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Everything posted by Epsilon
[SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]As I've said before. You're over all work still looks like that of graphic design professionals. [b]Image.: [i]BRAINWASH ERROR.[/B][/i] 'Brainwash Error' looks as though it could easily be a CD jewel case image. You're color goes along with the the message of the text. I like the gradual fade of grey and the pixel pattern you've applied against the background. It helps to bring out the text more and give it a better monochromatic scheme. I like you text chosen and the color of it. This image would be perfect if not for the minute problem with the smaller text. Although a great placement, the white outer glow doesn't contrast to the background well. Barely noticeable though. [b]Image.: [i]Lovely, You and I.[/b][/i] I'm rather fond of your [i]Lovely, You and I.[/i] image. You've done a wonderful job on this image, Retribution. A good choice in terms of how large the ring should be. And your choice in the text and it's positioning works to create a very eye catch effect. It really helps draw one's attention to the center point of the ring. Very good job on placing the boy and girl symbol, I also like the way you've connected then. However rather then using the circle it may has been wiser to reuse the diamond shape. But in the brighter/deeper pink. Simply, a great haiku to ponder over. Must have been an interesting encounter.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]After spend so much time being inactive yet always browsing through the forums, I've decided to start up a graphic thread again. To start off, here's a gift for all of you. [b]Image:[/b] 001. - It's A Killer. [b]Info.:[/b] The fallowing wallpaper is 1024 by 768 and is designated 'It's a Killer.' features the default personality of Smith from the video game 'Killer 7.' This is actually the only wallpaper I have made so far this year. Originally, I had scanned the image from my old Game Informer magazine and manipulated it in Adobe PhotoShop 8.0. It took about an hour to create, I've tried to keep many of the original colors. However it was hard not to want to add a lot of purple to match his suit. I was gooing to add, 'Heavn's Smile' underneath the Killer 7 logo but I don't know what type of font it should be in. oo; [URL=http://img350.imageshack.us/my.php?image=killer79fq.jpg][IMG]http://img350.imageshack.us/img350/7798/killer79fq.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Any comments, suggestions, or criticism is welcome. Thank you.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]I'm extremely glad to see you posting in the Art Studio again. Glad to see you posting again. -^^- [b]Image: 001. - Ride the Wings of Pestilence - From First to Last.[/b] I like this banner quite a lot. I think the combination with the grudge and the tale the text depicts makes it a rather pretty banner. With a Gore or Horror like feel. The text is very well placed and I think you've done a nice job on picking out text color. [b]Image: 002. - I'm thirteen really! - Hatake.[/b] I have a very quick side comment, did you cut your hair? I remember it being long in your Public Profile image. Moving on, you've chosen a very good photo to use. It contrasts very well to the background. A lovely cropping job, especially considering you've ended the little ID banner with your shirt. Nicely chosen font and a good judgment on the amount of text used. The only flaw I can find is the color of the text on top. A paler shade of red would have worked, sine the basic red which you've used doesn't stand out from the rest of the shades of red you've used in the background. [b]Image: 003. - Strangle me - Business man.[/b] Very nicely done for a vector. Good choice in colors, however the black out line against the man's skin is slightly distracting. Mainly since it's near up by the green background. Remove the black outline and it'd be perfect. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]I'm going to say this now, keep posting and your going to develop a fan club here. [COLOR=darkred]*** I'll edit this post later, I need to stare some more.[/COLOR] First of all, let me complement you on your art style as a whole that I'm viewing on these two images. It's wonderful, pleasing to both the eyes and the mind. I've been staring at these things since I saw then. Looking over them repeatedly, every time it's like I'm finding something new that I've missed before. In your first image the way you've build up the city is very well done. It all really lights up or 'glows' against you the brown/orange, blue, and black in the sky. You've merge that colors so that it gives a sense of movement, I absolutely adore it. The curving buildings seems to be thought out just right, giving them slight deportations as it hits the white, red, and black sign on the corner. Everything flows well, and the person's personality and expression is really brought out by the colors of which you've used. Nice hair curlers. [i]My favorite of these [strike]two[/strike] three images of which you've posted.[/i] I love the cutout feel of this collage, and it sends a rather strong message. Good placement and good use of mediums. I'm in such awe of this image I'm kind of in a loss of for words. Your third image would work greatly in an image series with your second. Both direct strong emotions and can send ideas to the viewer that are in the same subject area but totally revamp the other. The way you have created the smoke, blending in the shades of grey and red against the blue is lovely. Placements of the planes and the soldiers in contrast to the foreground and background. Especially as it rises up to form desert like peak from the rolling green and torn dreary base. I love the man in front design. Very powerful expression.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Request Time for a change - FLCL banner/avi request
