-a) Age: 18 Gender: female Description: Short black hair worn up, brown/ tinted ruby eyes, short sleeve black shirt with a few silver dragin flies, plack pants, and black ankle boots Bio: Has split personalities, and is very voide. Siaga is often alone by her own free will. Siaga has two brothers, a sister, mother and father. Of which she had drawn back from, leaveing her with little contact with any one in her family. Her withdraw has caused her much time alone, in which she thinks. So she is high level thinker.
  24. Epsilon

    Chrono Souls

    Ok, Tsukasa_hack. When you do get back from the time your off, I guess I'll try to get an update for you on what's going on. That way you won't have to waste your time trying to figure out what you missed and have to read through all the post that may have gone up while you we're gone. Thanks for letting us know.
  25. Epsilon

    otaku prom

    Mirai and Ruby stopped dancing. Mirai lead them over to dayday and TH, who were dancing. They were also talking of this which they could not hear. "I still don't think we should intrude." Ruby said. Mirai smiled, "Don't worry, it's not like they'll be mad if we do." "Ok." said Ruby uneasy. Once they got in range of TH and dayday. Ruby waved to her. "Hi dayday." Ruby said to dayday. Dayday smiled, "Hi Ruby."
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