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Everything posted by Epsilon

  1. This dosen't remind you of anything...O_o Strange. ~~~~~~ Empity The void of which you created, it still lingers here with in me You left it all alone and empity Leaveing here and me letting you go, it was wrong I shouldn't have bother in the first place You left me empity with nothing to ease my pain The empity void of which you left, it will stay empity till you cmoe back again
  2. It was hee as in heehe. But I messed up on what I was writing so here's it edited. "And tears from stars, hee it sounds nice." As you can see I forgot the it, and missplaced the 's. Anyways being able to see darkness, and yet being blind to it al the time is true. You can see darkness...kind of but you can't really see it because...Well it's dark. I don't know I'm confusing my-self now. Anyways fading back into deep sleep would be nice. Also leaveing the darkness alone.
  3. Yep,you were being draged around because...um..wasn't it like some one kicked you off from where ever you were sleeping? ~~~~~~~ title-none The shadows cover me, they blind me with their darkness I can not escape them, for I am the one who made them In truth to me the are bueaty, nut I to them a master noting more Just a leader to the shadows, that cover and blind me
  4. Many excuse to talk about him, I see. Going a day with out the person when your in love. I may not like love but I can pick up things on it. Which is a very bad thing... Anyways on the poem subject, always having the person in your heart. And tears from stars, hee sound snice.
  5. I don't eve know how I really came up with that one. lol Strange that it actually fits together some how though. ~~~~~~ Dreams In my dreams I see an image, of the ones I've always dreamed of Yet when I wake I find nothing more, the just the darkness of the room I hear the wind whisper their voice, the voice of my dreams I long to see this dreams come true, to finally see these images in person To see how they act and feel Or if their like me Forgotten and banished, away from the world Fading into darkness along with me I fall to sleep once more, just to see these dreams
  6. Yep that's still a poem. Lighting, rain, and thunder all together they work well in causeing a storm. All these could be sounds too, the roll of lighting, the sound of rain drops hitting the ground, and the booms of thunder. ^^ All together in the concept I like it.
  7. I'm running out of poems. Oh well I have to start pulling them off the top of my head. ~~~~~~~~ title-none On the dreams, of the ones gone bye... I cry, waiting to see To see the light again And to be remembered I'm fading out of the world, and I've lost my self at the same time Losing your self is nothing compared, to the thought that no body knows nor cares
  8. Umm...okay. I still like the poem though. (Don't like making people feel like idots or anything like that)
  9. Ok, then let's just go with that's why it confused me. lol The poem is ment to relate all the family as a whole and love and that stuff right. Making out the feeling you have for your family isn't.
  10. O_o Opps, sorry didn't mean to make you feel like an idot. And your poems not messed up, it's just me that made it seem messed up.
  11. Opps...well never tasted wine before... plus shouldn't he a ventually get nocked out, have a lack in memeories, and if he drinks that heavilly each night. Well he'd eventually die from drinking.
  12. Poem still confueses me, I don't like being confused. Anyways talk to you later.
  13. A lquid of fire, I like it. Going from night to night the same way. And having hunting memeories. ^^ I love it the thought in the poems great.
  14. Home...I don't get line two and line four. Those two lines confused me. So yeah I don't know what to say about this one.
  15. A ten mintue storm...lots of places are getting storms this summer, more then last year. Ok, next poem. ~~~~~ Mask This face you see is just a mask, and nothing more Placed on my face, so the world can't see me This mask you see is there to hide, the face that has shamed the world This mask can not break So I'll keep this mask untill I die
  16. Ohh...I like it. Hoping to be set free, when hope is what will set you free. So dosen't that mean that your free if hope will set you free? *blinks* Anyways I like it because it says hope will set you free, and still hoping.
  17. O_o that's really surprising. I like the poem, it's a good one. Not being able to relieve your self of sadness.
  18. Deal...hehee! "Save me from this nothing I've become" that's in the song "Bring me to life" isn't it. That's really good song too. ^^ Anyways I like the poem becomgin nothis and wanting to be saved.
  19. Good point anger problems...and I'd like to know alot of things too. I hate it when people don't tell you things because they just think you know with out asking. ~~~~~~~~ Rain Fall Let tears fall like rain It goes along with the beat of drops The drops of water fall from the dark sky, as so tears fall from the eyes The rain fall will soon stop, along with the crying And the dark sky will leave, and it will all be seen clear
  20. Then what did you mean by that? Tell me, what would you be yellng OMG for!?! Anyways the three line poems are good. And the last one it was't that stuipd it was kinda funny.
  21. SHUT UP!!! That's not funny! The other dude blew me off, obivously no guy wants to go with me. Then Ben said something, and I didn't get to read his reply cause my computer froze...Hoping to stand against fate and show no fear. Knowing how it feels to have fate always there. I like it. ^^
  22. Crims not a pervert!!! Say that to K.K.C. and see what she has to say. I still haven't gotten a line back up with Ben yet...And breaking hearts I see. ~~~~~~ Know I need to know, why they forgot me I need to know why, the world turned it's back on me To know what he thought of me I need to know, to find the truth Of why I'm fading I need to know, why you forgot me
  23. Opps...the somputer froze so I have to get to talk to him again. he poems short, but it's better that way. Because it gets to the point quilky. Forgetting the past means you forget the things that make you uniqe. ~I can't get him back up again...~
  24. *silence* Ben read the post and I'm talking to him on IM...not good. I'm going nuts! Itresting poem, I've never heard one like that before. Wakeing up in the sun shine, and havin life complete. Just having life complete would be nice to some people I guess.
  25. .Hack this time...I need to come up with another poem. *looks at poem* It reminds me of when he lost his memeories, after the broken man. ~~~~~~ title-none Go now and, leave me here alone To think of what will be, and what has already been I'll stay here thinking of the world Yet fading from your mind as you go Still forgotten by the world and fading, and by the ones that I still remember I'll leave the memeories that I have now Looking for some where to create new memeories Yet it won't be the same...you won't be there
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