Epsilon replied to Katana's topic in Creative Works
[SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Right click to get the properties if you would like to use the set. My apologies for the odd text used, I was experimentations with the new texts I was making. They don't go very well with rainbow like images. But I thought they suited the images used. [b]Avatar: 001.[/b] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/Zenjia/flcl01.jpg[/IMG] [b]Banner: 002.[/b] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/Zenjia/flcl0.png[/IMG] [/COLOR][/SIZE] -
[SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]RRe watched as Sol Badguy quickly moved through barrens. Uneasily, she shifted her weight on the dead branch of the fallen tree. Making a mental note of his pace and the direction of which was going. Thinking of an expiation to his haste, especially with the factor that he was alone. Keeping her balance she stood up slowly upon the dead tree and brushed her self off. Sliding down quickly small chips of bark began to fly off under the weight of her heal. Crackling into dust underneath her boots. Slowly looking up from the ground to the direction which Sol had moved. Seemingly the man had failed to notice, Re took a single step forwards. But suddenly paused. A small gust had blown and Sol's head had tilted slightly. Re watched as he continued to move a few paces ahead before taking another step. A thought shot across her, how long could she fallow him? Before a fight had the possibility of emerging. She paused again for a few seconds, watching him walk further away from her. Calculating a safe distance from him. She cocked her head, causing a slight brush of metal to scrape in her design. Sol did not even stop but made threatening gesture with his hand. Re could hear him murmur; [i]Stop fallowing me, damn it.[/i] Uncertain of what to do, Re hesitated. With little to recall for nearly half an hour away but with the same confidence she could hold him long enough to make a decent report to the leader of her unit. Sol Badguy had already known she was there. She sighed, placing her hands on the small grenade tops. Her other hand ready to take hold the steel tips. 'Sol!'[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Here is my try. I hope that the colors are alright. There are no words on the avatr, please notify me if you would like your name added. Also in the buttom corner of the banner, you User Name has been added. [b]Avatar: 001.[/b] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23872&stc=1[/IMG] [B]Banner: 001.[/B] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23873&stc=1[/IMG] Let me know if you would like to have anything changed or modified or maybe a different set.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray][quote name='Lolita Izumi][COLOR=Blue][FONT=Arial] I am into the whole Gothic Lolita fashion in Japan....in fact it's the way i dress :catgirl: I am just looking for some other people that are into it as much as i am.[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote]If you can seriously do that, I highly admire you. Gothic Lolitas' dresses look like they'll always be hot or uncomfortable. For those of you who do not know what a Lolita is, regardless of the type, you can probably just type in various J-Rock bands. Which is how they fashion of 'Lolita' has larger impacted Japan's fashion market. [QUOTE][i]Elegant Gothic Lolita - By Kyshah H.[/i] [SIZE=1]An elegant Gothic Lolita, EGL or Gothic Lolita for short, is a Japanese teen or young adult who dresses in amazingly elaborate Gothic looking babydoll costumes. On the weekends these women walk the streets of Tokyo and Osaka and fill Yoyogi Park and Harajuku neighborhood where they pose for tourist?s pictures and sit around looking pretty. They are beautiful, glamorous, doll-like manifestations of their favorite Visual Rock stars.[/SIZE][/QUOTE]I've designed and have made traditional Lolita dresses and sold them plus the designs at Anime Cons in the past. They seem to be a rather good way to make money and do not cost much to buy the fabric for. But the designs can become very confusing. I personally do not like Gothic Lolitas. More often then not, their designs are either 1.) Over used / similar to another. 2.) Take longer too long to design and create. 3.) Unable to have very much motion. I've noticed too many times that people who dress as Gothic Lolita [i]look[/i] are better when moving very little, or not at. I really like normal Lolita, easier to design and a larger range to design in. Normal or traditional ones all more room to be creative since they aren't classified to specific traits. (Color, lace, design type, etc.) I've only worn Maid/Alice Lolita themes. However, I do enjoy making Gothic Lolita dresses for my dolfie. XD[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Please notify me if there are any flaws that need to be corrected. ------------------------------------------- [i][b][u]Sign Up.[/i][/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] Rei Ayanami. [b]Age:[/b] 15. [b]Country:[/b] Japan. [b]Languages:[/b] English. Japanese. [b]Race:[/b] Humanoid. [b]Description:[/b] Please see the image below. