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Everything posted by Epsilon
Yeah I know that, you've said that before. I told you before I'm considered crazy, plus I never said you had to say anything about it. It's only my point of view, and the only thing sane I ever do or think about is my advice So no one should really listen to me. DON'T LISTEN TO ME, alright.
Ok, then try listing to classical music. It's ment to help relax you and make you think claerly and help when your head hurts. Just don't listen to the loud classical music that makes your blood rise. And ways I think I'd work, the SLOW music from the Nut Craker should work.
Surviving pain, only to be put back in it. And being dragged back in to the darkness, not longing for light nor anything else. And wanting to be alone from hate and spite. ^^ It's great. I like the thought. Both bliss and death may be the same.
A dream can be both death and bliss, but most of all a escape. True, a dream may be what it wants nor seems. Being crazy and locked away would make them wander, but make the person glade that their loced away from all the others. Then wanting to know if the truly care or not. It's great. ^^ I love it Because that's how I feel a lot of times.
^^; Forgot one...biggest fear of all is being rejected. Heh, if I have a chance for rejection. Well I probly won't take that chance. By the way I LIKE THE DARK, just because it gives me away to hid with out actually having to hide. I also have a answer to what thewanderer had said. You can never be alone your whole life. Even if you think your along your not. Cause there will always be some one on this planet waiting for you, always. You just might not know it, but that person waiting for you will always be with you. Yeah I know most likely thewanderer is never going to read that.
I don't think 'romanticism' is a word. Or if it is I've never heard of it. And you we're able to take the level of romantics to a new level to me. ~ Ruby leaned against mirai's shoulder as they danced. She closed her eyes and started to nod off. It was just like a dream, but a swift movment made her drift back. So they continued, still ignoreing what was around them.Ruby looked up at mirai and smiled, mirai smiled back. They were both smiling, and stareing into each others eyes. "Ruby would you like to sit down?" mirai asked her, "Your had started to nod off alittle." "Um..yes thank you." replied Ruby. They both walked back over to a bench and sat down.
Trying to drown some one in rain that's close to blood. ^^ I like it. The thoughts are good and the way it's written is good too. I love the fact that the poeple aer still called children when they have had too much pain to be a child. I love that part, for some resone. And being alone and hid your self with in the reachs of your mind to exscape pain.
As mirai and Ruby danced, neather one of them messed up. They were better at slow dancing rather then noraml dancing. "Your pretty good at this, mirai." Ruby said smiling. "Ah...thanks Ruby," mirai said, "Your not so bad eather." "Thanks mirai." Ruby said cheerfully. After that mirai and Ruby kept dancing. In truth Ruby was very happy dancing this close to mirai. She hoped mirai was having dancing with her too.
Mrai and Ruby sat there watching the stars in the sky. Soon Ruby turned her head and looked at the doors back in. Mirai saw this and asked "Anything wrong?" "I was just wandering if my advice worked," Ruby answered, "I tend to give adivce alot. I never get to see if it works or not." "Would you like to know if it worked out?" mirai asked. "Yeah, would it be ok if we went back in," Ruby said, "You know just to check?" Mirai smiled, "Alright" "Thanks mirai" Ruby said. "Your welcome" replyed mirai. Mirai and Ruby got up from the bench and went in side. He still hand his arm around her, but Ruby didn't mind. She was glade that he still did. Once in side Ruby looked out for dayday. Mirai pointed over across the room. They then both went over through crowds of people to see them. "I guess your advice did work." mirai said, "Most mean that the adivce you give out is right." "Yep, I'm glade I know that it helped now." Ruby said, as she noticed the music change, "It's changing to slower music."
"Thanks mirai." Ruby said. "What did you say thanks for?" mirai asked. "I don't really know, for some resone I felt like I need to thank you." said Ruby. With that Ruby leaned agianst mirai, and they stared at the stary night sky together.
I like it. ^^ They say to do something you do, they say to die you leave, then once they prais you, you leave. Just because of the first people putting lies into the persons head. And wandering why they care when the others didn't. Hee...I like it, because of the wandering why and the others. Very good.
As mirai's arm was around her, Ruby started to blush. She hoped that mirai wouldn't noticed this. She her-self tryed not to make it apperent to him. Mirai and Ruby stared up at the stary night sky. She looked at mirai then turned her view back to the sky again. "Is something wrong?" he asked. "...um..n-not really." she replied. "Are you sure? Cause your starting to blush, and..." mirai's sentence was cut off by Ruby's voice. "Don't worry, I'm ok." she said.
Siaga sat down beside a tree, and then started to sing. As she sung she stared up at the sky. But then something started to fly over her. It was a large bird going in a round route. Just like it was trying to watch more then one thing. Siaga stopped singing. She got up and started to walk to where the birds cross round mark was. Coming to a lake she heard the whispers of other people. Siaga started to fallow the whispers and they lead her across the lake. There was a boy with a flut in his back pocket , a girl with a clarinet, and another girl sitting across from them with a keyboard. Siaga came out of the trees and introduced her-self. But before any of the others had a chance to say something she asked them a question. "Excuse me, but do any of you know what that bird is looking for?" asked Siaga. "So, you've noticed it too," the boy said, "Has it been fallowing you too?" "Not to my knowladge." she said, "But it seems to be waiting."
I like it. The thought is good, because people do that all the time with no care nor concern for people they're doing it to. And then they never go back and think about what they had done nor said. So once the person is gone they think it's the person's own falut, when they were really just trying to get away from it all. Heh I'll stop now. But anyways it's a really good poem. ^^ I really like this one more then the rest.
