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Everything posted by Epsilon

  1. dayday...never mind. And ShadO MagE try putting out your hand before you walk in those things so you do run into the mirrors. Really don't want you to get hurt because of theose fun hoses. And I'm ok with people ranting. ~~~~~~ title-none Going around, and aroundAlways the same place over and over again Confound in this place Trapped here in a dark room, with no way out nor a way in for lightThey've locked me away from reality Making the world turn alway from Leaveing me alone here One day, the world will fade away from my memeories And I from their's Trapped in darkness forever, with no hope to be free And away from this place
  2. HOW COULD YOU HAVE NOT KNOWN THAT!?! It's the first thing you see after you press new game...And who sings that song? Very nice, it brings up images in my head from...um...some rap music video. I don't know, I hate rap. ^^;; Anyways I kindda like.
  3. Thanks ShadO MagE, and I don't really think you'd want to join in on dress or the name "lover-girl" I hate dresses, and "lover-girl" not funny. And never will be. ~~~~~~ Let go Let go of all feelings, and all the things you knew Let go of the world you knew, and what memeories of that place Fall in to the shadows, and let go of your fears Let go and take a chance
  4. Read the post above image. She had called me "lover-girl" That's not funny... ~~~~~~ Leave Take oyur leave as you may You not wanting to be... It's been that way for years Staying here because, you want to be in controll Leave here now, you have no need to be here Leave right now, find your own way
  5. That one reminds me of Squll and Rinoa from FF8. Because Squll and Rinoa say to gether forever and all that love junk. And if you ever want to see guys with mini fan clubs come to M.N. in Fridley there are loads of 'em.
  6. The last one on page 8. I'm commenting on the one for page 9 now. I like this one too. ^^ Mixed of blood and tears. Having it end with the prached ground feeding off blood. Well not really feeding but Ithink you know hat I mean. I like the last one it's kinda like a twist with ending "how sad..."
  7. 8 P That name's not funy, but you haveing to wear heels and a dress is funny. ^^ ~~~~~~~ Image There's an image in my view I can't quite see it, yet I kow it's there But it's just an image It will soon fade, but then it will come back I'll find this image in my dreams This image will be unvealed, it will then leave my memeories
  8. Hee, it's great. The person can't save them because they didn't understand. And the stumbling, and the way it was worte it's great. ^^ I like it, sounds great like it was a part of a story turned into a poem or parts of some one's life.
  9. Hehee..you had to wear a dress. ^^ ~~~~~~~~ Awake I can't wake from this dream Some one take me out it This dream is hunting me, with good memeories that aren't mine I don't wish to be here My desire is to see my own past And yet I'm here to stay till I awake
  10. Cause I said the key poit was I'd read them but might not reply to them. So yeah, and if I did get a guy who sings...a yeah...then he'd be one of those rocker people who have a mini girl fan club. And the poem...sounds like both dream and maybe a reality.
  11. Are you sure it's not, "Shine, bright shining light now is the time..."? Cause it's eather that or it's the song with no lyrics Fake Wings. Because there isn't a song on the tracks that I have that ever say bright, bright moonlight.
  12. Nope...at least least what I know. It is a virtual game, but I always thought that the you put on the visers and head phones and every thing then you get your mind taken in to the game. That's why Tsuksa can't get out, there's no longer a way out. Or so that's what I think has been happening. I may be wrong.
  13. I like it, it's great. I'm sure more then half the people at the whole OB can relate to it. Or they should...I can. But that's probly why I like it.^^ Always getting hurt when ever some one gets too close, or just being used like a door mat. Those people who use other just piss me off. No one should use other people yet they do, those kind of people are evil. Anyways back on topic, I love the poem. Keep up the good work!
  14. Hee..It's good to have your own style of art. Better then having the same as ever one else. ^^ I like the "Dad" and the "BirdHead." The bird head just looks really cool and the dad one...well it can speak for it's self. There great, unqunie in there own way. On the bird one never seen anything like it before...That's probly why I like it.
  15. Number three...no one can get what it is. You'd have to read the book it goes to. So yeah I know I'm not going to get in because of that. ^^;; Hehee at least I tryed.
  16. Hehee, they might get scard and run away. And the thing about the grave stone...not to good. My will really say "suicide" in the place where it would say death. I can see it now, "Cause of death: Suicicde by brusting presser point in neck." My brothers will be dancing on my grave. Heee...I'll come out and rise from the death along with some minions. ^^ Now that'd be funny!
  17. ^^ That's good to hear. Hee I don't want to spam so....I'm gonna ask a question. On a grave stone they don't put cause of death, do they? I wouldn't know because I'm not allowed never gaves or anything like that because people say I'll try and make the dead rise, or something close to that. ^^
  18. Epsilon

    My art

    Thanks! Heee...I really like that char but I wrote him up with a girl friend in the book.... *Goes, gets Siaga killed off in the story* I think I'll make a copy and ink it, then post it. His name is Silver Knight, he's so cute as a chib. And Chirs if you post your chibi drawing of kenshin know you'll be getting a comment from me.
  19. I would but if I save them as something else the host 250free won't put them up. Or they always turn purple and gray. So I can't till I find another good host, but by that time this will be over.
  20. Ok here are my three entries...I put links because the board couldn't hold them. ^^;; Hope that doesn't lower my chances, plus their in black and white... 1. [url]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/UNTITLED-1.bmp[/url] 2. [URL]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/EVEARENA-01.bmp[/URL] 3. [URL]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/Doom.bmp[/URL]
  21. ^^ I like it, much better then I can draw. Hee...my just always looks like all the same styles out there. But your's is different has a way different art style. *prints, sticks on purple wall* Hehee, it's such a great drawing.
  22. It's great, I just really hope you don't feel that way. ^^ (I'm almost finish with your pic.) I really like the poem though, the way it shows some one's life then having thme say something at the end when they're dead. I really like the add in of what it says on the grave stone. Hee I like the top one too, nothing but a toy. Like a pawn in life. I love it.^^
  23. Epsilon

    My art

    Thanks every one! That's one of the only two chibs I ever drew and liked. Since I'm trying things I've never drawn before I try to make some banners but they came out bad so here they are.
  24. Ok, here's the place I'll be putting all my art. The first one is a chib. I'm pretty bad at them so here's my first one. Please rate and laugh at my drawings for how bad they are. [URL]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/SilverKnight.jpg[/URL]
  25. Ok, I'll join. Name and Codename: Siaga Tekaro/Teakyon Product Number: 000897288409 Age:19 Description:Short vilot/black hair, dark red eyes, and pale white skin. Wears black ankle boots, two braclets around right ankle, a braclet on each wrist black skirt, with black stockings, and white shirt. Weapons: Carries a red bo (boh) for long range, and a sai (sigh) for short range Battle Armor Info:The four braclets she wears, the braclets have a dragon on them. When in armor form, she's a hum-anoide dragon type. Her eyes turn bright red, she gets silver armor. The helmet has a long trail of sage colored scales like a dragon's tail. At the footing there are claws, and also on each hand claws are there at the end of here fingures. Wepons:Reaper's Soul, White Flame, Dragon's Furry, and Dragon's Gate Spiecal moves: God Hou, and Feng's wrath Bio: Having no memeory of the past, she is looking for the things that memeory she lost. Was abonded years ago when she was still a young child. Having a picture was her only thing to go on, having hope of finding her lost memeories she went to the church in the picture. Leading going to the chruch she was in a trap, where she was taken to be made into a cyborg. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Japness: Hou=Fire, Feng=Wind, and Shoui=Water. Teakyon was a figting style used in the Koren War by a group known as the Black Tiggers.
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