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/Zenjia/rei.png[/IMG] [b]Personality:[/b] Rei at a glance is still quiet and obedient as she had once been. However since undergoing the psych evaluations preformed by NERV, she has become less human in terms of mental patterns. A natural soldier, unquestioningly accepting the responsibilities given to her. Without feeling and without much reaction to being an Eva pilot. To those of which who has only seen her actions from a distance would most likely become puzzled. Viewing her as aloof, cold, and distance. Without real to little concern for her self or many others well being in mind. She lacks of personally emotions, rarely speaks of her own thoughts. [b]Rank:[/b] 1st Child. [b]Bio:[/b] Designated Pilot of Evangelion Unit 00, or more commonly known as Eva-00, and the prototype Evangelion model created by NERV. Originally born March 30, 2001 Rei Ayanami now [i]appears[/i] to be fifteen years of age. After the 18 Angels were defeated, and Rei Ayanami's 'final mission' was completed. She, along with Asuka, were retained to undergo the psychological evaluations. Still preferring to live alone. Before the evaluations Rei had shown signs of hesitation with Eva Unit 00. During the short amount of time which this took place Ayanami began to develop personal emotions. These emotions that were coming, slowly and wavering, to the surface of her persona were interfering with her duties as the first child. As this happened her connection with Evangelion commenced it's diminish. Rei was re-evaluated. Although both were changed to fight more obediently and up to a higher standard. It seems as though Rei may have been simply returned to her former state. Before the realization of emotions for other. Specifically the Ikari family line. However during a test run, the Eva?s were lost within a space time anomaly. Coming to the world during the time of the 2024. With the appearance of the Angels returning to Earth, and the small amount of which she has gathered thus far of the RahXephon and the Mulians. Rei's perception still appearing to be unchanged. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]I still need to edit a few errors in my sign up, but please let me know if anything else needs to be changed thus far. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [u][b][i]Sign Up.[/b][/i][/u] [b]Name:[/b] Gui Reu. (Re.) [b]Age:[/b] Unavailable. [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [b]Nationality:[/b] Jamaican. [b]Human or Gear:[/b] Gear. [b]Faction:[/b] The Assassins' Syndicate. [b]Personality:[/b] To protect and serve is her main arguments. [i]"Because we can find salvation, and freedom within Justice. Justice shall be the gear's salvation."[/i]Quite and not very out going, submissive, caring, and slightly numbed to the world. Re has a compulsive disorder. Stated by that fact Re is able to stay on task and not waver. Allowing for others to rely on her, she is actually often uncertain about what to do and how to go about things. But her drive makes her unable to worry ponder or worry due to fear of failure. She is very obedient, and although she has the Freedom of Will, she still rather take orders. Re doesn't seem to understand things going around her other wise, and by humans of which she meets is often mentioned to others that she has a child like behavior. However from another stand point, she can become rash when speaking of religious or political affairs involves Justice or Dizzy. Re seems to have strong 'emotions/feeling' for these two. Believing that they will someday be the salvation of the Gears, and wipe out humanity. [b]Physical Description:[/b] I've draw Re's design. My apologies for detail lost in the resizing. Please see character's design, [URL=http://brokeneyes.250free.com/re002.jpg]here[/URL] . [b]Weapon of Choice:[/b] Steel Tip Whip. Grenades. [i] - One may obviously find the use for the Steel Tipped Whip. However, whips are generally used in combination with other small objects. Such as Gun Powder Packets, or in this case Grenades. Re uses these as an extension to her whip. When for far distances of which her whip cannot reach, she will roll miniature grenades and throw them.[/i] [b]Magical Element:[/b] Unavailable. [b]Preferred Jinki:[/b] Unavailable. [b]Bio:[/b] A Sub-Commander created by Justice, she is one of the original ten who choose to stand by Justice. And stand up to all that oppose her including the Rouge Gears Re once called allies. Most of Re's story is uncertain, but it's presumable that Re has no trace of any actual human beings within her. Other then small amounts of generic strands from specific corpses. It is bluntly known that Re has respect for other Gears, she is somehow numb to their world as they are with Human's. Working as a tactics scout for the Syndicates' Faction Re is often sent away from her unit when mapping. Other then the information that she is given, it is the only she has learned much about Humanity. [i]--- .Gear _ Regenerated. --- Code: Gui Re. Alias: Unavailable. Unit: The Syndicate. Production: 00007. Field Report. - 030576. Since seven of ten of the Regenerated Gears have become corrupt all systems have been checked. It was a successful procedure, since the check was undisturbed. Those whom have survived most recent attack camps have not yet been found. Probability due to factual error is above then fifty percent. Focus is not currently on find and terminating survivors. of the Syndicate, sub unit three has been redirected to the South. While sub unit five has been redirected to the East. Due to reports of sightings of of various Faction. Misc. Entry: Dizzy doesn't seem to be at as much easy as she or Justice usually may be. But they do not seem to be on edge either. The Enemy Factions are becoming... Irritating. I still do not fully comprehend what is the Errors in the seven 'rouge' Gears. They should be re-captured and reconstructed, or they may end up destroyed like those of which they call 'Allies.' Or their 'Allies' may turn, they'd be safer with Justice. -- .End _ Report. -- [/i][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]There is also another way to see what Otaku Board user look like. The member Queen Asuka has created and mantaind an image gallery site specifically for Otaku Board members to upload and to comment on others pictures. Queen Asuka's OB Picture Archive: [URL=http://www.sweethypocrisies.com/obpics/]Please, click here.[/URL] Or type in the fallowing Url. [url]www.sweethypocrisies.com/obpics/[/url] [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Delacroix, you're doing quite wonderfully. Especially for a beginner. Most people when begging have problems or 1.) Color Contrast. 2.) Shadows. 