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Everything posted by Epsilon

  1. Ok, I went and got some info. Cloud is in FF8, both Cloud and Squall met at Esthar yet have no knowing of each other. If you go to one of the stores the owner of the shop is really Cloud. (I never noticed that till now, but I'm pretty sure it's Cloud-shame on me)FF8 you can get a moomba stuffed/robot animal thing, going back to some ruins in FF9 looking in the junk you fine that same moomba thing all borken and ruined Zindane will pick it up then drop it as he has to start to run again. Mind you that you can only do this when your being chased. So don't try and find it only to get your butt kicked and then loose it. And after that you never see it again. Being Squall and Cloud met(but didn't know). I think there is some link or history in the FF games.
  2. I'm talking in the game FF9, FF8, and the demo for the online game. Also from there what I hear you can get a chocobo in FF legend 1, 2, and 3 for the normal gameboy. On the subject of chocobos I've heard that you can get one in the Nintendo FF Legends. I have Legend three from the year 1993, and you can't get chocobos in that. I've always wandered why, you can see ever time you do a warp to the past, present and future but you can't catch 'em or go near 'em. So if any one has played it, please tell me.
  3. Has any one ever heard of a black or golden chocobo? My frined J.K. has played ever FF games and every thing of them. He says he has a black and gold chocobo. But on the other hand my other friend says there isn't a black chocobo but there is a golden one. I'm wandering if any one has ever had a black or golden chocobo? J.K. took 40 hours to get the black chocobo and around 30hours to get a golden one. My other friend took 50hours to just get a golden chocobo. Some of my other friends say they have them too and it took months to get a golden one, so they say. So it's eather true or could it be that they had all missed up their games completely. Cause I've never seen a golden chocobo. I wanna know what you guys think, is there a black/gold chocobo?
  4. Oh yeah...I need to try to remember more about these things. So it was because of point of veiw...ok, I remember now.
  5. I still think I'm crazy, and by the way hope the [Sarcasm] qoutes chatch on. It'd be fun to see every one useing them. And I think I kinda want to take over the world. Um...remind me please...how did I take us from a poem to taking about being crazy?
  6. When did you hear that from? Plus almost ever one I know says I'm crazy, and people tend to avoide me because a rumor got out.The rumor was I wanted to take over the world for my birth day. Are you sure that dosen't make me crazy?
  7. Guess it depends on the view you have. Thinking back if your a true FF freak you might think it's a joke or a link. But for others who aren't a FF freak ti just be about the surronding and what's happening in the game. So yeah I guess it really dose depend on the capitalization. *mutters about making a fool of her self*
  8. Well...um...then that's my veiw point....hmm...I have weird view points compared to every one else, I should be locked away....Hey! that proves I really am crazy. That's not a good thing, is it?
  9. I lost my note book, so these are going to be from the top of my head. That is till I find it again. ~~~~~~~ Blood Wave The waves drift in the red sea In this I stare out to the sea The sea is red, yet there is no sun set Thinking of what I had done It has to be all the blood, that was set a drift because of me This blood wave will stay Untill I'm gone The blood wave will contuine to grow Unless I'm gone, it will always stay
  10. o_O Pain falling in waves...reminds me of a masicure (sp)...Anyways I like. ^^ The different shades of night being used for waves of pain. Blood and lust cover the true view of there surronding. Hee..it's great.^^
  11. Ohh...people who see some one yet ignore they're there and they know them. I hate whn people do that. I like the worlds going by and you want to be part of it.
  12. Tsukasa is strong (basically) mentally and not physically. But Crim rules out Tsukasa because he's strong mentally and physically. So he rules out all the characters mostly. Therefore I think Crim is the strongest.
  13. Thanks Xaru Silverfire! And I've come up with more theroies of what it's played with. In the firtst epi. Tsuksa fell from a chair sitting in front of a computer. (This goes against what I had said before) Then in the sceen they showed a up close pic of head phones. Tsuksa didn't have visers in the real world, he had, had head phones. And as for talking I'm guessing that in there time zone that ever one has developed the spearks. Because if you have the right resloution you can tall to some one across the world, Majin Buu and I tryed but it didn't work....So I'm guessing that they talk that way.
  14. ...that's kinda weird...Anyways I like the poem. ^^ It's a good one. I like the thought about it coming to take you away. Then the ending because of the "..." don't know why but I like things that trail off.
  15. Wha...*looks at post on thread* What do you mean, "who dose that last post belong to?" Which post are you talking about? *....*
  16. Very good! *clapps* I like it, the concept in it is great. A merciful god...god...I won't go into that right now but it's great in your poem. Having a mercifu god, but that god isn't really merciful. Only to the ones that it had confounded in side for them to prise it. This poem is great. Tears flow quily but time gose slow, that's one of my favorite parts.
  17. Count me in. Name: Siaga Race: Human Class: Knight Weapon: Double edge sword Spells: Protect and Royal Light Short bio: She will never question her orders. And will carry out her missons to the best of her ablities.
  18. Ok...right...and why would Zidane be saying that? Wouldn't it more or less be a villain who says that instead of one of the heors? Cause what dose Zidane more or less has to say "Nether Cloud nor Squall shall stop me" wouldn't have to be a revenge thing?
  19. Ok, I've talked about this with other people but no one had answer. Anyways there are two ending in FF9. There's one serect ending but I can't remeber how to get so anyways. I have seen both endings. Before once my friend was playing and I was there watching her play and end the game. She had gotten a different ending then I had. In the end if you watch closely it turns to a black screen and the words pop up "Nether Cloud nor Squall shall stop me..." I was just wandering has anyone else gotten that on their screens? And if so or not what do you think it means? And who do you think is saying that? I know it's not a defect because I had seen it an off players guide by SquareSoft. And so I've been thinking about it lately.
  20. I like. Having to be taken away from something you want to with or to keep. Wanting to stay in the world, it reminds me of Tsuksa for some resone. But it has nothing like it, so that proves I'm just weird. Anyways I like it, keep up the good work.
  21. Ok... ~~~~~~~ Pain I thought there would be pain, for when the world forgot me The pain of knowing, that knowing no one has a clue on who I am Pain of fading and watching the world pass you by Yet I feel nothing, I'm fading and I feel no pain I'm gone from the world with no pain There is no pain... No pain from fading away, and being forgotten
  22. I like, the thing of turning away because of not deserving what it has to give. Leting it go off in to the wind. Very nice! ^^ And if it should return it shall not be brung back because of the feeling that you don't deserve what it has to give.
  23. 8P Yeah well, I wasn't thinking too much when I wrote it. Plus I'm drawing right now and I was then too so...I'm foucsed on that right now. ~~~~~~ Path Take the fall Make away for others to walk The path you've made should be one unwalked The path to your future shouldn't be so clear Take a chance to try something no one else has Take the path you choose, and have no regreat for what comes Take to the path you choose, and walk looking forwards to what may be
  24. Ok, I won't talk about video games here anymore then. And yes I got it. And the poem it like, they basically have the elements that there aross from. And the color of them too.
  25. Hee...never mind. I'm just gonna drop out of the contest to be part of O.A.E. See ya!
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