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Everything posted by Epsilon

  1. Why didn't they just pick it up. Hey what color mouse was it? And about my friends they don't hang out as much any more but they still do. They use to never be apart, then another one of my friends became his girlfriend. And yes he wanted to be more with her, then Paige so yes. They're still best friends but it's now...um..yes....Andy wants more space with his girlfriend. ~~~~~~~ The edge I'm floating on the edge of time, watching my life pass before me Seeing the world pass me by I'm on the edge, drifting into the shadows And all that's in my mind, is the thought of how I'm here But that will fade away from me, once pass the edge of time
  2. O_o deep...very nice. ^^ I liked all coming together perfectly in the end. Life is life no matter what, its the same as death always being death.
  3. Being the place that was always there for you, till one day it left you. I like it, having been there for you. It brings to mind symbloz'em (sp) Anyways i like it.
  4. O_o Why in the world would you think that!?! I was thinking about a friend called Paige and another friend called Andy. I could go on forever about those two's friendship. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Fear My fear takes controll of me Fear makes me do things I shouldn't The fear of what you think of me, can not bare it if I was rejected My fear makes me silent
  5. Fate bring two friends together, nice. I like it, the thought of entreanl firendship will always last. ^^ It's great, the part with teasing too many people do that to there firends. Also this made me think more people need to think more about how the person would feel.
  6. That's ok. I like the ch. anyways lots of beating of monsters. Ally used Scotts name, that's great I can imagen what his face looked like. ^^ The person in the ending sounds really powerfull. Hee just heard of the charcter and I like 'em. Weird. Anyways keep up the good work.
  7. I like it, it reminds me some how of destaniy and fate. ^^;; strange... Yet having to face the things that may hurt. And always walking on. That thought I really like.
  8. Remember that Kikaider is a classic anime here. The last epiosdes are add ons. The ones with the different endings mean that never even happened in the oringal plot line for the story. He disappers in the orginal or so it goes. And the story thing, them finishing reading the book is an add on too. In the real ending from the classics the leave the story, their not ment to end the story book. Some people can really mess up good animes.
  9. Come to think of it. Alot of my friend are adopted or have devoriced parents. ~~~~~~~ Left alone You left me alone All alone you and the world, turned your bbacks on me Left me here alone, and forgot me Well don't come to me, when you need help Don't see me, because I won't be here
  10. Well...not bad. But it'd be kind of hard for people to do. Considering some don't like to be open with their feelings. Anyways it's still a good poem.
  11. He's not going to read it, he rarely comes to Peotry, fanfiction, and literature area. So what would be the chance of him coming here? ~~~~~~~~ Never Never shall we see, never shall we haer You could never be, you could never be here The chances are small It's almost nothing at all Never shall we be, and never shall we see We shalll never see the future, nor the truth of the past
  12. Hahaha very funny, it still ryhms. But I do like it, being surronded by some one with no way out. Feeling sad and blue, but I don't get the "call me sue" part.
  13. *silence* We had a deal!!!! Remember you can't tell him! I wrote this one watching Kikiader ~~~~~~ Home Home is where they care for you Home is the place, you can always return to Home is the place they'll, that they'll always welcome you back Yet I have no home, for me it's just a place A place to live till your gone I have no true home
  14. O_o And yes, Humpty died. I still don't like rhyming, who even came up with the idea of humpty dumpty? And you spelled dumpty wrong the first time.
  15. Since I am remember you can't tell who it's for. By the way it's gonna sound really bad because of the kind of poem it is. ~~~~~~~ title-none Love is like being lost, lost in darkness with no way out Being lost in darkness, with no dicretions out You just fallow a voice Although at times this voice, it clouds your thoughts of what right But those in love still fallow And one day this voice, it will lead you to the one Your one true love
  16. More sleep....or coffe. I under stand that work well. It should be fun getting to sleep most of the time. Hopfully you don't sleep any later.
  17. I think I need to stop thinking so much when reading poems. I just end up confuseing my self and others.
  18. Yeah, again I'm bad at spelling. What was I going to say now....oh yeah that I had written a love poem. BUT I'm NOT going to post it so forget I said it. And what did you run for!?! Kind of mean. ~~~~~~~ Title-none Lost in and invenent amount of darkness The blood stained ballon floats away, away into the shaodws of darkness Just like our dreams and memeories, and our broken and forgotten city We all will die on the brink of time
  19. You should try to get more sleep then. It'd work out better and you'd be able to write.
  20. That's a good one. Your past going into your future so that you loose a part of your self. And your past is gone so that means that the propose is to find your past in your future...I just confused my-self. ^^;; Anyways I like the poem.
  21. Well then your a good speller. I'm bad at speling, every thing I write would be spelled wrong if I didn't go back and check. lol That says alot.
  22. You don't read your own work? Strange most people at least look for spelling. Oh well, but hey I can't be that much off now. Yay!
  23. I like, hopfully I'm not off on this one. Well here's my thoughts. Feeling pain so they stop doing stabbing so much. Yet it rewinds over and over again till your gone. Then leave yet they don'e care so you just stay gone, and away forever.
  24. Ok, I'll play. ------------- Real World Name: Lena Tekaur Age: 12 Gender: female Description: short black hair, long bangs that cover her eyes, brown eye, black pants,short sleeve black shirt with a few sliver dragon flies made of gilter, black shoes, white fingure gloves Bio: Playing in the world to get away from reality. Abused, and is an adopted child. Making so many mistakes in her life it's the only place that she can be with any limitaions to ruin her life. She soon became very voide because of it she's become dependent on playing the game. --------------- "The World" Name: Vegey Class: Heavey Blade Weapon: a double edge sword Gender: female Description: long white hair, long bags that cover her eyes, light blue eyes, black armor boots, black tanic with white lineing, white skirt covered over with black armor, with a belt to carry her sword to the side of her hips, black fingure gloves, the sword's blade is white, with a blue handle, that had a red gem on the handle
  25. Epsilon

    otaku prom

    HOURS LATER... Ruby walked up beside Acira. "Acira I'm sorry but I can't go to the prom with you." Ruby said, "Please don't take it as I'm dumping you, but I can't go to the prom." "Why not?" Acira said,"There a resone you can't go with me?" "Things came up, so that I can't go, sorry" Ruby said, "but hey I hear dayday's looking for a date. You should go with her, she might still be looking for one." Acira "...." Ruby then started to walk away she did want to go to the dance but, she couldn't now. She sighed and was about to leave when she saw Ben. She wavec to him then left.
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