3.) Texture. And as far as I can tell you're doing very well at all three. I really like the fact that you've seemed to mix a few air brush, dry brush, and cell shading techniques into your picture. It gives it more of an edge when compared to other straight shading techniques out there. And the way you've handled your' shadows is great, most people seem to get mixed up when CGing/CGI'ing. You've pulled it off very well. Your' color choices and contrast are very wisely chosen. I love the shades of pink and blues you have added. Good job on the hair, pants, and colth textures. There are, however, two flaws. Around a few of the edges there is white and black pixels that have gone un-colored. Those of which can probably be easily fixed when careful. And although you shadows are greatly done, there should still be more of a casting shadow around the stuffed animal. Mainly where it's shadow over lays on Imric's shadow on the wall. Also, where the stuffed animal's shadow would cast on Imric. His skin would take on a slightly darker skin tone. Then you completely forgot the shadow on the white plastic stripe. Great job. Hope to see more from you, Delacroix.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]I have given the your request a try. I am sorry, but I didn't try to make an avatar. I'm unsure which character you would want on it, so it's only a banner that I am posting. [b]Pumpkin:[/b] 001. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23574&stc=1[/IMG] [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Tablets are a rather good idea to have when it comes to drawing on the computer. However, if you are using a touch pad mouse for a laptop I recommend getting a Pen Mouse that can be combined with various digital programs. The reason I recommend for a tablet is I find it easier to do more interlaced work. As well as curves and finer detail that may only be done by hand, rather then a mouse. Not to mention different textures for when applying color. I currently have a Wacom Intuos 4"x5'. One of the smallest, I use it to digitally ink or color cropped, magnified images. On a whole image that I will not bother to go through crop, etc. I'll use a Wacom Intuos 6"x8'. Often times I'll do things in my tablets them combine or fix images in with Adobe CS. and Open Canvas. I had bought my first one for $200 US Dollars. And my second for $350 US Dollars. If you are going to get a tablet I recommend a Wacom Intuos 9"x12'. It gives a good deal of space, and is fairly reliable to be running while working with images that are three times as large as 1024 x 768 pixel screen. Official Wacom Website.: [url]http://www.wacom.com/[/url][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][b][i][u]Sign Ups:[/i][/b][/u] [b]Name.:[/b] Aki Li. Haneshi. (Hani.) [b]Age.:[/b] 23. [b]Sex.:[/b] Female. [b]Affiliation:[/b] Oda of Owari. [b]Class.:[/b] Riflemen. [b]Appearance.:[/b] Five feet and two inches, she weights 95 lbs., Hani is rather light to be using a rifle. Slightly paler then those around her, she is rather strong for a women so small. Her eyes are a deep, dull, brown. Nearly black they don't seem vary able to take in very much light and as a result, there is light to no white seen within her eyes. But within her eyes, it seems as though there is vivid brown lining that shows only when in the autumn. Hani's eye brows are light and narrow. As with tradition her hair is long and pulled back behind her head by a beige colored, skinned, hind tap. Her hair is black, over lacing with multiplayer of browns. Hani has a short light cluster of neatly kept bangs that often covers her right eye. On both end sides of her bangs she has long strands of hair the fall freely. Underneath her left eye is a small black birthmark. Hani generally wears Oda's assigned riflemen's wears. Light, and durable it seems to have a more western theme. Over all of her uniform she wears a rosy brown, over cast that falls to her elbows. Around back the over cast falls eight inches past her waist. The ends of the over cast are brimmed in black cloth, the collar is straight and ties with a beige stripe in a bow. Underneath the over cast, she wears a tight fitting panel top. It's a dull dirty colored pink and it has a high upturn 'v' sloped neck collar. It has mid length sleeves that reach to stomach seven. (Pressure point mid way through upper arm joint.) Coming out from under the edges of the sleeves' end is a lightly flowing and transparent white fabric. This fabric is long going 15 inches past hear waist when she stands at a tension. It is silted from it's ends to it's tops. Along the front it is laced in ten small 'x's' and ends in a small hook round at the top. Upon her lower half she wears silted, dark brown, donjo pants. They are specifically cut on the out side, so that that ruffled edges may conceal the slits. However these pants, unlike the standard version, it actually merges along the inner edge and it barely reaches to past her knees. Making it lean towards an oddly designed skirt. Along the inside of her legs she wears long white shin pads. Four inches from the top and wrapped around her thighs are two black bands, that merge too gun holster on the side. Each holster holding gun poowder and bullets ne the ends and a 36. HAND GONNE on each side. As far as foot wear goes, she wears rosy brown monk shoes. Other noticeable features are the the fingerless top padded white gloves she wears. The end back of these gloves meet mid way to where her normal sleeves would end. Around her neck Hani wears a silver pendent, in shape of the Haneshi's family emblem. The Hemp Plant. [b]Weapon.:[/b] 2 Advanced 36.0 HAND GONNEs. [i] - A smaller version of the HAND GONNEs, created early in the 15th century. These guns not being the greatest influence in battles for a quantity of reasons have been modified. Smaller, lighter, it needs no stand. And needs not act like a cannon, the fuses have been replaced so that it may you gun powder. Although it still need be held to one's shoulders when fired. Their' current size is two feet.