I have a more updated list, so why not post it. Any ways it's just two people I have an OB crush on. [spoiler] Ben and mirai_torankusu [/spoiler] are my two OB crushs...
Ruby stared at mirai, he looked tense from what she saw. I wish there was away to loosen him up, so that he was like before we had been looking for each other...:Ruby thought. "Hey mirai, you ok?" asked Ruby. "Yeah, I'm ok." he said. In her mind she didn't belive that he was alright. She wandered if it was something she had done or said. He was hesitant about some thing. "Mirai, I know this is a personal question. Also you don't need to answer it if you don't want to..." Ruby said, "But I was just wandering, what are you thinking about?" Mirai stared at her and started to think about what he was going to say.
"Umm...your welcome mirai." said Ruby. Ruby looked back up at the stars again, so did mirai. mirai looked back at Ruby, "So what was the resone you had problems looking at the stars?" "I don't really know any more," Ruby said, "but I don't have problem looking at them now." Ruby looked at mirai and smiled, mirai looked at her wandering what she was going to say. "mirai," Ruby said cheerfully, "thanks for being with me. I've been having alot of fun."
OCC: I think it's taking place at some building. Like an OB office building or some rather large and flat building with lots of halls. ~~~~~~~~ Ruby stopped running in the halls. She hadn't found mirai yet. Maybe mirai went back outside, she thought. Ruby ran back for the doors out side and went back to the place they had been before. There Ruby saw mirai. "Hey, I was looking for you!" she yelled over to him as she came back over, "Where were you?" "You were looking for me?" mirai said, "I had been looking for you." "So if we had both stayed we would have found each other again anyways..." Ruby started to laugh a little, "I guess I should have stayed." mirai smiled "Yeah, and I should have waited." Ruby came up and sat beside mirai.
After awhile of walking she just came to another field instead of a town or city. Vegey looked around the field and saw another heavey blade. He was stareing up at the sky, he looked like he might have been playing longer then she had. After all she had only been playing for two days now. But she was good compared to other first time players, she could stanhd her own. Vegey started to walk up behind him, but then she stopped. At the distance she was at she yelled hello to him. But he did nothing. The other heavey blade didn't even turn to look around at her. Kinda rude she thought, she then remebered how she acted like to the other players awhile ago. "Heh...I guess I shouldn't judge others...." Vegey said. She started to walk away. "Maybe I shold go to the next town over" she said to her self as she started walking.
Ruby came out and went back over to the spot that mirai and she had been in. Ruby looked around, but she saw no sight of mirai. "I guess I took too long..." she said to her-self, "Wander where he went to." Ruby started to look around out side. But with no luck, she still hadn't found mirai. Maybe...maybe he went in side: she thought: I guess that might be possible... Ruby went back inside to start checking the halls for mirai.
"Ok then," Ruby said, "Try and think of something to do that will get you through the night." "Liek what?" dayday asked. "Well you could just..." Ruby pasued, "Um...just find something to do. It shouldn't be that hard. Or both of you could just listen to music. Nate has stopped playing rap anyways so that might work. Or just sit around and talk." "That dosen't reall help..." exclamed dayday, "I need something else." "Tell him that your getting sleepy and need to go home or something to end the night." said Ruby, "Or again I say, sit around and talk or write something. I'm running out of ideas so just try and to not let him get so close."
Dayday came up to Ruby and mirai. Seeing dayday had saved her some time to think of the answer to tell mirai. Cause she had no clue why she had felt the way she did watching the stars. "What is it?" Ruby asked. dayday replyed "Now, it's a little too much. I'm really starting to get freaked out more than I expected." Ruby looked back at mirai, and smiled. "Please waite for me mirai." Ruby said, "I'll be right back." "Um...alright." mirai answered confused. Dayday and Ruby walked back into the hall, inside the same building where the OB Prom was being held. Ruby leaded against the wall. "Why are you so freaked out dayday?" Ruby asked, "What's getting you so freaked out?"
Poem 1. I really like poem one. Having a shattered heart that cuts from the inside. Broken hearted giving up hope, cause no one cared. Then once ogne unmakred grave and saying good bye when good bye is nolonger needed because there is no one to say good by to. ^^ I'ts great, I like the thought behind it. Poem 2. Then next one I like more then the one before it. It's really good, cause to me people do were mask. ^^ Yeah, I'm weird for saying that. Anyways I like the thoughts in this one too. Because not being the one to judge, yet needing to be judged. So they're left to laugh at others because the one to judge them hasn't yet. Having a gun to one head or another, and having it be their desions to judge them. But sounds kinda like they draw back into a voide. ^^ This one is great also.
"Comepared to you, I'm still a bad dancer though." she said through her laughter, "Your a much better dance then I could be." "I think we're both in the same level of dancing." mirai replied. Ruby nodded her head, "Yeah guess you could say that." She turned and looked back up to the stars. Ruby started at them, again. Mirai looked back up at the stars too. "I don't know why, but I think I have a problem with looking at stars..." Ruby told mirai.
O_o You thought they were talking about larger spiders? If you did do that you wouldn't be able to get them past your mouth. They'd be able to use the same juices they use in there webs just to crawl back out or just sit in your mouth all night. Ick! That'd be really gross. And it's mostly only eight because the smaller spiders are better at advoiding larger air currents, and tend to be able to get away faster so to leave the air currents. I'm hoping that now body here eats spiders, and no offence to any one who dose...but...to me that's just...well to put it nicer...I'd never do that.