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Everything posted by Epsilon

  1. ^^;;;; Good point Ben is on right now, but he's spending all his time right now in the adventure area. And I don't think I'll come to the OB lounge for awhile. *screams* He has my IM name, *screams again* The poem, for some resone I like it. Probly because that the person never came. Also that the other person thought that they were just more then friends. I think I'm going crazy...
  2. ^^ I like the poem. Fate is will always be. Good poem, I like how it all fits perfcetly together with "Fate is eternal." ~I don't know why I posted in the OB crush. What if one of them read it?
  3. Now I'm reminding you of Kikaider with my poems...come to think of it I wrote that while watching Cybroge009 and that was made by the same people who made Kikaider. ~~~~~~~ title-none Leave me here, with out a word Once gone, make me disapper from your world Let me fade from your memeories, along with the rest of the world Fade...bakc into your shadow, so every time your around I'm not Forget that I was alive, forget that you ever knew me Leave here, with no memeory of me
  4. Coming back the person you were, and freeing your self. I like it, ^^;; (I found you went to the OB lounge...can't beleave I posted.) Anyways I like the thought in the poem.
  5. Yeah I should've picked it up and put it out side...poor spider...And how can my porms keep reminding you of things. He was scared to go near a spider only a centimeter long. What, he dosen't like bugs or something? Um....I would give this poem a title but, I already gave a different poem the same title. ~~~~~~~~~ It seems so femillour I'm glade to return to this place Yet I've never been here before I've not even seen it in my dreams So how can I return? The darkness lurks in this place Creating fake memeories, for me to fallow Waiting to take me away from the world I've forgotten most of the world, and yet the world forgot me years ago So I'll stay in this place, along with the darkness
  6. Rubberbands??? Um...ok...anyways I like the poem, it's a good one. Leaveing yet haveing to return some day. Always having a place to come back to.
  7. Ummm...I wouldn't do the RPG UNLESS I had real people here who want to become doctors because well to get it you'd have to watch CSI. But anyways I don't really want to do a RPg on that subject so no. Anyways the poem it sounds like the person is stareing out into space.
  8. They remind me of well dragons, some elements, or fading. Ok here's another one but it's an old one. Ironically I wrote it after I killed a spider, funny, I felt sad for the spider because I killed it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Spider Rust Kill not of spider rust The joureny long and hard Many spiders gather, just to see the shell Kill not of spider rust For each eye gone, let red tears shed Kill not of spider rust, spiders now be gone
  9. O_o I don't have a crush, but there are some people I really like above the rest. But CRUSH NO, I don't like getting crushs and I don't want one. But I do like a few people on the OB more then the rest and they're all guys so that dosen't help me...anyways here they are [spoiler]Acira, Ben and ShadO MagE[/spoiler] and I think I like [spoiler]Ben[/spoiler] a little more then a friend. Even though he dosen't like talking to me anymore. But crush, defiently no, but maybe for these guys only.
  10. O_o Opps...I must really be off. And glade that RPG was just a thought. Having some one to lean on would be nice I guess. Being there for some one. I like that one too.
  11. Hee...I really wasn't thinking about the water till now that you said sea and shark. I was drinking Pesi Blue. (my touge is blue now) Heeee...sharks...I'm fine with a few sharks, but the other kind I don't want to be left alone if I have a cut or bleeding. with them in the water. ~~~~~~~~~~ Dragon Fly It flies around in my view The black dragon fly will not stop, but once it lands... I hope it not stay If so it lands, and stays there seeing the world around it It's gone forever That one dragon fly, I so longed watch I wish not to forget it, nor anyone else I hope that Dragon fly, stays in the air Mucking me all year round, so it's life not end
  12. I can love things...just I have a probly when humans are involed. And I'm hoping people don't want to join a RPG about reaping unless it's a CSI: Spiecal Case RPG. Or hopefully not...^^;; that'd be kinda scary. And ways I like the poem, it reminds me of some sort of friendship. Or relastion between two people and being close friends.
  13. I think I'll stick a mini note pade in my pocket. And that cousin thing yay they're alive. ^^;; Sorry about that, I wrote it thinking of a fish in the tank down here. It's been swimming on it side, but when ever some one comes naer the tank it starts to swim just like all the rest of the fish. I think it may be sick... ~~~~~~~ Deep Blue Deep blue is the ocean, in the very depths it has been forgotten Humanity left alone long ago It sits there, in it's deep blue color Waiting for humans to come again, into the deep blue
  14. I didn't change my screen name, I don't know why it dosen't apper. I'll check the sittings in my profile. Anyways I like the poem. Not knowing how to cry, and then just crying yet not knowing how it happened. It's so beatiful, that considering I don't like crying. ^^ I love it.
  15. I would but I mostly take my note book where ever I go. So if I think of something new I write it down. I think I used this title before... ~~~~~~~ Drift Floating and drifting in the tides of time My life stands still, it's just drifting with out a care Drifting in and out of the light And drifting in and out of memeories I'll drift untill, I'm lost in the tides of time
  16. Um...yes I don't think I plan to read that RPG. But I do like the poem. Being controlled like a little puppet then being put away till needed again. Although I think people find that RPG intresting.
  17. Epsilon