[/i] [b]Fighting Style.:[/b] Militia Ace Gunmen. [i] - Mainly a long ranged Gunmen, two HAND GONNEs, it is relatively easy to take one's time and go unnoticed. Since each shot would normally take a 5 minutes interval, has caused Hani to have her uniform refitted. Placing the cloth of the sleeves into the trigger pieces allows for a double shot since the bullet holster has is not able to retract. Creating her gunmen ship to be done with ease in comparison to most other gunmen.[/i] [b]Personality.:[/b] Hani's blood type is O. As such, she's to be the definition as such. [i] - Type O Blood people are said to set the mood for a group and to take on the role of creating harmony among its members. Their image is one of taking it easy, of being peaceful and carefree. But also watchful and taking in all that's around them. They are also thought to be big-hearted and benevolent and intelligent. O Types are generally "loved by all." But, they also, surprisingly, have a stubborn and strong-willed side, as well, and tend to secretly have their own opinions on things. On the other hand, they have the flexible, adaptable side of readily accepting new things. They are easily influenced by other people who are stronger willed. They seem to appear level-headed and trustworthy, but they often slip and make blunders inadvertently, and usually they shall to try and right their wrongs. But that is also the point that makes O Types lovable.[/i] Often considered the younger one of Oda's top riflemen, Hani is often torn between her beliefs and her longing to be Oda's best. For she believes that he is right in his doing and what simply to make her family proud of her but to also help Oda achieve his goal of ruling over all Japan. However, Nighori Haneshi, her father, had daughter her the was of the Bushido. Thus it has influenced her personality greatly. Teaching her to be kind and considerate. But not allowing her to be performing at her peak condition. Although she's highly intelligent Hani seems to hesitate before firing, harming another, or anything in general. Hani goes over a set plan in her mind, causing her to be a quick think if something should change the balance. Slightly shy and self sufficient she's chosen never to hurt another unless ordered to. Still she is an Ace Gunmen and is best left at that. [b]Biography:[/b] Born in 1528, to the Aki family upon the small island formerly known as Hemp. A small island that was of the South Eastern Providences of Japan. As a child of the Haneshi family she took on the assigned work, in occupation and student to work for Japan's head conquers. Renown, and very well known through out most of Asian for their silk and Hemp sown work ever since 774. AD. During the late 1530's when near the age of eight Aki's family was to move along side Oda's building empire. There she spend her days learning to cook and sow for his never ending line of soldiers. Creating fabrics solely by his orders. But due to her age and gender Aki often had free time after sunset, and would stay next to Oda's men that would allow her. During the periods that they were actually moving her mother and father would make her study history and science. Which eventually got her interested in fighting. When at the age of 17, when some of Oda's men wondered lost and ended up in Mikawa. Tokugawa's territory. Aki had been fallowing the men, as she often did came the night. However this night was different. During the men's 'visit' a fight was started near the furthest end of town while they were going to return to the others of Oda's units. Out numbered, and as they refused to burn the flag of Oda of which one carried as ordered by those of Mikawa, a fight broke out. Rather small and almost non-existing in history, it is Aki's main memory. She stood by, watched, and did nothing until the dawn three days later when she returned alone to her parents side. She's never spoken a word of the incident, nor is there any evidence that the event took place other then her word. At the age of 20, Hani officially became a riflemen of one of Oda's militia units. [b]Final Thought.:[/b] Kind. Hesitant. Lost. [b]Last Question.:[/b] [i] [strike] I am unsure of the history of rifles before the 1600's, but.. If the story takes part in 1553, and begun in 1478, wouldn't the only rifles available be; HAND GONNE. 1400's. / Matchlock. Mid 1498./ Wheel Lock. Circa 1517./ Snaphaunce. Circa 1570.?[/strike][/i] - No further questions, thank you for your help, Mugen.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Here is my attempt at your' request. It's been quite a while since I had made a banner or avatar, so the text and or color contrast may look off set. But I'm rather sure I've managed a contrast of light. [b]Avatar:[/b] [IMg]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23498&stc=1[/IMG] [b]Banner:[/b] [IMg]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23499&stc=1[/IMG] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Please notify me is anything needs to be changed. Sorry, I'm a bit rusty. [b]Umeko?s Friend:[/b] She is a homemaker and has a daughter. Umeko and her have been friends since Middle school. Umeko often comes to her for advice. She thinks that she should get rid of Toki. [b]Name:[/b] Aoi. R. Kim. [b]Age:[/b] 28. [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [b]Appearance:[/b] Aoi stands 5'0 and weighs 100 lbs. Being only 5 feet at the age of 28 has been said to be in account of her ethnicity, small, stereotypical, person. Fairly thin, her skin has a very odd but light tint of ivory. Her eyes are a ordinary dark brown. When she smiles, her eyes are brought to their fullest. As with tradition Aoi's hair is very short, but neatly kept with her grown out bangs hanging to the side. Her hair is black with a very sticks of grey or white. The ends of her hair curls slightly inwards around her face. Her held is kept up with black bobby pins, but to the left side