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Everything posted by Epsilon

  1. Arika you can eather be a twin blade or a wave master. You have to choose ONE, there is NO wave twin blade in the games or the show there is NO such thing. Pick one, your choice wave master OR twin blade.
  2. Yep, because call me a coward and what ever else you'd like. So a coward's way out would suit me wouldn't it then? That and I'm a nut case. I've been planing my death for some time now. I hate my-self and the world would be better with out me. Zeh is stronger then me anyways. World needs people like him, who say suicide is a cowards way out. Cause it is.
  3. I have the kind of the same thing as Zeh, sadly I was born. I don't like being alive, the world would be a better place with out me, and the suicide thing...yes! In 3-5 years you'll be seeing my real name in the news paper. The world will be a better place.
  4. O_o Clowns...Shadowing your other thoughts and walking you up to a different place and making your views different. Only to spew your mind. ^^ I like it. Having things only out lined to the true fact. It's great.
  5. Sounds as if the person is zoning out, and imaging things. O_o See things get closer yet the sky stay the same. Feeling your heart burning too much to move, then just waiting for the home to come near along with same lines of everything else. ^^ That's a good one.
  6. ^^ I like it. Starting with a new begening, starting off clean. The dawn brings about a new world. Yet at the same time having the ehcos of the past still remain there. Just all into tiant the world. The purity is gone because of what the world was to do to gain the purity, humanity is gone. And the burden of humanity is gone, yet the world's still tianted. The feel you get from it is good.
  7. Epsilon

    otaku prom

    Off of topic: Yeah this is late, because I'm an idot Ruby came back into the adventure area from the recruitment place. She saw Ben reading a post. She waited till he passed her by, and sat down on a bench. Ruby came to where he was sitting. "Hi Ruby" Ben said. "Hello,um...your offer is still open isn't it? " Ruby said, "Cause if it I have answer" "Yeah it's still open, Okay," he stared at her, "and it is...." "Yeah," said Ruby, "I'd like to go to the otaku prom with you if it's not too late." Ben smilled, "Yay, but wait what about Acira and dayday?" "dayday had said it would be ok," Ruby sighed, "although I wish I knew what was happening to them right now."
  8. O_o Would that be considered spamming? Anyways I like the poem, although if it's one from the other thread then you know what I think of it. But I'm staying my opinon again. I like it, not being able to stand the way life treats you. Yet not wanting to give up and leave this place never to return. So having to bare it just from shill (sp) will power to go.
  9. I like it, the thought of it is good. One word can mean alot, having to think of it on a different level of meaning. Which causes for a higher level of thinking. All things leading to the of both darkness and light, the end of being apart from the rest, combining into one in the end. I like it and all the things fit together nicely.
  10. Realizing one of the best things you had going is always hard. Espicalyl when not being able to get it back. I like the thought in this cause of the meaning of something dear to you being gone.
  11. ummm...yeah. I hate the subject of love/crushs/boyfriends/girlfriends any thing that could ever souly happen to do with anything like that. I hate yet, well yeah lets just say I don't like it. Anyways if I ever happen to devlope more then a crush I might have to kill my self. :p That might be soon, hopfully not. Anyways I'd rather keep things to my self.
  12. She said the wrong thing. And I didn't get over it. And the thing with saying something about me, she was helping me with some problems about Ben. But now I have problems talking to him. And the same thing that's happening to you had once happened to me.
  13. I like it. Too bad our post are gonna be shut down. *cry*
  14. I like but how could you fall asleep? I just like the ending really, such good j-tec. O_o and the pics, could you belive they did that with basci kiddy markers? Anyways I like the poem. ^^ Being lost with out an end. To never find your way again, it great.
  15. Yeah I know. But I don't like it when I smile and can't stop no matter how hard I try. Probly means I should stop reading that post over and over again. Can't think clearly now, shouldn't have asked to read the poem Ben. ~~~~~~~ Silence I'll keep my silence Have my thoughts, only known to me They don't care, if I'm alive nor dead All they want is, just for me to be silent So I'll keep my silnce, and fade away Till I'm forgotten, I'll keep my silence
  16. I like it. ^^ Trying to escape the hunting, bad, painful truth. Crying your self to sleep and dreams of the good things. Yet still crying, and once awaking to wake to nightmares. It's great. ^^
  17. lol I Think I'm crazy, now more then before. lol It was eather I tell you or dayday tells you. And who knows what she might let slip out. I should stop having converstions about these kind of things. ^^ Great, now I have a smile on my face and I can't get it to go away. ~~~~~~ Fall Back I feel I should fall back, back into the darkness And away from regreats I'd like to fall back, back into my sleep Just to visit my dreams Only to wake and, fall back into my sleep Fall back into, into the memeories of time
  18. Anyways the song that made me think of it was "Send the pain below" pretty good song too. I hate been writing a poem before the coputer froze, and now I can't remember it. ~~~~~ title-none I'm broken like this place Once here, there was light But now the light go I'm the only thing left, because I'm forgotten Which could be said, the smae as theis place Were both fading away Never to come back again We'll be soon forgotten
  19. Robots...it reminds me of Cybrog 009 and Kikiader. Kikiader because of his brothers and Cybrog009 because of their other soilders with the nightmare or what ever the teams called. And all theey're ever ment to do is fight and kill.
  20. Hee...I should stop that. It's more trouble then it's worth. The deep pain inside you, And not being able to stop the pain. It's great! ^^
  21. Peace be still. It sounds like peace is to stay and let no war come. Peace be still makes a load of sense if you think about it deeply. It says it right in the name only with a deeper mean. With being still.
  22. Oh..strange..anyways I ran out of poems. I've had to start a new note book cause I can't kind my other one. ~~~~~~~~ title-none Put the pain down be low, and take the chance The chance to move on, the chace to forget your past To make a new, and a better place So send the pain below, and try angain
  23. I like this one too. And I don't think I want to know the rest of the story. Sounds kind of weirs though. Anyways I like the poem. With ot being known any place. I had thought you were going to put person but place would be it too. Being not know to a person nor place.
  24. Um no, because Paige is a girl, but she's the same way I'm. Maybe girls but almost all of our friends but one or two are girls but we basically most of the time act like boys. And since Andy might be adopted, ever one says there brother and sister. Considering they knew each other since when they were born. And they belive there brother and sister too. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Try And I'll try to make my way I'll try to over come, to put my fears to rest I'll try to move up But I keep failing, it goes on and on But I'll try to keep going And I'll try It goes on and on and on Then just around again
  25. I don't see how can I person ever not say those three words. I have no clue who could'n't say that in there whole life. I like the poem though because I use those three words alot.
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