    otaku prom

    Well this is strange...but here I go... *blushs and looks at floor* Starts talking to Acira "W-Will you go to the prom with me?" *face is totaly red* Starts to inch backwards from fear... Thinks, "What in the world did I just do? He's going to say no..."
  18. If you can remember the monster cactuars, there are other names for them that we use in our V.G.F. Fan Club. Sorry,I should remember that I'm not with club memebers and use their real names. We call them bocos. I don't even remember why. We had I resone but I can't remember now...I still don't see why he dosen't like chocobos though.
  19. Epsilon

    otaku prom

    *silence* He was on the list but he wouldn't go with me. The last time I talked to him was...I think a mouth ago, he wouldn't go with me...
  20. Epsilon

    otaku prom

    Walks in and looks around. *sighs* sits down on a chair making a list of guys to ask. Looks at list...*sighs again* All guys had a date, weren't going, or would never go with me. Stares up thinking of people to ask. "No one will go with me," *sighs* "Might as well not go..."
  21. ^^ Guess your right. I hate rap, I can't stand it. Rap...Ick!And that's a really good point, if you have a resone to play music loud it's better then to have no resones at all.
  22. With that being said then what are they? Sure about that? Because in the creads they say nothing on SaGa but give alisting to the same people who made some of the other FF games, and on the cover it says SquareSoft in large letters. Anyways back to the golden and black chocobos my friend I think took so much time because he hate chocobos and love bocos. (I don't see how that could happen)Ok, now that I have some info to know that it's true I guess I'm gonna go and try to get a golden or black chocobo in any of my games.
  23. Ok...not that hard. Anyways the Subaru in pink was her in the past. Then after the Sliver Knight came she changed her cloths to blue. The Subaru fad is in the present. Because remeeber the orange haired Subaru? I don't know how to get tags so...[Warning Spoils ahead] The orange haired Subaru thinks she's the real one, and that the blue haired Subaru is a fake because she working with the 'voice' that oders around Maha, but that won't come till later in the series. That's one more resone for the oragne haired Subaru to beat up the real Subaru...Kill the voice...poor Maha. *crys*
  24. I usally get in trouble cause ever one I know says it's too loud, they compane about going deph and needing hering ads...any ways 'sp' means: spelt wrong, not sure on how to spell, can't spell at all.
  25. Hmm...I see. Try thinking about something that you like or that inspieres(sp) you. If you think or do something you like you might get your creativity back. That or go listen to muisc, but if that dosen't work try listing to heavey metal, hard rock, or punk. That always works for me. ^^;; I have bad tast in music
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