she wears very small childish heart shaped pin. She wears very light, modish, and Spring like colors. On her upper have she wears a beige, long sleeved, feather duster. With a curving U-V neck line, it exposes the butterfly pendent she wears on a silver chain. Underneath this she wears a short sleeved pink shirt, that fits very modestly. It has a floral print in monochrome browns, oranges, and reds. On her lower half she wears a long tanned skirt that falls to her knees. It has a one inch slight on the right hand side. As for her foot wears she wears common white socks rounded it the top, foot wear; white tennis shoes. Aoi can usually be seen carrying around a light grey, large, bag. [b]Personality:[/b] Although Aoi is a homemaker, she can often be seen running around spending time with her daughter. Within a very general sense she likes to help others. She is the type to carry around things people would commonly be in need of but don't bother to bring. Aoi loves her family and friends from the bottom of her heart, and tries to do her best to look out for them. But sometimes it gets slightly over bearing for others and she'll draw back to her self. Review her manners, correct her self, and try to say what she knows will help put others back at easy. [i]Her Blood Type: AB - People with Type AB Blood are said to have a delicate sensitivity. They are considerate of other people's feelings and deal with them with care and caution. On the other hand, though, they are strict with themselves and those close to them. They, therefore, seem to have two personalities: one for those "outside," and another for people on the "inside." They often become sentimental, and they tend to think too deeply about things. AB Types have a lot of friends, but they need time to be alone and think things through, as well.[/i] [b]Biography:[/b] Aoi has long since been a friend of Umeko since middle school. Since her marriage and Umeko's days when she was begging in the Tokyo Paper, she has always tried to divide and balance her time. Trying to do her best to look out for friends, her daughter, and her husband without very much help was slightly strain full at first. Once Umeko they were able to talk more like they were once able to. The strain had lifted, and Aoi would like very much to help Umeko loose the stress she has. It's unhealthy. The Kim's house is very quite, so she has offered Umeko to come over any time she would like. The daughter of the Kim's family, is little, but unlike most children she is hyper but not to the point that it is irritating or obnoxious. Not to mention, Aoi has made sure she has a good fourth coming education for it's what her husband wanted. Still, Aoi's life partially revolves around her daughter. Teaching her manners, edict, and all the things she hope she will grow up remembering. Although, Aoi's husband isn't seen by many she's still quiet happy with those who do know him and, is really very proud that Umeko seems to have approved of him. However she cannot say she feels the same way in Umeko's choice. After the break up with the 'Old Flame,' and having a boy as a pet, Aoi is unsure what direction Umeko's love life is heading to. But she plans to stick by her and do the best she can to help. Happily married, a homemaker, and a mother of a little girl. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]It is very good to see that you have returned to the OtakuBoards, Hatake. [b]Banner: [i]Chris from The Last Client.[/i][/b] - I like your' choice of image and white space. You had a good to of positioning of the image and text. You've really used it to your' advantage, especially with the emphasis you have used on the border. It brings out the different depths of the gray scale image. However, the text's stroke looks bit off in comparison to the banner's sharp lines . [b]Banner: [i]Miyavi.[/i][/b] - Personally, this is my favorite of the banners posted thus far. The use of the grey and white brushes show contrast to the lighting upon the upon the face. It gives off a grudge like look, but very soft. Unlike most of the banners I've seen, you know the limitations of brushes. The over lapping of the brushes beyond the person brings out the front ground in the banner. In relation to the text character and person, you've done a wonderful job. I also really like what you've done with the border. The more fades or gone parts of the border give it a more personal touch. It really falls in place with the rest of the banner, and levels out some of the lighter shades of grey. [b]Banner: [i]Flag of Cambodia.[/i][/b] - I find no flaw within the banner either. Both personally and from standard view point. You've made the most out of text, color, size, and position. The white brushes over lapping all of the banner with a straight one pixel black border is very simple, but has a strong effect. Your' choice of text and how strong it should be in contrast to the over lapping white is very well done. I know very little about the ideals of photography other then the technical details. So I will not comment on the photography, but it seems as though you are doing wonderful. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][b]Juuthena,[/b] your photography skills are amazing. [b]Altron,[/b] I really adore the way you've blended in the wave/curve/frame and then choose to over-lay/manipulate/etc. rather then leaving it solid. Along with the words that go horizontally on the photograph it's self. It gives the image more of an 'edge' and is a very effective way to convey your message. You've done a nice use of 'white space' effect, as well. Along with thought and/or ideal of 'Imagine' adding more to the other black text that you've added in the image. That really helped to contrast to the white text used. There is only one thing that seems off to me. Which is how high the wave/curve/frame edge comes in relation to the top of the image. I think that it could, possibly, end two pixels higher. Great job.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]"We'll to gather more data, use the S.T.U.'s agent to our advantage." "And what if the should find out before we're able to, take control of the situation?" "That won't happen, although the S.T.U. have infiltrated...It doesn't necessarily mean that they'll be able to hold everything together. No agent is perfect, we're going to need to find more about the agent though..." "Demos would be best for gathering information." Rom turned side ways in his chair, scanning the crowds to see if Demos was there. It didn't appear so. "He may be at the mechanics garage." "Shall we go, then?" She shook her head, "We'll need a take on the Lighting Panthers, they may not know. The other agents shouldn't be too difficult to find, but we're in need of more details surrounding their objective." "I'll check out who's next up in line against the Lingthing Panthers." Choosing not to respond, D.c. turned and stared at the rim of her glass. In her hands she tilted it slowly in the light. Gleaming, she thought of the next move. Not of theirs but the act that the S.T.U. would order their agents to put on. Then it hit D.c., blending into a new enviorment would take a few hours to adapt. They still had awhile to pick things out. The brief moment of awkward silence passed. Her face turned back to Rom. "I'll call Demos, and then we'll rase the S.T.U.'s agents one. Rom, how would you like to help me gather information?"[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=slategray]Congratulations, Siren. I remember my first publishing, ironically, it's what lead to my current job. A poem in the 'Young American's Literature Society,' national in the US for 2002. After that, I was allowed to interview larger more well known writers of China. In late 2003, I got my first series published. The series was only three books long, and took four years to finish but was well worth it. Early last year I was interviewed in a magazine and landed a job there. Someday though, I would really like to have my work published somewhere else. Or rather, a bit more in the US or Japan. Currently thinking of Puffin or AE Publishing. Good-luck to everyone who wants to get published.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][i][B][U]Sign Up:[/U][/B][/i] [b] Position:[/b] Racer. [B]Name:[/B] Zaru. Li. Choa's. [B]Nickname:[/B] D.c. [i] - Data Clov.[/i] [b]Age:[/b] 20. [b]Appearance:[/b] With a height of 5'7 and weighting only 104 lbs., D.c.'s rather tall. Having a frail build, it dose not add to the way others should happen to look at her. Her skin color is a light brown,but is pale in comparison to most. Her eyes are colored in a vivid brown, around her pupils there seems to appear a pure, bright, green lining, that merges into red near the very center mark. D.c.'s hair is long and full, coming down to her waist. She has long shaggy bangs that meet to her forehead. The coloring is of a subtle rose like brown. Her hair is neatly kept. Over all her hair seems to curl inwards accenting her skull or arond her body. Generally, D.c. wears something that is often misjudged for something similar to a black jump suit. A short sleeve, v neck line, black shirt. Coming two inches below her waist line, it gets thinner in dimensions as it over laps the top rim of her pants. It zips up the middle in a silver lining and breaks off into a tri-point collar. However, underneath she wears another shirt that is pastel green. It is thinner and lighter material giving off a lightly transparent look. Her pants are black as well and is made out of the same clothing materiel. They are pressed, orderly, and provide easy maneuverability. The flow, just slight, and down to the inner edging have upward cutlets. As for foot wear, she wears plan black ankle boots. On her hips hangs a silver chain, over-lapped by a pastel green belt. Around her neck she wears a basic collar, attached to another free lapping chain that seems to have broken off from something. At the left lower side of her neck D.c. has a tattoo that reaches up. Although few can see it, the design is simple of a clover with a rose's vine creeping around it and the number '9' in the center. The tattoo ends at her lower jaw. [B]Car Name:[/B] Nine. [B]Car Description:[/B] Sleek and in mainly shades of gray, it is fairly long. With measurements of three and a half yards long and one yard wide the vehicle has a flate paneled shielding on the front. A black dresser piece over lines this panel as it goes further up. Curving underneath a white logo the stripe then merges into a black streak of paint that lines through the rest of the vehicle, until it hits the one winged back shift. The one winged back shift is totally lined in black and attaches twice to the back end of the Nine which breaks off into three folds/ruffles. Allowing for wind resistance on curves. From the three folds/ruffles it then goes nearly a foot inwards to another logo. Inverted from the one on the front hood. Above this logo it has a minor detail showing a green lining back to the newly inputted driving system. The dash bored system is un-like any other. Unlike most cares it has no real steering wheel, instead it has a suspended sphere with two other sphere floating around it. It is lined in silver metal but not completely. Within the curves is a green lining. The two smaller sphere are totally neon lights and are there simply for show. On the dash bored is a built-in computer, the screen is small and to the right. There is a leaver laced in cords on the metal linging of he over head glass, when pulled forwards it allows the driver to accelerate or set the gas into a computer moderated state. The break system is that of a basic hover-car. However, this car has terrible turn capabilities. [i](Please click [URL=http://brokeneyes.250free.com/nine01.jpg]here[/URL] for a breif over view.)[/i] [B]Speed:[/B] 398.5 mph. [B]Defence:[/B] 200 a.d. [B]Driver Skill:[/B] D.c. is known mainly for speed and endurance, this racer has never been known to crash. Doing well in any terrain D.c.'s car has been specifically altered to go solely upon either; length of brain wave from the car's over head scanner. Or the possible calculations imputed into the car's computer's main drive. Going off upon the environment, wind factor, and data collected from adversary racers. The only member of Shadow Spider known to have, slight, issues with turning. It is nearly impossible for D.c. to make prefect 90 degree turn table angles. When tried, the wind carries the 'Nine' upon the wrong mathematical under panels allowing for misconception or calculation and/or swerving patterns. Thinks before she acts. [B]Gang Name:[/B] Shadow Spider. [B]Personality:[/B] Quite. Responsible. Seemingly, cold hearted. D.c. is more like a doll then a person. Unlike most other racers, D.c. dose not seem to have such a 'high' attitude about her-self. She, her-self, dose not believe to have more skills then anyone else. Allowing her to always strive for the best and draw out her full potential. Not only for her self, but for the Shadow Spiders as a whole. Quite, D.c. talks little to none. Often mistaking others to think that she is mute. This is not true, though, rather then talking she simply takes logical orders from other members of the Shadow Spiders. Having learnt the hard way it is better to keep one's mouth shut in the world of racing. D.c. is considered the more responsible one in the group. Rather then taking in to consideration the thoughts of others, she'll act ignoring those of whom she doesn't know. But will always be the one who is able to move in and out of crowded areas, collect data upon other competitors without hesitation. She is able to act quickly while still knowing to think it out first. [B]Bio:[/B] Born into a family of a strange combination, journalist and mechanics, Zaru was terrible at both. Her field of area was always mathematics and science, more so that she couldn't be a mechanics. Absolutely loathing build or taking thing apart, but wonderful of programming at the age of 16 a friend introduced her to a few mechanics. She then realized the important of computer programming in certain types of hover-cars. Allowing them to go above and beyond even the fastest. [b]Notes:[/b] - D.c. appears to be genderless, to those who don't know her real name. - Preferrs to wear a seat belt, but no helmet. - Her placement, over, all is 3rd. [b] Statistics:[/b] - Wins: 28. - Loses: 7. - Crashes: 3. - Felonies: 0. - Misdemeanors: 1. - Arrestments: 0. »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» Please let me know if anything needs to be changed and/or altered. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1] You always show such rapid improvement in your graphics. I love the quality of your' work over-all. And you've been able to keep an eye of color while making the banner. You've chosen a good image and or source and a good placement in relative to the words. I also think you've done a good job on choosing fonts, since it really seems to go along with what the text is saying. However there are two things, that are slightly off. [b]1.) Pixel Stretch Background.[/b] Forgive me if I'm wrong, but it seems as though you've given into the unprofessional and off balanced 'pixel stretch.' As stated it's rather annoying to use pixel stretch. Using the 'technique' often times makes the graphic, layout, etc. un attractive and hard on the eyes. It also displaces your text in terms of: color, size, placement, and font. [b]2.) Border.[/b] You've done a great job on choosing border type, but it's too light a color. The border it's self seems to blend too much into the background and dose not stand out as much as it should. You may want to try a different shade of brown or use a simple, but effective, single pixel border. Other then those two things, you've done a great job.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=slategray][SIZE=1]Very nicely done, Legacy. I really like the emotion that you've chosen to emit through your' poem. Sounding similar to what I think of the terms, 'bitter sweet.' You've chosen a good-well rounded style for your poem, and it seems as though you've gotten a good grasp for it as well. However there is a two lines that seems slightly, off. Or simply, mis-worded. The second and third line: [QUOTE=Legacy][color=darkslategray][i]Hopes raised a moment, and then dashed away. Seeing everything colored in shades of gray.[/i][/color][/QUOTE] I think it may be better intertwined with the rest of the poem if the word: then, in the first line was removed. And/Or, the word 'colored' in the second. Ex: [i] Hopes raised a moment, and dashed away. Seeing everything in shades of gray.[/i] Other then those two things, good job.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
What OB members do you know, or would you like to meet in real life?
Epsilon replied to Boo's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Others are not listed below, these are just the top. ----------------------------- [b]Ben:[/b] Plain and simple, he is the coolest. [b]Unborn Lord Xion:[/b] My second Ex-OB husband. I think he'd be rather fun to hang out with, even just for an hour. It would also give me a chance to make his friends into his minions. Along with varies other people he would like to have slave/s and or minion/s. [b]jblessing:[/b] I would like to meet jblessing to,[strike] have him as my male coding concubine,[/strike] friend. [b]Reflux:[/b] Better known as Double B. Daigo, the 'KK,' and or Mike. It'd be an honor to meet one of those who takes the chance and is able to critic my writing. Not only this but I'd love to hold a debate on the theory of Zen with him. If he should still practice, I would like to spar him in Martial Arts. [b]Neuvoxetere and Cyirle:[/b] I would run cirycles around them, for hours. And only feel joy. They are both beautiful writers and the women of OB that I hold in high regards. [/SIZE][/COLOR]